If you remember from the series, The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, we interviewed Dr. Stanislaw Burzynski, who is healing people from cancer every day with his anti-neoplaston therapies. As we’ve shared many times before, actually curing cancer would be detrimental to the pharmaceutical industry…
So much so that they’re willing to do whatever it takes to silence the doctors and keep their poisons as the only solutions. They’re trying to do that now with Dr. Burzynski by revoking his medical license. We sent our film crew to the first part of the trial in November of last year and we just sent them this week to capture more footage and get us a full report.
If you feel inspired, we encourage you to sign this petition at change.org. [Editor’s Note: This petition is now closed]
Please help bring more awareness about the Dr. Burzynski trial by sharing this article with your friends and family below.
The CANCER big pharma CARTEL are one of the biggest corrupt organizations of all time TRANS-NATIONAL PHARMACEUTICALS DO NOT OBEY THE LAW,when will people WAKE UP and STOP GIVING to CANCER RESEARCH and STOP raising funds for them ,while you do so they WILL keep you on the money go round in more ways than RACE FOR LIFE big pharmas latest con ,there are many natural and holistic cures …yes cures …like PROTON BEAM for BRAIN TUMORS and many other cancers ..BIO RESONANCE that is proven science based on Quantum physics eradicates ALL CANCERS AND ALL OTHER ILLS WITH NO SIDE EFFECTS based on the ROYAL RAYMOND RIFE RADIO FREQUENCY MACHINE THAT KILLED CANCER IN THE 1930s YES!! THE 30s YES 85 YEARS( look up the story on the net you will see how big pharma praised him then destroyed him because pharma realised he could destroy their monopoly with his RIFE MACHINE and cost them big time by CURING CANCER) and 85 YEARS that’s how long NATURAL CANCER CURES HAVE BEEN AROUND AND SUPPRESSED BIG TIME BY CORRUPT PHARMA and its CORRUPT CORPORATE POLICE FORCE CALLED THE FDA/AMA/CDC/USDA/MHRA UK
I just posted
Yes they are.
Rife did not cure my friend of breast cancer
AMA and FDA, and APA are all mafia, racketeering organizations. They should be the ones on trial for criminal activity
Thank you Ty for all you are doing to support these Doctors. People need to come together like you are encouraging us to do. Burzynski is in a David and Goliath fight. When a person enters the legal system there’s not much chance for real justice as the courts in our justice system are as corrupt as our health care is.
I have tried repeatedly to share this on my Facebook page and I keep getting the message sorry something went wrong try again later. There could be something wrong with my end of it but the low amount of shares leads me to suspect that this is being blocked from being shared.
Hi Laurie, Thanks for letting us know about this! I would suggest contacting Facebook about this.
Me too!
I can’t even sign the petition now, nor share it. I think big brother is causing this to keep it from being spread.
Laurie I had the same issue trying to share on Facebook. I finally copied the link and posted that way.. It took 4 or 5 tries but finally was posted to my page.
No matter what you do face book will not let the truth out is not that obvious.
Thank you so much for the uptade. I was thinking about the trial last week and I really wanted to know how it is at this point. It’s almost unbelievable what they are doing with him. He must to be laureate instead of punished. We are here for him. I hope that he wins for the sake of himself and everyone.
Now, I know that new doctors say the Hippocratic Oath at graduation. Are the Medical Boards authorized to determine what “first do no harm” means, and do new doctors sign any kind of promise to abide by their decisions? Supposedly the Justice Department, years ago, decided that doctor’s organizations will be set up to “police” their own, since no one in the legal profession tended to know anything about the medical profession. I also know that the AMA is one organization who is supposed to “police” its own, so that is why they can file a suit against a doctor to remove his right to practice medicine. When do doctors sign a contract with the AMA that allows the AMA to police what they do in their practice? I think the last time I saw numbers less than 30% of doctors even belonged to the AMA. Every city has Medical Boards set up to “police” the doctors practicing in their town. When does a doctor sign a contract with them to abide by the Medical Board policing their practice? Can they still practice their style of medicine if they move their practice to just outside of the town?
Dr. Burzynski is challenging the way doctors are supposed to continue to operate. This is causing conflict. His knowledge and ability proven
through the results he gets in being able to help cancer patients should be recognised.
It is truly appalling that an advanced country such as America – will allow such a travesty to happen. We in Europe watch this and other such behaviour in America – shame on you – surely, it doesn’t take much imagination to see the good this doctor and other similar doctors are doing to help.
These type of trials make a mockery of your justice system. For goodness sake – he’s helping to cure mankind of acute illness.
Don’t think for a moment these corporations have exempted Europe from their tyranny. Many countries in Europe are also terrorizing medical professionals who are trying to provide truly life saving, “non-standard” treatments for cancer.
Michael I could not agree with you more. The problem here is the greedy politicians that take money from these cartels back the crooked medical boards that are also in the pocket of the cartels. They continually play the system against itself by introducing corrupt data that has to be disputed and shown to be corrupt by the Doctors records and patient testimony. Not everyone is comfortable with having their medical records revealed so that in itself poses a problem. Eventually with the help of selfless individuals like Dr. Burzynski and some of the more educated and honest medical board administrators this type of persecution can be stopped. Once a started these corrupt enterprises are extremely difficult to stop.
This is the reason why we need to get rid of capitalism!! As the name implies, it’s a system of government based on capital, I.e. profits. As long as we have such a system, humanity & the earth are secondary to profits. Until the 1917 Workers Revolution in Russia, the average work week was 10-12 hrs/day 6 days a week from the age of 4 until you died of exhaustion, malnutrition and disease caused by malnutrition & consuming unsanitary water & food. It was the Russian Revolution that gave the workers; including US workers the 40 hr work week, social security, abolished child labor, guaranteed free schooling, jobs, housing, & medical care. Some of the greatest medical advances came from the Soviet Union which was a socialist state (not communist because that’s the step after true socialism). When the Soviet Union fell in 1991, capitalists like Fukiyama & Berneke actually laughed & said, we can now get rid of any socialist concessions we made to the workers. We now see the results. They’ve gotten rid of pensions, brutally cut jobs,got rid of universal health insurance in Europe. In the US, they’ve eliminated food stamps for unemployed adults without children, cut housing & education, and are now scheduled to cut food stamps for children in 2021 & privatize social security (I.e. eliminate it); this while cutting millions of more jobs and providing trillions in handouts to banks+financial institutions. By the way, that hype about Stalin killing 80 million Russians. Just think about where you read that or that Hitler, a capitalist was a socialist? In the same corporate-controlled media outlets that tell you vaccines & fluoride are good for you & chemotherapy cures cancer! Believe nothing you read. Only by getting rid of the profit system can things change. Otherwise you’ll just fight one battle after another.
yes and the drug companies…
It is the Pharmaceutical companies and the cancer treatment places who make the money. If one treatment of chemo plus Neulasta shot the day after is $40,000 (which it is) and you get 6 rounds (which I did), that is a lot of money to be made off of one patient because this does not even count the surgeries or radiations. Some people have all three. I just had surgery and the chemo almost killed me. This Doctor should be praised, not berated! Our Governments are corrupt. They know what is going on. They know GMO foods cause cancer and sugar causes cancer. They just like getting paid money more than justice.
You have no idea’ pink ribbons and people giving their money to the cancer society national cancer institute all wasted Just going strait into the FDA’s pockets. Get a grip people!!!
The worst case of BLOCKING that I have ever heard of was of an ambulance on it’s way to a location to obviously to get a person in need of help, one driver, instead of moving over to the right side of the street and stopping , drove over in the front of the ambulance, and reduced his speed, no matter how hard the ambulance driver tried to get pass the car driver, the car driver kept blocking the ambulance driver’s way and would not let him pass by, when the ambulance driver finally got to the house where the medical service was needed, ” guess where that was”, that’s right, it was the home of the blocker, he followed the ambulance to his own home.
Thank you to all who have presented this to expose the hypocrisy of the AMA, et al! It disgusts me to know that they are so obvious yet are still able to peruse persecution of the “angels” whose only aim in life is to save lives! How do they sleep at night? Thank you Ty and your great team for bringing this all forward where the threat of lives is prevalent.
They are just going to kill him next. They are killing many holistic Dr’s! We as people need to stand up for what is right! We are more than a number and a dollar sign!!! Bravo Dr. Burzynski!!!
If these organizations continue to suppress this information from getting out to the masses, and save lives, perhaps we should start taking out 10 for each person that they let die due to their chemo/radiation death sentence.
My Pleasure to sign!
What I would like to know is what is the success rate of Dr Berzinski’s method of treatment? Is it comparable to chemo and radiation or better. For all the years of practice there were only 2 people giving testimony at the hearing?
I am torn over this issue. On the one hand I would love to see healthy alternatives to chemo and radiation. But on the other hand I don’t want to support a snake oil salesman (not at all saying this is the case here – but I would like a balanced reporting of facts)
Ty, would love to see that kind of comparable contrasts on your video of this trial.
Exactly! I agree… I was concerned that after the decades of treatment why there were such a small number of patients advocating for him. I too am totally for more natural and even alternative treatments…I don’t want our quest for truth and better options to be squashed over one bad apple, which might be Dr Burzynski.
Julie, if you knew what you were talking about you would “never” use the term bad apple and Dr Burzynski the same sentence! Shame on you for talking about someone like him without any knowlege of him! He is wonderful! Going thru all of this life hell to save lives, unlike oncologists! He is to be revered! The highest form of ignorance is commenting on something you know nothing about! These natural doctors give their life’s blood, go thru hell, to actually heal & save lives! Who else does that?
First of all we dont know all the facts in regards to testimony. Its very possible the courts only allowed 2 testimonies! Remember, they dont want “any one” to testify! Believe me…..there are “many!” So i am surprised this question is even being discussed? If you have knowledge of the natural side, it is a fight just to get heard, much less have testimonies, etc! In the 80’s i had to sign a petition because the FDA was trying to close all health food stores! I live in California. How did that happen huh? They’re like gangs who beat up and bully one person, let’s be real….wake up! don’t think for a minute they will allow more testimony, etc! Im surprised he was allowed 2! And Doug, how can you even compare any of this to a success rate of chemo/radiation? What success rate? Those words do not belong in the same sentence! If you really understood the poison behind chemo, and remember how dangerouse xray’s are?…..that’s radiation! So please do not compare these! They have “NO” simularites what so ever! Do your research! Thank you Ty for being there and filming this to get the word out!
Just keep posting and supporting these good people.
Thank you, Ty, for taking a strong stance against the patients who brought this action against Burzynski. All but one of them are dead now and have nobody to speak for them. I commend you for trying to shut them up.
The FDA and Big Pharma have been terrorizing Dr. Burzynski for decades. If he ever does lose his license, he should move to Mexico. Where the FDA can’t stop his saving patients.
Yes, it is really stupid for our government and the Pharma companies to take Dr. Burzynski’s license to practice. If I am ever diagnosed with cancer, I will find a way to get to him, wherever he is. I would think peoples’ lives are worth more than big bucks in someone’s pocket!
If he is in prison or deceased, your plan will not work. The big buck$ are worth more than strangers lives. They rationalize that we need to reduce the “over population” of the planet; so, what they do is best for the rest of us (+ dead people can’t vote against what “they” want). Mexico can be brought into line (treaties).
My heart goes out to him, his family and ALL his patients ❤️
Karma will bite these evil individuals one day!!
Stay strong ????xoxoxo
I’ve just signed the petition and it’s gone through ok.
I also believe the petition site is being blocked. I have tried numerous times and cannot get on that petition site.
Is it possible to remove the back ground music? I find it very distracting while trying to listen to what is being said. My hearing must be very sensitive and the message here is of monumental importance but it’s being deminished by the constant back ground music. I hope you can do something about it for future recordings. Thank you
I agree, stop the background noise !!!
There are problems loading to Facebook. Are they trying to stop us now from sharing?
God bless us all. M
You are right on words well said I have gadasby beam Ray for 20years better then any doc
I have complete all of the chemo so far.
Nivolumab. Aka opdivo
Auto stem cell transplant
And now the dr wants to give me an allogeneic stem cell
I’m 35 yrs old good shape and I have Hodgkins lymphoma (Nodular Sclerosis CHL)
Has anyone with Hodgkins lymphoma been cured by doing the natural path way?
If so what did you take and who did you see?
Thank you
Dr. Burzynski does not deserve to have his license taken away for saving terminal cancer patients. At least, he does not poison his patients bodies with those toxic therapies like chemotherapy and radiation therapy. He deserves the best in the world. I will tell you who should have their licenses taken away are oncologists who recommend chemotherapy and radiation therapy to their patients. I have heard that many patients died just using those conventional treatments than the disease itself. Get rid of chemotherapy and radiation therapy and just use mild therapies instead. At least, ones hair will not fall out, feel sick to their stomach, nauseous, numbness in feet, and have cold shores in mouth.
It is an outrage the way the pharmaceutical industry has up until now dominated the “cancer industry” and have deceived the public of information and how to use alternatives!! They are protecting the information that 97% of their so-called treatments are total failure and now claim that the failure rate has improved to 85% failure!! When someone produces a protocol that has a 95% success rate doesn’t that tell you something?? This movement will become so successful that pharmaceuticals will eventually be exposed as what they are no matter how many doctors they harass!! This is becoming common knowledge and by now, almost everyone knows that the FDA is not here to protect American Citizens- They are thugs who are more interested in protecting the people that pay them a lot of money- sometimes hush money!
I tried to sign the Burzynski petition, but it appears to have been hacked as there is no form to file. At least this is true from an iPad.
I had the same problem as Dom above. White screen which BIG PHAMA is paying someone to crash your petition
The Budwig diet is cheap and effective. Big pharma can’t stop that!
Very true.. There are so many cases his treatment failed.. And it is also dangerous (treatment ) …. Uses a lot of corticoides.. Plus the amount of money he charges.. I wish I can believe.. Doubts..
But does any one get better with dr burzyanski treatment I did not find one person and it’s very expensive as well
Will always support you. If only I’d have this information years ago. I have lost 2 sisters and my mother to cancer / chemo I amid definitely not going down the same route. I endeavour to eat healthy cut out any thing that is refind no red meat , also dairy products. Keep up the amazing work and praying for your protection . Pamela Sawyer living in Spain and friend of Felicity C. Wh. Gods blessings xx
God bless Dr. Burzynski and grant him liberty to keep helping save lives! Just this April, I personally knew 2 women, both age 48, both mothers of young children, who just died! One had cervical cancer, the other had pancreatic/liver cancer, and BOTH had gone through chemotherapy and radiation. This is SICK and DISGUSTIN, especially when I realize that something non-invasive COULD have saved their young lives, but they were sucked into the vortex of conventional poison. I am praying for more exposure of evil, and for justice for men like Dr.Burzynski!
To the contrary, the 40-hour work week in the United States was due to labor unions who fought for a shorter work day/work week as well as for safer working conditions. Too many workers and their families, as you said in other words, suffered tremendous hardships and deaths due to being treated as beasts of burden instead of as human beings. The mining industries (uranium, barium, coal, copper, diamonds, etc.) still are the biggest killer of workers and their families to this day. You also raised many good points on each subject you touched.
Gladly signed! Thank you TY for all you do to educate the public????
Dr Burzynski jest super doktor pomaga ludziom chorym na raka,,medycyna naturalna bez chemi ktora w wiekszosci zabija, jak mozna tak postepowac i truc i zabijac ludzi chemia jak , Dr Burzynski ma szalone osiagnieci w ratowaniu zycia ludzkiego,polecam moim znajomym tego lekarza jako uzdrowiciel, Elzbieta
I am fully supporting natural medecine and Dr Burzynski, but how do you explain the fact that there are so few people at the hearing supporting him, i would have expected thousands of people, not just the ones that he cured but their family, friends and others. What are we not told?Hope i get an answer as i am sure others are wondering too.
Dr Burzynski is a brilliant, fiery, gutsy genius whose first peer reviewed paper appeared in 1976. Imagine if it was embraced and acted upon and the amount of lives that could have been saved in the mean time. Sadly, big pharma and the FDA have colluded to try and revoke his license and put him out of business. You almost think at this stage that Dr B has some divine help in preventing the cowards to put him in jail. God bless him a billion fold and bring him success.
Jaqueline…did you miss all those CURED of CANCER people with placards outside the kangaroo court they had been sent home to DIE by money go round corrupt pharma…what division of corrupt pharma do you work for ,I tend to find many NEGATIVE PEOPLE work for corrupt big pharma, .folks look up the BIG CANCER KILLER GcMAF that corrupt big pharma are trying their best to suppress big time and failing because it is all over the net..oh by the way folks post all to YOUTUBE they do not BLOCK on there FB infiltrated by corrupt phama..
ALL of the GOOD GUYS (Holistic Dr’s and the like, including us little people who need these drs etc) should get all-together and find a way to attack the bad guys (fda, big pharma, government or anyone with their hands in this) and get them out of these positions whether we find a jail and place them in it for killing all us little people along with the holistic people and the like. How can they get paid for killing and living a fun free life and all these families who are treated like their life isn’t worth anything and the innocent are hurting and/or dying just because they can’t make money. These people should be physically taken out themselves and pay for these peoples pain. Harassing Holistic Drs is seriously wrong!!!! The bad people should be force fed their pills etc. and see how they feel and lose their position immediately. I’m proud of these good people who believe in saving lives just as God had planned. Sorry to hear that they are being harassed and or killed, but believe that they are going to Heaven for standing up to their/God’s belief. So the killers won’t win at all in the long run, because these great souls will have more power to help us on earth from Heaven and can help more people at once. The killers will end up paying for their sins in the long run. I pray in front of the Eucharist for these great Holistic Doctors and anyone else who gets killed for doing good by trying to save lives. Pray, pray and pray some more: the more we do the better outcome, so help me out please. God Bless and Take Care
But I’d you recall, David won the battle against Goliath. 🙂
I noticed a question was raised about how there were few survivors who showed up at the recent trials against Dr. Burzynski and after looking online, I saw so many negative sites and reviews about his treatment that I started to wonder myself if maybe I’m backing the wrong guy. Then I came across this old posting from 2013 defending Dr Burzynskiand it was long but was an eye-opener and worth the read:
As far as showing up to trial, that costs time and money. They have brought Dr. Burzynski to trial so many times (and lost each time) over the years that it is reasonable to assume that many of his patients can’t afford to attend each and every trial personally. His cure rate is low but considering these folks were given death sentences it’s still amazing that it’s higher than the establishment and that many are still living. Maybe these prosecutors feel that if they keep attacking him, his patients may not live long enough to testify or show up on his behalf. Since 1983 to 2012 the State of Texas and the FDA has taken him to court 9 times and now they’re doing it again! How many 20+ year survivors of any kind of cancer no less the worse, are there? The prosecutors know this but they will waste tax payers money regardless how many cures he has.
I think that he is one of those stubborn pioneers who will be constantly under an orchestrated attack from people with deep pockets who are afraid of the fact that he is not only helping people but he is damaging their cash cow. For that, he deserves all the support he can get.
I wish Dr Burzynski could open something up in South Africa. There are lots of interested people here.
In 1996 I lost my 27 yr old daughter to non Hodgkin’s lymphoma . After 6 years of chemo and radiation and mistakes made by doctors at the leading hospital for cancer in New York she went home to Jesus. Had I known then what I know now I would have taken the same route Dr Brurzynski is taking with his people. Nothing has or is being said at this trial (that I know of) did his patients come to home first OR after their immune system was compromised by fda approved treatments. After 20 years of research I have found natural cures provided by God are the ONLY way to go and excellent results being gotten in WEEKS not years only to have Cancer return after treating with chemo and rad. Note. Money is only made in treatment of cancer a $200 Billion dollar industry. Think about it’
How awful, Doug. Losing a child has to be the worst life has to offer. I’m glad you brought up mistakes made by doctors. As if the treatment isn’t bad enough, the ill effects are compounded by medical mistakes. Our family suffered through the agony of those mistakes when my dad was being treated for brain cancer. Needless to say, he passed away. I wish I had known about all the info provided by The Truth about Cancer in time to help my dad. Best to you.
Jacqueline Rojas, Please give evidence about ‘corticosteroids” . or else don’t just claim anything as you like….
Jon, I had Hodgkin and esophageal cancer. The treatment for Hodgkin caused esophageal some forty years later, just like the docs said it would. For the last one, I took chemo and radiation but also took canibas. Research it. They said I would be dead now. I found a great naturopath at Bothell natural medicine named Katrina and she has made the difference. I was sceptical as a lifelong RN, but figured what can I lose? My thoughts and prayers are with you. I know what you are going through. If you need someone to talk to I would be glad to listen. You are not alone.
My dad was a patient at Dr. Burzynski’s clinic in 2008. He had stage 4 metastatic brain cancer. Unfortunately the treatments did not work for him and he passed several months later. The entire staff at Dr. B’s clinic were great. Do not be fooled though, they are in this to make money. The out of network treatment is expensive and they pull you in to the accounting office before any dr visit or medications are handed out. You are required to pay upfront and in advance – similar to an attorney retainer. The shady part is that when he passed, the clinic still had nearly $9k of his money and while they require you to pay in full up front when it’s their turn to pay you they make minimum monthly payments?!? There is a fine print clause regarding this in the mounds of paperwork you fill out. It is also VERY important to have a local MD in your home state willing to prescribe Dr. B’s orders for you. This was a huge problem for us. A lot of their treatment protocol involves using fda approved drugs against their approved use (ie: an fda approved breast cancer drug for treatment of brain cancer) and we were unable to find any oncologist or MD willing to write scripts and risk their own licenses. Do you homework before you go here. I think this doctor and his team are brilliant but this treatment isn’t for everyone.
Helo, wanted to know if there are any recent news from Dr Burzynski’s trial?…recent after may….
correct. They should.
The one thing I don’t understand is if I can’t afford to donate it won’t be shared as much. if you really want to save lives I should be able to share and get more signatures on the petition. Could someone please explain this to me????????? I am on a disability but would love to get way more people informed on this topic but I can’t afford to donate.
Because the government wants to make it as hard as possible for the cure to get out. And the further we go developing technology, the more control the government will have.
Come on people! Unite and fight for your right to choose the healthcare that you feel is best for you and your situation. Don’t let government choose for you.
Who has the most recent development on Dr Burzynski’s trial?…i heard May but since then thanks
Ty, do consider posting Dr. Ron Rosedale articles pertaining to the “the prevention of cancer” … using food as medicine to prevent cancer. One gonna have Low Insulin; Low Leptin; and Low mTOR in their daily intake of proper food. Thanks and be 🙂
I contacted his clinic to find out about the treatment cost for my wife’s cancer. They said a course of treatment, of course with no guarantees, would cost in the region of 260,000 dollars. That is a disgrace, and he should be ashamed of himself as that suggests to me he is lining his pockets at the expense of the desperate. Sorry if that is not what you want to hear !
Julie, did you read ANY of the material?
not all business’s are bad..this is more about fda ama – the govt controlling health care…read the truth about cancer…it will explain better than I
We still do not have recent news about Dr Bursynski….
In a 43-page complaint, the Texas Medical Board states that Dr. Burzynski and his staff knowingly misled patients, attracting them to the clinic with the promise of being included in trials for antineoplastons, when they knew most of the patients wouldn’t qualify. Then doctor or other staff members would tell patients they could get access to antineoplastons, before charging large retainers and ordering other treatments. Also that Dr. Burzynski charged exorbitant amounts, billed for unnecessary tests and failed to adequately disclose his stake in the pharmacy and lab that provided many patients’ drugs and tests. Then that Dr. Burzynski and his staff made numerous medical and record-keeping errors, including misinterpreting scans and using the wrong tests to evaluate patients’ progress. Also using untested drug combinations as well https://theotherburzynskipatientgroup.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/002-2014-12-23-complaint.pdf
I’ve been trying to find someone here that says he/she has been cured from cancer with Dr. Burzynski treatment. If theres someone please tell
The plural of anecdote isn’t data and as Dr. Novella once said: ”If you are basing your claims on anecdotal experience, then any treatment will seem to work for anything and everything.” Dr. Burzynski has been researching these since the 70s. He’s conducted many trials (64), but never managed to produce any credible evidence that they work for any type. Not only that but when others have tested them they can’t show they work either (Pubmed PMC4366171). In my view they have been sufficiently studied and now should be regarded as a disproven treatment.
hi.i want to contact dr Burzynski for the treatment of my uncle who is cancer patient.kindly help me in reaching out to him.
Hi Faisal,
You should be able to find his contact information on the web. All you have to do is search for him!
if you searched the dr on google it will only take you to google bias pages check it out . go to duckduckgo do the same search and look at their legit, non bias results that show up if you want to know if you going down the right rabbit hole check the difference between search engines if google is wildly different. you’re on the right path, they do cover things up and provide bias. remember the truth is right in front of your eyes. use your common sense and stop ignoring your truth.
I have read a lot on this study and think he might team up with Life Extension. Sue Summer believes in natural alternatives to. The Life Extension also sued the FDA. They one the battle in some cases.
It is and always be about Big Pharma , HMO’s, Hospital’s, and Research Groups keeping the money pouring in at the patients and America n tax-payers expense over the well being of the patients solely to line their pockets, and their public image and “societal” importance and good standing.
MY friend had Leukemia and his doctor swore to him they were going to beat that Leukemia. When he died he was Leukemia free, but they destroyed his Kidneys and Liver beating the Cancer. He could have done without all the negative effects of Chemo and Radiation, him and his wife spending weeks and all their money on useless treatment that only killed him. Really hypocritical rather than Hippocratic. dr. Burzynski threatens the flow of money, just as DMSO did to Big Pharma in the 1970’s & 80’s which Big Pharma quashed through the FDA. DMSO an incredible anti-inflammatory was a by-product of making paper and a cheap by-product Big Pharma didn’t own and control. Independent thinkers and researchers must be given the freedom of innovation and thinking outside the money box.
We’re so so sorry to hear about your friend, Thomas. Truly we understand your loss and your frustration. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your friend’s loved ones. ❤️
Loved your point on “thinking outside the box” money – this would be helpful to reach so many natural solutions. Instead of having the people who reach these solutions killed or threatened as they are in today’s society.
The only way we the people are to have better health is to have medical freedom? The time is now stand up for Alternative Health For All Now
Why doesnt he just move to a more accepting country that has less legal restrictions, even if it was in somalia. I’m sure people would travel.