Antitrust Lawsuit – Censored Media Outlets Take on Big Media Conglomerates
Charlene Was LIVE on Instagram to Share Info About Our Antitrust Lawsuit Against Legacy Media Bullies!
Charlene & Ty Bollinger filed an Antitrust lawsuit against a Legacy media partnership. Charlene explains more about the purpose of this groundbreaking lawsuit and what the “Trusted News Initiative” a.k.a. TNI is and when this Big Media Collaboration began and why
The defendants are AP, BBC, Reuters, and the Washington Post. They have partnered together to position themselves as the “trusted media” and frame the real news outlets like us (who were telling the truth that resulted in you realizing they were fake news outlets) as misinformation outlets, which is clearly a lie.
We have filed this lawsuit for YOU – to restore the freedom of speech and freedom of the press. We also are working to get all the real news outlets voices back into the world to continue saving lives. Too many people have died because they have hidden our content. This stops NOW with this lawsuit!
Please remember to share this video with everyone you know! We need people to understand what the TNI is and join us in this fight for freedom by sharing our videos, content, prompting whistleblowers to come forward and big media and celebrities who have a large influence to start talking about this with us. Together, we will win!
REAL AMERICA — Dan Ball With Charlene Bollinger, Major Lawsuit Filed Against Legacy Media, 1/11/23
Charlene and Dan discuss how on January 10th, 2023, we filed an antitrust lawsuit against some of the world’s biggest media companies for illegally colluding to silence competing rival news publishers who challenge their own views about COVID-19 in the online market. These companies include the BBC, the Associated Press, the Washington Post, and Reuters.
The Plaintiffs in the lawsuit include Ty & Charlene Bollinger (Founders of The Truth About Cancer & The Truth About Vaccines), RFK Jr, CHD, Creative Destruction Media, Trial Site News, Erin Elizabeth Finn (publisher of Health Nut News), Jim Hoft (founder of The Gateway Pundit), Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Ben Tapper.
Learn More HERE: Press Release
Taking Legacy Media To Court! Antitrust Suit Against “Trusted News Initiative” Media Cartel Moves Forward
Charlene Bollinger joins the Stew Peters Show to detail the Antitrust lawsuit against Big Media players like The Washington Post, BBC and more!
The mainstream media players formed an alliance to cancel and censor REAL news – and now it’s time to make them accountable!
To find more information on the lawsuit, CLICK HERE
New Groundbreaking Antitrust Lawsuit Against Legacy Media. Charlene Bollinger has the details…
Charlene discusses our new groundbreaking lawsuit filed yesterday against the media conglomerate, Trusted News Initiative who have been working to censor us and hiding our content from you.
The Defendants in this case are BBC, The Associated Press, Reuters and The Washington Post.
The Plaintiffs in the lawsuit include Ty & Charlene Bollinger (Founders of The Truth About Cancer & The Truth About Vaccines), RFK Jr, CHD, Creative Destruction Media, Trial Site News, Erin Elizabeth Finn (publisher of Health Nut News), Jim Hoft (founder of The Gateway Pundit), Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Ben Tapper.
Learn More HERE: Press Release
Complaint Filed Jan 10 in Abilene, TX
BREAKING NEWS Interview – RFK Jr & Tucker Carlson discuss our lawsuit we just filed with RFK Jr, and others today in Abilene, TX against the Trusted News Initiative (TNI), a self-described “industry partnership” launched in March 2020 by several of the world’s largest news organizations, including the BBC, The Associated Press (AP), Reuters and The Washington Post — all of which are named as defendants in the lawsuit.
Plaintiffs in the lawsuit include CHD, Kennedy, Creative Destruction Media, Trial Site News, Ty and Charlene Bollinger (founders of The Truth About Cancer and The Truth About Vaccines), Erin Elizabeth Finn (publisher of Health Nut News), Jim Hoft (founder of The Gateway Pundit), Dr. Joseph Mercola and Dr. Ben Tapper.
Learn More HERE: Press Release
Complaint Filed Jan 10 in Abilene, TX
Please pray for us! We are doing this for you!
Thank You once again Charlene for all you are doing to get the truth out to the people. I love the fact that you are here with us and sharing all your incredible information to help keep us safe and well. Yes, I know you are fighting for Americas Freedoms in all areas of life, and trying so hard to get the truth heard to all people.
I have followed you from the start and I just want to Thank You over and over for all the good you are doing. I feel much relieved when I hear from you and what actions you are taking to stop this horrible tyranny by our Government. It is shocking that they have gotten this far with all their lies, that so many people are so ignorant and don’t question what they are told to do.
America is slowly waking up, but what is needed is for the mainstream media to be taken down. Then the people can’t be led to the slaughter house. I hope and pray that day will come soon. Thank you again for being our Truth Guide, you are one of God’s Best!!! God Bless Us All! 🙏🙏
Hello Charlene, Steve from Candyduh here , Thank You for all your hard work. Here in Canada we have a Soros backed one sided media pushing the scare tactic covid narrative, and a WEF extremist wanna be China model loving dictator puppet Prime minister Justin Trudeau , who has a great financial interest in pushing the poison death shot (He makes money off of every shot ). Trudeau’s net worth went from $10 M in 2020 to $385M in 2022 , his yearly income is $351,000 as PM. He sold his soul to Klaus and friends. Money is way more important than ordinary people’s lives to this Traitor . Praying and hoping justice and truth will soon prevail . I am Praying for you to win this battle you are up against . The weapons of our warfare … 2Cor 10:4 . Thank You so much again for your great contribution to the world ! sincerely Steve
Thank you, Ty and Charlene: Very much appreciate your stance, courage and boldness as you speak up, continually, regarding the disinformation, the lies, which Mainstream Media, and evil Globalists-types have foisted on all of humanity. I reside in Abbotsford, B. C, Canada. We are fighting against the same evil, full of pride powers in high places, Charlene. Those modern-day Pharaohs seem to think that they are untouchable. BUT GOD! They”ain’t” seen “not’in” yet! Our God is in charge. “Vengeance is mine says the LORD. I will repay.” They are going DOWN. May our Triune God bless you, both, with Their wisdom, favor, protection, health, strength, and provision, as you work out Their plan for your lives. In Jesus’ name I pray. Amen. “If God be for us, who can be against us?”
Thank you so much Charlene and Ty for continuing to fight for our freedom for free speech and to gain the knowledge that you bring to the table. It is a Major Travesty that is going on in this country!! We should not be forced to put Anything into our bodies that could endanger us in any way shape or form. And should not be denied access to accurate information or employment if we do not comply. Thank you again and I will always continue to follow and support your efforts! God Bless!! ❤️ Cindy
This is wonderful…finally you brave people will be fighting for us all to have our right to free speech.
Thank you Ty and Charlene, RFK Jnr, Dr.Mercola and everyone else who is involved to censor these evil organisations. I salute you for finally giving a voice to us, the voiceless.
With my kindness regards. Christine
Why don’t you file a class action
THANK🤗YOU FOR EVERYTHING you have been doing for ALL of us!!
God 🙏 bless everyone involved with these efforts!
Thank you so much for having the courage to do this!!
Great job. I’m forwarding 2 every1 on my list!
Thank you for continuing to speak out with the truth. I have purchased programmes from you in the past and have great faith in your researching and sourcing of facts. Thank you and God bless you and keep you safe, happy and well. God bless us all!
My wife and I go back years ago with “the truth about cancer”, well before Ty and Charlene became right wing extremist. Think they should go back to advancing the truth about cancer and stay away from political conflict.