It seems that finding reliable, trustworthy information is getting more and more difficult. With catch phrases like “trust the science” and increasingly frequent claims of mis- or disinformation, it can sometimes feel as though getting to the truth is hopeless.
But finding the truth is one of the most important things you can do – especially for your health. Hosea 4:6 says “My people die for lack of knowledge,” and that has certainly been true for our family. We’ve lost many family members who might still be with us today if we’d known then what we know now about health, nutrition, chemotherapy, and more.
We want you to be equipped with the tools necessary to truly do your own research so that you can make the most informed decisions about your health. Here are some tips to keep in mind the next time you sit down to your computer or venture into the library to do your own health-related research:
1 | Know Your Source’s Point of View
Any source of information, whether it is a small blog or a large database, is going to have some information that is factually true and other information that may be construed as subjective based on their particular bias.
It is easy to determine where certain websites and sources of information are coming from. If it is an information source that comes from the conventional medical model, like the Centers for Disease Control or The American Cancer Society, then odds are they are going to be pro-drug therapy.
Conventional medicine sites may also have varying degrees of information or opinion regarding natural health modalities too. They may cite that there is “little or no evidence” that a particular natural health modality works for a particular situation, which may or may not be true.
At the same time, these sites will often downplay the side effects of certain drugs in their verbiage or through the studies that they reference.
It is up to you to understand this bias and to look elsewhere for more accurate information regarding natural modalities and drug side effects. When it comes to side effects, especially, don’t just take the word of one source or website and don’t just rely on conventional sites to help you be up to date and aware.
Do your due diligence and look to a broad spectrum of information sources for answers.
2 | Use Resources You Can Trust
In addition, when you find resources that you can trust, be sure to earmark them and save them as your “go to’s” for research in general. Of course, we always recommend that you use as one of these resources. Other great sites that I recommend are (both their blog section and their database of research studies) and the Environmental Working Group (
In this day and age, where censorship is the norm, you may also try using alternative search engine platforms and servers such as and in order to gain access to the information you need.
3 | Read and Read Again… What Are They Really Saying?
Many articles, and definitely the majority of research studies, will often use double negatives, large medical-related words, and doublespeak to get their point across. Don’t be deterred by this rhetoric! Just take your time, read and re-read the material, take notes, look things up, and then read again. Eventually, you will understand enough of it to get the basic gist.
Of course, you can also search out other people’s interpretations when it comes to particular studies. But, like I suggested above, don’t just rely on one. Get a few different readouts if you can, coming from different points of view.
4 | Read and Read Again… Who Is Saying It?
Also, consider who is saying what in an article or a particular study abstract. Where is the author or the researcher coming from? Who is funding the study? Where was the study held, and what type of study was it? Some of this information you can discover in the title, background information, or acknowledgment page of the study. Other information, such as funding sources, may require a little more digging.
If it is a “clinical trial” (a study that uses human participants), then you can also check out to find out more specific information, including the contact information of the person who headed the study.
5 | Don’t Discount Studies That Look at Herbals Within the Medical Model
All studies, including the thousands of investigations done on natural health modalities and substances, have to be done using the current medical model, which is geared towards drug therapy and conventional medicine. That means that a lot of times, you may have to “read between the lines” to determine if a study is even talking about a natural substance at all! Studies will often call an herb or a phytonutrient, such as curcumin, for example, a “drug” – even when it really isn’t.
On the other hand, because the aim of most studies is to prove the worthiness of patentable substances, many studies try to determine the specific substances that exist within a particular plant so that they can create a synthetic version. In the principal stages of looking at a substance (oftentimes these are “in vivo” or “in vitro” studies), they will attempt to prove the efficacy of the herbal substance itself.
Again, read and read again. Zero in on substances or modalities that may come from natural sources. If there is a natural source that can help you without the side effects of a drug, that may be a better path to go down for you. Use your discretion and be sure to consult with a professional before you make any decisions based on your research.
6 | Don’t Discount Small or Obscure Studies
Also, don’t discount research that comes from small colleges, independent institutions, or other countries. If you are investigating a particular non-conventional modality whose origin is outside of the United States, for example, search out studies that come from that region. For example, for Ayurvedic substances and modalities, seek out research from India. For Chinese medicine research, look for investigations that come from China, and so on.
7 | Keep a Health Journal to Write Down Your Research and Especially What Works for You.
Keeping a health-related journal is a good idea, not only for writing down notes regarding your research, but also to write down insights into your own health journey as well.
You can share these insights with your health care professional if they are open to it. If not, these notes can help you be your own advocate and tailor your health journey to what specifically works for you.
8 | Seek Out Second Opinions, Outsides Consultants and One-on-One Advice If You Need It
Finally, there is nothing wrong with getting a direct second opinion, talking to a natural health professional, or even signing up for an hour consultation with a health coach to get the information you need. Sometimes one-on-one is best, especially when your research has made you more confused than ever about certain aspects of your situation, which can definitely happen!
Remember, it is your right to know what is going on (and what is going to go in) your own body. This is your journey, so take your time, take lots of notes, and know that you are learning how to be an empowered health consumer while you practice these savvy research techniques!
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