Coconut yogurt is thick, creamy, probiotic-rich, gut-healthy, and oh-so delicious!
However, most store-bought yogurts often contain a lot of additives (like gums and carrageenan) and sweeteners and can be very expensive. Making your own coconut yogurt is super easy. Before I introduce the recipe, here’s a few key benefits of coconut milk.
Health Benefits of Coconut Milk
Coconut milk comes from the white flesh of mature brown coconuts, the fruit of the coconut tree. The solid flesh is mixed with water to make the milk, which is about 50% water.
Coconut milk is high in saturated fats called medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs) which benefit weight loss, body composition, and metabolism. MCTs go from the digestive tract directly to the liver, where they’re used for energy (and less likely to be stored as fat). Studies have shown that MCTs help to burn calories, control body weight, balance satiety, and may help you lose fat in the abdominal area.1
About half the fat in coconuts comes from a medium-chain fatty acid called lauric acid, a compound that contains strong anti-inflammatory properties. When lauric acid is digested, it also forms a substance called monolaurin, which can kill harmful pathogens like bacteria, viruses, and fungus.
For example, monolaurin has been found to help kill the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus (a very dangerous pathogen) and the yeast Candida albicans, a common source of yeast infections in humans.
Coconut is also loaded with minerals like magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, and potassium, which most people are deficient in yet is critical for maintaining healthy blood pressure and aids in water balance in the body to counteract too much sodium (bye-bye bloat!). The high folate content is essential for red blood cell function, healthy metabolism, and proper brain development in infants. The folate is a potent antioxidant that is important for preventing the yogurt from spoiling.
While not a complete source of protein, coconut is packed with amino acids.
Containing 17 out of the 20 amino acids needed for optimal protein formation, it is particularly high in threonine2, an amino acid needed to protect the liver, central nervous system, cardiovascular system, and to support the formation of collagen in the body. For your muscles, it builds connective tissues and maintains elasticity in the body, even in the heart. Threonine also supports health tooth enamel and speeds up wound healing.3
What You’ll Need to Make Your Own Yogurt
You will need a sterile 16-20-ounce sterile jar and a plastic, wooden, or ceramic spoon (do not use a metal spoon). Use full-fat coconut milk with no additives (just coconut and water). The probiotics should be very fresh and have been stored in the refrigerator (and should not contain prebiotics or enzymes). You will also need a small, clean towel or some cheese cloth to cover the jar. Make sure that your hands are clean and that your jar, spoon, and cheesecloth are clean. Handle the spoon by the shaft only. You may want to rinse your clean jar and spoon with boiling water and allow to air dry as any bacteria will interfere with the fermentation process and spoil the yogurt.
If your yogurt turns an odd color or has a foul odor, this is likely due to bacteria. Discard this batch and start over. Be sure to use organic coconut milk in a BPA-free (bisphenol A) can or container.
Yogurt takes time to ferment, so begin making it a few days before you wish to enjoy it. If your kitchen is very cold, find a warmer place –the ideal temperature is 75 degrees. If your coconut milk has a top layer of cream and liquid on the bottom, either stir it to combine or if you want extra creamy yogurt, scoop off the top layer to make the yogurt and use the watery part in a smoothie (and reduce the probiotics to one or two capsules).
To thicken your yogurt even more after it’s made, place two layers of cheesecloth over a fine mesh strainer set over a large mixing bowl and pour in the yogurt. Loosely cover the top and refrigerate, allowing it to chill for several hours.
Editor’s Note: This was initially published in 2018 and has been updated in 2025
Is there an alternative to a spoon of organic yogurt
There should be alternatives to a capsule.
Can I make my own coconut milk?
Making your own is easy (you can obtain precise measurements from WellnessMama website). It is basically boiled water poured over dried coconut meat, then whizz in a blender. Sieve the blended liquid through a nut bag. Store the liquid coconut milk in the fridge and use within 3 days. I keep the contents of the nut bag and use in my cereal or for baking. Canned foodstuffs are not healthy, the lining of the cans leaches into the contents so I am surprised to see this in the recipe.
Thank you so much for the work you are doing, God bless you all Diana
why a plastic or ceramic spoon?
Thank you both for the great job of education people about cancer, I lost my wondrful husband od 29 years to Mutiple Myloma in 2013 after 13 years of treatment. He died of the treatment not the cancer. At first I was doing natural treatment and he was getting good results from his Dr. BUt once I told them about it they said stop as it would interfere with his treatment. Unfortunately I listened to them as I knew very little about natural therapy at that time.
Keep up the good work and God bless you and your family.
I also lost my mom to multiple myeloma after 13 years of fighting. She did well for8 years then started Chemo and acquired breast cancer too. I believe the treatment decreased her own immunity so she had nothing left to fight. I Began researching and found this site and natural treatments but she was too afraid at that point and listened to the doctors….
Hello I’d like to throw ya’ll something i found while seeking and searching something you might find resanstes with you. Most 1st reactions iwhen sharing this is negative. But i keep sharing anyway. My inner/higher intuitive self. Tells me our bodies are self healing and we dont need doctors or fda approved drugs. That The One Source Creator of all that is created perfectly, and provided all we would need to be readily available naturally. And so drumroll……………..urine therapy i read resesrch papers from more then just one country. I love resesrching for myself so i may make my iwn conclusion on what to believe abd i live sharing what i find so others may also. Always love and light and good intentions.
Hi ty,
You and others say that coconut oil is healthy, but some other websites say that is not…
I have on organic coconut oil at home, ( i use it externally, and mouth rinse) and it has 60 % of Trans fat per 1tbsp 😱 i think that’s a lot of fat, can you explain how is that health?
Thanks, I love your work!
Hi Maria – great question! We explain it in this article here:
Hi Maria!
Great question!
We do have some great content with more info that would be helpful to you:
If you have any further questions/concerns, please let us know as we are happy to help.
Love and blessings!
Hi, just wanted to let you know that Pinterest is blocking your content. This recipe cannot be saved, it brings up a box that informs you that they are “sorry, this content is blocked & cannot be saved” !! You may want to follow up with them to find out why?
Hi Shelle, thanks for reaching out! We wrote an article about Pinterest’s censorship recently. Have a look here:
Hi, First of all, thank you and your wonderful team for all the hard work you’ve done. I tell everyone I can about your different series. I recently lost my husband and best friend of 54 yrs. to cancer also. I’ve been studying nutrition and healthy lifestyle for over 40 yrs. make all our food so figured I could help heal him through our prayers, and with all my protocols, but as others said, he was subjected to sugerical/doctor errors. I know it was God’s timing, but it’s still difficult.
About the yogurt: This is good for those who don’t use dairy or with milk allergies, but when you mentioned cost, this for me wouldn’t be inexpensive, considering the cost of the canned organic coconut milk and the small yield. I do keep a few cans on hand for when I haven’t time to make my own. However, I pay my local farmer $3.25 for a 1/2 gal. of raw milk, which yields 5 pts. of delicious, thick, healthy, raw yogurt. I usually buy 3 young coconuts a wk. and have been wondering about the possibility of making yogurt with the fresh coconut milk, but it would still cost over $9.00.
About the allergies – when I was a child I don’t recall anyone with any allergies, but back then we all mostly drank raw milk, ate fresh foods, and had healthy immune systems due to no vaccines or contaminated foods.
Hi Ann, I never knew anyone with peanut allergies, either. Then I learned they started using peanuts in vaccines. Since then some peanut allergies are life-threatening. So sad. I am so old that I think I only got one vaccine as a baby and a schick test in elementary school. I got the first Salk Polio shot, before the liquid. Then when I moved to Alabama for a job, I took flu shots for 13 years and a DtaP, which I thought was only tetanus. Now I deal with what I think is a heavy metal build-up. I am grateful to Charlene and Ty for all they are doing for us and have purchased most of their Seminars.
Hi, G F White, Thanks for the response. I had to smile at your comment about being old. Like you, I”m also old…well, in years only, as I’m still in good condition, active, with lots of energy, no meds., thanks to a good diet and exercise. Yes, we never had all the vaccines like now, but do remember getting ‘one’ and on my thigh, age 5, going into 1st grade. I remember, because before it was healed, a couple neighbour kids were pulling me in a wagon which tipped, and I slid along a bunch of dirty gravel and sand. My mother was horrified, as the scar was already big (over an inch) and worried about infection, so called the doc. who came to the house. Yep, back then in our small town, it was normal. I think I had a shot for the polio but can’t remember exactly, but two of my cousins (brothers) both had polio and were in iron lungs for a long time. The one, was always small and thin, but both are still around. I’ve always been glad I grew up in that wonderful era (40s – 50s) as it was still an innocent age
I’m sorry to hear of your problem with the heavy metal build-up. I’m sure you’ve no doubt researched looking to find some help. You’ve probably searched through Dr. Mercola’s site, as he’s had many topics in the past about helping rid the bodies of aluminum, mercury, and other metals. And yes, I’m so thankful for Charlene and Ty, wishing I could afford some of the materials, but medical bills, funeral expenses were high and Social Security is not. 🙂
Best wishes for good health……Ann
Fulvic acid is a good detox for heavy metals.
hi my name is Lucio and im all ways tired during the day I fall asleep and fatigued I want to know what is causing this and what to do about it and if there is a cure for adrenal fatigue
Hi Lucio, we are sorry to hear that you are struggling with fatigue. Here is an article that you may find interesting:
Any recommendations which probiotic capsules to buy?
Hi Malgorzata –
Thanks for your note.
Unfortunately, we don’t have a specific brand recommendation for supplements at this time. But I would be happy to pass along this question/request on your behalf.
In the mean time, you could start with doing some research on USDA certified organic supplements available in a local shop or an online store. 🙂
If you have any further questions/concerns, please let us know as we are happy to help.
Blessings and love!
Where do you get good probiotic capsules that one can trust?
Hi Karla, Here is the probiotic Ty and Charlene take and highly recommend:
I already make my own amazing coconut milk yogurt using my instant pot with a yogurt setting. My concern is that it’s a stainless steel metal pot and you recommend no metal. The starter I use was originally a store bought coconut yogurt and not a probiotic capsule. I just save 4T of each batch for the next. What is the significance of non- metal utensils and how often do I need to introduce new probiotic starter?
This coconut yogurt seems to look delicious and simple to do.
I use a can of unsweetened coconut cream, which is thicker than coconut milk, and put the mix in a glass jar into my Instant Pot on the yogurt setting for 16 hours. Works great!