It wasn’t too long ago that I believed that the term Eastern Medicine was synonymous with “Eastern religion” and was nothing more than “woo woo” medicine, whereas Western Medicine was “scientifically proven” and “time tested.”
Little did I know that I actually had it backwards…
What do I mean by that? Eastern Medicine is focused on utilizing herbs, plants, sunlight, energy, and other natural healing modalities and substances that God created. In other words, Eastern Medicine is actually creation medicine.
In Ezekiel 47:12, we read:
And on the banks, on both sides of the river, there will grow all kinds of trees for food. Their leaves will not wither, nor their fruit fail, but they will bear fresh fruit every month, because the water for them flows from the sanctuary. Their fruit will be for food, and their leaves for healing.”
The truth of the matter is that since the Garden of Eden, plants, herbs, trees, and roots have been used in a therapeutic fashion to heal the body, mind, and spirit. And that’s another facet of Eastern Medicine that needs to be emphasized. Eastern Medicine realizes that the spiritual, structural, psychological, and emotional aspects of a living being are all interconnected and that to treat an individual you must treat all aspects. In other words, you can’t simply treat human beings with chemicals and drugs and expect meaningful results.
Speaking of chemicals, any medical doctor will admit that Western Medicine relies on pharmaceutical drugs to “treat” illnesses. In other words, it is chemical medicine.
But WHY are people sick? Is it because they are “chemically deficient”? Do pharmaceutical chemicals heal their sick body? Think about it…
Did you know that the words “pharmacy” and “pharmaceutical” are derived from the Greek word pharmakeia, which can also be translated as “sorcery” or “witchcraft”? No, I’m not saying that doctors who prescribe drugs are witches and warlocks or are “casting spells” on their patients. I’m just bringing to your attention the fact that “pharmaceutical” has a very interesting etymology. The indisputable reality is that in Western Medicine, pharmaceuticals rule the roost.
Another problem with Western Medicine is that it is still based on allopathy, or the “battlefield” treatment of ailments with drugs. Allopathy was very important during both World Wars. Faced with the choice between amputating a limb or patching up the soldier momentarily so he could get back on the battlefield, doctors chose the latter. Drugs like penicillin made this possible.
But battlefield tactics belong on the battlefield, not in the treatment of disease! One of the primary reasons why so many people are sick is that doctors are looking at things through the narrow “battlefield” lens and are using “band-aids” (drugs) to temporarily alleviate a symptom, while never correcting the root cause of illness.
To reiterate… these drugs, which are literally “controlled poisons” made from chemicals in laboratories, do not heal but only mask illnesses and disease, and only treat symptoms. We call them “medications,” but those who know about true health and healing (with God’s “medicine chest”) are very aware these chemical drugs are based on “pseudo science.” The reality is that there are thousands of potentially deadly drugs that are “FDA approved,” but most folks are unaware that each year in the USA, more people die from legal, properly prescribed prescription drugs than from illegal drugs sold on the streets?
That’s right! Each year, over 100,000 Americans die from the known side effects of prescription drugs. This is openly admitted by the FDA on their own website!
Did you know that over half of all pharmaceutical drugs now in use were originally derived from nature? Have you ever taken an aspirin? Where does aspirin come from? It comes from a compound found in the bark and leaves of the willow tree. Have you ever heard of Vincristine or Vinblastine? These are chemotherapy drugs that are derived from the periwinkle flower. Another popular chemotherapy drug, Taxol, is derived from the Pacific yew tree. The problem is that aspirin, Vincristine, Vinblastine, Taxol, and all pharmaceutical drugs, have known side effects. The real problem is that when man attempts to “improve” what God has made, the results is almost always a LESS effective remedy with possible negative side effects.
What does this indicate? God is the ultimate chemist … NOT man!
But let’s backtrack…
Did you know that there was once a time when Western and Eastern Medicine coexisted in the USA too? That was until the Carnegie and Rockefeller Foundations started to engineer the medical school curriculum over a century ago.
In our groundbreaking docu-series, A Global Quest, we addressed the Flexner Report of 1910. But it’s worth briefly mentioning it here. Why? Because it is the reason why Eastern Medicine doesn’t have a large presence in the USA and it’s also one of the reasons why Eastern Medicine is commonly perceived as “woo woo” or “quackery.”
Back in the late 1800s and early 1900s, medical schools taught a lot of different things. Homeopathy, naturopathy, chiropractic, and herbalism all had their own schools and were flourishing. But then the Rockefeller and Carnegie Foundations, who were heavily invested in chemical companies (many of which became pharmaceutical companies), decided to do what they did to the steel and oil industries… eliminate all competition.
How would they eliminate the competition to their chemical companies (some of which later became pharmaceutical companies)? They commissioned a report, authored by Abraham Flexner, which “found” it was too easy to start a medical school and that most schools weren’t teaching “sound” medicine. But their true motivation was not to protect the public. It was to create a medical monopoly and protect their patents and petrochemicals based medical education.
Basically, they eliminated any and all competition such as homeopathy, naturopathy, and herbalism (including Eastern Medicine)… and flooded the country with their “appropriately trained” and approved MDs. Anyone who dared to call themselves a healer without their endorsement were forced out of business or prosecuted for practicing “quackery.”
So, despite what you may have heard or thought, this is the real reason Eastern Medicine was never a big deal in the USA. Not because it’s a substandard type of medicine… which it isn’t!
If it were widely taught and utilized in the USA, Eastern Medicine would put a HUGE dent in the revenues of ‘Big Pharma’ companies who peddle chemicals. Did you know that the pharmaceutical industry spends roughly $5 billion annually on marketing? That’s more than $8,000 per physician. You see, there’s almost nothing (and nobody) that limitless funds cannot buy.
Pharmaceutical companies start early by targeting students in medical school, giving out free meals, textbooks, drug samples, and even vacations! By the time they’re ready to practice, doctors are essentially “pharmaceutical sales reps” themselves. Clearly, the Western ‘medical model’ isn’t working. Healthcare costs are skyrocketing, people are taking more drugs than ever, and Americans are sicker than ever before.
If you have previously mocked Eastern Medicine (such as acupuncture and holistic treatments), you might want to give it another chance. One of the main distinctions and what makes Eastern Medicine so different than Western Medicine is that instead of prescribing a “one size fits all” (pharmaceutical drug) for all patients with certain symptoms, Eastern Medicine looks at the needs of each individual and unique body and acts accordingly.
I leave you with a quote from Dr. Selvam Rengasamy, who was interviewed in our Eastern Medicine documentary:
If you don’t know what else to do, you will only end up doing what you have known, or what you have learned, but sometimes it is good to have an open mind and explore, because there is nothing to lose by exploring whether natural treatments work instead of having a closed mind. And just because it’s not taught to us in medical school, just because it is not mentioned in medical textbooks, it doesn’t mean it’s not true.”
Editor’s note: This post was originally published in March 2019. It has been updated and republished in February 2024.
I was recently diagnosed with stage iv cancer in the colon, lungs, liver and spine. I do not feel led to do chemo even though the doctors are pressuring me to do so. Please let me know of alternatives. Thank you.
Hi Keisha –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis – I’ll be sure to pray for you.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
The book Radical Remission by gives the stories of people who have healed from cancer through non-traditional means and may give you hope and some direction. May you find your perfect healing, I pray…
Keisha I’m sorry about your illness. I’d suggest reading the book by Dr. Jason Fung regarding fasting and how that naturally heals your body. I think you’ll find it beneficial. I’ll pray for you.
Maybe you like to try artiemisia annua after before having taken iron? it destroys cancer cells;
what else? enzymes (papain, bromelain, chymotrypsin, trypsin), seleinium (to increase glutathione), magnesium, man koso (fermented, amino acids), etc.
green tea, 2 time s week meat (chicken, fish).
all the best!
plus take care of your gut as your immune system is necessary to eliiminate cells out of control by apoptosis.
I went to an Ayurvedic doctor who said “Let’s get to the root cause of this”. She did ‘live blood analysis’ where I could see the parasites, the mold, the candida, and inflamed cells. She gave me some Ayurvedic tinctures and a list of what to eliminate from my diet and what to include.
I had been to and MD who wanted to give me antibiotics and a dermatologist who wanted to give me cortisone cream. I am 73 years old and she is the only doctor I have been to that wanted to look at what was causing the problem.
That’s amazing to hear, Gertie!
We’re so happy to hear you found a great Ayurvedic doctor. 🙂
YES, YES, YES!!! I am so done with Western Medicine! Most docs I’ve had to deal with, are SO CLUELESS about nutrition issues! Makes you wonder what they are actually learning in Med school! Now, at 75, I have spent much of the past 2 decades learning about the health issues I have had to deal with….. and finding CURES, and not just treating symptoms with meds. And because of the steps I have taken….. my body has rewarded me with great health & support – even to the extent that my white hair returned to it original dirty blond color, over a decade ago (and remains so today)! That’s proof enough for me!!!
Well done Richard, yes I am also doing the same. In the last 20 years, (the Internet Years) I have sorted through ALL the Mis-Information, put out by Big Pharma’s, and got true information, that Dr’s never told me about, how I lost both my parents to Cancer and many friends, I no longer fear getting Cancer myself, I feel like I am in control of my life and health, and not controlled and manipulated by Big Pharma.
So grateful that you have this new series coming up. I have been a student of Qi Gong, as well as other Chinese methods. I always look to them first. You may know of Spring Forest Qi Gong based in MN. Qi Gong Master Chunyi Lin, is he creator of this method, I have witnessed many interesting changes for people on so many levels, including my own results using Qi Gong meditation and movements. I hope that you will look at this website if you have not already done so. I always go to the work of the Eastern philosophy before using Western medicine. Nothing frightens me more than meds, vaccines, surgeries etc. You are doing a GREAT job of encouraging the public to look outside the box!!! Thank you Jeanne Halverson
I once studied Eastern medicine, it is wonderful.
Western medicine IS manmade chemicals.
The Bible Scripture warns us about the ” Pharmakeia” Look to the Bible for the answers. God designed us, he knows what is best for us.
I once worked in a hospital as a nurse’s aide. One day a nurse told me that 100,000 people die a year in the hospital. You could tell it bothered her, and hinted it was because of Western medicine. It hurts when you see people die, even more so, when you know they could live with a good medicine..
Thanks for sharing, Lois!
Blessings and love!
I would like to sign up for your series on eastern medicine.
Hello Paulette –
Thanks for reaching out to us.
As long as you’re signed up for our emails you’ll be notified as soon as the sign up link is available for Eastern Medicine: Journey Through Asia.
To subscribe to our free newsletter, please visit
Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and on the bottom right you will see “GET THE LATEST NEWS
Want to stay up to date with the latest news on cancer prevention and life-saving treatment methods for FREE?”
You can then enter your name and email address.
Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Blessings and love!
Thank you for the encouraging information provided in your articles. Also thanks for not using your platform primarily to push products. Your knowledge is greatly appreciated. May God continue to richly bless you, your family and your efforts to educate by making information available.
Over 70 years old, I’m elated with the article about Eastern Medicine and wish that all of my friends and relatives would incorporate it in their health-care.
ten years ago, my sister, then 81, was told she needed to take 2 blood pressure meds. or she would be dead in 6 months. She lived alone, and died last week at age 91, still on no prescription drugs and just taking her supplements and herbs!!!!!
Hi Grace –
Thank you for sharing this with us.
Your sister sounds amazing and it sounds like she was a fighter. It must have been a blessing to know her.
We’re so sorry for your loss.
We’ll be sure to keep your family in our prayers.
Wishing you endless love, blessings, and comfort.
Is the Eastern Medicine series available download-able like the first one I bought ?
I also trying to get ‘ out of country ‘ Rigvir vile shipment from Lativa … My tongue Squamous
has started to bloom this spring –
Doctors in Lativa believe I am a candidate for Lativa Rigvir treatment.
Scrambling for better treatment and cure. Have you heard anything bad about Rigvir ?
My wife and I hope a local (US) cure can be obtained and started.
Sad that so many of my relatives like yours have believed the pharma quacks hook, line, and sinker and are no longer with us.
Hi Nelson –
Thanks for your note.
The Eastern Medicine documentary will be available in both digital and physical format like our past projects.
I believe the Rigvir therapy is offered at the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana. Here’s an article with more info on virotherapy:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
These are great questions, but it would be best if you reached out to a healthcare professional with your questions.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Hope this is helpful. Thanks for reaching out to us!
I just want to comment on something that happened this week in my senior apartment building. A man living here with his wife has had an infection in his foot that was not improving. He went to the doctor on Tuesday, was given an antibiotic and was told he might have side effects of nausea and diarrhea. Well, that night he was deathly ill…with constant vomiting and diarrhea, horrid chills, turning white, and he couldn’t move. His wife called 911 and he was taken to the hospital…his temperature was 93 when he was admitted. The hospital emergency crew pulled him through, and he’s home now. If that infection would have been treated naturally, with herbs and other healing plants and/or oils, his emergency would never have occurred. My question….how long will it be before health insurance companies recognize that maladies can be cured with non-pharma methods….and be willing to cover the costs of doing so? I know no one can answer that, and big pharma is a huge business. I’ve read the wonders that coconut oil can do for an ailing body, and have used it for minor injuries, and also drink it in water along with apple cider vinegar. I’m almost 80 and take no medications but I do take health supplements.
Great information Ty And Charlene as usual. I am always sharing your posts and bought TTAC series to share with family and friends. I lost an uncle and a close friend to cancer using chemo treatment recently. They both resigned themselves to their death sentence handed out by their doctors.They are now both dead of course. I am 62 and started on the wellness path 10 years ago. Knowledge is power and an informed mind makes better decisions and eliminates fear. Knowledge gives you confidence to lead a positive and healthy life. I constantly refer people to look outside the box who are toxic, overweight, constantly complaining and living with constant excruciating pain taking medications but despite all the good you share I realized most people are stuck in a comfort zone when it comes to diet/lifestyle. Radical change is just too painful for many so they continue living in denial .When you speak out against the system you are often vilified and called a quack psycho. But those who are quick to condemn will find out one day when it may be too late. With the internet today you can do all the research you want and learn so much about staying healthy. So many people are so scared about giving up medication and blindly following their doctor because they cant believe their doctor would suggest anything harmful. When I am driving I use the time to listen to podcasts from many of the people you interviewed in your TTAC series. Its impossible not to want to share information that can help people heal themselves so it pays to develop thick skin. God bless both of you. I am so blessed by your presence in my life. Thank you
“The truth of the matter is that since the Garden of Eden, plants, herbs, trees, and roots have been used in a therapeutic fashion to heal the body, mind, and spirit.”
Actually no. Before the fall there was no need to heal the body, mind, and spirit, and after the fall, Adam and Eve got kicked out of the Garden of Eden. If you’re gonna use the Bible, know it.
Glad to see so many people starting to realize that Big Pharma only cares about profit over healing
I am new to The Truth About Cancer, only because I was referred from one of my current college professors. I have to make an essay, my choice “Is there a Cure for Cancer?” I am so happy she introduced me to your website. Although, I have to research, collect information and gain knowledge about cancer for my essay. I am learning so much more from your website. I have many family members that have pasted cause of cancer. And I hope I do not have to experience this disease. This is very helpful for my essay and most of all for myself and I can now let others know what I am learning
This is so fantastic to hear, Christina! We’re so happy to hear that you’ve benefitted from the info we share. We also hope that neither you or any of your loved ones ever have to go through this. Praying for your endless blessings, love, and success always! Good luck on your essay! 🙂
Eastern Medicine users in Olden days feel that Doctor is God as he always treat non profit motivation gives herbal medicine liberally .
Western medicine Doctors always profit motive as Drugs are made by spending more Capital .
This is akin to preaching to the choir. I have staunchly advocated Eastern Medicine for nearly a decade. I was introduced to acupuncture on a cruise ship. I felt such relief that I pursued the practice in my home area. Initially I was treated for osteoarthritis and a neck injury sustained in an auto accident decades earlier. My acupuncturist relieved the chronic pain, and gradually restored full range of motion in my neck. The acupuncturist really impressed me with his diagnoses of conditions I had not mentioned during my intake. Unlike Western medicine, he interpreted deep pulse readings indicating several conditions, as well as tongue diagnoses. Fortunately, my Western primary care physician is totally supportive of my reliance on acupuncture and encourages me to continue this treatment.
My health insurance is extremely restrictive, and I pay out-of-pocket for acupuncture. With weekly sessions, my health concerns treated simultaneously include vision, anxiety, osteoarthritis, carpal tunnel and related problems, TMJ, GERD, and spinal stenosis related to osteoporosis. My acupuncturist is also a noted herbalist. As soon as I was diagnosed with Macular Degeneration, he began addressing my vision and providing Chinese herbs specifically formulated for this. Thank Heaven, the MD has not progressed in the 4+ years since diagnosis.
I still maintain wellness with all my Western physicians, but acupuncture is my day-to-day salvation. Rather than having appointments with many specialists and spending money for expensive co-pays each time, acupuncture keeps me up and functioning every day. It is a truly complimentary medical practice, not an alternative.
If health insurers would only accept that people like myself are saving them tens of thousands of dollars. We can get opioids for pain relief, and surgery for mobility and other therapies, but some of us avoid these measures, although insurers cover these costs to some extent. They must be made to realize the patient benefits, as well as their savings. As you indicate, Big Pharma has the doctors on their hook. What will it take to solve this problem situation? Contacting insurers and legislators individually is like whistling into the wind. The bean counters do not want to address change.
My mother 74 yrs old. Detected Leiomyosarcoma of uterus in June 2016. Had operation . Removed overy ,uterus & tumer in three operations in same year of 2016. Undergone rigorous six cycles of ehemo. During follow up one 50 mm tumer detected in right kidney in 2018. Doctors prescribed for radical nephrectomy. In August 2019 two nos tumer of size about 50mm detected in pelvic region. Doctors prescribed operation.
At present undergoing homeopathy treatment.
Any suggestions please?