Iodine, a critical mineral in the prevention of cancer, has been used in one form or another for centuries. First as medicine (for everything from breast cancer to syphilis) and consumed in the form of seaweed, and eventually added to bread. Then, in 1948, iodine was suddenly thought of as dangerous and was removed from medical arsenals – as well as from our food in the 1970s.
Our politicians suggested that people could get trace amounts of iodine in iodized salt, but then two things happened. First, recommendations were made to reduce sodium intake, and second, few realized that the iodine in salt evaporates under certain conditions, such as moisture, storage, and exposure to oxygen. One study showed that among samples all lost iodine over the 12-month sampling period, many as much as 100%. The rate of iodate loss was influenced by the salt’s origin and composition, the packaging material, and the relative humidity during storage.1 Plus, when iodine is added to salt, including potassium iodide, it includes an anti-caking agent, which isn’t a particularly healthy option. Unrefined salt is made from seawater and contains many more minerals than iodized table salt, but not much iodine.
Iodine consumption is known for its connection to thyroid health. But it is less known that other tissues also require large amounts of iodine, namely the breasts, pancreas, stomach, brain, and thymus.
Iodine consumption has plummeted 50% since 1970 and has corresponded with a dramatic increase in breast and prostate cancers.2 Studies show that iodine deficiency is a worldwide epidemic, often affecting women of reproductive age which could not only increase their risk of cancer, but could cause complications during pregnancy and in fetal development. Iodine is essential for a successful healthy pregnancy, and insufficient iodine leads to miscarriages, reproductive failures, abnormal brain development, and congenital hypothyroidism.3
Ironically, just as iodine was removed from our bread, the iodine-blocking element, bromine, was added to flour. Bromine chemicals were then added not only to our bread and flour, but also to mattresses (as a fire retardant), clothing, and other consumer products.
The problem was exacerbated further as pesticides and food additives were increasingly allowed to be used in our food supply — chemicals that interfere with iodine absorption. It’s no wonder that almost everyone has low iodine today.
Iodine deficiency is, to some extent, an error of politics. However, it has become even more prevalent with the ever-increasing presence of xenoestrogens (chemical estrogens found in many personal and home care products and in air pollution) that not only poison the body but contribute to hormone imbalance and estrogen dominance.
It’s clear to see how iodine has been practically eliminated from our cancer-prevention toolkit.
Iodine Deficiency and Cancer, a Closer Look
A deficiency of iodine has been found to influence the occurrence of many cancers. In Turkey (the country), gastric cancers are most common in areas where iodine deficiency is high. Increased iodine intake over the past several years has been strongly correlated with a reduction in stomach cancers.4
Researchers have attributed the low rate of breast cancer in Japan to high dietary iodine (and selenium). Breast cancer cells need iodine to facilitate cell death and suppress tumor growth.5
In 2008, Bernard A. Eskin, MD, explained how iodine actually alters gene expression in breast cancer cells, including the function of programmed cell death. Iodine was also found to decrease estrogen-responsive genes.6 Low iodine increases circulating estrogen levels, and given that estrogen inhibits iodine absorption, this is especially problematic. Iodine deficiency also makes breasts more susceptible to carcinogenic action, promoting the growth of tumors.
Max Gerson, MD, one of the most famous alternative cancer doctors, believed that iodine is essential for the treatment of cancer.7 Michael B. Schachter, MD, says,
Iodine may be needed in individualized doses to improve thyroid function, immune function, and the optimal functioning of all the cells in the body; several associated nutrients need to be given including vitamin C, selenium, magnesium, unrefined salt, and sufficient water; these help to prevent strong detoxification reactions as a result of the release of bromine from the tissues when iodine is given in milligram quantities. These higher milligram doses rather than microgram doses help to enhance anti-cancer functions in most if not all cancers, but certainly in cancers of the thyroid, breast, ovary, and prostate.”
Iodine has also been found to:
- Alter gene expression in breast cancer cells and facilitate cell death.8
- Be stronger than a chemotherapeutic agent widely used to treat human breast cancer.9
- Reduce risk of stomach and breast cancer and has been used in the remission of lung cancer.10
- Support healthy immune function and regulate the stress hormone cortisol.11
How to Test for Low Iodine
The symptoms of iodine deficiency are varied, and iodine testing is rarely part of a routine exam. But given the high rate of deficiency, testing can and should be requested.
Here are some possible iodine testing methods:
- A random urine test ordered by a physician is a good place to start.
- The iodine patch test refers to painting a two-inch square of tincture of iodine or Lugol’s Iodine on the body and watching to see how long the orange square takes to fade. However, this test is not considered to be overly reliable or conclusive but can help to give a general idea as to whether someone may be deficient in iodine.
- The gold standard is the 24-Hour Iodine Loading Test, which can be done with a doctor or via online testing at Hakala Labs and others.
You can get iodine from some foods, with seaweed being the highest source. However, there can be some dangers with seaweed due to contamination from polluted water or radioactivity from Fukushima. Iodine content varies in food, so be sure to work with your health practitioner to be sure you’re getting the right amount.
Kelp supplements are an option if you can get a clean source that is not contaminated. Dr. Edward Group (interviewed in the TTAC docu-series) recommends an iodine supplement called Detoxadine.
A Special Note If You Are on a Therapeutic Iodine Protocol
According to David Brownstein, MD, and other iodine researchers, those on a high-dose iodine protocol (12.5 mg – 50 mg/day) may need a daily companion dose of magnesium as high as 1200 mg, which would be best derived at least in part transdermally. Other companion nutrients (a name coined by Lynne Farrow, author of The Iodine Crisis) are selenium, vitamin C, riboflavin, niacin, and unrefined salt such as Celtic sea salt, Himalayan, and Redmonds Real Salt. These nutrients will boost absorption and help prevent side effects from the protocol such as headaches and fatigue.
If you are considering adding iodine supplementation to your personal health regimen, it is always advised to consult with a qualified health practitioner who can guide you on dosages suitable for your body, health condition, and lifestyle.
Article Summary
Iodine is a critical mineral in the prevention of cancer.
When iodine was taken out of food in the 1970s, politicians suggested that people could get trace amounts of iodine in iodized salt.
This hasn’t worked for two reasons:
- Recommendations were made to reduce sodium intake, and
- Iodine in salt evaporates as soon as the package is opened, rendering it useless
Iodine consumption – which has plummeted by 50% since the 1970s – is known for its connection to thyroid health.
Iodine has been found to:
- Alter gene expression in breast cancer cells and facilitate cell death
- Be stronger than a chemotherapeutic agent widely used to treat human breast cancer
- Reduce risk of stomach and breast cancer
- Support healthy immune function and regulate the stress hormone cortisol
Given the high rate of deficiency, iodine testing can and should be requested.
You can get iodine from some foods (especially seaweed) and supplements.
Hair tests show iodine level. Mine was low but I don’t want daily iodine, but just sometimes. There are Iodine support groups on Facebook, but they want very high amounts of Iodine. 12.5 mg Iodine with Se may help. People need more than iodine. Gluten may be hurting the gut lining/intestines so less nutrients absorb like iodine/Se/Zn/Mg etc. Gluten may make antibodies to the thyroid so it is hypo or hypo thyroid. Gluten may hurt all glands…pituitary/liver/adrenals/pancreas etc. Fixing the root cause is good. Asian people may eat sea weed. The ocean maybe polluted and have radiation. Hair tests for good minerals/heavy metals and detoxing by Far Infrared Sauna may help. The thyroid hormone is made of iodine. Raising oxygen burning in cells by increasing thyroid medicine may stop cancer.
Hi, this is off the subject of iodine but I couldn’t find a place for comments on the page I have a question about…. I would like to buy the detox series for my son who has autism, epilepsy, and detox issues. I’ve bought detox programs in the past but it was completely unrealistic for a 12-yr old boy with autism – fasting, 5 days of only juice, enemas, etc. I am wondering if your detox program would be doable for my son before I buy it or even appropriate for children.
Thanks so much!
Hi Cassidy,
Please contact our customer support team for help with purchasing our products:
Cassidy I have read o cases of autism which have responded incredibly well to sea water therapy..there is a company named PANAKOS…
you don’t need to fast, just keep taking iodine supplements in higher dosages, the iodine will displace the fluorine and bromine. It may take a few months but it will.
I know some good natural things that You can give to Your son to be more “connected” with the world. There are interesting studies made by the New York University in the 2015 I guess and others by proff Scapagnini from Italy…that was my teacher in the CNM of Paova where I studied the Nutraceutic. If You are interested about that I can explain the simple things that You should do.
Anyway good luck
bye bye from Friuli North East Italy
I’m interested in your program for helping with Autism. Would you mind sharing it.
Thank you,
Hi Casiddi, I would like to mention my colleague. Perhaps you will find it helpful. He has autistic, 26 years old son. The boy’s mother has been making green juices for him. First he refused it but eventually he started taking them regularly. They contain all kind of vegetable, like kale, cucumber, coriander, celery, carrot apples and some other fruits like oranges. I don’t know how long he has been taking them, but according to the father, he has improved 90:.
My sister has stage 4 cancer she is doing chemo for rectum cancer liver and she also has lung her whites are good her liver platelets are low what can she do
Hi Georgette,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I have heard that thyroid problems were linked to iodine deficiency. The problem with eating too much seaweed is that they come from contaminated waters. Would organic seaweed be better? I have heard that beans and tuna contain iodine. I eat a lot of beans and tuna. If I go to my GP doctor, would she be able to check whether my iodine is high or low?
Silvia Logan – you need to watch your intake of tuna as it is high in mercury. It would not be wise or healthy to eat ” a lot ” of it.
Before supplementing with Iodine, we should investigate the root of the problem. It may be more than just one. Look at Selenium levels – it is crucial for activating thyroid hormone. In Hashimoto’s, supplementing with Iodine may destroy your thyroid due to aggravating attack of thyroid peroxidase antibodies on your thyroid gland.
There was no mention of Hashimotos in the article, thanks for saying something.
Lucky me I don’t have any known health issues at the moment. I will be looking into Hashimoto disease. I think I will supplement conservatively with iodine. I do have supplements that I cycle on and off with since prolonged use in not advised with some herbal. No doubt the best way to know where we stand with nutrient levels is to get tested. I’ll have to find “trustworthy” sources to work with to avoid ending up worse off than I was in the beginning.
If the iodine that’s added to regular table salt evaporates so easily, what about the iodine contained in unrefined salt? Is it chemically bound with another/other minerals?
Gena, I’ve never heard of iodine in unrefined salt. Tell me more !
What if you have an allergy to iodine?
My friend has an “allergy” to iodine after a surgery that used iodine, but usually allergies are not to an element. The body/brain/thyroid needs iodine to work right. Seeing your iodine level may help. Hair test…had iodine on it and my iodine was low. Maybe iodine hurts you since Se is low. Low Se may allow iodine to make H202 which may hurt the thyroid etc.
I can’t help but wonder if your friend’s reaction to iodine after a surgery that used iodine was because the iodine was not paired with an appropriate amount of selenium or some other related factor.
There is no such thing as an Allergy to Iodine. What happens is that there are 3 Halides in the periodic table. Fluoride, Bromine and Iodine. When the body has a severe deficiency of Iodine, the body tends to absorb Fluoride and Bromine into the muscle tissue and even the Thyroid and other glands. When you start taking Iodine, especially large doses of iodine, it starts to displace the other Halides causing a detox effect. These Halides many times will come up to the surface of the skin and cause irritations, rashes and other issues. If you continue taking Iodine, these issues will eventually disappear once your body has ejected the other Halides. Usually within 3 to 7 days or so.
Perhaps it’s was a “bromine” reaction? (Used in some dyes prior to or during some survival procedures.) This is commonly seen in those with allergies to shellfish.
I tried the iodine patch test one time, and after a few hours, my skin was all red and burning, the iodine never absorbed. But I had that red patcxh of painful skin for months.
I don’t understand the statement that the iodine evaporates as soon as the salt box is opened. When I was a child — 1940s and 50s I knew ca couple of people with goiters. I haven’t seen one in my adult life at all. I thought iodized salt was responsible for this. What is true?
Iodine on the periodic chart is a liquid so maybe some of it disappears when it is hot.
Nikole’s question remains. If goiters were common before iodized salt, and they are not common now, what made the difference, if not iodized salt.
It is important to distinguish between IODIDE and IODINE and TINCTURE OF IODINE The following (except my conversion of Celsius to Farenheit) came from Wikipedia.
Iodine [is] a shiny black crystalline solid that melts at 114 °C and boils at 183 °C to form a violet gas. IN OTHER WORDS, IODINE CAN BECOME A GAS AT 183 DEGREES CELSIUS, OR 365 DEGREES FARENHEIT! Not happening in normal conditions.
Tincture of iodine or iodine tincture is … also called weak iodine solution. It is usually 2–7% elemental iodine, along with potassium iodide or sodium iodide, dissolved in a mixture of ethanol and water. Tincture solutions are characterized by the presence of alcohol.
Potassium Iodide, which is added to salt, looks very similar to regular salt.
The assertion of the author of the article that iodine evaporates once a box of salt is opened is unsubstantiated.
Peggy, It’s actually quite substantiated and verified in several studies. Check out Dr. Sharon Tenpenny’s talk in Las Vegas to a group of dentists. She goes over ALL of what your talking about. People are missing the point about Iodine: the amount required for proper thyroid function is actually quite minimal. HOWEVER, the entire body needs Iodine and Selenium to form what becomes the garbage collector for the body. Automatic cell death is THE #1 function for Iodine and Selenium. Every single cell has a halide receptor, which can accept any element in the halogen column: Chlorine, Flourine, Bromine, Iodine, etc. Of the naturally occurring halogens, Iodine is the largest. When you start adding a proper amount of singlet Iodine to your daily regimen, you have to start slowly and ramp up, lest you upset and dislodge all of the other halides attached to the receptors. The effect is dramatic, once you reach a certain density, because not only does Iodine preempt the others, it will block them from attaching, too. There’s chlorine and other halides in our water supply and in other products that millions of people use every single day. It’s quite crucial to have a DAILY iodine regimen.
And what is wrong with people? Assuming that ONLY Iodine is necessary? Nobody has said that, Shasha. And yes, you do need daily Iodine, and for much more than proper thyroid function. Lack of Iodine is THE #1 cause of mental retardation in 3rd world countries. It is CRUCIAL to every part of the body.
That being said, there are many levels of Iodine deficiency. A great deficiency would be noticed by the presence of goiters and thyroid problems aplenty, but a moderate deficiency would allow unrestrained growth of cells (cancer), a compromised immune system, lack of mental clarity and focus, and a chronic lack of energy among other symptoms. So, don’t focus on the thyroid as a primary indicator of deficiency. It’s actually one of the last things to go because it only requires a tiny amount of iodine to function properly. By then, you would be woefully deficient.
U tube Sharon Tenpenny Iodine unless they’ve taken it down.
My sister was diagnosed with mental retardation since 3 yrs old, now 56 years old and has had goiters on her neck as far back as I can remember. We live in the Ohio Goiter Belt, as it’s called. My mother suffers from mental illness, thyroid issues and both have been on medication much of their lives. I’d be interested to know if iodine deficiency may be an underlying cause. It’s unfortunate that no doctors have ever even thought about testing them for this.
Thanks for that thorough and down-to-earth advice, Eric.
I get skin cancers, probably from a lifetime working under a tropical sun, and which I successfully treat with Cansema (black salve), but I also down a drop of iodine once a week to enhance my immune response and cell health. I also wash my hair in Selsun (Selenium sulphide) which I reason is probably absorbed through the skin to some slight extent.
Have I got it wrong?
Thanks for sharing.
I understand your post is from 2019, but I
Believe you mean Dr Sherry Tenpenny.
you don’t need to fast, just keep taking iodine supplements in higher dosages, the iodine will displace the fluorine and bromine. It may take a few months but it will.
Cancer maybe due to gluten/GMO which may hurt the intestines. Ozone may help and herbs. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing. Mushrooms/Essiac/liposomal Vit C and liposomal glutatione and more may help. Juicing/soup may help. I have Lyme and my platelets were low. Ozone may help Lyme/cancer and much more as it raises oxygen in the cells. Far Infrared Sauna may help detox chemicals/heavy metals. Too much detoxing may hurt since it may remove the good minerals. Chemo may hurt the gut lining so less nutrients absorb. Sugar/pain killers may feed cancer. Progesterone may help the immune system. Alternative people in her area may help her get supplements/diet help and ozone help. Ask at a Health food store for who maybe good in her area for natural help.
Great question! I am curious as well! Please respond!!
I am confused by a statement at the beginning of this article. “the iodine in salt evaporates as soon as the package is opened, rendering it useless.”
My ‘regular’ salt has potassium iodide in it, which is a solid, and as far as I know does not sublimate (evaporate). Furthermore, current salt containers are made of porous paper/cardboard, and anything that was in a vapor state would not have to wait for the package to be opened to escape.
Help me understand, please!
It may depend on the temperature of the factory/air etc. Some iodine may still be there and help, but is still lower than maybe needed by people to be healthy. Too much iodine when Se is low may cause autoimmune attacks on the thyroid. They used to put iodine in bread instead of bromine so I am sure they lost some iodine there also. Each person can take a hair test and check iodine levels and see if iodine in salt is enough to help. Sea salt has 22 minerals. Kelp maybe from polluted oceans. Taking 12.5mg of iodine may help many people, but each person needs to figure out what works best for them. I just take iodine sometimes after I go swimming in Cl water or think I am feeling slower. I don’t take iodine daily. Food in the grocery store may not use iodized salt. There are iodine groups on Facebook . Dr. Brownstein book on Iodine is good.
In a comment above, I noted that Iodine becomes a gas at 365 degrees Farenheit. Iodine cannot just vaporize away at under normal conditions.
It is IODIDE that is added to table salt, not IODINE. Potassium iodide looks just like ordinary table salt.
I have a bottle of Lugols iodine which destroyed the rubber eye dropper due to evaporation so maybe that is what people noticed.
Lugol’s Iodine is a 2% solution of iodine. It is a tincture of iodine. It is a tiny bit of iodine dissolved in water and alcohol.
The alcohol did not eat up the rubber….the iodine did.
How do you know, that it was exactly iodine?
Elyn Jacobs, please comment.
Now brand- Detox support/Now brand- Liver Detoxifier and Regenerator at night with lots of water may help detox. Detoxing too much may remove good minerals. Sea salt has 22 minerals. Dairy/gluten may cause seizures. Below is the short version of what I do as an adult. Ozone may help raise oxygen in cells. Green vegetables may help detox. A chiropractor is trained in nutrition and may help or acupuncturist etc. Best wishes.
No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO/food with a label etc. and vitamins/good oils/ LDN and detoxing help me. Vit D3 5000IU, zinc 50mg if detoxing, 2000mg fish oil, 2000mg evening primrose oil. 2000 mg lecithin, Phosphatidylserine/DMAE, krill oil, CLA, Coenzyme Q10, Rhodiola, Mg citrate 400mg, Vit C, 5000mcg of biotin, Nature’s Plus- Source of life multiple, HCl and Now brand- Super enzymes with meals, dairy free probiotic, Vit B12 methylcobalamin shot/spray/under the tongue kind/intrinsic factor kind, MTHF folate, coenyzme Q10, rhodiola, may help brain/body/thyroid/depression/immune system and more. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye/corn…oats has gluten with avenin…and there is a small amount of gluten in rice. GMO corn/soy/canola oil may hurt. Amour thyroid maybe needed since gluten may make antibodies to the thyroid. Coenzymated B vitamins far from synthetic kind made me calm.
Sunlight (helps the immune system and helps to heal the gut lining),exercise, organic food, good water..not tap water, cooking by scratch pure food….. no food in a box/bag/premade/label/restaurant which may help avoid hidden gluten. Certified gluten free food may have 20ppm of gluten…too much. Nuts not sold in the shell/meat basting/some spices may have hidden gluten/food with a label and lotion/make up etc. One restaurant cooks special for me…rice/veg/tea/extra mushrooms (no meat since the woks may have MSG/gluten in them).
EDTA/DMPS IV chelations from an Alternative doctor, 600mg of cilantro, organic sulfur, Now brand- Detox support, Far Infrared Sauna and more may help detox. Hair tests show good minerals and heavy metals. Heavy metals can block thyroid and other chemical reactions in the body/brain.
LDN may help block hidden gluten/heal the gut lining and help the immune system, but the Celiac diet is still needed. 100% no hidden or microscopic gluten may help. Cutting back on gluten or cheating by eating gluten hurts the immune system. It may take 1 1/2 months to heal the gut lining after getting hidden gluten. HCl and enzymes with meals and gluten enzymes help me. There are now gluten enzymes also a person may use that may help, but LDN helps block gluten in the air/on the skin and all day long.
Amour thyroid has some T3 and Calcitonin. Synthroid is only T4..may not convert to T3. Zn/Se/enough iron/strong probiotic may help convert T4 to T3 for thyroid.
Alternative doctors/chiropractors/acupuncturists and more may help with health/vitamins etc.
Books: No grain No Pain, Wheat Belly, Grain Brain, Dangerous Grains and The Autoimmune Fix and more explain Celiac. Peter Osborne/Tom O’Bryan on Facebook/Youtube.
You’re not taking the important D3 cofactors, vitamin K2 and boron?
Look into the Root Cause Protocol about iron and zinc. Most diseases stem from too much toxic iron stored in tissue.
Thanks for sharing
I want to send this information to my sister in law. You have a place to click to share the information but when clicking there is no way a sending anything. Only a test to see ones cancer risk.
Hi Ron,
The best way to share this article with someone would be to send them the link to it.
When you want to share, just click on the top menu bar that has the web address and copy like I did and then paste to an email, text, FB messenger, etc.
COPY an item (sentence, paragraph, full page, entire article) = then PASTE it into an E-mail for each recipient. This works every time. I have become NOTORIOUS by e-mailing all my relatives.
Is there a difference between sea iodine and I or idol?
What is the best iodine supplement to get? Which iodine supplement is effective against breast cancer?
I was taking 50mg of supplement iodine for several months, I received a blood test and my iodine level was 754 (7 times over normal), and my tsh was too high at 6.8, my Dr had me discontinue the supplement iodine and after 3 months my tsh was back to normal. I have not had another iodine test since that time. My question is what happens when your iodine level is too high?
Hi Addison,
Thanks for your comment and sharing your story with us. We do not have information on this at this time, but I will suggest this to the team.
Dr. Flecha, MD who knew Albert Saint Gyorgi said that those who take thyroid without taking iodine along with it at “decent” amounts increase their risk of breast cancer by as I recall quite high amounts the longer they take thyroid without also taking iodine.
Dr. Blaylock, MD, as I recall him saying on Dr. Stan Monteith’s radio show, that when woman got 1 mg of iodine a day between the amount being put into bread, salt and the milk, only about 8% of women developed fibroids of the breast. When gov’t said we were getting too much iodine and took it out of bread and the mild supply, fibroids in the breast became common – almost 80% of women in the US now develop them. No doubt the increase in prostate enlargement is also due to an iodine deficiency. In considering the truth of the things I heard, Dr. David Derry wrote: In 1993 Ghent and Eskin (2) published a landmark paper on the treatment of severe fibrocystic disease of the breast with iodine supplements. This paper was the result of more than 30 years of marvelous research by Dr. Bernard. A. Eskin of the Medical College of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. First in animals and then in humans he proved fibrocystic disease of the breast is the result of low dietary iodine. He has shown also that this can go on to develop into breast cancer.(2-8) I feel Dr. Eskin’s research represents a major step toward conquering breast cancer and likely other cancers.
The boiling point of water is 212 degrees F. How many of you have put a wet washcloth on a bar and had it dry in a few hours ? The room temperature was nowhere close to the boiling point of water, yet the cloth dried. my mother used to hang clothes outside in winter when the temperature was below freezing and they would dry in a few hours even if the temperature never got above freezing.. According to most of the comments I have read, this should be impossible. At absolute zero all molecular motion ceases. Everything is solid at this temperature. As the temperature increases, lighter elements, such as hydrogen, become first liquid, then gas. Heavier substances such as water or iodine remain solid until the temperature becomes much higher. However, their molecular motion is increasing as the temperature rises. This allows water,for instance, to go from solid to gas while still below freezing. This process is called sublimation. This can also happen with iodine. The temperature does not have to be above the boiling point for vaporization to occur. It seems most of you have forgotten some basic science you should have gotten by the third grade, or things you should have observed.
I asked my PA what my Iodine level was on my latest blood test. She said we no longer check Iodine levels as it’s no longer a problem. Is that an expensive test? If that’s not the issue, why wouldn’t she do when I requested it on my next test? Is there another way to check my levels and what should the correct level be? My understanding is that you cannot overdose as the body will not absorb more that it needs?
I also read about low iodine causing a lot of the low thyroid problems. I had been on a low dose of Levothyroxin for years for a slightly low thyroid. I did an experiment on myself (this is NOT a recommendation to people to do on your own – it’s just what I did because my thyroid levels were just a little bit off). I had also been having problems for years with my hair falling out some every day. I know it’s not totally reliable, but I did the patch test and it looked like I was low on iodine. I knew if I asked the doctor to test it and didn’t have symptoms that Medicare would consider appropriate for them to pay for the testing, I would have to pay for the tests myself. So, I stopped taking the Levothyroxin and started taking iodine instead. 3 months later I had another thyroid test done and my levels were fine. BTW – my hair stopped falling out!
Maurer I also suffer from thyroid. A few years ago I got a Goiter that wouldn’t go down so the ENT decided to remove part of my thyroid. And I’ve been on Synthroid 50mcg for the last 5 years but for the last year or so I’ve been feeling really bad symptoms. I’m always sweating, I get the shakes, my heart beat sounds funny…I can’t exercise because I have a heat intolerance and I just start sweating profusely. I added Magnesium Citrate a couple a years ago and it really helped but now I’m back with all these existing and new symptoms that I’m scared there’s something more serious. My doc checked my T4 and it was normal. But they didn’t check any of the other Ts..
I recommend Anthony William’s book, Secret behind chronic and mystery illness and how to finally heal. His book explains the causes of ailments that have been misdiagnosed or ineffectively treated or doctors can’t resolve and the root cause of people’s disease and how to recover and heal..
I also recommend Anthony Williams book Thyroid Healing I have all his books.I take the Canadian Atlantic Dulse Flakes for Iodine the waters are cleaner there.
Regards Kaz
Don’t you just love what Medicare [acting as God, overriding licensed & trained doctors now pharmacist’s are considering [like Gods] what’s appropriate! Inappropriate is, is, Godless Big Pharma “medicine” is now the leading cause of Death! (according to the [low-ball] Johns Hopkins iatrogenic study] or the well documenter book by Dr. Null, “Death by Medicine” ! Godless, “Death is wages of sin” should help wise up the non group-think sheep!
I wish she would have completed the article by giving a list of foods that have iodine.
Thank you for spreading the word about the need for iodine .
It’s our pleasure, Ruth!
Thank you so much for your love and encouragement! ❤️
Looking at Trader Joe’s Korean Seaweed snacks, no Iodine listed. I eat half a package a day.
can to much potassium iodide show up in ones urine
I have a complete thyroidectomy almost 14 years ago because of a papillary carcinoma diagnosis. I’ve been under the impression I don’t need iodine since I have no thyroid. I will have to take thyroid hormone daily the rest of my life. My doctor says if I don’t, within probably 3 weeks I would go into a coma.
I used to take Synthroid years ago but the past 6 years have switched to whatever natural thyroid hormone is in stock, WP Thyroid, Naturthroid, Armour…I’ve had to take them all at some time or another due to shortages/weather disasters in Puerto Rico where they are manufactured.
Can someone chime in about if iodine is necessary for me?
BTW to anyone out there diagnosed with thyroid cancer, if I knew what I did now and had it to do all over again, I would not have the surgery or radiation but would try a diet change…which is what I did anyways over 12 years ago to improve my overall health. I have heard testimonies of others completely healing their thyroid with eating, lifestyle and appropriate supplements.
gerson therapy suggests to use lugols iodine, here you suggest nascent iodine,
which is the right one? why? or does it matter at all? what s the difference? thanks
Be careful with iodine if you have Hashimoto disease. I started taking iodine supplements for my thyroid and it sent my TSH to 48!!!. My Naturopath doctor said iodine is the worst thing I could have done having Hashimotos. Although I didn’t know I had it. I’m in remission after 3 years with his help. I avoid iodine unless it’s in the form of kelp.
Can the presence of iodine help deter metastization of cancer?
Please note that your illustration for this article shows Himalayan pink salt, which does NOT contain iodine. All pink salt is obtained from a series of mines in Pakistan. Terrestrial salt contains no iodine. And while iodized salt is the main source of iodine for mot people, your advice for supplementation with seaweed or iodine tablets is right on. Thanks for shining a light on a widespread deficiency.
Great article, thanks!
The Japanese consume approximately 100mg of iodine per day, and (at least prior to Fukushima) had some of the lowest cancer rates in the world.
I live in the U.S. and I take 100mg iodine daily via Iodoral, which contains both iodine and potassium Iodide. The body needs both iodine AND iodide, because different organs need different forms. Lugol’s Solution contains both.
If you want to increase your iodine intake, you MUST titrate up very SLOWLY, because iodine will rapidly detox your body and throw off toxins, which can cause symptoms like dizziness, etc. Sample titration: One drop 2% Lugol’s solution (that would be 2.5mg) in purified water per day. Each week increase the daily dosage by one drop. Eventually switch to the pill form, which is called Iodoral, which comes in dosages as low as 12.5mg.
I started taking an iodine supplement and was feeling awesome the first 2 days, then I started getting headaches. So I backed off of taking it only three times a week. But now it seems as soon as I’m up and moving around my head and neck hurt so bad I’m going mad! It’s our my body saying I’m giving it too much iodine and to quit, or what? I know my thyroid function was very very low. I also have MTHFR gene and that gene goes after the thyroid.
I use one drop of X2 nascent iodine every evening for the past three years. I get a full thyroid panel once a year, and the numbers are always in “normal” range. I’ve been on Synthroid (100mcg) for approximately 11 years. At one point I had stopped taking Synthroid to see if a whole food diet approach would work, after nearly 4-6 months, I had a thyroid panel done and my TSH was 68! My best advise to everyone, if you decide to make changes to “test” or “experiment” on yourself, PLEASE be sure to follow up with frequent, consistent, timely, appropriate lab work—and make sure that you inform others close to you of your self “testing”. You only have one life, don’t play guessing games with it.