Before we get to the TRUTH, let’s uncover the MYTHS…
MYTH #1: Cholesterol is “public enemy number one.” When there is too much cholesterol in your blood, it builds up in the walls of your arteries, causing a process called atherosclerosis. High cholesterol is one of the major risk factors leading to heart disease, heart attack, and stroke.
MYTH #2: Every “reputable” doctor and scientist supports the idea that high cholesterol causes heart disease and statin drugs are essential in controlling cholesterol levels and preventing heart disease and stroke.
MYTH #3: There are two types of cholesterol − High-density lipoproteins (HDL) and low-density lipoproteins (LDL). HDL is “good” cholesterol and LDL is “bad” cholesterol. Lowering your “bad cholesterol” will lengthen your life.
Can you handle the TRUTH? Buckle up!
Cholesterol itself (whether being transported by LDL or HDL) is exactly the same. Cholesterol is simply a necessary ingredient that is required to be regularly delivered around the body for the efficient healthy development, maintenance, and functioning of our cells. The difference is in the “transporters” (HDL and LDL).
The fact is that both HDL and LDL are essential for the human body’s delivery logistics to work effectively. Problems can occur, however, when the LDL particles are both tiny and their carrying capacity outweighs the transportation potential of available HDL, which can result in more cholesterol being transported around the body with diminished resources for returning excess capacity to the liver.
Along come statin drugs!
Some 25 million Americans take these so-called “wonder drugs” to lower their “bad” cholesterol levels, but is this popular class of pharmaceuticals actually safe? NOPE! There are over 900 studies proving the adverse effects of statin drugs, including anemia, chronic fatigue, acidosis, liver dysfunction, thyroid disruption, Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, and … yes … even CANCER!
That’s right. The latest available science suggests that this supposedly artery-scouring miracle medication may significantly increase your risk of developing cancer.
Far from a miracle cure for heart disease, statin drugs come with a laundry list of side effects. These statin drug side effects are often ignored or glossed over as rare or exceptionally unlikely.
Statin drugs, it turns out, are far riskier than you’ve likely been told. From a cancer risk perspective they’re one of the last drugs you’d ever want to take for improved quantity and quality of life.
There are two primary classes of cholesterol-lowering drugs currently on the market: fibrates and statins. Fibrates, which include drugs such as clofibrate (Atromid-S) and gemfibrozil (Lopid), represent what you might say was “phase one” of the pharmaceutical industry’s war on cholesterol.
Phase two is the statin class, which includes drugs such as atorvastatin calcium (Lipitor), pravastatin sodium (Pravachol), and simvastatin (Zocor).
Back up… What Exactly is Cholesterol?
Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that’s found in all the cells of our body. It has a hormone-like structure that behaves like a fat in that it is insoluble in water and in blood. Cholesterol travels through your bloodstream in small packages called “lipoproteins” which are made of lipids (fats) on the inside and proteins on the outside.
What you are almost never told is that cholesterol supports many extremely important functions in the maintenance of good health. Optimal serum cholesterol levels actually help to prevent some types of cerebrovascular diseases and suboptimal cholesterol levels have been associated with an increased risk of cerebrovascular diseases.
Cholesterol is also an essential component of cell membranes and, helps maintain the integrity of cell membrane fluidity (which is constantly changing due to fluctuations of dietary fat consumption).
Cholesterol also plays a particularly important function as a major constituent of the myelin sheath, which acts as insulation of neurons. It should be noted that cholesterol is so important to bodily functions that the cell membranes actually manufacturer it in direct response to the body’s demands.
Cholesterol plays a large role in the function of the immune system; low cholesterol levels may increase the risk of several types of cancer.
Cholesterol is actually secreted by glands in the skin which help protect the skin from infections from detrimental bacteria and fungi.
Cholesterol also acts as an antioxidant and possesses powerful antioxidant properties.
Cholesterol is the precursor in the formation of all steroid hormones.
Cholesterol Drugs Increase Risk of Cancer and Death
Cholesterol drugs, as revealed in a 1993 study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, have been causally associated with an increased risk of non-cardiovascular health conditions. These are essentially any disease not related to the heart or blood vessels, as well and death. A team of researchers from the University of California, San Francisco (UCSF) determined that the intervention-based method of using fibrates and/or statins to lower cholesterol may be a misguided one that’s putting millions of people at risk.
What they found is that patients who lower their cholesterol levels by taking such drugs simultaneously increase their risk of developing other chronic health conditions such as cancer. This is significant because it reiterates the fact that lowering cholesterol with drugs isn’t the catch-call for increasing mortality that the medical system often claims it is. It also supports the notion that high cholesterol itself isn’t necessarily even a problem.
“Meta-analyses of primary prevention trials in middle-aged men reveal an increase in non-CHD (coronary heart disease) deaths among those randomized to cholesterol interventions, an unexpected finding that is more substantial than the decrease in CHD deaths,” the authors reported.
“This raises the possibility that one or more of the cholesterol interventions could have very serious adverse effects among young adults, whose risk of non-CHD death is normally 100 times their risk of CHD death.”
These same researchers published an editorial in the journal Circulation about a decade later that reiterates these findings. After examining data on the subject spanning at least 20 years, the team confirmed once again that artificially lowering cholesterol using statins and/or fibrates comes with serious health risks. They found that the risk of the drugs far outpace the alleged “risks” of high cholesterol.
As a matter of fact, a recent study published in the March 2015 journal Expert Review of Clinical Pharmacology indicated that statin drugs inhibit the biosynthesis of selenium containing proteins, one of which is glutathione peroxidase, which serves to suppress peroxidative stress. An impairment of selenoprotein biosynthesis may be a factor in congestive heart failure, reminiscent of the dilated cardiomyopathies seen with selenium deficiency. Thus, the epidemic of heart failure and atherosclerosis that plagues the modern world may paradoxically be aggravated and even caused by the pervasive use of statin drugs!
Another paper published in the British Medical Journal’s The Lancet in 2002 demonstrated further the increased cancer risk associated with Pravachol (pravastatin). Pravachol is one of the leading statin drugs that the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology are now urging healthy men and women to take for “prevention” purposes!
Though the drug demonstrably lowered low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels in patients by about 34%, new cancer diagnoses “were more frequent on pravastatin than on placebo.” In other words, pravastatin might lower your “bad” cholesterol (which really isn’t bad at all), but there’s a pretty good chance you’ll develop cancer instead!
At Least Nine Studies Link LOW Cholesterol to Cancer
In case you aren’t aware, cholesterol is actually a good thing for your body, and is something your body makes naturally. Think of cholesterol as a nutrient rather than a poison. It is both fuel for your brain and one of the primary building blocks for healthy hormone production. The same is true for cancer prevention, with at least nine separate studies confirming that cholesterol is a necessary component in bodily homeostasis for cancer prevention.
A recent 2015 review published in the journal QJM: An International Journal of Medicine further challenges the prevailing myth that cholesterol is an evil to be reckoned with. The study showed that not only does cholesterol help protect against cancer, but not having enough can drastically increase one’s cancer risk.
One large-scale cohort study in which more than 47,000 patients were given between 5 and 10 milligrams of simvastatin (Zocor) daily showed convincing results. The study revealed a threefold increase in cancer mortality among patients whose cholesterol levels had dropped below 160 mg/dL as a result of taking the statin drug.
Statin drugs have also been shown to be inherently carcinogenic in mice. A 2012 research project illustrated an inverse relationship between the drugs’ cholesterol-lowering effects and incidences of cancer. Even the World Health Organization (WHO) came to the conclusion that one of the adverse effects of the cholesterol-lowering drug clofibrate (Atromid-S) is, in fact, cancer.
“When searching PubMed with the words ‘cancer AND cholesterol’ we identified nine cohort studies including more than 140,000 individuals, where cancer was inversely associated with cholesterol measured 10-30 years earlier, and where the association persisted after exclusion of cancer cases appearing during the first four years,” the authors wrote.
For Your Health, Skip the Statin Drugs
Cancer can take many years to develop following its initial triggers. Therefore, industry studies that appear to support the safe and effective use of statins aren’t credible in terms of their cancer risk assessment. This is because they fail to take into account the 10-30 year cancer growth period that, according to the findings of the aforementioned study, are the lynch-pin of the statin drug-cancer association.
For the vast majority of people (I would content ALL people), statin drugs are just bad medicine. Given the sizable body of scientific evidence now suggesting that having low cholesterol and taking cholesterol-lowering drugs like statins and fibrates both contribute to the formation of cancer, there’s simply no good reason to take this unnecessary risk with your long-term health.
Concerning the alleged heart risks associated with high cholesterol, Dr. Jeffrey Dach, MD, agrees that coronary heart disease is indeed a product of poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle. It is not necessarily cholesterol that is the problem. It’s a glut of heavily-processed carbohydrates, refined sugar, and other chemical-ridden foods that cause arterial damage which the body calls on cholesterol to fix! These foods also happen to be among the leading causes of cancer, which means they should be avoided at all costs.
But Dr. Dach is not the only one with this position. According to recent research at Harvard, the primary causes of atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries which leads to heart disease) are lesions and plaque in the arteries caused by sugar which causes insulin to be released. Insulin causes lesions in the endothelium of the arteries that become clogged with cholesterol. So, cholesterol gets the blame, but the real culprit is sugar. So, if you avoid sugar and simple carbs, cholesterol is not an issue.
As I mentioned above, cholesterol is essential to support cognition, fuel hormone production, and protect against chronic disease, including cancer. These beneficial tasks are what cholesterol is supposed to do.
Dr. Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD, one of the authors of the previously mentioned study, discusses this at length in his richly-cited book Fat and Cholesterol are Good for You. He demonstrates with extensive scientific backing how cholesterol increases longevity, boosts immunity, and protects against cancer. As a matter of fact, the populations across the world with the highest longevity have also have the highest levels of cholesterol.
Not exactly what we hear on the nightly news, is it?
Editor’s note: This post was originally published in March 2016. It has been updated and republished in November 2023.
Article Summary
Around 25 million Americans are taking statin drugs to lower their cholesterol.
What you are rarely told is that cholesterol supports many extremely important functions in the maintenance of good health.
Many studies show that patients who lower their cholesterol levels by taking statin drugs increase their risk of developing other chronic health conditions such as cancer.
Pravachol is one of the leading statin drugs that the American Heart Association (AHA) and the American College of Cardiology are now urging healthy men and women to take for “prevention” purposes.
Cholesterol is both fuel for your brain and one of the primary building blocks for healthy hormone production.
Coronary heart disease is a product of poor diet and unhealthy lifestyle. It is not necessarily cholesterol that is the problem.
It’s important to find a doctor who knows what to look for when conducting a cholesterol test, and who can advise about lifestyle and dietary changes that don’t involve taking statin drugs.
Is it safe/effective to take phytosterols instead of statins?
Yes, but with cancer some statins actually hit important pathways to block tumors. Livastatin showed anti cancer properties with cancer patients but it is not preventive. Prof Flavin.
Thank you, Ty, for laying all this out for us. I remember when statins came out and Dr. Timothy Johnson was on a morning show talking about the drug and what it would mean for millions of people with high cholesterol. I thought to myself, another push for the drug pushers. This was before so many drug commercials were on TV. The long growing tentacles of the Drug Companies remind me of something out of a Stephen King novel. Their tentacles will wrap around you and slowly strangle and smother you to death, or BAM they’ll just flat out kill you right off the bat!
We all need to print off this fabulous article and keep a notebook that we take to the Dr. should we ever need to go. Lay some knowledge on them! I’ve told a Dr before that I just don’t know how I would be able to prescribe some of these drugs knowing the side effects. He said, it’s a fine line. I didn’t really know what he meant by that!
My doctor says your dead wrong!! Who knows what the hell to believe anymore!! I feel like we should all being suing our doctors for negligence and fraud!! What do u think??
Of course he does! No money to be made! Do what I do! Get in his face with some FACTS! I have sent more than one
crawling away with nothing but blubber for excuses. We shouldn’t have to sue them. They should already be doing time for the thousand they murder with their UN-ethical, UN-educated, holier than god OPINIONS!
No pharmaceutical drug has been designed to cure us, except maybe for antibiotics in life threatening circumstances! So therefore this is just another scare tactic, take statins or die and of course that’s exactly what everyone is doing sadly!
Do not believe anyone, even Ty.
Do research everything you can, and let the evidence speak.
I will follow Ty, and many others like him, because their “fruits,” show their character.
And perish the thought about suing them. They’re well protected, and besides, it would be irresponsible.
We the people have chosen to “hope” they were telling us the truth.
Let us just help the next person understand the fraud.
Whataya say?
Lisa, doctors are trained in how to prescribe drugs. Unless your doc is a naturopath or functional medicine doc, his education consisted of treating symptoms with drugs. Nothing on nutrition. He is probably not going to accept the fact that his expensive education is inadequate.
Eating plenty of vegies, fruits, nuts, and organic whole grains which are the leading providers of phytosterols to me is better than counting on some pill to have what you need. I don’t remember ever hearing of anyone dieing of eating too many vegetables.
Forget the whole grains! Went on a HIGH FAT low carbohydrate diet. Lost weight and all my lipid numbers, including cholesterol, went DOWN. So did my fasting blood sugar. Feel GREAT!
Yes. Dr Davis ‘ book. “Wheat Belly ” is a wealth of info. Never hungry with this lifestyle eating
Yes and thank you for saying this. I’ve been “preaching” that for years with success with clients. Good Nutrition is what is missing in most overweight and sick people’s diets, and this country has been “fat Phobic” for way too many years, which has lead to a lot of the dis-ease we see today. It’s time to get back to basics, real food heals. Our bodies know what to do with it and they function far better with real (organic) food that with drugs. Love the line above about noone ever dieing of eating too many vegetables. Nor have they perished from a deficiency of lipitor or other statins.
With Monsanto changing the way we eat will be a totally different story. Better be growing your own food organically.
15 years ago I was talked into a blood test and it came back that my cholesterol was 14, my doc had a fit when I told him that no way would I be taking statin tablets, he told me that my decision was a death sentence. hmmmmmm…..My husband and I grow all our own food which keeps us fit, we are big on essential oils which has lowered our blood pressure amongst other health benefits, we use “young living oils” look it up…we have a defuser above our bed and boy, it has improved our sleeping habits, we wake up in the morning feeling totally energised. we are both in our 70,s and neither of us look that old, don’t feel it either..Soooo. no doctors, no drugs, no vets ( we have 3 dogs) Life is so good. Doctors are stupid, they never ask why, if they did they would move on into homeopathic medicine, that would be a relief not to have the drug co’s running their life and their brain…
so, Russ I’m with you,,
Our regards to you
Beverley horrigan. Queensland Australia
Hi Beverley,
Can you say what you put in the defuser? I am really concerned about the quality of the air in my apt. as I get grains of sand, small feathers, and other debris on the floor.
Many thanks.
Could you send me a link for the living oils and diffuser brand?
“Eating plenty of vegies, fruits, nuts, and organic whole grains which are the leading providers of phytosterols to me is better than counting on some pill to have what you need. I don’t remember ever hearing of anyone dieing of eating too many vegetables.” Or from being “pill deficient”. 😉
High cholesterol is a straw man that has been built to sell medication. The body makes Cholesterol in large quantities as every cell uses it. Statins decrease Cholesterol in the brain so the Brain may be damaged with use. I Tried them myself for a couple of years with minimal success and then studied the case histories. It turns out that the side effects are worse than the “Cure”. …..Cholesterol is a propaganda campaign in the mold of “Climate Change” with Cholesterol taking the place of CO2. The latest information clearly indicates that the real villain is allergenic reactions to sugar and processed food. If your cholesterol is 250-300, no big deal. The “Cure” is worse than the condition when spread over the entire population.
I believe you are quite correct.
“Statin” drungs were initially developed for another purpose [don’t know what but my guess it failed in trials]. While testing it had shown an effect of lowering certain cholesterols and maybe raising others. I believe that the Pharma just decided to sell the public on an “unneeded” drug and it became a “cash cow” for them [and they have suppressed much of the negative side-effects / See: Peripheral-neuropathy Australia Statins about 1997]. My understanding is that proper studies showing that statins reduce circulatory disease have not been reproducable, …hmmm].
I developed an increasing peripherial neuropathy which started in my toes and was extending from my toes up my legs. I had already experienced some muscle pain. Went to three different specialists none of which could offer a hint solution to the why of my problem. The last just suggested he could put me on another Pharma drug for the pain. That’s when I started my own research and discovered the Australian study. The solution was cheap …just stop the statin drug and quick. Well, quick for two types of nerves but not so quick for the third type however it is now getting slowly better after 7 years but improvement is indeed still happening. Doctors have continued to try to put me back on it; some were almost belligerent to do so. Makes me ask an ethics question about doctors, the AMA and big-pharma.
I was in the pharmaceutical section of a drugstore and heard a man who claimed to be a doctor complain about having an nerve problem with his heart. He also was taking a statin drug but he nor his doctors had expressed a connection. He may well be dead by now.
Turns out our bodies NEED cholesterol for all kinds of necessary things and some also saturated fats. Grass-fed, free-range, cage-free, organic, pesticide-free. hormone-free, non-GMO, raw, unpasteurized, homogenized, etc. are indeed words to live by when properly applied.
Doctors have written out two separate prescriptions for my slightly high colessteral many years ago but I threw both in the bin, I do raw juices, feel great at 65!
My husband went on a partial Paleo diet instead of taking cholesterol medication. This was totally opposite to the advice he was given – eat less meat and fats. Within a few months his cholesterol level had fallen.
Can anyone leave me a reply on this please. My Dr said my body is not producing cholesterol so she has me on a cholesterol drug called Sandoz-Ezetimibe 10mg does any one know anything about this. Thank you iav.
Did u Google it to find out about it first?
Hmmmm…..seems like eating more eggs instead would be a better idea! 🙂
Greta – is a free site that will have it listed.
There must be underlying problem. Find a good classical homeopath to correct this. Homeopathy is the best when comes to conditions nobody seems to have an answer to, bc they have different approach to see our body and health. Best 🙂
Ezetimibe is a statin. I used to be on it until I stopped all statins. My doctor had told me it works in the stomach and it doesn’t affect the liver. When I saw my endocrinologist he said they all work through the liver……a statin is a statin! I stopped all statins but I take certain supplements to help support clearing up my arteries and I see my naturopath and get regular intravenous chelation. I have High cholesterol but no signs of blockages, its about clearing up your arteries not reducing cholesterol. If your arteries are clean it doesn’t matter how high your cholesterol is you’ll never get a heart attack with clean arteries.
Yes, my cholesterol was 152 when I had a heart attack at age 58. The doctors put me on Zocor anyway. I read up on it and decided to pass on the “Statins”. I read a great book, “Lipitor, The Thief of Memory”. It is about a doctor who was taking statin drugs as a precautionary measure and he was found wandering in the forest behind his house….lost! He didn’t even remember he was a doctor. After getting off the statins, his mind returned to normal. We will soon have a whole society of people with mental problems supposedly associated with old age. They come out with reports that say these problems are getting more common because we are living longer. Check history! If you have elders in the family who are getting these “memory” problems….are they on statin drugs! People need to do some research before taking these dangerous drugs! What would happen if we took all these people off the statins! Oh, and by the way….they are trying to get kids on these drugs! AND, if they are successful in their campaign, it may soon be considered “child neglect” if you don’t have you kids on it! There is just no end to the greed of “Big Pharma”.
You body NEEDS cholesterol to build and repair nerves. You brain is a bundle of nerves. Any thing that interferes with that process will do you harm. If you actually need to reduce cholesterol then do so naturally but most MDs don’t seem to have a clue except what big-pharma tells them at lavish parties. Do your own research.
Big-pharma is a “slave” to the “bottom-line”; and it is a “slave” with no “morality” other than the “bottom-line”. Their motto shoould be: …Never cure a thing but create a treatment that requires constant re-treatment for the thing. Then have that treatment create new problems for which new drugs are required. etc. …what a “con”. A real cure is anti-bottom-line.
Hi Ty, I am so very, very Thankful for you and all of the Drs. that have done all of this research! I was just diagnosed with a skin melanoma and have been looking to ‘not’ go the way my dermatologist wants for me. I have an appt. later this wk. at Mayo for a pre-surgical consultation for surgery and a lymph-node biopsy. I’m going to cancel it and go with what God has brought across my path for natural treatment. I’m treating it now with eating right and working with a person that is helping me treat it with a tonic and topical paste. I know God is my Healer and He has given us so many ‘wonderful’ things that He has ‘created’ to heal and live! I feel very ‘confident’ with this way of healing my body and I’m full of ‘hope, peace and joy’! “Thank you” so much for all you do and have done to help us live and walk out our destiny! God is Good and forever ‘Faithful’! Also, I totally missed episode 4 and I would love to watch it. Is there anyway you could send it to my email for me? ‘Blessings’ always, Cindy
Before seeing your “The Truth About Cancer”, I thought that people who left the conventional treatment were crazy! Now I am so mad at the Doctors and Big Pharma for lying to all of us! To me, they are no less than Serial Killers. I just started Essential Oils prior to your video! I can say that I won’t be going the conventional route anymore. Thanks Ty for this Eye Opening film. I hope that all Americans will eventually find out the truth and be so pissed that we will make great changes in the world and drop those quacks and make the government understand that we refuse to be poisoned anymore by changing the laws on conventional treatments, on GMO’s, on putting chemicals in our water, and our food, etc. I am going to get this information out to as many people and doctors that I know.
Ty, Could you please give us a list of things that we can take naturally to heal ourselves and Dr.’s and hospitals that practice this good healing so that I can also have that information at the ready! Also, I really need to know haw to take Frankincense and Myrrh. Do I have to dilute it take internally or put on your tongue?
I can’t say thank you enough for showing me what I was blind to before! and God Bless you for the painstaking work you are doing!
Hi Juliet, The best advice we can give to you is to consult with one of the doctors that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is the link to their info:
Read what cardiologist Dr. William Davis says about cholesterol in his Wheat Belly books. He doesn’t recommend taking statins, but to get rid of grain in your diet.
I stopped statin drugs 14 months ago, after taking them for 6 years. I had lost muscle density and cld hardly go down 3-4 stairs without excruciating pain…. After just 1 month I was able to regain muscle strength and climb up stairs! Nowadays, I rarely take elevator to get to my 4th floor flat!
Hi Kristina, I too was faced with excruciating pain almost everywhere in my body, loss of muscle strength, and in general felt awful all over every day! I decided to take myself off of all meds and miraculously started feeling better in about a month. I have no doubt that the statin drug I was on was the culprit! I am now working on strengthening myself and eating better. I wish you the best!
Wow!!! Just finish reading…the truth about cholesterol ,statin drugs, and cancer…if I said I’m blown away by this… It’s the absoutly truth.( blown away!) my hubby was diagnosed with a heart condition. Recently we went back to see our Dr. He priscribe “the statin”” drug ! My hubby took 1 week of it….I’ll bring it back to the pharmacy for proper disposal…again thank you TY for not keeping this save life information (s) to yourself….may God continue to give you more and more knowledge as you go deeper in Him…
Thanks to all of you who Reply… hubby don’t eat red meat period…no high fatty food either, grains? Whole “wheat’ which is bad….I’m highly allergic, so my diet is organ many years ago…no gluten is cholesterol level is 4.5…and that they consider high!! Thanks for all your tips.
TY my daughter just had thyroid cancer surgery….they did not give the chemo (after) as they had plan to do…( I believe God intervened).. My question(s) I’m educating her about the truth about cancer, she’s very excited and would love to know where can she access the essential oils? I.e…Frankincense essential oil and helichrysum??? Thank you…did any episode aired Sunday April, 17??? Did I just miss it, or its because I’m so excited, I thought I miss the above date? Sigh.
I am a Doterra Essential oil Rep and you can either put 1-2 drops of Frankensence in your water or we have vegetable capsules you can fill with Frankensence and then just swallow it.
I love Doterra oils, they have helped me and my family so much. My Boys have asthma and I diffuse balance and breathe at night and I rub some on their chest or bottom of their feet it helps them get a very rested nights sleep. I myself use Frankensence in my water daily as a preventive. So let me know if I can help anyone get certified pure oils.
I would like to know where you to get the certified pure oils.
Young Living has them. My sister is a rep for them and has been since the company began 20 plus years ago. She LOVES the oils and I use them also and have used them on my family. My kids are all adults now and love them too.
Thank you sooooo much for your reply? We do “need” to know how/where to get these certified essentials oils…we have a few people in our family with asthma, and a thyroid cancer survivor…we want to make sure nothing comes back, by eradicate all that can be eradicated with these POWERFUL, information that has been fed to us. Please let me know how to contact…thanks in advance as we move forward healthy.
Young Living also grows and processes essential oils. You can look them up on the Internet and can order them.
Ps..I left out the helichrysum and the frankincense oils we need! Oops!
I know that organic, farm raised, grain fed eggs are an excellent source of cholesterol. perhaps load up on those?
I have read that raw egg yolk is pure LDL cholesterol which is the one we need. Occasionally I cook an egg on very low to try to keep the yoke from breaking while cooking. It is the exposure to the air while raw that completely ruins the LDL. It takes some time to get it cooked while remaining whole but it can be done.
HDL is actually the “good” one.
Do you mean HDL ?
Yes, HDL aka high density lipoprotein is the “good” cholesterol. Cholesterol is needed to make hormones, as well.
Thank you for your perseverance in exposing these facts to so many people. I wish I would have known this when I was put on Simvistatin. After taking it a couple of years I ended up with a drug-induced colitis. I pass on any cholesterol med.
Cindy, do you know that frankiscence has 131 published reports stating that it is effective for cancer. There are a few good alternatives that would be worth checking into.
I have fought high cholesterol for years and dietary changes didn’t seem to help. I finally went on red yeast rice with the advice of a doctor and dropped my total cholesterol more than 100 points. It is now safely under 300 and I’m not so worried about it anymore. It is nature’s form of a Statin and I believe it is much safer. Also, it is much cheaper and is not supporting big Pharma.
Hi Susan,
One thing to look out for with red yeast rice, is that it blocks the body’s levels of CoQ10 (which is vital for mitochondrial health), just like a statin drug does. So if you’re continuing to take red yeast rice, you should talk to your doctor about supplementing with CoQ10 as well. EVERYONE taking either red yeast rice or a statin drug should be advised by the doctor to take CoQ10, but very rarely are, unless you’re seeing an ND.
Here’s a link to a study about statins and CoQ10. It doesn’t mention red yeast rice specifically, but it’s my understanding that it works on the same pathways as statins, so it will also diminish CoQ10 in the body.
Lauren is correct. Red yeast rice is the same substance as the original statin drug, Mevacor.
Many thanks With Ty
Wow timely article, 2 weeks ago I watched a you tube video on this! Its called “The Oiling of America”, well worth your time to watch. Warning it will upset you to see how the country has been sold a crock of poop! Spoke to my doctor who has now decreased my lipator to every other day. However I’m thinking of stopping it all together.
I am well aware that statins are evil. My friend had a 90% blockage a few years ago and doctors put a stent in and have him on the typical meds including statins and beta blockers, He doesn’t like it and one of his calf muscles has atrophied. However it’s not like there are reliable doctors around that can guide him through some effective alternative. Instead his doctors make it seem like the stent and the drugs work together to keep him alive which isn’t quite accurate. It’s hard to know what else to do. He’s in southern California. Ideas anyone?
My Cardiologist is a Harvard Trained Alternative M.D. She is in Burbank, CA. Dr Cynthia Thaik. Google her.
I had a “stent” placed about year ago and my doctor kept trying to give me “statin” drugs …even after I told him I didn’t tolerate them.
Good information … thing is, when I was in my 20’s and at 106 pounds, my cholesterol was way too high … needless to say, I am now on statin pills … I am all for going off these, but don’t know what to do!?
As above – red yeasr rice plus COQ10.
I beg to disagree with this article and believe that this type of information keeps people confused. It´s true that the body produces the cholesterol that it needs. It´s the added cholesterol that we eat that is the problem. Where are Ty´s numerous references to support the claim that lower cholesterol is not healthy when in fact: WHEN YOU READ BOOKS SUCH AS “The China Study, by T. Colin Campbell and “How Not to Die” by Dr. Michael Greger you are exposed to the fact that populations in rural China and Africa have cholesterol levels under 150 and where the incidence of cancer is rare. How is that?
What I see in all these Truth About Cancer articles and videos is the lack of focus on what we eat. The Standered American Diet (SAD) is the Main problem and that´s why Americans are among the sickest people on earth, despite all the advances in tecnology. The more you change your diet to a Whole Foods Plant Based Diet the better you will feel, the more energy you will have and the less you will have to worry about getting, not only cancer but also heart disease, diabetes, osteoporosis, etc.
Thanks, Ty, for your info. I’d like to take your multi-vitamin, but it contains a too-high amount of Vit. E. I cannot take high Vit. E due to A-Fibrillation from aortal-valve regurgitation, a result of worsening Rheumatic Heart Disease contracted at age 14. Do you know of a company that manufactures low-Vit. E multi-vitamins, please and thankyou?
I knew there were hidden truths to statins. I too started taking Red Rice Yeast. I still if this is a good choice. Does Red Rice Yeast promote the same side effects as the prescription statins?
Bonnie, there is a reply above that warns against red rice yeast… I would read above and check into it. Thorough study is needed.
I honestly don’t know what to believe as my doctor says because my blood pressure was going up and I am getting older and my HDL is high as well as my LDL she put me on a low dose of statins and blood pressure pills. I don’t see anyone mentioning the hypertension issue that apparently is more dangerous with the chloresterol. Can someone with a medical background comment please?
Yes, but we used to know people who had strokes because of high cholesterol. We do not see much of that anymore — primarily due to statins. Strokes can be very debilitating.
What about Lipitor
Ty, thanks again for this info. I stopped taking statin drugs and feel much better. No more body pains and feel good. I take every day a ¼ spoon cinnamon and going strong.
Are beta blockers harmful or are they ok yo take?
Beta blockers are not ok to take as all other pharmaceutical drugs. It’s very simple- they are chemicals which are not natural for our complex adaptive system. Going through medical course my teacher said all the time: There is no drug that does only one thing it’s been prescribe for. Expect the consequences of side effects.There are plenty mineral and herb supplementation to heal what you need to heal. And DIET, of course, should be #1.
I was on Lipitor for about 5 or 6 years did not like what I was hearing long term so I stopped taking them and started with red yeast rice I took 2 600 mg tablets a day after 6 months my cholesterol was lower than it ever was with liptor 152 total 40 HDL 95 LDL after another 3 mos it was too low total 117 HDL 38 LDL 60 so I cut it down too one a day after 3 mos it was around total 140 I now take one 600 mg every other day but my diet has also gotten better. I now have Parkinson’s disease in which I hear could be associated with liptor
thankyou i actually wrote this monthes ago posted this to doctors
Please tell me how to break a sugar addiction. Can not leave the stuff alone. Crave sugar all the time. Not just chocolate but any flavor sweets. Sweetened tea, soda pop, cookies, candy, pies, cakes. Have tried using honey as a sweetener. Not good. I need help! Is there a Betty Ford facility for sugarholics?
Taking zinc helped me a lot. I was always scouting for something to eat, even though I am very thin. I kept gravitating back to either chocolate or nuts and could not get enough of either, even to the point of eating totally unsweetened dark chocolate. I read about zinc deficiencies causing this kind of rummaging as the body is trying to find the vitamins or minerals it is short on. Hope this helps.
Try a high quality mineral supplement, preferably in a liquid form. You are suffering from pica, a need for something missing nutrient wise. It really worked for me. It’s been 20 + years and I will pass up a sweet for another helping of green beans!
Geal – the only alternative to sugar is Stevia. This is a plant, very sweet and I defy anyone to tell the difference from sugar,
Cravings are a result of imbalances. For sure you would need to supplement with high quality supplements but it will not be enough if the cravings are so big. This is what I did and i was in your shoes a while back. I did a detox to help change my taste buds and to help the liver, colon and the whole digestive track.
Week 1 Predetox- I cut down as much as I could of the sugar and unhealthy foods – (about 40-50% for transition) .I decreased the coffee and dairy and grains, sweets too. În other words just getting ready. Also i supplemented with high quality aloe juice, digestive enzymes, vitamine B and probiotics ( very important).
Week 2 – the food regimen got all cuts in the “bad departament” and increased în healthy foods. Ni coffee no dairy no alcohol no food after 7 pm 2 l of water no read meat no alcoho. Besides the dietary changes on week 2 I also took a detox kit that was gentle enough to allow me to go to work (I was not strapped by the toilet????) and continued with the supplements left over from week 1. The kit has some colon release tablets, capsules with a very god mix of herbs for liver cleansing (dandelion, milk thistle and about 10 more herbs) and a container with high quality soluble fibre.
Week 3 was an all vegetarian diet and no other supplements except left overs from the first week.
I can tell you that by the end of the third week I was sooo surprised to realize that some of the things I used to love were feeling like a burn down my throat. (I tried a shot of Bailey liquor and I could not go past the first touch).
There is no pill to cure cravings but who needs more pills? It takes about 3 weeks to get changes but wouldn’t they be the best spent 3 weeks?Nourishing your body with the right foods and gentle help with some supplements to help balance?
Hi, I used to crave sugar, cakes, candy mostly. I am happy not to eat any of it. Homeopathy helped me, she gave me a homeopathic medicine which stopped my sugar craving naturally and gently. I just realized I dont want it anymore. My suggestion find a good homeopathic doctor 🙂
I have familial hypercholesterolemia and did suffer acute heart failure and a triple bypass at a young age of 54years. I have changed my diet (paleo/ketogenic/BulletProof) drastically in the last year with miraculous results. After 4 years of recovery, I have managed to get off of blood pressure meds, but have had no success with my statins. I experimented 5 months into a dietary lifestyle change with red rice yeast, but after a month my LDL went from 119 to over 200. I obviously went back on my 60mg of simvastatin and have since weaned myself down to 20 with a supplementation of Zetia in the last 9 months. I continue to fine tune my diet (no dairy, grains, minimal sugar in high grade dark chocolate and a bit of fruit) and am using supplements to find that holistic loophole to get me off statins completely. I will know next month after my standard blood tests. Is there anyone that can advise more about alternatives to deal with hypercholesteremia other than the supplement and diet changes that I have made already? At the moment, I have to rely on traditional medical advise that I have lost faith in and still harbor too much fear with this diagnosis.
Look into Perfect Health Diet by Paul Jaminet (similar to Paleo). His book has a section on cholesterol. He does give recommendations to improve cholesterol readings e.g. from memory: nutrient deficiencies (iodine, iron or too high iron), endotoxins (meaning a bad bacteria in gut that causes toxins), circadian rhythm entrainment, Vit D.
He also has his views on healthier version of ketogenic diets…
Anyway, if you haven’t come across his work I would recommend it.
P.S. I heard from Chris Kresser that one man came to see him with very high cholesterol readings and after many tests the only thing they found wrong with him was SIBO (despite no digestive symptoms). He was treated for it and his cholesterol levels went to normal range.
I hope you find something that will help.
I have inherited famial hycholestiema also, [spelling] when my doc put me on a high dose of fish oil capsules, my cholesterol went down 50 points. He had read an article about it in a New England Journal of Medicine. But none of my other blood values improved.
Due to warfarin for a mechanical heart valve, I don’t take anything high in Vitamin K. Best recourse is to use Goji Juice, and follow the good advice you give, keeping in mind our own health issues, then researching for answers. God Bless! I haven’t started the Goji Juice therapy yet. It comes Highly Recommended by Jesus for these end-times when the New World Order is poisoning our foods and soils to easily eliminate 2/3s of population so their leader, antichrist, can more easily control the remaining 1/3 of population with his buy/sell mark, the microchip. AVOID AT ALL COSTS! All those who accept the mark of the beast are lost souls, and will suffer terribly due to control by evil ways. Follow authentic end-time visionaries advice given by Heaven. Ty, your advice is a God-send, also. God Bless your work and zeal. Keep it up!
Thanks Ty, I have been on both Statin drugs for more then 15 years. I am stopping from today and change my eating habits and focus on natural way to treat. Right now I am suffering with nerve pain in lower body. It could be caused by Statin. I need to find new Doctor in Washington area. Can any one suggest? Thanks again Raman
Hi Raman,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
After 20 years on Lipitor for “borderline” cholesterol, I finally talked my husband into stopping it. He’s been experiencing at 59 years of age, memory loss that made him concerned for his job and nerve damage in his arms and hands which are all common side effects of these drugs. Beside COQ10, does anyone know os anything else that might help reverse any of the damage?
I swear… can somebody say class action lawsuit.? There have been lawsuits against Eli Lilly for the horrid drug Zyprexa, and it was black boxed.
What these Drs…..who will NEVER BE PHYSICIANS WHO HEAL, but strive to have people on increasing amounts of drugs.
I hope you can find a good Physician as listed on Ty’s experts-info-sheet. I pray things will turn around for him.
Georgia – try Red Yeast Rice along with the COQ10.
Hi Doctor Ty
Would you said that when a patient have familial hypercholesterolemia, that statin would be the only time you would recommend taking it?
Thanks, I am on Ubiquinol. 400mg a day. I think everyone over the age of 40 should be taking at least 100mg a day, whether they are on statins or not. Last year when I found out about this, I asked my primary doctor why I wasn’t told this when statins were prescribed. I was ignored. In Canada I was told that Dr.’s are legally obligated to inform about CoQ10 when prescribing statins. Like I said, I have done all the research. I just can’t find anyone to talk holistically about familial hypercholesterolemia.
Great information,thank you!
I stopped taking my statin drugs a while back. When I visited my doctor she told me that lowering cholesterol was only one benefit of the drug – bigger than that she said it lowers inflammation. Has anyone ever heard of that benefit? She convinced me to start taking them again because my cholesterol numbers went up after I stopped taking the drugs. I did ask her how many hours of nutritional training they had in her university and of course the answer was “zero”. She says they are taught to heal people and now she just plugs numbers into a device and it spits out risk factors.
My cholesterol is 390 and I have a stent. I was on Pravastatin but stopped taking it but am a bit scared that my stent would fur up again. Feel a bit confused.
I take Pravastatin (40 mg) and Zetia (10 mg) which did reduced cholesterol. But you have to take both of then at the same time. I’m still on then. Does help. I was on Crestor for number of years, my liver reading was up. My doctor took me off on it.
How about EDTA Chelation to dissolve cholesterol which is clogging arteries and veins — how do you view this ??
Always always look into the research before believing what you read. And always look for the publication date of the article quoted so you can read the data for yourselves. This information can save your lives or perhaps severely compromise them. Always look for the sources of information and read for your yourselves. Also there’s an important reason that CoEnzyme Q10 is recommended when a person has to take a Statin. People: A heart attack is not a pretty thing….
Eating a well-balanced diet with vegetables, fruits,nuts, seeds, and doing juicing to lower your cholesterol is far healthier than taking medication. At least, it would not poison your system unlike medication.
I have high cholesterol but I do everything right according to this article. I see a naturopath and the only thing wrong with my blood test is cholesterol – total is 237 and HDL 84. The doc made me buy a natural herbal called Gugu Lipo to get it down, but I don’t take it because I don’t understand why they picked these target numbers to be under. I will probably take it eventually just to please the doc.
Thank you. I will add it all to my reading and research list.
Thanks Ty,
I have followed a high nutrient whole foods plant based diet (only dried fruit or occasionally maple syrup) for years and my husband has reluctantly followed. However his commitment to a healthy lifestyle has not been great and he has been overweight for the past 30 years despite my promptings. He surfed most Saturdays and would often swim or bike ride once or twice a week. But his commitment to loosing weight was not there most of the time and he wavered around 100kg and had a very distended stomach. If ever I saw him bring home white bread, or an energy drink I would put them straight in the bin. Over the years he got used to only having fish or meat a couple of days a week. I mostly have bought organic, and the past few years I have bought little bread – usually sprouted……
….. My point is this ….. He has been on statins and blood pressure tablets for years and who knows what else and last month at 63 was diagnosed with stage 4 pancreatic cancer….. I thought I was doing all I could but left it up to him what tablets he put in his system. He had unwavering trust in his Doctor and would not see my naturopath. I’ve come to the conclusion that no amount of organic broccoli will fix you if you are on these drugs!
Today he starts his second round of Chemo – again something I would not choose…. Thankfully he has seen my naturopath now who has him on all sorts of naturopathic tablets etc. and who told him to go off the statins straight away.
Personally if my body was telling me I had high blood pressure or cholesterol or cancer etc. before going on any medication or treatment I would ask myself what is my body telling me and can I heal it by natural means – either diet, exercise, sleep, meditation, clean water, juices, smoothies, a positive attitude, getting rid of processed foods, stress and unhelpful emotions. I’d include as many other things mentioned in your site as I could. I would not do it alone – I would enlist a good naturopath or integrative Doctor to go the journey with me.
I’m generally not in favour of people taking cholesterol lowering drugs ( almost all my cousins are on them ), except in potentially extreme situations. The controversy going on today, seems to be over what optimal cholesterol levels truly are? In “The China Study”, Colin Campbell states that the rural Chinese have cholesterol levels ranging from between 70 mg/dL and 170mg/dL. Which makes their high, our low.
( see pages 105 thru 108 ) Of course, just because their levels are so much lower than ours, and vascular disease so much rarer, doesn’t obviously prove causation. On the other hand, using a sustained dietary change, similar to what Colin Campbell advocates, I’ve managed to drop my LDL from about !30, to somewhere under 90mg/dL,, last time I checked. So this kind of dietary strategy has worked well for me. And, at 58, I’ve now outlived my father by over 15 years, and both my grandfather and great grandfather by over 3. Planning on breaking with family tradition, by dying from something other than a heart attack. And if it turns out that cholesterol risk has been overrated ( and over-marketed ), then great! But if it turns out to be something a bit more than that, I’m confident that I’m covered.
My cholesterol was just over 200 so the doctor put me on one drug, which within 2 weeks caused my ulcer to act up so severely that I could not eat for 3 days. It is a “rare” side effect, but the doctor wouldn’t accept that. He then switched me to a different drug and within 6 weeks I started getting the muscle issues – also a known side effect. So I stopped all drugs, took fish oil and 2 years later my cholesterol was just fine. Haven’t taken any drugs since and that was about 10 years ago. My parents doctor said the standards today have been lowered, and in some cases to the point where it is actually dangerous for some people.
What if you have a problem with low cholestrol levels and they want to put you on meds? is that safe or will cutting out sugar help increase levels?
By taking a statin based drug not only do you risk getting cancer BUT you also feel crap! I told my doctor to go and jump, I wanted my mind and well-being back. Thanks Ty for leading me to this article.
Teresa, where can I find those 31 published reports on Frankincense & cancer? I am a DoTerra member and have the book, “Healing oils of the Bible”, which is very informative. I would really like access to these reports. Thank you for your post. We all need to know the value of essential oils, as well as every other natural healing modality.
Lynn, try going to the Green Med Info site; they have tons of studies on natural remedies. Also some great articles. I love essential oils too!
My father was 83 when he had a heart attack. He was given zero chance to live but operated and did a quadruple by-pass and valve replacements. He survived and returned to a normal, active life. He would probably still be here if not for the prescription of cholesterol drugs his cardiologist insisted he take. I will never forget they day my parents came home from his checkup and were celebrating the fact his total cholesterol was below 100. I shuddered! I tried to tell them. This was 11 years ago! I knew even then this was a lie.
He died a week later of a heart attack those wonder drugs were supposed to prevent. Thru it all he also developed a form dementia, not Alzheimer. My father was legally murdered and no one will ever convince me otherwise.
My cholesterol is considered high by today’s standards and I have told several in the medical field “don’t even go there with me” I consider it the glue that holds me together.
Tag . it surely holds you and your brain together and you seem to have a good sense of humor which heals too. . . . There is a book from David Permutter – or two bools I have been reading not long ago: BRAIN FOODS and (do not know the exact english title as a read the book in german language) STUPID LIKE BREAD. It is all about colestrol, which our body and brain need so badliy for normal and healing functions and about gluten, which the body does not need, which causes the inflammations, causing cancer. And we modern people eat too much out of common habits. . . . . I like your answer to russ 🙂
It is David Perlmutter – forgot te “l”
As reported in the book “How to Fight Cancer and Win” by William L Fischer and elsewhere, supplementing with a combination of EPA and DHA from FISH OIL, GLA from EVENING PRIMROSE OIL, together with LECITHIN keeps cholesterol emulsified and fluid in the blood. In other words it stops cholesterol solidifying and “glugging up” the cardiovascular system. The melting point of solidified cholesterol is higher than body temperature but the three supplements mentioned lower the melting point to well within body temperature. So, in addition to keeping cholesterol fluid in the blood, solidified cholesterol in arterial plaque is slowly dissolved back into the blood, thus clearing the arteries and keeping them clear. With appropriate nutrition, normally the body makes and regulates its own cholesterol levels. We don’t need statins.
Thankyou, David, for this great advice…thyroid, parotid, breast, and lymph cancer have plagued me so far. a re-occurance of lymph was surgically treated. Now to aggressively treat the whole body with “FIT FOR LIFE” by Harvey and Marilyn Diamond! God Bless!
Lisa, you are right. People are suffering under the tyrany of Big Pharma. Doctors, P. A.’s, N.P.’s ALL prescribe DRUGS that can even be Black Box, with horrendous side effects, and even death, they don’t tell the patient who may not even read the P.I. and know anything about the drug until they’re on the way to the hosp. with a horrific drug reaction. This happened to a friend of mine.
We are now in a battle to keep our freedom of choice in medical care. Alopathic Drs are trained in Medical School… brainwashed with no sleep and drug indoctrination. There are some, that are stepping up and speaking out now. But the U.S. people are now suffering the consequences of the toxing of the environment, increased allergies and asthma in children., leading to the overwhelming need for the drug EpiPen…. which now the greedy company has jacked up the price over 400%, I believe it was. It’s out in the news now. This country is going to reap what it has sown, and the American People are being the ones made to suffer. And yet they choose to remain silent and not be informed about mandates coming out of the FDA, with former Pharma CEO Robert Califf at the head now, effecting the Natural Medicines, Homeopathy, Naturopathic Pharmacies, regulations they don’t even make the Pharma’s TOXIC drugs go through….as they are released, pushed by the Drug Reps. to the Drs… and tested on the people.
I would get a new Dr. if I were you… or better yet be your own physician, Drs. only know how to prescrbe drugs, and those drugs can MESS YOU UP!
Thank you Crystal for the post! I am a homeopath in canada and my husband who was involved in regulating homeopathy in ontario used to receive nasty letters from medical doctors all the time. It was hard to believe and kinda funny to see them being threatened by alternative and effective medicine. As soon as homeopathy was proclaimed (as well as Traditional Chinese Medicine) all threats had stopped… they can not do it anymore.
My husband was found to have blockages in the carotid arteries, more than 70 % . They want to place stents. Prescribed Lipitor even though he had a bad reaction 10 years ago….muscles painful and weak..
Two days now and it’s starting already. I thought stents were placed at 80- 90% am I wrong.? We will stop the Lipitor today! I
Thank you for your help.
Is it typical to place a stent in the carotid arteries for 70-75% blockage?
Ty many many thanks for very useful information on role of Cholesterol in our body
Me too. Everyone is not the same, but but for me it worked. And I can do bacon, hahaha.
what do you recommend for organic, homeopathic alternatives for cholesterol?
If our Dr’s aren’t doing the right tests, which cholesterol tests should we be doing to find the correct answer to what we need?
Lynn, I found them in pubmed and there is some info in
I too was found with high cholesterol but I kept putting off taking any drugs and switched to taking a teaspoon of bees honey with cinnamon powder and lemon juice. I also began drinking hot water after a meal and somehow the levels reduced. Now that have read this i will never take any statins. Thank you
I was told 1/3c. Organic cooked beets, 1 Organic Carrot and Apple a day lowers cholesterol just as effectively as a STATIN drug, plus, no side affects. I’m sure there are more items to pick from if you don’t handle beets well. Google it and ask.
Now you told us statin drugs are not the thing to take so what is good for real high cholesterol ? I take omega 3-6-9 and my cholesterol was bang on
I am sugar free, no simple carbs, grain-free, eat the “good fats” –still considered obese, low HDL, and triglycerides over 200. What am I to do? Have had a right colon resection so have to be careful not to eat too much fiber/too many greens, etc. I do eat limited dairy –not committed to consistent exercise –is that my only problem??
Ezetimibe (zetia) is NOT a statin. Zetimibe belongs to the group of medications known as cholesterol absorption inhibitors. It lowers cholesterol levels by decreasing the body’s ability to absorb cholesterol from the digestive system. Yes, all statins work through the liver – they prevent the body from making cholesterol. Ezetimibe is an entirely different class of drug. It does not lower cholesterol levels as effectively as statins and is not proven to decrease heart attacks. Often it is given concurrently with statins. I take it (Zetia) because like many people with hypothyroidism I cannot tolerate statins.
My cholesterol runs high – so did both my parents – I don’t eat bad and rarely fry or eat fried or junk foods – I am a fan of veggies, salads and fish – though bacon is a favorite at least once a week! My doctor after 15 years of cholesterol being 200-250 put me on atorvastatin – but I was hesitant because everyone I know got diabetes after starting that drug – well – dr said he would test every 3 months to prove to me it wasn’t the atorvastatin that was causing the diabetes – first 3 months – ok and cholesterol went down to under 100 – next 3 OK – but the next 3 cholesterol went up and glucose up and then fatty liver enzymes high – I said I am not living with diabetes and fatty liver because of a 274 cholesterol – so he agreed to me going off the drug for 6 weeks and retest – sure enough – cholesterol back to 274, but glucose back to normal and liver enzymes half what they were so going down – I think I’ll take my chances with trying some more diet adjustments and saving myself from cancer and diabetes and liver issues. I am 67 and take only an aspirin and fish oil daily – with exercise! Have a pacemaker for heart pauses!
Our naturopathic doctor gave us a World Health Organization study of several hundred thousand people. It showed that people who lived the longest had total cholesterol in the range of 220-240.
note that statins are now being used for cancer treatment as repurposed drugs as they allow ‘rogue’ P53 proteins[which increase the cancer cacade] to be unfolded & attacked by the body’s defences
I’m not sure if this feed is being monitored anymore but I desperately need advice. I’ve been on statins for 2 years – Storwin and Ezetrol. I cannot bear the side effects anymore and have been in and out of doctors rooms for months with weird ailments! How do I stop taking statins? Do I wean myself off them or can I stop immediately. I am on a very healthy diet.
Hi Jo-Anne,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Best wishes!
EVERYONE SHOULD BE TESTED FOR THE Lp(a) GENE. I had this same problem with statins with horrible side effects. Since I have the Lp(a) gene that I inherited from my father, I am taking two statins, they are Livalo and Zetia with no side effects. I have to keep my LDL at 50 or below which I do. If you do not take a statin that works for you to keep the bad cholesterol down, you will grow blockage after blockage requiring constant stints or by-pass. Rarely do doctors check for this gene. I had a gene test and I had this horrible gene. As a result my body reads higher than normal cholesterol. I am not overweight and was healthy when this hit me in my early 60’s. I had been under intense stress for years and I guess this gene surfaced. Having had one stint, and two building blockages I had to do something quick. My doctor wanted me to take Crestor but in three days very bad side effects. So, far everything has been managed as I approach 70. I learned you have to be very pro-active when you are dealing with issues like this. Doctors have many patients so we have to be on top of our health. Get checked for this bad gene. The sooner the better!!!
This article is very helpful. I work for a Chiropractor and he informed me several months ago about studies showing cancer linked to statins. I for years have taken this statin and that statin and sorry to say have taken them all and had serious effects. It got so bad that I at age 40 was walking bent over like an 80 year old women unable to sit or lay comfortably for days as my thighs and legs were swollen like melons. Since I have gone through all the statins now doctors want me to try Rapatha which I did for 6 months, had high fevers and body aches. Now they are asking me to try Praluent. I’m tired and I agree with my chiropractor, I’m made this way, can’t change it and for 5 years with supplements and exercise I have got to a cholesterol level I can live with. All this to ask a question. Are there any studies showing that patients who take Rapatha or Praluent will have the same risk for cancer? Do these drugs work differently or are they the same?
What about Jane McLelland or the COC and their cancer-starving repurposed drugs protocol? Simvastin is a crucial component of blocking the metabolic pathways that feed cancer. I would value your opinion on the matter. Thanks!
Thank you, I was JUST going to ask the same question.. and I am a little concerned on why there is not one response over several days now by anyone from TTAC.
Hi Luce – The COC protocol relies on off-label use of drugs to starve cancer and reduce inflammation, just like Mrs. McLelland did. But statin drugs and aspirin have some nasty side effects.
In the article, we discuss the connection between cholesterol and cancer. Cholesterol is important. The use of statin drugs in cancer patients is intended to starve cancer cells, but lowers cholesterol in the process. Fasting and ketosis are effective, natural ways to starve cancer cells that don’t require lowered cholesterol.
Aspirin is used to lower inflammation, but Omega-3 fats can address the underlying issues that cause inflammation instead of simply addressing the symptoms. Plus, foods like grass-fed butter and coconut oil don’t have side effects like aspirin and Simvastin.
When it comes to your health, most drugs require a trade-off; you gain one benefit while causing another symptom. Good health starts with good nutrition, and cholesterol is a big part of that. We definitely encourage that you continue with your research and consult a healthcare professional prior to beginning a protocol or program.
Don’t take statins… once healthy poor dad has 4 months left thanks to this drug.He was left on them too long …bad advice given . There is a rise in bile duct cancer….that was missed. Never smoked …exercised still on his bike at 80
Hi Karen –
I’m so sorry to hear about your father – I’ll be sure to pray for him.
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series so they can give you the most appropriate advice based on your father’s exact condition.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life-saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer-killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
Most doctors will NEVER attribute statin side effects to the drug itself. My father-in-law was on the highest dose of statins for decades. He had all kinds of joint problems and surgeries; he had memory loss: he had severe neuropathy in one foot; and he was depressed enough to take SSRIs.
We finally took him off the statins because he was suicidal. Within a few months his mood problem disappeared. Within two years his joint pain was gone– no more surgeries or cortisone shots –and within 4 years the neuropathy in his foot was gone. Unfortunately the memory loss seems permanent.
You’re so right, Marie. 🙁
We’re so happy to hear that you were able to save your father.
Wishing many blessings and love to you and your family.
Since humanity has been lied to about everything. Wouldn’t surprise me if unscrupulous doctors have given people false diagnosis in order to get life-long customers stuck on medications.
One common side effect of statins is a condition called “intermittent claudication” which interferes with one’s ability to walk very far without developing excruciating pain in the calves of their legs. I found that out myself the hard way. From walking five miles non-stop three or four times per week, I was ultimately reduced to walking a quarter mile, resting my legs for ten minutes, and then limping my way back. Seven years after ditching the statins, firing my cardiologist, and eating a truly healthy diet (essentially what my ex-cardiologist told me was a “heart healthy diet” turned on its head) I eventually increased my maximum walking distance up to half a mile, but that’s where it seemed to permanently stall.
Then in an ordinary health food store discovered a supplement containing a combination of 200mg of Co-Q10 and 20mg of something called PQQ in each capsule. Much to my surprise, within 3 months of taking just one capsule per day my maximum non-stop walking distance was all the way back up to 5 miles, albeit only about 80% as fast as before the statins. I gather that the problem caused by the statins was interfering with the functioning of mitochondria in my leg muscles, and the PQQ plus Co-Q10 seems to have largely reversed that.
After a year of taking it I tried stopping it, trying to save some money and hoping that the recovery of my mitochondria was permanent. After just a few weeks my maximum non-stop walking distance was reduced back to less than 2 miles. I went back to taking it every day and in just a few weeks I was back to walking five miles again. I don’t think I’ll ever try giving it up again.
taxifolin /biodihydroquercetin helps to regulate chlesterol level as the most powerful antioxidant
I have been following your programs for years now. AND I believe whole heartedly so much of what you say, but I still have questions to so many things. My husband just went through 5 rounds of chemo to counteract an anima that they could not figure out how to control. Now he has swollen legs and is finding it difficult to move around.
He is not on board with natural ways through food etc. But I am in a Large Way and have been for some time now. Sooo what I am trying to ascertain is how I can help my husband at the point. The doctor has put him on water pills and I am watching how much salt he is eating, but am interested in more support on treating him w/food.
He also had been diagnosed with asthma, which is in the mix as well.
Long and short of this.. I am going to not let him continue to just eat what He wants! I want to support him as much as I can with food.
I would also like to know what the daily recommended amount of Iodine is?
I so appreciate all that Charlotte and Ty do.. I have bought your programs before, but now are on a more fixed income and cannot take advantage of more then being able to listen to them when they first come out for the 24 hr period, but kudos to you all!!!
Hey Debbie,
Thank you so much for reaching out! We are so sorry to hear about you and your husband’s situation. What’s a good email for us to contact you at? We’d love to send you some products.
TTAC team
I am not a doctor (and I thank God that I am not 🙂
YOu might want to view the Youtube video’s of the Australian Naturopath, Barbara O’Neil. She originally was a nurse in surgery and psychiatry. Her wisdom is so powerful – because she is a devout Christian and she is “following God’s design”. In 2019 Australia BANNED her for life from practicing naturopathy or even lecturing on it. That’s how powerful she is.
I went to her retreat in Alabama this past year. Wonderful.
Here is a video to start with and hear her story about “Let me tell you about Bobby Lieberman”.
An amazing return to health in days and completely in 3 months. No drugs or surgery.
Start at 36:10 where she says “let me tell you about Bobby Lieberman.”
Also see the Youtube interviews of Dr. Satchin Panda by Drs Rhond Patrick and Chatterjee. he is an expert on time-restricted-eating. If you want to address inflammation the best thing you can do is STOP EATING AFTER SUNDOWN. Our body is producing insulin at sundown and organs are turning down some functions – including the release of insulin by the pancreas. The excess sugar/glucose in the blood stream CAUSES inflammation ALL THROUGH THE NIGHT which impairs all healing.
You also might want to read this great book: Practicing Medicine Without A License? The Story of the Linus Pauling Therapy for Heart Disease (Pauling Therapy Handbook)
One of my favorite old docs, William Campbell Douglass says not to worry about cholesterol until it goes over 300.
Thank you for this article. After reading it I decided to immediately take myself off the Pravastatin, 10mg, but I did it suddenly, and that is a huge mistake because it can cause serious health issues, like a heart attack, stroke, and death.
However, through prayer and trusting that the LORD is my protector, I know I’ll get through this hump in the road. So for those who are already on Statin drugs, make sure to have a health practitioner monitor as you go off of them.
If this could be somehow mentioned in your article, that would be helpful to many who like me want to do the right thing when it comes to their health, but need advice when conventional drugs are already being taken.
Hi thanks for replying.I’d read this great article a couple years ago and I hardly ever visit the doctor. She was shocked at my LDL of 7.1 (it’s been higher than that, too) and immediately prescribed simvastatin, of which, (brow-beaten into submission! Eye roll!) I agreed, but planned on re-reading