Video Transcript: Intro to Homeopathy
Charlene Bollinger: When asked what homeopathy is, most people have a difficult time defining this unique form of treatment.
Ty Bollinger: Dr. Frank King who specializes in homeopathy and wrote the The Healing Revolution gave a great explanation about homeopathy in his presentation called “Cancer Prevention and Correction with Homeopathy” at last year’s The Truth About Cancer Live Event.
Charlene Bollinger: Here’s a little excerpt from this presentation which anyone who’s new to homeopathy should watch. Enjoy!
Dr. Frank King: I want to give you the most vital information that you could most powerfully use, so I have some questions for you so I can zero this talk right in to your personal needs. We’re here to empower you. We’re here to equip you with tools to take your health much higher.
So, with that, this is what we’re talking about. We’ve been doing homeopathy and all sorts of natural healing for over 40 years, and in those 40 years we’ve been searching diligently to develop better ways – how to integrate specific different techniques and products to really take care of many of the health problems that are plaguing our society today.
And in this process, we have found this unique thing called homeopathy. Can you say homeopathy?
“Homeopathy!” How many people have never taken a homeopathic remedy before? Just show me. I have a very smart and experienced crowd here. How many people have taken a homeopathic remedy? Okay. How many people have had a wonderful healing experience taking a homeopathic remedy? Just about the same number. How many people have taken a homeopathic remedy and nothing happened? Come on be honest.
Why? Cause if that happens, because homeopathy is very detailed in getting to the underlying causes with any type of symptom, weakness, or ailment that you might have. And whenever you’re very specific in addressing the underlying cause, you will also need to be very individualized. The key to the great success of homeopathy is finding the right remedies.
And what we have done is to make this once complex elusive healing art of homeopathy and turn into something that everyone can experience its many, many benefits. Homeopathy addresses and deals and will correct problems that nothing else will address. We’ll talk about that today, and why homeopathy is such an essential part for everybody’s lives.
Homeopathy offers solutions to you that nothing else will address, and not to put anything down – we use it all – but homeopathy addresses dimensions within the body that only homeopathy can address. And so that is one of the unique things about homeopathy.
We’ve been doing this again for over 40 years and in this process, we’ve been healing maniacs. How many people just love studying natural health, love, always seeking more knowledge?
Come on, holds those hands up. You’re healing revolutionists. High five. And how many people are practitioners here? I just like to see a hand of practitioners. How many people are patients or are actually laypeople utilizing natural health care? About equal, pretty close to equal, that’s very nice.
So here we have developed different specific homeopathic products for specific cancers. These are only available to practitioners, so we can help you find a practitioner, or if you know a practitioner that’s interested but doesn’t understand homeopathy yet, we can actually make the connection and help equip your doctor positively and effectively using homeopathy.
So, homeopathy is a very unique thing. When most people are asked “what is homeopathy?”, they have a difficult time sometimes defining this unique thing called homeopathy.
You will be able to define homeopathy today and understand its uniquenesses and how you can implement those both in your lives and in other’s lives as well.
So, I wrote a book called The Healing Revolution. This book is really all about empowering people. The word doctor means–it’s a Latin word, it means to teach. And we were all about–have been committed since the late 70s–actually it started in the early 70s converting our family farm to organic; 450 acres, and in that process learned about natural healing, and been hooked ever since.
And so, when we went into practice in the late 70s, we were always committed to teaching our patients. Giving classes, a series of 10 classes, one evening a week and then they graduated from these classes. And in that, we taught our patients everything we could possibly teach them about natural healing techniques, how they can implement them in their lives, and for their families… help their friends.
And we find about one in every 10 people, maybe one in 12 people actually have what we call “the heart of the healer” inside of them. And I can tell when I asked that question earlier you have that heart of a healer within you and I am so honored to stand before other healing revolutionists.
I spent some years as a research assistant in a few ‘meccas’ of the cancer construct. I was in the field when the FDA went after Burzynski. As an assistant one will not gather attention although one will gather a tremendous amount of understanding and first hand encounter with data and real time observation. And I can tell you, the observations will quietly wreck a person.
So now I see a new industry. The anti-cancer construct industry. Rings like church and state. Mr Bollinger I like you, but your approach is problematic for folks like me.
Thanks for your feedback Theresa!
Great success with Vitamin B-17. I eat 10 to 20 seeds each day. I like them with blueberries. Read World Without Cancer. Watch Sandi Rog’s video I Beat Cancer With Vitamin B-17. And Stage IV Cancer Disappears Using Apricot Kernels on Youtube.