Chris, from answers a listeners question about the vegan diet and overcoming cancer. His question implied that the raw vegan diet only works with digestion related organs that have cancer. Chris helps the listeners understand the basis of diet’s effect on the body in that the body gets tumors because of a problem with its internal environment; it is toxic and perfect for disease rather than health. It is this compromised immune system causing the problem not the tumor; the tumor is only a symptom. Chris reiterates that the raw vegan diet, intense version, fixes the root problem making the body environmentally safe for the organs while eliminating the cancer symptoms.
If Cancer Scares You, Do Not Miss This...
[link_aff href="" target="_blank" a_aid="54fd974f499c5"]See the Truth About Cancer® here.[/link_aff]
Over 20,000 people die each day from cancer. So if it scares you, that’s understandable.
However… whether you’re trying to avoid cancer or beat it if you’ve got it, there is one very powerful antidote to the fear, and to the disease itself: knowledge.
In “The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest” you’ll discover the most powerful ways to prevent, treat, heal from, and beat the disease. Though you haven’t heard of most of these ways, you deserve to, so…
[link_aff href="" target="_blank" a_aid="54fd974f499c5"]Click here now to conquer the fear, and find out what you really need to know.[/link_aff]

About Ty Bollinger
Ty Bollinger is a happily married husband, the father of four wonderful children, devoted Christian, best-selling author, medical researcher, talk radio host, health freedom advocate, former competitive bodybuilder and also a certified public accountant.After losing several family members to cancer (including his mother and father), Ty refused to accept the notion that chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery were the most effective treatments available for cancer patients. He began a quest to learn all he possibly could about alternative cancer treatments and the medical industry. Ty has now made it his life mission to share the most remarkable discovery he made on his quest: the vast majority of all diseases (including cancer) can be easily prevented and even cured without drugs or surgery.Ty speaks frequently to health groups, at seminars, expos, conferences, churches, and is a regular guest on multiple radio shows and writes for numerous magazines and websites. Speaking from personal experience and extensive research, Ty has touched the hearts and changed the lives of thousands of people around the world.
First, a big THANK YOU for your life work on educating people about cancer. I have watched in May and again in Nov/14 your episodes on The Truth about Cancer. It gave me a wealth of information for which I am grateful. I don’t know if you can help my husband in his situation. In 2010 he had colon rectal cancer of which he did the big 3, the poison, burn and cut. He now has pain in his hip which goes down his leg when he walks a short distance. Not sure if it is from the radiation or both. Other than going to a chiropractor is there any alternative therapy he can do to try and help him. I know you and Chris Wark are attending a big conference on Mar 20-22 (wish I could go. I am from Canada) maybe someone there could have the answer (if there is one). A year after his bowel cancer it went to his liver. He had 6 rounds of very intensive chemo, then surgery and was scheduled to have another 6 rounds of chemo after surgery, he refused it. I finally faced my fear about cancer (I also lost my 5 year old son to a brain stem glioma in 1981) so my fear of cancer was great. Through my research I found you, Chris and Rick Simpson and have implemented a lot of your/their advice. We have been juicing and have cleaned up our diets and are taking some of the suggested supplements. My husband is a tradesmen and does a lot of hard work and I am trying to help him so he isn’t is pain. He says the pain hits when he walks a short distance, it will be difficult for him working, but he is only 55 yrs. old and has to work. Sorry for such a long message, but I just though you may be able to help or point us in the right direction. Thank you again and I do read every comment/information that you post God will reward you for selflessness, because I know it takes a lot of time away from your family to travel and speak with the people who know that there is a better way to rid the world of cancer. God Bless you and your family.
Hey Ty…
I rarely listen to or have anything to do with cancer or illness as I believe giving energy to it is much like alcoholism. Those folks in, say, AA keep saying I am an alcoholic thus giving mental energy to the problem so are just staving it off. I accept Doc Hamers work that cancer is essentially a thinking disorder. I have refused to even vaguely acknowledge cancer exists… I don’t talk with people about it… I don’t read about it… I go about my business.
I did have an MRI which showed my pancreas had rebuilt (did it with Standard Process extracts) and the brain-dead doc-in-the-box was stunned and said nothing. I am not in remission, not staving cancer off and have zero specific protocols. I even eat ice cream and sugars when I wish… I sometimes have pie and eat meat and follow zero specific diets and am well at 68 years and active when 4 years ago I couldn’t walk 100 ft.
Anyway, my two cents worth is thinking is the huge part of this process. Joyce (wife) has coached 52 people back from cancer (most stage 4) before we got totally out of cancer. Lotsa issues to deal with like SV-40 virues easily fixed with MMS footpaths so they won’t trigger cancer BUT the #1 is where do we put our energy.
Hope you are well
Bill trucks
Secondo me, la cura vegana è utile ma non al 100%, perché tutto è funzione dello stato di tutto l’apparato digerente che se molto malandato, la dieta Vegana, permette solamente di non aumentare la tossicità dell’organismo in toto ma, con il pessimo assorbimento intestinale, la maggior parte degli alimenti vegani vengono espulsi perchè non a monte, già metabolizzati !!, e quindi, la stessa va integrata con alimenti già metabolizzati, tipo assunzione della mia bevanda che contiene, tutti i minerali, tutti gli Oligoelementi bio-catalizzatori, e se, l’osso seppia, parte integrante della mia bevanda, disidratato a max 30°-35° C, conserva anche vitamine ed aminoacidi ! che l’organismo, perché tutti già metabolizzati dalla seppia, fa subito sua ! ! Oppure, ancora meglio, con alimenti antiossidanti-anti-infiammatori, tipo olio di oliva OEVO Giallo Oro denso vivo al frantoio, da olive MATURE, POLPA VIOLA al nòcciolo, ricchissimo di Flavonoidi ed Omega 9, MAI olio verde veleno centellinante, SEMI DI LINO e Portulaca, GINKGO BILOBA, GIALLO MAI VERDE, CARDO MARIANO, FUMARIA, PORTULACA, DISINFIAMMANO tutto L’APPARATO DIGERENTE, elevando la efficacia dell’alimentazione Vegana, come avviene, ad esempio nell’ELEFANTE, nato sano che vive da vegano ma con apparato digerente sempre integro !!