On Wednesday, the CDC released a study suggesting that people should now be wearing TWO masks instead of one. They also suggested that masks need to fit “more snuggly’ to stop transmission of COVID-19.
“With cases, hospitalizations and deaths still very high, now is not the time to roll back mask requirements,” said Dr. Rochelle P. Walensky, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “The bottom line is this: Masks work, and they work when they have a good fit and are worn correctly.”
Masking is now mandatory on federal property and on domestic and international transportation. Studies conducted in households in Beijing, hair salons in Missouri and aboard an aircraft carrier in Guam have proved that “any mask is better than none,” said Dr. John T. Brooks, the chief medical officer for Covid response at the C.D.C. and lead author of the agency’s new research on masking.
“Wearing a mask reduces spread, and in communities that adopt mask-wearing, new infections go down,” Dr. Brooks said.
But does it?
And what about the health risks of constant mask use?
Perhaps most importantly, why do the recommendations from the CDC, WHO, and Grand Wizard Fauci continue to change? Let’s tackle these one at a time.
Is Masking Effective Against COVID-19?
The short answer? NO.
But you don’t have to take our word for it. The science is in, and masking is a HOAX. The two masks that we generally see are the coveted N95 masks and the standard surgical loop masks. We’ve been told that the N95 masks are superior, but that the surgical loop masks are also effective at preventing the spread.
But the science disagrees.
1 | N95 Masks
A study from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is warning the public against using N95 face masks that have built-in exhalation valves, as these allow unfiltered air to escape. This makes these kinds of masks useless at preventing the wearer of the mask from spreading the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) to others.
NIST research engineer Matthew Staymates created two videos showing how air and exhaled droplets escape through N95 masks with and without the exhalation valves.
“When you compare the videos side-by-side, the difference is striking,” said Staymates. “These videos show how the valves allow air to leave the mask without filtering it, which defeats the purpose of the mask.”
Face masks that have valves built in them have become very popular since the start of the pandemic because they allow the wearer to breathe a lot easier, which increases their comfort.
However, these kinds of masks are not designed to prevent the spread of disease outbreaks. Rather, they only filter inbound particulates. This makes them popular for people who work in construction who don’t want to breathe in large dust particles and for hospital workers who want to avoid getting infected by sick patients.
What valved masks are unable to do is prevent the wearer from spreading a virus they already have.
2 | Surgical Masks
Last year, a meta-analysis of six randomized controlled trials involving 9,171 patients demonstrated that there were no statistically significant differences in preventing influenza or viral infections using N95 respirators and surgical masks. In fact, there’s even a warning on the box that expressly states “THIS PRODUCT WILL NOT PROVIDE ANY PROTECTION AGAINST COVID-19 (CORONAVIRUS) OR OTHER VIRUSES OR CONTAMINANTS.”
In fact, Surgeon General Jerome Adams said that Americans should not be buying or wearing masks. “It actually does not help. It’s not been proven to be effective in preventing [the] spread of coronavirus amongst the general public,” he said. In a live television interview from March of last year, the nation’s leading health official went on to explain that people who are not medical professionals may actually increase their risk of spreading the virus by wearing a mask.
Even the CDC has admitted that they don’t have any data to support the efficacy of masks. When asked about a graphic that claimed masks reduced transmission by up to 98.5%, the CDC was forced to admit that they had no proof that masking works. “CDC can’t confirm the accuracy of the numbers reflected in this image. Currently we are not finding any data that can quantify risk reduction from the use of masks”, a CDC spokesperson told reporters.
The CDC’s European counterpart (The Centre for Disease Prevention and Control) also acknowledges that there is ZERO evidence that masking works. “It is not known how much the use of masks in the community can contribute to a decrease in transmission in addition to the other countermeasures,” a spokesperson said.
And although the World Health Organization (WHO) continues to advise that everyone wear masks, they openly admit that the use of face masks alone is “insufficient to provide an adequate level of protection”. On a recent update to its guidelines ( bit.ly/3aueKzh ), the WHO warned of potential risks for healthy people wearing masks in community settings, including “self-contamination by touching and reusing (a) contaminated mask” and “false sense of security, leading to potentially less adherence to other preventive measures such as physical distancing and hand hygiene”.
3 | Cloth Masks
For those forced to wear masks in order to buy groceries, get on a plane, or go to church (a tyrannical world that would have seemed unfathomable just a year ago), cloth masks tend to be a favorite. Bandanas, neck gaiters, and homemade cloth masks have become an increasingly popular choice. And while they’re certainly better for the environment (masks have become a major source of litter, and may actually outnumber jellyfish in the Mediterranean Sea), the science says that they do more harm than good.
A recent study published in scientific journal Scientific Reports found that home-made cloth face covers are not only inefficient in banning the entry of the aerosolized particles, but also release a fair amount of their fibers into the air along with the virus. The researchers discovered that home-made or cloth masks released more particles than not wearing a mask. These particles weren’t necessarily coming out the mouth, but very tiny fibers of the mask itself that were being released in the air.
The cotton masks are only capable of blocking larger aerosolized particles, and so wearing a homemade cloth mask actually makes it MORE likely that you’ll spread the disease!
Mask Use is Dangerous
We’ve established that masks are ineffective and, in some cases, can increase the risk of transmission. But what about other health concerns? Here are just a few of the health risks facing the masked masses.
1 | Masks Cause Headaches
A May 2020 study involving 159 healthcare workers aged 21 to 35 years of age found that 81% developed headaches from wearing a face mask.
2 | Masks Weaken the Immune System
A 2015 study indicated that hypoxia inhibits T-lymphocytes (the main immune cells used to fight viral infections) by increasing the level of a compound called hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). In other words, wearing a mask, which has been shown to cause hypoxia, may actually set the stage for contracting COVID-19 and make the consequences much worse.
3 | Masks Cause Dermatological Issues
When face masks were first mandated in several states in an attempt to stop the spread of COVID-19, their use caused an unlikely but wide-spread side effect: “maskne” (mask acne), an increase in blemishes caused by the friction and humidity created by the covering. But months after experts and beauty brands shared tips and tricks on how to battle any pimples caused by masks, a celebrity skincare guru has revealed that the face coverings are actually leading some to develop another painful skin condition: maskitis.
According to Dr. Dennis Gross, who counts the likes of Zoe Kravitz and Selena Gomez among his clientele, the condition can often be confused with maskne – however the symptoms and treatments are very different, with the maskitis presenting as a dry and flaky rash that can spread across the face if left unchecked.
4 | Masks Lower Oxygen Levels
In a 2008 study of surgical masks worn by 53 surgeons, researchers found that the mask reduced the blood oxygen levels significantly, creating a condition known as “hypoxia.” Oxygen is absolutely essential when it comes to your health, fighting cancer and even helping to prevent aging.
Normal cells love oxygen but cancer cells do not – they prefer glucose (sugar). Oxygen provides far less fuel for cancer cells than glucose (only 2 energy molecules instead of 36 with sugar). Therefore, filling your body with more oxygen is a smart and safe method to fight cancer.
Meanwhile, a study published in May 2020 found that they were able to elongate telomeres using hyperbaric oxygen treatments. This breakthrough basically reverses the cell damage that results in unhealthy aging.
5 | Masks Cause Users to Inhale More Virus Particles
Those who wear masks are constantly rebreathing the viruses, raising the concentration of the virus in the lungs and the nasal passages. By wearing a mask, the exhaled viruses will not be able to escape and will concentrate in the nasal passages, enter the olfactory nerves and can travel into the brain.
Coronaviruses, including especially severe acute respiratory syndrome CoV 2 (SARS-CoV-2), exhibit neurotrophic properties and may also cause neurological diseases. It is reported that COVID-19 can even be found in the brain or cerebrospinal fluid.
Health Officials Have No Idea if We Should Wear Masks
Surgeon General Jerome Adams is not the only health official to advise against masking up. In an interview on 60 minutes, even Dr. Fauci once recommended that people not wear masks. In the clip, Dr Fauci says “There’s no reason to be walking around with a mask. When you’re in the middle of an outbreak, wearing a mask might make people feel a little bit better and it might even block a droplet, but it’s not providing the perfect protection that people think that it is. And, often, there are unintended consequences — people keep fiddling with the mask and they keep touching their face.”
Fauci made this comment in an interview with 60 Minutes on March 8, during the early stages of the novel coronavirus outbreak in the United States. You can watch the full video here.
The CDC has also flip-flopped. In March, the CDC said “CDC does not recommend that people who are healthy wear a facemask to protect themselves from respiratory diseases, including COVID-19. “Face masks should be worn by people who show symptoms of COVID-19 to help prevent the spread of the disease to others.”.
Likewise, the WHO initially said that there is no need for healthy people to wear face masks. They’ve since changed that recommendation, but as we discussed before, they offer absolutely no evidence that masks can stop the spread of COVID-19.
So why are they now suggesting we wear double masks?
Early reports suggested that health organizations recommended masks as a way to fortify the ideas of social distancing. The idea is that wearing a mask would remind people to be more cautious about hygiene and other preventative measures. And as government officials continue their rabid power grab – shuttering businesses, closing churches, and funneling trillions of your tax dollars to private industry – they need us to be scared.
Masks are simply a small part of their fear campaign.
The truth is that masks don’t work. In some cases, they can even make things worse. There are a number of serious health risks to constantly wearing a mask… and even health officials have been wishy-washy about their recommendations.
Don’t fall for their lies. Don’t let fear dictate the way you live.
Our government is out of control; it’s time to stand up for what’s right.
In northern europeans countries the lockdown started end of november last year.
Since then the flu curve stayed flat, and the corona virus curve shot up and peaked in mid January.
Does this indicate that the lockdown is very effective for the flu and not for the corona virus?
No, it just shows that the flu isn’t being reported on
No, it indicates that a lot of the practices initiated to control covid do a better job of controlling flu than covid. That, or flu is getting either accidentally or deliberately mis-coded as covid.
I would suggest the author reads the book “What really makes you ill”. It is articles like this that hint at the possibility that one’s “droplets” could ever make another human ill if inhaled, etc., that are keeping the notion of contagion alive.
I have great respect for the Bollingers, but believing that our God would make us so frail to have to fear one another, is not faith in God’s creation at all.
No killer masks for me. No proof they protect against anything. They often make it harder to breathe. It even says on the box not intended for medical purposes. The CDC and Mengele Fauci can go to Hades.
Excellent article. Thank you. The craziness continues to accelerate.
I would think that the eco-fanatics would be resisting if for no other reason, simply because of all the increased trash and landfill material being produced with disposable masks. (I produce very little waste due to my lifestyle choices, but I see most eco-fanatics as being very hypocritical in their lifestyles vs. what they want to demand of others.)
One lady the other day told me when I was going for a walk in the park that I did not need to wear a mask because it is unlikely that I will catch the coronavirus outside in the park.
Excellent article. I get a headache when I have to shop for groceries. You need to be masked to do that here in New York. People don’t believe me when I tell them I get a headache and find it hard to breathe while wearing 1 mask. I can’t imagine what it would be like to have to wear 2 masks!!!
Keep up the good work Ty and Charlene. Reading articles like this really helps me when I start to feel down especially because I have very little support from family and friends who tell me I need to listen to the experts. I say I am listening to the experts, the one who have no financial or political incentives give references for what they report. The media is funded by all the advertising time purchased by the vaccine industry, the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry. The last thing they want to do is offend their advertisers by telling the truth.
Please check the following:
Watch the interviews with Dr. Lee Merritt
Bio-warfare & Beware of COVID “Vaccine”
They realize too many people still have functioning brain cells. Add another mask, cut off more oxygen…..that’ll do it.
I see my comment now.
I wrote a comment yesterday and it is not here. Is it being checked first? If so you should have a statement that comments need to be approved before they appear below the articel.
Susan, I can see your post from2/16 above. Not sure why you can’t. You make very good points so keep doing your own research and have faith in your own opinion!
At one point in my life I had a hard time believing how historical atrocities could have occured. I think Dr. Stanley Milgram really broke open the mold on the human tendency on obedience to authority! When I hear people say I can’t understand why people can’t see through something, I can now have a lot more compassion for all. It’s not easy being human. I love people who are willing to think critically, be considerate towards others and hold high the torch of Truth. May you all be successful! Let’s not forget the old story of Dr. Faustus being retold through Dr. Fausti (Fauchi). I have compassion for his choices as his road ahead of him is hard, but I will not follow him.
I wouldn’t listen to Dr. Fauci if no one else was alive to listen to. I’m acquainted with a guy who states that his brother who had been diagnosed with HIV was doing fine until he followed Fauci’s recommendation on taking some drug and suffered and died after following Fauci’s advice in the 1980’s. And this demon is still around trying to convince more people to commit medical suicide by following more of his recommendations 40 years later. I may not have a PhD. But I don’t listen to killer doctors either. Doctors giving unsound medical advice is on the same level as euthanasia. I’ll trust America’s front line doctors first.
Can you provide links to the research, articles, and interviews you reference? Thanks for the article.
The question was . Why to the powers that be continue to change their recommendations. Short answer is because they see how most people have fallen for their plannedemic and they just push a little further. They will continue to push even further as long as the sheeple fall in line.
The mask mandate has been alive and well on my job for almost a year now. And some people who have religiously worn those muzzles on the job have still reportedly contracted covid19. I’ve been fortunate enough thus far to be allowed to wear a face shield. I tried putting a mask underneath a shield and smothered worse. So I wear the face shield by itself. My mouth and nose are covered. And I’m not walking around constantly coughing or sneezing into the air either. And I can’t exhale respiratory viruses into the air if I don’t have any.
And if tyrants, fear mongers and chickens didn’t exist. I’d keep my face uncovered so that my face could get air, and my nostrils could get air into my lungs to do the job they are supposed to do without restrictions. I get it that face shields without masks underneath don’t cut off enough oxygen to satisfy some people. To lose the right to unrestricted breathing in my opinion is equivalent to losing the right to live.
Some people don’t seem to get it that a strong immune system and antioxidants are king over covid19 and other viruses and diseases. I feel for those who have destroyed their immune systems through toxic medications and vaccines. But I don’t need anyone to help me to destroy my health through lies, mandates and fear mongering. It is what it is.
On another note there will be an online cardiovascular summit starting on 3/2/21 at 9 pm EST and ending on 3/10/21. Sign up at stopcardiovasculardisease.com to reserve your spot. Dr. Jonathan Landsman is the host of this series. I will be watching and taking notes. I am very interested in becoming more knowledge on causes, prevention methods, cures and treatment options on hypertension, heart attacks, hardened/clogged arteries and heart disease.
I pacify the breath police with cheap gaiters. Not only is the pocket of air they form around the nose small enough that you can be sure of getting fresh air in every breath, but they have plenty of actual sues. Plus, they obediently sit on your neck when no one’s insisting you “mask up”” instead of jumping out of back pocket or falling off ears like the loopies do.
Do the gaiters
create a lot of heat while wearing them?
I use a mesh mask – it doesn’t keep anyone ‘safe’ and it allows me to breathe freely. It does, however, still hold on some heat. I only wear the d@%n thing so that I can go shopping, etc. Othetwise, I stay mask free.
Having both eosinophilic asthma + eosinophilic sinusitis makes breathing with a mask HIGHLY unpleasant. Thank you, Ty & Charlene, as well as the rest of your staff, for spreading the TRUTH about cancer & vaccines. My eyes have been opened VERY wide since this plandemic started. I’ve since left nursing after 35 years. I REFUSE to be a part of the problem. I took an anthem I became an RN: FIRST SO NO HARM. I will continue to hold that oath close to My heart until the day I die…and then some!