Video Transcript: Feast and Famine: How to Do Keto the Right Way
Charlene Bollinger: There’s a lot of talk about ketosis and its many health benefits. But, if you do it wrong, it can actually be harmful.
Ty Bollinger: That’s right. Watch now as Dr. Mercola shares why you need to jump out of ketosis to get the full benefits. He will also tell you which seed oil you must avoid.
Dr. Joseph Mercola: Now here’s the thing. I’ve been an exercise nut for almost 50 years now. And there’s a lot of benefits to it that certainly will help you treat cancer. And the other thing it does is increase BDNF, brain-derived neurotropic factor, and more importantly, PGC-1Alpha, which improves mitochondrial biogenesis, which we know is important for treating cancer.
So, in an effort to help you get a little exercise this morning, we’re going to have—multiple times we’ll have you stand up, and this is one of them. So, stand up, everyone. If you are able to. If you’re disabled, obviously don’t. Okay? Now that you’re standing, anyone who has not tried ketosis, sit down. Okay, so that is about— okay, first of all, congratulations to all of those of you who are standing. You can now sit.
For those of you who remained standing, I want to share with you some vital information about ketosis that you need to know, and avoid this mistake that I made. And this person sitting in the front row, Dawn Smiles from the UK, came all the way over here to see me, and we had a chance to meet on Thursday’s meet and greet.
And this is profound. Normally, it takes a few weeks to a few months, depending on how metabolically crippled you are, to teach your body to burn fat for fuel. And you know it’s burning fat for fuel when your body’s making ketones. Once you make ketones, if you make the mistake that I made, and Dawn made, and I suspect many people in this room make, and believe that ketosis is the healthiest diet you can possibly be on, and you remain in ketosis, you will sabotage your health. You will be in starvation mode, which is not good.
Alright? You need to jump out of ketosis and to go into something I call “feast and famine cycling.” Our ancestors never had access to food 24/7, which is why the fasting is so critical. Our biology is designed for that. So, I call it “targeted cycling” also. It means once you can burn fat for fuel, then you regularly need to have healthy amounts of—high amounts of healthy carbohydrates, somewhere between 100-150 grams of carbohydrates. And also increase your protein. You cannot continuously suppress the mTOR pathway without causing damage. So, those are two key points.
And ideally, how frequently? Two or three times a week, ideally done around the time of strength training so that you can get an anabolic stimulus to build your muscle mass, which becomes important—especially the older you get. Okay. So, those are two points.
The other point is flaxseed oil. So, everyone stand up. Alright, good, unless you can’t. Now if you are not taking flax seed oil, sit down. Okay, so that’s about half of you, which is a little bit less than last year, so thank you, and you can sit down now. Actually, if you were standing—please right now think—in your mind, close your eyes and think of a neighbor or relative that you don’t like, and promise me that when you get home, you will give them the flaxseed oil. Alright?
Why? Because another important principle I talk about in the book is the quality of the food and the last thing, probably one of the most pernicious foods that you can eat is industrialized, processed oils—seed oils. You do not want those. And flaxseed oil is an example of that. Now flax seeds, on the other hand, are enormously beneficial. And I believe you should—I have them every day, a tablespoon of them. I soak them overnight rather than grind them. You don’t want flax seed powder, either. You want to soak them, and that helps dissipate some of the lectins in there. And then you put them in your smoothie. And there’s also fiber and there are lignins, which are really useful for cancer.
Hello Hikmet!
Thanks for being here with us. 🙂
Have a blessed day!
I avoid a ketogenic diet because I would probably not do it properly.