Editor’s Note: This article first appeared in the March 2017 edition of TTAC’s Insiders member newsletter.
It’s been said that energy is the substance of life – the bind that ties and holds everything in our universe together. Energy allows us to see, feel, and perceive the world around us, and yet it’s so much more than that. Energy quite literally is the world around us, just as we are energy.
Everything from the air we breathe, to the foods we eat, to the clothes we wear, to our bodies themselves exists as a product of energy. Without energy, in other words, there would be no life.
At the same time, the science of physics dictates that each distinct type of energy is accompanied by its own unique energetic signature, or frequency. These one-of-a-kind frequencies are what distinguish one type of energy from another, as well as dictate the way energetic frequencies function both in time and space. The unique energetic signature of an apple, for instance, is what makes this particular fruit stand apart from an orange, both in appearance and taste.
On a much grander scale, energetic signatures are what distinguish the vast complexity of a human being from that of a single-celled amoeba.
At the molecular level, energy serves as the universal fuel that drives electrons to “spin” around the nucleus of an atom, no matter what type of organism to which that atom belongs. But energy also functions with incredible specificity, keeping what you might call the “generic” energies of component atoms functioning harmoniously with one another as part of a much larger and more complex energetic framework. The human body, again, serves as a perfect example of this elaborate energy matrix.
The energetic patterns and frequencies of its vast individual parts must resonate with one another in perfect balance for the body’s many intricate systems to function in congruence with one another to produce and perpetuate intelligent life. It’s a lot like being in a choir, where each member has to sing their part on key, and at the right time, in order for the song to come together and actually sound good.
Much like a choir, each part of the human body is meant to “sing” in perfect harmony with all the other parts and systems
As designed by our Creator, the human body as a full choir was meant to “sing” in perfect harmony. Each “voice,” from our vital organs, to our brains, to our limbs, balances itself with every other voice and with the director to make beautiful music. This is how it would work in a perfect world, anyway.
Unfortunately, we do not live in a perfect world. Because of energetic interference, the members of the body’s choir often lose their place in the music and end up marching to the beat of their own drums, creating energetic chaos.
In music, the common sense solution is to have the director identify where in the song the choir went wrong, as well as why, and to bring each individual member back on track.
But somehow in medicine, the standard approach to correcting energetic chaos involves either completely removing the voices that are out of sync or flat (invasive surgery), or covering them up as much as possible (pharmaceutical drugs). Almost never does the conventional approach stop and consider what caused this person’s body to get sick in the first place, and how to correct it rather than just cover it up.
Recognizing that the human body functions like a choir, it only makes sense that things like precise organization, regular practice, and fine-tuning are all vital elements for proper maintenance. Without these things, the body’s “music” will become increasingly more chaotic until there’s not a trace left of anything that even resembles music, but rather disarray and mayhem. Or in terms of bodily health, chronic disease and early death.
I’m using a lot of metaphors here, but it’s really quite simple: the human body is comprised of an intricate tapestry of energetic parts and systems, each of which bears its own unique energetic signature. While these various signatures are designed to complement one another, various internal and external factors – things like poor diet, stress, and chemical exposure – can not only disrupt their harmonious balance, but also limit their energetic abilities. This ultimately leads to progressively more intense health problems.
You’re probably asking yourself at this point how these types of disruptions and imbalances can be corrected. One novel way is a scientifically-backed, non-toxic therapy known as pulsed electromagnetic fields therapy, or PEMF. PEMF therapy has been used throughout the world to treat everything from chronic pain and inflammation, to low energy and poor circulation, to neurodegenerative disease and cancer (and everything in between).
PEMF therapy involves applying specialized electromagnetic frequencies to the body that directly interact with the cellular system, which serves as the body’s energy center. It effectively increases blood flow to this and other important areas of the body. This, in turn, delivers much-needed oxygen to muscle tissue.
PEMF therapy has the potential to remediate a host of chronic health conditions by fine-tuning the voices of the choir that have gone awry. Due to its customizable nature, PEMF therapy has an almost infinite range of therapeutic applications, including its proven benefits in:
- Increasing blood and lymphatic circulation, as well as platelet adhesion
- Balancing blood pressure and cholesterol levels
- Maximizing cellular metabolism
- Detoxifying the cellular system
- Stimulating the immune system
- Promoting healthy RNA and DNA
- Accelerating the repair of bone and soft tissue
- Relaxing the muscular system
- Improving sleep quality
Another important area where PEMF shows incredible promise is in the treatment of cancer. But before I get into the details of that, let’s take a closer look at some of the history, science, and efficacy of PEMF. Primitive forms of static PEMF – the basic use of magnets to aid in healing – have been around for thousands of years. But it wasn’t until the dawn of the 20th century when the late Nikola Tesla, a renowned scientist and inventor, pinned down the concept as a viable medical protocol with profound healing potential.
Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) was a genius responsible for many inventions and was a pioneer in using electricity as a healing modality
Right around the mid-20th century is when the more advanced, pulsed-modulated PEMF technologies that exist today started to appear in clinical settings, first in Japan and throughout Europe, and eventually making their way into the U.S. in the 1970s.
After gaining its first approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) in 1979 as an effective treatment for non-union bone fractures, PEMF therapy would go on to become one of the premier treatments for safely and comprehensively treating chronic illnesses of all kinds.
But what first landed PEMF on the radar of mainstream American medicine was a pivotal study published by the late Dr. Andrew Bassett, an orthopedic surgeon from New York who pioneered the rapid healing of broken bones using electromagnetic radiation. His landmark paper on the subject was published in The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery in 1982 after more than 20 years of intensive investigation.
His study presented solid evidence that PEMF is a highly effective means by which to accelerate bone healing following an injury. It was from this particular study that more than 2,000 others like it – all university-level, double-blind studies – would be conducted showing benefits from PEMF therapy for many other health conditions.
Some examples of health conditions treated with PEMF include:
- An investigation into the effects of once-daily PEMF to treat cervical, tension, and migraine headaches that showed significant positive results in patients after just 15 days of treatment.
- A double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of PEMF in treating arthritis that showed considerable improvements in patients after just four weeks of treatment.
- A placebo-controlled trial out of Russia looking at twice-daily PEMF treatments for arterial hypertensive patients that showed benefits in patients after just 5-10 days of treatment.
- An observational study looking at PEMF treatment for multiple sclerosis that showed 100% improvement in patients after just 4-5 therapy sessions.
- A comprehensive review of 27 randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled studies that demonstrated relief in patients suffering from chronic pain.
- A paper published in the esteemed British Journal of Cancer that showed cancer cells of the breast and liver having a much more difficult time spreading following exposure to PEMF treatments.
Studies have also shown that PEMF therapy can help reduce blood glucose and cholesterol levels, promote the healing of damaged brain tissue following a stroke, fight deadly “superbug” bacteria, protect bones against osteoporosis, and even help address degenerative brain conditions like Alzheimer’s, schizophrenia, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
The FDA approved PEMF as a treatment for non-union bone fractures in 1979. (When a broken bone fails to heal it is called “non-union”)
The evidence is so overwhelming that PEMF therapy promotes healing by actively stimulating the various electrical and chemical processes in the body that, following the FDA’s initial approval of the treatment for use in non-union bone fractures in 1979, the agency later approved it for more uses. The first was for urinary incontinence and muscle stimulation in 1998, and then for depression and anxiety in 2006.
Today, PEMF is commonly used to treat chronic pain, debilitating headaches, muscle wasting and degeneration, motion disorders, and many other conditions.
Before his passing, Dr. Bassett made a statement that I believe sums up the full potential of what PEMF therapy has to offer:
In the decades to come, it is safe to predict bioelectromagnetics will assume a therapeutic importance equal to, or greater than, that of pharmacology and surgery today. With proper interdisciplinary effort, significant in-roads can be made in controlling the ravages of cancer, some forms of heart disease, arthritis, hormonal disorders, and neurological scourges such as Alzheimer’s disease, spinal cord injury, and multiple sclerosis. This prediction is not pie-in-the-sky. Pilot studies and biological mechanisms already described in primordial terms, form a rational basis for such a statement.
The late Dr. Linus Pauling, twice recipient of the Nobel Prize for chemistry and peace, had a similar confidence in the potential of PEMF therapy. He once stated that bio-electromagnetics offers benefits to mankind “from infant to geriatric,” and that as doctors continue to adopt it into their practices, it will one day “lead to a change in the paradigm of medicine.”
But Isn’t Electromagnetic Radiation Harmful?
The electromagnetic radiation produced by PEMF is far different from the harmful radiation from cell phones and other electronic devices
I want to clarify that the type of electromagnetic radiation used in PEMF therapy isn’t the same as the harmful EMFs emitted by things like mobile phones, wireless routers, computers, televisions, microwave ovens, and various other electronic devices. The “electrosmog” pollution from such products creates a negative stress response inside the body that actually harms cells and depletes their energy levels. PEMF therapy does the opposite, helping to balance energy frequencies throughout the body while minimizing the detrimental effects of electrosmog.
You should also know that PEMF therapy represents a dynamic approach to restoring the body’s energy frequency balance, meaning the strength, type, duration, and intensity of the frequencies it creates vary depending on the health issue being addressed. This stands in contrast to some of the older magnetic therapies you might have heard of that are static in nature. This means they have fixed strengths and intensities at all times, and are thus far less effective.
Fine-Tuning Your Body With PEMF Therapy
With all this in mind, let’s get down to business in identifying how PEMF therapy can be used to fine-tune one’s body for improved health and wellness. In this section, I’ll be talking about the use of PEMF therapy for routine maintenance and disease prevention, as opposed to active disease treatment (which I’ll address specifically in the next section). Treating certain minor health issues might qualify as prevention, but the focus here will mostly be on how to keep the body “buzzing” at maximum efficiency while helping it to better adapt to the things that cause disease in the first place – one of the most common causes being stress.
Your body responds to daily stressors by producing a low-level “fight or flight” response which, if left unchecked, contributes to disease formation
The body’s normal life cycle involves replacing older (and oftentimes dead) cells with new ones in order to keep everything running smoothly. This process is contingent upon the healthy and efficient flow of energy, of course, which as a person ages gradually starts to deteriorate. Stress, as you may already know, only makes the problem worse. If left unchecked it will accelerate the breakdown of cellular communication, as well as inhibit cellular regeneration, leading to greater and more intense manifestations of disease.
Daily stressors can include things like dealing with traffic, rushing to meet a deadline, or putting up with a hard-nosed boss; as well as eating inflammatory foods that put stress pressure on the body. Our bodies respond to these stressors by producing a low-level “fight or flight” response each time the stressor presents itself.
This response is completely normal, as it’s how our bodies modulate stress in order to press on and move forward. It’s when stress becomes so constant and recurring that our bodies become completely overwhelmed and unable to deal with it all that problems arise.
When disease progression reaches the pathologic level, it usually means extreme interventions
“The cumulative or chronic occurrence of even mild stressors may not allow adequate or full recovery from these (natural stress) responses, and result in very real and increasingly widespread health problems,” warns Dr. William Pawluk, MD, a board-certified family physician and strong advocate of PEMF therapy as a way to prevent stress-induced illnesses. “Stress reactions hasten the decline of our overall health by actually damaging some organs and accelerating the wear and tear on others.”
As for the long-term consequences of unmitigated stress, these include many of the most common health conditions people today face.
Conditions like rapid aging, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, chronic fatigue, impaired immunity, anxiety, and depression, to name just a few. It’s a gradual progression of disease that Dr. Pawluk describes in terms of four cascading layers:
- Energetic level: these are minor chemical and/or energy imbalances that the body can easily and quickly fix on its own, assuming the problem doesn’t persist due to constant stressors.
- Physiologic level: these are what emerge when an energetic-level abnormality progresses one step further towards a disease pathology, typically requiring several days for healing.
- Pathophysiologic level: this is when a physiologic disease is on the verge of becoming pathologic – most chronic diseases become evident at this point – requiring considerably more time to heal on its own.
- Pathologic level: this is a worst-case scenario in which a disease has battened down the hatches and taken a firm hold inside the body, requiring more extreme interventions because it cannot heal on its own.
In other words, it all starts at the energetic level and ends at the pathologic level. This is why Dr. Pawluk and many others in his field strongly advocate for preventative PEMF therapy to correct any and all energetic-level “misfires” before they advance into full-blown, pathologic-level chronic disease. Daily or every-other-day PEMF treatments under the careful supervision of a qualified practitioner can provide long-term benefits in the form of lowered stress, improved energy function, and more efficient cell repair and regenerative healing.
PEMF Therapy and Cancer: What You Need to Know
While it’s best to avoid reaching the pathologic level of disease in the first place, the sad reality for many people is that they’re already there and are now looking for answers. The good news for these folks is that PEMF therapy can help them too! As I covered in my docu-series The Truth About Cancer: A Global Quest, PEMF therapy is currently being used all throughout the world as both an adjunct and first-line treatment for many different types of disease pathologies; perhaps most notably in treating cancer.
One individual I spoke with for my series, Dr. Martin Bales, LAc, DAOM, a certified thermologist and licensed acupuncturist at the Center for New Medicine (CNM) in Irvine, California, showed how the clinic uses PEMF therapy to treat cancer patients. He explained how cancer cells function at a lower voltage (or electrical potential) than healthy cells, and that PEMF therapy can increase their energy potential. This discourages cancer cells from growing and proliferating.
Dr. Bales and his colleagues utilize low-level PEMF therapies both in a targeted and comprehensive format, depending on the health condition, to raise the hertz of cells throughout the body, effectively boosting their energy and healing potential.
He’s seen many successful outcomes in using PEMF therapy alongside other treatment protocols such as far infrared sauna therapy, sono-photo dynamic therapy, and hyperbaric oxygen therapy. This success even extends to some of the most aggressive forms of cancer, including cancers of the pancreas and brain. As it turns out, PEMF therapy is FDA-approved for treating brain cancer.
Dr. Martin Bales and a patient at the Center for New Medicine demonstrate a PEMF treatment in Episode 4 of TTAC: A Global Quest
The Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, Mexico, is another medical facility where PEMF therapy is offered as a first-line treatment option for cancer patients. My good friend, Dr. Antonio Jimenez, showed me in person how PEMF therapy works by placing a PEMF device around my neck and giving me a treatment. As the device clicked and produced various shock noises, Dr. Jimenez explained how my body’s energy frequencies were being raised to help combat whatever imbalances might be present.
Where to Get PEMF Therapy
So, where else can you get PEMF therapy? There are thousands of medical clinics across the U.S. and throughout the world that offer it, including many chiropractic and integrative health practices. You can also purchase PEMF equipment for use in the comfort of your own home.
I would suggest using a buyer’s guide like the one Dr. Pawluk provides on his website as a good starting point. It serves as an instructional tool to help potential buyers figure out which PEMF equipment best suits their needs. It’s not, as you may suspect, a marketing piece pushing the sale of any particular type or brand of PEMF equipment.
Dr. Pawluk does, however, sell both localized and whole-body PEMF systems on his website that are among the best options out there. He even has a rental service where you can take home a PEMF system on loan and try it out for yourself before actually buying one.
As a closing note, I’d also like to point out that PEMF therapy can be beneficial for pets as well as people. There are even some companies now offering wearable PEMF devices like the “HealFast” that help improve mobility in injured cats, dogs, horses, and other mammals.
Would you like to know ALL the ways to prevent, treat, and beat cancer? If so, you’ll love what you discover here.
Article Summary
The human body is comprised of an intricate tapestry of energetic parts and systems, each of which bears its own unique energetic signature.
PEMF therapy applies specialized electromagnetic frequencies to the body that directly interact with the cellular system.
The electromagnetic radiation used in PEMF therapy isn’t the same as harmful EMFs.
There are thousands of medical clinics across the U.S. and throughout the world that offer PEMF therapy.
Hi I just found out my 84 year old my mother has lymphoma in her bone marrow, spleen and under arms as well as many nodes in back of abdomen. I am heartbroken. Waiting for biopsy to come back in about 3 days from under arm to know what kind of lymphoma. I am trying to figure out if she has a chance doing some other therapy besides chemo at stage 4 as the chemo maybe too much for her
Hello, Tammy!
We are very sorry to hear about the health issues your mother is facing.
Unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global series. Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you. We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
Thoughts and prayers for hope and healing for your mother!
I was having joints pain in both hands inside and outside and muscle weakness due to multiple sclerosis (MS). I was falling a lot, I had headaches and lightheadedness. I couldn’t keep myself balanced, and walk with a tremor like I cannot control my steps. I was on Copaxone, the first year was daily and later was 40 mg, 3 times a week. It didn’t make a tremendous difference for me. I’ve tried therapy, but it is not helping. I was seeking something to help regain my life to be able to do things for myself. It is frustrating when it feels like nobody is trying to help you find some relief. Through my primary physician i learnt about a (MS) herbal formula from NATURAL HERBAL GARDENS and their success rate with the treatment, i immediately started on the (MS) herbal protocol, I am glad to report the herbal formula worked effectively and there was no side effects, I had a total decline in symptoms, the joints pain, weakness and other symptoms stopped, my MS is totally REVERSED, Here is a link to the website we ordered from naturalherbalgardens . c o m DON’T GIVE UP HOPE.
Hello, Jacqueline,
Thanks so much for sharing your healing journey with us.
We could not agree with you more when it comes to never give up HOPE!
Have a blessed day.
what is the protocol for MS? What did you order?
hi mr bollinger do you hear doctor name( joel wallach) is good or not . appreciate
Hi Firas,
We do not have information about this doctor at this time. Here is a list of the experts that we interviewed in our A Global Quest series if you are looking for an expert: https://thetruthaboutcancer.com/experts-info-sheet/
Can PEMF be used on a patient with Deep Brain Stimulators for Parkinson’s Disease?
Hi a del,
We do not currently have information about this. I will suggest this to the team as something we look into. Thanks!
Hi I am Flora in South Africa. I’m not replying but sharing an information on something I’ve experienced. I was diagnosed breast CA last.year. Mastectomy was done nd,undergo for chemo 6 sessions. Afterwards I became terribly I’ll nd refused to go for radiation as.I was very weak. I learnt about a protocol where they used RIFE MACHINE.. The therapist would first scan all the pathogens nd after that will use electro treatment ( sitting on the chairs which has electric wires or holding iron rods on both hands). I wonder if it is the same as PEMF THERAPY. That protocol was doing wonders to many different deseason. Unfortunately the Therapist passed on due to heart attack in April. South Africa is poor in medical facilities. I went for CT SCAN nd the results came.out bad. CANCER HAS SPREAD YO THE LUNGS . BUT NOW BECAUSE I SUBSCRIBED TO THE TTAC ND CHRIS WARK PROGRAMME I REFUSED TO GO FOR CHEMO, ND I OPTED FOR CHANGING MY LIFESTYLE ND NUTRITION. I ALSO DEPENDS ON PRAYING. CAN I USE BLOOD TYPE DIET AS.IT WAS RECOMMENDED BY DR. PETER ‘ ADAM? PLEASE WHERE TO GET MOST OF THE SUPPLEMENTS USED BY CHRIS ND THE POWERFUL MACHINE FOR JUICE. LIKE.I SAID MY COUNTRY IS.POOR IN MOST OF THE THINGS.
Hi Flora
I’m from South Africa
I came across many good doctors who specialize in alternative healing for cancer.
My partner has cancer
It would be lovely to get in touch
If PEMF is helping healthy cells would it also help all cells even cancer cells? Helping the good and the bad? How does it know the difference?
Hi, Pemf is like meditation or hyperbaric oxygen. It helps the body and cells rebalance. So, bad actors like fungi/viruses and cancer cels dislike the magnetic energy and subsequent electron donation.
Science has made a way of treatment for the patients very easy that is why most of the people are getting rid of dangerous diseases.