Delta Airlines announced yesterday that unvaccinated employees will be charged $200 every month, calling it a “health insurance surcharge.” The airline said Wednesday that it also will stop extending pay protection to unvaccinated workers who contract COVID-19 on Sept. 30, and will require unvaccinated workers to be tested weekly beginning Sept. 12, although Delta will cover the cost. They will have to wear masks in all indoor company settings.
Other airlines – like United – have said that they will require all employees to provide proof of vaccination. This is yet another aggressive attempt by a U.S. corporation to drive up coronavirus vaccination rates. The punitive charge is inconsistent with existing corporate healthcare policies, and will put substantial financial pressure on employees who decline the contentious jab.
“The average hospital stay for COVID-19 has cost Delta $50,000 per person,” Delta CEO Ed Bastian said in an employee memo. “This surcharge will be necessary to address the financial risk the decision to not vaccinate is creating for our company. In recent weeks since the rise of the B.1.617.2 variant, all Delta employees who have been hospitalized with COVID were not fully vaccinated.”
It’s important to note that Delta does not inflict financial penalties on employees who are overweight, a major risk factor for heart disease and cancer (the two leading causes of death in the U.S., respectively). In fact, the only precedent for this kind of surcharge is an increase in premiums for smokers (although that information is self-reported and not verified).
Pfizer’s anti-smoking drug, Chantix, was recently recalled due to the presence of carcinogens.
We spoke to a former Delta employee who was able to provide us with current information on employee healthcare premiums. Individuals who choose the lowest-tier Bronze plan pay an insurance premium of $47 per month. Employees who choose the top-tier gold plan AND add coverage for their entire family pay $373/month.
This means that employees paying the highest healthcare premiums will see a 54% increase in costs. Those with the most basic plans will see their monthly premium increase by a whopping 426%.
When it comes to smokers, the Affordable Care Act dictates that companies may charge no more than a 50% increase in premiums for smokers. This means that Delta is increasing employee premiums for those who decline the jab even more than is allowed for smokers!
For many employees, this will be a crippling financial blow… One that could force them to choose between health insurance and accepting a dangerous injection against their wishes.
According to more than 135 records reported on, the average customer service representative at Delta makes about $20/hr, or approximately $40,000 per year. People in that tax bracket pay an average tax rate of around 18%, which means their net income is about $32,800 per year.
Inflicting a $200 surcharge each month means that the average Delta employee will lose more than 7% of their net income. The average American family pays a little over $2,000 a year for basic utilities like water and electricity. Unvaccinated Delta employees literally may not be able to keep the lights on unless they receive the vaccination.
The move by Delta comes on the heels of the FDA’s approval of the Pfizer-BioNTech “vaccine,” which has been proven to be neither “safe” nor “effective.” While private companies, schools, hospitals, and the military have already announced that they will require proof of vaccination for employment, Delta has exploited a nefarious new loophole by threatening their employees with financial ruin for their personal health decisions.
This is wrong.
You could argue about the safety and efficacy of the “vaccines.” They don’t stop people from getting infected or from spreading the virus. They lead to higher viral loads and are likely responsible for the advent of more aggressive variants. There have been over 13,000 deaths associated with the shots, and that’s almost certainly an under count. The safety studies used for approval are completely ruined. The manufacturers have a documented history of lies and corruption.
You could also argue that personal health choices are not to be regulated. Governments, businesses, schools, hospitals, and HOAs have NO RIGHT to dictate your personal health decisions. Poor diet and exercise are easily responsible for a majority of illness and death in this country, yet no one is forcing people to eat better or work out more.
Our world is rapidly dividing, and fear of COVID-19 is at the heart of it all. We’re quickly creating a “leper class” of human beings that are excluded from society and commerce. In many places, you can’t eat dinner, buy groceries, go to school, or get a job without proving that you’ve done your part to boost Big Pharma’s stock prices.
Second-class citizens are a hallmark of totalitarian regimes and genocide. If the Jewish community in 1939 knew what was coming, they would have fought back before wearing those gold stars on their chests.
Human beings are being targeted, isolated, and marked for their personal health choices. They are being slandered, attacked, fired, and cut out from society.
How long before we fight back?
Isn’t it dangerous to have a convention?
Why would it be dangerous? please elaborate
Is it dangerous to not fight against tyranny? Why are you on this site?
I use essential oils to protect me from colds, flu and pneumonia. Several years ago I developed chronic bronchitis after over 60 years smoking. My daughter introduced me to eucalyptus essential oil. It was a life saver. I did get the prescription meds from my doctor, but I also included eucalyptus, peppermint and rosemary essential oils to my daily treatments. I’ve not had a cold, flu or pneumonia since, and I had 3 family members with the flu but I didn’t catch it. It has to be the essential oils protecting me.
Is there an alternative to eucalyptus if you are allergic?
Thank you
Thank you for these articles! It’s crazy how far these companies are willing to go! My family and I will NOT be bullied into taking this crap.
… you see, in communist set up you don’t have to be a member of the party to be able to live but in the ‘free’ society you have nothing to say, even if you are right. No freedom of choice.
I would hope that Delta employees who choose not to be part of the experiment would quit immediately. I wonder if Delta would have enough woke sheep to keep flying?
I agree ! But the problem is too many people do not live and PREP for the future events of these kinds of things happening. So when it comes time to say NO , oops they didn’t SAVE (by living well below their income, example: live in a tiny rental and pay cash fora use vehicle but they live payday2payday instead on nicer homes&cars etc…) !! So they end up caving instead and NOT saying no by quitting.
Where are we? Are we in a dictatorship? What about people who can’t take the shot because they have an autoimmune disease or anaphylactic to a drug and told by your doctor not to take the shot! I am one of those people and even if I wasn’t I wouldn’t take the shot as who knows what is in it. Just another control mechanism. Either we stand up for our rights or we lose them. As for those who got the shot, that was your choice so I don’t have a choice! This is not the America I grew up with. This is a dictatorship!!!
I’m in the same bucket and it’s infuriating. When people find out that I choose not to do the “suicide shot” as it would be for me that look at me, judge me, and provide their non-medical opinion. I state my doc advised that for someone that has a blood and autoimmune issue as myself it would be a poor decision but people just do not want to hear it because it doesn’t fit those that CHOOSE to get the shot the narrative they believe in. Now regardless, I still wouldn’t take the shot even if I could. I believe our bodies if kept healthy but choosing good foods, cardio and weight program will be mostly fit to handle something that has a death rate of 1.7%. For heavens sake there carries a bigger risk of getting pregnant on birth control than dying of COVID.
I’m in the same bucket as you are and it’s infuriating when you tell people that you can’t do the “suicide shot”. The judgement by people that just go for the narrative and they call us the naïve ones . They say “follow the science” I say I do. Have you looked at the VAER report?
Cannot your doctor write you an exemption..I am in the same boat..but live in nz. The unvaxed need their own island or land.
for the Love of GOD and our Country just go get the shot, and put a end to this COVID Virus, and let talk about something else worth while, like climate change or cleaning our Oceans, Or Bettering our education system for our future generation,
For the love of God, we who appreciate our God given rights as enumerated in our Constitution may choose to refrain from accepting the clot shot. If you feel self righteous indignation because of the decision making of many who are refusing it, hang on to your panties. In about a year you may be singing a different tune.
It’s for the love of God that I don’t. God gave me a healthy immune system, and that is better than any man-made disease and fake immunity, that seems to be waning in effectiveness lately.
Hell no! 74% of the recent outbreak in provicetown, MA was people who had the shot. The shot doesn’t get rid of it. I prefer my god given immunity and I should have that right without being penalized.
Well said Cathy
WOW, you clearly do not understand the PROVEN SCIENCE about these jabs, or you would NEVER come to a site like this and leave an unintelligent remark like that. I have LIVED through COVID. I DO NOT NEED a shot. MY DOCTOR tells me so, as well. Get off your “high horse” and get real. The VAXXED are currently leading the way in making many people sick because the shot does not protect you, infects you with a self replicating spike protein that ultimately…no matter how long it may take you, DESTROYS your own immunity. Cathy, you are a FOOLISH woman. But I’ll give you credit, you have balls to come on here and promote the vaccine, lOL
My people the “european Jews” went willingly to the concentration camps, only one german soldier was there for every transportation . The jews did not revolt, They were still hoping this was just a small step towards freedom.Where did it lead. I lost my family! Now we are in the same situation and we idiots have not learned from our past. I was 3 years old at the time, but I remember how stupidly we Jews were and now we are on a 3rd jabin Israel, it is also deadly and it will come just as it came in Auswitz and Dachau and all the other camps. No one wants to remember or our brains are already fried with the first shot???(or with money and politics)
The best way to fight back on this is to billboard the whole country with “Don’t Fly Delta”, demonstrate at all major airports and for all Freedom Lovers to boycott flying Delta Airlines Amazing that big business CEOs make decisions that can take their companies down. Maybe that is the real motive I hope and pray.
I agree 100%! The almighty dollar speaks volumes!
Isn’t it interesting that they use “B.1.617.2 variant” instead of “Delta”
Just like ” CDC” for “Center for Disease Control and Prevention” ; where’s the P for PREVENTION ?
What I want to know is where are the lawyers now. How come people can’t fight this legally. This covid vaccine laws are going against so many constitutional rights and human rights. Discrimination – at its best. Why are companies/lawyers not fighting this.
because they are paid off by the Pharma !! Bigtime
delta needs to go broke and everyone should boycott them and the employees need to leave that shit hole
Louise. FYI, There are lawyers fighting this. In Hawaii, attorney Michael Green, on behalf of 1200 First Responders who refuse to submit to the Governor’s test and vax Mandates . And Dr. Reiner Fuellmich, International trial lawyer licensed in Germany and California, bringing suit against CDC, WHO, and starting to win cases. These are just two examples that come to mind. As always, fact check me.
No one on the planet should be required to get the covid shot to keep there job. I’ve worked the entire time during this , it has been very challenging for everyone and we all have a right to choose for ourselves for our own Healthcare. If they force this on people due to health then they better get busy and make people lose weight, quit smoking and drinking alcohol. Otherwise it’s discrimination. Delta making staff pay extra money is discrimination. I will never fly on that airline ever.
If someone felt compelled for financial reasons to comply with Delta, I would at a minimum be having them sign documents that leave any potential side effect problems their liability. The pharmaceuticals and government have no liability for the damages caused by the vaccine and there have been many per VAERS. I sure would make my employer responsible and hopefully get them to think about the ultimate cost (dollars and freedoms). The Liberty Counsel website can help employees with information. I hope the majority of the employees whose freedoms are at stake quit and find a job with an company that has leadership that can think and research what is best for their company and does not get brainwashed by government and money. In my location many employers are short on employees at this time so it is a great time to be looking for a new job or career!
That’s unfortunate. I used to like flying Delta. I cannot support this treatment by Delta to their employees!
Boycott Delta
I called the Walmart 800 number and told them why I was stopping to give them aany of the business and asking others to boycott. Someone has to stand up for these workers.
Like food Vote with your dollars.
The same should happen here the public needs to “boycott” these airlines!!! It will stop quick.
One of the activist sites like yourself or another needs to post a list of companies that “mandate”, so the public can ” boycott” and the workers could go apply at places that do not mandate !
Thanks for all you do!!!!!!
God bless you Tye and Charlene. Someone standing up for truth and justice. God bless.
I am in Australia and the government has put 24,000 children in an arena to vaccinate them, without any parent or other adult present. Three died. This was not reported in the media.
love to go but the gobalist have us locked up in our country soon our homes again thats if we dont vote in change I m praying we do .
Go to and read the hundreds of legitimate injuries and see video interviews of some of them. Their letter to the cdc asking for help with no response has left all of them as collateral damage. YouTube the Senator Ron From Wisconsin and he has a press conference with an injured 12 year old and adult who were in the clinics trials in front of the media about one month ago. It is heartbreaking what is happening. Also he and the senator from Arizona sent a letter to the cdc, nih, fda about them suffering injury from the vaccine and pleading for them to help. No response from any of them.
Another one to “Boycott” along with Walmart, Walgreens, Dollar store, and then call their 800#s and tell them why.
$$$ are the bottom line and we all need to vote with them!!!
Some like site, maybe even you should start an online data base/list of companies to boycott,
Then people need to boycott!!! And then call!
Thanks for all you do.