[Editor’s Note] This post was originally published in February 2017. It has been updated and republished in March 2019.
It’s common for cancer patients to experience cancer fatigue for a number of reasons.
Not only has the body been taxed from being loaded with poisons that kill the cancer cells and many of the healthy cells as well… but the flora in the gut have been destroyed so you’re not able to digest your food properly.
There is an amazing world of microorganisms that live in your intestines working hard to fight pathogens and digest your food while delivering nutrients to the blood. When these healthy bacteria get killed off, there is nothing to do the work of feeding the body. This is devastating to your health. Therefore, the idea is to restore balance in the gut by recreating an environment where healthy probiotics (aka the good bacteria) can thrive.
Detoxification is also important to remove the garbage from the system so that the body’s natural flow of energy can be released. Cleaning up after cancer can save your life − especially if you have a lot of tumor debris flooding the liver. This makes it nearly impossible for the liver to do its job. Some possible detoxes include coffee enemas and juice fasts. Check with an alternative cancer therapy practitioner to develop a detoxification protocol that will work for your body and health needs.
Once balance is restored to the body, the energy will follow. Now the question is, what foods can you eat to give your system a reboot and eliminate the cancer fatigue? The idea is to rebuild the body with nutrient dense, readily absorbable, easily digested meals. These meals should also aid your detoxifying organs, such as the liver. In this article, I will share information about the foods that can relieve cancer fatigue (including a tasty recipe below!)
5 Recommended Foods for Alleviating Cancer Fatigue
#1. Whole Milk Yogurt from Goat or Nut Milk
Commercial yogurts are generally laden with sugar and preservatives and are made from pasteurized milk. Once the yogurt is pasteurized, the live lactobacillus culture is killed. Thus the purpose of restocking the probiotics in the gut is blocked.
Making your own yogurt from nut milk is an alternative. You can buy a yogurt making machine for around $20-$30 and then get a live lactobacillus culture or kefir culture from your health food store or online. Follow the instructions to make your own yogurt at home. If you make your own yogurt and consume it within 48 hours you will not need to worry about the food spoiling. Then you can regain the healthy probiotics in your gut which will aide in recovery.
Another option is coconut yogurt. Get the recipe here!
#2. High Protein Foods
High protein foods are important, but it’s best to avoid powdered protein drinks, with the exception of a quality bone broth protein powder. (Protein powders made from whey and soy have issues that are beyond the scope of this article. To learn more, go here.)
Suggested whole foods include avocado, dark leafy greens, broccoli sprouts, and fresh coconut. Superfoods such as spirulina, chlorella, maca, and raw cacao are other good choices. Cruciferous vegetables can be lightly steamed (they should turn bright green and be removed from the steamer after about 2 minutes) to kill any pathogenic microorganisms while preserving the enzymes and vitamins.
#3. Five Servings of Fruits and Vegetables Daily
Some excellent choices for fruits include bananas, apples, and pears. These are readily available year round and offer numerous health benefits. Other choices include pomegranate, papaya, and pineapple for their high antioxidant content and enzyme-rich qualities that will help digest your food while repairing tissue that has been damaged from free radicals.
If you’re following a ketogenic diet, be sure to limit fruit and pack in those veggies.
Here’s how to add some sweetness into your daily green juices.
#4. Berries
Berries are detoxifying, easily digested, high in enzymes, and antioxidant rich. They are also very energizing. I love to combine berries with a banana, some greens, and a dash of superfood powder in the morning for a delicious smoothie that provides a great energy kick. I especially recommend adding some acai berry powder to the mix for its powerful anti-cancer properties. Berries that are dark blue, black, purple, and red are full of anthocyanins rebuild your system while boosting your energy.
#5. Superfood Supplements
Superfoods such as spirulina, chlorella, coconut oil, chia, and Baobab powder are recommended. There are many more but these are especially good for increasing protein, vitamin, and mineral levels. And a little goes a long way. You can find all of these items at a good health food store or online.
Tip for Overcoming Cancer Fatigue: Avoid Dehydration
Your body is made up of mostly water and it is important to maintain fluids in your body. Every cell needs fluids to perform its processes and remove waste matter. If you consume at least eight glasses of lemon water daily your body will be able to move the nutrients faster through the necessary systems. Without sufficient water intake the body becomes sluggish and you may notice:
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- General weakness
- Brain fog
Adding a few drops of fresh lemon juice will help you digest your food and makes the water taste good. Fresh, organic lemons are usually available year round but you can substitute limes if necessary. Oranges are also good as well as grapefruits.
Consuming juicy fruits and vegetables are also helpful to keep you hydrated. Some good choices include: melons, pomegranates, celery, and cucumber.
If you feel that you are drinking plenty of water, but are still not getting sufficiently hydrated, adding a pinch of salt should do the trick. Of course this should be an unrefined, mineral-rich salt such as Himalayan or sea salt. Doing this restores the minerals in the water which will in turn help you to retain more of the fluids − thus finally achieving hydration.
When you are tired after cancer therapy you need to consume foods that will boost your energy while rebuilding your body.
Commercial energy drinks and protein shakes do more harm than good. It is better to invest in superfoods and organic produce to make powerful smoothies and juices at home. Adding these to your diet regularly will make a world of difference. You will find that you have energy without any side effects.
Try the delicious recipe below that will energize you while building your immune system.
God Morning Family; Everything in all of these truths that Ty brings forth are great information. I have seen my sister-in-Law go through cancer treatment, it seemed like a gradual decline in her health and vitality. May be it is time to get our minds involved a possible place for creation to start. For those who are inclined, tell yourself a different story and I have said this before create your reality. Your mind and your body are one, nothing is separate from anything else, as quantum science can tell you, it is all interactive. Tell your self you are going to a spa and the Doctors and nurses are the spa attendants and get excited about the treatments. the liquid going into your veins is water from the fountain of youth and for radiation it could be radiant beams of holy light restoring your perfection. This is all done in the mind where only you know what you are creating. In the Bible it says ” All things are Possible through God” and Jesus said to “Exalt All things”. Bless all things, Exalt them and when you do it’s quantum particles also change. I have seen this happen to a friend and for myself and when I teach Reiki. The Placebo works science proves it in there testing of drugs and there are books on this too. Thank you Ty you are a Blessing. Loving Blessings. Yourself called alan.
I have just finished #5 of 6 chemo treatments for my stage 3 breast cancer. (FEC D protocol) I have found that the D part of this protocol has been very challenging – very tired is the worst! Thanks for this article. The one thing I can comment on is that I do not feel like eating anything – my mouth has a very bitter taste and everything tastes worse than salted cardboard. I am drawn to carbs (not my usual diet at all) and I am starting to forget what food can taste like. Its February and deep winter (I live in Toronto) and the weather is contributing to low feelings. I hope I can keep my spirits up until the end of March so I can go into the surgery and radiation part of the protocol feeling a bit more hopeful. Stay healthy!!!
This recipe seems to be effective in killing cancer cells and preventing their growth
Grate a small piece of raw ginger into a porcelain bowl,
add 2 tablespoons of lemon juice (or lemon powder)
add 1/3 cup (100mls) hot water
Cover the mixture and let it simmer
drain into a mug and drink the warm mixture.
Take this drink first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and you’ll see good results
I can understand the need for some people to choose chemo/radiation but my mom chose none of those, only what natural treatments we can afford at home. She has lost so much weight, fatigue and nauseous. So much nausea she can hardly eat anything at all. We’ve incorporated most of what’s listed in the article to no avail with energy levels. We do the Bone broth protein but she can hardly stand it to keep it down. Any suggestions on how to make it more palateable ?
Hi Laurie,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Stop using bone broth. High fat, high protein foods weaken your liver and other organs of detoxification and they dehydrate the body creating a favorable environment for cancer causing herpetic viruses and other pathogenic organisms. Animal fats and proteins all create acidity in the body. What you need is an alkaline, anti-viral diet of fruits and vegetables, herbs and spices, and wild foods to kill off cancer causing viruses and all the toxins they produce and feed off of. You’re drawn to carbs because your carbohydrate deficient. You can’t live without life sustaining naturally occurring sugars. Every cell in your body needs glucose and you can’t absorb other nutrients unless they are bonded to naturally occurring sugars like the sugars found in fruit and raw honey and starchy vegetables like potatoes. Our body needs very little dietary fat and protein but it needs an abundance of natural sugars to provide the glycogen storage that our liver and brain needs. Besides the natural sugars, fruits and vegetables also provide the critically important living water, oxygen, mineral salts, antioxidants, and phytochemicals that our liver needs to keep us healthy and prevent or reverse disease.
Hello Family; I am a intuitive dowser and Fay I am being told that something happened to you at age 25ish that was-is trauma and it involves a man. Give Forgiveness a try, it requires nothing but your Love and Lorie your mom had something happen at age 16 that also involves a man. I don’t know if this will help but it is worth a try. Look into the eyes of the other and Forgive and then do the same for your self both at the age that trauma happened. Also talk to the health care professionals at this web site. I will pray for you both. Loving Blessings. Yourself called alan.
Eating properly and restoring your body are very important when undergoing aggressive treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy because they consist of toxins. Exercising is also good for you because it helps release the toxins off your body. I would not mind trying smoothies. To make smoothies, do you use your food processor, blender, or juicer?
Hear, hear…
Learn more about cancer
If you’re eating organically grown cruciferous vegetables they’re not going to have any pathogenic organisms on them unless there is cross contamination from other foods. Pathogenic microbes are primarily found on animal based foods and conventionally grown plant based foods sprayed with tons of toxic pesticides and herbicides and other chemicals. That’s why whenever there is an outbreak of food poisoning it’s always traced back to animal based foods or conventionally grown plant based foods. Don’t use yogurt or any other dairy products. Dairy products are one of the favorite foods of cancer causing viruses. Contrary to popular myth its carbohydrates that build our muscles not protein. High fat, high protein very low-carb diets are what cause muscle wasting where people’s muscles fall apart.
I craved apples, bananas and potato soup. Wish I knew about this when I was going through treatment. My nutritionist wasn’t helpful like you. Thank you :)
Thank YOU for being here to support us. We hope you’re doing well now!
Wishing you endless blessings, love, and continued good health! 🙂
Thank YOU for being here to support us. We hope you’re doing well now!
Wishing you endless blessings, love, and continued good health! 🙂
The best I’ve tried that works pretty much one hour after taking it is pawpaw leaves, I swear by it . I mix it with moringa and a leaf over hear for your brain and take a short glass every morning.
…and fasting – start from 12 hours from the first 24 hours and plus every next day with 2 hours till 24 hours without food, just drinking water. And the next day back – start eating very small amounts of that balanced food what you like… 2 times per year.
And nirmally eating/drinking just small amounts 4 times per day.