Video Transcript: Why I’d Nebulize Colloidal Silver to Treat Lung Cancer
Ty Bollinger: Doctor comes to you and says, “Robert Scott Bell, your last blood work shows that you have lung cancer.” What do you do?
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Well, I’m going to nebulize [colloidal] silver. Silver has shown to have profound oncolytic properties. This is something we can do.
We talk about pH issues sometimes. I don’t know if you’ve covered the use of the baking soda in this way. You can actually do a lavage within the lungs to nebulize that into certain tissues of the lungs. It’s a little more difficult to do.
But the silver alone is profound because the cancer cells don’t have any antioxidant defense mechanism. And the silver brings with it as much as 10 times its atomic weight in with every particle of silver at a micro level. We’re talking a nano scale level. And you can overwhelm and devastate cancer cells in that area within the alveoli. You can inhale that [nebulized silver] deeply into your lungs.
Ty Bollinger: And that’s what “nebulize” means.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Yeah. To take a liquid into a vaporous state for safe inhalation. And so this is one of the most profound, most radical and direct ways you can neutralize cancer within the lungs and most people don’t know about it.
Ty Bollinger: Any other steps that you might take at that point?
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Well, connective tissue integrity. We come back to silica. We come back to metabolic sufficiency, meaning selenium and chromium, and the same ways we talk about it.
I would do homeopathic medicines that directly impact on lung tissue. And even Sarcodes − homeopathic dilutions of cancerous tissue; cancerous cells from the lungs themselves. That also mobilizes the immune system to attack and hold in check those cancer cells. So there’s a number of factors, [and a] number of things that you can do in that case.
I used silver for a cellulitis infection. Because I am allergic to antibiotics my options were limited. This infection was on my left arm which had lymphedema (swelling due to removal of lymph nodes during breast cancer surgery, unexpected to me). I also had an acupuncture treatment (to reduce heat) and some topical oregano oil. Healed in a day or two and fully by day 4.
I have Lyme which is hurting my brain. No way would I use colloidal silver and antibiotics. Herbs/ozone/raising progesterone helps my immune system/kills the Lyme. I recently tried to lower the progesterone and the Lyme grew fast and is in my head/heart/gut lining again etc. Natural help only is awesome and doesn’t hurt, but colloidal silver to me is dangerous/heavy metal. Hydrogen peroxide…food grade may also help, but needs to be done carefully in a low dose. Amour thyroid dose needs to be right..not by TSH since my TSH went down after colloidal silver poisoning, but I need a higher thyroid dose. Low TSH may mean the pituitary is not working well. Lyme/Celiac etc can also hurt the adrenals which make progesterone to make cortisol. Progesterone helps the thyroid hormone work longer in me and helps my immune system. Amour thyroid raises oxygen burning that helps cancer etc. Taking bioidentical hormones…estriol/progesteorne/testosterone may greatly help health in the right ratios…helps circulation/immune system/thyroid/sleep/energy/bones/mood and more. Estrogen dominance due to The pill or meat/dairy/soy/BPA/miscarriage/fat making estrogen and more blocks thyroid. Exercise helps make more mitochondria and sunlight may help the immune system and Vit D3 5000IU and Zn/mushrooms/Essiac and more.
How much colloidal silver should i take though the deifuser, I drtnkabout 80mm every monnnig,an have been for 3 months. I have stage 4lung cancer.
Eric….do you have the ability to seek oxygen therapy for your lung cancer? Cancer can not survive in the presence of oxygen and if you fill the blood full of oxygenated cells…the cancer will start to die off quickly.
If you do not…..look into the mushrooms for cancer that will produce this affect but work slower.
I truly wish you the best. Many have made it out of stage 4 cancers. Educating yourself is your greatest weapon.
Silver is a transitional metal…not toxic….ive been drinking it for 5 years,and guess what….I am as healthy as a horse
I used intravenous ozone therapy ( expensive) for Lyme and retested and it din’t do anything.
If I may be so bold, You harm everyone with your ignorance. Even the FDA has recognized Colloidal Silver as being GRAS (Generally Accepted as Safe).
You plainly suffer from toxin overload, but don’t take detox seriously. That is the very first step, and it continues for life. Along with massive changes in toxic exposure from your household products, Healthy diet, and the PROPER and EDUCATED use of the right supplements for you. Find a professional Naturopath to speak with so that we don’t have to laugh at armchair diagnosis.
To me many people are hurt by colloidal silver like they are hurt from mercury. They maybe only 1/2 poisoned and not realize their symptoms are from the silver unless they have a hair test to show the overload. It is not safe except for a few people who’s liver is working well. How can a person guess ahead of time if the silver will hurt them without hair tests to see if other heavy metals are also high. Mercury etc may burden the liver and make it harder for the liver to detox other heavy metals. Each person is different, but I am not the only person hurt by the silver. It makes me sad to see it recommended without warnings. I have studied Alternative medicine 17 years…know what I am talking about. I detox monthly with EDTA/DMPS IV chelations for 17 years and when needed between that. I know what I am talking about. God bless!
I think your comments are misleading I have been using silver water for over 23 years I have 27 staff in my company many have used it for varying illnesses and in most cases it worked. 24 years ago I had stage 4 sarcoidosis of the lungs and could hardly walk without running out of breath, I was coughing up about a quarter pint of blood a day. High dose steroids were the recommended treatment but each time the steroids were stopped it came back I discovered Silver water and started carefully making my own I used it in my lungs and over a period of two months was cured with no ill effects.
How much silver are you taking and where do you buy yours at its hard to find cause not very man people use it thanks so much and glad you are doing well
How do you use it in your lungs. Is it through inhalation or you drink it. .
can you nebulize and take by mouth on the same day.
Is it possible that you are allergic to silver like some people are allergic to cheap jewelry ? I’ve used silver for 7 years and have taken in about 4 gallons (Utopia Silver) over that time. I also put it into my ecig and inhale it routinely for a year now (during covid). I’m not sure if that helps but no covid or any other colds since doing that. And no other problems at all. No one I have ever given it to had issues either. So, I wonder if there is something about your system that doesnt work well with silver.
I have heard that one woman in her fifties cured her stage 4 lung cancer using cannabis oil and one other person with advanced lung cancer used liposomol vitamin C to cure it. I take vitamin D3 supplements, but I do not know how useful they are in protecting you against certain chronic illnesses.
Low sunlight may cause autoimmune Celiac which may cause cancer and many other health issues as gluten hurts intestines so less nutrients absorb. Vit D3 5000IU stopped my crying for no reason. I had. S.A.D for many years and didn’t know what it was. I was very depressed/cried when the weather was gloomy. Low sunlight heritage caused my Celiac/MS. You inherit the mitochondria from the mom and my mother was from Scottish/English/Irish heritage. The highest rate of MS in the world is Orkney Islands Scotland which is far from the equator/low sunlight. Vit D/sunlight has helped a Bipolar person be like normal when he did outside work roofing a house since it would stop autoimmune attacks on the intestines and more. Vit C increases white blood cells that may fight infections/cancer. Maybe cannabis oil helps heal intestines? so it helps cancer etc.?
Dr. Bell, I met you at the Symposium in Texas this year, you recommended the silver , I was diagnosed with Stage IV NSC Lung Cancer 14 month ago. How much silver is safe to nebulize.
Where can I get a reputable cannabis oil? And how do I do this silver thing? Thanks
You can get any cannabis and make the oil yourself.. It doesnt have to be some “reputable manufacturer”.. The better the cannabis, the more concentrated the effective alkoloids will be present per dose… However, when you push all the crap outta the way and get to the brass tacks, its a weed….. Buy some ” nugs ” from the nearest pothead, take it home, turn on youtube, and type in Rick Simpson Oil… A few hundred bucks in weed, a couple pieces of cookwear, and a night well spent in your kitchen should yield you a good round of treatment… Cruceferous vegetables mixed up in a blender with some blueberries and rasberries for flavor and antioxidants will go a long way with your cannabis oil treatment… If it heals your cancer, thank the “loser potheads” for saving your life…
I agree with Shasta, caution should be used with colloidal silver, I used as directed for a couple of issues and zero happened, except it made me very nervous and nice rash developed. The development of this colloidal silver is fairly new, the process is done like vitamins in many different ways, from many different resources, it’s not a magic bullet and there are many things out there than do the job with out concerns.
Yes…the silver can block thyroid/chemical reactions creating low oxygen in the brain which may cause anxiety etc. Far Infrared Sauna/cilantro/EDTA and DMPS IV chelations and more may help detox it, but orally it was hard to detox and was hurting me more each day. I almost didn’t survive it…was going deeper daily into my body. It caused much suffering/24 hour panic attacks/precancer/lost sugar digestion and much more…much hell. For cancer a person wants to raise oxygen, not lower it. If the silver kills infections/lowers swelling it may help, but it may also build up in a person and lower oxygen depending on the ability of the liver to detox it. Yes…there are many safe ways to help cancer that will not cause harm. Thanks for your kind validations. God bless!
Colloidal silver has been around for centuries and is Not new. Yes, there are many unscrupulous merchants out there today selling so called colloidal silver, which is nothing more than colored tap water.
This is where you take the time and really research and question question question until your satisfied.
Ever wonder why the rich who ate with pure silver utensils were always healthy? How about our soldiers who used to put pure silver dimes in their water canteens.
Look it up you’ll be amazed.
Big pharma has been trying to keep a lid on this wonderful elixir for years because they can’t patent it and gouge unsuspecting customers.
No it’s not a one size fits all remedy and what may work for you may not be effective for someone else. But that’s with anything.
But from what I know and have experienced myself I cannot my life without it.
I had an infection that went throughout my body and affected my muscles. I was given an antibiotic that frayed my tendons in both legs. Luckily I went to a foot specialist in time. I couldn’t get over this infection. So I knew about colloidal silver while living in Louisiana. They do home remedies there. I took 25ppm made by utopia. The pain was gone in 24 hours and in infection was gone and has never returned. In our area the flu that had killed some people here was spreading here. A few people I knew spent weeks in the hospital unable to breath. We took colloidal silver and it was really bad the first 15 hours. I was truly scared and it hit fast. After that I was completely better on the third day. My friends were still sick 3 weeks later. I love colloidal silver. I don’t take it everyday but when I am around someone sick I will take a teaspoon a day for a couple days and if it hits fast then I take a tablespoon every morning and night with a little water. I start feeling alit better with in 10 hours. I take it until all symptoms are gone. Usually 2 days.
Shasha you need help! Serious help. Please stop with your rant against one of Gods greatest miracles, colloidal silver.
Not to offend you but your posts about colloidal silver are simply untrue. Please take the time to throughly research colloidal silver and see why you sound like a nut. As for myself I have been researching it for over five years and continue to do so and am simply in awe of the great things it can be used for.
In my home colloidal silver is used for just about everything and is used on a daily basis. We treat water, food, pets, plants, cuts & scrapes and laundry to name a few.
My family and friends drink one oz each and every day and have been for the past five years with no adverse effects. I put it in my pets water everyday with no problems, unless you call healthy pets a problem.
And yes it does cure, I had a neighbor who got pneumonia who did not respond to antibiotics. But once he stared nebulizing colloidal silver twice a day he was able to kick the pneumonia to the curb and today can’t stop talking about it.
Today’s as I write this they are finding new ways to incorporate colloidal silver into sheets, clothing, milk and food containers etc. Heck it’s even used by NASA in the water supply for astronauts!
So, please forgive me when I say your a Nutjob and seriously do your research.
God bless you and have a Merry Merry Christmas!?
My posts are truth. Even if you don’t want to believe it. Silver almost killed me. It is not safe for all. You may enjoy it, but other deserve to know it may not be safe for them. I have done much research on silver and that is why I took it, but almost got destroyed by it. Not all people can have silver. It has hurt many people.
Silver is safe . Barns ( from Barn’s foundation and Museum) made his fortune on colloidal silver because it was used widely before antibiotic. After my son at 2 years old had 8 ear infections and drs wanted to put tubes because antibiotics didn’t worked, I went to medical dr who uses more holistic approach . This dr recommend that I give him teaspoon of colloidal silver for 30 days after breakfast .We did it and infection NEVER came back.
Can someone here tell me the PPM to dose? I have 500ppm, is that too much? Can I simply dilute it by adding water?
shasa…..silver must be cycled when taking. Yes….there can be toxic overload if people do not understand how to administer it to themselves.
I have taken silver many times for different ailments(eye infections, sinus infections and a most severe staph infection) and it has always worked.
Silver is a very powerful medicine and you must respect the use of it in moderation
Yes…silver works to kill germs, but it built up in me. The first tsp of it gave me a precancer on my lip as it lowered oxygen in my cells. Zero amount was safe in me.
Shasha, you probably already have the pre-cancer inside of you and it came out on your lip because that’s what Colloidal Silver does. It pushes out toxins and impurities in one’s body.
Yes…Sunlight may make precancer, but the silver blocked my thyroid/chemical reactions on the first tsp. as it lowered the oxygen in my body. I did not realize it was precancer at first…just didn’t know until later so I kept taking the silver which continued to help/hurt me at the same time until it greatly hurt as it built up in my body and almost didn’t let me survive. Silver doesn’t detox, but may kill infections/yeast/bacteria etc. The silver didn’t let Zinc work which is needed for more than 50 chemical reactions. Each person is different. Some people’s liver is working better and they may be ok with the siiver, but they may not know ahead of time how it will affect them. If they are full of other heavy metals as seen on a hair test and add silver, the silver may build up. It was the worse hell I had ever gone through. People need warnings about silver and need to know how to deal with it if it hurts them.
I have used colloidal silver with no problems BUT that doesn’t mean it can’t hurt some people, such as yourself. So it’s good that people are aware of this. we are all different, there is nothing wrong with being cautious when trying something new. Most people can take penicillin, but I am allergic. I have friends who are allergic to mushrooms or strawberries. WE are all different. So, while I think colloidal silver is beneficial… it’s not for everyone.
Shasha, by your own admission you have many health issues and whilst you had a reaction to colloidal silver it is unfair to say that it is unsafe for everybody else. Colloidal silver, when used correctly, is extremely safe and effective and has a long history of use. Anyone can react to anything and some people are more sensitive than others. I feel sorry for you that you have so many health problems to deal with however, please don’t try and dissuade others from using what is normally a very valuable remedy for infection based purely on your own experience. The safety of colloidal silver is well documented and has been for a long time.
Most people are hurt by gluten which can affect the liver which is needed to detox the silver and other heavy metals. Many people are full of heavy metals and all people need to detox. I did not say colloidal silver is unsafe for all, but putting an heavy metal into your body is not good like putting mercury into the body and assuming the liver will take care of it and detox it. Colloidal silver is not safe…needs warning on bottles to help people know they may be affected and how to deal with it. I almost died..only heard good information about it, so was not warned it may hurt me. It is like taking Vit C etc. It is not extremely safe and cancer people maybe low in oxygen which caused their cancer and silver may lower the oxygen more. It has a long history of use like mercury. Don’t feel sorry for me. I learned how to take care of my health with Alternative medicine for 17+ years. It is not safe for all people and people need to know that. The label need to give a warning…can’t assume all will be ok with it and especially for cancer. People need to know there maybe a risk.. It was the worse hell I had ever gone through and I would not wish it on anyone else. God bless!
It is not like taking Vit C etc supplements…needs a warning. Upsets me colloidal silver is promoted without a warning. Many people maybe hurt by it..not just me.
Talk to a Health food store in your area for help. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing may help the immune system. A person needs to fix the root cause…not just add things. The silver hurt me. Each person is different. God bless!
To keep comparing silver to mercury is crazy. Mercury is the second most lethal natural substance to man behind uranium and that is only because uranium is radioactive. Chronic administration(years) or extremely high doses of silver will accumulate, and can turn your skin blue-agyria? There are only a handful of those cases ever reported.
Silver is a heavy metal and mercury is a heavy metals. Silver was very hard to detox orally like mercury. I did not turn blue/gray. The first tsp of ionic silver gave me a precancer on my lip and depress was lowered oxygen/blocked my thyroid/chemical reactions. People worry about Mercury/Al in vaccines. They need to know silver may hurt people who’s liver doesn’t detox well. They need to be given warnings and how to help if they get hurt.
Yes,,.I can’t use it and many others may not realize it is hurting them. Yes…has been used by many and in the past. I was shocked when a friend used it on her face daily for acne instead of going gluten free which was causing the acne and other health issues she had. I have seen people hurt by it. I am around people who have a silver machine and promote it to all people, but they don’t realize all people may not be able to take it. It needs to come with warnings and detox help for those hurt. Nothing oral detoxed it for me, but EDTA/DMPS IV chelations and now recently Far infrareds Sauna may have helped, but I almost didn’t survive it and it was much hell/suffering so people need to be careful. If they have cancer due to Lyme or have infections it may help, but may also hurt. It may help the gut lining for Celiac, but the person needs to eat no gluten/GMO…fix the root cause. It lowered the oxygen in my cells which let me have precancer/panic/blocked chemical reactions/blocked thyroid/lost sugar digest etc. I read about silver before took it, but again there were not warnings.
People who use MJ maybe Celiac. No gluten/dairy/soy/sugar/GMO…taking vitamins/good oils/minerals…probiotic…LDN..detoxing may help. MJ may help heal the gut lining? Stopping the root cause is needed so cancer/health issues don’t come back. Taking MJ and still eating gluten may cancel each other out and the gluten may win. To me America’s downfall is Celiac which may cause cancer and many other health issues. Tests may not work to diagnose Celiac. Not eating grains may help. Gluten is wheat/barley/rye….oats/corn/rice. LDN/gluten enzymes may help block gluten. MS people sometimes used MJ, but again they may have gotten even more help by stopping gluten which maybe the root cause. Vit D3 5000IU/sunlight may also help and is one reason Celiac may start being low in these. Eating no food with a label and eating pure organic food may help. Detoxing by sweating/Far Infrared Sauna/Now brand- Detox Support may also help.
I get confused about whether silver is good to take or dangerous to take please help me understand
France’s Stickland, Buy and try and analyze yourself after every dose you will take, don’t over do. There is no right or wrong. In case you have condition as fungus growth in your body, silver can help for sure. In case you have a condition that is based on virus or bacteria growth in your body don’t expect miracles, silver is beneficial for your immune system.
Shasha – Not attacking you here, but Zinc is a Heavy Metal as well. So is Copper and Iron. To compare Silver to Mercury is a little bit of a reach, possibly out in the fear-mongering category. The fact is, not every ‘body’ is the same. We all come to the table with different issues, whether we have Cancer, poor functioning kidneys, a heart murmur – whatever. I believe the Author has done nothing wrong. He presented an option, and possibly a very viable option. However, each person on here has a personal responsibility to themselves – to research further what the author is proposing and determining if their body is capable of taking whatever substance, in this case Silver. There are plenty of articles online slinging the dangers of Silver – these have existed for quite some time. And there are plenty of snake oil dealers pushing crap – particles essentially too large to help, poorly charge ions, colored water, etc.
I take Silver Hydrosol because less is more, it contains extremely tiny, nano-particles – so more surface area, and have a high amount of positive charge per dose. Sure, I spent a few bucks more than the snake oil next to it, but this is the only one a person can take every single day if it is needed (and not worry about turning dull colors). Your message is filled with emotion, and at the end of the day, you took Silver and it did not work the way you intended. I am sorry this happened, but others on here reading through may benefit greatly from Silver. I feel your message should have been simple – do your research and be responsible for yourself – all actions have the potential for consequences – good OR bad. Best of luck – and thank you for the article, Ty, even if it helps one person it was worth the paper it was printed on, errr, screen it was played on? -Johnny B
before antibiotics, people would use silver to “kill” viruses and bacteria. Preparations of silver were popular as nose drops and throat sprays.
Prior to 1938, silver was widely used to treat or prevent a variety of diseases including cancer. After modern antibiotics were invented, silver quickly became obsolete. The medical community no longer recommends silver for medical treatment.
How tp administer collodial silver, what is the recommended dose for nebulizing by a lung cancer patient ?
Hi Wessam –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series to help the cancer patient in the best way.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Blessings and love!
I was diagnosed with stage IV NSC lung cancer 8 months ago. I have been treated with chemo pill and some radio therapy but I still have the tumor in my lungs which has shrank a little and the worse part is the pain on my back and the left side of my ribs. I can’t stand it. I am under morphine but the pain still strong. I heard about silver shield and I got some. I just started having one tablespoon 4 times a day. I still have the pain but feel very week and sleepy, like if I had the flu. I was wondering if this is working.
Hi Roxana –
We appreciate you reaching out to us about this.
I’m so sorry to hear about your diagnosis – I’ll be sure to pray for you.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
I’m also attaching the info about the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, MX if you’d like to reach out to them.
Please also see the resources below in case they will be helpful to you.
From our beginning, we have supported charities that really help these cancer patients.
HealingStrong supports MANY cancer patients and are amazing. HealingStrong, a nonprofit organization, is supported 100% by volunteers, who are experienced in using natural strategies. The organization’s mission is to educate, encourage, equip, and empower those seeking comprehensive natural strategies to heal strong and stay strong.
HealingStrong Connect Groups meet monthly in various areas of the U.S. and South Australia to link others interested in natural strategies, holistic protocols, and local resources. Their groups focus on mind, body and emotional healing based on Biblical promises, as they believe the God of the Bible is our healer. For more information on how to start a group, or become involved in one, please go to:, and like us on Facebook at
Cancer Crackdown is so awesome and helps patients without a lot of money get supplements and treatments and even helps them raise money:
Also, the Independent Cancer Research Foundation is another charity that we support, also known as Cancer Tutor. They have been a TREMENDOUS help for cancer patients and have a TON of life-saving information they give out freely and they do real research into treatments for cancer that are outside of the toxic Big Pharma Big 3:
The best that we can suggest is to contact Healing Strong and Cancer Crackdown for any need in financial resources.
We also support Mary Beth’s “Nick Gonzalez Foundation” which is bringing Nick’s protocol to the people…which is one of the most powerful cancer-killing protocols out there.
I hope this is helpful! Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us again if there’s anything else we can help with.
Wishing you endless blessings and love!
April 2014 was diagnosed after X ray, CT Scan and Pet Scan 7.2cm on lung. Started on essiac tea, Vitamin D, C, Q 10 mushroom 6 oregano oil, black seed oil. Changed diet and life style. No red meat, dairy products,no sugar accept dates, maple syrup, honey or little mollases in apple cider vinegar and baking soda. Lots of green vegetables and fruits soups and smoothies, budwig diet. It was clear and normal after 15 months.