Video Transcript: Intermittent Fasting: The Most Powerful Thing You Can Do for Your Health
Charlene Bollinger: You’ve probably heard about intermittent fasting for weight loss. But did you know about its anti-cancer and pro-health effects?
Ty Bollinger: Join our great friend Dr. Joseph Mercola as he discusses this powerful technique to improve your overall health.
Dr. Joseph Mercola: I want to express my sincere and deep appreciation to Ty for putting this whole event together, and for inviting me a few years ago to participate in an interview for The Truth About Cancer. I thought I understood cancer, but I realized after the interview that I didn’t have a solid plan for it. So, he sparked an interest, and my pattern is that I read about 150 books a year.
And shortly after I interviewed with Ty, I read this book, Tripping Over the Truth by Travis Christofferson. If anyone has cancer or knows someone who does, I would highly recommend this book. It really opened my mind and put it all together for me.
And Travis based his book on the groundbreaking work of Tom Seyfried, who lectured yesterday, and if you didn’t hear it, please listen to that. This man is brilliant. He’s a genius. He helped us understand that cancer is not a genetic disease. Cancer is a mitochondrial metabolic disease. Let me summarize that for you, because there’s some confusion on this topic.
A lot of people confuse Otto Warburg’s work, and think “Oh, sugar feeds cancer. Have low sugar.” That’s only part of the truth. That’s the part of the truth if you understand, you’re going to mess up—you’re not going to implement the program the way that you need to.
And what Dr. Seyfried helped us understand is that there are other fermentable substrates that feed cancer, aside from sugar, and that other one is glutamine—which is an amino acid—which are parts of protein. So, if you have a low-carb, high-protein diet, you are going to accelerate cancer growth. You need low-carb and low-protein.
Fasting. Unquestionably, without any micro-doubt, the most profoundly powerful metabolic intervention you could possibly do.
Why? It helps your body burn fat for fuel, it accelerates it at a rapid rate. And it stimulates something called autophagy, which I’m sure many of you heard of before, self-eating, essentially a process that destroys the senescent, or damaged cells that need to be taken out.
It’s like the garbage man coming to your doorstep. Can you imagine if the garbage man didn’t take your trash away? Well, that’s what happens in your body. And most of the time, the average person is not eating the fuel to help their body burn fat for fuel.
When that happens, this autophagy is suppressed. So, that’s one of the things. The other thing fasting does is it improves stem cell production.
So, there are two types. One is intermittent, where you’re eating in a restricted window a day. The minimum is like 14 hours, but I think it’s even better to go to 20 hours, and that’s what I’ve been doing for a while now, 20-hour intermittent daily fast. And when you do that for a while, you will train your body to burn fat for fuel.
And if you do it for a month or so, then you’ll be able to transition into water fasting, where you don’t have anything but water for multiple days. My sweet spot’s about four days, and I like to do that once a month. And you’re thinking “Gosh, I can’t do that.”
Right? There’s a lot of fear around that. But I can tell you from personal experience that when you do that, there is no hunger. It’s the most amazing thing. There’s no hunger. And the mental clarity is something like you haven’t experienced since you were a child. And then the other cool thing is, you save money because you’re not buying food. You save time, which is more important to me, because you don’t have to buy the food, you don’t have to prepare it, you don’t have to eat it, you don’t have to cook it, you don’t have to clean it up.
It is cool. And I do it primarily for the autophagy, although the stem cell benefits are intriguing, too.
So, you’d like—who’s interested in that? Alright. Well, I’ve got a book for you, The Complete Guide to Fasting, Dr. Jason Fung, the best book on the planet that I know of currently that tells you how to do it. He’s a nephrologist out of the University of Toronto in Canada. And excellent. So, you can look up my interview with him on YouTube or my site, or look up others, but he’s great.
Charlene Bollinger: Isn’t that incredible information from Dr. Mercola? I hope you learned from this video.
Ty Bollinger: And if you did, please share it on social media and let your friends and family know about The Truth About Cancer. Thank you and and God bless!
I have nasal polyps and I don’t want to get them surgically removed. Does Epsom salt really help them to shrink. It’s getting hard to breathe and I mostly breathe through my mouth at night which in turn my mouth is very dry and my throat in the morning so I have to drink water to moisten it. Is there a less invasive way I don’t want steroids which they have tried and I still have them. I have had them about 8 years now and the stories I have heard about having them surgically removed is horrible and painful and they sometimes grow back if they don’t get it all. Please help me I am going to be 65 in April and don’t want to live out the rest of my life trying to breathe through my nose. I would really appreciate some advice. I have looked up the many ways there are on the internet but none of them work.
Katie–did you check Just search for the ailment, and people put in what worked for them. We’ve found it to be a very helpful resource. 🙂
Charlene & Ty,
Thank you so much for the information you provide for us common hinterland folks.
Thank you so much for your unstinting commitment and passion. I purchased Your Truth about Cancer A Global Quest 9 DVD episodes CDs with complete transcripts when I had just been diagnosed with my second foray with Cancer. It was a revelation and changed my life completely. Now 3 years from operation – following the advice therein (without submitting to chemotherapy and radiotherapy) I am constantly inspired by the work and latest information you provide. To say it gives me a sense of hope and a joy of living is an understatement. I am blessed to have found you in my radar. God Bless you
Fantastic article. Thanks for putting the Ketogenic Diet foods into a simple chart form which takes the guess work out of it. I have been following something similar for several years which has kept my lung cancer from progressing. Diet is definitely the first thing to address with cancer.
Wonderful to hear, Harold!
Wishing you good health always!
Did you lnow that the Buddha ate only one meal a day? in the morning, no food after 12 noon, monks & nuns follow to this day…Buddha extolled the virtues of one meal, as healthy happy meditative promoting lifestyle..
Interesting – thank you for sharing! 🙂
Siddartha Buddha also said on his last day, “I still have not found truth.”
Follow Jesus, the Way, the Truth, the Life.
Thanks a lot for this video transcript. Am inspired to read more.
Hello ,
Love these posts. I stop eating at 7 am and don’t eat anything unti noon . I do drink water with lemon and take my black seed oil with honey . I try to do this at least 4xs a week . No meat or dairy . In my 3 1/2 years with no meds from leaukemia and looking forward to many more years. However I will try the monthly fasting.
Thank you all !!
Yes, fasting is good, but he doesn’t tell you HOW to fast. Gotta buy the book for that. ARGH!!
If you do intermittant fasting such as drinking water and no food for several days, do you lose a lot of weight?