We all know how healthy eating raw, fresh, organic greens can be. In fact, eating them is essential for anyone who wants to become and stay healthy − no matter what your situation.
In the midst of our busy lives, consuming those daily greens in some kind of liquid form just makes sense. After all, who wants to lug around pounds of spinach or kale all day?
But what exactly is the best way to drink your greens − blended or juiced? I’m frequently asked this question about juicing vs blending as I coach and speak to women on the 7 Essentials System™ of healing the body naturally.
The answer, in my opinion, is both. And it all depends on where you are right now on your healing path.
Juicing vs Blending… When to Juice?
Juicing is done using a machine, either electrical or mechanical, to grind, pulverize, and squeeze liquid out of your fruits and veggies. The fibrous tissues of the plants are not consumed, but instead discarded.
Juicing is good for specific situations, such as:
- If you are going through a serious healing crisis and you want nutrients to be absorbed quickly into your bloodstream
- If you want to give your digestive system a rest for a while, such as during a juice fast or cleanse
- If you have just had chemo, surgery, or radiation and need to rebuild your weakened immune system through getting maximum nutrients quickly (juicing can be an especially effective way to do this if actual eating is difficult)
- If you are under the supervision of a qualified health professional or are going through a program in a controlled environment, such as Gerson Therapy, in which juicing is a part of a larger healing protocol
If you decide to juice for a short period of time because of any of the above reasons and want to include fruits in your juicing, always make sure that they are low-glycemic, such as blueberries, lemons, or green apples. Since digestion begins in the mouth, make sure to swish the juice around in your mouth before you swallow to activate salivary enzymes. The excretion of these enzymes are an important part of the first steps of digestion.
Blending is Better for Everyday Health
Blending involves using a blender or other high-powered device to grind down green leafy veggies like kale and spinach, low-glycemic fruits, root herbs like ginger, and other vegetables. Blending uses the whole plant, stems and all. The end result is a thick drink that is satisfying, nutrient-dense, and delicious.
Blended meals can be a mainstay of your diet for long periods of time. The benefits of blending are numerous:
- Blending breaks down the fiber, both soluble and insoluble, in greens and fruits. Consuming fiber in this way allows the glucose from these items to be absorbed in the bloodstream slower than with straight juicing
- Blended drinks will oxidize slower in your system than with juicing. This means more targeted nutrients for you in the long run
- In blended drinks, you can add extras like hemp, chia, or flax for some Omega 3 fatty acid infusion; nuts such as almonds or walnuts can be added for extra protein
- In contrast to eating a salad, blending also allows your body to assimilate more nutrients. The blender will break down plant cell walls, releasing antioxidants and making your greens easier to digest.
Tips for Better Blending
A blended drink is sometimes called a “smoothie.” Just to be clear, however, there is a difference between the kind of healthy blended drink I am talking about and the “smoothies” that you may find at Starbuck’s or even at a “smoothie shop.” Those offerings are often loaded with high amounts of sugar and other unknown, processed substances.
In fact, according to the ingredient information found on their own website, a strawberry smoothie from Starbucks has a whopping 41 grams of sugar, about the same amount that is in a can of coke. Even Jamba Juice’s popular Tropical Greens has about 30 grams of sugar.
And don’t even get me started on Smoothie King. They don’t divulge much of the specific ingredients nor sugar levels for their “proprietary blends” on their website. In addition, each one of their smoothies includes turbinado sugar.
To be sure, the best smoothies are the ones you make yourself in your own home with just a few organic ingredients and the right kind of blender.
Food Combining: Learning from the Nutritional Wisdom of Primates
When you are blending, make sure you use mostly green leafy vegetables like kale or spinach. You can combine leafies with fruits, but make sure that they are low-glycemic such as apples or blueberries. Sticking with leafy greens (as opposed to vegetables like broccoli or cabbage) in combination with these fruits will eliminate the digestive upset that can sometimes happen when you mix high-starch vegetables with fruit. Even mixing low-sugar content fruits with veggies like beets or carrots can cause bloat in extra-sensitive people.
As an interesting side note, this kind of healthy smoothie food combining has actually been verified by science. Natural health advocate Victoria Boutenko first became inspired to combine green leafies with fruits after reading a Jane Goodall book on the eating habits of chimpanzees. The chimps would sometimes make a “sandwich” by rolling a banana in leaves of lettuce. Boutenko thought this was odd, since health wisdom up to that point recommended not to combine any kind of vegetable with any kind of fruit. Says Boutenko:
“I stared at that paragraph, thinking it was poor food combining according to human research. Then I thought that maybe chimps know better.”
Boutenko came to the eventual conclusion that green leafies were the victims of gross misrepresentation. According to her, leafy greens are not really “vegetables” in the way that squash, beets, carrots, broccoli, and the like are. Greens differ in that they simply do not have the starch content that these other veggies have. In fact, the high fiber content of green leaves actually help to slow down the absorption of fructose, making them an excellent pair for fruit.
No doubt the juicing vs blending debate will continue. Whatever way you choose, however, one things is crystal clear − making juicing or blended green smoothies a regular part of your diet will not only give you plenty of plant-based nutrients, it will also give you the healthy, sustained energy you need for a productive day.
Article Summary
Eating raw, fresh, organic greens is essential for anyone who wants to become and stay healthy. With our busy lives, consuming those daily greens in some kind of liquid form makes sense.
Which is the best way to drink greens − blended or juiced? The answer is both, and it all depends on where you are right now on your healing path.
Juicing is done using a machine that grinds, pulverizes, and/or squeezes liquid out of your fruits and veggies. The fibrous tissues of the plants are not consumed. Juicing is good for specific situations, such as:
- If you want nutrients to be absorbed quickly into your bloodstream
- To give your digestive system a rest for a while, such as during a juice fast or cleanse
- If you’ve just had chemo, surgery, or radiation and need to rebuild your weakened immune system through getting maximum nutrients quickly
- Under the supervision of a qualified health professional or going through a program such as Gerson Therapy which uses juicing as part of its protocol
Blending involves using a blender or other high-powered device to grind down green leafy veggies like kale and spinach, low-glycemic fruits, root herbs like ginger, and other vegetables. Blending uses the whole plant, stems and all. The end result is a thick drink that is satisfying, nutrient-dense, and delicious.
A blended drink is also called a smoothie. The best smoothies are the ones you make yourself in your own home with just a few organic ingredients and the right kind of blender. Commercially-made smoothies often contain as much sugar as a can of Coke.
April 11th 2016
Please indicate which formula of EDTA is the one preferred for human consumption from the list below ATTACHED to reduce plaque in arteries:
Composé Numéro CAS
Composé Numéro CAS
EDTA-AA 105028-29-3 AA-EDTA –
EDTA acid 94108-75-5
EDTA-Azophényl 53641-65-9 Azophényl-EDTA 53641-65-9
EDTA-Benzy 106145-38-4 Benzyl-EDTA 106145-38-4
EDTA-Bitc – Bitc-EDTA 94344-71-5
EDTA-Calcium 62-33-9 Calcium EDTA 7732-93-6
EDTA-Ca-10 62-33-9 EDTA-Ca-10 62-33-9
EDTA-Cérium 15158-67-5 Ce EDTA –
EDTA-Chrome (Cr) – Cr EDTA –
EDTA-51Cr 11063-42-6 Cr-51 EDTA 11063-42-6
EDTA-Cobalt – Di Cobalt EDTA 71-02-3
EDTA-Cu-15 14025-15-1 Cuivre EDTA 51395-10-9
EDTA-Ddmdp-LN – Ddmdp-LN-EDTA 128480-86-4
EDTA-Emcs-Bz – Emcs-Bz-EDTA 55015-71-7
EDTA-Fer (Fe) –
EDTA-Fe(II) (fer ferreux) 15651-72-6 Fe(II)-EDTA 15651-72-6
EDTA-Fe (ferII) 56174-59-5 Fer ferreux(II) EDTA 56174-59-5
EDTA-Fe-7 68413-60-5 Fer EDTA 23-71-7
EDTA-Fe-13 15708-41-5 Fe(EDTA)(2-) 15651-72-6
EDTA-Fe (ferII) 923-71-7
EDTA-Fe(III) (fer ferrique) 54959-35-2 Fe(III)-EDTA 15275-07-7
EDTA-Fe(III) 39019-76-6 Fer(III) EDTA 15275-07-7
EDTA Fe (ferIII) 54959-35-2 Fer(III)-EDTA 36670-04-9
EDTA-Manganèse (Mn) –
EDTA-Mn-13 15375-84-5 EDTA-Mn 13 % 15708-41-6
EDTA-Nickel 15708-55-1 Ni-EDTA –
EDTA-pBAB [1-(4-bromoacétamidobenzyl)] – Pbab-EDTA 81677-64-7
EDTA-Potassium – Potassium-EDTA –
EDTA-2K 25102-12-9 EDTA-K –
EDTA-3K 17572-97-3
EDTA-Sodium (Na) 8013-51-2 Sodium-EDTA 013-51-2
EDTA-DiSodium 139-33-3 Na2 EDTA 69772-70-9
EDTA-TriSodium – TriSodium EDTA 97928-92-2
EDTA-Na2 6381-92-6 EDTA-2Na 139-33-3, 6381-92-6
EDTA-TEA (TriÉthanolAmine) – EDTA-TEA 60544-70-9
EDTA-Zinc (Zn) 92143-36-7 Zinc-EDTA 92143-36-7
EDTA-Zn-15 14025-21-9 Zn EDTA 14025-21-9
LIST SOURCE WIKIPEDIA: https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/EDTA
Christian Malard
Quebec, Canada
Can you address what kind of blender is good to use for smoothies or perhaps in another article?
I love using my NutraBullet
Would u suggest same for juicing? I’m 29 yrs old (mother of 2 boys 4&8 yrs old). DX w/ hodgkins lymphoma 4/2015 & sentenced to abvd chemo. I had last infusion 10/2/15 but I’m not feeling any different than I had during chemo! It’s been half a yr now & I’m just so scared & angry I may never be who I am or who I was pre-chemo! I didn’t even have any symptoms yet as far as I could tell at the time but I know better now???? Either way I was definetly WAY healthier feeling, happier, cognitive, and energetic before I was poisoned ????
What about the impact of heat on the enzymes? I was told that cold-pressed juices result in more active enzymes as the heat generated by a blender tends to destroy enzymes quickly. Is that not a factor to take into consideration?
Omega Juicers 8600 does not heat up the juice. I need to do more research, a comment was left that Wheat Grass was breaking the screens, so I’m looking for something comparable. Blenders heat up the juice. Blenders are good for you smoothies w/ice.
I did not realize how many people are out there to help you live a natural life. I have felt bad, different, not me for 10 years. Inflammation is my worst enemy. Some mornings I wake up and can’t close my hands. I remember what I ate and it is on a list of “no more” can I eat that pork. All pork is bad for me. all meat seems to be destroying my body. It is a challenge to change, but I am doing it. I am watching “The Truth About Cancer” series. I am going to join the CS team also. I have fibrocystic breast disease, 5 nodules Left side of neck, 2 on right side of neck, 1 nodule in Right Lung, and a small lump under left arm. I cannot raise the left arm straight up. I had the most stressful winter in Yuma, and that will not be repeated. Dad 89 and girlfriend 90 drove me nuts. I’m 60 yrs young and I’m getting my act together and juicing is the menu! Riding my bike, swimming and fishing. It is all about me this year. Angie
Hi,I have recently been diagnosed with prostate cancer at the age of 63,and have been given the Truth About Cancer website which I’m finding so amazing.I always have a bowl of fresh fruit for topped with flaxseed seed oil and leciten for breakfast and have done for the last 30 odd years and over the last 2years having a home made smoothie(nutra bullet)consisting of vegetables, berries,apple,red grapes seeds and nuts,I’m concerned that I’m now getting to much sugar in my diet from the fruit I’m eating as I’ve found out that sugar feeds cancer.I have pretty much cut out all processed food from my diet of late and having lots off salads.Can you please advise me.
Hi Allan, It sounds like you are on the right track! Prostate cancer is actually very similar to breast cancer so you may find my book helpful. Here is a link: https://breastcancerconquerorshop.com/product/heal-breast-cancer-naturally/. I also recommend minimal fruits and stick with the low-sugar ones, such as green apples (great in smoothies), lemons and blueberries.
You know you really should not eat raw spinach, kale, broccoli , the cruciferous vega. because of the oxalates