How times have changed. When I was a child the only screen we had in my house was the TV. Now screens are ubiquitous. It’s becoming the norm to see children, even toddlers with laptops and tablets on their laps, or clutching on to smartphones.
The kids are happy because they can play games, watch cartoons, surf the Internet, message their friends, and do their homework. Parents and grandparents are happy because it keeps the kids occupied so that they can get on with doing other things. But are these technologies safe… or are our children being exposed to potentially harmful EMF radiation from phones, tablets, and laptops?
It May Be a “Laptop” but Keep it Off Your Kid’s Lap
The most dangerous aspect of using computers on laps are the electromagnetic field exposures (EMFs). Few people realize that all computers emit EMFs on many different frequencies. Magnetic fields and electric fields are always present. Radio frequency radiation or microwave radiation is increasingly present.
If your child’s laptop or tablet can connect to the Internet wirelessly, via WiFi or Bluetooth or other, then that means they are being exposed to microwave radiation.
You might think that these exposures are very low power and therefore are perfectly safe… or aren’t they?
The Most Dangerous Aspect of Computers On Laps
It is widely accepted that these radio frequency radiation microwave exposures are very low level. But studies are now telling us that these exposures have the potential to cause significant harm. These man-made exposures are quite unlike anything that exists in nature. And, because laptops, tablets and the like are used in such close proximity to the body, they are particularly dangerous.
What’s the Harm of EMF Radiation?
These EMF exposures impact the body in a number of ways. Notably they are known to compromise cell membrane function, calcium and antioxidant balance, DNA, and blood brain barrier permeability.
Here is a non-inclusive list of diseases linked to EMF exposures of the type given off by tablets and laptops:
- Cancer
- Brain tumors
- Cardiovascular disease
- Diabetes
- Suicide
- Multiple Sclerosis
Dr. Magda Havas, Professor of Environmental & Resource Studies at Trent University in Canada, is a leading researcher in this field. She states:
“The scientific evidence clearly shows that microwave radiation at levels well below [international] guidelines…with Wi-Fi routers causes cancer in laboratory animals, causes heart palpitations in sensitive adults, causes reduced sperm motility and viability, and is associated with symptoms of electrosensitivity that include – but are not limited to – cognitive dysfunction, pain, fatigue, mood disorders (depression, anxiety, irritability), dizziness, nausea, weakness, skin problems, and tinnitus.”
Strong Warnings from Official Organizations about Laptop EMFs
Perhaps the most pertinent warning is that given by Federal Communications Commission Office of Engineering & Technology (FCC) which is the organization responsible for evaluating the safety of these devices. The FCC report, OET Bulletin 65, states that computer laptop type devices need to be placed at least 20 cm (approximately 8 inches) from the body.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has also made its position clear with regard to WiFi radiation type exposures. In May 2011 the WHO issued a statement classifying these exposures as a possible class 2B carcinogen.
Growing Kids are Particularly at Risk from EMF Radiation
Children are not “small versions” of adults. Multiple studies indicate that children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of these EMFs. Which means that you as a parent or grandparent need to be particularly vigilant.
Children in schools with WiFi are increasingly complaining of heart palpitations and feelings of weakness and fatigue in the classroom. Several students in one school area in Canada have experienced sudden cardiac arrest. As a result some schools are now installing defibrillators (for sudden cardiac arrest) and removing microwave ovens, whose signal interferes with the WiFi routers.
One of the most tragic recent cases is that of British school girl Jenny Fry. Unable to live with the WiFi in her school, Jenny was found hanging in woods close to her home last year. Speaking after the inquest Jenny’s mother said, “WiFi and children do not mix. I believe that WiFi killed my daughter.”
Other Reasons to Not Allow Computers On Laps
Beyond the EMF question there are numerous other good reasons not to allow children to use laptops and tablets on their laps. One important one is posture.
A study carried out in Finland on 436 schoolchildren found that daily computer use of two hours or more increased the risk of pain in the neck and shoulders (21% of the children), pain in the head (20%), and pain in the lower back (16%). Girls were affected more than boys.
Some studies also point to behavioral issues with excessive screen use. The more our children immerse themselves in the cyber world, the less they develop their real life social skills. Children need to go out into the world. They need to move and interact in real time, face to face, not just via a screen.
Tips for Safe Computer Use for Kids
Here are some tips to promote safer computer use for your children:
- Prefer laptops which are hard wired via an Ethernet cable and used on a desk or table, over tablets
- Lay down specific times when computer use is allowed
- Implement a safe browsing protocol. Google offers this as do numerous Internet providers − which operates via a safe search function
- Consider installing parental control software to give you control over how your kids access the Internet
- If your children are young it’s better to keep the computer in an open area where supervision is easy
- Studies show that computer use is particularly harmful at night. Do not allow computer use in the 2 hours preceding bedtime
Perhaps, most important, is to have a conversation with your kids about computer use. They might be too young to understand about the dangers of EMF radiation exposure, but start by educating them in Internet safety etiquette and privacy issues.
Article Summary
It’s become commonplace to see children, even toddlers with laptops and tablets on their laps, or clutching on to smartphones. However, are our children being exposed to potentially harmful EMF radiation from these devices?
Exposure to EMF impacts the body in a number of ways. Notably compromising cell membrane function, calcium and antioxidant balance, DNA, and blood brain barrier permeability. Just some of the diseases linked to EMF exposures of the type given off by tablets and laptops include:
- Cancer
- Brain tumors
- Cardiovascular disease
- Diabetes
- Suicide
- Multiple Sclerosis
The FCC report, OET Bulletin 65, states that computer laptop type devices need to be placed at least 20 cm (approximately 8 inches) from the body.
The World Health Organization (WHO) has also made its position clear with regard to WiFi radiation type exposures. In May 2011 the WHO issued a statement classifying these exposures as a possible class 2B carcinogen.
Children are not “small versions” of adults. Multiple studies indicate that children are particularly vulnerable to the effects of these EMFs. Which means that you as a parent or grandparent need to be particularly vigilant.
What about Smart Meters?
Decades ago the book researching common electrical devices, said these brain tumours were unusual for tumours … usually tumours are identified by strands of DNA being unraveled. The brain cancers formed by these devices were beyond possible cures because the DNA strands were ‘clipped’ into too-small fragments.
It is also important to remember to turn off the wifi on the computer as well as the router when running a laptop on ethernet cables. The laptop is a powerful microwave emitter just as is the router when the wifi is turned on. The signal has to make a round trip.
Australian Aborigines know a practice, a ceremony called ‘Pointing the bone’ which would usually result in the death of the subject (usually remotely). We must take care not to let anyone ‘Point the Bone’ at us as while there is life, there must be hope.
So many people have pulled themselves back to good health from impossible conditions simply because they would not give up and die. I would rather go out fighting than walk quietly to the chopping block because others told me to. Your choice.
Knowledge, our personal knowledge is our greatest asset and most powerful weapon against any odds. Along with an inner strength or determination to control our own lives knowledge gives us the means to live a full life.
There is ample evidence that electrical fields and magnetic fields can be harmful to human life when poorly understood and when we allow ourselves inappropriate exposure. To allow others to freely control much of our existence and for their own profit is not to live healthily or in any way sensibly.
Take control of your own health as no one else can care for your life as you do – for all your life. There is NOW and there is TOO LATE! Choose.
Oh, I wish life was that SIMPLE!!! There are many humans {ie. kids and seniors in nursing homes, hospitalized patients; etc} that have the choice only to live-in-misery [survive] or DIE … some choice eh?
MANY years ago, I found out that each cell had a negative charge on its exterior. THIS CHARGE IS SUFFICIENT in keeping cells apart. It is caused by the amino acid taurine, binding zinc to the membranes … taurine is a zwitter-ion (having a negative charge on one end of the molecule and a positive charge on the other). One girl having your problem with EMF’s, also had a odour that did not was-away. Such odour is caused by a taurine deficiency and is cleared up by supplementing with taurine. Can supplementing with both zinc and taurine be protective against EMF????
That is really good information John, thank you. I try to walk barefoot daily to keep that negative charge. I have supplemented with Zinc for many years but am not able to take Taurine unfortunately as I have a sulphur intolerance. I tried to counteract this with Molybdenum but the effects are still unbearable when I have any sulphur products.
never heard of such a thing as ‘sulphur intolerance’. Granted, there is a problem with raw sulphur, but a problem with sulphur-bearing amino acids like cysteine, methionine and TAURINE is wild because they preform many critical functions in the body including oxygen intake. Zinc intake is problematic too, so you may try zinc carnosine . You only require very small amounts of taurine, so if you eat fish, or turkey or most any meat is fine.
John, you should check out cystinuria. I have the less horrible condition resulting from only one defective gene, and was not aware of it until my 60’s when an enlarging prostate further concentrated urine in my bladder leading to the formation of painful stones to pass composed of cystine crystals. Going vegan has reduce my prostate issue and haven’t had a stone attack since 🙂
Debra, The greatest thing that Ty Bollinger did was to include one science based, patented, Independently researched as well as peer reviewed and published (by those allowed to publish Nobel Prize level science), on the 7th Episode of The Truth About Cancer Docu-Series he aired recently online around the world. Dr Smirnoff told the history of his Scientific invention for us to be able to easily and I expensively deal with this Harmful Pollutant and Carcinogen EMF. Thankfully I was introduced to this technology almost 10 years ago, when I was dealing with serious Electro Sensitivity. I cannot really imagine what my health would be like today had I not started protecting my Cells and Brain when I did. My work requires me to be on the phone for sometimes many hours a day. It was literally killing me! When I found this technology and immediately adopted it, I realized it had to be one of the Pillars of Health for everyone in our a Wireless World. Even the World Health Organization has declared it to be the worst threat of the 21st Century, but they simply put a fence around it like a Superfund Site that will never be cleaned up. There is a growing group of International Scientists, who were tired of waiting, approx 225 of them now, who have made a video to sound the alarm, and are growing a coalition to help people understand what the danger is especially for our children and the ill, i.e.: wifi in schools and hospitals.
I just read an article that talks about how we are going to have 5 G in Bout 3 years coming to the most Urban areas first, it will even but under our streets for the driverless cars!.. Remember our cars are becoming most EMF toxic!
I am and have been for nearly 10 years dedicated to helping people get EMF protected and also Cellularly Hydrated with Dr Smirnoff’s other use of the same technology that protects against EMF, just used differently. You can purchase these simple things from Independent Distributors like myself. I am as you can see, very passionate about my work to educate those who are ready to open their eyes. In my case, I suffered, literally my health going down the tubes, and I have nearly 40 years of education and background in Health, but could not figure out what had happened to me so suddenly…I had so many of the classic symptoms, and there are a few forward looking countries that are recognizing these are Electro Sickness.
All symptoms disappeared when I employed this Technology, especially Hormone Disruption.
As a Non-Drug Holistic Integrative Practitioner, I am very serious about what I am sharing here. If you would like more information, please let me know.
Lovely to meet you Kedzi ! I too have been introduced to these wonderful products in the past year and am passionate in my pursuit
to spread the word! Cheers !
Kedzi, thank you for your concern and response. I’m really glad you’ve found something that’s worked for you and it peaked my interest when Bev also said they’d helped her. Unfortunately, this is one of the things I have tried and it didn’t work for me. I have the MRET mobile phone device which I bought years ago. My phone is only ever used for text messages now as anything online with it makes me too ill. The MRET is still on the back of it but way back when I was still using my phone for calls (before I realized that was what was affecting me), I was still getting the frequencies going up my arms and into my neck where my nervous system would inflame. So far the only thing that’s helped is avoidance and grounding.
Yes I too got excited about the team of scientists from around the world that are working towards being heard about the dangers of EMF.
The whole 5G thing is really scary. I keep praying it will be averted in some way but there’s probably not much hope of that. I’m doing everything I can now to treat viruses, bacteria, heavy metals, mold, and to get all organs functioning at an optimal but I know there are so many people who will be terribly affected if this technology keeps growing.
In chemistry class, I learned, (the hard way) to read very carefully …. the amino acid in question is called cysteine … cystine is a small peptide composed of 2 ‘cysteine’ AA(amino acid) molecules. While I do not doubt your experience with a vegan diet …. a person who eats a vegan diet is setting themselves up for incredible amounts of pain and a much shorter life long term, because they lack taurine. [REF. … Ryan Huxtable … a research expert on taurine … who has found taurine too low in vegans.
Sooo glad to have the ways and means to flush my cells of toxins and shield myself from EMF’s .. There are scientifically proven products out there to help! I know . I have them
Hi Bev, I invite you to use my email on post above, it would be fantastic to share our stories!
The key is to stop noticing the differences. Until you stop looking at skin color and thinking “oh that’s white/black/brown person” you won’t be able to move on from such thoughts.
A lot of people haven’t heard of the sulphur intolerance but half the worlds population have it. Its actually an enzyme deficiency which results in the inability to convert sulphites into sulphates. Molybdenum helps to some degree because so many things contain sulphites (the most common being garlic and onion). Its taken a long time to work that one out too. Lol. It might explain why I have such a problem with oxygen. I can’t take any supplements with cysteine, methionine or taurine or eat onion or garlic or I get a full on inflammatory reaction that comes right from the bone and works its way out to the muscles over weeks. I did Zinc Carnosine for a couple of months to heal my gut lining after a severe H.Pylori infection. I should probably go back onto that again. I do eat fish and meat.
Debra, I can’t thank you enough for these observations/experiments. Curiosity wants to know if you were breast-fed. I’m thinking that much trouble comes from food/drink are too cold (or hot) for digestive systems to manufacture digestive enzymes. Have you any experience with ‘warm’ [ie. breast-milk-style or infant-style] foods and liquids?
John, I was breast fed for only 2 months before my mother gave up due to Lactose Intolerance. I use a lot of fermented foods and beverages now to build my gut microbiome. I believe the enzyme deficiency may be attributed to vaccinations, some of which I had severe reactions to. Or the other perspective is viruses because I could actually eat sulphur bearing foods up until 20 years ago when I started to get sick with Fibromyalgia and the food intolerances just got worse. My oldest daughter, who was breast fed, has been able to eat sulphuric foods all her life up until around the same age I was when I started to react, but has now developed the same symptoms I started with, an inflamed Colon, so she’s had to stop eating them. I can rule out the H.Pylori as a culprit as she didn’t have this when tested, although I think this bug may set the foundation for digestive collapse in many as it alters the gut PH making it desirable to pathogens and viruses.
I have tried Colostrum, which again supplies sulphur. I was doubled over in pain in the Colon before researching to find what was causing it. I then did the stop/start method to confirm. I have also tried lactoferrin which I was ok on.
Why can’t everyone ignore color and just see children or people that’s why we have so much racism everyone gets their noses out of joint when they someone a different color than they are.
HI Debra, I have some ‘seemingly strange’ ideas … many that I’m working on. MAYBE we tend to focus so narrowly, we miss real healing possibilities. FOR INSTANCE, all biological reactions require enzymes, and enzymes exist only within a narrow temperature range …. WARM – not hot and not iced. SO EATING/DRINKING FOODS AND LIQUIDS OUTSIDE THIS RANGE FOR DECADES implies ??????? If taking colostrum … should it not be as a warm liquid? Lactoferrin is great …
Children should not be glued to their television and laptop, because too much radiation is not good for their brain. Children should go outside and have some fresh air. They should go for long walks, run around, play in the playground, and do other outdoor activities, because it might help them clear the cobwebs in their brain. Going outdoors is the best medicine for most people.
One of the kids is a Latino ! Don’t you see it?
What is the problem … why are seniors and people housed in ‘care’ facilities living without NORMAL access to the outdoors and sunlight? IS WHAT IS NORMAL ONLY NORMAL-FOR-employees?
Are you kidding? That is your most important question, I’m sure they weren’t thinking that at all, I know I didn’t!
Not sure if this helps but I turn off all my devices with WIFI OFF before I sleep. But router is on but in the living room.
Next to game consoles the wifi routers are giving off crazy levels of EMF’s! I have two universal guards on each
Universal guards? Do tell me where to get one… but how do you know if these really work?? Thanks
If for some reason you do not hear back from Bev, I can help you, but pls wait for her since she told you about them initially. Otherwise my email is Kedzi at AOL dot come. Thanks!!
Hi glee217 ! Shoot me an email and I will send info.
Glee, have you gotten your Universal Guards yet? We have a super offer til end of thr month to take advantage of. Pls call me..if u need help. 480-251-9047 been using them for 10 yrs..super effective especially since I am electro sensitive..all my Holistic Health Clients love them, as well as their animals who have no placebo effect. Good day!!
Thanks a lot for the article. It’s really very important question. But I found a better solution as you won’t control your kids everywhere. I just bought a personal radiation detector at . It’s a cool thing and with its help I control and in some way protect my kids from radiation
My wife is allergic to sulfa (sulfur) drugs. She’d break out in hives with terrible itching, etc. That allergy is listed in her medical records.
Hi Debra, are you in conversation still about being helped? We at GIA believe in a layered approach, in fact I was just having this discussion a moment ago, with one of my partners, who is a scholar in the field of Muscle monitoring. She was using one of our Pendants to test a Client to show her how powerful they are for the random stressors, whether they be EMF, Electricity, on and on, and showed her how powerful our Frequency in the pendant is when she turned off purposely for the test, the main Meridian of the body, then tested her with the Pendant, and the protection and strengthening of the Pendant frequencies was so strong that her client was strengthened to withstand the shock of having that main channel of life force turned off! MRET works, but some people, especially with other comprimises, such as what happened to me, Formaldehyde and Mercury poisoning, need even more help..we come from a layered approach. We also have things to pull out the toxins, so your body can get it’s own power back. If you wish to discuss this more, please call. 480-251-9047
Thank you Kedzi for your reply. I too have Mercury toxicity and about to do another round of detox with Dulse, R-Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Cilantro. Do you have a link I can view for the pendant? I’m in Australia and I’m afraid I can’t make overseas calls.
Since clearing the H.Pylori infection, there has been a significant improvement in the symptoms I experience from EMF now. One prolonged exposure could originally put me in bed for months with so much pain. My partner would massage the lumps out of me while I screamed into a pillow but it was the only way to help it all pass out. Now when I’m exposed to wireless signals, I still flare up, I still get the headaches, Tinnitus, agitation etc but when I move away, much of it passes and almost all is gone within 24 hours. This is a huge improvement for me and one I’m pretty sure came about through the elimination of that stomach bug, Helicobacter Pylori, something greatly undermined by health professionals, especially when more than half the population has it. It managed to shut my Thyroid and most Liver detox pathways down. Now my Thyroid is normal and I don’t have Hashimotos anymore and my Liver is gradually returning to health. I think my body can handle detoxing the EMF more now and this is what has made the improvement.
I feel so grateful to have found the company Clar8ty that has products to give you the peace of mind and assist with all the EMF , EMR toxicity we deal with on a daily basis. Dr. V from Truth about Cancer is an advocate for the Clar8ty products!
Dr V is advocate in her Cancer Conquerer Program for MRET technology shown on TTAC, and was just one of our Speakers and Attendees at our conference.