Video Transcript: What is Your Biggest Health Risk When Eating GMO Foods?
Mike Adams: The legitimate scientific question is what is the long term implication on humans when they eat this chemical that is a deadly chemical?
The GMO biotech industry absolutely does not want you to ask the question. They routinely intimidate and threaten scientists that explore this question. They intimidate and threaten activists. They engage in character assassination; all kinds of things that most of your viewers wouldn’t even believe if I told you the truth about what they do behind the scenes.
They operate like a mafia. But it’s a mafia to protect the mythology that GMOs are not dangerous.
Ty Bollinger: Right.
Mike Adams: But clearly, if you eat poison you might want to be concerned about what the effects would be. But in my view that’s not even the biggest risk of GMOs. The biggest risk comes from the transgenic effects.
There is interesting new research, more needs to be done still, but there’s early research now coming out that indicates that the genetic fragments of GMO corn can change the expression of your own physiology. So that that genetic code somehow combines with your own genetic code, perhaps with the microbiology of your intestinal flora, which then alters your entire physiology.
It can change your blood pressure. It can change your risk of heart disease. It can alter your gene expression. Some of this may also get into epigenetics – the non-physical, non-DNA factors of gene expression that are now increasingly being recognized by modern scientists.
So look, we don’t have all the answers yet, but that’s exactly why we should halt GMOs.
Mike Adams, 🌈
It means so much to hear you talk, and know of you and all you share.., and how you care, .
It is with so much love, that I say, I am so glad I get to see and hear you, speak. It is a support to poeple like me, whom had or has, a cancer”,or just wants true” health,
,and you are, a truth and light, in an untruth, of what we as a public, have to journey through.
ThankYou 🌹☀🍀