Cancer is big business, no doubt about it. But did you know that the treatment your doctor orders could actually increase the likelihood that you will become a repeat customer? Conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation actually promote cancer. Yes, you read that correctly… they promote cancer!
Cancer is increasingly becoming a survivable disease, yet the treatments cause considerable collateral damage – including initiating new, second cancers.
Second cancers are cancers unrelated to the original cancer, which can be triggered by the very same imbalances or cancer-causing agents that led to the first cancer. In fact, doctors sometimes refer to the risk of a second cancer as “friendly fire” – that is treatment for one cancer resulting in the initiation of a second cancer. How in God’s name could any doctor fail to mention to a patient the possibility that second cancers can be created by the very cancer treatment they are administering?
How Long Has it Been Known That Chemotherapy and Radiation Can Lead to Second Cancers?
The link between chemotherapy and radiation and the development of second cancers has been known for decades! Even the American Cancer Society acknowledges that chemotherapy and radiotherapy are carcinogens and may increase risk for developing a second cancer, and that the risk is even higher when both therapies are given together. Yet still this information is not typically shared with patients or is severely downplayed by oncologists − unless you ask specific pointed questions about your proposed radiation therapy and/or chemo.
Chemotherapy and Second Cancers
Chemotherapy targets the DNA of cancer cells, specifically rapidly dividing cells. However, in the process it also impacts healthy cells. Risk is dose and treatment-duration related.
The most common cancers linked to chemotherapy drugs are AML (acute myelogenous leukemia) and MDS (myelodysplastic syndrome). The news of ABC’s Good Morning America host Robin Robert’s diagnosis of MDS is a perfect example.
Radiation and Second Cancers
Beyond the obvious link from radiation exposure to cancer (Chernobyl, Fukushima, and atomic bomb blasts in Japan) and the debate around whether or not EMFs from cell phones cause cancer (credible information says they can), radiation therapy has been recognized as carcinogenic for many years. Like chemotherapy drugs, radiation therapy destroys cancer cells but also harms healthy cells.
Radiation therapy has been linked to the occurrence of solid tumors of the lung, stomach, and bone, and to various types of leukemia such as AML (acute myelogenous leukemia), CML (chronic myelogenous leukemia), and ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia).
The Links Between Chemotherapy and Radiation to Second Cancers are Known and Vast
- Chemotherapy drugs that are alkylating agents such as mechlorethamine, cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil, melahalan, and others interfere with a cell’s DNA that can sometimes cause AML and MDS.
- Non-alkylating chemotherapy agents (platinum-based drugs) such as cisplatin and carboplatin attack cancer cells in a similar way, increasing the risk for leukemia. Risk is dose related and the risk of developing leukemia increases even more if radiation is given along with cisplatin or carboplatin (or other platins).
- In the case of topoisomerase II inhibitors such as Etoposide, Teniposide, and Mitoantrone, the drugs stop cells from being able to repair DNA, sometimes causing leukemia, often within as little as 2-3 years. Anthracyclines, while still topoisomerase II inhibitors, are less likely to cause leukemia.
- Targeted therapy drugs such as Zelboraf and Tafinlar, which are used to treat melanoma, increase the risk of squamous cell carcinomas of the skin.
- Patients given immunosuppressive medication (they suppress the immune system), such as cyclophosphamide, chlorambucil and nitrogen mustard (for treatment or during organ transplants) are proven to develop second cancers.
- Radiation treatment for breast cancer significantly increases risk for developing lung cancer.
- Radiation treatment for prostate cancer can result in carcinomas.
- Chemo used to treat lymphomas and breast cancer can initiate bladder cancer.
- Chemo has been linked to the initiation of testicular cancer.
- Prior cancer treatments are a key risk factor for subsequent neoplasms for childhood cancer survivors.
- Stem cell transplants increase risk of second cancers from the chemotherapy and radiation used as well as the associated suppression of the immune system.
While secondary malignancies may be due to many factors, chemotherapy and radiation are both carcinogens; exposure to these therapies can result in an increased risk of second cancers.
Sadly, many oncologists do not inform their patients that the treatments they prescribe could possibly lead to a second cancer. Now you know and The Truth About Cancer is here to educate and empower you with this knowledge and information.
Article Summary
Conventional cancer treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation cause considerable collateral damage – including initiating new, second cancers.
The link between chemotherapy and radiation and the development of second cancers has been known for decades. Even the American Cancer Society acknowledges these treatments are carcinogens and that the risk is even higher when both therapies are given together.
The most common cancers linked to chemotherapy drugs are AML (acute myelogenous leukemia) and MDS (myelodysplastic syndrome).
Radiation therapy has been linked to the occurrence of solid tumors of the lung, stomach, and bone, and to various types of leukemia such as AML (acute myelogenous leukemia), CML (chronic myelogenous leukemia), and ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia).
Sadly, many oncologists do not inform their patients that the treatments they prescribe could possibly lead to a second cancer.
What is the best non caffeine tea for pancreatic cancer patient who is on chemo?
I recommend hibiscus flower tea because it helps you rebuild your iron. Chemo saps your bone marrow fro a while so some extra iron is helpful. 20mg/8oz cup! Better than taking iron supplement tabs.
Ashwagandha is really good with manuka honey. Rooibos is delicious and has a nice vanilla flavor. I take astragalus supplements, but I believe it can be made into a tea. Moringa supplements have 7 times more C’ and Iron and many other vitamins in a natural plant form. Cancer cells do take iron from your bones, so it can cause anemia. It’s imperative to keep your vitamins strong. If you have moments where you need to increase white blood cells, take echinacea. I prefer the combo with goldenseal. I tolerate it more.
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Without chemo and radiotherapy a lot of people would have died. No herbs and spices namby pamby is going to be better than the known tx for cancer. Ffs.
Obviously,, you must be unaware that a very widely used Chemo drug comes from a natural source – Yew Tree Bark. Not so “Namby Pamby” now eh?! Research is being sat on by Big Pharma until they discover a way of making money from it, this is my personal belief.
Sorry but you are speaking without awareness. You need to go away and do some reading lady. You’re views are antiquated just like these treatments . Natural therapists, functional doctors, medical doctors who have seen the light and many other cultures including the Chinese, Japanese and Indian ( Ayurveda) to name only a few would not touch these things with a barge pole. Look at the logic…….radiation is destruction.
Don’t you realise pharmaceutical companies are money making!? You are one of many that think this way, brainwashed to thinking this way, open the mind, get researching, watch the documentary episodes ‘the truth about cancer’ ……you really need to wake up and see the light
They survive but with all kinds of new health problems . As the saying goes “the cure is worse than the disease” .Is it really worth living with new health problems from drugs and being miserable ?
Why are you concerned about Chemo and radiation causing secondary cancers, if you would clearly not survive the first cancer with Yee Tree Bark? This is the craziest website I have come across. Please stop scarring people away from the treatments available thanks to modern medicine. There are reasons why people live longer lives than they did 100 years ago, when all they had were “natural things” like tree bark. Listen – you do everyone suffering with cancer a major disservice with this website.
Sadly Therese Holmes you have not been educated – buy yourself ‘the truth about cancer’ CD’s.
Therese, I pray you never are faced with that decision. Chemo is agent orange, what they killed people in the war. Yes, it kills cancer cells, and yes they started this almost a 100 yrs ago… it’s NOT changed– they don’t want it to… but again.. kills cancer cells along with all your good cells. It does not discriminate. Radiation from all sources, including CT-Scan’s, Pet Scans, Mamo’s– kill DNA cells. There is no healing from radiation death. Radiation done in cancer treatment may try to target some cells, but it goes through the skin, they can’t use the same spot again because all those CELLS ARE DEAD. Just imagine how many radiation zaps –lazer’s go through the skin for treatment. That’s why people barely hang on. Their body has been ravished not by cancer but the treatments that are trying to cure them. You can do research all over the web, it’s everywhere. Not just The Truth about Cancer… it’s not Hidden– but that doesn’t mean doctors are going to care. They CAN’T change their protocol because they have made contracts to use conventional [deadly] treatments, and those who ”go outside the box” get kills or lose their license. Again do research on how many doctors have been mysteriously killed –you will be shocked. It’s way over 100 just in the past couple years. Be informed… don’t be like the doctors with their heads in the sand.
I thank you for the information, I have stage 4 breast cancer. Bravo! I am glad to meet people who knows the truth about Chemo and radiation. I am still alive because of all my Natural, herbal vitamins, minerals supplements that are good for the human body. Remedies gear at targeting breast cancer cells and destroying them. Chemo and radiation make your life miserable and then kills you.
After the Doctors has destroys every cell in your body, then they sent you home to die.
God gave us natural things to care for our bodies with any illness. .I am so glad I turned down Chemo and Radiation after surgery. My advise is Pray, Research, Research, fight for your life.
I guarantee anyone defending any kind of chemo or radiation is apart of the healthcare system. Its all you have been taught and know. People are not living longer. Life expectancy is down not up. Its really this simple. The healthcare, pharmaceutical And food industries have never been more profitable. And society has never ever been more sick. Those are facts. The truth is in the data.
Theresa I hope you see your comment is not aging well. Hopefully by now you realize how stupid your comment sounds. Just imagine if people had been told the truth that cancer is actually a parasite which can treated fairly easily with ivermectin, Fenbendazole, and changing diet. Think about EVERY SINGLE cancer patient never dying from cancer. Could you just imagine how many of our loved ones would still be here? I wonder why this information was hidden from us? Ultimately NO ONE was saved from chemo or radiation, they were tortured and killed. How sad!
My wife has shrunken breast cancer and gone on to great health for 9 years now, no chemo, no radiation. She had a lumpectomies for 3 growths, then on follow up the surgeon said they barely saw the tumors when prepping for the procedures. If they had told us that we would have postponed the procedure and continue to watch the progress. The radiologist pushed and pushed us for Radiation and chemo. We asked what he would tell my wife if she were to walk in for an exam as she is now. He said he would give her a clean bill of health. So I asked “Then why are you recommending Chemo and radiation for my wife?” He looked me in the eye and said “Because that’s what we do.” We’re numbers and passive income opportunities. We’ve asked numerous doctors how many credit hours of Nutrition did they have and I have yet to here someone say more than 1.
To make her body Alkaline to shrink the growths she put baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and Epsom salts in hot as possible bath water.
Hi Jerome –
This is sadly the story of many people. Thank you so much for sharing it with us.
We’re glad to hear that you asked your radiologist these questions. Some people feel intimated and don’t do this. If you’re looking for a more holistic doctor in your area please see below.
During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Hope this helps. Wishing you and your family endless blessings and love!
Good for u May God protect u and all of us ,how much U put baking soda, hydrogen peroxide and Epsom salts in hot 🛀?snd how long she took 🛀?
Thank u 🙏
I’m still searching for a way to cure CML (Chronic Myeloid Leukemia). I’ve been to Dr Burzynski in Houston, TX and Hoxsey Clinic in Tijuana, Mexico and have a functional medicine doctor who studies epigenetics, all over the past 3 years. None of this has been a cure but I’m not giving up hope. Any more suggestions? I’m taking the chemo pills to target the chromosome abnormality in my bone marrow. It’s not a cure but suppresses the issue.
Hi Kim –
Thanks for your comment.
Perhaps you could try reaching out to one of the doctors we interviewed in the Eastern Medicine: Journey to Asia documentary.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
Ty and the team are still working on collecting the contact information for the rest of these doctors and experts. Please note that this link will be updated with more doctor’s contact info as they share it with us.
I hope this is helpful! If you have any further questions/concerns, please let us know as we are happy to help.
Thank you for supporting our mission, and have a blessed day!
I saw that there are no survivor stories from people who have MDS. I was diagnosed a few weeks ago as very high risk with the TP53 mutation and a very complex karyotype. I have found no stories anywhere of people who cured it without chemo and a successful stem cell transplant. What are my options?