Are you thinking about changing up your morning coffee routine? Maybe you’d like to add a healthier drink to your diet. Perhaps you simply love the taste. Whatever your reasons, the many health benefits of tea are going to change the way you feel inside and out.
The scientific focus of this historical beverage is a fairly new undertaking. Ancient cultures, however, have known how wonderful tea is since 1,000 BC. The Chinese were the first to introduce tea to the world. For more than a thousand years they used it almost exclusively for medicinal purposes. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) often refers to tea throughout their texts for ailments both big and small.
Many scientific studies are finally touting the health benefits of tea, particularly the green tea varieties. Qi Sun, assistant professor in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Health, has said, “Tea consumption, especially green tea, may not be the magic bullet, but it can be incorporated in an overall healthy diet.”
10 Ways You Receive the Health Benefits of Tea
- Polyphenols Content: Polyphenols, especially catechins and epicatechins, have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant benefits. These little powerhouses protect your body from the bad things you consume. Over time, they may even help reduce the risks associated with diabetes and cardiovascular disease. If you drink too much caffeinated tea, you may get a little jittery, but overall it suits a healthy lifestyle.
- Weight Loss: Tea may be able to help you lose weight or keep that waistline in check. In a study of tea drinkers versus non-tea drinkers, the people consuming hot tea on a regular basis had smaller waistlines and a lower BMI (body mass index).
- Increased Muscle Endurance: If you’re looking for better exercise endurance, green tea may help. Scientists discovered that antioxidants in green tea extract increase your body’s ability to burn fat as fuel. This allows you to build your stamina at the gym more quickly and reap the benefits of a healthier body.
- Cancer Protection: The powerful antioxidants found in tea can actually protect your body from cancer. Current research has shown that tea helps your body fight off certain cancers, including colon, breast, ovarian, prostate, and many others. Tea isn’t a cure for cancer, but it is a simple and effective superfood that can help lower your personal risk.
- Fight Free Radicals: What’s a free radical? They’re the bad guys that invade your cells and alter them for the worse. The extensive damage they cause has been scientifically linked to heart disease, cancer, and even Alzheimer’s disease. Despite your body’s design, it is not always able to fight off the free radicals – especially if you have a poor diet or lifestyle habits. Antioxidants found in tea help fight the bad guys.
- Defend Bones: The compounds found in green tea improve bone strength and density. This is great news as we age and our bones begin to weaken. Used in conjunction with mild weight or strength training and a healthy diet, green tea can help you fight the ravages of osteoporosis.
- Regulate Blood Sugar: People with Type 2 diabetes benefit from regular tea consumption. The compounds in green tea help the metabolic system process sugars more efficiently. In a surprising finding, studies showed that people who drank at least six cups of green tea per week were less likely to develop diabetes at all.
- Boost Brain Power: Many factors influence your brain health. Age, weight, activity levels, and smoking all factor into the way our brains age. Polyphenols in tea may slow the effects of aging in the brain’s memory and learning centers. This includes neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and dementia.
- Hydration: Your body is comprised mostly of water. You have to have it for your body to function properly and experts estimate that 75% of Americans are chronically dehydrated. Not everyone enjoys drinking gallons of water every day, and coffee (despite its other benefits) has dehydrating effects. Tea, despite the caffeine, is a hydrating beverage. Next time you’re falling asleep at 3 pm, try iced green tea for a refreshing pick-me-up instead of coffee.
- Healthy Teeth and Gums: Countries known for their tea consumption likely drink it plain or only lightly sweetened. Tea contains naturally occurring fluoride and tannins. These help prevent plaque from forming on the teeth. Unsweetened tea, along with a daily regimen of brushing and flossing, helps keep those pearly whites healthy.
What Type Should You Drink to Gain the Most Health Benefits of Tea?
There are a myriad of choices of tea in your local grocery store so you’re sure to find one that suits your taste. Before you go diving into a fancy flavored blend, keep in mind that real tea (Camellia sinensis) consists of four varieties: green, black, white, and oolong.
Teas referred to as “herbal” are not the same. These types of brews are not made from tea leaves but from flowers, fruit, or roots.
Read your labels if you’re looking for health benefits and avoid pre-bottled varieties that have had all the good stuff processed out. While tea is healthy, sugar is NOT! Processed beverages are loaded with additives that negate the health benefits of tea. If you can’t stand unsweetened drinks, consider using maple sugar or raw honey instead.
Hot or iced, unsweetened or gently kissed with honey… tea is a wonderful choice for your anti-cancer lifestyle.
Please send a e-mail to Joesy Feek , of Gaithers . She is on face book I guess, she is in her forty , is dying of colon cancer I think, send her some info, they are on internet also. Pray for her family. thank you
dear Susan ! tell Joesy read about Chaga mushroom tea for colon cancer
Susan please tell Joesy Feek of Gaithers we love her and have prayed for her. There are ways to cure cancer, show her to ‘The Truth About Cancer’ . Sorry not on facebook.
Thanks for the information I’m so confident and getting better day day .I am following all the healthy diet posted on your website .May God bless and protect you .May He replenish your energies and continue to spread the good news of healthy living .
I am going through through cancer and I am so confused as to what I should eat, drink or what supplements I should take to fight.
Hi Donna,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Ty, Thanks for this good information on tea.Keep up the good work. Your book Step out of the box , was a life changer for me. Thank you for all you do. I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a happy and healthy new year Ronnie V
dear Ty, don’t forget chaga mushroom tea ! please
Disagree on Mushrooms! Mushrooms are fungi, and they too aid the candida yeast in the body. They act like algae, in that they absorb the contaminants that they are exposed to. They are known as the vampires of the plant world for absorbing the putrid wastes and toxic compounds in soil. Mushrooms often contain varying levels of heavy metals. There has been a plethora of health scams involving mushrooms, most of which are proclaimed as “miracle” cures from Asian countries. The most frequent claim is that they can cure cancer. Cancer is caused by a type of fermentation, so mushrooms will always worsen cancer, instead of helping. They should never be considered a health food. Most varieties of mushrooms are poisonous, so it requires a lot of vigilance on the part of mushroom farmers to ensure that no poisonous mushrooms ever get mixed in. I strongly recommend against all items from China. This means avoiding all so-called “Asian mushrooms”.
What about Chaga from the birch trees in Northern Ontario Canada ?
I have prostate cancer that has migrated to bones.Because I had pain in spine went to hospital. Fell in washroom,
when they picked me up , had scan found prostate cancer in spine. Had 5 shots of radiation, which stopped the pain. Now I have no pain, sleep well, have big appetite and look forward to the future with hope. Had radiation 12 feb.2014.
Take lots of vitamins and try and eat well. I was 85 in august. Positive attitude really helps. Have followed some of your information since you started “TRUTH ABOUT CANCER”. By the way my PSA, when I had the radiation was 13,400 Dr. had never heard of it before.
Doesn’t green tea have fluoride and that’s the down side to it?
Dear Ty, what are your specific recommendations for people who are BRCA-2 positive? I just got your book. Thanks!
Even though green tea is the best and all that, it is a “cold” beverage. That is why it is so effective in reducing fat in your body, your body has to burn a lot of calories to produce the heat green tea has taken away. So, according to TCM, it is not recommended to drink at night, and even less so in late autumn or winter… During these seasons, the body has to save its energy.
Great information, thank you! Does decaf green tea have the same benefits?
I have avoided consuming caffeine for 26 years. Are the decaffeinated green teas help promoting too? How about Redbush tea, which is naturally decaffeinated….?
Unfortunately, most ‘Indian’ tea species contain natural fluoride. If this is the element/anion which is supposed to be good for strengthening bones as per the above article, then forget it! Fluoride alters our bones and not for the better. Sorry Ty – you need to do some more research. For example, fluoride is definitely not the best thing for people with Chronic Kidney Disease since impaired kidneys are not able to pass the fluoride along to the bladder and this means that most of the fluoride accumulates in bones, weakening them. However, if you drink tea with milk, the fluoride doesn’t bio-accumulate since the calcium in the milk and the fluoride in tea bond in the stomach or bloodstream. Most people can excrete 50% of the fluoride they swallow because of the presence of free calcium in the stomach and bloodstream. Fluoride Action Network in the USA is the best site to visit in order to get the low-down on tea and fluoride.
Hello! I’d like to know if it’s true that green tea contains fluor and therefore we shouldn’t drink too much of it… Thanks!
When drinking green tea for health, does it matter if it is caffeinated or de-caffeinated? Is one better than the other?
Is decaf tea as benefitial as normal green tea?
What about the super high amounts of fluoride in tea? I’ve heard that this could be real concern given the recommended maximum amount of fluoride we are to take daily. This has been concerning me as I am a tea drinker.
I have found some teas in my researching…Essiac Tea…Dokudami (Houttuynia Cordata ) and Ashitaba tea to name .
Have you heard of these teas and what is your honest opinion of them ? They help with blood cleansing,cholesterol, body fluids,heart, circulation , blood pressure , diabetes,, cancer and other hosts of health issues as far as I have read…they are up there with green teas…maybe a little more health beneficial depending on what you are using them for I presume…Trying to sort out the confusion and get to the basics I guess…
Joey Feek died of cervical cancer March 2016
Hmmm it says that tea has fluoride in it which is good for your teeth. Is that a different source of flourish? Under the Healthy teeth and gums section
“Teas referred to as “herbal” are not the same. These types of brews are not made from tea leaves but from flowers, fruit, or roots.” This is incorrect. Most herbal teas are leaf teas. Herbal tea simply means any botanical brew other than camellia senensis.
Good advice here, but what happened to the advice from your previous publication. There you were drooling over apricot kernels and how they were be all and end all for stopping and curing cancer. Why, why, is there no mention of them now. I really don’t understand.
Roy there’s so much info for us to absorb , Ty is sharing in small doses that we can read daily. Apricot kernels are fantastic as is tea and many other natural foods.
Which is the best tea for stomach cancer
I would also like to know about apricot kernels. I ordered some and was sucking 4 a day for about a month when my teeth started to feel weak so I stopped and it went away. I would still like to take them but am afraid.
You don’t suck them. You grind them and take a tablespoon on your cereal or swollow with water. Who knows if they work. I have read so many of these remedies I’m not sure what works,and they never tell you where to find supply,starting to disbelieve all the info. Someone said to me recently that if kemo or radium doesn’t really cure then it would be illegal to admistier, sounds a fair argument, nothing I said would change their minds.
What about the Fluoride in green tea? I understand that it is a problem for health.
Does decaffeinated green tea have the same benefits? Caffeinated green tea keeps me awake at night.
What tea is good for being “backed up”. My daughter in law has an extended colon and is in tremendous pain from being backed up. Thank you.
Green tea has caffeine, a stimulant and poison. Say no to drugs… Do a search for “youngagain c27” without the quotes, to learn more.
Anyone with colon cancer should concentrate on improving their digestive tract by consuming 2-3 cups of good Jogurt.
I prefer Bulgarian, no fat, made with whole milk. NO SUGAR. I make my own, it’s easy and fun. For the first time in 80 years I have no GI issues.
This is a suggestion for so called healthy people as well.
I am not saying that Jogurt will cure colon cancer ! But it will definitely improve your GI tract, which Hippocrates says is the first step to good health.
Any more cancer-fighting info about oolong tea? I am starting to hear from other sources that oolong has more polyphenols than any other tea. Is green tea still superior?
What – no mention of matcha green tea??? I drink it almost every day and thought it was 10 times better than any other tea.
What about the only fermented tea: Pu Erh?
I need more inforation about using the supplements you listed for sale recently. I have received them, but need instruction
Hi Joan,
If you are referring to the supplements from Epigenetic Labs please contact their customer support department for more information:
White Tea has three times more antioxidant then green tea. White tea has more heath benefits than green tea. White tea has less caffeine then green or black tea.
Beware!! Tea accumulates aluminum and fluoride in the leaves. To confirm this, just google “aluminum, fluoride in tea”
Eco-teas and green teas contain just as much of these toxins as ordinary black teas. ..and oolong tea from China is the worst.
Again – just google “aluminum, fluoride in tea” to confirm these claims.
I always use to drink Organic green tea & Matcha Tea..thanks for all the good health articles.
Roy…..apricot kernels are complimentary approach to helping rid the body of Cancer.
Go to and read up about treatment with apricot kernels.
The bitter apricot tree has been banned in the United States. The Apricot kernels sold on the US market today are weak. I’m not sure if they have the same effect.
I have been told by two oncologists that individuals with cancer should NOT take antioxidants because they protect cells, including cancer cells. Is it advisable to drink green tea or any other antioxidant when suffering from cancer?
Just eat the kernels or take the B17 supplements.
Thank you for the reminder about tea. I have long been the tea drinker in my family, iced in summer and hot/warm in winter – hold the sugar please.
There has been much in the news lately about the pesticide levels in almost all brands of tea. I know organic is optimal and I drink organic green tea but my husband needs to drink decaf and I”ve found no organic decaf teas. I did find one brand, Red Rose, which tested very low for any pesticide residue but they only make black tea and not green. Any other suggestions?
here in the Uk we drink probably more black tea than most countries but still have a very high rate of cancer.
Matcha green tea is the one to drink.
Excellent Article on Teas with illustrations that are Perfect. Sent the article as copied to a Casino where I eat often as they only have black tea.
So what are the names of the teas that we should get?
Donna, Apricot kernels have vitamin B17 good for the overall health. If you read some of Dr TY Bollinger’s Medical Research articles you will find more information about nuts including Apricot Kernels too…you can grind nuts using the coffee grinder or there are some special grinders for nuts. Hope you can find a good grinder.
Hello l have a friend that need help , right now she was discovered of Cancer hanging around the stomach region but it has not affected any organ in her body but she will be starting camothyrapy on Monday and she is looking for where to get shawashop leaves . Need help please advise. Gina
Hi Georgina,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I guess this where genetics comes into play with diet. If I drink green tea I get stiffness in my joints. I have tried it many times and i always get the same effect. Same with the mint teas. However, there are other herbal teas that i can take without that happening: dandelion, chamomile, fennel, stinging nettle, red clover, raspberry. I prefer them weak, but drink them often. Brand also makes a difference. Some chamomiles are too strong and give me a headache. There are varieties amongst each too that affect how potent or what effect they have.
I am going through a secondary Cancer in both my lungs and it is terminal. Is there a tea to help my breathing? I do breathing treatments 4 times a day but that does not seem to be enough, I am still having problems breathing. I do currently drink chamomile and mint teas about 3 times a day. Please help. Debby
Hi Debby McNichols,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Maybe do a little of your own research that you can present to your doctor for more details and get them involved in giving you an okay to try …some interesting herbs of research…..Mullien…Wild Oregano…Osha Root…Lobelia…Eucalyptus….Licorice root…Plantain Leaf……Elecampane…Coltsfoot…Thyme..Sage…Peppermint…Chaparrel…… Cannibis ….An Amino acid named NAC…..These deemed to be a few interesting herbs of research for myself…..Enjoy the knowledge !!….;-)
I drink organic green tea or matcha tea. My husband needs decaf black tea and from my research I could not find an organic decaf black tea. I did learn, however, that Red Rose brand tea has the lowest pesticide levels and they do make a decaf black tea. Red Rose is sold on Amazon if you can’t find it locally, which I couldn’t.
In this article, you shared many things about tea. I am a tea lover, so i am happy after reading the benefits of drinking tea. Thanks very much for sharing.
I bought some soursop tea. I would try and see what it is like.