I can still remember seeing the signs in restaurants growing up in Dallas, Texas.
At the time, it seemed like a reasonable policy. I mean, who wants to sit down for a meal and have to look at someone’s gnarly toes or be forced to see some dude’s back hair that looks like a grizzly bear?
But during the COVID-19 “scam-demic,” many businesses morphed that into “No mask, no service!”
And over the past few years, who hasn’t seen someone driving ALONE in their car … wearing a face diaper (aka mask). To be honest, these types of people are one of the reasons there are instructions on shampoo bottles. 😊
Word of wisdom – take OFF the mask — you’re not going to catch Corona from your Corolla!
Over the past few years, wearing a mask has become one of the most prominent methods of “virtue signaling.” Many who are living in fear, once they put on the muzzle, immediately believe that they can magically survive anything, and many of them are self-righteous hypocrites who are more than ready to yell and scream at you if you aren’t “masked up.” Of course, during the scam-demic, these were the same people who gladly removed their masks to eat, as if COVID didn’t spread during mealtime.
But it’s not just the mask wearers who are sending a signal. The reality is that non-mask wearers are also sending a signal. Something like “I’m not a sheep. I think for myself. You can’t tell me what to do.”
Is there a name for this kind of signaling? Yes, it’s called FREEDOM.
The problem is that wearing a mask is actually more harmful than helpful.
Here’s why…
By their very nature, masks limit breathing. In a 2008 study of surgical masks worn by 53 surgeons, researchers found that the mask reduced the blood oxygen levels significantly, creating a condition known as “hypoxia.” (Reference)
A 2015 study indicated that hypoxia inhibits T-lymphocytes (the main immune cells used to fight viral infections) by increasing the level of a compound called hypoxia inducible factor-1 (HIF-1). (Reference) This is yet another study indicating that wearing a mask has been shown to cause hypoxia.
Hypoxia promotes inflammation which can promote the growth, invasion and spread of cancers. (Reference) Hypoxia is also a significant factor in atherosclerosis, thus it increases the risk of stroke and heart attack. (Reference)
Masks also create “hypercapnia” (excessive carbon dioxide in your bloodstream). (Reference) So it was no surprise that the release of the 2023 Cochrane Review, which determined that masking is ineffective against the spread of respiratory illnesses (like flu and COVID-19) was met by a chorus of crickets in the mainstream media, despite the fact that the National Institutes of Health describes Cochrane reviews as “the gold standard for meta-analytic reviews.”
Get this! This particular Cochrane Review examined the findings of 78 other studies that involved 500,000+ people from across the globe and found that wearing a medical or surgical mask “probably makes little or no difference” in reducing the spread of respiratory viruses.
In a “non-clown” world, this review is nothing short of a bombshell. The inferences that can be drawn are truly astonishing. It means that an entire generation of children was pointlessly trained and conditioned to FEAR the faces of family and friends! It means that infants were denied vital aspects of brain development that depend on facial recognition!
Do you remember seeing the video of the kids at a Las Vegas elementary school bursting out into cheers after learning they no longer have to wear a mask to school?
Stop what you’re doing and watch this.
Kids at a Las Vegas elementary school burst out into cheers after learning they no longer have to wear a mask to school pic.twitter.com/xIuHgFtmHo
— Courtney Holland 🇺🇸 (@hollandcourtney) February 11, 2022
Incredibly, the bobble head teleprompter readers in the mainstream media are talking about bringing back the mask mandates. So it’s TIME to share the truth about masks with everyone you know.
And here is the TRUTH –> Wearing a mask is like installing a screen door in a submarine. Those who wear them might as well wear their pants backwards as well. It’s like putting up a chain link fence to keep out mosquitoes.
The push to mask everyone is a “psy-op” faux security measure. It’s not about protection – it’s truly a case study in “groupthink” and yes, even “magical” thinking. And due to the fearmongering from the mainstream media liars, despite hundreds of studies showing the ineffetiveness of masks, the lemmings still support wearing masks, despite the fact that on the box, it says that the mask does NOT protect you from COVID-19.
If we have another scam-demic, which we inevitably will, and when they try to force mask everyone, I will refuse to “mask up” for the low IQ mob that’s falling for the propaganda, not to mention the health risks by restricting oxygen!
Think about it. If there is a virus going around that attacks the respiratory system, why do the “health experts” try to get everyone to put on a face diaper that limits the oxygen flowing through their respiratory system?
Forcing healthy people to become immune suppressed by constantly wearing masks that recirculate exhaled CO2 waste and deplete optimal oxygen uptake, is at best misguided, at worst criminal, given the known data.
Oh yeah, in the event of another scam-demic, to those of you who love masks and love to obey, please don’t attack and insult those who have chosen not to wear a face diaper, as the studies suggest that is the wisest choice to make. “Which studies?” you ask. Here is a link to more than 170 comparative studies indicating that masks not only do not work, but they actually HARM.
Thanks to the research of Dr. Russell Blaylock for sourcing many of the studies in this article.
Thanks to Roman Bystrianik for his COVID-19 fact sheet, which was very helpful as well.
Excellent article! Really appreciate the painstaking work you guys are doing to bring out the truth in a scientific manner.
1 Question – are you saying my wife shouldn’t wear her N95 mask while taking care of her Covid-19 patients in the ER? She is a frontline ER nurse who is “forced” to wear a mask and practice Universal Precautions – but you are saying that is a hoax?
Read # 10
Healthcare workers ( healthy people) should wear a mask when taking care of COVID-19 patients.
Why should people only wear mask while taking care of Covid patients? So their chances of catching COVID is reduced? I wonder why so many Americans have Covid…maybe because they want their freedom? They want the freedom to get spread COVID.
I read the article and the references are old references. They say not to wear mask as they don’t want the public to buy up all the masks and cause shortages for the healthcare workers…duh.
I used to respect TTAC but now I read your articles with skepticism. You are spreading falsehood and want more people to get Covid. I guess wearing the mask will ruin her make up…she might look better going a bit more au naturel
The tests are null and void since the CDC has admitted they do not have “Covid 19″ isolated.
Since it is not isolated, they cant come up with a proper test. So the real question is…what are the REALLY testing for”. Regular Corona virus? which most people already have anit-bodies for and thus will test positive???
You didn’t read the whole article, didn’t you? It specifically stated that HEALTHY PEOPLE SHOULD WEAR MASKS ONLY WHEN THEY ARE TAKING CARE OF SOMEONE WHO ALREADY HAS THE VIRUS! Obviously, that would include your wife, since her job is to treat people who are Coronavirus patients.
The next time, read the entire story, not just bits and pieces of it.
Right on 🙂
You didn’t read the whole article, didn’t you? It specifically stated that HEALTHY PEOPLE SHOULD WEAR MASKS ONLY WHEN TAKING CARE OF SOMEONE WHO ALREADY HAS THE VIRUS! Obviously, that would include your wife, since her job is caring for Coronavirus patients.
The next time, read the entire story, not just bits and pieces of it.
Seriously Mike…? Did you not read or do you not comprehend what you read?
I am in Mexico now where I believe masks outside are mandatory.
Guess what? When I ate breakfast at an open air restaurant and watched mask wearers walk by what I saw:
The mask was placed below their nose.
Strictly useless there AND they can breathe as well.
Ty Bollinger, makes complete and logical sense, and I agree with him 100%. I am truly astounded how so many people in our country can be so easily brainwashed by the mainstream media and other social entities. It is sad that common sense is not so common anymore! Please do your own research folks and you will see that you’ve all been “hoodwinked”. Wearing a mask will cause you more harm than good. The best thing that we can do is to keep our immune systems strong by what we choose to consume, and to also make healthy lifestyle choices.
What do you say to these essential workers who have to wear a mask to work???? Maybe yoh are one of those fortunate people that can work at home or not at all.
Alethea….I have a grand daughter with that name!! It means truth in Greek..which you probably already knew.
grandma Jeanne
You go see your manager with facts listed in this article then do what they say or find another job. But telling the truth that employers may be harming their own employees could help change some minds about the mask wearing.
Good for you Alethea! I totally agree with you! That’s why I love this site AND The Truth about Vaccines. I refuse to let any Dr. prick me with any needle for the past 7-8 yrs….. I only wish I knew about it way before then…. but I’m healthy and dr.’s don’t like me because I take no meds!! And I eat organically!
This is amazing information and astounding about why it is better NOT to wear masks! Thank you for this valuable article.
Thank you for the information.
Please don’t make this political! By putting the Bidens and Trumps pictures you are promoting division. Just give the information.
I support the availability of information! However, with regards to Trump’s abusing his power to benefit his personal war with Twitter – please don’t lose site of the fact that when the government controls private business it is a step towards Socialism. If Twitter, facebook, YouTube etc. take down your important content, the remedy is to boycott and quit using their platforms and not putting government restrictions on them!
Hi Miriam,
Thank you for sharing your opinion! We’ll keep yours and others in mind as we continue working to bring you the truth.
Blessings, Brianna
What do you think about Covid 19 testing?
I wholeheartedly concur. This push to protect free speech by preventing companies to exercise free speech is not wise. I am a firm believer that this whole “pandemic” was either planned or completely prepared for and is being hyped for use in implementing a variety of control mechanisms. We need to make sure we don’t commit to fighting for self-defeating causes, or contradictory ones.
Totally concur from day one!
Thank you as always about questioning the popular narrative which is especially important right now. Personally, I was also under threat of arrest for shopping at Costco without a mask. When wearing a mask which was required at Kroger where I work part-time, my blood pressure went up and I almost passed out on several occasions. For personal safety, I don’t wear it consistently as my health matters.
I also believe in scientific facts so here are more of them for anyone who is willing to consider the health damage that has occurred to many mask wearers. Masks do help in the operating setting by limiting blood and human fluids from being absorbed into any body opening such as eyes or mouth and also are taken off immediately afterwards and disposed of in a hazardous waste receptacle.
Are Masks Protective Against COVID-19?
Dr. Pamela A. Popper, President
Wellness Forum Health
Government workers and health authorities are recommending that people wear masks when leaving their homes, and in some states this is mandated whenever someone is in a public place or even steps outside. The public is told daily that the reason for this and many other rules and mandates is that the “best science” is being used to make these decisions and our rulers (formerly known as elected officials) are only doing what is best for public health. But is this true?
The COVID-19 virus is 0.125 µm in size, and can penetrate the surgical mask barrier. According to the US National Academy of Sciences, in community settings “face masks are not designed or certified to protect the wearer from exposure to respiratory hazards.”[1] Another study showed that surgical masks do not provide protection for aerosols ranging from 0.9-3.1 µm.[2]
In household settings, surgical masks do not prevent transmission of flu.[3] [4]
According to Dr. Jenny Harries, deputy chief medical officer in England, wearing masks can actually increase the risk of contracting the virus because virus can be trapped in the material and cause infection when the person inhales. According to Dr. Harries, members of the public should not wear masks unless they are sick, and only if advised to do so by a healthcare provider.
“What tends to happen is people will have one mask. They won’t wear it all the time, they will take it off when they get home, they will put it down on a surface they haven’t cleaned,” she said. Furthermore, people go out and about and don’t wash their hands every time they touch something – they can’t – and then touch their mask constantly to drink water or eat, or even communicate, and this becomes a means of infection.[5]
A review of 17 studies concluded, “None of the studies we reviewed established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.[6]
Due to shortages, some people have been advised to make their own masks out of cloth. According to a hospital study in which hospital wards were randomized to medical masks, cloth masks, or a control group which included a high proportion of people who wore some type of mask, the rate of infection was highest in the cloth mask group as compared to the group wearing some type of medical mask. Transmission of viral particles through cloth masks was almost 97% as compared to medical masks at 44%. Reasons cited included moisture retention, reuse of the masks, and poor filtration, all of which actually can increase rather than decrease the risk of infection. The researchers concluded that the results “…could be interpreted as harm caused by cloth masks.”[7]
A recent (2020) study in South Korea looked at the efficacy of both surgical and cotton masks for blocking transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from coughing patients. Patients were instructed to cough 5 times while wearing no mask, surgical mask, or cotton mask. The researchers reported that neither surgical nor cotton masks were effective for filtering SARS-CoV-2 from environment or the external mask surface. They also reported that there was greater contamination on the outer rather than the inner surface of the mask, which they said could be due to air leakage around the mask edge, or high-velocity coughing which might cause viral particles to penetrate the mask. They wrote that these results support the importance of hand hygiene after touching outer surfaces of the mask.[8]
Not only are the masks useless, they can also be dangerous. A woman in New Jersey crashed her car into a power pole because she was wearing an N95 mask for several hours, and insufficient oxygen and excessive carbon dioxide intake caused her to pass out, according to the Lincoln Park Police Department. She was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.[9]
“Maskme” is the name of the condition that develops as a result of wearing useless masks continually. According to Dr. Amer Jaber of Washington Square Dermatology in New York, “When you wear a mask, you seal in your breath. This creates a moist, humid environment as it traps your breath, skin oils and sweat, leading to irritation rashes and acne.” He compares the condition to diaper rash, and also says that the masks themselves may irritate skin just be being in contact with the face for long periods of time. This can further irritate eczema, psoriasis or rosacea. He says, “The longer you wear the mask, the worse it is.”
Jaber recommends taking off the mask whenever possible in order to let the skin breathe, and using lotions, creams and even Vaseline if necessary in order to soothe irritated skin. Masks need to be aired out and dried after use, and washed to remove oils and sweat trapped inside.
As for how to treat acne if it has already developed, Jaber recommends benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or glycolic acid. But he warns people to be careful since topical acne creams can cause further irritation and worsen skin conditions resulting from the constant wearing of masks.[10]
In addition to acne and skin disorders, wearing masks can cause headaches, particularly in those who are predisposed. One study concluded, “Shorter duration of face-mask wear may reduce the frequency and severity of these headaches.”[11]
The orders to wear masks are not evidence-based, and rather based on misinformation, fear, and hysteria.
[1] Larson EL, Liverman CT, editors. Preventing transmission of pandemic influenza and other viral respiratory diseases: personal protective equipment for healthcare workers: update 2010. Washington: The National Academies Press; 2010.
[2] Oberg T, Brosseau LM. “Surgical mask filter and fit performance.” Am J Infect Control 2008 May;36(4):276-282
[3] MacIntyre CR, Cauchemez S, Dwyer DE et al. “ace mask use and control of respiratory virus transmission in households.” Emerg Infect Dis 2009 Feb;15(2):233-241
[4] Cowling BJ, Chan KH, Fang VJ et al. “Facemasks and hand hygiene to prevent influenza transmission in households: a cluster randomized trial.” Ann Intern Med 2009 Oct;15(7):437-446
[5] Laguipo ABB. “Wearing masks may increase your risk of coronavirus infection, expert says.” News Medical Life Sciences Mar 15 2020
[6] Bin-Reza F, Chavarrias VL, Vicoll A, Chamberland ME. “The use of masks and respirators to prevent transmission of influenza: a systematic review of the scientific evidence.” Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2012 Jul;6(4):257-267
[7] MccIntyre CR, Seale H, Dung TC et al. “A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers.” BMJ Open 2015 Mar;5:e006577
[8] Bae S, Kim MC, Kim JY et al. “Effectiveness of Surgical and Cotton Masks in Blocking SARS-CoV-2: A Controlled Comparison in 4 Patients.” Ann Intern Med 2020 Apr; DOI: 10.7326/M20-134
[9] Robert Gearty “NJ police say ‘excessive wearing’ of coronavirus mas contributed to driver passing out, crashing car.” Fox News April 25 2020
[10] Martiromo M. Maskme: Suffering from acne or breakouts under your mask? Here’s what to do.” Fox News May 26 2020
[11] Lim ECH, Seet RCS, Lee K-H, Wilder-Smith EPV, Chuah BYS, Ong BKC. “Headaches and the N95 Face-Mask Amongst Healthcare Providers.” Acta Neurol Scand 2006 Mar;113(3):199-202
The information is vital and so appreciated, and I agree that it isn’t partisan, so would like it without political bias included…because all presidential puppets are corrupt be they democrat or republican….
It is their site and they are allowed to put whatever they want up whether you like it or not. And just fyi..Trump didn’t abuse anything, especially his power.
You guys talk a lot of sense about everything, but on the subject of masks, maybe not so much.
If masks are so disadvantageous, why are they worn in operating theatres?
Yes, the WHO says that there is no need for healthy people to wear face masks, IN THE WEST.
In the East, where they’ve controlled Covid better, the WHO does recommend masks.
As for the recommendation healthy people only wear masks when taking care of someone infected with COVID-19, that’s the point – we don’t always know that someone is infected.
Aldo, you are absolutely correct. Also, why are ICU staff dealing with CoViD-19 patients wearing N95 respirators to protect themselves, if it is true that “healthy people don’t need them”?
N95 blocks particles down to 0.3 nm. Viruses average 0.2nm, but they don’t arrive in single units. There are millions of viruses in a droplet from a cough, so obviously the N95 respirators can and will block them.
The issue isn’t whether people need N95 masks, it’s whether they’ll use them correctly. If using correctly, you shouldn’t touch the mask to adjust it. You shouldn’t take it off to talk to people. You shouldn’t reuse it. I don’t think most normal people could afford to have a constant supply of disposable N95 masks. Additionally, it’s probably a waste of money if you’re not working directly with COVID-19 patients. I’ve worn N95 (FFP2) and the FPP3 (higher standard). They are not comfortable and I wouldn’t wear them all day unless I had to. But wearing a cloth or surgical mask isn’t that bad in the grand scheme of things.
In the Operating Theatre, the skin is usually cut open exposing internal organs, so masks are a good idea there! As an RN I worked with a mask on during the flu season, to avoid getting a flu shot. The one year I did get a flu shot to avoid masks, I became really sick with the flu: the only time in my life that I have had it
The masks are hot, uncomfortable and I’d hate to wear one if I had any form of COPD, where my breathing was already restricted
agreed! RN here too!
@Aldo Masks are worn in Operating Theaters because it’s a sterile environment. The patient being operated on has a huge, gaping opening somewhere on their body. The masks aren’t about keeping the doctor/surgeons from getting sick, it’s to keep out particles from coughing, sneezing, speaking, food stuck in their teeth, from getting into the open wound and preventing infection in the wound. It’s not protecting the surgical staff from anything, nor it it protecting the patient from a virus.
@Alda, you answered your own question: masks are recommended for people i.e., health care workers when treating a sick patient. The point of the article is, these same people shouldn’t be wearing those masks when just going about their daily lives.
My wife is a surgeon, they wear masks to protect the patient not themselves. A mask during surgery is used to block anything coming from the mouth from going into the incision. Its not used to prevent the spread of infectious diseases.
Keep in mind, the west (Americans) are a whole lot less healthier too. We are high in obesity, diabetes, cancer, on and on and on. Our children are getting what used to be “old people” illnesses. More kids are developing allergies, skin diseases, mental issues. Our food is poisoned but people don’t believe it so the food continues to be covered with glysophate. We allow our animals (cows, chickens) we eat, poisoned with hormones, anti-bacteria meds and who knows what else. We allow our crops to be genetically modified–wheat, corn, soy, and more. And we are heavy consumers in all this–eating fast food almost daily, drinking sodas and “energy” drinks, consume tons of sugar. Oh and we eat a lot. Does any of the “science” consider all that with covid–the toxic world we live in? The east have allowed the western diet to invade them and it’s starting to have an affect, but their diet hasn’t been so toxic until the recent years. So that could be part of the reason why they have better control. China, of course, government controlled, probably have a different way to control the people, er I mean the virus.
Now we’re getting ready to let the forced vaccine change us into genetically modified humans. But I do think the media is over hyped too. Infections are on the rise, they say and all the focus seemed to be on the number of infections, but it does seem like deaths are not proportionate to the increasing number of infections, not rising. But let’s not focus on that, let’s just focus on the numbers of infections, just like Fauci predicted, and do another shut down.
Oh covid data–how does that work? Elon Musk recently stated he took the test four times, 2 times it showed negative, 2 times it showed positive. So was his positive tests counted once, or twice? Hmmm.
If the forced vaccine is mandated, we should demand the vaccine manufacturers, all government officials, Bill Gates, the elite in control of the federal reserve, and all their families take the vaccine, certified by an independent organization, on national TV. Just a thought.
It is so refreshing to hear how many people have no problem being publicly groped in airports. And if you are singled out for a cavity search, at least that is done in private. Profiling can happen to anyone. Profile criteria changes as the wind. NO ONE IS IMMUNE!
And that they voluntarily surrendered this “right” more than 19 YEARS AGO! There are so many rights that were voluntarily surrendered post-9/11/2001 that no one has kept track of them, except the military who gleefully enforce them. You know, those pesky things like being detained at unknown locations for indeterminate amounts of time and not allowing communication with anyone, including the benefit of counsel. These are a drop in the bucket compared to what has been surrendered in the name of national security. Check it out!
Less than 7,000 people died that day. There haven’t been any bombs or deaths related to bombs in many, many years, but we are all subjected to the indignities of being publicly groped at airports. WHY HASN’T THAT BEEN STOPPED? I HAVEN’T HEARD ANYONE CLAMOR TO HAVE THAT STOP. WHY IS THAT?
We are well over 255,000 DEAD in the U.S.A. alone in the last 8 months and counting as the numbers continue rising. I wonder how many people realize we remain in the FIRST WAVE of COVID as the U.S.A. has never had it under control at any time. The worst is yet to come. (I am NOT making light of what happened 19 YEARS AGO, not any more than any of you are making light of what is currently happening around the world.)
I have an idea. If you all will complain about being groped, I will join you in complaining about masks. NO? WEAR A DAMN MASK!
There are worn in the operating theatre to prevent spit from falling into the open wound.
I think it’s irresponsible for you, especially as a Christian, to call people paranoid because of what their convictions tell them. Some of us have watched this progress way before the media or any government cared to lift a finger to stop it and have repeatedly suffered as a result. Many of us are not scared but subsequently want to protect others and after our suffering (despite being dedicated to our health holistically), since (after realizing from our own self education which actually went against the entire media at the start— who actually gaslighted anyone who cared about it) we see the concerning unknowns regarding the route of infection, thanks to the likelihood of this being lab created, and thanks to dr Fauci for that. I get this has been hard to sort through, but as a brother in Christ, I’m asking you to consider this. I have followed you and spread your message for years
Hi Paige! As always, we support your right to freely make your own decisions for your own welfare, and to follow your own convictions. Our mission is to empower people with the lifesaving truth and the information which which they need to make these decisions.
God Bless,
Hi Ty,
As much as I appreciate your stance on vaccines, I have to respectfully disagree with your stance on the utility of wearing masks to help mitigate the effects of the coronavirus. I could be wrong of course, but I have to agree with some of the top level health officials in countries that have done a much better job at handling the coronavirus than the U.S., U.K., and other European countries.
I read just yesterday the countries of Taiwan, S. Korea, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore have roughly the same population as the U.S. They also have close ties to China, perhaps even more so than the U.S. What I find interesting is that while the U.S. now has over 100K deaths, those 6 countries have a combined total of 1,200 or so deaths. And some (like Taiwan) have not had to lock down their country or economy.
The health ministers from those countries seem to concur that a primary reason they’ve done so well is the almost universal acceptance of wearing masks, based on lessons they learned from past pandemic experience. I’m sure other factors are involved as well (such as much better testing), but if those Asians are so accepting of wearing masks, and have much lower infection rates, then perhaps we should take a close look at it.
Putting aside their experience, or all the pros and cons I’ve run across from various authorities, I have come up with my own “orientation”: It just makes sense to me that when someone is talking or breathing (especially heavy breathing) without a mask on, aerosols and/or droplets are going to be released into the ambient air in much higher concentrations than if a mask is not worn. Which makes for easier transmission of the virus if one has it.
So it seems reasonable to me that the mask wearer is protecting those around him, even though I have my doubts as to how much a mask might protect the wearer. Which is why I regularly “mist” (or nebulize) low- concentration hydrogen peroxide deep into my sinuses and throat every time I go into a public place. It only takes a .5% solution to the kill the virus, and some natural health care practitioners are using this kind of nebulization (with iodine) to achieve much success in treating the actual infection.
BTW, I hate wearing masks, and if I thought that they might not be adding that layer of protection, I certainly would be happy to dispense with that cumbersome burden! But common sense is telling me that if higher percentages of people wore masks, the coronavirus would be much less of an issue. Of course, people should be taking care of themselves, and keeping plenty of known natural therapies on hand (such as Vit. C) in case of an infection.
Hi Wayne! We truly appreciate your opinion, as well as the kind as well as the kind and respectful way in which you’ve presented it.
To give you you a short reason as to our stance on masks, I’ll share the following information with you. Many health professionals, doctors, scientists, and highly educated individuals have advised against the wearing of masks, both for reasons of safety and efficiency. Even people like the the US Surgeon General and Dr. Fauci have warned against wearing them, because they are not effective against the spread of COVID-19, and they increase health risks of the wearer. You can read on the package insert of most readily available masks that it ‘does not stop the spread of viruses, including COVID-19’. Unfortunately, it’s clear to us that wearing masks doesn’t help those around you, and it’s a detriment to your own health.
Again, we respect your decision, and the obvious care and thought which you’ve taken in making your decision. We want to give people the truth and power to make informed decisions, whatever that decision may be. Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts!
Blessings, Brianna
On April 3, the Surgeon General revised the guidelines. See this video https://www.msnbc.com/msnbc/watch/surgeon-general-explains-evolution-of-cdc-face-mask-guidance-81619013687
Thank you for bringing that up as I wanted to say the article had old references too. I have lived in Taiwan for more than a year now and most businesses are open. My daughter went to play paintball yesterday for her grade 8 graduation I wear my mask and I don’t touch the front of my mask (like I see many people do in North America). I believe masks are about respect for the people around you not to spit, cough or sneeze openly in their space. How do we know if someone is covid19 positive or not when a lot of people are asymptomatic? We should respect people around us. I believe in freedom too but I also respect others as well.
I wish people here in North America would understand the detriment of touching the mask!!! It’s not no masks we need. It’s that we need a full understanding of the do’s and don’ts, and to also understand that while it’s reasonable to think it could provide minimal protection to the wearer, it would not be worth wearing if that were your only concern. This is about caring for others enough to do something that can help them, even if it is uncomfortable for you.
Thank you for wearing your mask to protect others!
With my respect for yall, I care about others but if they wearing a mask they should not be worry about me not wearing one and if I have to sneeze or cough I cover my mouth. Viruses have always been here they are part of us is how evolving as human race, out immune systems were meant to fight back anything we were created that way! sending love to yall from Texas.
You are forgetting one thing. These countries aren’t loaded up with American pharmaceuticals, which kill. You can’t say it’s the masks without also examining that possibility. Oh, and by the way, the combined population of those countries is 200 million. The United States is 330 million. Not to mention Australia and New Zealand do not have “close ties to China, and while the others are close in distance, only Vietnam is likely to have much exchange of population. The other nations are all free. And you forgot to mention that the figures for the United States are probably false and heavily inflated. And we don’t really know the figures from these other countries either.
As a person with a hearing loss, I find that when other people wear masks, I have more trouble understanding them. Furthermore, I have absolutely no objections to others NOT wearing masks in my presence and NOT distancing themselves. I use herbs and supplements for protection. I think on the basis of study this helps keep my immune system robust. I am 75 years old.
I agree with you Pat, the population of all those countries combined is less than the USA, let’s compare apples to apples. Sad that fear has taken over peoples lives. I have lung disease and chronic asthma and wearing a mask for 15 minutes makes me dizzy and I start losing oxygen to my brain and causes me to breathe heavy, so I don’t. I am not going to faint to please others.
Can I just say one thing about your comments. Australia and New Zealand do not have roughly the same population as the US no where near it in fact.
Uh, you forgot Taiwan, S. Korea, Singapore, and Vietnam. Didn’t you pay attention to the first post reply?
** combined & Roughly being the operative words.- Taiwan, S. Korea, Vietnam, Australia, New Zealand, and Singapore
We are being lied to by the media, the government, the CDC, the WHO, Bill & Melinda Gates, and Dr.Anthony Fauc about this COVID-19 pandemic. They know that they are lying, and people who are capable of thinking for themselves are realizing that all of these people are lying. They have created a FAKE pandemic to scare the entire planet. The deaths from the normal flu, pneumonia and other deaths are being funneled into the “death totals” for this COVID-19 death numbers. The elite of this world want to kill 90% of the world’s population. Bill & Melinda Gates and their criminal friends want to kill you and me with their polluted vaccines. Please check out the Georgia Guidestones. This is a Plandemic to destroy the economy of the world and to destroy the financial lives of millions upon millions of people around the world. The Vatican is completely behind this whole thing. The Vatican wants to control every person’s life from the cradle to the grave.
God gave each one of us a brain. He expects us to think for ourselves and NOT have the Corrupt Liberal Lying Media, the government, the criminals Bill & Melinda Gates or the criminal Dr.Anthony Fauci tell us what to believe or how to think.
Keep your immune system strong and you dont have to worry
It is not about CONTRACTING the virus – it is about SPREADING it if you are asymptomatic! I will let common sense prevail and rather err on the side of compassion. Also, I do not feel wearing a mask TEMPORARILY infringes on my freedom or deprives me of oxygen while I shop or otherwise engage in “person-to-person” activities. Certainly no need to wear one out in the open while practicing physical distancing!
Yes I agree with you. Social distancing and stay at home as much as possible is the way to stop the spread of covid19 .
You couldn’t possibly have read the whole article judging by your response. Ty provided links to the studies done showing that mask infact do NOT stop the spread of viruses. The inserts on the masks even clearly state that they do not stop the spread of viruses.The virus passes right through. What is clear and what is very well documented is that they cause hypoxia, headaches and actually serve to trap the virus so that you continuously inhale the trapped viruses and your own respiratory waste. Also, there is zero scientific evidence that social distancing and isolation does anything to stop the spread of the virus. It only delays herd immunity. What is very well documented scientifically is that a lack of sun, fresh air, activity and isolation lowers the immune system and is a recipe for bad health. If the shutdown was for two weeks to let hospitals catch up that is reasonable but we are going on three months of this unscientific nonsense with no end in sight.
If you are asymptomatic you are NOT contagious!
You go see your manager with facts listed in this article then do what they say or find another job. But telling the truth that employers may be harming their own employees could help change some minds about the mask wearing.
I noticed how little attention you gave to the hypothesis that all masks, including cotton, help prevent me from spreading to others. It seems the only reminder was dr Fauci reminding us to wear masks around immune-compromised and elderly people. I think you, Ty, need to say those words to your audience too. Czech Republic, New Zealand, Taiwan and China, among other countries have kept infection numbers down through quarantine, social distancing and the practice of wearing masks. I am lucky to live in a small town , in a rural area where there is no need to wear a mask outdoors. Studies show that outdoors an infected person might need up to 10 minutes in close proximity to someone else, to infect the other person. Indoors is a very different mathematical equation. How about you spend some time reporting on some technical explanations of what does help us protect each other from community spread.
then why do doctors and nurses were masks?
I only use Costco and Trader Joes BECAUSE they require a mask
Trader Joe’s does not require a mask, at least not where I live. Their practice of forcing people to stand and wait outside in the sun, however, before being allowed in, is not acceptable. The temperatures are going above 100 degrees. I only buy essential stuff I can’t get elsewhere and spend 5 minutes in the store until they get over their insanity. They still put canola oil in most of their prepared foods. Such extreme measures are posturing under the circumstances.
Agreed. This article is cherry-picking the science you want, which makes me wonder about some of your other work. The fact that masks help slow the spread (not stop it completely) is obvious by the spread or lack there of in countries that started using masks immediately. It is also easy to do your own experiments with and oximeter on your finger and a mask on your face it makes no or extremely little difference to the amount of oxygen in your blood stream. Maybe some masks are made with bad chemicals (many are bleached, etc.), which would be more likely to cause harm. Go back to all those holistic doctors around the world and tell me what they think.
Thank you for all your wonderful work to better inform us of all sides. It also makes common sense in addition to the science. I do however wish you could tone down the political hardness that comes through your words. Your message to the world is the most important.
Love light and happiness
I think he says it best:
“Always drink upstream from the herd.” ~ Will Rogers
Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU, Ty! This is so important for people to understand. I say, “Free the Face!” Let me breathe the freedom. God bless you, Ty, and your lovely wife Charlene. You are doing great work here.
Hi Mary! Thank you so much for your support and encouragement. It is for you that we do what we do. Keep up the good fight and continue standing strong!
Blessings, Brianna
And here’s what the world renowned surgeon dr. Steven Gundry, a pioneer in infant heart transplant surgery says about face masks in a London Real’s interview : “The surgical mask that I wear in the operating room DOES NOT PROTECT AGAINST VIRAL TRANSMISSION, IT’S TOTALLY PERMEABLE TO VIRUSES. It was designed to actually prevent bacteria from contaminating wounds, and quite frankly it doesn’t do a very good job of that either. A study in England with surgeons with and without masks found that there was actually less infections in the group without the mask than with the mask. We talk during operations and the mask abrades our skin and flakes of skin with bacteria drop into the wound. And without the mask there’s no abrasion of your face and unless you actively cough into the wound … But tradition is tradition…”
And another London Real’s interview with respect to the masks with dr. Andrew Kaufman:
“First they restrict your breathing – this could be very problematic even for a healthy person with no breathing or respiratory illness, but for someone who has asthma or COPD or other forms of lung or airway disease it could be devastating – trying to walk around and do your activities with a mask. On top of that the materials that the mask is made from have potential toxicity in and of themselves – if you have a fiberglass mask every time you breathe in little particles of fiberglass are going into your lungs and that’s known to cause disease plus there are various other solvents and chemicals that may be in there and we don’t know what the outcomes of those things are.”
“There is one study I came across that actually looks at how well masks work for preventing spread of the flu – they looked at no masks, medical masks like the N95 and makeshift cloth masks which is what a lot of people are using right now.. The conclusions were that the group that wore the cloth masks had a higher rate of getting the flu than wearing no mask or the medical ones – if you take that seriously then people wearing cloth masks now actually are increasing their risk of getting sick. My main criticism aside from the psychological and social consequences is that the pore size of the mask is one to 2 orders of magnitude larger than the size of a viral particle – which is about 100 nanometers according to what they say about this alleged covid virus and the pore size of the mask and N95 mask is on the order of microns – there’d be 1 to 2 orders of magnitude difference – so it would be like if you were trying to walk through a door 100 feet high and 100 feet wide – it wouldn’t really stop you… So I think these masks are for another purpose – to separate people from each other, alienate people from each other”..
Dr Andrew Kaufman – The Science In Social Distancing And Face masks – Why you don’t need them
Totally agree and love Dr Gundry! I follow his plant paradox protocol, don’t use a mask, never get a flu shot and I’m extremely healthy!
Good for you, I don’t either.
Thank you for expressing an informed viewpoint that supports all of our health. I also provided additional research from Dr. Pam Popper:
Are Masks Protective Against COVID-19?
Dr. Pamela A. Popper, President
Wellness Forum Health
Government workers and health authorities are recommending that people wear masks when leaving their homes, and in some states this is mandated whenever someone is in a public place or even steps outside. The public is told daily that the reason for this and many other rules and mandates is that the “best science” is being used to make these decisions and our rulers (formerly known as elected officials) are only doing what is best for public health. But is this true?
The COVID-19 virus is 0.125 µm in size, and can penetrate the surgical mask barrier. According to the US National Academy of Sciences, in community settings “face masks are not designed or certified to protect the wearer from exposure to respiratory hazards.”[1] Another study showed that surgical masks do not provide protection for aerosols ranging from 0.9-3.1 µm.[2]
In household settings, surgical masks do not prevent transmission of flu.[3] [4]
According to Dr. Jenny Harries, deputy chief medical officer in England, wearing masks can actually increase the risk of contracting the virus because virus can be trapped in the material and cause infection when the person inhales. According to Dr. Harries, members of the public should not wear masks unless they are sick, and only if advised to do so by a healthcare provider.
“What tends to happen is people will have one mask. They won’t wear it all the time, they will take it off when they get home, they will put it down on a surface they haven’t cleaned,” she said. Furthermore, people go out and about and don’t wash their hands every time they touch something – they can’t – and then touch their mask constantly to drink water or eat, or even communicate, and this becomes a means of infection.[5]
A review of 17 studies concluded, “None of the studies we reviewed established a conclusive relationship between mask/respirator use and protection against influenza infection.[6]
Due to shortages, some people have been advised to make their own masks out of cloth. According to a hospital study in which hospital wards were randomized to medical masks, cloth masks, or a control group which included a high proportion of people who wore some type of mask, the rate of infection was highest in the cloth mask group as compared to the group wearing some type of medical mask. Transmission of viral particles through cloth masks was almost 97% as compared to medical masks at 44%. Reasons cited included moisture retention, reuse of the masks, and poor filtration, all of which actually can increase rather than decrease the risk of infection. The researchers concluded that the results “…could be interpreted as harm caused by cloth masks.”[7]
A recent (2020) study in South Korea looked at the efficacy of both surgical and cotton masks for blocking transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from coughing patients. Patients were instructed to cough 5 times while wearing no mask, surgical mask, or cotton mask. The researchers reported that neither surgical nor cotton masks were effective for filtering SARS-CoV-2 from environment or the external mask surface. They also reported that there was greater contamination on the outer rather than the inner surface of the mask, which they said could be due to air leakage around the mask edge, or high-velocity coughing which might cause viral particles to penetrate the mask. They wrote that these results support the importance of hand hygiene after touching outer surfaces of the mask.[8]
Not only are the masks useless, they can also be dangerous. A woman in New Jersey crashed her car into a power pole because she was wearing an N95 mask for several hours, and insufficient oxygen and excessive carbon dioxide intake caused her to pass out, according to the Lincoln Park Police Department. She was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol.[9]
“Maskme” is the name of the condition that develops as a result of wearing useless masks continually. According to Dr. Amer Jaber of Washington Square Dermatology in New York, “When you wear a mask, you seal in your breath. This creates a moist, humid environment as it traps your breath, skin oils and sweat, leading to irritation rashes and acne.” He compares the condition to diaper rash, and also says that the masks themselves may irritate skin just be being in contact with the face for long periods of time. This can further irritate eczema, psoriasis or rosacea. He says, “The longer you wear the mask, the worse it is.”
Jaber recommends taking off the mask whenever possible in order to let the skin breathe, and using lotions, creams and even Vaseline if necessary in order to soothe irritated skin. Masks need to be aired out and dried after use, and washed to remove oils and sweat trapped inside.
As for how to treat acne if it has already developed, Jaber recommends benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, or glycolic acid. But he warns people to be careful since topical acne creams can cause further irritation and worsen skin conditions resulting from the constant wearing of masks.[10]
In addition to acne and skin disorders, wearing masks can cause headaches, particularly in those who are predisposed. One study concluded, “Shorter duration of face-mask wear may reduce the frequency and severity of these headaches.”[11]
The orders to wear masks are not evidence-based, and rather based on misinformation, fear, and hysteria.
[1] Larson EL, Liverman CT, editors. Preventing transmission of pandemic influenza and other viral respiratory diseases: personal protective equipment for healthcare workers: update 2010. Washington: The National Academies Press; 2010.
[2] Oberg T, Brosseau LM. “Surgical mask filter and fit performance.” Am J Infect Control 2008 May;36(4):276-282
[3] MacIntyre CR, Cauchemez S, Dwyer DE et al. “ace mask use and control of respiratory virus transmission in households.” Emerg Infect Dis 2009 Feb;15(2):233-241
[4] Cowling BJ, Chan KH, Fang VJ et al. “Facemasks and hand hygiene to prevent influenza transmission in households: a cluster randomized trial.” Ann Intern Med 2009 Oct;15(7):437-446
[5] Laguipo ABB. “Wearing masks may increase your risk of coronavirus infection, expert says.” News Medical Life Sciences Mar 15 2020
[6] Bin-Reza F, Chavarrias VL, Vicoll A, Chamberland ME. “The use of masks and respirators to prevent transmission of influenza: a systematic review of the scientific evidence.” Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2012 Jul;6(4):257-267
[7] MccIntyre CR, Seale H, Dung TC et al. “A cluster randomised trial of cloth masks compared with medical masks in healthcare workers.” BMJ Open 2015 Mar;5:e006577
[8] Bae S, Kim MC, Kim JY et al. “Effectiveness of Surgical and Cotton Masks in Blocking SARS-CoV-2: A Controlled Comparison in 4 Patients.” Ann Intern Med 2020 Apr; DOI: 10.7326/M20-134
[9] Robert Gearty “NJ police say ‘excessive wearing’ of coronavirus mas contributed to driver passing out, crashing car.” Fox News April 25 2020
[10] Martiromo M. Maskme: Suffering from acne or breakouts under your mask? Here’s what to do.” Fox News May 26 2020
[11] Lim ECH, Seet RCS, Lee K-H, Wilder-Smith EPV, Chuah BYS, Ong BKC. “Headaches and the N95 Face-Mask Amongst Healthcare Providers.” Acta Neurol Scand 2006 Mar;113(3):199-202
Is there anyway you can send me the link to the article from Dr. Pamela Popper? I tried looking it up I cant find it.
Thanks for ALL your work to share TRUTH!!
Thanks for sharing! I’m trying to wade through the articles about masks to try to figure this out.
Can you please comment on Vincent Chi-Chung Cheng et al.’s scientific paper: The Role of Community-Wide Wearing of Face Mask for Control of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (Covid-19) Epidemic due to SARS-CoV-2; J Infect; 2002 April 23 (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7177146/) where the authors concluded that, “Community-wide mask wearing may contribute to the control of COVID-19 by reducing the amount of emission of infected saliva and respiratory droplets from individuals with subclinical or mild COVID-19.”
Is this evidence in favour of masks or is this study not valid?
There’s also this other study: A study on infectivity of asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7219423/), where the authors concluded, “In summary, all the 455 contacts were excluded from SARS-CoV-2 infection and we conclude that the infectivity of some asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 carriers might be weak.” This is great news, but when I quickly skimmed through the paper, it seems that masks were worn. So, was the infectivity weak because of the masks, which then again supports wearing a mask??
Would appreciate hearing your thoughts!
Good questions! There is a lot of conflicting information out there, it’s crazy.
At the end of the day, I keep coming back to the fact that the fatality rate is so low, why are we even talking about masks still?
This study about asymptomatic carriers doesn’t relate to masks wearing.
What they found out, is that ‘asymptomatic’ carriers of the SARS-Cov-2 virus aren’t contagious. 455 peoples were in contact with asymptomatic carriers, and NO ONE get infected from theses asymptomatic. And that’s a totally logical outcome. Most of the virions ( responsible for the contagion ) are coming from the ‘expelling’ mechanisms of the immune system. Sneezing, coughing, etc. I.E. what we call ‘symptoms’.
Ty, thank you for all the work that you and Charlene are doing to inform us. I agree with everything you said and I’m a dental doctor who wears a mask only for the sake of the patient that I might sneeze , sweat or inadvertently spit in their mouth. I will not shop or participate in any store whose policy it is to wear a mask. Keep up the great work , and God bless you.
I wear a mask only when it is legally required where I live or by a store I wish to enter.
I remove it as soon as I get where not required.
I have seen quite a few masked people with the mask positioned below the nose. Totally ineffective there!
I remember reading an article talking of at least one, maybe 2, small studies done with different kinds of masks worn by people with confirmed COVID19. Each mask started out clean, was handled to apply in such a way as to not contaminate them before the experiment started & was swab tested both inside & outside as the means of evaluating effectiveness. The people wore the just treating normally & then were asked to cough while wearing them. After that, each mask was tested both outside & inside surfaces & the cloth masks were found to have more COVID19 virus on the outside of the cloth than on the inside, thus leading to the conclusion that it is very likely that the cloth masks are a very ineffective protection. It is a cloth mask (or even a hankie over a person’s face) that CDC recommends. I wish I could remember where I read this & what the links were for the verification of this/these studies but I do not.
Yes pure stupidity by the sheep on top of that they are breathing CO 2 which make your blood acidic Because hypercapnia lowers your slightly alkaline body ph to acidic level. Goes to your brain and can cause irreversible brain damage hence the headaches and confusion and Driving with them on causing car accidents which has happened several times now!
Awesome article. Why can’t Fox news say all these facts and tell the public what a waste of time wearing masks are?
Thank-you for the articles on to Mask or Not!!
What do you think about this study? I have asthma and struggle for air after about ten minutes in a mask—and I was thinking they aren’t effective, anyway.
But then I read this and it makes sense.
I’m getting pressured to wear a mask when I go out.
You have answered your own question. You said that you struggle for air after about ten minutes in a mask. That is your body telling you to take it off! It is not safe for you! Listen to your body.
The CDC and OSHA both list exemptions from mask-wearing and one of those exemptions is for those who have trouble breathing. In fact, they state that those people should NOT wear a mask. And no one is allowed to ask you what your reason is for not wearing a mask. I live in Canada and our local Health Unit has the same exemptions as does our province. I assume each province has the same exemptions though I have not researched that.
Love you guys! Great article with lots of references, and perfect timing! Just initiated a mask debate on Facebook last night that has, at least, run through this day. Of course I shared the link to this timely informative article right there in that thread. I will also share it solo on my page. God bless and keep you safe!!💜
The phenomenon is remarkable… anytime you qualify something as honorable, people will do it no matter what the facts are to the contrary. It is deemed honorable to wear a mask because you are protecting others from becoming infected since you may be sick and not yet display symptoms thereby unknowingly infecting others.That is false but nonetheless, the current narrative. Just like denouncing “enemies of the state” (anyone the state deems a threat to society) Jewish people were labeled enemies of the German state so it was honorable to turn them in. This kind of perverted sense of honor is the most dangerous and extreme because it is pure manipulation. Now masked people are attacking unmasked people with a sense of honor because unmasked people are enemies of society. The mind games must end, Dear Jesus.
Hi Ty, hi Charlene:
I have been following you with “The Truth about Cancer” and “The Truth about vaccines” and agreed with you on those points because I don’t believe that putting chemicals in my body would heal any ailments I would have which would be mostly caused by chemicals in our food.
However, I was disappointed on your stand with the “no masks” because it appears that you like so many peoples believe that this would be for their onw protection when in fact wearing a mask it to protect others because you could have the virus without knowing it (since most symptoms show up 14 days later). Just like peoples who smoke and you inhale or peoples who drink and drive a car ….as to the guy at Costco, he didn’t mind getting dressed before leaving home, so what is the big deal with the mask? I personally think that peoples who don’t wear them never think of anybody else but themselves. Personally, I think it’s more “inconvenient” to put a seat belt than a mask, but I am not hurting anyone else but myself when I don’t wear it …I hope you do read a little more about why masks do protect others to get this virus (not yourself). You can even do your own!
Hi Eva!
Many health professionals, doctors, scientists, and highly educated individuals have advised against the wearing of masks, both for reasons of safety and efficiency. Even the US surgeon general and Dr. Fauci have warned against wearing them, because they are not effective against the spread of COVID-19, and they increase health risks of the wearer. You can read on the package insert of most readily available masks that it ‘does not stop the spread of viruses, including COVID-19’. Unfortunately, it’s clear that wearing masks doesn’t help those around you, and it’s a detriment to your own health.
As always, we encourage freedom of choice, and we support you in whatever choice you choose to make. However, we want individuals to know the truth before making these decisions.
Blessings, Brianna
My work place requires us to wear a mask, working grocery retail. I do NOT like nor agree with the wearing of a mask. It irritates my sinus by day’s end. How do i handle this? They are basically telling us you are required or you cannot work. If i do not work, i do not get paid! The hazard pay is great, but not what is going to help my health if this goes on any longer.
I am open to any suggestions as to how i can go forward with the employer/HR to not wear one, or get paid to stay home!
Thank you Ty and Charlene for ALL you do and ALL you are!! We NEED you in this fight! How i wish i could join your team!
Peace and blessings to you and ALL the Freedom Fighters!!
What you might try is finding some material that has some breathability, that is not so tightly woven, so you can get better airflow. and making a mask from that. I know some people who do this because otherwise their glasses get steamed-up and they can’t see (plus that could lead to eye infections). Hope this helps you.
I just posted a mouthful earlier today on wearing masks. I hit the post button but not sure the post went through. Anyway dear. When you get the chance. Hop over to eBay and type in face shield. That’s what I wear. The face shields do get a little warm on the forehead at times. In my opinion they are a lot safer to wear than those rags I see on most peoples’ faces. Ain’t none of my business. I don’t believe in trying to solve one problem and create another one.
Trust me. You will love the face shield because it won’t inhibit your breathing. Just woke down and reuse as you see fit. Be sure to peel the protective films from both sides so that your vision will be clear after you put the mask on. If I had my way though. I wouldn’t be wearing a mask for 40 hours a week. There’s a time and a place for them, and I don’t believe that’s everyday for healthy individuals who are not healthcare workers, working in a chemical or dusty environment or around known contagious individuals.
hello ty,
1. “… masks seem to be ineffective in preventing the dissemination of SARS–CoV-2 from the coughs of patients with COVID-19.”
What if the purpose is to reduce the dissemination from talking, not coughing?
2. I do not trust this type of statistical analysis.
This is true for the wearer of the mask. It does not say there is no reduction in the dissemination of the virus to others.
9. I believe Dr. Fauci has been inconsistent in this regard.
10. The WHO has been demonstrated to be an unreliable source of information.
11. Surgeon General Adams does not say that masks have been proven to be ineffective in reducing the dissemination of the virus from talking.
Thanks! I totally agree with you! I work in a grocery store (but luckily in the warehouse as a receiver), so I am not that exposed to so many people. I take many mega vitamins with my first meal of the day, so I have no fear. The good Lord will take of me & my wife.
Thank you!
This is pure Fascism at work. Masks can actually be harmful because they restrict your oxygen supply. Plus the virus particles are so small, they pass in and out of the mask. Useless. These globalists know that and they don’t care. The rest of the populatin are just clueless sheep.
More and more people are waking up, thank God.
We all must insist in public that there will be no second covid-19 wave!
My biggest challenge now is getting over all the disinfectant I am breathing in in some stores and at the bmv.
Ty – thanks for the info. On point 2, please clarify if the study referenced says A) N95 masks are as effective as surgical masks at preventing virus spread. Or B) N95 and surgical masks are as effective as no mask at preventing virus spread. Reviewing the study it appears to say A. The reason is that the study only compared the N95 vs surgical mask so any conclusions would be based on data collected. Since the studies did not attempt to collect data on no masks it would not be included in study results. I point this out in good faith for open discussion trusting that Clearly communicating what this study said is in everyone’s best interest. God bless!
Great Article, It’s astounding how so many allow themselves to be deceived. They put no effort or mindfulness into common sense or knowledge. I actually saw someone driving their Convertible down the road, and “Yes,” she was wearing a Face Mask.
I greatly appreciate your health information but would you please drop the political comment?
Ty & Charlene
I like what you bring up around the issues, be it vaccines, the “business of cancer,” govt invasiveness, etc., but I draw the line knowing about the virus. Whether it was created in a “Wuhan lab”, deliberately or accidentally, or elsewhere, wearing a mask is still COMMON SENSE! To say it violates your freedoms is the same kind of lame logic that those who tote around their AR-15’s believe it’s their “1st Amendment” right when, in fact, the militia referred to was about “slave patrols”, not about rising against a repressive govt; that’s a whole other issue.
FACT: masks are to prevent you and me from spreading the virus because if you’re an “asymptomatic carrier”, unless you’re tested, you don’t know. I have friends in the medical field, front liners not happy about “establishment medicine”, who’d let you know the death counts are under reported and their ER’s are a testament to that reality as well as that of the virus. You have a personal responsibility to be mindful of your own personage but that also includes being respectful of the rights of others. It’s just like smoking now, as there are “designated areas” and we both know that many people still choose to violate your air space.
No, wearing a mask doesn’t prevent the wearer from contracting the disease, nor does it completely protect those around. What it does is that it minimizes the area of your breath release. “It’s really a perfectly good public health intervention that’s not used,” argues KK Cheng, a public health expert at the University of Birmingham. “It’s not to protect yourself. It’s to protect people against the droplets coming out of your respiratory tract.”
That’s just COMMON SENSE. PERIOD. Your argument for “immune suppression” is not that strongly supported, in this case. And you, dumbing down, to refer to others as part of the “low IQ mob who fall for the propaganda”, are out of line. I use the mask sparingly, primarily when in a “public space” as you’d find yourself in any grocery store. My daughter wears them far more frequently in light of my 8 year grandchild who has health conditions such that this virus would more likely kill him. Low IQ?? Give me a f***ing break. Your hyperbole I understand to a point, but here, you’ve crossed the line.
You likely may not agree with my post, but my warning is to watch carefully when you may find yourself falling into the “mental/emotional” trap of absolutism, where only what you think is right. Like I said at the beginning, I do support much of what you have brought to ‘light’ re the issues I’ve listed. I’m suggesting, strongly, that the use of overly emotional rhetoric won’t win you the arguments you seek. It’s just another use of “violent language” which can be compared to the idiocy of our current president. Thank God, he’ll be gone in November, along with the rest of his sycophantic mob and family. I’ve been around for over 70 years and know well the machinations of govt and how greed has ruined our Republic; Trump has made it worse. I know you support him, but that’s sad, in and of itself. The facts will tell you otherwise, and I don’t mean from mainstream, controlled media. Oh yes, and “voter fraud” is a joke of an issue and is nothing compared to “voter suppression” efforts that have been ongoing
So, to be clear, I’ll continue to support the vast majority of the important work you’ve been doing because I truly believe in it, as I know how right it is. One last thing, I did listen to the interview that Charlene had with Zach Vohries which went well except for the reference to Project Veritas’ James O’Keefe. I know you believe differently, but with absolute clear evidence (I’ve been investigating for over 30 years), O’Keefe is a fraud. His video on an abortion “sting” was a major joke and example of poor editing technique. And his ruse impersonation of a “pimp” and a successful ruin of Acorn, a very legitimate organization was blatantly pathetic, and only resulted in what was a great service to people. EVERY lie he told about the organization was easily debunked. He’s a “conservative tool” who’ll do whatever it takes, irrespective of ethics or morals, to achieve his own agenda. Supporting this fool only casts a negative shadow upon your selves.
Allow to bring to you a little more clarity about myself. I’m politically a “progressive”, not a “centrist Dem.” I detest the central part of the Dem party as I detest what the Republican party has become: sycophantic, corrupt, mean-spirited and greed-driven which suits Trump to a tee. I researched him in the 80’s and his record of business undertakings was a very dark experience and he’s lived up to his this ‘dark’ reputation. I’m a “socialist democrat” who understands what socialism actually means, knowing that it has NOTHING to with communism or totalitarian systems as was the case under Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini, China and now Russia (Putin).
Being a “social dem” simply means being a democrat who supports a healthy social safety net as did FDR. We’re headed back in that direction with a more enlightened approach. Reading up on Noam Chomsky would be a great experience for you. And, it’s this kind of system that will actually, in time, have the ability to honestly hold in-check, the govt abuses we’ve been witnessing since the days of Reagan. Taking an honest look behind the curtain is what really needs to be done. Think about Trump’s strategy of blocking every possible witness he could… the question that’s begged is what was he hiding?? The answer is obvious. Even most every mental-health profession organizations and their members have easily seen him for his pathology of narcissism. You ask others to keep an open mind to the controversial issues you continue to shed light upon…you also need to be vigorous with yourselves…
Best to you both…
Hi Ralph!
Thank you for sharing your opinion, and we’re glad that you feel this is a safe place to do so.
Blessings, Brianna
Thanks for such a well-written and concise article. Your referencing of Dr. Russel Blacklock add credibility. Another article that expounds his research and common sense is found at https://childrenshealthdefense.org/news/the-risks-vs-benefits-of-face-masks-is-there-an-agenda/
I am doing all I can to educate the community I live in but it is difficult because we live in a glyphosate and GMO infested farming area. Many of those who live here have drunk the kool-aid for decades. I myself am a cancer survivor thanks to the information found on TTAC. We all must continue to speak up.
I’m getting push back on facebook for sharing Dr. Blaylock’s article and the Childrens Health Defense article that refers to it. Apparently there is a group trying to sound legitimate called ‘health feedback’. They use alot of empty words to try to discredit Dr. Blaylock’s opinion. I don’t know how to remove the fact check alert from my post on facebook, yet, but I am trying to learn more how to argue with them.
By the way, the article you reference under fact #1 has bern retracted; no doubt pressured by the CDC because it goes against tbe narrative.
Thank you for all you’re doing.
You’re talking specifically about cotton and surgical masks. what about N-95, N99 or N100 masks? Don”t they filter out 95% of particulates – including virus particulates? wouldnt that reduce the viral load if you breathed in particles from an infected person?
It doesn’t seem to matter to many people if you show them the statistics or medical facts about not wearing masks they refuse to believe it. The World Health Organization said three days ago that healthy people should not wear masks unless treating a Covid 19 person. I think what we have in America are a lot of people who have mental problems combined with a lack of faith being afraid of death even though the statistics for dying from Covid 19 are less than one percent.
You hit the nail on the head although I know many believers who have fallen hook, line and sinker for this mandate. The issue is too much information and too little truth. It’s very difficult to discern the truth amongst so many lies.
Many people think that wearing a mask is going to protect a person from getting COVID-19, is it? People still get the virus just the same because people have the tendency of touching their faces, their masks, and reusing the masks again.
I agree with the studies and wish I didn’t have to wear a mask, but unless I welcome getting kicked out of all the stores I need to frequent, I acquiesce to wearing one while I’m inside the store. Yes, it’s a slight inconvenience, but I’m not in the store very long and if it make the management happy, I do it. Someday the business world will become educated enough so that they won’t require masks, but until they do, I’m not going to make a scene like that Costco customer did in the video. It’s such a an insignificant act and it’s not worth getting all stressed out about! Costco is a private business and private businesses have always made their own rules, so if customers don’t want to follow those rules, they should shop somewhere else.
Whatever our personal stance, shops have their own policies, and it is only right that we show respect. Don’t think of yourself only : when shopping, have consideration for the sensitivities of other shoppers. If you can’t even do that, what good is all your sharing on all the health issues ? Which brings me to the next point : your political commentaries are getting too much for me. Also, mixing politics with religion ? Not wise.
By the way, the Truth sets us free from delusions as well. So if we really trust in the Lord, and not lean on our own understanding, is it Christ- like to incite to disobedience and lawlessness for things that are beyond our control ? (Proverbs 3 : 5 and 6 happen to be one of my favorite too.)
actually to resist evil may mean you appear disobedient to the “authorities” exercising their evil. we are to resist evil at all times. even the angels were involved in warfare to defend heaven from satan and his fallen minion angels so fighting evil is not pleasant but it must be done.
actually to resist evil may mean you appear disobedient to the “authorities” exercising their evil. we are to resist evil at all times. Jesus cleared the temple of the evil greedy swine making a mockery of His house of prayer, which I imagine you would not consider Christ-like if someone did that today in one of the churches that do the same thing(s). heck, even the angels were involved in warfare to defend heaven from satan and his fallen minion angels so fighting evil is not pleasant but it must be done.
Christine Loo
With all do respect, you took Proverbs 3:5-6 KJV completely out of context. “Trust in THE LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways ACKNOWLEDGE HIM, in all thy ways, and HE shall direct thy path”. We are commanded to “trust in the Lord”, not in unjust laws & poli-trick-ians! Proverbs is a book of wisdom, inspired by the Holy Spirit of God. However, mere common sense tells us to not restrict our very own breathing, regardless of what man says. The Lord created us with no covering over our mouths & nostrils for a reason. We are not dolphins or whales, who were created with coverings, that keep them from drowning. As believers in Christ Jesus, we must defy any authority and/or law that causes physical or mental harm to us. Remember, we are the temple of the loving God, and the Holy Spirit lives in us. If any man destroys God’s temple, God will destroy him.
I totally agree with Ty, Dr. Blaylock and everyone else who is sounding the alarm about wearing masks hour after hour, day by day. One poster mentioned something about surgeons or healthcare workers wearing masks. Not only are they working in a “known” infectious environment. I hear that the “real” purpose of healthcare workers wearing masks in an operating room is for the “PATIENTS” protection.
In April of 2020. My employer decided to mandate mask wearing. Before that time. Wearing a mask hadn’t crossed my mind. I am not a doctor. But I have been around long enough to know how viruses are spread. Simply put. There has to be an excretion of bodily fluid into the air (cough or sneeze droplets), or the bodily fluids must somehow travel from an infected individual into the bloodstream of another body. And who’s to say what amount of cough or sneeze droplets can or will severely infect a healthy individual?The way I see it. My body has to be in an environment to catch a communicable disease. I don’t rule out an air-borne contagion being sprayed into the atmosphere by nefarious individuals.
From those who remember. In the 1980’s, shared needles among IV drug users were stated as one cause of spreading the aids virus. Blood transfusions were also listed as spreading the virus, since donated blood wasn’t tested for aids in the beginning. I was surprised that healthcare workers from the Red Cross weren’t wearing gloves when they took blood donations in the early 80’s. I know they didn’t because I was donating blood before the healthcare workers started wearing the gloves.
Recently the CDC has changed it’s tune about wearing masks. At first they said to not wear masks. Then they recommended we wear masks. Now they’re again saying healthy people don’t need to wear a mask. Dr. Fauci has recently flipfloped on the mask wearing frenzy too. I’ve heard people say that scared folks should stay at home. I totally agree. No one should have to live their lives enslaved by the fears and emotions of others. And if I am lucky enough to be asymptotic regarding any virus. I can’t infect anyone unless my bodily fluids are entering their lungs or into their bloodstream.
For those who have to wear a mask for work, shopping, etc. I highly recommend the face shields. They don’t restrict my breathing. They don’t block my nostrils when I inhale. Hot air doesn’t blow up my face every time I exhale. And they are “liquid proof.” They can be wiped down (cleaned) with hydrogen peroxide and reused. They are also great to use when cutting the grass to keep dust and grass out your nose and off your face. Find them on eBay.
If it doesn’t prevent you from picking up a virus it also doesnt prevent you from spreading it obviously. If you read the full article you would see that the virus particle is way smaller than what the mask blocks so even if you sneeze with it on your face its still going to pass through.
I’m wearing a face mask because I’m just tired of nasty folk having no regard for others…coughing in my face.and not bothering to put their hands over their mouth or turn away.
Just no regard —at all. Spreading germs. That’s my MAIN reason for wanting to wear one.
But I see, that’s the norm for some.
More on distancing and masks. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lf6yBeXmzCo
Thank you for this article! I have been boycotting stores since the begging of this that require their employees to wear masks. It should be a choice. When Costco said that they will be requiring masks. We pulled out our membership. Now going to only stores that are being reasonable and it has been so much better and peaceful when shopping!!!
I went back to work last month and was told to wear a mask and gloves. I did it for six hours, fought panic attacks, and my lungs hurt bad afterwards. That evening when going to bed had the sensation of a mask on my face and had another panic attack. I’m not able to go back to work, since they require masks and it is destructive to my health and they will not work with me.
You may also notice that Cal Perry’s mask APPEARS to be one like a friend of mine wears, that is a filter for pollen only (not viruses or bacteria) as you can breathe out through the filter…. His allergies are much better as a result!
Here in Ireland, even though it is not mandatory to ware masks, some people do. I haven’t experienced anyone being restricted from shopping or otherwise if they are not wearing a mask. But we are asked to stay home as much as possible and we cannot travel longer distances. We are also told that only 4 persons from different households can meet outdoors, keeping a 2 metres distance from each other. So I can’t bring my children to visit their grandparents who live 1 hour away. Yet today I came across a Facebook video of a group of Gardai, I think there were 6 of them, who delivered a birthday cake to their fellow man, an 80 years old. The Gardai were wearing gloves, the man wasn’t. After they presented the cake to him, he went on to shake hands with all 6 of them. So it seems that the safety measures are for some, but not all. The Police can go and deliver a birthday cake to an elderly man and shake his hand, yet my family is not allowed to meet up.
I didn’t read through all the comments. But I can share my personal experience… I wore a mask a week ago because my hubby Earl wanted me to. I understood. I was coughing and sneezing due to allergies. I struggled through Safeway, but at one point almost doubled over the cart. I was panting. I gave up and went outside, pulled off the mask and leaned up against the post for about five minutes. After panting, swallowing, and praying, I walked to a ledge and sat there for maybe another five or so minutes before my hubby joined me. By that point, I was breathing better. And by the time he got the groceries loaded, I was okay. Not great but okay. I debate what to do next time. We don’t have a lot of options for shopping. I’m thinking about buying a T-shirt saying, “It’s allergies! Don’t bug me or I’ll file with the ADA.”
Where do you guys live Ty? I have yet to wear a mask in San Diego county, until the last two weeks I’ve gotten away with it fairly easily. It is getting increasingly harder to refuse without some kind of harassment. I always wonder where my other mask-free compadres are living and breathing 🙂 Thank you for all this information, I am an RN and have been fighting this since the beginning. I do know what it is like to take care of sick patients, most major and scary diseases I have come into contact with in my 13+ years career, and I know what it’s like to wear PPE and masks in the healthcare setting. I still get so frustrated about this issue as it seems to be ramping up instead of easing. Really if we were trying to prevent spread using masks, why didn’t we wear them in the beginning when the “threat” was “perceived” as higher. Bogus. Blessings on your mission!
FYI some of the links on your article are not working 🙁 namely the two link with the reporters. The behind the scenes footage one and the one with reporter Collins
Hi Barbara! Thank you for letting us know.
Did you send this to the White House or to at least Fox News? I’ve been against the masks since the beginning. Everything that is written here makes sense. Luckily, I have only worn a mask a couple of times, because our governor of Texas says we don’t have to. But, I have gotten looks when I go to the grocery store from the mask wearers. People are fearful so they go along with this nonsense.
Please get this information out to those making these decisions. I am not relishing going back to school to teach children wearing a mask!
Thank you so much! I posted these articles on Facebook the other day and was surprised that I only got a few comments.
Just ran across an article entitled:
Best way to reduce coronavirus transmission is by wearing a face mask, study finds
Here’s the introduction–which I find credible…
NEW YORK (CNN) — The new coronavirus spreads mainly via airborne transmission and wearing a mask is the most effective way to stop person-to person spread, according to a new study.
A team of researchers in Texas and California compared COVID-19 infection rate trends in Italy and New York both before and after face masks were made mandatory. Both locations started to see infection rates flatten only after mandatory face mask measures were put in place, according to the study published Thursday in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
The researchers calculated that wearing face masks prevented more than 78,000 infections in Italy between April 6 and May 9, and more than 66,000 infections in New York City between April 17 and May 9.
“Wearing of face masks in public corresponds to the most effective means to prevent interhuman transmission, and this inexpensive practice, in conjunction with simultaneous social distancing, quarantine, and contact tracing, represents the most likely fighting opportunity to stop the COVID-19 pandemic, prior to the development of a vaccine” they wrote.
so no double blind controlled study just a educated guess on what “flattened the curve”
wow………….thats rock solid”science”
Regarding the 12 facts we know – the article given in the source for the first reason has been retracted.
You didn’t read the whole article, didn’t you? It specifically stated that HEALTHY PEOPLE SHOULD WEAR MASKS ONLY WHEN TAKING CARE OF SOMEONE WHO ALREADY HAS THE VIRUS! Obviously, that would include your wife, since her job is caring for Coronavirus patients.
The next time, read the entire story, not just bits and pieces of it.
If you believe the garbage, stop using any other filters, no coffee filters, no water filters, no oil filters and air filters in your cars, no cigarettes with filters, no fly screens, no cat protection nets, no more underpants, no toilet paper. ..
ha ha this made me laugh – so untrue with respect to how the body functions, yet so true with respect to how a car functions or a coffee maker. apples and orange comparison idiocy apparently.
I’m sorry but wearing face masks is nothing more than CONTROL. I’ve done my homework like the Bollingers have. The corona virus can only be seen under an electron microscope it is THAT SMALL. As Dr. Ryan Cole stated this virus can TRAVEL THROUGH ANYTHING and that includes masks. From what I’ve read cloth masks are the worst. And those ones we purchase in the store should be used ONLY ONCE AND THROWN AWAY. But who does that?
Did you know that a group of concerned parents in Gainesville, Florida in June 2021 were concerned about potential harms from masks. They submitted 6 face masks to a lab for analysis. The resulting report found that 5 MASKS WERE CONTAMINATED WITH BACTERIA, PARASITES AND FUNGI. This included 3 with DANGEROUS PATHOGENIC AND PNEUMONIA CAUSING BACTERIA. These masks also detectied:
11 alarming dangerous tathogens on the masks
Streptococcus pneumoniae or pneumonia
Mycobacteriym tuberculoisis or TB
Meningitus, and sepsis
Echerichia coli or food poisoning
Lyme disease
Legionnaires disease
Half of the masks were contaminated with one of more strains of pneumonia causing bacteria. One third were contaminated with one or more strains of meningitis causing bacteria. One third were contaminated with dangerous, antibiotic resistant bacterial pathogens.
The masks studied were newly or freshly laundered before wearing and had been worn for 5 to 8 hours most during in person schooling by children agres 6 through 11. One was worn by an adult. A tee shirt worn by one of the children at school and unworn masks were tested as controls. NO PATHOGENS were found on the controls.
These local parents contracted with the lab because they were concerned about the potential of contaminants on masks that their children were forced to wear all day at school, taking them on and off, setting them on various survaces, and wearing them in the bathroom, etc. This prompted them to send the masks to the University of Florida’s Mass Spectomety Research and Education Center for analysis. And if you think this is an isolated incident, think again!
I do like your description of what happens to mask wearers. It would be nice and better explained to people who watch you put a mask on and show the results on the meter. You already have the video. Just make that portion free for anyone to see