It never ceases to amaze me how our bodies are uniquely equipped to scavenge and eliminate the literally thousands of different toxins we encounter on a daily basis. We are continuously exposed to things like environmental pollution, processed foods, pharmaceutical drugs, contaminated water, and countless other sources of exposure.
And what’s even more amazing to me is that our bodies are designed to do all this…
Even while we’re simultaneously metabolizing nutrients from the foods we eat, regulating our blood sugar levels, producing the hormones we need for life, and all-around maintaining a homeostatic (balanced) state so we can function normally from day to day.
In an ideal world, this process would run smoothly. This is because the amount of good things going into our bodies as fortification would far exceed the amount of bad things. Thus, a toxic overload situation would not occur. Sadly, this isn’t an ideal world!
There are upwards of 70,000 industrial chemicals currently in commercial use, and another 1,000 new ones being introduced every single year. By the way, the vast majority of new chemicals are never properly safety tested and many people are being chemically ambushed.
It happens to such a degree that our bodies are no longer able to eliminate toxins fast enough. This often leads to a toxin-induced health crisis.
Our bodies need additional reinforcements. In other words, we simply aren’t getting the level of nutrient support we need to protect our vital organs from damage and possible shutdown. Our most critical systems of detoxification, the liver being the most prominent, can only take so much abuse before eventually failing. This is why we have to go above and beyond the norm to protect them with supplemental support.
Why Your Liver Needs Milk Thistle
Your body’s primary line of defense against toxins is the liver, which performs more than 300 critical metabolic functions beyond just detoxification. Without our livers, we would very quickly die, which is why we need powerful, liver-protective herbs like milk thistle (Silybum marianum) in our lives.
The health benefits of milk thistle are extensive, and include protection against the various metabolic burdens that cause liver damage and liver failure. Milk thistle is also combative against diabetes, seasonal allergies, metabolic syndrome, gastrointestinal problems, and cancer.
One of the most powerful liver-protective herbs known to man, milk thistle has a solid track record in the scientific literature of exhibiting antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antifibrotic (preventing tissue scarring) properties. Milk thistle seeds, and extracts made from these seeds, have long been used as a natural therapeutic to guard against liver damage.
Recent research published in the journal Current Pharmaceutical Biotechnology affirms that silymarin, a lipophilic extract made from milk thistle seeds, mitigates oxidative stress resulting from both alcoholic and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.
Silymarin contains three compounds − silybin, silydianin, and silychristin − that work together to prevent toxins from overburdening the liver. This in turn helps prevent a cascade of other liver failure-related diseases from forming. These include conditions like atherosclerosis, neurodegenerative disease, and cancer.
Other milk thistle compounds like silibinin perform similar functions. They help to counter the toxic effects of mycotoxins, organic solvents, pharmaceutical drugs, ethanol, and other substances to which humans are routinely exposed in the modern world.
The ability of silymarin to directly alter the membranes of liver cells gives it a unique ability to stimulate cell regeneration. This means it has the potential to reverse liver damage that’s already occurred. Its antioxidant potential has also been shown to not only stop inflammation but trigger the formation of glutathione. Glutathione is the body’s “master” antioxidant that, based on its immense mechanistic actions, holds the key to vibrant health and longevity.
Silymarin marianum Respected in Scientific Literature
Milk thistle is so effective at preventing and treating inflammatory liver conditions that it holds a coveted spot in the rank of German Commission E Monographs, a repository of the world’s most respected and clinically-proven herbal and phytonutrient medicines. Milk thistle is duly regarded in the scientific literature as a protective agent against nerve damage, abnormal brain aging, and cardiovascular disease.
Milk Thistle as a Cancer Treatment
Published studies on milk thistle’s anti-cancer potential show its effectiveness against cancers of the skin, prostate, liver, lung, breast, colon, cervix, and ovaries.
Milk thistle is also powerfully chemoprotective (meaning it protects against damage from cancer drugs). This is why it’s often used as an adjunct in conventional cancer care to help mitigate the toxic effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
The silymarin component of the herb offsets the growth and persistence of various types of cancer cells, including those associated with prostate, skin, and liver cancers. Likewise it exhibits general anti-metastatic activity, meaning it helps prevent cancer cells from spreading throughout the body and infecting other organs.
Other milk thistle constituents such as silibinin and isosilybin B show their own unique promise in preventing and treating cancer as well. Studies have shown that silibinin extracts derived from milk thistle used both internally and topically help protect against skin cancer.
The Effect of Milk Thistle on Prostate Cancer
Oral ingestion of silibinin has also shown efficacy in preventing the growth, spread, and metastasis of prostate cancer cells, working in part by inducing cell cycle arrest.
Isosilybin B is likewise effective in targeting prostate cancer. It helps to maintain healthy prostate cell division inside the body while suppressing the secretion of prostate-specific antigen (PSA), a common marker of the disease’s presence and spread. Isosilybin B has also shown efficacy in fighting both hormone-dependent and hormone-independent prostate cancers. It is also efficacious in suppressing a genetic factor linked to the disease’s formation.
How to Take Milk Thistle
Milk thistle can be taken as a powder or liquid extract, or in tablet or capsule form. Both powdered milk thistle and milk thistle seeds can be brewed into a tea. However, many of the healing compounds found in the plant’s seeds are not easily steeped into hot water. This is why some health practitioners recommend eating the seeds whole or grinding them up and adding them to food or drink.
While there’s no official standard for a therapeutic milk thistle dosage, typical usage amounts range from anywhere between 140 milligrams (for mild conditions like seasonal allergies) to 600 milligrams (for more serious health conditions) of silymarin. This should be divided into two or three doses taken throughout the day.
Potential Side Effects of Taking Silymarin
Milk thistle side effects are generally mild, and both animal and human studies have shown the herb to be generally non-toxic. But taking higher doses can result in upset stomach and diarrhea. This is due to increased bile secretion and flow, which can also result in a laxative effect. Health authorities advise against pregnant and breastfeeding women using silymarin. If you’re allergic to ragweed, yarrow, daisies, chamomile, chrysanthemums, or marigolds, you should also avoid taking this powerful herb.
We read about numerous herbs, spices, oils, etc and their positive health effects at TTAC site. So much so, that it is overwhelming and confusing. Do I take Essiac tea, milk thistle, pao d’arco tea, turmeric, astragalus together? Do I alternate? How much? Do I use this in conjunction with essential oils? Which ones? Internally injested? Rubbed on my feet, head or neck? There are multiple juicing references at this site and other foods deemed to reduce the risk of cancer or help in recovery from cancer. Which one for what purpose? Every day it seems there is another food, oil, supplement, etc that is written about, but there is no real indication how to combine use these things in conjunction with the other foods, oils, supplements, etc published the day, week, or month before. We can’t possible take everything that is written about on a daily basis. Some of these are anti-inflammatory, so shouldn’t be taken with other anti-inflammatory items. Is there anything that consolidates all of these numerous options, puts it into a concise form? For example, a menu of anti-inflammatory supplements/teas and an option to say “Pick 2.” Next category, “Pick 1.”, and so on. Perhaps this already exists, or perhaps for legal reasons, you can’t provided recommendations. It’s frustrating to see all of the promise of various foods, supplements, oils, etc, but not knowing the combinations of use.
I live on a social security check and SSI I’m barely can buy the food so I have no money for a health practitioner. I have maxed out credit cards just buying the supplements but I have chosen a few and my tumor markers keep going down so I’m happy with that. And I have turn my life over to God which is the best medicine of all I feel better just doing that you. I am fighting stage 4 breast cancer. I do not believe in chemo or radiation anyway they said it’s too far gone for that anyway you. It’s been one year and I am still here thank you Jesus
Hello Dottie…..On-line info: Ozone kills cancer cells on contact. Visit: May be doctors near you for this type of therapy. What we eat also very important……Go to
Bll K
Dottie: There is a website called: that will give you what they call “the dirt cheap protocol” for fighting cancer. Also, a cheap book but very good by Dr. Mark Sircus called “Sodium Bicarbonate: Nature’s Unique First Aid Rememdy: where it explains a DIRT cheap remedy for killing cancer cells dead! You have to alkalinize your body but it’s cheap and easy to do and there’s a good journal entry from a man who actually did it. I bought the book off Amazon. HOpe that helps!
Dr, Sircus also has a web site she can go to and sign up for his free newsletters. I find them very helpful and informativie. Dottie, don’t know if it will help, but it can’t hurt. Forty or more years ago, my breast were mostly fibroid lumps. Scared hell out of my lab partner and head of our nurse clinician program when we did physical exams on each other. They were aghast at my relaxed attitude toward them which was I didn’t bother to check them periodically because as many of them as I had, it would be impossible to find a new kid on the block if one appeared. I also had the attitude that if you removed all my lumps, I would have no breast. I added vitamin E
400 IU per day to my vitamins and minerals regimen and was surprised to find my lumps had disappeared a few months later.
There are many natural remedies for cancer. Two of them are turmeric and ground ginger. Both of them kill cancer cells without harming normal ones. A good place to buy both is any asian market where you can get a bag of a pound or more for much less than you will pay at bakery sections of local stores. Both are in the same family, but turmeric is said to also work in the brain, where the ginger does the same thing, but only from the neck down. Dandelion root tea is also said to kill cancer cells without harming normal cells.
Cut out all sugar as cancer cells thrive on it, but sugar makes the body acid. The baking soda (sodium bicarbonate) protocol is easy to find on line but the basics are 1 teaspoonful in a glass of water 2 times per day for one week then 1/2 teaspoonful in glass of water 2 times per day for 2 weeks – take a break for a week or two and then repeat the 3 week cycle.
If you have a yard that isn’t covered in snow, you should be able to find plenty of dandelion roots even now in winter. Don’t know any dosage, but half a root 2 or 4 times per day steeped in boiling water probably would be safe and effective.
Really can’t see any harm in doing turmeric, baking soda, and dandelion root all 3 at the same time, but you might want to cycle them one at a time.
Another important thing for your immune system is probiotics. The best and cheapest way to get them is to go on line and look for recipe for fermenting vegetables or for making kimche. A kumbucha mushroom (which really isn’t a mushroom but a pad of good little guys that symbiotically grow in our intestines) if you are lucky enough to find someone with one in your area. I am trying to find one myself at the present time. Anyone in the 37080 area code that has one or two to spare, please e mail me at You will also need the recipe for making the kumbucha tea and you will soon find yourself trying to find more people who want them.
PS – you will also find some good videos on the natural remedies for cancer on Just type what subject you want to watch videos on in their search window.
Dottie, please take this advice, please, please – I had a lump in my neck and a large lump in my spine – I went to apricots from God – the first day I took 20 at 11:00 AM and 20 at 2:00PM – on the second day I did the same, on the 3 day I took 20 at 11:00 AM and as they warned me it you take to many at once as I MY BLOOD PRESSURE WOULD DROP – PASS OUT well I just made it to bed before passing out – I also went to sleep for about an hour when I awoke I found out my lumps were gone and when I went to have my biopsies done which would only take 5 minutes after 25 minutes the doctor came into the ultra-sound room to see that was taking so long – the tech. said she couldn’t find any lumps – I had already knew that – look into this four your own life=safety
What are apricots from God?
Wow I take them too for leukemia. Apricots from God is a site that sells appricot seeds, which natually contain B17. I personally take about 20 a day but spread then out in a 16 hour period. Wow Taken 20 at once seems dangerous due to toxcity, since B17 is known to kill cancer cells as a natrual form of chemo. A good book on B17 called a world without cancer explains the research and cover up of B17 by big pharma.
Money for products and for the specialists is too much for too many.
You have find the most important remedy, Jesus!
Ps. Two things which I can suggest. Ozone and Colloidal silver generators. You have to purchase them but using is almost free. You should make little research though.
Dottie grow healthy vegetables and herbs and find wild weeds, herbs and vegetables near where you live. Make teas or tinctures of the herbs. There are innumerable and they are free or dirt cheap.
You all might check out, Starwest Botanicals. They have a very good selection of herbs and medicinals
at reasonable prices in bulk.
Happy trails and good health…
Nick, you make a good point, which is why I suggest Sari AgeGard as a convenient foundation supplement. It has 14 ingredients, including 2 Swiss plant stem cell extracts and 3 sources of amygdalin, that are combined synergistically in one convenient 10g sachet to protect and nourish every organ and tissue from cancer, cardio-vascular disease and diabetes. I am happy to send you a brochure if you send me an email address.
Ty and Nick—I do agree with Nick’s comments. I think most people need a program or direction from you guys. I have gone to multiple naturopaths,, and to be honest, they could never assimilate all this information. You’ve done a fantastic job doing research, but you have a lot of connections that the avg doctor simply doesn’t have. Gerson Therapy and other cancer therapies have very specific instructions, so that someone who is just learning all of these things, can know what to do with them.
And in all truth, I avoid naturopathic doctors as much as I do MD’s. I am extremely sick (fungal candida overgrowth), and I’ve had to do all my own research. I’m 45, bedridden….and there is not ONE doctor over the past 9 years who has been able to help me in any way. And I lean toward the natural side of things. That is my bent, I never took meds before I got sick. I had NO idea that candida could cause the types of WEIRD symptoms i was having. And neither did my naturopath, who was the first doctor I went to see.
He messed up so badly (and he’s been around quite a while–he’s not new) that he put me in the hospital with a seizure with what he told me to do. I followed his instructions precisely. And it’s been downhill since then.
I think to tell people to go to a naturopath really won’t help them. Just my opinion from my own life experiences. Personally, I’ll never go to another doctor again. They’ve been useless to me, cost me a ton of money, and have not once been of help. I’m sure if I had a cold or something, they could help. But not with cancer or other chronic illnesses like fungal candida. Sad, but true.
Hi Cindy May, sorry that you are so unwell and have had such bad advice. Oddly the best advice for people suffering from candidiasis I have seen is in Dr Atkin’s famous, or infamous, diet book. I do suggest that you get a copy.
Cindy May your candidiasis might be from mercury or heavy metal toxicity. They go hand in hand. Doctors don’t look for this, so we waste a lot of time feeling sick.
I routinely hear two wonderful lecturers on youtube: Rudy Davis and Barbara O’Neill. Never have I seen so much practical, life-changing info, all in one place–and they keep your attention! Both are international speakers and have their own health retreats, but offer numerous talks online. There IS help out there; those who seek shall find!
Cindy….What kind of candida treatment did he put you on? I have someone suggesting a gradual dose Nystatin protocol. I am a bit timid about taking it.
I’v been thinking just the same. Enormous amount of products but no knowledge what kind of combination would be good and for what?
I totally agree with Nick. Ty, thank you for all your hard work but pls take note of what we are saying: these are all too much information(hours of videos, mthly newsletters etc)! If you really want to help pls focus on just a few natural remedies on which you are able to give comprehensive suggestion/advice on dosage and for what illness. If there are many illnesses/symptoms that a particular herb/remedy (ie. milk thistle) can help, you could share application info through personal stories of someone who has recovered from something using that remedy but let the recoveree elaborate on his sickness, the combination of things he took, the dosage etc. You can share several stories of different recoverees who use the same/similar remedy plus methods they use unique to their situation through several newsletters(in addition to info from professionals that you already provide). Only focus on one herb per period of time(eg 6 mths) with different ways of using before moving onto the next cure/herb. This will help us to get a better idea of how to apply the info you share.
Hi Josephine,
Thanks for the feedback!
Most all you people here want to much and don’t want to do the work yourself. In order to get healthy most people have to dramatically change their lives. And of story. Vast majority of people will not do that. The following one website can keep you busy learning how to help yourself for the rest your life First question to ask anyone about their health problem is what are you willing to do to improve the quality of your health? If anything is the answer then bingo that’s what it takes! I teach the basics to specifics starting with sprouting, juicing, cultures such as KEFIR, kombucha, jun, food dehydration, essential oil’s, anaerobic fermentation, orthomolecular medicine, yoga, etc. it’s endless what you need to learn to get healthy and it is not a destination it is a moment to moment life process. If YOU are willing to take the bull by the horn’s and do the work, then you’re going to get healthier. #1 you must take out the garbage first, in other words detox your body. Stop all toxic sugars and processed dead foods and re-introduce life into your system mind body and spirit.
Hello Nick. This works for some people (myself included) to know the maximum amount of an herb that they should take in a day. Ask someone to help you because you can not do it alone. Take two capsules of the herb at a time and put them in your hand. Close your hand around the capsules (close your fist upward). Now, ask the other person to push down your hand while you try to oppose. Continue adding two capsules until your hand can not resist the other person’s push. Count how many capsules are in your hand and subtract two. Divide the remaining capsules by four. That is the maximum you should take 4 times a day. Example: suppose that your hand goes down at 18 capsules. Subtract two. That leaves 16 capsules. That, divided by 4, gives 4. So, you can take up to 4 capsules 4 times a day. If your hand goes down easily at just two, DO NOT take the herb because you are showing symptoms of a possible allergy, as mentioned at the end of the article, in the case of some people who are allergic to ragweed and other flowers.
I’ve read somewhere that you should only take Milk Thistle with Glutathione…?
Is this for a specific condition?
Where can I buy milk thistle I have colon cancer mestatize to liver on chemo doing ok but would like to get product.
I found many of them on amazon follow link
Please don’t get it from Amazon: it is an extremely dirty organisation (try a search of “boycott amazon” and see for yourself). I like & recommend this ethical supplier:
I buy Milk Thistle at various health Food stores. I find them in the section with all the small 3 ounce bottles of various herbs, etc. They are usually listed alphabetically so easy to locate and costs about $10 – $13 for the bottle which will last about a month.
Would using Milk Thistle help with stage 4 prostate cancer?
Try sublingual Milk Thistle Seed oil extract 1:1, 20 drops four times a day and 10 drops on the skin between your legs and around the prostate area four times a day.
After you have it sublingual for 2 minutes, drink a glass of water.
This is an interesting article. I did not know that milk thistle was used to prevent cancer and any other chronic disease. I am wondering which stores in Canada have milk thistle available?
Silvia, any health food store would have milk thistle in capsule or tincture form. I’m not sure where you are in Canada, I’m in Calgary, and I can find it at Community Natural Foods, Amaranth, or Planet Organic. You can also find it online.
I use a product called Liver Flush by Omega Alpha and it is made in Canada. I take it daily ….its in liquid form …..
Milk Thistle is common in all drug stores with a good supply of health supplements.
Excellent reply, Ty. I was about to say the same thing. Just because it says “Milk Thistle” on the bottle doesn’t mean it’s a good one. Read labels folks! Stay as organic as possible. Look for a good health food store that has educated employees. Beware of drug store brands.
Amanda, I live in Ottawa, Canada. I have a Whole Foods, a Nutrition store, and a few Health Food stores. Do you think that Whole Foods will have it? I do not like ordering products online, because there are too many scams around. I prefer to buy it at a local grocery store.
I’ve tried many brands and can get them at Shopper’s Drug Mart and Noah’s Natural Foods in Toronto. Noah’s is very trustworthy if you want to order online. I have shopped there for 20 years or so (for food and herbs) and they have quite a few brands. From Shopper’s, I get Nature’s Bounty (1000 mg capsules). You can also look into Liv.52 (not Milk Thistle, but another potent herb combo). It is from Himalya Healthcare. They changed their Canadian branding a few years ago and I get them from Ebay now because they tripled the price with the LiverCare brand, which is the same thing, but more expensive.
I would avoid Whole Foods store since they and Monsanto work together to keep our food from being GMO labeled!
40% of Whole Food products are GMOs.
You may as well look at the stores near you. You can also look for recommendations of online sites so that you’re not just picking one blind. For example, I saw many recommendations for, and have ordered from them a few times now, including milk thistle powder, and have been very happy with their products.
Milk Thistle tea leaves: is the whole plant used or leaves only? Is tea less effective?
I use a homeopathic medicine from Boiron the French company, called HISTAMINUM 30CH. I take 5 pellets every morning for my allergies all year round.
I find it excellent and very effective. I am took it a long time ago and never stopped. You buy it from the pharmacy. Some drugstores might have it and it cost less than Wholefood.
Seeds, not leaves.
I was diagnosed with breast ca in 2010. Before I started my chemo, my oncologist sent me to a liver specialist. I was taking Protandim herbal supplement. He noted that it has milk thistle and told me that I should continue taking it because it is good for my liver. My oncologist told me during my treatment that my liver panel is even better than hers. I took Protandim 2x a day during my treatment but after that, I just take it once a day till now and all my lab results has been normal.
Make sure you get a good quality brand or you can buy milk thistle herb tea from any local health food store.
Now Brand, with Canadian,Flag on, and Organika, are two companies that are good.
If you have a Super Store with a health section, you can probably find them there.
Ty, I am concerned. The University of Maryland Medical Center says that Milk Thistle should NOT be used if you have hormone-related cancers such as breast and uterine. Would this mean MT is good for prevention but not if you actually have one of these cancers?
Rosemary, this is exactly what I was wondering and the U of Maryland is not the only source saying Milk Thistle should be avoided by those with hormone-related cancers. A closer look at the inserted leaflet in the box of MT I bought even warns against MT for those with hormone-related cancers. It can be a problem with these short TTAC articles in that they rarely mention those for whom the suggested therapy is contraindicated. My booze-loving hubby now has my MT.
At age 73, I’m in relatively good health despite having a genetic enzyme deficiency in my liver.
For the last two years I’ve been consuming organic milk thistle seed powder from Starwest Botanicals,
I order it online from
I have not noticed any side effects from this product.
all natural herbal tinctures using rum-based alcohol (grain -free !) as the natural solvent.
Can you still use milk thistle if you are doing chemo right now. My friend had cancer in her liver now. This is her 5th bout of cancer.
Can you comment on potential estrogenic effects of milk thistle? I have read that it mimics estrogen and is not recommended for those who have had breast cancer.
I want to know how milk thistle effects your system if you have already had your gallbladder removed. Knowing that it creates more production of bile is this a problem? I have experience pain in the same region was where my gallbladder used to be
Dear Ty,
Thank you for this information. It’s important to know where to buy these items. George Soros bought up GNC and a company here in the UK called Holland & Barrett. So the products they sell are not top quality any longer. Case in point. I developed a bad case of hay fever. So I went to my local Holland & Barrett store as I was sneezing my head off. Vitamin B complex is good for alleviating that allergy, but the B50 I bought was so insufficient that it required 3 tablets to do what one tablet should have done even though it says that Pantothenic Acid, which it lists as 833% of the RDA of the vitamin, is the portion of the vitamin that deals with hay fever. So it would be no different with Milk Thistle. Ultimately, I ordered Pantothenic Acid (B5) from a company here called Simply Supplements, a company you don’t have there in the United States, and it arrived today.
George Soros is a Rothschild agent so no friend of ours. It was Mrs. Rothschild who said many years ago, “If my sons didn’t want war, there would be none.” This will give you an idea of how evil these “people” are.
Arlene Johnson
To access my work, which is internationally acclaimed, click on the icon that says Magazine.
Arlene, you are so right about Soros. He is the epitome of evil and in my country is spending billions subsidizing Hillary and the democrat party.
I guess that the milk thistle I use must be useless then. It has magnesium stearate in it. The brand that I use is Organicka
Walter, most vitamins do have fillers and excipients that are not good for us. It’s ridiculous! You really have to read the label of “other ingredients” to see if it’s a good product or not. You may want to take a magnifying glass with you when you go shopping since most of that stuff is written in 4 pt font 🙂 Or, if you order online, they will have a picture of the ingredients that you can enlarge. Read both “ingredients” AND “other ingredients” section.
They are less likely to have some fillers if you buy a powdered form NOT in a capsule. And tinctures often have fewer fillers. But generally speaking, if you find a company who is committed to quality, then you’ll find most or all of their products don’t have a bunch of (often GMO filler) junk in them.
I buy milk thistle on amazon, 2 different organic brands—TeaTox Life and Frontier. I add the powder to my daily green smoothie 🙂 No fillers whatsoever!
Hi Ty, I live in London. Where is the best place to buy good herbal products eg Milk Thistle?
Thank you Ty…I have made an order so my husband and I can cleanse and repair our bodies the way you and Charlene are! We are grateful for the information in your article and the means to improvement. 🙂
Was loving the article. I had bought some Milk Thistle supplements which just arrived yesterday. The last sentence stopped me dead in my tracks. I am extremely allergic to ragweed, so guess I will not be able to use this product. So glad I read this before taking it. Ragweed is probably my worst allergy and I have many of them. Hate to think what might have happened had I not read the article, and all the way to the end.
Yes, I felt the same way. I have been taking milk thistle in various pill forms for many years, however, without any ill effects. I am extremely allergic to ragweed, daisies, chamomile… on my allergist’s scale of 0 to 4, I was way beyond the 4. So, you may want to give it a (careful) chance.
Speak to a doctor rather than deciding to completely avoid milk thistle based on this one odd comment at the end of the article. As the article mentions earlier, milk thistle can be helpful for allergies, and the only way that would be so is if you ARE allergic to related plants, and can use it to built tolerance and help your body realize that it’s not a dangerous invader that needs a full-on immune response. This is like how eating raw local honey can help with allergies to local pollen. I’m allergic to ragweed in the air, but often use milk thistle in powdered form, though in very small amounts, with no ill effects, and if anything, my allergies are more mild than they were in the past. I only use about 1/4 tsp in smoothies, a few times a week. Most people with ragweed or the other allergies listed would probably be fine, and even helped, by small amounts of milk thistle, so again, speak to a doctor or allergist and see if you want to try introducing milk thistle to your diet in small amounts and documenting any effects, rather than completely avoiding it based on a vague sentence at the end of an article.
Seven years ago I had severe allergies including ragweed. I suffered from these allergies since I was 9 years old. Since doing herbal cleanses starting seven years ago, my allergies are totally gone and it started right after the first cleanse. Toxins in your body are keeping it from working properly.
Good article… usual.My horse loves to carefully eat the heads of Scotch thistles ( milk thistles) when she sees the odd one. She knows it’s good for her!
I’m wondering whether it’s available in Brazil. t\That is where I live. ships internationally and they carry the Gaia Herbs brand which is a very good company who grows many of their own herbs organically. All their herbs are tested for heavy metals and are coded so you know where they were grown.
I know a person who had primary cancer in her breast, a few months ago, got chemotherapy etc and now has secondaries in her lungs. She is 37 years of age and had to have fluid drained from her lungs this week. I have tried to get her to look at getting into a hospice, instead of depending on a general hospital, which is always full, but the fear that the word hospice, causes her to reject it out of hand. As you are aware, chemotherapy etc, doesn’t kill cancer stem cells and that is why people get secondaries, which will kill them in the end.
I remember reading a book by Lance Armstrong on his cancer. He stated that he read everything he could find on his cancer and then decided, but most people are sheep and once the “gods of oncology” speak, they bow to what they command, not knowing that most of them would refuse to have chemotherapy, if they or their family had cancer.
What I cannot understand is, during chemotherapy, why don’t they give these patients vitamin drips or vitamin injections?
Are they soooooooooooooooooooooooo ignorant that they don’t know that the first thing that affects patients, is their diet.
They are sick and don’t feel like eating and so this weakens the body more.
I think ALL Oncology units should have a person strictly for the patient, who educates them on different types of treatment for their cancer.
The sociopath oncologists would not allow that! You see, they think they are “god”!
Can they not see that this MUSTARD GAS was created to kill?
Nitrogen mustard drugs are extremely toxic. In fact, they can actually cause cancer as well as help cure it. Medical personnel who prepare these medications must wear protective garb such as gloves and avoid inhaling the powder. According to, treatment with Mustargen can result in the patient developing a second malignant tumor, and the International Agency for Research on Cancer calls it a “probable carcinogen,” or cancer-causing agent.
Although mustard gas in its original form is not used as a treatment for lung cancer, nitrogen mustard derivatives are still in use. Cancer is a life-threatening medical condition. If you have questions or concerns, talk to a health care professional”.
I guess that says it all
[Nitrogen mustard drugs are extremely toxic. In fact, they can actually cause cancer as well as help cure it]
was your intention to link to optimoxx cleanse? I wanted to see how you and Charlene use the milk thistle.
I discovered Milk Thistle as the only known natural cure for mushroom poisoning (fraction of a gram of Galerina Autumnalis) just as I was about ready to go on dialysis. I won’t go into gory details but you probably wouldn’t want to die that way. Just 8 – 240 mg tabs totally reversed the sitcom. I’ve taken it regularly ever since for about ten years now. One side effect may be that ticks won’t stick to you. To be honest I don’t know if it’s the Thistle or Saw Palmetto or possibly even some other herb or supplement I take but I believe it’s the thistle. I’m a landscaper and I used to have a big problem with ticks. Amazingly I haven’t had to pull a tick off in years,
Nick, I completely agree with all of your comments because they echo mine. Thank you.
Also, I Agree with Jeanne and expected to see milk- whistle related information. Thanks.
Great Article, I have been studying natural health for year. This article is right on. Add Dandelion along with Milk thistle and my oh my do you have a power punch and it helps evaporate excess estrogen out of females bodies with estrogen issues. Results are seen within a week with a cleanse….
Will this replace Tamoxiphen or other hormone blocker pill?
How do you take Milk Thistle?? With or without food?? Should it be taken on an empty stomach??
When I had been in the Army, in 1971 I was sent TDY to Ft Sam Houston for allergy testing. I tested +4 to almost all plants they tested me on. The allergist, after I had told him about having had Stevens-Johnsons reaction four times, had told me anytime a doctor wanted to start me on a new medicine I needed to tell him that my allergies were so bad that unless taking the medicine was a matter of life and death, I probably should avoid it. Most of my life threatening reactions have been to antibiotics or narcotics, as far as medicines are concerned though and I do my best to avoid anything in those categories like the plague. The ragweed allergy is bad enough that my ENT doctor usually has to put me on steroids during the height of ragweed season, as well as cedar season, and when the oaks pollinate in the spring. He usually has to give me long action steroid shots, I can’t remember what the name of the particular steroid is, I think Deconate, or something like that.
I have been told that today, in the all volunteer Army, I would have never been accepted with my severe allergies. I have had them all of my life, I remember lining up every morning for our vitamin pill, our glass of orange juice, and our allergy pill. Copiranol (sp?) I think it was called.
While I was in the Army, I was going to be profiled out of the Washington DC area for allergies, and when I was stationed at Ft Leavenworth, was given a few skin tests for allergies and got a +4 on both wool and feathers, so was told I had to get a hypoallergenic pillow and blanket. The Army would not provide them and I was told to get my own, so I was the only WAC in the barracks with a hot pink thermal blanket rather than the olive drab wool Army blanket on my bed. Had a bit of fun with that one. Also could not wear my winter greens, had to wear my summer dress uniform year round. And had never before used a feather pillow, once I got rid of the wool blanket and feather pillow did a lot better.
gena64, thank you for sharing your story, and for your service to our country. It’s appreciated! Hope your allergies are better now. 🙂
I know the detox claims to be organic, but does it say it anywhere on the packaging?
Milk thistle is also used to help start milk flow when breast feeding… where did you get your information about breastfeeding women not taking it?
Am in need of a good and substantial source of B-17 or laetrile there are too many fly by nights sources on the internet.
Apple seeds and apricot seeds both contain B17.
I use apricots from God and Apricot power. I prefer the natural form (seed) then capsules since it in teens B-17, be 15 along with enzymes. Apricot power sells a bag of apricot pits you have to break open yourself. I like them this way because its less oxidized and in the most natural state.
Walter–sometimes it is hard to find brands without excipients and fillers like magnesium stearate. I buy the brand I can afford with the least amount of “other ingredients”. The perfect supplement will have NO fillers, as Ty said. I haven’t used your brand, so I don’t know if it’s worthless. But I’d be looking for another brand that didn’t have magnesium stearate. OR another option is to get a tincture instead of capsules. Tinctures are liquid, so they generally don’t have fillers and binders. They will likely come in a base of organic alcohol or vegetable glycerin. I can’t tolerate the vegetable glycerin (and learned it acts as a sugar….so that explains why), so I buy my tinctures in organic alcohol. Obviously it’s an infinitesimal amount of alcohol. If they didn’t tell you it was in there, you wouldn’t know. You’re not going to get a buzz off of your herbal tincture!
Thanks for the info
I had a very sick fatty liver and healed completly after 6 months taking Milk Thistle along with NAC (a great supplement helps in the production of glutathione), Dandelion root tea, Solgar Lecithin granules, one squeezed lemon juice one hour before breakfast and Himalayan Livercare. I only ate fish, organic brown rice, plain Kefir with flax seeds and liver detox veggies like Watercress,Kale,Carrots and Broccolli. Thank God i was able to purchase all these supplements, do not know which one helped most or if it was a combination of all of them.
Get some seeds and grow your own milk thistle. Although it takes two years. The flowers form in the second year. It takes a bit of patience to get the seeds out of the prickly pods. Some US states ban it as a noxious weed. Go figure. But if you grow it you know it is pure and organic.
I have multiple myeloma cancer, was wondering if milk thistle would help?
Research GcMaf Dr. Noakes on Youtube. Here is the website:
Simmons, I just watched this interview between Dr. Tony Jimenez, M.D., and Dr. Majors who was diagnosed with Stage 4 Multiple Myeloma in 2010. You may find it helpful. It’s on this home page Wishing you the best!
To Ty,
I wonder about the same thing as Gail. Does taking Milk Thistle stimulate bile production? If so, it’s probably not for me. I have a rare autoimmune liver condition called Primary Biliary Cholangitis where my immune system is attacking the biliary bile ducts. I’m told they are compressed and do not function properly.??? I am prescribed artificial bile in capsule form to slow down the progression of the disease. Plus I have to eat clean and live in a very non-toxic way in order to not overload my liver as it doesn’t function well. I’m wondering if taking Milk Thistle would help or instead, stress my liver function even further? Any ideas? I understand this is a conversation, and your comments are not to be considered medical advice. : )
Kathryn, thank you for your thoughtful reply. Fortunately I don’t have any mercury amalgams, and no root canals. And I’ve been to all the doctors I care to see (smile). I’ve been sick for 9 years (homebound, bedridden), with lots of time to read and research ….so I’m pretty sure I know more than 99% of the docs out there.
As far as heavy metal toxicity, I’d be interested in your thoughts. I do have a foot ion cleanser (brain fog….I know that’s not the exact right name)–but where you soak your feet for 30 minutes and all kinds of crap comes out, including heavy metals. I have not been using it regularly in the last couple of years, but if that were an important piece of the puzzle, I certainly would. I also have ACZ nano spray which is to help get rid of heavy metal toxicity. You spray it in your mouth, not in your nose. I haven’t been using that either, as I had somewhat forgotten it. I did just happen to get it out a few days ago. I do remember when I used the ACZ nano, it did help the symptoms feel better for a bit.
If you have other ways of getting rid of heavy metal toxicity that you know work, I’d be interested in hearing.
Thank you!! Cindy
I would like to know if it is safe to take milk thistle if I have gallstones? I have been told that my gallbladder stopped working about 10 years ago. I still have it and stones as well I am not comfortable having it removed. Another question is, is it safe to have the gallbladder removed? I have never had an attack, I occasionally have a dull pain in that area if I eat a fatty food, so I am careful.
Hi Janet, I don’t know the answer about the milk thistle, but I wanted to say GOOD FOR YOU for hanging on to your body parts. My mom had her gall bladder removed before we knew anything about healthy living and eating. It does important things for your body, and you don’t want to live without it. As far as gall stones, one of the best web sites I refer to often is Just put in the ailment, and they’ll give you a list of old home remedies and people’s comments. It is SO helpful. They’re likely going to advise you to do something with ACV, but that is just a temporary solution. ACV is a detoxifier—that is why it works for so many different ailments. But you really do want to get a permanent solution. ACV could potentially be a permanent solution if you took it every day until the gall stones were gone, AND if you ate a whole foods diet (no processed foods, especially no white refined sugar. It is becoming commonly known that white sugar is worse for us than heroine. Crazy.) I know I just read last week about how to get rid of gallstones, and it wasn’t hard. But I don’t remember what I read or where. So I am going to pray that God brings it to my mind today.
I don’t know where you are in your health journey, but if I were you, I would get started on a totally clean diet. I’d be getting good nutrition into my body, and find a way to detox on a daily basis. One simple way to detox is to drink warm water (not hot) with the juice of 1/2 an organic lemon every day—first thing when you wake up. And then don’t eat anything for 20 to 30 minutes. That’s a really gentle way to detox, and you may need to do something a little more “heavy duty” for a while, depending on how toxic you are or aren’t. Another GREAT way to detox is oil pulling. If you were going to do the lemon juice and the oil pulling, you’d want to do the oil pulling first, and then drink the lemon water. You can read up on oil pulling online or watch a youtube video. Make sure you spit the oil into a jar or the trashcan–not down any pipes (sink, toilet shower). If you choose a jar, you will be amazed at what you see when that jar is full. Just a few benefits of oil pulling: naturally whitens teeth, heals cavities and gumlines (no receding gum surgery needed!) and gets all the toxic crud out of your body each day. We detox at night, and a lot of it collects in our mouths. (When you start to detox, don’t be surprised if you see some things develop–like rashes or feeling like you have a cold or flu. When toxic stuff comes out of us, it can make us feel a little out of sorts for a little while. Just know that whatever is showing up as a symptom was inside your body making you sick. So celebrate that it is gone! And you’ll likely lose weight if you need to, as toxins store in our fat cells)
Any time we have symptoms of any kind (apart from detox), it is a red flag. Our body is wanting our attention to give it what it needs to strengthen the immune system so it can heal. Don’t know if you’ve heard of the Gerson Therapy, but the principles from it apply to any chronic illness (and gallstones are chronic). Acute sickness would be a cold or a broken arm or something that resolves on its own fairly quickly. The two things you will hear Charlotte Gerson say over and over is 1) there are two things the body needs: nutrition and detoxification. AND, 2) when the body heals, it heals EVERYTHING. It’s what it is designed to do! You can’t heal your gallstones, but keep your diabetes or your heart disease or your aching joints.
Gerson’s detoxification is coffee enemas. I would be VERY surprised if you needed to do the whole Gerson Therapy (it’s VERY intense). But I think you’d learn a lot from watching their movie, if you haven’t yet: The Gerson Miracle (Netflix, hulu, etc). I was on Gerson for a year, and I still do the coffee enemas. Once you do the first one, it’s honestly no big deal. It’s relaxing and you are keeping yourself detoxed on a regular basis. Then things like gallstones won’t develop. But you may be able to detox enough with just the oil pulling and lemon water daily. You haven’t had an attack yet, and that is SO good. But if you get one (I was with my mom when she was going through her gall bladder crisis), you’ll be in the hospital in surgery so fast. They (the attacks) are HORRIBLE. So that’s why I’d really focus on getting rid of them naturally and getting a good clean diet and some sort of detoxification going.
Five years ago when I became horribly ill, I started following Robyn Openshaw, green smoothie girl (.com). She’s different than a lot of other health food bloggers. She’s not just about recipes, but really teaching you all about healthy living, and really making it do-able—not overwhelming. I think I’ve learned everything I know health-wise from her. Lots of people do cleanses for detoxification. They sound easier than a daily enema, but for me anyway, I think a cleanse is a lot more work. You have to change everything you do for one month, and you may end up hungry. If you want any info on coffee enemas, let me know. I’ve been doing them long enough that I have quite a few tips!!
Last thing, 85% of our immune system is in our intestines–it’s all the microbes (good bacteria) that fight off the bad stuff. Antibiotics kill the good bacteria off, and fungal infections are a result. So making home-made probiotics (like sauerkraut or kimchi) or taking a good probiotic, is one of the best ways to help strengthen your immune system. I take Klaire Labs (buy it on Amazon). Robyn,, also has developed her own, and she only makes the best of the best. I use Klaire Labs because right now I need a LOT of CFU’s (100 billion a day). Hers has 7 billion a day, I think).
I hope all this info helps you 😉 Cindy
Wow, that’s a lot of info Cindy, thank you so much for sharing! I have many issues, from fibromyalgia (probably the worse on my body) to Osteo Arthritis in back, hips, knees and wrists, IBS, Chronic Fatigue, allergies and gallstones. I’m very overweight, hurt all the time and don’t have a good doc. Newest thing is the boned in my pinky fingers are becoming deformed and painful. I have coconut oil so I just need a reminder on how to use it for pulling and I love drinking lemon water, I can do that all day. I do have a probiotic and I recently started taking Apple Cider Vinegar 1500mg caps 1 twice a day along with Rosemary Leaf 350mg and Cherry Fruit Extract 1000mg and these are helping me to feel better. I also starting taking Sam-e back in May and it really helps me feel more with it. I’m up for trying new things. My goal is to get this pain under control so I can start walking again. When I go for walks I fell much better. I had bursitis in my hip a year and a half ago and it still bothers me, so it is difficult to walk far. Please let me know if you remember where you saw the info on the gallbladder. Blessings, -Janet
Hi Janet. I’ve had positive experience with both the lemon water and the oil pulling (just put a little glob of coconut oil in your mouth and swish for up to 20 minutes.)
In addition, check out
The information you discover there could be life-changing for you. Many, many chronic issues can be improved and/or reversed by following this life-style. It’s both easy and delicious … you will not feel deprived at all. 🙂
Janet–I left a comment yesterday (much shorter!) with one of the gallstone ads I got. I don’t see it posted here…did you receive it in your email? If not maybe I’ll try posting it again 🙂 Cindy
Janet, were you able to get the gallstones out. I found the videos I had seen. I wrote you a reply about a month ago, but I think it might have gone to Kate and not to you? If you need more info, I’ll post links to the videos. 🙂
Janet, were you able to get the gallstones out. I found the videos I had seen. I wrote you a reply about a month ago, but I think it might have gone to Kate and not to you? If you need more info, I’ll post links to the videos. 🙂 Cindy
Janet, were you able to get the gallstones out. I found the videos I had seen. I wrote you a reply about a month ago, but I think it might have gone to Kate and not to you? If you need more info, I’ll post links to the videos. 🙂 Cindy
My mother was not one to complain about not feeling well unless she was really sick. When she was complaining about pain on Christmas Eve in 1990, I tried to get her to go to the ER. Initially she refused, wanting to wait until after Christmas. I tried enlisting my younger brother who said she was an adult, let her decide. She eventually got feeling bad enough to go to the ER. Her gallbladder was gangrenous and if she had waited until after Christmas we could have lost her. She did not have the surgery until the day after Christmas, since they had to pump her with antibiotics first. She never had any more problems with it after the surgery, and she lived nine more years, dying in 1999 from a kidney infection that went systemic, at the age of 81. She had always been what she called a “two fisted drinker,” and she had been a heavy smoker most of her life, and had not followed a very healthy diet. She had COPD and she had had the adult form of diabetes for years before she died, which she did handle mostly by following the no-sugar diet closely. So I can only say she had the surgery and did well afterward. Don’t know if diet or other changes at her age and with her background could have helped. My mother was so bull-headed it would have been very hard to convince her to change much more than she had already done, which was obviously too little, too late.
Janet, try the Liver & Gallbladder Flush By Andreas Moritz it consists of Apple Juice ,Epsom salts, Extra Virgin olive oil, either fresh grape
fruit or fresh lemon and orange combined. Get the book from Ener-
To Janet Richmond about her 8/7/16 post. My nutritionist,, can help you get rid of gall stones.
I am perfectly fine with choosing among what I read, or hear, several protocals can be done without great expense, I would expect to put a bit of effort into something needed that had been provided to me, soda and lemon, budwig , (cottage cheese @flax oil ) l complete cleansing treatment, Optimax,, coffee enemas, No matter what, the idea is to give hope, know that chemo is not the answer ( Dr,s are just trying whatever, mainly the popular carboplatin/paxitel, did 0 for me, cancers are different from one another, you must do some research. DR, cannot give what you are asking The filmakers to do .But its an incredible new beginning for us all.
To Cindy May
from TTAC The Truth About Cancer
TTAC » Cancer Prevention » Oil of Cloves – the Aromatic, Anti-Cancer Essential Oil
Oil of Cloves – the Aromatic, Anti-Cancer Essential Oil
By Marnie Clark
re:overgrowth of candida: see #2 !!!! below
8 Great Other Ways to Enjoy Clove Essential Oil
Not only is oil of cloves beneficial for cancer, you can use it in these ways too:
2. As an Anti-fungal – Clove oil is a potent anti-fungal, especially against Candida albicans. Clove can kill 99.9% of C. albicans within seven minutes of exposure. As with item 1, above, you can take clove oil internally by placing a few drops in an empty gel capsule (see caution #3 below).
Look it up and also be sure to read the precautions !!
Joan, thank you so much for your reply. For some reason I wasn’t notified of it, and didn’t see until today. That is so good to know about clove oil. There’s a lot I can’t take internally, but you just gave me an idea of how to use the clove oil externally. You also say to see caution #3 below. But the post ends there, so I don’t know what #3 is 🙂 Maybe you can have a look if you have a minute. Thanks a million.
There is so much confusion out there… everyone giving advice. But do the remedies actually work? Does a person have the time to try out these so called remedies? Dr Lorraine Day who had breast cancer said that she tried out sixty seven (67) natural remedies, none of them that worked. She went on raw vegetable juices and two years later the breast cancer disappeared.
We have a program that has the same components as raw foods. People that followed our program eliminated their health challenges very quickly. From death-bed cancer to cancer-free in 60 days… funeral arrangements were already made. Many others eliminated cancer, lupus, ALS, MS and much more…
Nothing cures anything… supply the body with the proper tools, the proper nutrients and the body will health itself…!!!
As a health researcher and health consultant people contact me for advice. Want to learn what we do…???
E-mail me at:
Louis Hoolaeff HR HC ACS
Dottie, Research GcMaf on Youtube. Dr. Noakes has cured many patients with GcMaf. Here is the website
Thanks for posting the new First Immune website, Elise. My wife has been using the GcMaf Bravo yogurt with good results. First Immune does not make the Bravo yogurt, but has a better GcMaf formula! With First Immune GcMaf injections and/or new product coming out Jan. 2017 – I think this could contribute greatly to my wife’s recovery, I pray, along with juicing and other healthy activities.
Mountain Rose Herbs and Herbally Grounded are excellent sources for organic clean herbs.
I agree with Nick and Cindy May. I have spent a lot of money on supplements and natural therapies with no noticeable results.
Sylvia, II also live in Calgary Canada, I use Fermented Milk Thistle, which is made by Botanica, you can purchase from them on line. I get mine from Community Health Food Store, here in Calgary Canada. Recommended dosage is 4 tsp per day in juice or water. I’m sure any health food store will carry it.
I can’t find any info re whether it’s oky to take milk thistle, as I also do not have a gall bladder. Had it out years ago. Thanks. Lee
Last time I was asked when I got my last mammogram, my reply was: Never had one and don’t plan to ever get one. My breast used to be multiple lumps (too numerous to count) in my 40’s) but they disappeared after I added Vitamin E 400 IU’s daily. Have added a second one per day over the last several years to improve circulation and thin the blood. Consider the vitamin E which is needed by our body much safer than rat poison or other chemicals the body doesn’t need. Plus it doesn’t give me chest pain like the medicine the cardiologists put me on to keep me from throwing a clot. It it can be corrected by adding something the body needs, it is not a DISEASE but a DEFICIENCY problem.
Cindy May,
Just start with adding some vegetables like cilantro, and cruciferous and alliums. Gradually add teas into your life. Then you can graduate to tinctures.
John S
Cindy May, I would recommend you check out Decades of experience in natural health, has devised a few basic, cost-effective products and provides free advice on her weekly radio show. You can call in to her show for a brief consultation and she will follow up with you if you follow her advice and then call back. Listen to the people who call in. So many of them have suffered long-term at the hands of the medical system and get better with these simple, basic building blocks. She also has an effective candida protocol.
My husband has prostate cancer stg. 4 and he was taking milk thistle but stopped after reading about the estrogen effect. Should he be on it? Dawn
Can milk thistle increase Breast Cancer risk though? I heard its high in phyto estrogens? And i mean if you are already have a genetic predisoposition to it anyway..
lmj612, Lee Rainey, Janet Richmond, Dottie 😉
I want to apologize for some of my earlier comments…making it long and complicated. I’ve found that healing is simple and free.
I was healed earlier this year (10/8), and it was just that: simple and free. Dottie–this is good news!!
There is one thing that always heals and never fails: Love. It’s simple like this: God is love. His word is love. His word (literally) brings healing to every part of our body. (Psalm 107:20, Proverbs 3:8, Proverbs 4:22).
When I received healing on 10/8, I had (at the advice of a friend), turned on Bible Gateway . com, and listened to the audio Bible in my language. I happened to listen to the first 7 chapters of Matthew, but any portion of God’s word will do.
Listening to God’s word is the perfect therapy. It works as a stand-alone therapy. Or you can use it adjuvantly, in combination with, other things, like milk thistle. But the good news is, if you have absolutely nothing else, God’s word, all by itself, brings healing.
If you, like I did, have questions about this, please feel free to contact me at iamcindymay @ g mail . com or on face-book (cindy . may . 750)
Before signing off, I want to simply thank Jesus for healing lm612, Lee Rainey, Janet Richmond, Dottie, and all others who are in pursuit of healing. I’d love to hear from each of you, as I’m always interested to hear the testimonies of God’s goodness. And I will pray further with you/for you if necessary.
With love, Cindy
Anyone with heavy metal poisoning, esp mercury, should look at Andrew Cutler Chelation Protocol. He has written a booklet/books called Amalgam IIllness, Fight Autism and Win, and a book on Heavy Metal Hair Test Interpretation. He was mercury poisoned himself but as a chemist, researched and figured out how to chelate safely based on the chelators half life in our bodies. There are facebook pages with support for those doing his protocol. Many have recovered from MS, CF, autism, being bedridden, and mental health issues, among others. Please do not make yourself more ill by chelating in an unsafe manner. If you do not take chelators on their half lives, they will pick up the heavy metal and drop it elsewhere before it can exit your body. Your symptoms will depend on where it settles. There are many people out there who do not understand this and will make you more ill. Blessings and prayers for good health to you and everyone here.
Very informative article..thank you
I have read that milk thistle has estrogenic properties, which if thats true, would probably not make it beneficial for hormone positive breast cancer? Can someone please clarify on this, is it true? My mother has breast cancer with mets to liver and bone, i would love to have her try milk thistle for the liver but I don’t want it to feed her breast cancer or have a negative impact.
Try calling Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida – or Reno Reno Integrative Medical Center, both good source of info and solutions
My husband had hormone dependent prostate cancer and the U of
calif doctors were Very supportive of using Milk Thistle.
Cindy, my wife and I had candida along with HPV virus. We went to a naturalist (no pharma) and got hydrogen peroxide IV. Six treatments each 1/2 liter over two weeks and the HPV and candida were GONE. I now do singular treatments regularly 3-4 times/year to kill any virus including cancer. It’s call “oxidation therapy” and is easily researched on line. 80-100 years ago it was quite common before big pharma took over. It works and it’s cheap. Do your research and God bless.
could you please give me the address of thus place where you did this therapy. my e-add is
I have to agree with Josephine M (Hong Kong). It is too much information too quickly. I cannot absorb the amount of info coming in so quickly. I appreciate the effort that is put into the research and the fact that it is an expensive exercise, but as a pensioner, I cannot afford a lot of the products you recommend. There are so many. Also, I am not in the US, so that makes it more expensive again. Apart from that, you are doing a wonderful job. Keep it up.
We suggest trying anything you find or feel could improve your wellbeing and there are certainly many suggested in TTAC. However, we find the Phototherapy Glutathione patch the most powerful effective product known today to boost the immune system and detox harmful substances and heavy metals from the body along with eliminating free radicals from EVERY cell in the body. No drugs, No chemicals and NO harmful side effects. Easy to use, low in cost and with extensive clinical studies proving all this. This is one product that actually has the clinical measurements of effectiveness for improvement on organ function and other qualities.
What about making Rick Simpson oil. You need alcohol as a solvent . Right? Dealing with CLL. Any other good ideas other than cannabis oil?
I’m curious, what is the best solvent? Is there no herb that is best taken in an alcohol extract? Not even if it’s organic biodynamic grape alcohol? I was under the impression that alcohol extracts were the most potent and best preserved.
I was healed earlier this year (10/8), and it was simple and free. There is one thing that always heals and never fails: Love. It’s simple like this: God is love. His word is love. His word (literally) brings healing to every part of our body.
Yes LORD!!!!! THE BEST advice ever given!
I am directing this question to Cindy May or anyone that can give me help concerning candida. I have been taking medication from doctors for many years and continue to have problems with candida. However, about a year ago I changed my diet and have been taking oregano oil and total off sugars which have helped so very much. To you all know anything else available that would be helpful with candida? Thanks so much for your help.
Hi Marilyn,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Robert can you send me information,
Thank you for the enquiry Deborah. We have replied with an email for you. Please feel free to contact us direct if you have any questions, require advice on how and when to use the patches or need support in any way and we will be happy to assist. We do not charge for our time and directly assist medical professionals and individuals worldwide, ongoing and without charge, to ensure ALL have the best result possible with the patches. Regards Rob
Can you also send me info on these patches and where to get them?
I have used the sap of the milk whistle that grows as a weed around us to treat a basal cell carsenoma, after two treatments over a period of two weeks it has gone. There is no scar or sign of this nasty cancerous growth.
I have had one cut out of my back, two from my forehead and a very painful one in December from my nose with 20 stitches.
Another appeared on my forehead so it is currently under the milk thistle treatment.
I love herbs. The sun has taken its toll.