Does anyone remember the words of FDR: “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself”?
I wonder what he’d say today in light of the current state of PANIC over the coronavirus…
The coronavirus has absolutely dominated the news for the past couple of weeks. Travel has come to a standstill, states are forcing businesses to close, and some parts of the country are already under quarantine. Millions of people are out of work and panicked shoppers have left grocery store shelves bare.
Check out the photos that I took in our local grocery store yesterday. This was the bread aisle, but most of the other aisles were also barren.
If you’ve been to the grocery store lately, you’ve probably seen something similar. The impact on our social lives and the global economy has been massive, especially in the first few weeks of March. Major events have been postponed, thousands of businesses have been forced to close, and the stock markets have taken a major blow.
In an attempt to help slow the spread of the virus, health officials have asked people to practice “social distancing,” where we avoid group events and contact with one another as best we can. Several major sport leagues, including the NBA, MLB, NHL, and Champions League have postponed their seasons indefinitely. The NCAA basketball tournament known as March Madness was originally going to play the games without fans in attendance but has decided to scrap the tournament altogether.
More recently, state and local governments have issued emergency orders banning bars, restaurants, gyms, and other social gathering places from remaining open. Many of these went into effect at midnight on March 17th, dealing a huge blow to the hospitality industry just before St. Patrick’s Day.
In the midst of all that’s happening in the world, there is one underlying disease: FEAR.
People are panicking … begging the government to protect and save them.
But here’s the question few people seem to be asking…
“Do we have enough data to support the panic?”
In a recent article by John P.A. Ioannidis (professor of medicine, of epidemiology and population health, of biomedical data science, and of statistics at Stanford University), he made some good points…
The current coronavirus disease, Covid-19, has been called a once-in-a-century pandemic. But it may also be a once-in-a-century evidence fiasco. … The data collected so far on how many people are infected and how the epidemic is evolving are utterly unreliable. Given the limited testing to date, some deaths and probably the vast majority of infections due to SARS-CoV-2 are being missed. We don’t know if we are failing to capture infections by a factor of three or 300. Three months after the outbreak emerged, most countries, including the U.S., lack the ability to test a large number of people and no countries have reliable data on the prevalence of the virus in a representative random sample of the general population.”
He continued:
In the absence of data, prepare-for-the-worst reasoning leads to extreme measures of social distancing and lockdowns. … If we decide to jump off the cliff, we need some data to inform us about the rationale of such an action and the chances of landing somewhere safe.”
Regardless of whether we have enough data or not, it seems like the mention of the “V” word is getting more and more frequent. Make no mistake… a coronavirus VACCINE is coming! Will it be “mandatory”? Will anyone who refuses the vaccine be ostracized from society or be prohibited from traveling?
In a LA Times article from March 18th, they tell the story of Edward Jenner, crediting him with “saving the most lives ever” with the smallpox vaccine. Then they claim that the anti-vaxxers have “forgotten” about how successful the smallpox vaccine was.
According to the article:
This collective amnesia has allowed for the rise of the anti-vaccine movement, whose irresponsible adherents believe vaccines exist to line the pockets of Big Pharma. They ignore the fact that the smallpox vaccine was so overwhelmingly successful at eradicating the disease that it no longer is routinely given. Are anti-vaxxers ready to start believing in vaccines again?
Please allow me to retort to this wildly inaccurate article…
Vaccinations became mandatory in England in 1853, and by 1857, fines and imprisonment awaited people who refused to be vaccinated against smallpox. And as Dr. Humphries just mentioned, once smallpox vaccination became mandatory in England, massive epidemics began to occur. According to official figures of the Register General of England, between 1857 and 1859, there were over 14,000 deaths from smallpox. Then, between 1863 and 1865, there were over 20,000 smallpox deaths. A few years later, there were almost 45,000 smallpox deaths between 1870 and 1872.
Let’s just say that based on those death statistics, the smallpox vaccine was far from “overwhelmingly successful” as the article claims. I’d call that an abysmal failure!
According to Dr. Suzanne Humphries (in her book “Dissolving Illusions”) an interesting phenomenon occurred in a city called Leicester in England, which saw a massive outbreak of smallpox in 1871, despite an almost 100% vaccination rate. Over the next 15 years, the smallpox vaccine was mandatory and they continued to have outbreaks. However, on March 23, 1885, what became known as the “Great Demonstration” against mandatory vaccination took place in Leicester. The residents of Leicester were fed up and held a rally with over 80,000 people participating. They protested mandatory vaccines and actually won their freedom of choice. Over the next eight years, the vaccination rate went from approximately 95% to only 5%. During that period, if someone had smallpox, everyone in the “infected” house was placed in strict quarantine and the house thoroughly disinfected. And guess what happened! The death rates drastically decreased and there were no more outbreaks!
So the lessons we can learn from Leicester and smallpox is that the vaccine did NOT work, but actually CAUSED further outbreaks. Whereas quarantine and isolation were successful at mitigating the spread of disease.
And while quarantine and isolation are good ideas, what about FORCED quarantine and isolation?
Could that be considered “Medical Martial Law”?
More on that in a moment…
The Coming Coronavirus Vaccine
There are lots of promising, natural treatments available to help combat the virus, but nearly all global effort and funding has been dedicated to the development of a vaccine. In 2015, a patent was filed by The Pirbright Institute for the live, attenuated coronavirus. The application claims that the new virus could be used to create a vaccine for treating or preventing respiratory viruses. The patent was awarded in 2018.
Now, The Pirbright Institute is funded by the UK Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs, the WHO, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. All of these entities have been loud supporters of mandatory vaccinations and more government control based on “health concerns.”
And for several years, Bill Gates has been telling us that a pandemic is coming, and in November of 2019, collaborating with the World Economic Forum, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation hosted “Event 201” where they ran a simulation of a coronavirus pandemic.
But the push for the vaccine has even the staunchest vaccine advocates and scientists worried.
“I understand the importance of accelerating timelines for vaccines in general, but from everything I know, this is not the vaccine to be doing it with,” Dr Peter Hotez, dean of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, told Reuters.
Hotez worked on development of a vaccine for SARS (Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome), the coronavirus behind a major 2003 outbreak, and found that some vaccinated animals developed more severe disease compared with unvaccinated animals when they were exposed to the virus.
“There is a risk of immune enhancement,” said Hotez. “The way you reduce that risk is first you show it does not occur in laboratory animals.”
The researchers at Pitt are even considering attaching the coronavirus to a genetically modified measles vaccine. Ummm….yeah…. that sounds like a “great idea.” (sarcasm intended)
But the vaccine won’t be available for at least a year, so in the meantime, we’re hearing some bizarre recommendations … like ….
We’re hearing the “doctors” on TV and major newspapers (like the New York Times) recommending that you should get a FLU vaccine to protect against Coronavirus.
But a 2017-2018 study published in the prestigious journal “Vaccine” (a peer-reviewed medical journal) revealed the following:
Examining non-influenza viruses specifically, the odds of both coronavirus and human metapneumovirus in vaccinated individuals were significantly higher when compared to unvaccinated individuals (OR = 1.36 and 1.51, respectively)”
In other words, the flu shot increases your risk of contracting coronavirus by 36%!
But What About Italy?
A recent article in Bloomberg (titled “99% of Those Who Died From Virus Had Other Illness”) illustrates an overlooked variable in the “corona-panic” equation. And that variable would be the status of the immune system in those who are exposed.
The study found the following:
More than 99% of Italy’s coronavirus fatalities were people who suffered from previous medical conditions, according to a study by the country’s national health authority.”
The Rome-based institute has examined medical records of about 18% of the country’s coronavirus fatalities, finding that just three victims, or 0.8% of the total, had no previous pathology. Almost half of the victims suffered from at least three prior illnesses and about a fourth had either one or two previous conditions. More than 75% had high blood pressure, about 35% had diabetes and a third suffered from heart disease.”
The Bloomberg article also pointed out that the primary threat is to the elderly (the average age of someone who died was 79.5) and that the fatality rate may have been significantly overblown. Rather than 8%, the fatality rate may, in fact, be closer to the global average of about 2%.
This new report challenges much of the global reporting on the topic which presents a unilateral narrative that simply being exposed (within six feet) to someone who may have tested positive for the virus is life-threatening, independent of one’s health status and other precautions one might take, such as supporting one’s immune system. Elderly people, already taking multiple prescription drugs for chronic diseases, are highly susceptible to opportunistic infections due to their chronic conditions, the adverse effects of pharmaceuticals, and subsequently weakened immune systems.
Below is a table indicating the COVID-19 fatality rate by age.
As is evident, those who are younger than 60 years old have less than 1% chance of death if exposed.
What About the PCR Test?
According to David Crowe (a Canadian software and telecommunications engineer with a degree in biology who is an expert in global infections such as SARS, Ebola, and flu), the coronavirus panic is an irrational panic, based on an unproven RNA test called “polymerase chain reaction” (PCR).
In his own words:
The coronavirus test is based on PCR, a manufacturing technique. When used as a test it does not produce a positive/negative result, but simply the number of cycles required to detect genetic material. The division between positive and negative is an arbitrary number of cycles chosen by the testers. If positive means infected and negative means uninfected, then there are cases of people going from infected to uninfected and back to infected again in a couple of days.
In layman’s terms, Mr. Crowe suggests that since the PCR test looks for RNA, there is no proof that it detects a virus. Furthermore, there is no proof that the virus causes disease. He asserts that the data is being interpreted to benefit the viral theory, and there is zero concern for false positive results. He concludes that medical papers are propaganda to increase panic.
He continues:
The world is suffering from a massive delusion based on the belief that a test for RNA is a test for a deadly new virus, a virus that has emerged from wild bats in China, supported by the western assumption that Chinese people will eat anything that moves. If the virus exists, then it should be possible to purify viral particles. From these particles RNA can be extracted and should match the RNA used in this test. Until this is done it is possible that the RNA comes from another source, which could be the cells of the patient, bacteria, fungi etc. There might be an association with elevated levels of RNA and illness, but that is not proof that the RNA is from a virus. Without purification and characterization of virus particles, it cannot be accepted that an RNA test is proof that a virus is present.
Mr. Crowe mentions “false positives” and there is a shocking new Chinese scientific paper that calculated the false positive rate for asymptomatic patients as … (wait for it) … 80%!!
And here’s a scientific study published less than 2 weeks ago which shows just under 50% false positives!
So, is this really a pandemic, or are people panicking based on a test which is producing anywhere from 50% to 80% false positives?
Medical Martial Law?
In times of crisis, it’s not uncommon for citizens to willingly give up their rights in the name of “safety” and “the greater good.” The coronavirus scare is no exception. Around the world, tens of millions of people have been placed under quarantine.
Since the outbreak of the virus a few months ago, government officials have exercised unprecedented authority to monitor and detain citizens. The effort to control media coverage has reached a fevered pitch, and there doesn’t seem to be any sign that the nanny state is going anywhere.
The efforts to quarantine those suspected of carrying the coronavirus seem to have had little effect on its global transmission. Nevertheless, millions of people in China and around the world have been put on lock-down. These people are confined to their homes, ships, or temporary “quarantine zones” with no due process.
And although you may expect this kind of authoritarian response in communist China, the west is facing similar detention efforts.
In New York City, thousands of people are currently under quarantine. Although New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio claims that most of the quarantines are “voluntary,” many of them aren’t. We saw during the measles “epidemic” last year that Mayor de Blasio has no problem with violating the freedom of American citizens when he tried to force unvaccinated families to receive their shots.
Although New York Governor tried to assure reporters that there are no plans to quarantine New York City amid the coronavirus outbreak, Mayor de Blasio said in an interview on CNN that “We’re absolutely considering that. We’re going to look at all other options, but it could get to that for sure for the whole country.”
San Francisco has already implemented such a quarantine. Officials in six San Francisco Bay Area counties issued a sweeping shelter-in-place mandate Monday affecting nearly 7 million people, ordering residents to avoid any unnecessary travel by any method and only leave their homes for food, medicine and exercise.
The Constitution of the United States is a law for rulers and people, equally in war and in peace, and covers with the shield of its protection all classes of men, at all times and under all circumstances.” – Ex parte Milligan, U.S. Supreme Court (1866)
Today the “coronavirus-panic” gives government fuel and cover for its assaults on freedom and poses a question the government does not want to answer: If liberty can be taken away in times of crisis, then is it really liberty; or is it just a license, via a temporary government permission slip, subject to the whims of politicians in power?
The government has no authority to dictate how many people choose to congregate for any peaceful purpose.
Our First Amendment states:
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble.
Telling people to not attend church is a violation of the constitutional clause, “prohibiting the free exercise thereof.”
Telling people they cannot gather in groups of more than 20 or 30 (or whatever arbitrary number) is a clear violation of the constitutional clause, “no law . . . prohibiting . . . the right of the people peaceably to assemble.”
The coronavirus or any other “emergency” does NOT cancel or negate the Constitution and Bill of Rights.
We have far more to fear from “Big Government” tyranny than we do from any virus. Moreover, liberty is natural and personal. You can sacrifice yours, but you cannot sacrifice mine.
The Good News!
There are natural ways to fight off viral infections and keep your immune system healthy, one of which is vitamin C, which is currently being used in China against COVID-19 coronavirus and has been officially recommended by the Shanghai government.
The coronavirus can be dramatically slowed, or stopped, with the immediate widespread use of high doses of vitamin C. Physicians have demonstrated the powerful antiviral action of vitamin C for decades. There has been a lack of media coverage of this effective and successful approach against viruses in general, and coronavirus in particular.
Is vitamin C a “cure” for coronavirus? The reality is that there is no “cure” for coronavirus (or any virus for that matter). We are exposed to literally thousands of ‘harmful’ viruses each and every day, but with a functioning immune system and intake of natural antivirals, we shouldn’t have to worry about any of the viruses … including coronavirus!
Want proof that vitamin C may be an answer? Anyone saying that vitamin therapy can stop coronavirus is already being labeled as “promoting false information” and promulgating “fake news.” Even the sharing of verifiable news, and direct quotes from credentialed medical professionals, is being restricted or blocked on social media.
Another supplement we take every day is iodine (specifically Detoxadine, formulated by Dr. Edward Group). Iodine exhibits activity against bacteria, molds, yeasts, protozoa, and many viruses. Interestingly, of all the antiseptic preparations suitable for direct use on humans and animals and upon tissues, only iodine is capable of killing all classes of pathogens (gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi, yeasts, viruses and protozoa).
According to Dr. David Brownstein:
Iodine is essential to not only fighting off an infection it is necessary for proper immune system functioning. There is no bacteria, virus, parasite or fungus that is known to be resistant to iodine.”
One of the main problems with coronavirus is that it creates a “cytokine storm,” which is induced by the activation of NLRP3 inflammasomes. According to a recent article from Italy, melatonin inhibits the NLRP3 inflammasome, so it may be a truly unique molecule to fight against COVID-19. Simply stated, adequate melatonin levels may reduce the infectiousness of coronavirus and may also diminish the chances of developing acute respiratory distress syndrome and acute lung injury.
Also, silver has been utilized as a medicine since ancient times to treat scores of ailments, including the bubonic plague. It works by interfering with the enzymes that allow a virus to utilize oxygen thus, in essence, suffocating it so it cannot do damage in the body. Silver nanoparticles have proven to exert antiviral activity against HIV-1 at non-cytotoxic concentrations, but the mechanism underlying their HIV-inhibitory activity has not been not fully elucidated. In this study, silver nanoparticles are evaluated to elucidate their mode of antiviral action against HIV-1 using a panel of different in vitro assays.
Interestingly, a little over 100 years ago, during the infamous Spanish flu epidemic of 1918-19, it has been estimated that 50 million people died worldwide. In the USA alone, 550,000 people died, which was approximately 10% of the people afflicted with the flu. Homeopathic physicians documented then more than 62,000 patients treated with homeopathy resulting in a mortality of 0.7%. For people who were sick enough to be hospitalized, conventional medicine had a mortality of 30% while with 27,000 documented hospitalized cases, homeopathy was reporting a mortality of 1.05% (Journal of the American Institute of Homeopathy 1921; 13:1028-43).
Remember … when it comes to the coronavirus (or any other bacteria or virus for that matter) …
Don’t worry … BE HEALTHY!
Links to previous articles on coronavirus:
Coronavirus: Detention, the Demise of Freedom, the Perils of 5G & Personal Protection
CORONAVIRUS: “The Good, the Bad, and the Answers!”
Man-Made Coronavirus Kills Hundreds (Bill Gates has a Vaccine for That)
20 Million Quarantined as “Deadly” Coronavirus Reaches the U.S.
I fully appreciate the time it took to gather this information. You fully incorporated all the information I’ve found in my research over the last week. We are kin in truth. Thank you for all you do!
Thank you so much for your kind words! We love hearing from our like minded community. Keep researching!
Where can we obtain these vitamins which are described to fight this virus? Sureil hey cannot be obtained at Walmart or Walgreens ,so please can you share this with averyone.
Jamie, hello!
You can get the vitamins and supplements we are personally using and recommend to others right here:
Liposomal Vitamin C:
Gut Health Kit (for immunity boosting):
Best wishes!
Your reports are always professional and accurate, backed by scientific research. One small detail I have picked up from reading relevant material is the anti- microbial effects of copper which beats that of silver. Even just replacing wooden and plastic doorknobs with copper, bannisters, taps, utensils are an instant deterrent to all microbes.
THANKS FOR THE DATA IN LEICESTER. I have a hard time to get through to my DOctor- son and Doctor- brother with my plaidoyer against vaccins, but with those “facts” what can they say ???
INdeed i remember now that i got mails and mails since october titled “US BIllionaire prédicts pandemie” ” .. NOW this seems VERY VERY strange .
We are in a dark age .
You have no ideal how Dark . Thanks to Ty and Charlene for the light and the fight they are sharing with us.
It’s community members like you, that stand in the light with us. Thank you so much, Tommy.
I have been looking for common sense in all this insanity. Thanks you both so much and I am sharing the article hoping others will stop buying into the fear.
Thank you for being here with us, and helping us spread truth. God bless, Margot.
The government controls is what I find most disturbing about this…
Thanks for such an informative article.
Those of us who can see a step further than what is on the surface share the same fear, Naomi. You are not alone. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
BBC article that features a FB post;
Please read the FB post. The same theory is voiced here on Dana Ashlie interview with “anonymous insider”;
This upcoming mandatory vaccine has to be stopped and if you agree consider to circulate the information. Thanks.
Hello ~ thank you for this very interesting article full of information that is very thought provoking, especially about melatonin for me.
Since you are very comprehensive sweeping the globe searching for health information and strategy here are some other things to check out if you havent yet.
If you havent heard of it, you might want to look into LDN (low dose naltrexone) as another possible preventative. Check out LDN Science.
Dr. Nenninger , who is working in Russia right now
There are many medicinal mushroom links and providers out there but Mushroom Mountain and article link by Stephen H. Buhner is excellent. His work is comprehensive.
Best to you and thank you for your work.
Thank you so much for your wonderful articles for which much work has been implemented!!
Can you use your influence to reach key personnel in the Trump administration, please !! You are Christian I believe and they are Christian – God Bless You .
Thomas Cowan M.D. newsletter 2/28/20 speaks of 5G. A 5 min video of him speaking at health conference ” Thomas Cowan 5G coronavirus ” he says aluminum in bodies from vaccine can act as receptor for the EMF;s.
Why are vaccines the go-to “solution” for everything these days?
They don’t work…they never worked… and they create and spread disease. (I guess I just answered my own question!)
Learn How Vaccines Shed (Spread) the Diseases They Were Meant to Prevent
Hello Walter, vaccines are the go to because they are a cash cow. Exactly what you said, they create the market. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.
I agree 100% wit what you are saying. There is some vaccination that we all will be forced to take. As a breast cancer survivor of 11 years now, who refused the chemo, surgery and radiation, I used High dose intravenous vit c as one of my main anti cancer treatments . I discuss al my methods used in my book “Cancer Healed Naturally”. Thankyou for the good news and hope that you are spreading into the world by showing people that you can overcome cancer naturally and live a long life. you have confirmed to me that many of the treatments that I did and still are doing are used in other parts of the world successfully. This has been encouraging and inspirational.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us, Danielle.
Thank you for being a voice of sanity amidst all the irrational hype!
The panic seems to have taken over the actual threat. Thank you for being here with us and staying calm.
God bless the Bollinger Family and Friends. Doing Gods work spreading the TRUTH.
Thank you so much for spreading the truth with us, Larry. God bless you and your loved ones.
And what about Medical Ozone, Hulda Clarke Zappers, & Thieves Essential Oils for 100+ year old treatments for viruses. If you went to a doctor in the 1890-1920 era, they would most likely inject ozone via some protocol which has been greatly improved today, & you would get an ozone treatment for your problem. Then there was the Rife machine treatments offered by many doctors. We’re slowly learning that all of these old treatments worked very well as anti viral, anti bacterial, & anti fungal treatments, & that’s why most people had never even heard the word ‘cancer’ until pharmaceutical treatments took over the health management industry. Now these old treatments are sold under the mantle of anti-aging treatments! You’ve already done an article on using ozone to treat viruses, but why no mention of it here? Take a look –
There is Safe, Cheap, Self Treatment to end ALL VIRUSES!! Self treating with Medical Ozone only takes 10 seconds to kill 99% of bad bacteria, fungi, yeast, mold, and viruses 3,500 times faster than chlorine –
Hi Ty and Charlene, I am from Austria! Thanks for your articles and all the information you are providing!
Here in Europe are also a lot of doctors critic with the PCR tests and a lot of them are also saying that the situation is not really so worse like it is shown. It is crazy, because people are real in fear and they are not able to think and proof the informations that we get.
I am relaxt and I don’t have fear against a virus. Three years ago I was suffering from Eppstein Barr virus. 5 month I had time to proof all of the natural remedies the are known for their
antivral ingidients. And I healed myselfe, because my doctors told me that they could not do anything against the virus.
So I started to explore different ways to strengthen my Immunesystem and found so much helpful plant and substances.
But back to the current situation. I belife that thet it is planned on a long therm. 2017 the WHO chanced there Pandemie strategie and the rules, now it is much easier to react in the sudden way.
But whats behind going on? Why do they crash economy?
A lot of questions at the moment.
Wish you all the best and lets see whats coming.
Interested to know your immune builders!?
Hello Marimae,
we recommend high doses of vitamin C:
We’re also recommending Detoxadine:
We hope that helps.
Would you please share with me what you used to heal yourself of Epstein Barr?
Thank you!
I understand Marimae’s reply to be a question for Alex. I’d like to know What Alex used to heal from Epstein Barr as well. Alex, if you see this, I’d be grateful for your reply. Thank you!
Hi Ty and Charlene, once again common sense is not as common as one would have it. Ever since our paths crossed when Ty was in the East recording the cancer preventative and natural treatment series my respect has grown for you two. You are driven by your hearts and your results checked by your brains. All of which is difficult to fault. Thank you for the information supplied today. May our Lord Bless you for your sharing and your diligence.
Love you guys, Geoff Hale and family
We are so honored by your kind words. Thank you for your continued support of us. God bless you and your loved ones.
What type or brand of Iodine is best to take?
Hello RB, this is what Ty and Charlene use:
We hope that helps.
Great input! It’s obvious, the COVID story targets a few goals. And the people health is not on the goal list. Actually, all this history is about tuning the methods and instruments of manipulating people . And it’s quite clear that it’s pretty easy to pound them up. And make them crave after the Order…
Finally! Some rationality in a clear form.
Thank-you and Blessings
Thank you so much, Richard. We appreciate having you here with us.
Thank you for putting this out there, if only the masses and media would read this article. This is a good lesson on how easily people can get caught up in hysteria and how far they will go, from hoarding to capitalizing to 15 minutes of fame. The only positive thing that has come out of this is that the air quality has improved and thousands of people won’t die from air pollution.
There is a small silver lining, indeed. Thank you so much for being part of the calm and logical population, Carla.
RNA is an acronym for ?
RiboNuecleicAcid- it’s the sister to DNA & we must have it balanced to maintain good health
The Cure is worse than the virus!!! Patients with high blood pressure are treated with Ribavirin which lowers your red blood count making this Cure very deadly for this group! They know this and are using the statistics for a death count to raise the number of victims for the Propaganda Plandemic!!!
Couldn’t figure the association with cv and high blood pressure! This makes perfect sense, and they know this!!! Share this information with everyone please!!!
They’re treating cv patients with Ribavirin, which lowers their red blood count making the cure very dangerous for the patients with high blood pressure!!! Allowing them to create the scenarios for high mortality rates, and simply good for the business of promoting the propaganda plandemic!!!
Cure worse than the virus!!!
They’re treating cv patients with Ribavirin, which lowers their red blood count making the cure very dangerous for the patients with high blood pressure!!! Allowing them to create the scenarios for high mortality rates, and simply good for the business of promoting the propaganda plandemic!!!
I appreciate all of your “sane” information. As a preventative and health conscious individual, I am grateful to know nature derived vitamins/ foods are still the best way of handling this and other viruses. Thank you for all you do.
Thank you so much, Diane. We appreciate having you here with us.
Is anyone looking in to see what bills are being passed while the media is keeping all of us busy with the coronavirus?
In your book “CANCER – step outside the box” you wrote what happened after 9/11/01. What happened in Florida 10/11/01, while the news was only busy with the 9/11 attack, & no one new what’s going on.
We need to look further than this so called “Coronavirus-epidemic”. Are they trying to reach their goal of “2020 healthy people” with forced vaccines all over the country for all ages?
I hope that more & more people with various positions throughout the country will keep an eye on what else is going on behind the “coronavirus scenes” & make a timely awareness to the public.
Thank you for your article & for all the work that you’re doing. “it’s amazing” is an understatement…
Best Regards,
Israel Fishman
That is an excellent observation, and may not at all fall far from the truth here in this instance as well. Stepping back and watching what is happening beyond what is clogging the news right now is certainly a great idea. Thank you so much for sharing.
I find your focus on our individual freedom to be disturbing at a time like this. I am not one that is panicking, hoarding, or even the least bit anxious about staying in place. Instead, I see it as an opportunity to slow down, for the world to slow down for just awhile. We may find we actually prefer life at a slower pace. We may find that the world coming together will bring out so much good. This should be our focus now, not whether or not my Constitutional rights are being violated. It is not a time to think about what is good for me, but what is best for the world at large. Physical distancing is just plain common sense, but some people need to be told by higher authorities because they do not have common sense and only think about what is good for them as an individual, i.e., spring breakers flooding the beaches in Florida. Most people are self isolating, because it’s the smart thing to do. If my temporary sacrifice of freedom will protect my aging parents, or someone else’s parents, then it is the least I can do.
Thank you once again for a great article, couldn’t have come at a better time. As my relatives are emailing each other regarding coronavirus and the government mandates, I am going to include this article when I email them today
Glad it brought you some clarity, Beth. Thank you so much for being here with us.
During this crisis, I think you should reduce the price of your product drastically. It is way overpriced and that reduces your perceived credibility. Which I don’t question. I am just saying it looks bad. It is also good to put people before profit and not price gouge during crisis times.
Hello Dan, this isn’t our product. We promote it because Ty and Charlene have researched it and know it to be high quality. In fact, that’s what they take. We hope you can understand. Thank you so much for reaching out.
Hello and thank you for all your great information!
I would like to you talk about Ozone therapy and if it can be a reliable and safe approach for the virus in addition to all the other the other modalities you have suggested. I do have an ozone machine and go to a dentist that specializes in ozone therapy. Dr. Mark Hyman wrote about this just recently.
Thank you!
Susan- nterested in your dentist and ozone therapy- where would he be located ?
Thank you very much for the information. As a Christian I resist attempts to make me afraid of things. Your comment that negated Liberty is actually a temporary license to live free – is exactly what I believe, too. I must say you phrased it better, though. I WANT TO GO TO CHURCH! My church and an Upper Room service I often attend have both closed. Love y’all, Maria – Venus, Texas.
We completely understand that frustration, Maria. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts with us.
If as mentioned above, “In 2015, a patent was filed by The Pirbright Institute for the live, attenuated coronavirus. The application claims that the new virus could be used to create a vaccine for treating or preventing respiratory viruses. The patent was awarded in 2018. Now, The Pirbright Institute is funded by the UK Department for Environment, Food, and Rural Affairs, the WHO, and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. All of these entities have been loud supporters of mandatory vaccinations and more government control based on “health concerns.” “..would it have been these folks that released this Coronavirus, accidentally or purposefully? And why now?
They say the official number of people who died of covid 19 in Italy is just a tip of iceberg. They cannot even count them anymore. I would’nt be so optimistic about the death rate.
Ty, once again terrific insights! Re the unreliability of Covid testing, isn’t there a risk that we are getting a lot of false negatives. I do think incredible fear factor, while dangerous re financial and economic, has to help with containment. While many of us following TTAC are taking good care of our immune systems, the masses out there that aren’t, are worrisome. Also, don’t these pandemics have a natural way of playing out, not that that is a comforting solution? I am so taken with the work of Dr. Paul Marik with his special IV Vitamin C cocktail and I really believe this therapy could save many acute Covid sufferers’ lives!
Those who have spent time building their health and immune system are truly blessed at this time, we completely agree. We hope this is a wake up call for the rest of the world.
Has anyone ever tried Xylitol for CV?
Please, please watch the following interview with Dr. Paul Cottrell in the link below posted on Mike Adams Natural News website. It is of paramount importance that this information is known and more and more people prepare for what is coming. Dr. Cottrell is an avid homeopath fan and makes numerous recommendations at the end of the interview (last 6 – 7 minutes).
Thank you so much for sharing this, William.
I just saw the local news today and one of the lead stories was that people under 50 have been tested positive for the C-virus. They are trying to say that EVERY ONE is now at risk to force compliance. The local and national news and/or the govt. have not said anything about vitamin C or vitamin D, in fact I have seen many posts about the spring breakers being irresponsible.
Absolutely correct, it is the lead up to the next step which will most likely be mandatory vaccinations. Thank you so much for your comment, Jeff.
Dear Ty and Charlene:
Perhaps the best lines here are “Today the “coronavirus-panic” gives government fuel and cover for its assaults on freedom and poses a question the government does not want to answer: If liberty can be taken away in times of crisis, then is it really liberty; or is it just a license, via a temporary government permission slip, subject to the whims of politicians in power?” I’m so sorry that you had to even write that. If another Great Depression happens out of this, it will be of the politician’s making. I live in North Dakota. On March 13th, our governor said he would play it cool and not cancel school. Forty-eight hours later, he calls off school for the week. Then he changed his mind and said they’d open the doors on April 6th. Now the closures are indefinite. We don’t have school-aged children yet, and we plan to homeschool anyway, but I know so many people are affected. My mom’s diner is closed to sit-in customers until April 6th. Our oldest daughter has ASD, and we’re treating her her homeopathically. In fact, we’ve been using PuraThrive before it was cool! Thank you for this piece. As Ben Franklin said, “We must hang together, or surely, we’ll all hang separately.”
Hello friends, a PCR test is as accurate as you can get. PCR works by using a specific set of primers (think of primers as a highly specific magnet) the primers (which are made of nucleic acids, letters of DNA and RNA to keep it simple) will only bind to the complimentary sequence (the letters in the RNA sequence corresponding to the virus). If the letters do not match even by one letter the primer (magnet) cannot bind and you cannot have a PCR reaction take place. It does not matter how many cycles of PCR you do. If the primer doesn’t bind you won’t get a reaction. There could not possibly be a more accurate test than a PCR test with a virus specific primer. Also, I see the panic, but I also see a lot of love and people reaching out to help each other. I have been a healthy individual my whole life and have received an endless number of vaccines from childhood through adulthood for travel to different parts of the world. I am tired of hearing about “greedy big pharma”. I worked in this industry and there are so many good, humble and intelligent people who are doing their very best to help. The biotech industry is filled with wonderful people who got into science not in the slightest for money, but because of a wonderment of biology and a genuine heart to help. I think every industry has its evil (including herbal medicine which undoubtedly has plenty of snake oil remedies), but that doesn’t mean that everyone and everything is bad. There is good and bad in everything. No more generalizing. Let’s take time to evaluate each company’s products and morals before we attack. This goes for western medicine and holistic therapies. Both sides need to be open to all ideas and I am sorry, but evidence is important. We all generalize way too much especially when you say “big pharma”. What does that mean? Who are you talking about? I mean this from the depths of my heart with concern for everyone. It really boils down to good science, good intentions and taking out greed. You cannot say that both industries have all good and all bad. Please don’t knock all of biotech because if you met these people face to face you would probably hug most of them because your heart would swell with joy as you felt their good vibrations. Please keep an open mind to everything and don’t shut the door on anything. Once you take a side you become polarized and you lose the full picture. Keep an open mind. I like to sit on the fence between both worlds and see what everyone brings to the table without judgement.
@Jason Santosuosso PCR test [I heard] hav a 50% false positive rate? Is that true?
Google Average annual Iatrogenic deaths in USA, then panic & go on lock down! Based on the figures, iatrogenesis may cause as many as 225,000 deaths per year in the United States (more than all the casualties from wars that America has fought in its entire history.) An earlier Institute of Medicine report estimated 230,000 to 284,000 iatrogenic deaths annually. So far it looks like 107 people have died from Covid 19! Our Democrat inspired gov. controlled socialist medicine kills that meany in 4 hours, year after year! LOOK it do the math school/ media brainwashed dumb-downed Suckers! P.S. Government answer will be “We need More Power to fix Covid 19 20 & 21 OR were all gunna die ! Our industrial medical complex is not the place to look for “Health”!
What is your solution to the crisis in the hospitals as more and more people are being admitted that can’t breathe properly? Are they just over reacting to the lack of beds and equipment , staff ?
It’s refeshing to read about, high dose But C ,Iodine and Silver ..
Has used all of them for years on my granddaughters while they little up until today… Along with baking soda in water to to alkalize their systems so that viruses and bacteria can’t grow in an alkaline system , very successfully…also not getting caught up in the fear moggering..attendend the presentation in Anaheim…it was wonderful…thank you all for your courage to keep presenting truth …
A comment in another newsletter I read stated that with summer coming and people being
out in the sun the virus will diminish. The light went on and I had a 2 + 2 moment. We all
know that during the summer the flu & colds aka viruses are all but gone, we also know that
the sun allows the body to manufacture vitamin D in our skin. Now I know why vitamin D3 is
is so important in preventing or reducing a virus. I have read you need to take between 5,000
and 12,000 IU a day during the winter, I personally take 8,000 most days, but then what do I
Know I’m just a hick who reads. I quit taking the flu shot about 15 years ago and not once
have I gotten the flu where before two weeks in bed every year. Prayer, nutrition and supplements.
When the toilet paper rush happened, I labeled this event the Panic-demic, and I felt that it was going to get worse before it eased up.
Thank you so much for this helpful information. I have a question about something you said. In your table, the death rate was 1.3% for those aged 50 to 59 years, but below the table, you said, “As is evident, those who are younger than 60 years old have less than 1% chance of death if exposed.” Should that statement be changed to make it match the table information?
I sent a comment, worded a little differently than the above paragraph, earlier today, but it didn’t appear, so I tried sending it again a few minutes ago, with the same wording as the first time I sent it, but I got an automatic reply saying I had already sent that message. I looked again and am unable to find it, so that’s why I reworded it just now and am now going to try again to send it. I hope it works this time!
Hi there, Susan! Thank you for re-submitting your comment.
This information has been sent to Ty for review and he will make any necessary changes. Thank you so much!
In regards to the FDR quote at the beginning of the article … I disagree with him on that. HE was what we should have feared – he and all those like him who want to increase the scope of government and trample the Constitution. Those who think the solution to every problem is some sort of government program or intrusion into our lives or giving up one more piece of our liberty.
I am not nearly as afraid of a virus as I am of what the powers that be will make of the situation. I think they are testing us to see how much people will push back and how much they will just accept. To what extent can people be stirred up into a frenzy and panic?
I listened to this podcast this morning. (Print version is there too.). It is not clear that they even know what they are testing for, or that this is even an identifiable illness.
It is sad how the whole world can be so influenced by something. This does not bode well for the future of liberty.
Ty and Charlene,
Thank you both.
Valuable and accurate science-based and peer-reviewed articles on trial clinical studies are being pushed aside to remain another ‘Oh well’ as the media plays dangerously on the edge of outright deception. OH! the need for prayer to wake and shake us up! . . . Just like a Super Bowl fumble in the 4th quarter with 10 seconds left in the game for a miraculous 50-yard line punt – holds memorable but empty enthusiasm! Papa Abba will REVEAL truth in HIS TIME while opposing agendas treacherously conceal without a care for human life.
Amen to that, belle!
God bless us all in this trying time. He and He alone has the answers and He has provided them for the good of humanity. We just need to accept them.
Great article! As a Healthcare professional for 35 years, I never trust the current pharmaceutical concoctions being sold to millions every year- all making the patients sicker every year!!! Shame on connecting pharmaceuticals with healthcare!
Thank you for weighing in, we really appreciate hearing from healthcare professionals.
I am so tired. I am a bottom line person. Cancer is such a wordy suggest. And there seems to be a cure and everyone avoid saying it. Eat this.😈 not that. Change this, keep doing that etc, etc. NOW if this cancer is back, ME want to know why. Why doesn’t doctor take responsibility. Not enough chemo or whatever, didn’t get it all, WELL this or that is cause. I’m just tired of reading….. wordy …wordy. can we get to “bottom line.” Yes “it” may be back. I am praising and praying it isn’t true. The LORD already took it and healed me. I have learned a lot at beginning of our connection. So I do love you very much. I
I would give anything if President Trump gave credence to Vitamin C! You know he wants to!! <3
I agree and I believe he needs to say what he wants to without having to answer to anyone …he is our leader and I believe was put here for a time such as this as anybody weaker would never be able to make it. God knew what was coming and I firmly believe He is not the author of fear and this too shall pass. This fantastic article given to us by Ty and Charlene is brilliant and clears up the panic that is intended to scare and I am so thankful to them for sharing with us. Spiritual warfare is very real so we must be faithful and stay strong. We Americans have withstood many things and will come out of this even stronger. I thank God for the Truth and for putting Ty and Charlene on a platform where they can tell it with fact not fake.
Hello Donna, you honor us with your kind words! We couldn’t agree with your more. Thank you so much for your support of us. God bless.
This virus is being used as a coverup, a smoke screen for something very sinister to come. This virus doesn’t kill; it kills in very few and specific cases. If you are moderately healthy you’ll survive as if you got a bad flu. Cough, sneezing has never killed anyone. We have reached a point where sneezing or coughing in public is not acceptable, but farting is ok. How do I know? I am no doctor but I am not stupid either. The organizers can pull this pathetic trick on the non thinking stupid cattle (90% of the population) but not on me.
I was born in west Africa in the 40’s where tropical deadly diseases were rampant, from Malaria, to Cholera, Dysentery, to diseases that I even forgot the names. The local hygienic conditions were the worst you can imagine (garbage uncollected in streets, rats on garbage, etc…), no good refrigeration system to conserve your food, and much much more. There were people infected that we knew, very few died, people were living their usual life but taking precaution like wash hands before every meal. There was no medication available and the best protection at the time was quinine pills that everybody used to take as prevention; the government at that time advised to take it and take a few hygienic measures. No quarantine, people would mix and mingle everywhere, markets, beaches, bars, restaurants. Airport was overcrowded, planes coming and going were packed.
What does the gov is doing here today? Quarantining people, shutting down countries, restricting movement. Has at any point the government suggested anything that can curb the virus? Absolutely nothing implicitly saying there is no products that can help. This is a scam, a lie. We had to wait 2 months for someone to come forward and say that Vit C helps. Has the gov said anything about that, except to do everything to keep people in the dark. Was ascorbic acid invented yesterday? Nope. And Vict C is not the only product that curb the virus, believe me there many more.
So the picture is very clear, governments are under the command of a bunch of psychopath whose plan is to enslave the human race.
All this, is happening because of one real fact: 90% of the people out there are non thinking stupid cattle. This is a fact. If they were not, we would not be in this situation at all, the medical system would not be what it is today. Doctors would not be educated imbeciles in white coat.
If you like vaccines, then take one before each meal. I personally don’t want to hear about it.
Since only the immune system can fight pathogens (Corona virus-flu virus) and stress destroys the immune system, all the Government did was lower everyone’s immune system with fear and false futures of mass death from something not proven to be a killer.
Increasing the immune system is taking high doses of Vit C ascorbate (not ascorbic) buffered C, its far cheaper than liposomal and works just fine (a tblsp/day), next a study in England showed that between placebo group and Vit D3 (1gm/day) group the Vit D group had a 70% increase in immunity from bacterial and viral respiratory tract infection, ( I take 10k iu/day). Everyone is low in Magnesium and Mg decreases from stress, take Mg daily (you know you’ve had too much if you get diarhea). Zinc is a known immune system support, so during the winter flu season its a must. I make a batch of colloidal silver and take it if I get a cold or flu and its gone much more quickly as it kills bacteria and virus. Garlic is a great anti microbial. Sugar (highly acidic) is a immune system destroyer, stop eating all forms of sugar ( higher gmo carbs are in that also). Pathogens cannot live in an alkaline environment so more veggies and not too much meat (acidic). Live longer, be happy, watch comedy movies and laugh, and get out for some exercise (it oxygenates the blood – pathogens cannot live in an oxygen rich environment).
Year after year I would succumb to my doctors pushing me to get the flu shot and every year I would get sick with the flu. Each year I would get sicker until I finally said “no more”. For the last 2 years I have refused the flu shot and although I have been exposed to the flu and strep several times, I have not gotten sick and remain healthy.
Proof positive, Alex! We’re thrilled that you said “no” to this poison and that your health has improved! God bless you!
Happy to read such a sane article with facts, figures and data gleaned at such a time. I like the first few comments and echo the remarks appreciating the time it took to compile all of this.
I also know there are other essential oils, plant oils and natural treatments that can kill off pathogens, viruses etc., too numerous to mention (teatree oil, oregano, grapefruit) as well as natural treatments to ward off the vaccine ill effecs should “martial law vaccines” hit the fan. On that note (dark humor)…sure hope it doesn’t leave a dumb multi-needle circle scar on my arm again.
Thank you so much for your kind words, Esther. Lord knows too many of us know about the round scars of the past. Let’s hope it doesn’t come to that!
Hi Ty & Charlene!
Thank you for taking the time to research and share this vital information to everyone. I wanted to ask about the iodine that you guys are taking as I use to take it in the past, but had to stop after realising from a blood test that it completely messed up my normal thyroid levels. I was told by the doctor that there was no need to supplement on iodine. After I stopped my thyroid levels went back to normal after a couple of months, thankfully! So my question is, how are people able to take iodine without messing up their already healthy range of thyroid levels ?
Thanks so much! Xx
Hello Inez, we would recommend that you speak to a healthcare professional such as a naturopath that can take all your medical history and best guide you specifically to your needs. We hope you find the right balance for you! All the best.
Great article! I got the flu shot in 2003 and 2004, as advised by my doctor at the time, and those two years were the sickest years of my life. It’s comforting to know that I’m not the only one who thinks all of this is overblown. Thank you for the work you do!! 🙂 [Just a little side note: I believe the David Crow your article refers to is an American ( and not a Canadian.]
Great article! I was wondering though, what do you guys think about the refusal to test patients at low risk and not experiencing severe symptoms? I keep hearing stories about that from friends who have been exposed to someone who “possibly” has COVID-19, but the doctors refuse to test that person and just recommend they and anyone exposed to them isolate themselves.
I feel this is incredibly suspicious and being used to further cause panic by making the disease seem worse than it is by ensuring the only known cases are those at high risk for serious complications and death rather than people who are very likely to recover fully. I think if we truly tested all possible cases that the public would come to realize this is no worse than the flu and we’re overreacting since we sure don’t isolate and close everything down every flu season. People tend to fear more when something is unknown and the media and government know it and are feeding the fears to get us to accept overreaction.
Hello Becky, that’s very possible. The media certainly has focused on fueling the panic. Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts.
Love you guys. Thank you and bless you!
Thank you so much for your support, Jami. We appreciate having you here with us.
I’m staying inside. Its a simple self-sacrifice to pause business as usual that will help my entire community. Quarantine is proven to work..
Interesting how my last comment was never posted..
I just tried to save this article to Pinterest and got this message: “Sorry! We blocked this link because it may lead to inappropriate content.” What happened to free exchange of ideas?
Hello Nancy, yes Pintrest was one of the first platforms to heavily censor. It’s really quite sad. Thank you so much for your continued support of us!
YouTube has been heavily censoring similar materials over the past 3+ years as well. Dr. Mercola gave up on Pinterest over a year ago because his common sense approach to health – healthy diets and supplements, exercise and fresh air – was considered “inappropriate content” as well. I quit following Pinterest as soon as Dr Mercola posted his problems with Pinterest in his weekly emails. If we would all quit supporting those social media platforms that choose to censor us, they would lose their ad revenue and cause them economic harm and, perhaps, a change their “evil” ways. It seems to be the only way that censorship will end other than the government taking over those platforms and forcing them to be “open”. One of the biggest fears of the “Deep State”/globalists/shadow government…whatever you want to call them…is that the masses will awaken to their horrible agenda which has been keeping us sick and in debt. If you can find it on the internet, look up Saul Alinksky and what he proposed in the early 1900s as to how to control the masses. Interestingly, it was Alinksky’s “principles” on which Hillary Clinton wrote her master’s thesis at UC Berkeley decades ago. I will leave additional political commentary out of my comments…
One of the people that I follow, Jordan Sather on Destroying the Illusion, has been censored so many times by these platforms, that he has set up accounts on bitchute and a few other platforms just in case YouTube shuts him down again. By the way, he posts some very interesting information on his about MSM which is the ingredient in water purification tablets and its ability to also rob oxygen from bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Notice that some of the other items mentioned in this article are effective because they rob oxygen from pathogens. He has suffered innumerable “attacks” on the MSM because of his attempts to push healthy and cheap alternatives to our health.
This really is about controlling the masses, taking away our personal freedoms and forcing us into vaccines that will do more harm than good which was supported in this article about the anti-vaccine movement in Leicester, England. “Good on them” as our Aussie friends would say. If anyone is familiar with Agenda 2030, you will find out that Bill & Melinda Gates and many of the world’s billionaires are in strong favor of reducing the world population down to 500,000,000 or less. What would happen with a very small world population (compared to our current multi-billions population)? How easy would we be to control in much smaller numbers and with a heavily censored internet? What if we were forced to live in cities rather than the country? Again, so much easier to control a centralized population. (What do you think the effect of limiting gasoline supplies and the “green movement” has behind its agenda?) Look at what other countries are doing in their attempts to control their citizenry. This is a GLOBAL problem and, we, the people, need to take our lives back and wake up the 90% who are still asleep!
Thank God for the TTAC website and their constant search and dissemination of the REAL truth!
Thank you very much for the excellent research and article. I must say that the packaged vitamin mineral product recommendations in your article reduce your credibility by making you look like sales reps. Please recommend whole foods that contain these nuttients rather than packaged nutrients that have been removed from our Creator’s packaging which has been scientifically proven to be more effective. Keep up the good work.
Hello A, we very much do recommend taking in vitamin and mineral through natural means, but that isn’t always enough. Ty and Charlene do research the very best options for themselves and share their recommendations with all of you. Thank you so much for reaching out.
But Ty and Charlene, what do we do? What if Martial Law happens? We need answers before our communication gets cut off!! (No fear though. :)) There are an awful lot of sheeple out there listening and clinging to the powers that be…
Hello Ty,
I sincerely appreciate all the information you and Charlene provide on all topics. It has truly grounded me to be able to read your articles, especially at this time in our history. I found this page on the CDC website and would like your comment please. They say they are providing along with test kits the reagents that detect the virus that causes COVid-19 (3, a, ii, iii). I have passed the article along to family and would like to know more in case they ask me. Thank you, God bless you and yours and our Great Country.
Cinnamon, we are so grateful for you and for your support.
Thank you for sharing this information with your loved ones. The world needs to know what is really going on with this virus.
God bless you!
Realized I forgot to post the page!
Thanks for another great article. I have a question–can you provide direct references to the part with the viral interruption where the flu vaccine is interfering with covid-19/making it worse/easier to contract, etc.??
It seems that Lancet reported on this. It seems that there is 36% higher chance to get sick with corona infection. Just type in your question into Duck Duck Go, or another search engine,and read directly. Learning to do searches is so helpful !
Even in my local supermarkets, many of the shelves were empty. People were buying toilet paper, Kleenex, milk, bread, and eggs. They closed one entrance of the supermarket and only allow one entrance opened and they do not want too many people shopping in the grocery store.
Could the virus interference between Corona and last years flu vaccination be the real cause of death here. The laboratory animal tests would indicate this as a possibility. Was the Gates corona pandemic simulation a month before the outbreak done because knowledge of a potential virus interference was of concern.
Is the difference between wildly differing symptoms not entirely down to the immune system but possibly due to having (or not having) the flu vaccine.
Yes you can…
remember bastard Roosevelt…
And true Germans shall never forget the ugly Swedish Jewer:
“We have to be tough on Germany, and I mean the German people, not just the Nazis. Either we have to castrate the German people, or we have to treat the Germans in such a way that they don’t always give birth to people who continue as before.”
Thank you for your mission. You both are a Gift from God. We have to continue to get the truth about health and the corrupt health industry to the masses. I loved meeting you two at the Truth About Cancer Conference a few years ago. Love you
Both these links points to the same article:
IF you have any tendency to side with those that claim the covid 19 is a hoax or is no more dangerous than any other flu… YOU NEED TO UNDERSTAND THAT THAT ASSUMPTION IS NOT ACCURATE. It is based on comparing the CFR (case fatality rate) of one with the IFR (infection fatality rate) of the other. That is NOT apples to apples.
Actually covid 19 is 56 to 100 times more dangerous than a so-called normal flu…
Watch the video at…