Dr. Mercola: There are three words that I strongly recommend, three easy words to remember, and that is: Eat real food.
Ty Bollinger: I love that. Eat real food.
Dr. Mercola: Eat real food. Because when you do that, you know what you accomplish? You avoid the artificial ingredients that are inserted into your food. And most people are not aware that there are over 10,000 chemicals that are labeled GRAS, Generally Recognized As Safe, by the food industry themselves. And by labeling them as GRAS, they are able to penetrate a loophole that allows them never to be tested for human safety. Not just singly, but let alone when combined with all the others, so there is synergistic toxicity.
So when you eat real food you avoid the chemicals. You avoid the exposure to these untested chemicals that essentially are making the population a guinea pig, because we have no idea what the chronic exposure to many of these combinations of chemicals will do.
Ty Bollinger: Because of the fact that these chemicals are generally regarded as safe, but they are not tested.
Dr. Mercola: Never tested. They have been labeled by the food industry.
Ty Bollinger: So you’re right, we are the guinea pigs on that.
Dr. Mercola: Yes. And you could say, “That’s okay, I’ll just read the label.” Well, if you had the eyesight and the glasses to be able to read the 2-point font, and the chemical understanding to read the label, because those are complex chemical terms, they’re not even there! The loopholes says because they’re GRAS, you don’t even have to put them on the food label.
Ty Bollinger: Really?
Dr. Mercola: Yes!
Ty Bollinger: Wow.
Dr. Mercola: Yes. So there is no way a conscientious consumer could possibly choose the right food in packaged food. So just play it safe, eat real food. Which means you, or someone you know or love, or pay, prepares the food. Now, does that mean you have to do it 100%? It’s almost physically impossible to do that, because you’re going to go out to eat at restaurants, and obviously, you are going to delegate that responsibility, but your general pattern, 80 to 90% of the time, is to eat real food that is prepared by you or someone you know.
Ty Bollinger: Think about the way your grandmom and grandpop ate, and eat that.
Dr. Mercola: Absolutely. Or, you’ve been around the world interviewing experts and you go to places like Eastern Europe where they’re still doing that. When I was seeing patients, I was just absolutely delighted when I had patients from Eastern Europe because this is the way they operate. They have hardly any exposure to these processed foods. They get it at a foundational level. You don’t have to try to teach or preach to them or convince them that this is the way we were designed to eat.
Ty Bollinger: Yes, it was refreshing for us.
Dr. Mercola: Yes, and you are so much healthier, you just avoid so many challenges when you take this approach to a lifestyle and feeding yourself, and then you can avoid all the challenges, because your body is designed to stay healthy. It wants to be healthy. It never was designed to go toward disease so that you have to see a physician who is going to prescribe a medication to treat that. That is not the design. The design is to be healthy.
You can easily do that when you are eating real food, exercising the right way, sleeping, getting movement, and your body self-regulates, it heals. And sleeping. And exposure to sunlight, which is why I moved down here so I could have more sunlight in the winter and get vitamin D.
Was diagnosed with Poor Circulation so Im doing walking more regularly.
Walking is a FANTASTIC way to combat poor circulation, Rosey. Wishing you all the best and good health always!
I wonder if you know of a vitamin manufacturer who makes wholely natural organic vitamins?
Ancient Nutrition. Dr. Joshua Axe and Jodan Rubin with new team members Tye and Charlene Bollinger!
That’s fine if you live in USA but no good elsewhere…disappointing that our sources have now been cut off
Usana Health Sciences 5 out of 5 gold star.
All your info is appreciated beyond words!!!
And we appreciate your support, Cass!
Have a great day.
My sister has rheumatoid arthritis; what is the best regime for this?
Thanks for the continued truthful information. I do trust you guys and you have introduced me to others like you, Dr Axe, Nick Ortner, Majorie Wildcraft etc. Sometimes getting the right info can be an overload, so I try to apply the KISS principal, keep it simple stupid! My partner and I try to be as self sufficient as possible and it is working, we are mid to late fifties, on no medications, live off grid, eat out of our vegetable garden and only buy good quality whole foods when we have to.
Thank you for keeping us on the right track. Cheers Jodie
Again valuable (priceless in my view) clear simple genuine factual information for anyone to understand. Except of course those who have personal food fads or blank out the truth due to very weak will power any sensible person who would prefer a healthy life, must take notice and act accordingly. It is a ”No Brainer” and applies equally to the UK also. Thanks again my friends.
We try to eat and live healthy….it has been a struggle as I have Hashimoto’s. I did Dr. Axe’s program for gut health a few years ago and did well…at that time I was able to order his supplements but can’t get them now because they no longer ship to Canada. I also ordered the TTAC videos from Ty Bollinger. I was pleased to hear that they have teamed up with Dr. Axe & Jordan Rubans (have also done The Makers Diet several times to help revamp my immune system). I am truly disappointed that we can no longer access their supplements just because we live in Canada. Do you have any other ideas for us to order reputable supplements in Canada?
Sharon Chase
Eat Real Food, Not to Much, Mostly Plants !!
I have just been diagnosed with breast cancer and getting ready to have a mastectomy.
I live on social security and can’t afford to buy organic veggies and pasture fed meat and most fruits are not in season
right now. Is store bought almond milk ok to drink? What do I do for bread? HELP!
Hi Janice,
I am sorry to read about your cancer diagnosis. I buy organic raw almonds (just a cup would do); then I soak them over night in pure, clean water. The next morning I usually pour off that water (I’m sure some would say I don’t have to, but I’m just extra sometimes), then blend it. You’ll be amazed to see the “milky” liquid ready to drink. Some say you can add, vanilla. I would avoid adding any sugar sweeteners though.
God bless you,
In Germany they have a “honey law”, according to which nothing may be added to or extracted from honey. Honey “as is”, granted by constitution, so to speak. I find it unthinkable and scandalous to only think of falsifying that miraculous golden bees “milk” (which is but their “baby raising juice”), anyway! I’d really wish you Americans could get a similar “insurance” very soon.
Is there a way to heal sigmoid colon diverticulosis and what should be avoided
Hi Denise!
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series. We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area. If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Hope that helps!
We have become vegan- no oils, dairy, meats or fish. My husband’s creatinine numbers came down, at one time he was close to dialysis.
Question regarding “EAT REAL FOOD”. What is Dr. Mercola’s opinion of meals provided by mail order companies, specifically Home Chef. My husband and I have been enjoying their meals 2-3 times weekly for about 6 months. They’re very tasty and are easy to prepare. The meats seem to be very fresh – no odors, etc. The vegetables are probably not organic but they are at least “real vegetables” as opposed to canned, frozen or boxed.
Opinion and advice is welcome. Thanks!!