Our body is bombarded with toxins relentlessly both externally and internally. The more toxic we are, the more weakened our immune system becomes. So detoxification is vital!
But a natural body detox doesn’t have to be complicated. Did you know that you can help your body detoxify on a daily basis in simple ways?
If you want to discover 31 easy-to-do actions that will help you detox and guide you towards a healthier lifestyle, then you should…
A word of caution: While each tip on its own is simple, trying to incorporate too many new things into your daily routine all at once is a recipe for none of them to stick.
Review the list and see which of these you’re already doing on a regular basis, and then pick one or two new things to start. Once these become habitual, then pick a couple more items.
If you do this consistently each month, by the end of the year you’ll have a bunch of new natural body detox habits that support your physical (and mental) health!
31 Ways to Naturally Detoxify Your Body Every Day
#1. Drink more filtered water. It takes liquid to flush out those unwanted toxins. Try upping your hydration level today by taking your total weight, dividing it in half, and consuming that much in ounces of fresh, filtered, good-for-you water. You’ll be amazed by how great you’ll feel!
#2. Start your day with lemon water. Get the hydration habit going with 8 oz. before you eat or drink anything else. Use real lemon juice or, if you are on the go, simply add 1 drop of supplement-grade lemon essential oil to your water. According to Keri Glassman, RD, health correspondent for The TODAY show, this morning ritual can also remind your brain that “Hey, I’m making healthy choices today!”
#3. Oil Pulling. Oil pulling is the process of swishing 1 tablespoon organic coconut oil around in your mouth for between 10 and 20 minutes. The chemical reaction between your saliva and the oil literally “pulls” bacterial toxins out from the deepest crevices in your whole oral cavity. According to Dr. F. Karach, oil pulling can also strengthen the stomach, heart, liver, lungs, and reproductive organs. Give it a try − and don’t forget to spit it out afterwards into the garbage can so you don’t clog your sink drain.
#4. Tongue scraping. Besides oil pulling, another effective way to target the oral cavity for detoxification is through the Ayurvedic practice of “tongue scraping.” According to Sheila Patel, MD, medical director at the Chopra Center, “Scraping the tongue daily removes any build-up on the tongue, which, if left untreated, …may house a significant number of bacteria.” Tongue scraping requires an inexpensive tool that can be purchased at most pharmacies. Stainless steel works well, says Patel. The tongue should be scraped very gently from back to front 7 to 14 times.
#5. Eat more organic green leafy veggies. Kale, celery, spinach, parsley, cilantro, and celery… all these greens are your friends. They contain vital nutrients, plenty of fiber, and chlorophyll, which helps to cleanse the blood. Try them in a smoothie or very lightly sautéed in coconut oil if eating them raw is not for you.
#6. Add some prebiotics. The gut is the first line when it comes to nutrient absorption, and prebiotics are the “food” of healthy gut bacteria. Most health food stores now have pre-made, probiotic rich raw sauerkraut and kimchi. Look for it in the refrigerated aisle and add it to your lunch today!
#7. “Beef up” on organic/pastured meats, dairy, and produce instead of conventional. While you’re munching on yummy greens and gut-friendly pre- and probiotics, make the switch to organic/pastured meats and dairy instead of using conventional animal products. According to Consumer Reports, 80% of all antibiotics sold in the United States are used for livestock and other farm animals. If you are serious about your detoxing goals, you don’t want that in your body!
#8. Try some chlorophyll. Another great addition to your diet can be chlorophyll in tablet or liquid form. Chlorophyll is the green pigment found in plants and algae. Chlorophyll can increase red blood cells and bind with toxins and heavy metals, sending them on their way and out of your body.
#9. Consider gentle detoxifying teas. Add some dandelion, turmeric, or Holy Basil tea to your evening routine or try lemon tea for a mid-afternoon pick-me-up. Chia, milk thistle, garlic, and spirulina are all great natural detoxifiers and heavy metal chelators as well.
#10. “Unplug” during a meal. Take a media break while you eat. This is just a good habit to get in for proper digestion. While you eat your lunch or as you sit down with your family for dinner, instead of focusing on who is texting you or what is playing on TV, why not focus on what is going on around you or with each other? Chew your food slowly as well − chewing is the first stage of digestion.
#11. Media detox. Why not extend your non-media mealtime to a whole day “unplugged?” Abstain from watching the news and other sensationalized or violent television and movies. Opt to read a book, go for a walk, listen to some music, or do a craft instead. At the end of the day, write down how you felt before and after your “media detox.”
#12. Use an essential oil. Essential oils can be a great adjunct to your detoxing goals. Experiment with peppermint to refresh the mind, oregano to help with viruses, and bacteria and frankincense to ground and center.
#13. Bentonite clay anyone? Clay is a powerful anti-bacterial. It can help get rid of bacteria such as E. coli, MRSA, and Staphylococcus. Plus, it is great for heavy metal detox as well. Try mixing a tiny amount of pesticide-free bentonite clay powder in an 8-oz. glass of water. If you decide to continue using bentonite clay more often, start slowly and work your way up to a teaspoon or more.
#14. Play out your stress. Take a detox from the mundane and dive into your creativity! Spend at least an hour engaging in a healthy creative activity, allowing all concepts of time go out the window. Get lost in the play of painting, dancing, writing, doodling, needlepoint, being in nature, or whatever brings you joy.
#15. Breathe more. Pay attention to your breath. Does your breathing become shallow when you are stressed or upset? Decide to take a deep breath instead. Deep breathing can help cleanse the respiratory system and oxygenate the blood.
#16. Try meditation. Meditation not only calms the mind, it also helps relax those stress responses that are pumping too much cortisol into your body, creating inflammation and toxic build-up. Start with even 5 minutes and simply focus on your breath as you close your eyes and go within.
#17. Do some aerobic exercise. Get moving! Aerobic exercise pumps life-giving oxygen and feel-good hormones into your body. But did you also know that, according to researchers at the Swedish Karolinska Institute, during a workout the muscles act like the liver and produce an enzyme that clears out depression-causing chemicals.
#18. Stretch and release. Stretching not only keeps muscles and joints flexible, it can also lower inflammation and “fight or flight” responses that can lead to chronic disease. A 2009 study of women with breast cancer found that those who underwent a 75-minute restorative yoga class for 10 weeks had less instances of depression than those who did not. Stay motivated and detox from stress by doing a few stretches throughout the day.
#19. Hot and cold shower cycling. Now that you have worked up a sweat and stretched it all out, consider keeping the detoxing going as you step into the shower. Cold showers can lower stress and improve circulation. Hot showers, on the other hand, relieve tension and congestion and help you sleep better. Turn the shower temp to a little hotter than you would normally have it. Then alternate the temp to as cold as it will go for 30 seconds. Work up to alternating hot & cold intervals for 5-minutes.
#20. Spend time in nature. Shinrin-yoku, or “forest bathing,” is a Japanese term for being in nature in order to gain the physical benefits it can offer. A 2010 review of 24 studies found that forest bathing kicks in parasympathetic nerve activity that can help heal and detoxify. Don’t live near a forest? Try the beach, a park, an indoor greenhouse, or even a hotel courtyard. Nature can be found almost anywhere!
#21. Get some sun today. Sunshine provides us with vital vitamin D, a truly “healing hormone” that has been linked to lower inflammation, lower blood pressure, improvements in muscle tone, improved brain function, and even cancer protection. Try 10 minutes of sun exposure without sunscreen. If you are in a part of the world that doesn’t get much sun, consider investing in a “SAD lamp.”
#22. Make your home electro-pollution free. The National Institutes of Health recently released a report which proved the connection between close-range cell phone use and certain kinds of cancer. Cellphones are just one source of harmful EMFs, however. A few simple actions can turn your home into an “EMF-free zone.” Make sure your bed is located as far away as possible from SMART meters. Turn off your Wi-Fi routers before you snooze so that EMFs do not disturb the quality sleep you need to detox and heal.
#23. Do a “purge” of your kitchen and bathroom. Take a look inside your kitchen and bathroom cabinets. Evaluate your sundry and beauty products as well as the items in your kitchen. The Environmental Working Group says that there are over 3,000 “stock chemical ingredients” that the perfume industry alone can choose from for their products, many of which have not been tested for safety. Switch out one commercial product at a time for an all-organic one and consider switching out at least one product a week until your home is truly toxin-free.
#24. Take a bath. “Hyperthermia,” or using heat to heal, is a great detox modality. Your bathtub can be your own hyperthermia tool. Take a hot bath and release tension with some added Epson or mineral salts and calming essential oils, like lavender. After getting out of the bath, wrap yourself in a blanket for a few minutes for some extra sweating power.
#25. Body brushing. Brushing your skin for detoxing? You bet! And right before a bath or shower is the best time to do it. Using a soft-bristle brush, gently start at your feet and arms and work your way towards your heart. Dry brushing is a core modality for Ayurvedic detoxification protocols because it stimulates the lymphatic system.
#26. Give an enema a try. Even though enemas are still fairly “taboo” in the United States, in other countries, such as India, they are as normal for routine health as brushing one’s teeth. (You can read more about coffee enemas for cleansing the liver in other articles on TTAC). A simple filtered or distilled water enema with a bit of aloe or lemon juice added, however, can be a soothing way of flushing the colon as well.
#27. Castor oil packs. Castor oil packs have been shown to improve the detoxification capacity of the liver, support reproductive organs, improve lymph flow, and reduce inflammation. Try using a “castor oil pack” along with a heat source on your abdomen for at least an hour.
#28. Foot massage. Relax and unwind by giving yourself a soothing foot massage. Reflexology is the Chinese practice of corresponding points on the foot with organs in the body. When you are massaging your feet, you are really loosening up the entire body. For a deep, reflexology massage, make a fist and use your knuckles to rub up and down with medium pressure on each point for up to one minute. Notice if there are any areas of soreness. Then check which organs these points correspond to on a reflexology chart.
#29. Acupuncture mat. Also called an “acupressure mat,” an acupuncture mat is made from cotton or another natural material and contains plastic acupressure points that stimulate the flow of “Chi” throughout the body. They are cheap to obtain and easy to use; you simply lay down on it for 20 minutes or more to improve circulation, especially in the detoxification pathways.
#30. Connect with others. Connect with someone in your life that means a lot to you. Make a phone call or send a text just to say “hi.” If no one is around, sit in a coffee shop or a park and strike up a conversation. If you don’t see the link between social interaction and health, consider the well-known “Alameda County” study. It found that for every individual in the decades-long study, those with the fewest social ties were three times more likely to die over a 9-year period than those who had the most social ties. Importantly, this was regardless of pre-existing health conditions, socioeconomic status, smoking, alcohol consumption, obesity, race, sexual satisfaction, physical activity, and use of preventive health services. Wow!
#31. Take time for gratitude and appreciation. Last on this list, but certainly not least, take the time to simply let go. Detox from negative thinking by tuning in to the things, people, and situations in your life that you are most appreciative of. Have a job you love? Are your kids the bomb? Do you live in a great neighborhood? Are you grateful for all that you have learned about detoxing and your health? Celebrate all of this until it puts a smile on your face!
Editor’s Note: This article was initially published in December 2017 and has been updated in January 2021.
After reading the Earthing book, I would think this practice could be added to this list as well.
I agree, I practice earthing and oilpulling for the last 5 years…feel fantastic.. I also do intermittent fasting…. which has become part of my life.. I eat only once a day.. every 20/24 hours(solid food)
Castor oil packs are done over the liver not just the abdomen.
Dear Ty,
I would like to thank you for all the valuable information you have made available regarding natural treatments and cures for cancer.
There is so much to take in. My Dad who lives in South Africa phoned me just the other day and told me that he had been in hospital having cancer removed from his bladders.
This news came as an enormous shock to me and I just couldn’t believe that no one in my family had let me know.
My Dad is flying to the UK in August and I desperately want to help him. Now with so many various suggestions I just don’t know where to start.
Is there a specific treatment for this type of cancer?
I hope you don’t mind my contacting you I am just desperate to get this right.
Thank you
Cath Bee
Hi Catherine,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Best wishes to you and your father.
Hi Ty,
Many thanks for all your amazing information.
Do you have any intergrative experts in Australia?
Hi Sue –
Thanks for reaching out to us.
Most of the contact information we have on our site is that of experts within the USA or Asia.
However, during our 2017 Live Event, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner by city: https://www.ifm.org/find-a-practitioner/
Hope this is helpful. Please let us know if you have any further questions. 🙂
Blessings and love!
There is a Dr Aloke De who moved from Canada to Australia. He is a Functional Medicine Doctor. Canada is controlled by big Pharma. He was not allowed to practice as a FM Doctor. He left for Australia. If I recall, he was born in Trinidad. He studied Medicine in the UK. He further his studies in the USA. . Came to Ottawa, Ontario . Them moved to Toronto for a while as he was waiting for his papers to go to Australia. I heard that he could be in Tarneit, Australia.
Dear Cath, great how you would like to help your father. Based on own experience I recommend your father to take the “Budwig Det”. When I had been diagnosed with prostate cancer I rejected strictly chemo and radiation, surgery was anyhow not possible because the tumor had metastasized slightly. From all the alternative therapies I found in the internet I chose the “Budwig Diet”. I took it as breakfast and dinner and enjoyed it. If you send me your e-mail address I will send you my presentation with all details. All the best and kind regards, Wolf v.z.M.
I would like your info, never heard of this diet: eattherainbowrd@gmail.com
Hi Wolf Van,
I just read your email about BUDWIG DIET would you please send me your info as well.
Thank you,
Budwig diet worked for me. I still have my Breast and my Lymph nodes. You can use organic cottage cheese instead of the Quark (Greman cheese). I ‘happened’ to alrady have Ty Bolinger’s book Cancer Step Outside the Box. It is one of the most straight forward ”here are choices you have’ book I have ever been fortunate enough to have! I picked the actions I could do. Thank you Ty!! Cellect Budwig group combine Budwig protocol and Cellect’s vitamin routine. I already was taking almost all of the important vitamins. Thank you Ty and all. Val
#23 is not done by switching to “all-organic one” – organic does not mean non-toxic!
I’m using a brand that is leaving out more than 3000 potentially harmful ingredients – that is much safer and healthier 😉
Forest bathing! I love going in the forest but don’t do it often enough. I work in my flower and vegetable garden though. I go walk my dog or run. But I just thought while reading that it would not kick the parasympathic if you meet a bear or followed by human males (for the latter, I read this week that it happened to a couple of runners in a wood park where I go running sometimes).
under bentonite clay it says:
It can help get rid of viruses such as E. coli, MRSA, and Staphylococcus.
Butthese are all bacteria.
Reread… it actually states bacteria…not viruses….
I wish he had said exactly how to use it. Like how much to take? How often? What time of day?…… I would like to try it. I do oil pulling on a daily basis. I’ve been doing IF for over a year now. I fast 24+ hours daily. I drink a green smoothy everyday I also drink tea instead of coffee daily. I drink lots of water too.
I cared for my mom for several years before her passing. During that time, she was hospitalized more than once. At one point, we brought her home prematurely because she had developed C-difficile while being treated for her heart issues. The doctor prescribed stronger and stronger antibiotics. Mom, however, got worse. Out of desperation, one day I asked the doctor if I could try bentonite clay (I’d used it for several problems, both topical and internal). She told me to go ahead, but to give it at least 30 min. before or 1 hour after her regular medication. I started Mom with 1/4 tsp. in a 4 oz. glass of water (she had trouble drinking more than 4 oz.). Believe it or not (we were all shocked), it worked!! She felt better immediately and within 3 days the symptoms of C-diff. had disappeared. You must drink lots of water when taking this as bentonite clay is the most absorptive natural substance on earth (according to geologists). It does not cause constipation, but is in fact helpful for digestive issues. Good luck!
I agree because I drank it for a couple of months and felt better and my “laugh lines” were reduced. I will resume it in a couple of months to see if it completely fill in my facial wrinkles. Much thanks for the testimony.
I use to do flax oil and cottage cheese before meal time but dont remember why? Can you answer that? Also my granddaughter is having problems with real bad constipation. What should her mom do,?
Hi Phyllis,
Here is a great article about the budwig diet: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/budwig-diet-protocol-cancer/
Hi Phyllis, Re your grand daughter… I would look at the most obvious stuff first. Is she drinking enough fresh, filtered water? If she eating enough fiber? Greens, or steamed veggies if she doesnt like/cant handle the raw stuff)? Most kids dont drink/enough of these. My opinion is try those three hacks first for a week and see if things improve. If not, then move on to probiotics. You can start with the pro/prebiotics right away too if you want. Most folks have gut bacteria imbalance (especially if they have taken antibiotics) which causes these issues and doing simple things can make a huge difference. If those still dont work, take a look at other more complicated issues like SIBO. Good luck! 🙂
Great advice, and I’m with you except for precept # 7 (Beef Up – with Organic, dead animal flesh). Organic or not, dead carcasses belong in the ground, not in a ‘living temple’ as your body is referred to in scripture. Your physical body is not a Graveyard, so don’t treat it as such.
I’ve been living a Vegan lifestyle for about 10 years after being vegetarian for about 5 years, prior. I used to eat a lot of ‘meat’ in my daily diet, beLIEving it was necessary for life, and I was always chronically sick and over weight.
I am much healthier now than I ever was and the only real change I made was becoming vegetarian, and finally, Vegan, over the course of about 15 years. I’ll never look back!
I highly recommend a vegan lifestyle for better health and well-being.
All the animals will love you for it too!
Dear Sally-Ann,
Although I respect your feelings and opinions about not eating animal flesh. Everyone is entitled to their opinions and ways of living. The Scriptures also instruct us as what meats God intended for us to eat since He is the One Who created our bodies. If people want to live a vegan lifestyle then that is their decision. If they want to eat organic meat (clean) then that is their decision.
I do only organic meats, and I only eat 2 – 3 ounces at one meal a day. I have my own garden, so I eat beaucoup veggies and some grains a couple times a week. my stomach has been perfect! I also make my own tooth powder using bentonite clay among other ingredients. There are several of these I use, but not all of them, so I guess I have to get to work!
How do you use bentonite clay for making toothpaste or powder?
I so resect your love of animals, and have nothing against those who wish to keep them out of their diet.
However, “dead carcasses belong in the ground” maybe, but what about dead plants ? They are all dead by the time you get to put them into your “living temple”. Plants live too.
Yes, I agree the consumption of meat should be drastically reduced in most peoples diet, at least for the sake of the land area required to keep and feed the animals. Deforestation etc.
Meat in small quantities does provide important nutrients for the body, and by eliminating this whole food group, you are creating potential problems for your health.
Also, you are not then creating an ‘us’ and ‘them’ divide. (meat eaters v non meat eaters)
Remember that a healthier you can give more back to the World, be it for human, animal, plant or Mother Earth benefit.
There is nothing wrong with choosing a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, but please don’t view meat eaters as sinister people.
I have been a very strict vegan for 20 years and just had a large tumor removed along with 1/2 of my colon. I have added olive oil and fish back into my eating plan because I am so underweight and constantly hungry. We are all different and need to make different choices. This is so important for everyone to realize! Never thought in a million years I would get cancer. Now I am trying to figure what else to do to help myself. I am lucky enough to be eating freshly caught fish but also eat sardines since they have the least toxins of the fish in the ocean.
We should realize that the animals kill and eat other animals. Life kills life for the sake of LIFE itself. It is not unnatural to consume meat. The key is moderation and safety.
Very Useful article! Let me mention, Oil pulling is an ancient technique to eliminate toxins from your body through the mouth. Including Fiber and green veggies in the diet also helps flush harmful toxins.
There are various ways to detox– First and the foremost thing is Sweating Sweating and lots of Sweating — exercise daily without breaking your routine. 20% of Toxins will leave the body through sweat.
Second is Water Therapy to detoxify — 3 Litres of water a day, Flush the toxins Away!! A gentle morning detox routine that helps overcome constipation and acne easily is – “warm water with lemon” empty stomach. Here are some ways you can try with this.
1) There is something called ‘Lemon Zest’ which is nothing but lemon peel. This is basically an essential oil which is not known to majority people. Just grate the skin of lemon a bit and add it to the lime water and drink. See the results for yourself!!!
2) You can add honey to the same, just to balance out the sour flavor.
3) Even better if you take a spoon of “Triphla” with it. It is an Ayurveda remedy that works immediately.
4) Also, go for Green Tea or Herbal Teas. Try Red Tea Detox that has amazing effects – https://redteadetox.com/url/y7bbacpf.html
Lastly, Fasting as a culture has a significance in detoxifying the body. Go for fasting one day a week. Have only water and fruits throughout the day. Feel the increase of body energy.
Hope this experience might help people 🙂
Very Useful article! Let me mention, Oil pulling is an ancient technique to eliminate toxins from your body through the mouth. Including Fiber and green veggies in the diet also helps flush harmful toxins.
There are various ways to detox– First and the foremost thing is Sweating Sweating and lots of Sweating — exercise daily without breaking your routine. 20% of Toxins will leave the body through sweat.
Second is Water Therapy to detoxify — 3 Litres of water a day, Flush the toxins Away!! A gentle morning detox routine that helps overcome constipation and acne easily is – “warm water with lemon” empty stomach. Here are some ways you can try with this.
1) There is something called ‘Lemon Zest’ which is nothing but lemon peel. This is basically an essential oil which is not known to majority people. Just grate the skin of lemon a bit and add it to the lime water and drink. See the results for yourself!!!
2) You can add honey to the same, just to balance out the sour flavor.
3) Even better if you take a spoon of “Triphla” with it. It is an Ayurveda remedy that works immediately.
4) Also, go for Green Tea or Herbal Teas. Try Red Tea Detox that has amazing effects – https://clk.ink/ZP9AN6B or http://bit.ly/RedTea23
Lastly, Fasting as a culture has a significance in detoxifying the body. Go for fasting one day a week. Have only water and fruits throughout the day. Feel the increase of body energy.
Hope this experience might help people
Thank you for all the information, it really helps and I ‘m trying to pass it on to as many people as possible. Never heard of the oil pulling before so something new to try!
Ty and Charlene, i need to comment but would like to do it privately. I purchased your Truth About Cancer series and constantly promote it every chance i get. I loved your Truth About Vaccines also. Although i couldn’t afford to buy it i promote it as well. I believe in what you are doing, and i share your devout faith in JESUS CHRIST. So please give (if you feel led) a way to contact you off social media..GOD bless you and your entire family.
Hi Sue –
Thanks for your comment.
Please feel free to share your message with us by email at support@thetruthaboutcancer.com and we’d be happy to pass along your email to Ty and Charlene.
God bless you!
I’ve been using apple cider vinegar (Bragg’s) in the morning instead of lemon. Any thoughts on that?
Hi Joyce –
We love a good quality ACV! Take a look at this article to learn more about the benefits and uses of it:
Happy learning! 🙂
many benefits from ACV but one or two downsides 1- it can erode the enamel on your teeth but you can protect from this by using a straw and rinsing your mouth afterwards and, 2- this can “thin” out your blood- in other words, if you are taking a blood thinner such as coumadin or aspirin you want to check with your MD before doing this and also if you aren’t on meds but are having an upcoming surgery you would want to stop this about 3 weeks before. Always tell your doctor or practitioner or dentist before any procedures this also goes for fish oil and garlic use or you may have a difficult time with bleeding during or after your procedures. Those who take daily or frequent doses of ibuprofen (i.e. motrin, Advil etc) should be cautious as well, due to the fact that these meds are known to cause GI bleeding especially in the elderly and could have an increase in this effect when combined with ACV.
Super article. Tons of wisdom here!!
🙌 Thank you, Marsha! Happy to hear you are enjoying this wealth of information.
Thank you for sharing . Very good article
Hi lovely people!
Does anyone know whether it is safe to do a coffee enema if you are heavy metal toxic? Currently detoxing from metals using the Cutler Protocol. Appreciate your input 🙂
Hi Dorota –
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
Blessings and love! 🙂
Activated charcoal is another fantastic detoxifier. I take one 600mg capsule first thing in the morning with my organic lemon water. The results are really amazing. Do make sure, if you take pharmaceuticals to take it 1-2 hours before or after.
Garlic is one of my favorites, I eat at least 5 cloves of raw garlic everyday. It’s so easy to incorporate it into a salad and tastes delicious.
Oil pulling is great, but do not spit the oil into the sink or you’ll end up with a nice plumbing bill.
Hi Kat, great information. Thanks for sharing!
Excellent! Thank u for reminders
Thank you for the list of 31 easy ways to detoxification. May you and your family have a blessed new year!
Loretta, thank you! We wish you the very best in the new year. God bless!
Asking about the lemon juice…do I use juice of half a lemon every morning? Juice of a whole lemon?
Hi Terri, this is completely up to you – whatever feels best! We suggest starting with a half lemon in 8 oz of water. If you’d like more, put the other half in another glass of 8 oz. If you like a stronger lemon taste, you can certainly use a whole lemon. Enjoy!
How about an infrared sauna for detoxing? I heard that is excellent for that.
Hi Mike, we agree! Here’s some great information on infrared saunas if you’d like to learn more: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/infrared-sauna-benefits/
I love what you say, it is 100% true, many I already do, but i must add one or two more,hot and cold shower, I have done this in the past, but it is time to recommence.May you all keep well and happy. God Bless’
Ray Dale
Didn’t get my corona virus guide- didn’t appear in my email , so I checked spam & while doing this I think I deleted the info somehow.?
Hi Vera! Please contact our customer service team here: support.thetruthaboutcancer.com They’ll be happy to help you.
#30. Connect with others….
That’s exactly what they are currently taking away from us; and the stupid cattle out there are happily and religiously practicing and enforcing social distancing. I have seen neighbors talking to each other from a distance.
I do forest bathing every day even in the winter because I enjoy walking out in nature and looking at the animals, trees, and river. Going for a walk relaxes me. I even spend some time in the sun so that I can get my vitamin D. I take vitamin D3 supplements and I do take the chlorella supplements to try and detox heavy metals outside my body.
Can you suggest anything for myoclonus? Only drugs are prescribed and after time they stop working and cause side effects.
Great detox information. I will pair it with meditation. During these days we must know about these things. Our health is our greatest wealth!
Excellent advice as always. Kind Regards
Warning…just to say that I used coconut oil to swish around my mouth but it resulted in a horrendous dry mouth which lasted for some years – it is now back to normal thank goodness.
ps in the thankful paragraph at the end of your info list – many thanks for including me and refraining from Christian only prayer advice. It is much appreciated. Bright blessings.
ps – for my website which is not quite finished please google the name given – I got the url wrong and don’t know how to change it. Still learning……
Ty & Charlene,
You two are such a blessing to so many! THANK YOU for always seeking the truth and sharing what you have learned. I have purchased your books, videos and share your website with everyone I know!! You are soooooo appreciated!! 🙂
God’s many blessings to you and your beautiful family:)
I have been taking diatomaceous earth for some time and am looking forward to my next blood test. Walter.
We LOVE you guys!! Had a friend share with us your DVD series 9from a friend of hers) in the early stages of my husband’s bladder cancer diagnosis. You have been a GODSEND as we navigate the big Pharma system of horrors. We have since bought our own series and share the advice found here as much as we can to those who will listen. And I also started using CharlÍs and my skin is looking amazing – thank you!
Would love to see if you have any updated info on treating bladder cancer, it just doesn’t seem to get much coverage.
May the Lord continue to bless you and all of those who are sharing the truth – that God provides all that we need if we trust Him to!
May the Lord continue to bless
I have learned a lot about how to detox daily my body. I really want to win this battle because I’m not ready to die now!!! I know it will be not easy but I will be the winner in the name of Jesus! A big thanks to everyone.
Amazing article. I would like to share my experience. A media detox involves intentionally reducing or eliminating exposure to electronic media, such as social media, news, and screens, to promote mental and emotional well-being. Constant exposure to digital information can contribute to stress, anxiety, and information overload. Taking a break from media allows the mind to rest, reduces mental clutter, and helps in regaining focus. It provides an opportunity for self-reflection, improved sleep, and better interpersonal connections. By stepping away from the constant stream of information, individuals can experience a mental reset, reduce stress levels, and foster a sense of calm, ultimately contributing to a detoxified and healthier state of mind.
There’s a lot of interesting and important points in the above messages but one thing that I have not seen, which is a very important omission is CUT OUT ALL SUGAR !
Sugar feeds cancer & is definitely not good for a person battling any cancer!