A 2021 New York Times investigative report discovered that over 20% of nursing home residents are currently prescribed antipsychotic medications, with 1 in 9 patients diagnosed with schizophrenia. The report shows that most of these patients have been improperly diagnosed so that dangerous antipsychotics can be used off-label as sedatives.
Many of the diagnoses appear to be efforts to give residents sedative drugs such as Haldol, so understaffed facilities can better handle them, even when there is no evidence a patient has schizophrenia. The diagnosis is given to treat residents for symptoms like restlessness and agitation.
Misusing these drugs can cause a facility’s reputation to fall, so in order to avoid officially reporting the usage of antipsychotics, nursing homes are resorting to falsely diagnosing residents with schizophrenia to dodge reporting regulations.
In the US, schizophrenia is prevalent in less than 0.64% of the population. The disorder, which presents psychotic symptoms such as hallucinations, delusions, and thought disorder, is usually diagnosed when someone is in their late teens to early thirties, according to the National Institute of Mental Health.
So why are the elderly being diagnosed at such a high rate?
Because facilities do not have to report residents using antipsychotic drugs to the government if those residents are being given the drug to treat schizophrenia, the Times reported.
A May 2021 report from the Department of Health and Human Services Inspector General found that about a third of nursing home residents who got a schizophrenia diagnosis in 2018 had no Medicare record of being treated for it.
“People don’t just wake up with schizophrenia when they are elderly,” Dr. Michael Wasserman, a geriatrician and former nursing home executive who has become a critic of the industry, told the Times. “It’s used to skirt the rules.”
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services spokesperson Catherine Howden told the Times the agency was “concerned about this practice as a way to circumvent the protections these regulations afford.
It is unacceptable for a facility to inappropriately classify a resident’s diagnosis to improve their performance measures. We will continue to identify facilities which do so and hold them accountable.”
These antipsychotic drugs are extremely dangerous when misused.
Antipsychotic drugs — which for decades have faced criticism as “chemical straitjackets” — are dangerous for older people with dementia, nearly doubling their chance of death from heart problems, infections, falls and other ailments. But understaffed nursing homes have often used the sedatives so they don’t have to hire more staff to handle residents.
For nursing homes, money is on the line. High rates of antipsychotic drug use can hurt a home’s public image and the star rating it gets from the government. Medicare designed the ratings system to help patients and their families evaluate facilities using objective data; a low rating can have major financial consequences. Many facilities have found ways to hide serious problems — like inadequate staffing and haphazard care — from government audits and inspectors.
“If physicians are improperly diagnosing individuals with serious mental health issues in order to continue an antipsychotic regimen, they should be reported and investigated,” Dr. David Gifford, the chief medical officer at the American Health Care Association, which represents for-profit nursing homes, said in a statement.
In 1987, President Ronald Reagan signed a law banning the use of drugs that serve the interest of the nursing home or its staff, not the patient.
But the practice persisted. In the early 2000s, studies found that antipsychotic drugs like Seroquel, Zyprexa and Abilify made older people drowsy and more likely to fall. The drugs were also linked to heart problems in people with dementia. More than a dozen clinical trials concluded that the drugs nearly doubled the risk of death for older dementia patients.
And the issue may not be unique to nursing homes.
In our home town of Nashville, a member of the Foster Care Review Board (a volunteer group that helps ensure that children in state custody are receiving the care they need) discovered that 3 children in the same facility all received Seroquel… and had no idea what it was for; they just thought it was for sleep.
Upon further investigation, the prescribing physician – Dr. David Struble – had received $1,450 in early 2010 from AstraZeneca for a “speaking fee”, which was just before the company paid out $520 million over their illegal marketing of Seroquel for off-label use (primarily as a sedative). AstraZeneca was accused of intentionally marketing the drugs by paying kickbacks to doctors (including bogus speaking fees and other incentives).
Seroquel is approved by the FDA to treat schizophrenia, bipolar I disorder, and acute depressive episodes in patients with bipolar I and II. Given that the prevalence of bipolar disorder is only 2.6% in males (remember: the prevalence of schizophrenia is even lower at 0.1%), it was a huge red flag that so many youth in state custody have been prescribed the drug.
The underage patients seemed to be under the impression that they had been prescribed Seroquel to help them sleep, which is NOT an approved use. The primary concern was that Dr. Struble – who received money from AstraZeneca during a time that they were bribing doctors to use Seroquel for off-label use – was prescribing Seroquel as an off-label sedative for patients in state custody.
Seroquel carries with it several risk factors, including suicide in adolescents.
Two months after the complaint was filed, we reached out to the facility in question, and learned that Dr. Struble was no longer employed by the state, although we found no record of civil or criminal charges being filed.
Caring for patients with dementia or behavioral issues is time-consuming and labor-intensive. Workers need to be trained to handle challenging behaviors like wandering and aggression. But many nursing homes are chronically understaffed and do not pay enough to retain employees, especially the nursing assistants who provide the bulk of residents’ daily care.
Studies have found that the worse a home’s staffing situation, the greater its use of antipsychotic drugs. That suggests that some homes are using the powerful drugs to subdue patients and avoid having to hire extra staff. (Homes with staffing shortages are also the most likely to understate the number of residents on antipsychotics.)
Homes that violate the rules face few consequences.
In 2019 and 2021, Medicare said it planned to conduct targeted inspections to examine the issue of false schizophrenia diagnoses, but those plans were repeatedly put on hold because of the pandemic.
In an analysis of government inspection reports, The Times found about 5,600 instances of inspectors citing nursing homes for misusing antipsychotic medications. Nursing home officials told inspectors that they were dispensing the powerful drugs to frail patients for reasons that ranged from “health maintenance” to efforts to deal with residents who were “whining” or “asking for help.”
In more than 99 percent of the cases, inspectors concluded that the violations represented only “potential,” not “actual,” harm to patients. That means the findings are unlikely to hurt the homes’ ratings.
The corruption is real. Understaffed care providers are using dangerous drugs for off-label use to make their patients more manageable. To learn more about what’s REALLY going on behind the scenes, sign up now to watch Propaganda EXPOSED! [UNCENSORED], the 9-part docu-series that will change the way you think about modern medicine. It’s free.
Editor’s Note: This article was originally published in April 2022. It has been updated and republished in October 2023.
Hello Ty & Charlene Bollinger, my boyfriend has suffered from severe frost bite last winter during the big cold wave. He since is suffering from nerve damage(not sure if it is permanent or nerves growing back)/pain and is on drugs for that. I was wondering if you have any experience or know a dr. with experience in treating and soothing nerve pain with natural methods and non damaging chemicals. He already has a ripped disc and underwent surgery so has a cage round his spine and has suffered a stroke . Hope you have some information that can help him out because if he continues ike this I sadly believe he will not live much more years or ot will be with extreme handicap. Thanks for you great work
My son has doctors giving him so many drugs it’s killing him I want help to help my child he is 55 years old . Been diagnosed with ever drug I think can be . He has been on all this crap for years I have fault doctors and they keep on doing it how can I stop them . Please tell me something
I know all about this, but did not know they were falselly labeling residents as schizophrenic. My father had dementia and almost died three times in three different homes. They put him on seroquel and other drugs several times despite being told not to give him drugs. These people should not be in charge of older frail patients and those with dementia. They need to be brought to justice.
I have long called these antipsychotic drugs, “staff drugs”, because they make the patient so numbed down and/or drowsy that the poorly trained, overworked, and lowly paid staff can more easily manage them during their shifts. They are not prescribed for the patient’s benefits. The medical establishment makes more profits by requiring less staff and hopefully less turnover.
Nursing homes all too frequently feed the patients a heavy carb and low protein, nutrient deficient diet and they get away with it because the government has created a “food pyramid” that puts the cheapest foods at the bottom. This is intentional because the nursing homes and medical establishments lobby for cheaper operating costs/higher profits by being chintzy with nutritional and staffing needs.
It’s not because people improve their health on those “suggestions”. The food pyramid pretty much guarantees worsening health, especially those with failing health or aging bodies.
An effect of poor diet is failing health, which leads to more pharmaceuticals and the snake eats its own tail, so to speak.
i took care of an older woman as companion, she was recovering from a hip operation n doing well until she went into rehab. i was there with her few hrs a day, couple weeks later i cld see she was doped up and whole body/looks changing..i found they were drugging her to keep her docile bc she was being vocal abt wanting to to go home.. they don’t like you asking questions either!! its really a crime the way our elderly are being mistreated..they deserve better!
Genesis 6:6 (just before the story of Noahs Ark) “And it repented the LORD that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.”
Move onto 2023 Technology has changed a lot, but not mankind kindness to one another
Outstanding work as always, Thank you Ty and Charlene.
Thank you for calling attention to this horrifying abuse. So-called “antipsychotics” are dangerous period. As pointed out by Robert Whitaker (creator of the website “Mad in America”), people diagnosed with “schizophrenia” fare better in the long term without these neurotoxic drugs. Ethical psychiatrists, Dr. Peter Breggin is one of the rare ones, do not prescribe these, or any other, psychiatric drugs.
One thing to remember – the government regulates how much the staff can get paid, and the staff per patient ratio. 1 CNA for 12 patients, minimum wage. It’s how the government keeps their costs down, as most patients are on Medicaide. My husband has been on seroquel for years for depression, and it had helped him. Now he is in a nursing home, but has deteriorated significantly. I can say this about the facility he is in – the food is really good and well balanced, the staff is attentive and the doctor responsive. It is hard for me to see him so agitated, confused, and hallucinating. It’s a hard balancing act, managing his issues. Lesson: Take care of your health now!