How receptive are most oncologists to using alternative cancer therapies for their patients?
Not surprisingly, most medical practitioners are apprehensive to their patients utilizing cancer treatments that are not considered “standard of care.”
But not for the reasons you may think…which will be explained later in this article.
Most physicians interviewed in Dr. Ivy Lynn Bourgeault’s (from the Canada Medical Association) research said they opposed the use of alternative cancer therapies for their patients.
Yet, according to Dr. Bourgeault, “54% of people with cancer use alternative therapies and up to half of those patients completely abandon standard medical treatments in exchange for alternative methods.”
Some alternative cancer treatments include:
- Acupuncture
- Traditional Chinese medicine
- Homeopathy
- Naturopathic medicine
- Specific diets (such as low-fat or juicing diets)
- Vitamins
- Energy therapies
- Dietary supplements and herbal remedies
But the question remains… if standard medical methods were working, why are more than HALF of cancer patients turning to alternative medicine for healing? It has to be due to the failure of conventional cancer treatments, or at least ineffective in the eyes of the patients. [ Cassileth BR, Brown H. Unorthodox cancer medicine. CA Cancer J Clin 1988; 38:176-86 ]
In a survey of cancer patients, 39% reported that their doctors reacted with disapproval concerning their request for alternative therapy and 4% refused to continue as their physician because they chose natural medicine.
Still, in that same survey, it was reported that 30% of oncologists supported the use of alternative cancer treatments, while 12% were neutral.
It is unnerving to discover that some doctors refuse to consider alternative cancer treatments when their patients clearly want to discuss and pursue those options.
Interestingly enough, most physicians report being opposed to the alternatives by reason of insufficient knowledge, not because they’re ineffective.
However, 83% of the doctors surveyed reported that continuing education about alternative health services was of interest…but the source of information was primarily from their patients, not from peers or medical research.
A survey from Ontario and Alberta, Canada concluded with remarkable results; namely, 54% of practitioners felt conventional medicine could benefit from the concepts and methods of alternative medicine for the following reasons: most patients were not responding to conventional treatment, their patients requested it and admittedly, alternative medicine is proven effective in treating particular disorders.
Finally, whether medical practitioners believe in alternative treatments or not, research supports the fact that patients find them helpful, even if it just increases their optimism.
So the question is,… if doctors are open and willing to learn about alternative medicine to treat cancer, and their patients are turning to non-conventional cancer treatments…why isn’t more education recommended to oncologists?
Two words: Flexner Report. Due to an alliance between the American Medical Association (AMA) and big business (the Rockefellers and Carnegies) over 100 years ago, the medical schools in the USA focus solely on prescription drugs for cancer treatment while actively turning people away from natural remedies.
How can we counteract this policy? One solution is to enthusiastically support the patient’s right of choice when it comes to their bodies, as long as all the information has been presented and discussed openly between the doctor and patient. After all, this is still the “land of the free,” right?
The research shows that there is clearly a need for more openness between doctors and their patients with regard to alternative cancer treatments.
This is particularly important because many cancer patients are rejecting conventional treatments, sometimes permanently, in favor of alternative treatments. Interestingly, according to a poll at McGill Cancer Centre, in a poll of 64 oncologists, 58 indicated that they would not utilize chemotherapy for themselves or their families, due to the fact that this archaic, barbaric form of treatment is “too toxic.”
Long ago, medical doctors believed that draining an ailing person’s blood would purge the “evil” infection out of the body. And worse, medical doctors ignorantly recommended cigarettes to their patients using the mantra, “a pack a day keeps lung cancer away.” Both of these ridiculous suggestions have been proven to be pure quackery, but they were widely accepted by the “medical establishment” of their day.
Now is the time to openly discuss alternative cancer treatments as a real solution to conventional medicine.
All people should have all this information available to them. This is America after all. Our country has gone in the wrong direction.
I am very happy to share this great news about a great and powerful man DR HOPE, who cured me from HIV. I am Blessing Taylor from Diego, blessing taylor, USA. i was suffering from this disease for 2 years now, after my 2nd child. I couldn’t find cure to it, on a grateful day, i was browsing on the Internet when i saw a woman testifying about a powerful and great man (DR HOPE) who helped cure her cancer disease and so she also mentioned that this same man can equally cure any sickness with herbal medicine, so without wasting anymore time i contacted him on his email ( and i explained all my problems to him. He told me that I should not worry that he is going to help me prepare a herbal medicine and he will send it to me. He told me to use the herbal medicine according to his prescriptions. so i abide to him, and I started using it, before I know it i was feeling changes in me, 2 weeks later, i went to the hospital for medical check up and to my surprise i was completely cured from HIV. I am very happy that i am safe from this disease, all thanks and gratitude to God and DR HOPE. If you are out there suffering from Herpes, HIV, Cancer, Diabetes, Asthma, Brain Fog or any kind of diseases, quickly contact this powerful man via his email ( and phone number (+2348104305402)
i am also on facebook blessing taylor, my email is
Of course, Big Business , Pharma and th AMA are all in be together. and you are getting it. you know where!
a thought ..big pharma control the education arena backed by their profits..if money was no object is it not possible to set up alternative courses/training seperate universities/colleges doctors nurses …OR AGAIN THE RULES INPLACE WOULDNT ALLOW THIS ……good to know others thoughts
I used alternaive treatements to treat my cancer and I am 2 years cancer free in September!
Very encouraging, I’m using alternative medicine and getting great results.
What type of cancer Cynthia Traveller? and do you go for routine CT to see that you are still cancer free
Cynthia what kind of cancer n what did you use?? I have an aunt who is battling colon cancer now n I think docs have given up! 😢 but I won’t .
Please look up Chris Beat Cancer!!! He’s a colon cancer surviver!!!
“Brilliant” , & very very thought proving article :
While not questioning the sincere desire of most oncologists to help their patients, it is difficult to turn away from the source of your income. If one looks at the Medicare payments made to providers by specialty, in almost any town or city, you will find that those recieving the most, usually about $1 million/yr, are oncologists. They get to buy and markup the drugs they prescribe. No other medical doctor can do this and no other specialty is even close to making this kind of money. Again, they may be sincere and “ethical” in what they do, but their very reason for being and income is based on the cancer drugs. It is difficult to admit that 1. what you are doing may not help and may even harm and 2. that most of what you know about cancer is either wrong or applied inappropriately
Thanks for this article !! Keep them coming .
My 45 years association with doctors suggests to me that 99% would fail the question: Name the top five anti-cancer herbs. Forget about asking them anything more complicated than that unless you enjoy watching a person in deep discomfort.
Well I might as well say something to you nice peeps because you all do have worth to me, alive! I’m a Cannaperson who has seen miraculus things and the whole naturlhealth armament of the Herbal Pharmacopia is old and hid from you. I grew-up learning about both alopathic and naturalpathic in the large family home. I would like to share some further reading Studies to you fine folks for your research….
And the organization I affiliate to…..
Any Questions please feel free to ask, after reading though both sites.
I have stage 3 colon cancer and I am changing my lifestyle my diet and using herbs exercising every day , just started but praying I’m choosing the right path
sorry to hear you have got cancer, i have great belief that the ‘natural’ products will help cure you, would you mind keeping me posted on how you are getting on , i am fortunate not to have any illness, i think prevention is better than cure so i make daily smoothies containing , carrot juice, ginger, beetroot, kale, turmeric, lemon juice celery and honey, you might think this is a bit o.t.t but i think it is working for me, i am 68 yrs.old , please keep in touch. god bless
Thank you Grace Bell, I will look into that I have been researching since January there is so much information on cancer and it’s cures it’s mind boggling
I did pretty much cut sugar from my diet, I now use raw honey to sweeten. This is killing me I love sweets replaced it with fruits
Actually, Cancer will kill you. I would wean myself off the honey, or use it to ingest baking soda. Educate yourself as much as possible. 3rd world countries have almost no cancer. We need to think why this is so.Praying for you.look into ketogenic diet.
I healed breast cancer 100% naturally. I had many side effects… EVERY one of them were positive!! JUST SAY NO TO SURGERY, RADIATION AND CHEMO!! 🙂
Sandi, how did you heal your breast cancer naturally? Did you change your diet by not eating meat, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs, and desserts? Did you do juicing or used alterative remedies? Are you still cancer free today?
I am using Alternative treatment to the best of my ability through diet and supplements. I have also done hyperthermia treatments I have done autologous treatment high vitamin c and multivitamin infusions. But to be followed by an oncologist not one that I have found right down to my primary Dr have blackballed me for not doing conventional treatments. So I’m left high and dry. On my income I can’t afford any of this and give my kids what they need so naturally they come first!!!
A vegan diet vitamin b17 qnd cannabis oil will cure most of all cancers easily
I used alternatives and eliminated leukemia 8 years ago. 35 years of various related symptoms were eliminated as well. They make promotion of real remedies illegal.
How? What did you do? My 2 Aunty’s are currently suffering from leukaemia and I’d love to know how u did it to help them.
My own oncologist has always been concerned about his health–I could always sense it. He is deeply in the conventional/allopathic world but still, he cooks with coconut oil–he believes that sugar is a curse. He wanted to know more about oil pulling. We have battled back & forth about certain things–but this is why he is still my doctor. He has a genuine interest in health…I hope the tide turns one day and more conventional doctors will enter into a true health alliance with their patients…
Yes I believe in the conventional way, because I did all the chemo and radiation as well as trial drugs. None of them work. I then started taking apricot kernels. As well as baking soda and now am in remission.
Hello.its not the kernals one needs it is what is inside of kernals the black seed is what one is to eat and cure cancer as it is illegal in United States “B17”
Thank you Laurie Goodwill I did not know that
I am a pgarmacist and I see pt’s using conventional cancer treatment all the tine and the words “barbaric” and “too toxic” is accurate descriptions of what I see. Most die of complications from the treatment and would have lived longer if they recieved no treatment at all
Health care is a buisness, We drink #AlkalineAntioxidantWater for the past 2 1/2 years and feel sooo much better. I’ve done the research, get your body to the alkaline side and stay so much healthier. When was the last time a doctor checked your Ph ? Mine, never. Yet all doctors will tell you an acidic body is not good for your health. #H2Water
Do you drink Kangen water?
Jin Shin Jyutsu (R) could really help for cancer patients…it is gentle and,deep….and has been around for almost a hundred years. …
FInd that cancer cures not very often are supported by doctors, a entire diffent situation in Italy where for a few years I was involved in a cure made by doctors and used by doctors…….one was the Dibella Method from a very known doctor from Modena and the other Prof Pantellini a university professor from Florence Here it was a strange situation since it was medical doctors fighting other doctors with the help and support of patients.
What did you do to cure yours?
There is this Oncologic surgeon in the Netherlands by the name of Casper van Eijck, and he said in an interview for a Dutch newspaper in March 2016 that curcuma is more effective in treating pancreatic cancer than chemotherapy. Only the Erasmus University Hospital refuses to let him treat his patients with it, because of obvious reasons of which Big Pharma is one. And he even mentioned that in the interview!
It is an odd world, and I, as an anesthesiologist, get more and more confused when I see all those patient getting operated upon and getting sick from treatment.
Doctors should get a lot more education on how to prevent cancer in the first place, and try to understand why certain foods, essential oils etc can prevent cancer from occuring. So people are more likely to take more responsability for themselves when the doctor can tell them it really matters to change life style. I definitely want to know more about it, and TTAC provides me with a lot of information, but I am just not ready jet to share it with patients.
People are unable to share because of fear for their jobs/licenses….it sickens me but I understand. The same goes for scientists, astronaunts, etc., they all talk when they retire.
This mentality is prevalent in other areas also, specifically with the care for hypothyroidism. There is so much that can be done for this illness, but conventional medicine is interested only to a “one size fits all.
Here in Europe for Hypothyroidism we have been using Potassium Chloride, in a similiar sense Dr. Max Gerson in the USA used three Potassium.Acetate-Monobasic-Gluconate and also had good results
I exactly how you did it. It amazes me that it can be done!
Is it possible to buy the whole TTAC series at full price, now that the discount time period is over? I didn’t have the funds to purchase it untl the first of the month, and now I don’t know how to order it. Would like to watch again and share with family.
Hi Diane, It is possible to purchase the series at full price. Here are the purchasing links:
Have a look at the serie: the truth about cancer a global quest. You’ll find it in YouTube. I really recommend it, after the first episode you’re stuck.
There is no doubt that most oncologists are barely tolerant of alternate methods. Mine here in Portland, OR, is most open and proscribes meds recommended to me by my Herbalist, Donnie Yance (Ashland, OR), who specializes in integrated cancer medicine. I am alive only because of a thoughtful mix of “MD” and Herbal Protocols. I was kept alive 7 years longer than average for my form of leukemia, but it was only reversed by adding a new, a well targeted Big Pharm drug to my protocol when it was approved 2 years ago. Because of my mostly herbal protocol, I get full efficacy of this nominally $11k per month drug @ 1/10 its normal dose. But my main point is Do NOT ignore any valid healing tradition, including Big Pharm medicine. Just be selective. A good place for guidance is Ralph Moss. His website is Cancer Decisions.
Exactly have been doing the same with my patient…it’s like a marriage the really hate each other but ate still together
could you please give me name of your MD
What type of cancer Cynthia? and do you go for routine CT to see that you are still cancer free?
My mother drinks the Hoxsey Tonic (from the Bio-Medical Clinic in Mexico) & had marked improvement in her mental & physical health which began after just 1 week (she has Stage 4 Lung Cancer, & bad health due to the toxic effects of chemo & radiation). We’ve had great results thus far… if you’d like to research where we went:
We need an open medical market. I agree with Naturpathic De. Peter Glidden who said that if the US had an open medical market and people could choose natural medicine over MD directed medicine the MD’s would be out of business in 5 years. I say amen! Howeve MD’s have their place but it is not treating illnesses.
Nice commercial.
yes, same man cured my cousin of Cancer. i am so happy dr okadigbo is reliable. contact me for directions
Do you have his info?
I am here to testifies on how Dr ODIA help me to cure my sickness called CANCER OF THE LUNGS which has been eating me up for 2 years and 4 months, and when I go online I saw his email on how he cured so many people, so I emailed the Dr and tell my problems to him, and tell all his necessary needy for the healing, after that day he gave me an assurance of 3 days of his herbal healing, and said I should go for a medical check up on the 4th day of which I get to the hospital the new result now shows that the cancer was gone,And now am so happy and free from it thanks to Dr ODIA. Please if there is any one in need of his help should kindly contact him on his email address ( drodiaherbalistcenter @ gmail . com)
Disappointed big time. Using the vitamins recommended by Ty and Epingenics Labs. Love them. Must be going out of business because I have been double charged, no one will return my calls to correct, now my login does not work to cancel my autoship, and the phone doesn’t work any longer. Again very disappointed and will not recommend anything from you until some gets ahold of me. Please do not be a scam!
Hi Karen,
Epigenetic Labs is a separate company from us, but we do know that they are very busy because of the sales they are having this week. They will get back to you as soon as they can!
How did you do it?please let me know im also have cancer
I’m from CANADA, I was diagnosed of CANCER in 2014, and my Liver was bad. I saw a post about Dr. RABIU Herbs that cures HIV, HEPATITIS B, DIABETES, CANCER, HERPES, and lots more…. I contacted him and told him about my health, he asked me not to worry anymore that he’s going to prepare the medicine and send it to me in my country. 3 days after sending the medicine I received the package and I took the medicine as prescribed by him and I was cured from CANCER. I took the medicine for 14 days, and the medicine has no Negative Influence, it only helped me get cured. Contact him via ( or you whatsapp him on +2347036719427
James, I was wondering what you would recommend for someone with prostate cancer in he USA.
James, please email me @ I just ordered my first round of cannabis oil…..would like to know more if you can please…
Cancer is on the rise along with all of the radio and cell towers. Hmmm.. I wonder if there’s a correlation?
I would like to see for a change; someone who is sharing success stories of how they cured cancer with alternative methods, that isnt selling something. If I knew how, I would be so thrilled that I would share the information for absolutely NOTHING but the pleasure of helping others.
Totally agree. What worries me is about people posting things like this doctor cured me of cancer get hold of them and you find it is money upfront. If the people cured are bona fide they would tell you what herbs and spices and practices they used . I think it is really cruel that people manipulate us desperate people.
Hello.its not the kernals one needs it is what is inside of kernals the black seed is what one is to eat and cure cancer as it is illegal in United States “B17”
Google dinake ferguson and Vicki Stuart curcumin complex c3
I was diagnosed with bladder cancer and had my bladder removed last April. Since I have low kidney function, they wouldn’t do chemo or anything else. I joined the Facebook group for alternative solutions and ordered RSO (cannabis). I started taking it last June and have been cancer free. I go today to have my latest scans read – hopefully NED.
so, its all about the money…
in indonesia, we have so many herbs that can act as an alternative cancer treatment,
which herbs are good? I know moringa. But what else? Thank you.
what herbs are available in Indonesia?
what are the herbs in Indonesia?
I was diagnosed with aggressive kidney cancer in September 2018, my Urologist did a full nephrectomy, and kept a close eye on my well being. the 15th January I went back for my scope check up, to find the cancer has spread to my bladder. Dr scraped everything and said I am clean but have to go back April for the next check up. I am on my way to see a Herbalist, I got the name INTERVENE herbal on the internet…did anyone tried this herb? please I really need advise on this. I am also the first in my family to get this! I feel lost.
Hi Delaine!
Please know that we’ll be sure to keep you in our prayers – we’ll be praying for your complete healing and continued blessings.
We’re so happy to hear that you’re taking the natural approach in healing and we would like to offer a list of doctors and health experts whom we trust. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! If you have any further questions/concerns, please let us know as we are happy to help.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
This is not true. I wish it were. You really need to make sure to start treating it as soon as possible. Once it has taken hold and metastasized it is VERY hard to treat. I have been trying for 2 years now and it seems like it is working for a while and then BAM! It slaps you upside the head again and says Ha,ha. I have heard so many different remedies that people swear by but have not worked for me. Everyone is different.
Please be careful with your good intentions. What is working for you may not work for someone else. 😟
I have breast cancer, COPD, heart thats not the best, E. Tremors I had to leave my Dr. because she got so mad I wouldn’t let her slice and dice. So I got what I call a hippie Dr. and she was great, told me to continue and we would how it works, been 6 years. I do castor oil packs 5 days a week, take whole food vit., use essential oils, and other things. The tumor in my arm pit was the size of a silver dollars now about the size of a nickle. The tumor in my breast is still there but you can’t feel it.. I use mullein extract and tea for lungs and it helps alot. So don’t any one tell me natural doesn’t work. I know Dr. are needed but they should try to work with the body. I use Heart Drops for my heart love it. My Dr. is amazed at my progress, but keeps an eye out anyway. This all started when I found “The Truth about Cancer, I love you all and God Bless You