A citrusy delight, lemon is a summer season favorite that typifies what it means to be a child − think neighborhood lemonade stands and warm, balmy days at the pool. But more than just a refreshing treat, lemon also contains a rich oil that science suggests could protect against certain types of cancer.
Native to the Middle East, lemon (or at least it’s modern variation), has gained considerable attention in scientific literature. It’s been used to make everything from simple lemonade beverages and lemon liquors to vinegar and fermented healing elixirs. But perhaps its greatest potential is in essential oil form, which is where lemon really shines.
Can Lemon Halt Cervical Cancer?
Long recognized as a remedy for cold symptoms and other respiratory ailments due to its high vitamin C and antioxidant content, lemon has more recently been identified as possessing a wealth of other nutrients that work together to target cancer cells. A 2010 review published in the Journal of Medicinal Plants Research identified essential oil of lemon as possessing the capacity to stop human cervical cancer cells in their tracks.
Using hydrodistillation, Chinese scientists extracted lemon essential oil and tested it on a series of human cervical adenocarcinoma cell lines. They found that the oil not only blocked the cancer cell lines from spreading, but also inhibited oxidizing free radicals from harming healthy cells.
Lemon Essential Oil Offers Multiple Benefits Against Cancer
A larger review of plant extracts and the various roles they play in preventing and treating disease revealed that essential oils, including that of the lemon, acts in multiple ways to target cancer. Lemon and other essential oils, a research team found, utilize multiple pathways and mechanisms to thwart cancer. They do this through cell cycle arrest, apoptosis (cell suicide), increased levels of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species, and anti-metastasis and anti-angiogenic (stopping tumors from growing blood vessels) activities.
A mixture of lemon essential oil combined with eucalyptus, melaleuca, lemongrass, clove leaf, and thyme, in a 40 percent ethanol base, demonstrated anti-tumorigenic effects when administered to patients with metastatic tumorigenic ulcers. Cancer patients have also found relief from pain, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting by using lemon and other essential oils.
How Your Nose Can Help Stop the Spread of Cancer
Another study published in 2015 in the journal Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics reveals that citronella terpenes in lemon essential oil stop the growth of cancers, including those of the liver, through olfactory activation. In other words, citronella terpenes activate certain smell receptors located throughout the body in order to prevent the spread of cancer.
“Terpenes can trigger signaling processes in cells by activating olfactory receptors,” wrote the authors of this study in a January 2015 press release. “Those receptors are mainly located in the nose, but they have been proved [sic] to occur in all types of human tissue, including skin, prostate, and spermatozoa. Carcinogenesis and cancer growth are likewise significantly affected by terpenes.”
If you want the equivalent of a college level education on essential oils, get your copy of Essential Oils: Ancient Medicine by Dr. Josh Axe, Jordan Rubin, and Ty.
In this 500+ page full-color book, you’ll get expert tips and secrets to healing with this Biblical medicine. It also includes a step-by-step guide to using more than 50 top essential oils.
Editor’s Note: This article was initially published in 2015 and has been updated in October 2024.
i’m so thankful to share this .
My sister has an aggressive form of cervical cancer -small cell carcinoma. The disease has spread and she is in pain. They say if nothing is done she has weeks and with chemo maybe a few months. It seems hopeless. I have read the stories in ttac and was wondering if there is anyone to contact and talk to. I know this is a long shot but I am believing for a miracle.
Where do you live?
Her best bet is to go to BrunoGroening.org
Find out where there’s a Circle of Friends Community Group near your sister,
Register online & contact the Community Leader
Have your sister go online & join as many IGRs that are in English or can Translate to English.
Do this everyday, trust & believe!
Many miracles occur all over the world, daily.
Many of you have asked: “What is the ratio of lemon, eucalyptus, clove, thyme, lemongrass, and melaleuca to ethanol?”
I’m going to try to answer this question. It’s a lot of work and it has taken me quite a bit of time. I’m doing this as a service, to help you and myself. I used to teach intuition development through my company IDEAS: Intuition Development Executive Achievement Seminars, and pendulum dowsing as a skill for decision making. I created my own formula called Sleep Naturally by dowsing and it works well to promote sleep. I closed my company called Just Relax two years ago, but I’ll do my best to tell you what the proportions are for this formula. Am I perfectly accurate all the time? Of course not, but I’m usually 80% accurate. These are in drops using any dropper. I recommend that you use a 50/50 blend of carrier oil to essential oils for application to the skin. I like organic grapeseed oil since it’s not thick or greasy, but you can use any type of organic oil, even cooking oil. I’m going to make this for myself, since I just had a small tumor removed from my bladder that was diagnosed as cancer. The doctor said that it is common with people who smoke or used to smoke like me. I might add frankincense to the mix. But first I’m going to see if all of the ingredients listed above would be beneficial and are necessary. The number following my yes or no responses will indicate how much benefit that oil will offer to the whole on a scale of one to ten, ten being the best. Lemon oil distilled from the peel: yes – 8; eucalyptus: yes – 4; clove: no (leave it out); thyme: yes – 5, lemongrass: maybe – 2 (I’d leave that out as well); melaleuca: yes – 9; frankincense: yes – 9. About using a diffuser and breathing the oil in. It’s expensive since you are literally burning the oil. Therefore you don’t need ethanol. Applying it to the skin is far more cost effective, plus others don’t have to smell it all over the house. I put the oil on my wrists so that the oil doesn’t mess up my bedsheets. Frankincense as a stand alone product: 3.5. Lemon oil alone: 4.5. Next, I’ll tell you how many drops to use of each ingredient in the formula: Lemon: 6; eucalyptus: 3; thyme: 5; melaleuca: 7; frankincense: 8. That’s a total of 29 drops which is almost one ml. There are 30 mls to one ounce. Next, let’s discuss how many drops to use That’s personal. It all depends upon your sensitivity to the product, your health, your height and weight, and a few other variables. Let’s take me for example. I’m 5’3″ tall and I weigh 120 pounds. I’m 78 years old and am in relatively good health, eat cleanly, keep my stress levels down, am happy, I don’t smoke (anything). All things considered, I would need 6 drops. I can tell you how many drops you would need if you contact me. You’d have to expand on your formula in order to fill a few bottles for yourself. I buy my oils at wholesale from a reliable distributor outside of the US that I’ve been using for many years. I can buy the components, mix it up, bottle it and sell it to you near my cost if you’d like. It will save you a lot of confusion, time and money. I’m not looking to make a business out of this. Or you can do it yourself. There are actually good companies out there to buy from, but if you buy from Young Living, which has good products, remember that they are a multi level marketing company, so you’ll be paying at least twice or more for your supplies and you’l be buying in small bottles at retail plus a hefty markup. If you have trouble sleeping, try my sleep formula, Sleep Naturally. It comes with a complimentary copy of my best selling CD called Just Relax – Relaxing to Sleep, free of charge with purchase. My CD sold for $20 for many years on Amazon. It’s discontinued now. It’s free to you with purchase; just pay the shipping cost. Supplies are limited. Ideal for anyone with sleep or stress issues, and for those in hospice. I closed my online business two years ago, but I can still take limited retail orders. For questions, orders of my three oils: Just Relax, Stress Relief and Sleep Naturally, or the new one (you can name it) to simply say hello, thanks for my efforts on your behalf, or to tell me if the formula above worked for you, please text me at 561-499-0044 or write: gseymour4u@aol.com
How do we get lemon oil from the lemon FRUIT???
BIGBOY, lemon oil is from the peel of the lemon. Lemon can be ingested. It’s used a drop at a time, either in water or on your tongue. Like most essential oils you can also rub a drop on the bottom of your feet. Enjoy your lemon!!
Are you suppose to ingest, diffuse or rub this oil on your body? Did I miss this in the article?
Excellent information.
I love my lemons and can eat the whole rind and I recently bought a Eureka Lemon Tree and I hope they grow well?
The Meyer I used to have I left when I moved here…I live in Fl and keep it in lg flower pot…
Thank you for this info as I always knew they had many cures! Love the blogs Ty..thanks..
Where is Lemon Essential Oil sold? I live in Nigeria, West Africa.
DoTerra isn’t the only company who sells therapeutic grade essential oils. Young Living is another (which is what I use), Mountain Rose Herbs and Living Libations are two others (which I use as well). I stay away from DoTerra due to bad ethical practices on their part. They could sell liquid gold and I’d still not buy it.
This is the best, go to the site and read reviews!
Seriously check them out, you won’t regret it,
Thank you so very much for this info!!! Love your video clips and will pass this on in my blog oxox
Are you mad? Where in this add does it say taking essential oils orally can be extremely dangerous to your health.
They need to be the highest quality possible. There are thousands of essential oils on the market and because they are so available, many people will try anything in desperation. All powerful natural products have healing properties but not all marketers care about people.
Hello, I’m a huge fan of Ty and The Truth About Cancer. Great stuff! Anyway, I don’t get what you do with the lemon essential oil mixture? I’m guessing your smell it as aroma therapy? Thanks for clarifying for me. Ruth
Hi Ruth, always be careful with ingesting essential oils. Make sure you purchase your oils from a company that you can trust. Always read the bottle and make sure the oil is ingestable. I use lemon essential oil daily in my water and i give it to my kids regularly as well. I use pure essential oil. I am happy to help!
How would you use it? How much would you need? Is it damaged by heat, as in adding to tea?
I was wondering how the combination of essential oils that were given to those individuals were administered. Was it ingested, rubbed on the skin or inhaled via aromatherapy?
Very accurate article on this essential oil however there are other powerful essential oils that can be successfully used in the fight against cancer. One of the most beneficial oils is frankincese which can be applied (a few drops) directly on the problem area since the oils get absorbed within 30 seconds transdermal you. If preparing to use them on a regular basis – mixing it wit a carrier oil will be the best application. I am an Aromatherapist and have been using food grade oils as well as others for years to help ppl recover from dis-ease!
How are you to use it, or the blend ? Can you get the benefits by just rubbing them on you skin, or do they need to be ingested?
Hi Treebhouse, You can use lemon in different ways. Just know your skin may turn a dark shade for a few days if you go outside with it rubbed on your skin. The sun may make darker:) You can use one drop on your tongue for heartburn, you can rub on the bottom of your feet, you can inhale from the bottle. All of these are ok. It just depends on your health issue or what you want to use it for!
In India the entire fruit is made as pickle to keep and use through t year with Ginger,Chilly,Gingely oil naturally extracted ,Fenugreek seeds ,Cumin seeds ,Brasica seeds and Turmeric as ingredients which saves from all diseases.Your information is a highlight for the public .
That blend is pretty specific….can I buy it or do I have to buy each oil separately and mix it myself?
It would be great if you also say how to use it to obtain the benefits.
Thank you Ty for all that you do.
How is the oil administered? Orally, topically, inhaled or diffused?
RLee, it depends on the essential oil and the health concern you’re dealing with as to how to use the oils. Frankincense can be used directly on the spot, on the bottom of the feet, in a diffuser or on the tongue. If you use it on your skin you may want to use a carrier oil (sesame oil, grapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil) with it.
How is it administered? Orally? Yes, you can smell it. but what else and how much?
Linda, it depends on the essential oil and the health concern you’re dealing with as to how to use the oils. Frankincense can be used directly on the spot, on the bottom of the feet, in a diffuser or on the tongue. If you use it on your skin you may want to use a carrier oil (sesame oil, grapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil) with it.
Does anyone know of a good book about essential oils that explains how to take/use them for specific health problems or benefits? For people who know NOTHING about essential oils it’s very difficult to take vague suggestions and put them to use. We need more intricate guidance than that. I’ve heard that some oils can burn the skin if not mixed with carrier oils, and that some shouldn’t be ingested, etc. Just need something that begins teaching from the very basics.
thank you for sharing and letting us know there are more options than just chemo therapy!! kudos
How do you administer the solution suggested in the article? I wouldn’t think you would ingest it since it contains ethynol. With my new and limited knowledge of essential oils I have mainly heard of using it topically. I would very much like to know how to use this solution.
But what do you do with it? …..you never tell us how to use these treatments in your articles. Do you put 5 drops on your skin or 1 or on your food or inhale it or what? I am unfamiliar with how to use essential oils.
Jeannette, it depends on the essential oil and the health concern you’re dealing with as to how to use the oils. Frankincense can be used directly on the spot, on the bottom of the feet, in a diffuser or on the tongue. If you use it on your skin you may want to use a carrier oil (sesame oil, grapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil) with it. Less is more with essential oils. One or two drops at a time:)
What does ‘using’ the oil mean? Drinking it? Obviously not…having a drop in water? Vaporising it? Rubbing it on in a carrier oil? If so, how often and how much?
do you eat it or drink it or inhale it or rub it on or ???
Jennifer, it depends on the essential oil and the health concern you’re dealing with as to how to use the oils. Frankincense can be used directly on the spot, on the bottom of the feet, in a diffuser or on the tongue. If you use it on your skin you may want to use a carrier oil (sesame oil, grapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil) with it. Less is more with essential oils. One or two drops at a time several times per day:)
I like receiving these articles and appreciate all that you are doing. I like the conciseness of this article, but I would have liked more clarity about the phrase “administered to patients with metastatic tumorigenic ulcers”. Administered by what means? Was it ingested somehow? Applied topically? Or given simply through aromatherapy? Or what?
Does this mean diffusing lemon oil?
It means adding it to a diffuser, a little machine, adding the essential oil to water. It diffuses into the air, similar to a humidifier, however a diffuser is usually designed for essential oils.
Can you tell us the best way to take it for cancer treatment and/or prevention? Should it be ingested?
Julie, it depends on the essential oil and the health concern you’re dealing with as to how to use the oils. Frankincense can be used directly on the spot, on the bottom of the feet, in a diffuser or on the tongue. If you use it on your skin you may want to use a carrier oil (sesame oil, grapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil) with it. Less is more with essential oils. One or two drops at a time several times per day:)
Great article! I just have a couple questions. How were the essential oils used in the cervical cancer study? Were they ingested or used topically? How would a regular person use them to stop cervical cancer? Thank you for getting essential oils and natural medicine out to regular people like me!
Make cannabis oil legal and all cancer is gone.
Good answer! But there are so many plants, they could cure cancer. For ex. from the family of Euphorbiacea. but they are toxic too!
Or the most important plant in Black Salve: Creosot bush, too Chapparal(Lives for example in Arizona (desert)). Or Taraxacum officinale, in german: Löwenzahn. Or many others.
Thank you very much, for all this wonderful information.
Great information. Thanks so very much
Could you tell me what essential oils help prevent breast cancer reaccurances ?
It’s not just essential oils. Help yourself by changing your diet and adding Vit D3 and C. If you haven’t listened to the Truth About Cancer videos I’d suggest highly them.
I’m looking for alternative treatment for breast cancer without surgery so where do I begin??
Deb please watch The Truth About Cancer videos. http://www.BudwigCenter.com also has great info. It’s all about what you put in and on your body! Changing what you eat and what you put on your body will change what is in your body. Essential oils and herbs are fabulous but you also need to do these other things for LIFE, not just a few months. Frankincense and Turmeric essential oils are wonderful. Garlic is great to eat too.
These articles are great, but how was the essential oil delivered ( orally, topically, other) and how much?
Deborah, it depends on the essential oil and the health concern you’re dealing with as to how to use the oils. Frankincense can be used directly on the spot, on the bottom of the feet, in a diffuser or on the tongue. If you use it on your skin you may want to use a carrier oil (sesame oil, grapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil) with it. Less is more with essential oils. One or two drops at a time several times per day:)
Is this oil effective against viral infection.
I take essential lemon oil every day. Also along with other essential oils.
What is the best way to use a lemon essential oil?
ive read alot about the dangers of ingesting lemon oil lately. ie: one or two drops in a glass of water. is this true? or is this article talking about diffusing the oil rather than ingestion?
hi can you please tell me the best way to take this lemon essential oil
As a physician, I use and/or recommend essential oils for many medical challenges. However, because I also am a distributor (my home business) of Young Living Essential Oils, the FDA does not allow me to broadcast this information via social media. It is labeled “Diagnosing and/or Treating” and they will shut us down as independent business owners as well as possibly shutting down our parent company–Young Living. This makes it extremely difficult to disseminate your wonderful information. Not fun. Thank you for this very useful scientific information that I must use only privately. P Glover, MD
Exactly how does one use it?
Enrique, it depends on the essential oil and the health concern you’re dealing with as to how to use the oils. Frankincense can be used directly on the spot, on the bottom of the feet, in a diffuser or on the tongue. If you use it on your skin you may want to use a carrier oil (sesame oil, grapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil) with it. Less is more with essential oils. One or two drops at a time several times per day:)
When I purchased the TTAC Global Quest in 2015 I had not previously heard of Essentials Oils for health. The young lady was healed of a malignant brain cancer using Frankensense Essential Oil and I started studying. I found several E.O. are especially helpful in healing. I bought a diffuser and found that a few drops could be added to drinks and a few drops could be incorporated into coconut oil for topical use. I urge everyone to research this wonderful therapy. The ones I bought from Amazon had PDF’s with printed sheets of information.
Hi, could you please explain how it is used? Essential oils are strong and not recommended for internal use. Is it safe if diluted with oil and what ratio would be recommended? Thanks.
This may be true, but one really does need to watch how much (or how often) they ingest EOs as they will destroy healthy gut flora just as antibiotics do—causing digestive issues, which in turn leads to other issues as health begins in the gut. It’s a good idea to take PROBIOTICS on a regular basis, but even more so if one is going to ingest EOs.
I had a skin cancer treated by a dermatologist years ago and it began to grow again. It was about a half inch in diameter and raspberryish in appearance. I tried full strength essential oil of lemon oil on it. Just a tiny amount after my shower every day. After a few days it became very itchy and red. A few days later it began to look like a skin ulcer. Quite ugly and Scarey looking. I stopped the lemon oil application and put aloe gel on it for a few days to get it healed up a bit. Then proceeded again with lemon oil, then aloe, etc. After about a month or so it was completely gone. As I look at my forearm this moment, it’s difficult to see exactly where it was. It’s virtually 100 percent normal looking skin now. The End…
Do you have to drink the essential lemon oil or just apply it on your body?
Jen, it depends on the essential oil and the health concern you’re dealing with as to how to use the oils. Frankincense or Lemon can be used directly on the spot, on the bottom of the feet, in a diffuser or on the tongue. If you use it on your skin you may want to use a carrier oil (sesame oil, grapeseed oil, extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil) with it. Less is more with essential oils. One or two drops at a time several times per day:)
Question on a different topic ….. what cooking ware do you recommend?
Interesting information but, no information on exact formulation of each oil for these specific treatments. Such as; do you ingest them or only use them topically? I want specific recipes for each treatment! What and how much to use, when to use, food grade only, etc… I keep reading about these miracle treatments but never get the recipes! If you’re going to put this information out here for us, please be thoughtful enough to not make us search YouTube for the necessary protocols to ultiize essential oils, or any other treatments correctly!
So how do you use it? Do you take it internally? Or just diffuse it into the air?
administered how? was it x number of drops under the tongue every x hours?
Thank you Ty, for all the great research and information. How de we use the essential oils? Do we include in foods, rub, diffuse or what? I saw in the recent documentary how one patient rubbed essential oil on her body for a tumor. I am considering for stage four ovarian…..which has already metastacized to brain etc
Ppatient has had. Surgery and chemo but..
Would like to try alternatives.
In what way were the oils administered that stopped Cancer cells? Through skin? Orally?
thank you Ty for another weapon to add to our arsenal of weapons to keep us healthy, or cure our diseases.
Have been using Therapeutic essential oils for 20 years and it’s my first source of defence for healing.
Hi Fina, how do you use the essential oils?
Thank you Ty for all information you have sent to me and you are doing such a great job for many, many people on our planet . Bravo????????????
So, how do I use the oil?
Another study published in 2015 in the journal Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics reveals that citronella terpenes in lemon essential oil stop the growth of cancers, including those of the liver, through olfactory activation.
What does this mean? What is olfactory activation. What do you do with it to stop the growth of liver cancer and other cancers?
You could diffuse it as it will make your whole environment smell lemon-Y fresh, but taking a few drops in a glass of water and drink this healthy concoction all day! It’s very detoxing effect cleans your entire digestive tract! Just make sure you get an organic, 100% pure lemon essential oil, such as DoTERRA or Young Living. Some “essential oils” have fillers!
You can diffuse lemon oil, also lemongrass. But the best way to get it to cells is to either put it on your feet or directly on the spot where your cancer is. Please be careful though as some essential oils will be hot if it’s in an “enclosed” place. I would not put it anywhere it will not get air. There are other essential oils that have been studied and may also help that were not mentioned. Just be VERY careful with the essential oils you use. Many companies are adulterating their oils:( Very sad!
Lemon essential oil is cold pressed from the lemon rind, but in the chinese study they used a hydrodistillation?
Thank you so much for the information on lemon oil. How to take it diffused or on your tongue??
I apologize if this is a duplicate message but I don’t see it here. The article mentions a specific blend of oils…is this product available somewhere or do we have to buy the individual oils and mix them ourselves?
Excellent article. Short, sweet, a bit tart and to the point. My traditional Chinese Medicine Doctor started me on fresh squeezed lemon juice with hot water first thing in the morning 20 years ago and I have been doing this ever since. However, I am definitely going to check out the essential oil version as well as Nancy Ducharne’s book. Thanks Ty and Judity.
How do we use the essential oil?
It is not stated if this lemon oil comes from the internal pulp or from the rind. Big omission. Also, when denigrating sugar by so many researchers, no distinction is made between processed white sugar and those that are fully natural, like maple syrup and honey, just to name the two most obvious. Fewer technical terms and more clarity would be nice.
Are we supposed to INGEST this? Without letting us know HOW to take it or the quantity, this article isnt really helping us.
Ty Bollinger,
My associate Lisa Wolf has been trying to get in touch with you with reference to the effects of radiation from Fukishma on the American public and what a team of doctors are doing to neutralize the radiation. As usual the information regarding the effects of Fukishima are being suppressed by our government… It needs to be brought to the forefront and make the public aware of what’s going on and the long term effect this radiation will have on us and our children.
Thanks for your consideration,
Pete Podes
Thank you Ty, Best wishes, Karen Canberra Australia
Thank you, this is awesome! We use EOs all the time and I’m going to share this with a loved one dealing with cervical cancer! So, do they take it internally in water, a capsule, diffuse it, or apply topically? The article doesn’t say how it’s administered?
How is this blended and administered?
“A mixture of lemon essential oil combined with eucalyptus, melaleuca, lemongrass, clove leaf, and thyme, in a 40 percent ethanol base, demonstrated anti-tumorigenic effects when administered to patients with metastatic tumorigenic ulcers. Cancer patients have also found relief from pain, anxiety, nausea, and vomiting by using lemon and other essential oils.”
appreciate essential oil lemon information
for certain cancers, but we are so desperately looking for help with glioma brain cancer after surgery removal…..also any help on seizures and emotional mood changes would be appreciated more than words can say.
Wonderful information…Thank you!
Are all these benefits possible simply by drinking the juice of half a lemon in 8 oz of water each morning?
What is the ratio of lemon, eucalyptus, clove, thyme, lemongrass, and melaleuca to ethanol?
You say what oils to use but not how to use them. I’ve heard that you should never ingest essential oils because they are bad for the liver.
Thanks Ty, I have been using essential oils for about 3 years now. They are extremely helpful for just about everything. Lemon is for sure one of my favorites. Thank you, Dianne
Thanks very much. Do we get the oil from normal lemon consumption (juicing) or does it need to be extracted from the peel perhaps?
Thanks. My mom is having cancer with stage 3. She is now on chemotherapy after radiotherapy. So pity to see her suffering and losing pounds. Hope Lemon EO could help her.
“A mixture of lemon essential oil combined with eucalyptus, melaleuca, lemongrass, clove leaf, and thyme, in a 40 percent ethanol base”
40% ? Is the alcohol 40% of the volume, or is it the alcohol itself 40%?
Is anyone try essentials oil on dog with osteosarcom?
I don’t know much about essential oils. Do you ingest the oils or is it a topical treatment? I have heard of applying oils to the bottom of your feet but does that work for all ailments?
I’d love to know which way of using the oil is effective (ingesting, diffusing, topically)? Is one method more effective than others?
I’m not clear on how this essential oil is supposed to be administered. Does anyone have a clue?
I am an aromatherapist and worked for a year in a hospice in the 90’s/2000’s at the time it was no treadily accepted using essential oils was seens just as ‘nice smells” believe me there is so much more to be gained by their use…and I have spent most of my life pushing this story..and at last I see it is getting the acknowledgement it so rightly deserves.. Essential oils burned on aromastone,humidifier, cleans the air we breathe, .as their molecules get into the air,,,.used mixed in oil or lotion this is called a ‘ carrier’ because they carry the essential oil into the blood system.. Not many things penetrate the skin, but essential oils do.. they are antiseptic, anti-bacterial, used in the bath can be relaxing,, and the oils you breathe clear your sinus at same time… as a note of caution ..only use oils that carry the label of ‘pure essential oils’ sourced from ” ATC’ Aromatherapy Trade Council….Soil Association organic….The world Association is international federation of aromatherapists IFA,, approved..there are a lot of oils on the market that have no therapeutic value,, check their source before you trust them… Essential oils brings life to a space ….
What are the directions for usage? Internal? External?
The article is great, just left me needing more information on directions? Even for the common cold, is it recommended to take in internally?
As far as ingesting essential oils not all oils are created equal and I have learned that Ameo oils put out by Dr. Plant of Oxford University has successfully made essential oils that are clinical grade big difference from pharma grade. Check it out and it made me think when my holistic Dr told me not to ingest the oils. I was amazed at the science behind them. Zija is the company that he works through.
Most oils are not 100% pure so people please do your homework. And lemon oil is safe to ingest. . My dad is using the oils to help with his battle .
He puts lemon oil in his water.
So grateful for essential oils — saved me and hubby from dreadful affliction. It’s important to know that the essential oil industry is not regulated so anyone can sell it and all oils are not created equal. It is critical to get pure oils that will not cause more problems for someone that already has a compromised immune system. Someone mentioned frankincense — there is more to that oil if using for specific condition. Certainly, specific oils can be combined for max effect.
This article is of no use unless there are directions on how to administer it. Having read the above comments just about all of them are disappointed with this lack of information. Ty……..you are a big disappointment !!!!!!!! why bother having this comments board if you don’t address the issues??????
Audrey, what brand of oils do you use?
Good information but it leave me wanting for more. I read through the comments. ..too many to read them all…trying to see if a particular brand is recommended, and what the application is. I’ve been drinking water with a few drops of lemon juice for a couple years now and often wonder if I’m poisonning myself instead….please Tye….more info
Ty Bollinger YOU ARE CREATING A BIG PROBLEM HERE. The use of essential oils is a science and an art.This must be respected, whether or not all the information in the world is on the internet or someone read a book or was told – ‘This is a cancer cure” you have no right to exploit an ancient healing modality, Aromatherapy and put the lives of people, especially the sick, young and elderly at risk for your marketing campaigns.
It is important, that the medicine of plants,which can grow in your garden, yard, can be learned from everybody!
Ty Bollinger is not only mentioning lemon oil! He gives information to us, he brings together people, doctors, scientists, conquerors of cancer and more!
Those things are so important! It is the fight from David against Goliath!
Watch his movies now, you can find it on fb! “The Truth About Cancer”!
Truly people, Ty cannot say too much, other than phrases like…”it’s reported to….it’s believed to……etc. Do you not know the witch hunt that is out there right now for people making any natural cure statements? Big Pharma is winning this battle….put your anger and negative energy towards them, not someone who is trying to do what he can to help people.
It’s the same when offering essential oils for anything but usually you can say diffuse or inhale.
Our health freedom is under threat, and Big Pharma will win this fight if lots of ill informed people take harmful essential oils internally. Essential Oils are not meant to be taken internally, unless under instructions of an Aromatherapist or Doctor. Herbalists and Naturopaths dispense herbs in the form of tinctures and decoctions and infusions. You cant by pass getting professional advice, no matter how much you want to stop big pharma, you’re still playing into their hands.
Hildegard von Bingen (Germany), newly named teacher of church by the pope, (Catholic church), is very worth to read! She wrote this about essential oils: “There is one essential oil that not brings harm to your mucous membranes: Myrtenöl! Myrtle oil! It will help by every unclean thing, that is growing in your body.”
If i feel a candida pain at my vulva (that is mostly only if I was eating to much sugar (chocolates)), I take this. It helps without to harm. It is 100% Myrtle oil from Italy, I buy it by my pharmacist.
Now, after watching the episodes “The Truth About Cancer”, I tested one ! drop of my Myrtle oil on my tongue and then I took a glass of water to drink. Nothing happend, no pain.
Greetings from Switzerland.
I researched the use of EO’s from doTerra.com. If you register as an advocate,the book is included.It is a great help.
Informative article but frustrating as well… How about telling us HOW to use it!?
Eat a bit lemon rind, but only biologically, (organically) grown !
In Germany and Switzerland we have labels, if it is named biologisch is meant without pestizides! But we too have a label salad! Hahaha!
But the most important I know since many years!
PEOPLE, PEOPLE…Ty has relayed about as much as he can without risking liability. There are plenty of books on the subject. I just bought a couple of informative and inexpensive ones by Nancy Dennett Ducharme,
The problem is many people want to have their hands held through an entire process the majority of the time. They’re lazy and can’t do the work themselves or they can’t “think” for themselves by doing their own research (sadly, this is human nature for a large percentage anyway). I agree that Ty has pretty much given as much as he can (although, I DO believe he left out a couple important points regarding if one DOES ingest EOs, they also need to supplement with a high quality PROBIOTIC as ingesting EOs has the same effect on the digestive system as antibiotics—meaning they destroy the healthy gut flora/healthy bacteria. And because HEALTH BEGINS IN THE GUT, this is vital info. peeps need to also know). The other point being, of course, that one needs to only ingest THERAPEUTIC EOs, not just any EO they find.
Gosh, what a hostile comment. I, for one, had simply asked for clarity about a statement that was in the article, “when administered to patients . . .,” which I thought needed to be carried to its conclusion by saying “how” administered. Completing that statement would not have constituted or necessitated making any claims; and I don’t believe I was being lazy or unable to think by asking it.
Firstly, I was not speaking of YOU in particular (but I understand why you would have thought I was. I apologize). I was referring to people in general based on all the Qs from the majority. Nonetheless, it’s a true statement because that IS human nature for the most part. My comment was not hostile in the least.
No, seriously, Essential Oils are so concentrated and powerful they can easily damage the organs, especially the liver and kidneys and yes they also kill all bacteria. They are anti bacterial, anti fungal and antibiotic, however, they are generally for external use. Herbal preparations safe to ingest are infusions, decoctions and tinctures. Just because a new essential oil company comes out and writes a book how to take them internally to sell more product, is dangerous. Herbs are powerful, and they are our birthright, however, there are safe and proven ways to use them. Essential Oils are not for internal use.
I have been taking youngliving essential oils for over 20 years internally. Everyday I take what I need. I spent over $8,000.00 on emergency visits with no results. Than I took 2 essential oils internally for 10 days 5 years ago and no more gall bladder problems. Noe don’t tell me they are not for internall
That is not true. Some are also for internal use. BUT, as I mentioned earlier in this thread, since they do have the same reaction on the body as antibiotics (which destroys healthy gut flora), one really NEEDS to take PROBIOTICS even more so if taking EOs internally … this is where people mess up (that and taking non-theraputic EOs, which could be very dangerous/toxic).
I do take 1 drop CPTG Lemon and Peppermint Essential Oil. I also use Frankincense and Myrrh. From what I understand Lemon and Frankincense create an environment within the body that the cancer cells cannot proliferate. ( talk to each other or reproduce ) I think it also creates Apoptosis = The death of degenerative cells. And in the case of Cancer you want that. Cancer does run in my family… I call this generational curses. Changing your diet is crucial as well as drinking water and deep breathing and exercise. But I am know doctor who treats illness. I have just chosen to live a healthy preventive lifestyle.
Dana ‘Not true’ according to whom?
James Dr? Your right I don’t need to tell you Essential Oils are not for internal use because your Multi Level Marketing program has done that and you’re doing it very well.
Can you get similar benefits from zesty get lemons and putting them in smoothies or salads instead of buying expensive essential oils
Not all essential oils are created equal… Some are synthesized by man–usually cheap in price, hardly useful, and can be downright dangerous, especially if ingested. And some are created by our Creator via plants–Very useful, and healing, whether ingested (small quantities), inhaled, or applied externally.
For anyone who is interested in the full lowdown ( How and Why They WORK–the chemistry ) on essential oils, may I suggest: “The Chemistry of Essential Oils Made Simple by David Stewart — God’s Love Manifest In Molecules” I do own this book myself, and all I can say is… very edifying 🙂
Ty, I love your work – it is greatly appreciated!! My one question is that with oils everyone talks about this oil for that and that one for cancer, but how do you use them? Cervical cancer – how would it be used? Ulcerative colitis how would it be used?
Use frankenscense EO for this. I have watched the docu series and a woman with cancer returned to her brain used it a drop or two (theraputic grade) under the tongue daily and after some months, her tumor was gone. I myself have a benign tumor on my pituitary gland…which caused lots of diff complications and i dont find i have any symptoms still happening. Lifes been too complicated and crazy for me to go for follow ups but one thing for sure, i am not sick everyday from the meds they gave me either.
Many blessings to whom is fighting this awful disease. My hopes are with you and them for recovery.
Hi Pete,
Do you or Lisa have any information on the Fukoshima radiation? I was looking for this and gave up after an hour of digging, I have so many restraints on my time. But, I teach Environmental Science at the college level and wanted to investigate this further….
Would hemp oil be what you mean by cannabis oil? It is sold in English supermarkets and healthfood shops. I use it as olive oil, love it’s nutty flavour.
Hemp oil is NOT cannabis oil. If you “google” it, you would find all kinds of info. Here is a website that explains it really well. http://www.cureyourowncancer.org/what-is-cannabis-oil.html
Hello Raymond, I am from Switzerland. I actually do not know, where you can get it in West Africa.
But you can too eat some of the rind, if you can find biologically organically produced lemons or oranges. Jus wash it before.
I drink every morning a cup of water with the juice of one quarter of one fruit. That helps to my liver. But there are many essential oil, the are helping against cancer. Ore even fruits and plants. Maybe too the african Rooibush tree!
Hey Amy, what brand of pure essential oils do you use ?
Thought I’d chime in on this. Young Living, Mountain Rose Herbs, and Living Libations EOs are very high quality (therapeutic grade). These are the only there I would ever use (and I am NOT associated with any of them). 🙂
Raspeaking, which brand of essential oils do you use?
Hi Jackie,
While many people only use DoTerra or Young Living, I have found them to be too expensive for me. I have done my research and use Eden’s Garden. I love their oils and the customer service is great!
Hi James, how do you take lemon oil? & how much daily?
Thanks for the info.
You can buy it from DoTerra.com
Since the article failed to give the readers any direction on how to use the essential oil, Can U please tell us how you use them? Ingesting? Rubbing? Inhaling ?and which oil for which problem?
Thank you.
Hi Paula, You can use lemon essential oil several ways. One way, and a very fabulous way to use it, is to smell it from the bottle. Or you can put some in your palms and smell it! Fabulous. Please note that citrus oils may cause your skin to look like you have sunless tanning lotion on it if you go out in the sun with it on your body. It won’t hurt you but it won’t look very good either. You can put it in a diffuser, just 2-3 drops in a diffuser with distilled water. You can also rub it on the bottom of your feet. Less is more with essential oils. Just a drop or two at a time. 🙂 Enjoy!!
Fresh fruit as pickle for long time is used in India with Ginger , Himalyan salt , Turmeric,Cumin and Green chillies etc.
They will damage organs and create more problems.
They are far too potent for our body chemistry.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience Jerry. My husband has skin cancer and I was wondering if anyone had success using lemon oil. So pleased to hear about your success with it!!
Hi Amy can you share which lemon essential oil you use to ingest. Thank you.
It is an amazed experience reading the comments of many people about the essential oils and learn how once can get help and learn how many people are willing to help. Y have to thanks very much to Ty Bollinger for your kindness to share your research . I am a Breast cancer survivor and I had been reading lots of articles , books about cancer. I learn that we all have the seed of cancer , but that seed does not develop in every body, but in those who are with some tendencies as stress, anger, Resentment an hight emotions etc. is like you plant the seed and that seed will germinate if the terrain is fertile if the terrain is poor for the seed of cancer to germinate you will not get cancer. The terrain that won;t be fertile for cancer are us, when we do prevention as try to control stress with whatever help you , maybe Meditation , Yoga ,aromatherapy.etc, Eating well, exercising , laughing enjoying life etc .I used my mind very day visualizing myself healthy , no matter what I am going through. Living one day at the time. Be careful not to mix some oils if you have some conditions as a coagulation or any one that may interfere with your medications. thanks to every one who are trying to help . Lily
Hi Dana do you take the lemon essential oil you purchase from Young living orally? Meaning a drop in a glass of water?
Thank you so much for this. I just bought a bunch of EO’s and wasn’t aware. This is crucial for me as I’m still hooked on sugar and occasionally indulge. Must one take probiotics, or could I possibly eat organic plain yogurt and few times a day to keep my gut balanced?
Please note…it is the boswellia resin that kills cancer cell…not frankincense oil…there is no resin in the oil…
Hi where do you get BUY this raisin THANKS
Can you share shat what the dosage would be in this article?
i have a sister in the church that has cancer of the womb. can the cancer be treated with lemon.
Hi Victor –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about this – I’ll be sure to pray for her.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to: http://www.healingstrong.org/groups, and like us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/healingstrong.
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
I prefer to drink lemon with water or squeeze lemon top of my grilled or baked fish and meat.
Lemon oil purifies and detoxes. Lemon juice does too. Good old lemonade. Can use stevia or honey with water and squeeze the lemon in it. Praise God for refreshing lemonade!
Nowadays, use of alternative and complementary therapies with mainstream medicine has gained the momentum. Thank you for sharing this!
You are absolutely correct. Food is medicine. We are either healing or killing ourselves with what we choose to fill our bodies calling it nutrition. Thank you