Transcript: Annamaria’s Battle with Thyroid Cancer – Cancer Survivor Story
Ty Bollinger: Annamaria, thank you so much for joining me today.
Annamária Móricz: Thank you, Ty.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah, so we just arrived in Phuket, Thailand, came out to the LifeCo yesterday. We’re out there in the lobby. And then I saw you and you saw me, and you said “Ty.”
Annamária Móricz: When I saw you, I thought, “Okay, now I know why I had to be here at this time.”
Ty Bollinger: Hmm. It was serendipitous, providential, right?
Annamária Móricz: Yes.
Ty Bollinger: And then you also saw Dr. Tony Jimenez that you recognize from A Global Quest as well.
Annamária Móricz: Well, yes. That was amazing. Amazing.
Ty Bollinger: Tony’s sitting right over here, there watching. Yeah, I’m glad you’re here at this time. And I just I asked you yesterday if you’d just kind of share your story. So, you’re from Helsinki?
Annamária Móricz: Yes. I live in Helsinki with my husband, and I’m originally from Hungary, Budapest, and a cancer patient. I was told I was Stage 3 last year, and thyroid cancer, two different types papillary and medullary, in two different tumors, and it spread to the lymph nodes. So that’s, to sum it up, that’s how it started last year. When I was diagnosed, there was nothing really to—nothing else to do but go, just leave the country, I mean Finland, because I didn’t want to go to the radiation or this radioactive iodine. So, I packed my two little dogs, Yorkshire terriers, in my dog car. My super, super supportive husband let me go for three months.
I found a beautiful lady in Budapest, piano solo artist, and we work with the resonance of the body and we’ve relocated things in my life, or from birth, and—that I was like carrying and you know—so there was a lot to do with expression, self-expression, because I used to paint when I was a child, but then when we move to Finland, it was very difficult. So, all of my energy went somewhere else, not my self-expression. So, I kind of left that. Interesting enough, in Hungary it took about a month, and I was already painting again, which I didn’t understand how, but I did.
So anyways, I did it all. I did the diets, the essential oil diffusers, the heat, the purified water. Actually, in Hungary, you can buy water that is coming from very deep, deep down earth, which is really therapeutic. There are three different kinds. So, I walked everywhere. It was a hot, hot summer. I thank my God and my mom to send me so much sunshine and blasting heat that summer, really, so I was doing it all.
I went for Prananadi. So, energy healing. I took Prananadi classes. I had lots of support, lots of love, family, friends, even my friends from Finland and my husband came for a month to stay with me and I did it all. I did everything that I learned from you, and all of the books, and all the cooking’s and everything. So, in three months, when I left, one of my tumor markers were really high, and when I came back in September, I was declared NED, no evidence of disease.
Ty Bollinger: Wow, three months.
Annamária Móricz: Three months. After my mom passed and I’m in the situation, I feel like I have to share it.
Ty Bollinger: Yeah. Well, you’ve done a beautiful job of sharing it, and now that people are going to watch this, millions more are going to see your story, so you just shared it with exponentially more people than you would have before. So, I’m just so glad that you’re here.
Annamária Móricz: I’m so glad.
Ty Bollinger: Thank you so much for sharing with us. I appreciate it.
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Feb 27, 2013 Cannabis oil cures baby of an Inoperable Brain Tumor says Dr.William Courtney
Dr. Courtney pointed out that the success of the cannabis approach means that “this child, because of that, is not going to have the long-term side effects that would come from a very high dose of chemotherapy or radiation… currently the child’s being called a miracle baby, and I would have to agree that this is the perfect response that we should be insisting is front line therapy for all children before they launch off on all medications that have horrific long term side effects.”
I am very happy that AnnaMaria is doing very well and what she is doing is working on her. She should continue what she is doing.
Great story! Did she have a partial or total thyroidectomy or no surgery at all?
Thank you!
Hello Heather, total thyroidectomy I’m afraid, my initial illness was Grave’s disease. I was treated for more than 3 years for Grave’s but it did not work. I was told I could not get radioactive iodine treatment for Grave’s because I have developed TED = thyroid eye disease already and it would have affected my eyes. The only option I was given was surgery. I had an ultrasound, a week later I was told I must have surgery in 2 days. No time to think or anything. After surgery I was waiting for the pathology report, and I thought someone would call me with the results. Instead I was reading about my new diagnoses on the web portal we here over here for each individual. The rest is history 🙂 I am still on my journey, little bumps here-and-there, but alive nevertheless 🙂 I have a short blog if you are interested on what and how I am doing, I post seldomly, there are recipes (my passion) and lifestyle tips, etc. Also I have gathered evey cancer related book I have read so far (some 40 books I think), so I am just providing information – as I said on the video, I just want to help anyone who is in need.
Wow!That’s Amazing Story .I wish,I was educate before about Cancer.It’s already late for me.I’m still thankful to be alive.Thank you TTAC.