MENLO PARK, CA—Explaining that the World Health Organization (WHO) had violated the site’s content guidelines, Facebook reportedly banned the WHO from posting on Facebook in a crackdown on “dangerous” accounts.
In December 2019, the WHO held the Global Vaccine Safety Summit in Geneva, Switzerland. After the meeting, several WHO scientists posted their comments to the WHO’s Facebook page.
Here are several of the offending quotes that were later posted on Facebook and resulted in the ban:
- Prof. Heidi Larson, Ph.D. (Director of the Vaccine Confidence Project) admitted that the WHO lacks vaccine safety science and needs “much more investment in safety science.”
- Prof. Larson stated “We have a very wobbly health professional frontline that is starting to question vaccines” and also mentioned that doctors aren’t confident enough to answer safety questions from parents since they only got a half day of vaccine education in medical school.
- Dr. Soumya Swaminathan, M.D. (Chief Scientist, WHO) stated “We really don’t have very good safety monitoring systems.”
- Most alarming was when Dr. Marion Gruber, Ph.D. (Director, Office of Vaccines Research and Review, Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research, FDA) said that we should start to consider “safety concerns” regarding vaccines which are already being injected into people all over the world.
An anonymous vaccine rep indicated:
We cannot have scientists from the W.H.O. questioning vaccine safety. These are the people who make vaccine policy for the entire world. If they continue to question, then the people will continue to question. Pretty soon, nobody will take vaccines. It’ll be anarchy! I could lose my condo in Manhattan and my yacht in the Caribbean!”
Conceding that Facebook users who call more vaccine safety studies might have a case, Facebook representatives told reporters Thursday that classifying “anti-vaccine” sentiment can be difficult because some posts actually make very interesting points, especially when the posts are from scientists at the World Health Organization.
Nevertheless, in the words of Jenny Manilow, head of global policy management at Facebook:
At Facebook, we are committed to combating ‘anti-vaccine’ sentiment on our platform, even when the posts are from world renowned W.H.O. scientists.”
According to Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg:
The Facebook community should be a ‘safe space’ where our users are protected from having to think logically about vaccines and should not have to be confronted with any Facebook users who question the safety of vaccines. This is why we’ve suspended the account of the World Health Organization.”
Speaking of Zuckerberg, in what banking experts are calling an “unprecedented liquidation,” he announced last week that, following a swift drop in the value of his Facebook stock holdings, he had no choice but to “sell off” 1.5 million Facebook users. In the most viewed “Facebook live” in history, the men, women, and children (ages 11 and up) were auctioned off to a Los Angeles-based private equity group.
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So this is satire? A joke?
Oh guys, you made me insanely upset there. I think I can almost count that as my cardio for today. I mean there’s already talk of mandatory Coronavirus vaccines that aren’t even developed yet. I might need to find an island someplace.
Ty, you said at the end of this article that it was Fake News. Was any of it the Truth About Vaccines about Facebook and Bill Gates and everything that was written about the WHO summit. Was this all made up by you. I did not enjoy that, if you did write it in your funny mood.. I always hope you are writing the truth. Was this all just made up? It’s very sobering about Vaccines and the issues surrounding them. Don’t be joking please. Set the record straight about this article. Was it true full or fake?
At the end of this article about W.H.O. comments banned on facebook you write this: “Yes, just in case you’re wondering, this is FAKE NEWS. It’s just a satirical article that I wrote while I was in a funny mood. Hope you enjoyed it.”
It confused me. It is not clear whether you are talking about the whole article or just the last part about Zuckerberg.
Please be clear. there is enough of confusion, don’t put more.
Fake news? So none of this is true?
At first, I was going to say it’s not April 1, yet. Then I read the rest of the article, and decided you need the practice. The bottom of the article doesn’t really agree with the top of the article.
When you censor out the truth, what is left, my question to Facebook
Wait so is this article true or not? Sometimes sarcasm is difficult to detect in text. Don’t want to look like an idiot if I send this out.
Merck Exec Cashes In Millions; “Measles Amnesia” with Dr. David Brownstein, MD; The Google Whistleblower, Zach Vorhies, Tells All.
I’m greatly appreciate all the effort and knowledge that Ty and his beautiful wife has brought to my life ! I send my respect and regards to their family for showing so many healthy alternatives !
I loved the zuckberg quote “this is a safe space where are users are protected to have to Think logically”. You hit the nail on the head on that one!
Thanks for the chuckle.
Too bad… I was hoping it was true because if it was, MAYBE people would wake up. Maybe….
Too bad the value of Facebook isn’t dropping too…
Well, it sounded too good to be true. I did think the anonymous comment was probably a prank. The real sales reps wouldn’t post such a thing openly. 😉
Thank you for writing the article. It’s very funny. … I feel sorry for the poor Vaccine Rep. though!
This was actually very funny. 🙂 Thanks for the laughter. 😀
Most of this may be satire, but The links to the scientists and doctors that state testing is inadequate and there’s a lack of doctor education on vaccines IS not satire! Great job!
Wait so this is fake news or not? Is that a joke at the end?
Don’t worry, Bill Gates already has a vaccine ready for Corona Virus!
Fear must be the only reason Facebook won’t accept statements from WHO scientists regarding vaccine safety.
Why must the public not have the facts and make their own decisions.
Did NOT appreciate reading all the way through and finding it was “satire”. There are legitimate vaccine concerns especially when you consider the ingredients used in them. Very disappointed in this “article”!!!
Instagram don’t like my account either. They said my followers aren’t real and they will not allow my followers to grow, they delete them daily
My account was almost blocked when I could not log in. They required so many unuseful things to prove that’s my account, I gave it all but it still did not work. Luckily, I remembered the pass and logged in.
What has happened to freedom of speech?? This is a huge concern in my mind….and scary!!
Fantastic! Thank you for the laugh.
Sometimes we all need a giggle! Thank you for sharing this light moment with us!
if this is a man-made chemical warfare bug ( CARONAVIRUS ) made by China They should put up the £700 thousand needed for research into an antidote?