Before You Watch This Video
Our good friend, Roger Stone, gave a riveting speech at TTAC [LIVE] in Nashville on October 24, 2021. Roger is a patriot who loves Jesus and loves this country! He talked about the importance of freedom and the threat that America currently faces.
Here is a personal letter that Roger wrote earlier this year about his wife, Nydia, and her battle with cancer as well as the multiple instances of government abuse which led to his epic struggle for justice, personal freedom and vindication.
Ty Bollinger:
And this next man that we’re bringing out has been also heavily attacked by CNN and other fake news outlets. Right, honey?
Charlene Bollinger:
Yes. This man has become a very dear friend of ours. I don’t have his bio, but we don’t need it. He is well known. He has been working as a strategist since Richard Nixon, every president from then to here. And we had the honor to give him a lifetime achievement award for being that expert strategist to so many. I’ve come to know him well. He is a loyal and faithful man to a great cause. And it’s my honor to not only introduce him, but to first to say, Roger Stone still did nothing wrong. Please welcome to the stage, Roger Stone.
Ty Bollinger:
Give it up for Roger Stone.
Roger Stone:
Thank you. Wow. What a great audience. I can’t wait to hear what I have to say. Ladies and gentlemen, I am living proof that Jesus Christ can do anything. Most of you know my story because of a 40 year relationship with Donald Trump. My wife and I were targeted in a politically motivated witch hunt where we were smeared, vilified, threatened, illegally spied upon, pressured to flip on the president, framed, constitutionally gagged so that I could not even defend myself, lynched, bankrupted, censored, canceled, deplatformed, pardoned, and saved by Jesus Christ.
We lost everything in this fight, our home, our savings, our insurance, and for 18 months, my ability to make a living to provide for my family. My trial in Washington, DC was a Soviet-style show trial in which the judge issued multiple unconstitutional pretrial rulings, ruling for the government every time in which I was limited and essentially prohibited from entering any powerful defense. I had epically biased judge who could not even conceal her hatred for both the president and for me. I had a jury forewoman who was attacking me on Twitter and Facebook in 2019, the year before I was arrested regarding the very case in which she was later selected as a juror. She kept those postings on a private setting, concealing them during jury selection and the trial, and then quiet deleting them afterwards.
The judge, in my case ruled that that was not evidence of bias. A time came when I reached hot at rock bottom, when I realized that I was about to be lynched in a show trial that was beyond my comprehension, that I was headed to a COVID-infested prison at 68 years old and with a lifetime history of asthma, a de facto death sentence. And I was depressed. I was angry. I was frustrated. I wasn’t scared, but I was worried for my wife, who would take care of my wife. After all on January 25th, 2019, 29, heavily armed SWAT clad, night goggle wearing FBI agents surrounded my home arriving in 17 armored vehicles, a helicopter, and two amphibious units. And as my friend Sean Handy said, yes, frog men were jumping off the dock in my backyard, all of them, every one of them brandishing an M4, fully automatic assault weapon to arrest me for the first time non-violent crime of lying to Congress. Lying to Congress? Can you say Dr. Anthony Fauci?
No misstatement I made before Congress was relevant or material or hid no underlying crime, but as we learned only yesterday or the day before yesterday, Dr. Anthony Fauci not only called that great American Patriot Senator Rand Paul a liar, but he perjured himself before Congress where were 29 FBI agents showing up at his home at six o’clock in the morning? In my despair, my many friends, clerics, protestant, Catholic, Jewish, so many of the people I met in the 2016 campaign, all urged me to put my fate in the hands of the Lord, but I was not feeling it. I would try to read the Psalms or I would try to read the Proverbs, but I was depressed, I was angry. And yes, I thought about suicide. Only temporarily that I realized that would only give my critics exactly what they wanted.
I had the opportunity because there is an incredibly dynamic young pastor named Randy Coggins, who I’d met about a year before. And he had chipped a way at me, constantly checking in with me every week, telling me that I needed to turn to Jesus, that I needed to confess my sins. And then he invited me to meet Reverend Franklin Graham who was going to be in Boca Raton. And he got me 15 minutes with Reverend Graham, who I knew was a good friend and supporter of the president. And still thinking like a political strategist, I jumped at the opportunity. I had had an opportunity when I was 12 years old to see the great Billy Graham, one of the greatest men in the 20th century, preach at a tent revival in Bridgeport, Connecticut.
And I said to Reverend Graham, “I know you’re close to the president. I think clemency may be the only answer, the only thing that separates me from death. And I wonder if you might help me.” He said, “Well, what would you like me to do?” I said, “Well, maybe you could put in a good word for me with the president since although I’ve known him 40 years, his lawyers will not let me speak to him. And my lawyers would also not let me speak to him.” And he said, “Well, I’ll see what I can do. But let me give you a better piece of advice. Turn to God, confess your sins, get right with the Lord, pledge to walk in his way. And I guarantee you, he will not abandon you, he will not dismiss you, and he will deliver you from your persecutors.”
I thought about this and then we went to his revival. It was a very impressive. It was about 2000 people that were in an open field with an amphitheater. He had a very impressive, very tight show, a couple of great Christian rock bands. And then he came on for a 15 minute oration and he said, “I don’t care if your problem is, alcoholism, or drug addiction, or gambling addiction, or health problems, or family problems, or financial problems. I don’t care if you have problems with the law or problems in your education, the Lord will not abandon you. The Lord will always protect you if you pledge to walk in his way.” And at that moment, he said, “Those who want to live with our Lord in the everlasting kingdom of heaven rise now and take the pledge.” And with 200 other Christians, I stood in a field and I confessed my sins. I got right with Jesus. And it was as if cement blocks were removed from my shoulders.
There is no doubt that the Lord God gave president Donald Trump, the greatest president since Abraham Lincoln, the courage and the strength to pardon me in an election year. Now God works in mysterious ways because just that October, I had been invited because of my good friend, Lori Gregory. She had introduced me to Ty and Charlene Bollinger and they invited me to speak to a rally here in Nashville at the end of the campaign to advocate for president Trump because he is an advocate for health freedom. And this was an extraordinary connection. One that I could not foresee the value of because in May of this year, after two years of unrelenting stress and the pressures of Robert Mueller and his thugs and not knowing whether her husband would be unfairly incarcerated and die in prison, my own sweet wife of 30 years was diagnosed with stage four cancer. This was devastating because my wife is a healthy, vibrant, tough individual. She’s a Cuban American, a fierce anti-communist. And she was my rock during the trial.
She was the one said, “Never give up.” She was the one who said, “What happened to you?” when I came home from that field with Franklin Graham. And now thanks to the extraordinary information that is available through The Truth About Cancer, my wife is on the road to recovery. The Lord will heal her. She is using mega vitamin infusions, peptide infusions, THC and CBD products specifically tailored for cancer, digestive enzymes, oxygenated water, blood oxygenation, and dozens of other therapies that unlike what the doctors tell you, really work. I cannot forget the first discussion with her cancer doctors when I suggested large infusions of vitamin C, “Oh my God, no. Vitamin C, that might kill her.” “No doctor, chemotherapy is what might kill her.” So I went from being a political warrior for 40 years to being a health freedom warrior, thanks to Lori Gregory and Charlene Bollinger and Ty Bollinger and so many of you here.
My wife’s alternative therapies cost us about $28,000 a month. I have to scramble every month to raise that money, but thanks to 65 wonderful Americans, the same people who financed my legal defense, we will raise whatever we need and my wife will win this fight with the help of Jesus Christ. Now yesterday, you may have seen a Newsweek story. First, let me explain something. Newsweek online is not the Newsweek you remember. That Newsweek magazine went out of business years ago and they sold their logo and their masthead and their name to The Daily Beast. Yesterday they had a headline in which they criticized me for inadvertently saying that millions of Americans have been killed or injured by the COVID 19 vaccination. I wasn’t wrong. I was just premature.
Make no mistake about what we face in this country. It is nothing less than a satanic cult that is bent on destroying the US Constitution and our personal freedoms who wants to dictate to us and our families, what can be done to our children and with our children, who are now suddenly coming up with record gas prices, supply chain problems, food shortages. And if you didn’t notice, we just got our ass kicked in Afghanistan. None of these things happened under president Donald Trump. We had the strongest and most vibrant economy in our history under president Donald Trump. We had an active program against child sex trafficking under president Donald Trump. We had a foreign policy that put Americans first putting an end to the endless foreign wars where our inherent national interests were not clear.
But what we have seen under this administration is a situation around the globe that is hard to believe. The Iranians are reigning missiles on Israel. The North Koreans have restarted their nuclear weapons project. The Chinese are harassing American flagships in the South China sea. That would never have been allowed under president Donald Trump. The Russians are masked on the border of Crimea and it’s because they look at the White House today and they see in the illegitimate president Joe Biden weakness, and surrender, and authoritarianism. No making a mistake of about it. Our country is in desperate trouble, but fortunately I have a plan. You can go to It’s a mouthful. right now. And you’ll see a four point plan that can save this nation.
Step 1: For the first time in our history, we have the complete control and censorship of all mass communications in the United States. This includes broadcast television, cable television, most of radio, all print media, newspapers and magazines, and the most heavily trafficked areas of the internet. But we don’t need to control every mode of communication. We just need a level playing field on the internet. The internet is the key to victory. And yes, it is possible to build platforms that are virtually impossible to deplatform. And when we build those platforms, we can have our own news sites, our own web hosting sites, our own event sites, our own crowdfunding sites, our own activist sites. We can build our own community. And the reason we must do this is because without the ability to communicate with each other and everyone else, we will never be able to galvanize the American people to demand free, fair, honest, transparent elections at all levels of the United States.
Step 3 is my favorite. It’s time to move the feckless, gutless, weak-kneed, spineless, country club belonging, white wine swelling, green pants wearing rhino Republicans who are only in the party to line their pockets and the pockets of their friends. It’s time to show them the door. And we do this in Republican primaries at all levels. I would compete in the Democratic party as well, but the Democratic party of John F. Kennedy and Harry Truman, who founded the state of Israel, that party no longer exists. Here’s an oxymoron for you folks. Moderate Democrat doesn’t exist. The Democratic party, the one’s great Democratic party has been captured by radical socialists, dare I say, communists. And they have an authoritarian view of America’s future. So our future lies in the Republican party.
I recognize that there are good solid Democrats in this audience who consider themselves patriotic Americans. But this is not like 1960 when we had two parties and they just had different governing philosophies. They were both loyal to America. They were both anti-communist. They both were patriotic. Some wanted to spend and tax a little more, some wanted to spend and tax a little less. That is not the choice today. The choice today is a choice between dark and light, a choice between good and evil, a choice between the godless and the godly. And dare I say it, if we do not win this fight, America will step off into a thousand years of darkness. We know because we’ve read the Bible, that good wins in the end. And therefore, the question is, what is the path forward?
The great Evangelist Kim Clement said that, “The giant will be taken down by a simple stone. Remember that name,” he said. I do not claim to be a savior. I do not claim to know everything about His plan to go forward. But I do know this, I am in the service of the Lord and I am confident that he will tell me what he wants me to do. And the plan will be revealed to me when he is ready to reveal it. And working with Patriots like you, we will save this nation. Thank you. Thank you. God bless you. I think most of you know that I am a veteran of 11 national presidential campaigns starting with president Richard Nixon, who was my mentor. And yes, it’s true, I have on my back a tattoo of president Nixon about the size of a grapefruit that floats between my shoulders. And this is not a political statement. It really isn’t.
When I see it every morning in the mirror, it’s a daily reminder that in life, when things don’t go your way, when you are defeated, when you strive for something, but it eludes you again and again, you fall short, when you are discouraged and when you’re ready to give up, that’s the time you have to dust yourself off and get back into the fight. It was president Nixon who said, “A man is not finished when he is defeated. He is only finished when he quits.” Well, I will never quit. Ty and Charlene Bollinger will never quit. Dr. Judy Mikovits, a great patriot, a great woman of courage, she will never quit. So many of your speakers and honorees here this weekend are in the Vanguard of the effort to save this nation. Pray for them, pray for America and we will triumph.
President Nixon also said, “Until one has been in the deepest valley, one cannot appreciate the majesty of the highest mountain top.” I understand exactly now what he means. My family, my wife, we have gone through hell. I was arrested in January. You may remember that. I bet you saw it on CNN. Amazing because I live on a one way street that was roped off at the end. And all the rest of the media was kept behind the rope about a quarter of a mile from my home. Yet CNN was allowed to set up 25 feet in front of my house. My wife woke up looking down the barrel of two rifles because she is extremely hard of hearing. She had not heard the commotion in my arrest. She didn’t know if we had a home invasion or what was happening.
The fear in my heart was that an FBI agent would give her an order, she would not hear it and they would shoot her. It was the worst day of my life. It was also the best day of my life because the deep state revealed their malicious, vicious, lawlessness to the American people. And people who are not political, people who don’t share our views come up to me every day and say, “It is disgraceful what they did to you. It’s hard to believe that this can happen in the United States of America.”
Now I know that after the election, in which we had a record number of anomalies and irregularities. By the way, when the media says, “No, there is no proof whatsoever of election fraud,” that’s how you know there’s a lot. I really like Ty and Charlene Bollinger, but when they were attacked by CNN, I came to love them. If you’re attacked by CNN, you’re doing something right. So those of you who look at this election result, who see a country in retreat, a country in surrender, a country that’s lost its way, do not be disheartened. After all, as I said, we’ve read the Bible. We know good wins in the end. But we are in for a horrific fight for our rights. We’re in for a fight to save America. And every single one of you is a committee of one.
Right now I’m banned for life on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and you can congratulate me, I got banned on TikTok just days ago. They banned me for pointing out that I was prosecuted for lying to Congress when no misstatement I made was relevant yet little Tony Fauci lied repeatedly to Congress and has not yet been apprehended. There’s something to pray for folks. In all honesty, I’ve had it up to here with Tony Fauci. It is a great honor to share this stage with so many patriots. My friend, Pastor Greg Locke what a great American. What a man of courage. By the way, if you haven’t seen the CNN hit piece on him, check it out. You’ll love him even more then. As I say, do not be discouraged, be of strong heart because we will win this fight.
I am going to utilize one of my favorite quotes. It is one from the darkest days of the American revolution. In the American revolution, it was just 3% of the colonists who took on the greatest, strongest, best funded, best trained army in the world, the British army. And they saw victory in the name of freedom. And therefore, I agree with Patrick Henry, when he said, “Give me liberty or give me death.” This is a fight to the end. Or maybe it was Colonel Travis at the Alamo who said, “Victory or death.” Now we’re in a strange part in America, a strange time.
Let me tell you about the three guys who all died and went to hell at the same time. A man from California, a man from New York, and a man from Florida. When they got to hell, they saw a red telephone and they said to Satan, “What’s with that?” And he said, “Oh, you can call home and you can talk to people there, but it’s very, very expensive.” So the man from Florida said, “Wow, I love that. I want to call Miami.” Satan said, “Help yourself.” Man got on the phone. He spoke for, I don’t know, almost 45 minutes. When he hung up, Satan said, “That’ll be $1 million.” So he wrote a check to the devil and handed it to him. Then the man from New York said, “Well, I’d like to call Buffalo. That’s where I’m from.” Satan said, “Please, help yourself.” Man picked up the phone, spoke for almost two hours. Satan said, “That’ll be $2 million.” So the man wrote out a check and he paid Satan.
Then the man from California said, “Well, I’d really like to call Los Angeles.” Satan said, “Help yourself.” Man spoke for an hour and a half. And when it was over, Satan said, “That’ll be $1.25.” Well, the man from Florida and the man from New York said, “Hey, what’s going on? How come he paid less?” And he said, “Well, since Gavin Newsom became governor, California’s going to hell. So it’s a local call.” I had to retool that since Andrew Cuomo was no longer governor. We stand on the ramparts at the most important time in American history. Will we submit, will we roll over to a socialist agenda that would destroy the very fabric of America? Will we let an all powerful government make health decisions for every American? Let me say this, I would rather die on my feet than live on my knees.
The only time I intend to spend on my knees is praying to the Lord Jesus. We do the Lord’s work in the upcoming struggle. But if your children are in the public schools, bring them home and homeschool them. My good friend, Sam Sorbo is an inspiration on this issue. Understand the public education system is so badly broken. Your children will only be indoctrinated to hate you and America. Bring your children home. Now a gift, I have 17 completely frivolous, unsubstantiated, baseless, groundless, civil lawsuits against me and my wife. They read like a press release, not a lawsuit. That’s because they have no evidence or proof. Just days ago, president Trump and I were sued in the same lawsuit by a group called Lawyers for Civil Rights Under Law. I like to add the word not. They get their money from George Soros. My favorite part of their complaint, “And then Stone and Trump conspired with others and ordered them to storm the capital.” To which I say bullshit.
The Biden department of justice is suing my wife and I in a civil suit over our 2007 and 2008 income taxes. It’s an extraordinary complaint because it has nine separate assertions by the government. Every one of which is categorically false. We have neither underreported income or failed to report assets. It’s a press release. How do we know? Well, they release their lawsuit on a Friday at six o’clock. That’s to ensure that you can’t get your denial into any of the stories. So I fight on those who want to go to I have no choice because if you do not enter a legal defense, they will have a default judgment against you. I like to say I’m being sued by crack pots, Soros-funded leftists, and hysterical Democrats. But then I’m being redundant.
The deep state efforts to destroy me and my family have not abated. What is it they are afraid of? Could it be the 2022 and 2024 elections? We have an opportunity to write the ship. We have an opportunity to forge ahead as the greatest nation in the world, but we are in an epic struggle. Do not give up, do not be discouraged, and never, never, never surrender, never quit. I have no doubt whatsoever with the work and the prayers of every person in this room and millions of people across America exactly like you, that we could return to being what president Ronald Reagan called the shining city on the hill. God bless you and God’s speed.
Ty Bollinger:
Give it up for Roger Stone who did nothing wrong. Love you brother.
Charlene Bollinger:
Roger Stone.
I need the video series the truth about cancer How do I get it . Pls advise my wife has stage 4 gioblastoma and needs the truth….Thankyou Don
Hi Don, I think you can find all of the books and docuseries here: