Sunscreen is toxic and can be likened to hazardous waste. That is the clear warning from Dr. Elizabeth Plourde, authority on sunscreen hazards. In this video interview from, Dr. Plourde shares how the skin is largest organ of the body and is very absorbent. The chemicals from sun protection products can be detected in the blood within 5 minutes of applying it and in the liver, kidney, spleen, testicles and brain within mere hours. It also detrimentally affects normal hormone balance.
A male fetus exposed to it can have problems with normal adult male sexual behaviour. Nowadays there’s sun protection in everything – shampoos, body lotions, makeup, and even in foods (including health foods) to protect the colouring. Titanium dioxide, the active, toxic ingredient in sunscreen not only doesn’t screen out all UV effects, it actually becomes deactivated and worthless when the sun hits it.
So what is a good alternative to sunscreen? I am very fair skinned, so I burn quite easily.
Not all sunscreens have titanium dioxide as an ingredient. I threw out one which does & kept the Coppertone product with zinc oxide, as I have fair skin & already had a basal cell carcinoma removed.
Look onlinr at Dr. AXE and you can make your own or buy an organic brand