By now you may know a little bit about how a ketogenic diet can be beneficial for lowering inflammation, improving overall health, and losing weight. But what about our unique health needs as women? It turns out that there are variations of the standard ketogenic diet that may be especially beneficial for us and the health concerns that we face, especially as we get older!
Here’s a breakdown of what it is and how it can be helpful for you.
The Ketogenic Diet and Women
Diving into the details of a diet can be just as confusing as that search to find the right one. I know that was the case for me when I first discovered the ketogenic diet. It can seem daunting at first, so I’ll start with the basics.
The process of burning fat for energy (instead of glucose) is called “ketosis” (hence the term “ketogenic”). There are amazing mechanisms that kick in with our immune system, metabolism, and detoxification pathways when we move into ketosis.
I don’t have to tell you that I have a passion for empowering individuals to eat and live as healthy as possible, so when I learned that following a ketogenic diet could potentially help reverse cancer, I got excited!
Of course, the only constant is change, right? Now that keto has gone mainstream, more research is focusing on how the diet works for specific groups of people. Researchers are discovering that a ketogenic diet can be very effective in healing conditions in addition to cancer, such as diabetes and autoimmune disease.
Experts are also discovering how ketosis works a bit differently depending on gender. One of the primary differences between us ladies and the men is hormones. When our bodies suffer from prolonged stress and poor eating habits, it is often our hormones that bear the brunt of the abuse.
Imbalances in the endocrine system can be the cause of dozens of nasty side effects, all of which can lead to chronic disease.
To get an idea of just how many women are suffering from hormone-related conditions, take a look at these scary statistics:
- According to an analysis conducted by John Hopkins University, autoimmune conditions affected roughly eight percent of the U.S. population in 2004. 79% of these cases were women.1
- According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Kidney Disease, the thyroid autoimmune condition Hashimoto’s thyroiditis is about 8 times more common in women than men.2
- Women are also up to ten times more likely to get non-autoimmune related hypothyroidism than men.3
- According to the American Cancer Society, ovarian cancer is the number one reproductive system cancer for women and uterine cancer is close behind. In addition, one in eight women will receive a breast cancer diagnosis at some point in their lives.4
- Women ages 20 to 34 have a higher rate of type 2 diabetes than men because of the changes that occur during pregnancy, which can lead to gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes is a risk factor for developing type 2 diabetes later in life.5
- According to the American Psychological Association, women bear most of the brunt in terms of self-reported feelings of stress. Adrenal fatigue and burnout, which effects hormonal balance, is largely a result of chronic stress.6
The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: Why It May be Best for Women’s Health
As you can see by the heartbreaking statistics above, women have unique challenges when it comes to hormones, stress, and chronic disease. That is why many women respond best to modified versions of the ketogenic diet. One version that is becoming increasingly popular is the Cyclical Ketogenic Diet, or CKD.
In a nutshell, individuals who are on a CKD eat the standard ketogenic diet (roughly 20-30% protein, 5-10% carbohydrates and 60-80% fat) most of the week. One day a week, however, they “carb up.” This means they eat a moderate amount of carbs, even lower amounts of fat, and about the same amount of protein as on ketogenic days.
Both the standard ketogenic diet and the cyclic ketogenic diet are based on the concept of “feast or famine,” but in slightly different ways. During ketosis, your body thinks that it is in “famine mode” all of the time. Because of this, there will always be a subtle amount of stress on the body and on metabolism.
If you are a healthy individual and want to employ the ketogenic diet long-term, some research indicates that you may be able to do this safely.7 If you already have hormone-related issues, a ketogenic diet’s anti-inflammatory and mitochondrial-boosting effects can help you as well, but you’ll need to monitor how you feel more closely and take it slow. Gradually introducing your body to the CKD can do this.
The CKD allows your body a rest with a feasting day when you eat more carbs. The rest of the week can be spent eating a standard ketogenic diet. I recommend starting out slow by cutting down on your carb load and then pushing the envelope just a little every week until you are in ketosis most of the week.
Another important tip to keep in mind with CKD is that carb-up days are not a license to eat junk. On feasting days, you still don’t want to go wild with the pasta and bread! Continue to eat healthy, whole, organic foods and keep the sugary foods out of your diet. I like to make one meal on my feasting day moderately carb-heavy and the other two meals and snacks keto-friendly.
And here is a little hack if you decide to give CKD a try: Slow-carb foods like sweet potatoes and quinoa are great for feasting days. In addition, sprinkle a little apple cider vinegar on your food or drink some with water 15 minutes before eating a meal to help with blood sugar issues. I have done this on many occasions, especially on super busy days when I know I need a boost.
Intermittent Fasting and the CKD
Intermittent fasting (IF) became a big deal after a 2012 study from the University of Hail in Saudi Arabia made headlines. The study found that IF during Ramadan increased immune system cell growth and lowered proinflammatory cytokines in healthy individuals.8 In fact, research on the benefits of IF is now widespread. A 2013 study conducted by Thomas Jefferson University discovered that IF slowed the growth of primary cancer tumors and also decreased the number of new ones in breast cancer patients.9
Many experts also advise periods of intermittent fasting throughout the week on both your ketogenic days and feasting days. Intermittent fasting is gentler on the body than going through a regular fast. And in my opinion, gentler is better for us women, especially if you suffer from hormonal imbalance or high stress levels.
Most people follow the 16/8 rule: they do not eat from roughly 8pm in the evening through 10am the next day. If it is difficult for you to go that long without eating, shoot for a 12 hour fast including sleep time.
Then work your way up to a longer fasting period from there if you can. You can also eat a small amount of fat first thing in the morning or at night. Many folks swear by a coconut oil-infused bulletproof coffee first thing in the morning.
One of many great options you may enjoy in the evening is a relaxing keto version of the popular “golden milk.” This is a yummy beverage made from frothing almond milk together with healing turmeric, a little cinnamon, a dash of black pepper and ginger, and a little coconut oil. I like to put a pinch of stevia in it to give it a sweet zing. Delicious! I also like the fact that at the end of the day, I am getting a little bit of anti-inflammatory turmeric in my system. The turmeric is warming and encourages a good night’s sleep.10
The best news is that eating healthy fat during your IF period is not really a cheat. It will not pull you out of ketosis on your ketogenic days and can actually help build robust ketones in the body.
6 Reasons Why a Cyclical Ketogenic Diet May Be for You
Here are some situations where a woman may want to consider going on a cyclic ketogenic diet:
- If you have a thyroid imbalance. This could include hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism or Hashimoto’s. Introducing ketosis slowly and allowing time for rest through carb-up days keeps the metabolism regulated and conserves thyroid-related metabolic functions.
- If you have adrenal fatigue. Adrenal fatigue syndrome is when the adrenal glands are not producing enough hormones to keep up with demand; they never really “turn off.” It is most often caused by chronic stress and can lead to adrenal exhaustion if left unchecked. Staying in ketosis for long periods of time sometimes leads to a reduction in adrenal-related sex hormones and this makes the adrenals work even harder. Taking some time off from ketosis every week allows the adrenals to rest and reset.
- If you are going through perimenopause or menopause. Following a CK diet can be beneficial for women going through menopause. Research indicates that aging women as well as men can reap great benefits from the IF aspects of the CKD. Fasting allows for a break from digestion, when the body can focus on repair of all systems, including the reproductive and endocrine systems. Just be sure to watch for energy changes and take a break from IF if your estrogen levels begin to vary too much.11
- If you want to lose weight safely (and steadily). When I first did the ketogenic diet, I was amazed at how the weight just seemed to melt off for the first few weeks. Then, to my disappointment, I seemed to hit a plateau. If this happens to you, switching to a cyclic ketogenic diet may kick your metabolism into gear again. Many women also experience success getting off the plateau by choosing a consistent IF schedule, including regular “eating windows”— and then sticking to it! Try different times of day (for example, eating between 10 am to 6 pm first then switching to noon to 8 pm). Eventually you will find the sweet spot where you will start to lose weight again until your body reaches its ideal healthy weight.
- You are experiencing some not-so-healthy side effects of the standard keto diet. These could include losing your menstrual cycle altogether, having trouble sleeping, and experiencing brittle nails, among other things. Symptoms may be giving you an indication that you are overstressing our body and may need to switch to the CKD.
- If you have type 2 diabetes. Research has proven that eating a ketogenic diet even temporarily can have great healing benefits for most diabetics. This is because type 2 diabetes is caused by too much sugar. The best way to restore insulin sensitivity is to simply stop the heavy sugar load. If you follow the standard keto diet, this takes care of the problem.12
Most experts warn not to jump in to ketosis too fast if you are diabetic. Ease into it gradually by lowering your carb count over a few weeks. It may also be wise to do a shortened version of the CKD by “cycling out” of ketosis every once in a while with a moderately carb-heavy meal. A 2005 study published in the journal Nutrition & Metabolism found that people with type 2 diabetes who were also on the ketogenic diet saw major improvements in insulin sensitivity after just three weeks.13
Type 2 diabetes is an autoimmune condition. Since so many women suffer from some kind of autoimmunity, I would like to say one final word here about these conditions in general. Being on a cyclic ketogenic diet gives you the best of both worlds. You are allowing your body to rest one or more days a week yet lowering inflammation and increasing glutathione levels through ketosis and IF the rest of the week. A 2015 study on individuals with multiple sclerosis found that following a ketogenic diet greatly improved mitochondrial function and increased glutathione levels in the body naturally.14
When Should You Avoid the Ketogenic Diet Completely?
If you are suffering from severe thyroid imbalance or complete adrenal exhaustion, a ketogenic diet can be beneficial later on down the road. However, it would be wise to get your body back in balance before going forward.
In addition, according to the Diabetes Council, if you are pregnant you should not follow a ketogenic diet. When a woman is pregnant or nursing, it is especially important that she eat a well-rounded diet that includes not only fruits, veggies, proteins, and healthy fats, but also healthy carbs like whole grains.15
The Bottom Line on the Ketogenic Diet for Women
From one woman to another, here is my advice regarding a keto diet: start slow. Cutting carbs too fast may cause the “rebound effect” and put more stress on your body than you can handle. And if you decide to take it easy and cycle your ketosis, keep in mind that introducing too many carbs all at once may produce negative effects as well.
Work with a holistic health practitioner or health coach when trying out a new plan and keep a health journal. Weigh the pros and cons of the path you have chosen and then let common sense and female intuition guide you on what to do next.
Be sure to observe how these dietary changes make you feel every step of the way. And most of all, be forgiving with yourself if you mess up.
Our bodies were created fearfully and wonderfully with the power to heal. Remember, you must take care of your health first, before you can take care of others. So continue to take the time you need to learn what works best for your body. And in no time, you’ll be on the way to living your happiest, healthiest life!
Article Summary
While the ketogenic diet can be beneficial for fighting cancer, lowering inflammation, and losing weight, specific variations can offer additional benefits for women.
Women face a unique set of health concerns, and the ketogenic diet can create additional stress and hormone disruption.
A cyclical ketogenic diet can help reduce stress and hormone disruption while still providing traditional benefits of ketosis.
A cyclical ketogenic diet can help women with thyroid imbalance, adrenal fatigue, menopause, diabetes, and more.
My husband and I have been eating a variation of Keto for close to eight months. It is a diet or really a life style that is forever for us not just a fad. We have go through transformations in mental clarity and generally feeling better. Less joint pain and less puffy overall appearance fairly quick. We find when we feel plateau then it’s time to carb up a meal. Nothing huge just a half cup of potatoes or something similar. Bread and pasta gone for good as far as we’re concerned. We have had to work at it but you would be surprised how watching your carbs automatically takes care of calories. To us it’s easy. Meats, veggies and fruit. Tiny bit of dairy and no processed. It’s easy. Now we’ve started doing strengths training exercises, wow, inches almost melting off. Improves overall
I understood that the Keto diet involve good fats.You did not mention the fat at all. Please clarify.
I lost both parents and their siblings to cancer! What does that say for me!😳 I have learned a lot of what not to do as far as treatment facilities! I’m interested in what you have to say.
So sorry to hear about this, Tammy! This must have been incredibly difficult to go through. Please know that our prayers of blessings, love, and continued good health are with you always!
Thank you for all the info on the ketogenic diet!
PS. I’m still waiting for more recipes!
Hi Charlene!
I’ve been following TTAC for a couple years now and I’ve learned so much. Thank you for doing what you and Ty do!
I do have a questikn. Though you’ve outlined the KD very well, is there a book you would suggest with the process and daily food choices for someone wanting to start?
Thanks so much!
Ann Byrd Alvin, TX
Hi Ann,
We truly appreciate your ongoing support of our mission.
In answer to your question, for a good start check out the link below for the Keto360 challenge that will be announced in our webinar today, Jan-7th at 5pm EST.
And why not join us for the webinar too? Sign up with the link below.
Looking forward to seeing you there 🙂
Check out videos by Dr Ken D Berry on Youtube. He has over 60 videos that touch on all aspects of keto. He also touches on a huge list of chronic conditions that keto will benefit. He weighed close to 300 lbs and has gone back to normal weight and improved other health problems with keto. So you will be hearing from someone who has benefited from keto in his own life – not just opinions. He cites studies and books from other doctors as well.
I live in California and won’t be home from work in time to hear your webinar.on Monday January 7th
Hello Nancy,
Thank you for reaching out regarding the webinar later today. Please register anyway so you receive a replay link after the webinar has ended.
Please register at the link below.
And please browse the link below to get a sneak peek at the Keto360 Challenge:
Have a great day at work and thanks for supporting our mission.
Hi! Is there still a place to see the Keto360 Challenge?
Interesting article, however, Chris Wark recently posted an article that suggested the Keto diet is not that beneficial for health, nor for fighting cancer. Can you comment on this please?
Hello Jo,
We appreciate your comment, concern and the support of our mission!
We love Chris! We want to assure you we are not promoting the mainstream version of Keto. We are promoting and will guide you through a HEALTHY version of Keto which is very well researched and backed up by science.
Please read these studies:
Thank you, Charlene, for this very informative e-mail. I am 78 years old and had my cecum value removed 4 1/2 years ago due to bowel cancer. My problem with trying to make Keto work for me is that it causes me to have diarrhea. It seems to be an excellent diet (especially according to Dr. Mercola) but at present I am fasting hoping that when I try it again I won’t have this annoying side effect.
I, too, am a believer like you and your husband and feel it is very important to be diligent in trying to maintain good health since our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit. Longing for the day when all sickness will be no more but until then we must work hard to maintain our health.
Dear Lorna,
Thank you for reaching out and supporting our mission. The keto diet is safe for many people. But if you are concerned or have a specific health condition, you should always consult with your doctor before committing to a keto diet or any other diet or lifestyle change.
Blessings for your healing journey.
Thank you Ty and Charlene for all the great work you are doing. And your interest in the health and well-being of others. It is greatly appreciated.
My husband, who had prostate cancer for the last eleven years, passed away 3 days before Christmas. Even though he was a highly educated man, he only believed in conventional medical treatments. I miss him very much.
Thx Charlene you and your husband are really health advocates and spread the world the great news that God gave us our natural plants for healing all kind of diseases! The big pharmaffia has only one goal, that`s greed! not to heal patients but to rob and to deceive them! Chemo is an invention of the d(evil). Simply to learn his malice intentions from his name. If we learn from Go(o)d we praise Him for His goodness and His great Love to us, for He gave us Jesus Christ who already overcame the devil!
Dear Charlene and Ty,
Thank you for all you work. I really appreciate everything you guys do!!
Recently I have been looking into the ketogenic diet myself (I have advanced ovarian cancer), but stumbled upon Chris Wark (from Chris beat Cancer) saying that going keto is the worst thing you could possibly do when having cancer, and that keto can even trigger cancercells to grow faster! He mentioned all kinds of studies to back him up.
So now I’m confused. The 2 of you say the exact opposite…
What would be best for me?? I now follow the Budwig protocol, but might consider changing to keto!!?
Thanks for your reply!
Best regards, Ilse (a follower from Belgium)
Hello Ilse,
We love Chris! We want to assure you we are not promoting the mainstream version of Keto. We are promoting and will guide you through a HEALTHY version of Keto which is very well researched and backed up by science.
Please read these studies:
Hey folks, this is nonsense “Both the standard ketogenic diet and the cyclic ketogenic diet are based on the concept of “feast or famine,” but in slightly different ways. During ketosis, your body thinks that it is in “famine mode” all of the time. Because of this, there will always be a subtle amount of stress on the body and on metabolism.”
Do you think our bodies don’t know the difference between eating enough calories, and not eating enough calories? (feast or famine) You can be feasting and in ketosis, and fasting and in ketosis. intermittent fasting is a healthy stress. It seems to me that you still think not eating carbohydrates is stressful, or is there some other reason you think being in ketosis is stressful, subtle or not?
Hello Ken,
You are correct that the body knows the difference between feast and famine, and will always opt for equilibrium. But with keto, you are in fact bio-hacking the system. The body wants to burn glucose as the “norm.” That is why it is so hard to get into ketosis and stay there. The body normally does not burn ketones as its go-to so to make the switch from burning glucose to burning ketones in fat cells takes a bit of a transition for the body and, yes, there is stress on certain functions, especially the adrenals, during that transition.
When the body is struggling to balance itself because of hormonal issues (often caused by chronic stress), it is not advised to stress the body further by doing keto all the time. The cyclic version allows an already stressed-out body to rest for a day or two in between ketosis.”
We hope that helps to clarify. Have a great day!
I’m new into the Keto stuff. Could you please direct me to simple meal plan that I can just follow so I know what to eat? I would really appreciate it!”
You are a beautiful family. Thank you for sharing your lives with us.
Hello Judy!
Thank you for your nice comment and being here with us. For more Keto diet info, please join us tonight (January 7th) at 5pm EST as we hang out with two top experts on the ketogenic diet, Dr. Josh Axe and Jordan Rubin. We can’t wait to share the TRUTH about the ketogenic diet and also give you the details of the “TTAC Keto360 Challenge.” Please register at the link below. We look forward to seeing you there!
My heart reaches out to you. My husband passed this year also.
Such grief is almost unbearable. Do you have someone to talk with?
Love, Y
THANK YOU for posting this information on the keto/cyclical keto diet from a health standpoint, and not just a weight loss standpoint.
I have suffered from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) since a teenager and wasn’t diagnosed until my late twenties. Frustrated when conventional medicine didn’t help treat the cause, only (one of) the symptoms, I turned to diet to heal my body.
I have now been on keto for almost two years (albeit with little to no dairy since it makes my PCOS worse for me personally). It has been so rewarding to heal my body naturally, get rid of the dreaded hirutism, and bring myself to a natural, constant cycle. I personally have felt the best I have felt in my entire life by adapting this diet.
Cheers to you and your family for all your work!
Thank you for sharing your story of transformation and experience with the keto/cyclical diet with us, Kirsten!
Cheers to YOU for educating yourself and taking your health in your own hands.
If you are interested, please join us tonight (January 7th) at 5pm EST as we hang out with two top experts on the ketogenic diet, Dr. Josh Axe and Jordan Rubin. We can’t wait to share the TRUTH about the ketogenic diet and also give you the details of the “TTAC Keto360 Challenge.”
Please register at the link below. We look forward to seeing you there!
In the meantime, please browse the link below to get a sneak peek at the Keto360 Challenge:
Have a great day!
I love all that you stand for and admire your devotion in the truth for cancer. I am following a 80% keto diet and fasting. My concern is that I am losing weight even though I am 52 , 5 ft 5 and weight about 115 “lbs….I feel good but I am skinny…what can I do…I am not hungry.
Thank you for your nice feedback and concern, Joane!
The keto diet is safe for many people. But if you are concerned or have a specific health condition, you should always consult with your doctor before committing to a keto diet or any other diet or lifestyle change.
Any tips for severe constipation while following keto?
Digestive enzymes! They work! You may have to try a few different brands before you find one that is perfect for your system. God’s blessings and good health to you!
I am a huge fan of TTAC! Ty and Charlene are revolutionizing how we think about diet and the link to cancer and other chronic progressive diseases. Thank you for your dedication to this life saving mission!
I would very much like to take part in the 360keto challenge but I can not afford to. Support,
Is there anyway to get the information without the supplements? I can afford that right away. I realize that the results are better with the supplements but it’s just not in the budget right now. Thank you for your consideration.
I am a woman. I have been taking Armor’s thyroid for over 30 years with no problems. I have metastasized lung cancer. Show I stay on the strictly keto diet which I have been doing with no
problem. Do not want to feed cancer with carbs or sugar.
I have been on keto for 1 1/2 years! I had no problem getting into ketosis, perhaps because we ate sensibly with organic foods and no sugar. I can’t tell you how energetic I feel, clear headed, happy outlook! I feel the best that I have felt in my whole life! I’m 86 years old and a practising musician! Once you leave sugar behind, you no longer crave it.
Hi Joan,
Thanks for letting us know your feedback! We are glad that you had success with Keto!
Absolutely needed and excellent article!! Thank you for your work!
Hi everybody,
I really like your post , I have lung cancer(never smoked in my life) for 4 years now, I’m on chemo , I try to help myself with positives thoughts and faith first, and use essential oils, manuka honey and natural stuff like this, can someone teaches me about this diet I would like to try it , I will really appreciate it.
I learned the hard way that I’m one of the people who can’t do the ketogenic diet. It was fine for a couple of weeks but then there was no amount of magnesium that I could take that would relieve the terrible cramping or just muscle stiffness in my calfs. I also started to get really cranky. It’s fine to have clarity but not if you have a bad mood to go along with it. The worst thing was when I got a raging Candida infection. All of this cleared up when I upped my carb level. I went to an energy healer who suggested that because I have a leaky gut it was a bad idea to do the keto Because larger particles of protein and fat are good if you’re permeable in any way. .Intermittent fasting is fine for me but I cannot do keto. You also have to realize that all that fat is a little bit tough on your liver and I was having a little bit of pain in that area. As soon as I carbed up I felt better. I got the mental clarity back after I did the medical medium thyroid detox. So let this be a warning that this diet really needs to be discussed with the healthcare practitioner and it needs to most likely be cyclical for everyone who decides to do it. For me a low-fat vegan diet is just as effective for weight loss as a keto diet and I feel 1 million times better. So I just wanted to add that in here to show people that there is really a big individual variation in the type of diet that is going to be healthy for your body
How long does it take to put the body into ketosis? I ask this becauuse i think the cyclic keto diet is the way to go… But if it puts the body out of ketosis, then would it not be somewhat like starting all over again?
Also you mention once a week for a carb up. Is there a suitable and effective variation to that; possibly every four days or something like that?
Where can i get information and recipes for this cyclical keto diet, i would really like a 7 day meal plan, i have cancer and would like to change my diet.
Hi Karen,
For more information please refer to the sources and references tab at the end of the article.
Charlene, when I try to save your article to Pinterest, I get the message that it’s blocked because it’s likely to be inappropriate content. I noticed this for two of your articles
Hi Melanie!
Thanks for sharing this with us.
Sadly, Pinterest is shutting down the accounts of major health warriors to silence us and censor our voices about the damaging effects of vaccines!
Watch this video for details and PLEASE SHARE to spread this information:
Thank you for being here to support us. We appreciate you! 🙂
Good morning:
My wife went through both Chemo and Radiation Therapy for small cell lung cancer in her right lung and the cancer was gone for 18 months. But now it might be back. My wife said she will not do this again. How well does the Keto diet work on that type of lung cancer? We will follow whatever advice is recommended. We are going on 42 years of marriage and don’t think I could live without her.
I love the work you have done. This was an interesting article, but I still have questions and concerns.
My doctor suggested I see a nutritionist and she basically put me on the keto diet. I was on it for months, didn’t lose weight at all, and when the doctor did blood work my cholesterol levels were now off! I had cholesterol issues about 20 years ago, but have controlled them thru diet as I have adverse effects from any of the medications they prescribe. The dietitian said this could happen, however she said to let the doctor know and they would understand – but he didn’t. He wanted to prescribe cholesterol meds, which I declined, and am doing herbal supplements.
So I’d like to try again. Is there more information I can get somewhere to help with this?
I will not take cholesterol meds. What I did is eat more good fats that up HDL to offset LDL which comes from bad fats, It involves eating fish and olive oils over vegetable oils, The main thing keto does is keep me off sugars which is the most important thing for me,