(If you missed it, you can read Part 1 here)
Part 2: The UN-WHO Connection and the H1N1 Scandal
According to their website, the mission of the WHO is to “promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable.” Of course, there are many well-intentioned individuals working with the organization who take these values to heart. But as an organization and especially at the leadership level, how has the WHO measured up to their own Mission Statement over the years?
The WHO and the UN
The WHO is a sub-organization of the United Nations. The United Nations was created in 1945, and its Charter describes its purpose as striving to “maintain international peace and security,” to “develop friendly relations among nations,” to “achieve international cooperation,” and to “be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations.” The WHO was birthed out of the philosophical framework and funding of the UN with the drafting of the WHO constitution on April 7, 1948.
On paper, this all sounds pretty good—great even! Ultimately, however, these altruistic aims are just a cover story. The UN was created as a vehicle for big business interests first and foremost, as well as for the puppet governments and nation-state leaders that big business has controlled throughout the years.
At its inception, the UN itself was actually a rebranding of what was then called the League of Nations. This was an “intergovernmental organization” formed at the famous “Treaty of Versailles” peace conference in 1920 that officially terminated World War I.
Guess who was behind the creation of the League of Nations? None other than the Rockefeller family. You know, the same Rockefellers that single-handedly created the Big Pharma industry in the United States and systematically destroyed natural medicine along the way? The other major funder of the League of Nations was the Rothschild family.
Not much has changed in terms of loyalty since then, except that the relationships between the WHO in particular and its big business “partners” have become more blatant in recent years. Prior to the 2009 global economic recession, the United Nations was the main contributor of funding for the WHO. Now, between 60 and 70 percent of the WHO annual budget is made up of donations from countries, private foundations, and big business, such as pharmaceutical companies.
How Special Interests Control the WHO
One of the ways that special interest groups wield power at the WHO is through industry-loyal “consultants.” Pharmaceutical companies, for example, donate large amounts of cash as well as promises of ongoing funding to the WHO for specific programs (and also to potentially line the pockets of WHO leadership). As part of the arrangement, the WHO agrees to bring in company reps who act as consultants. These individuals are often scientists, engineers, and other specialists. They consult within the WHO network while still being on the Big Pharma company payroll. Big Pharma consultants have great influence in what WHO puts out as well as the actual programs that they engage in.
Often these “consultants” are quite open about their industry ties, at least within the WHO organization. The WHO requires consultants to sign documents disclosing what industries a person may be affiliated with. Sometimes these documents are filled out; sometimes, they are not. Even when they are filled out, it’s up to WHO management to flag a consultant as having a potential “conflict of interest.” When millions of dollars are on the line, it is easy to see how such paperwork can simply “slip through the cracks.”
A new documentary that exposes corruption in the WHO is the film TrustWHO, written by Lilian Franck, Robert Cibis, and Anja Neraal, directed by Lilian Franck and Thomas Schlottmann and narrated by Lilian Franck. The film is distributed by Journeyman Pictures in the UK. TrustWHO has only been out since February 2020 and has already been banned by Vimeo. We will talk a little bit more about the WHO and censorship later in this series.
One expert featured predominantly in the film is journalist Robert Parsons, who has been writing about the WHO for the last 20 years.
“The WHO has been infiltrated by big business from the beginning,” says Parsons in an interview for the documentary.
H1N1 and the Vaccine Agenda
The WHO has been at the mercy of industries such as the tobacco lobby and the nuclear power industry for decades. Besides Big Tech, Big Pharma is the industry that appears to control the strings at the WHO these days. As we shall see, the names and agendas behind Big Pharma and Big Tech are often the same.
One word can describe this agenda: vaccines.
In reality, the World Health Organization has been promoting vaccines worldwide from the beginning. Its first major push was during the 1960s with the smallpox vaccine.
The WHO’s take on vaccines is in lock-step with its parent organization. Goal #3 of the United Nation’s 17 Goals (SD17) put forth as part of its “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” created in 2015 is focused on health. Its calling card reads: “Good Health and Wellbeing-Vaccinate Your Children.”
You may recall that, at the beginning of the Swine Flu, or H1N1, outbreak of 2009, the World Health Organization announced that the “global pandemic” could potentially affect two billion people worldwide.
At the time, the mainstream media ran with the story like wildfire, causing global panic. Yes, swine flu was real. But in the end, it turned out to be nothing more than a blip on the radar. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control estimated that it ultimately affected roughly 0.001 to 0.007 percent of the world’s population, not a third as the WHO had predicted.
So maybe the WHO just called it wrong (again). Mistakes happen, right? Sadly, it appears that this wasn’t the case. In 2010, the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE), a review body composed of democratically-elected members of parliament from 47 countries, conducted an investigation into whether the H1N1 pandemic was exaggerated to sell vaccines.
“In order to promote their patented drugs and vaccines against flu, pharmaceutical companies influenced scientists and official agencies, responsible for public health standards, to alarm governments worldwide and make them squander tight health resources for inefficient vaccine strategies and needlessly expose millions of healthy people to the risk of an unknown amount of side-effects of insufficiently tested vaccines,” a PACE resolution states. “The ‘bird-flu’-campaign (2005/06) combined with the ‘swine-flu’-campaign seem to have caused a great deal of damage not only to some vaccinated patients and to public health-budgets, but to the credibility and accountability of important international health-agencies.”
In other words, prior to the outbreak, many countries, including Great Britain, France and Italy, had actually made “secret pacts” with major pharmaceutical companies. These contracts stipulated that nation-states must purchase a certain amount of Swine flu vaccines, but only if the WHO also agreed to issue a Stage 6 pandemic warning.
According to Dr. Wolfgang Woodarg, Chairman of the PACE Health Committee at the time, “[t]he WHO initiated health measures worldwide…Glaxo Novartis, Sanofi, they had all launched new vaccine production programs to produce the vaccine for this pandemic. They all had made agreements with nation-states. And since they had invested so much in this but couldn’t sell the vaccine, because there was no pandemic and no sign of a flu outbreak – they fabricated a pandemic.”
Why is this relevant to what is happening today? According to the Centre for Research on Globalization, “[t]he same people and institutions, including the Gates Foundation, who today are pushing for COVID-19 vaccine were actively involved in support of the H1N1 vaccine.”
Been following all your current writings and shows. Great work and thanks for the clear education and knowledge of what is REALLY going on.
I hope part 3, will show WHO Is a pedophile, sick human trafficking, abusive organisation
One fine day,when even more truth can be told, we will get to hear about the glue that binds. What do almost all big pharma heads, corporate globalists, almost all U.S. presidents, G20, United Nations founders and many heads of UN sections have in common? It is not in the least conspiracy to say that the masonic lodges hold the key. You have to look beyond the good works of wings of children’s hospitals, and the inception of caging animals and running circuses. The dark magicians have played their sleight of hand oh so well. As the U.S. government orders the return of certain pirated tablets and artifacts to Iraq, and orders investigation of who are the WHO, some very compelling facts will emerge regarding the collusion that shapes the world, sometimes as easily as a handshake.
Hi Charlene,
Health Freedom News published an article back in September 1987 that implicates the WHO in the spread of AIDS. The article is entitled AIDS – WHO Murdered Africa. The author is William Campbell Douglass, M.D..
If you’re not able to locate the article, I’d be more than happy to email you a copy.
Thanks for your labour of love, Charlene. I’ve no doubt that God is in control, but we need to inform folks. As you’ve often quoted: “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge”.
Yours in the name of freedom and honesty,
Well said James. How to call those scum bags.. are making tremendous damage to everyone and everything they are approaching. I’m quite optimistic about the truth and justice will win.. All the best.
Good morning sir. Please can you email the article to me also? Chijioke.nwaubani@yahoo.com. I’m interested in reading it.
Thank you Sis. Charlene. I am highly impressed and I appreciate what you and your team are doing concerning health freedom for all.
Let God Bless you and the team in Jesus Name.
Never give up, Your Messages are saving us here in Africa. We are following day and night.
From: Liberia, West Africa
God Bless you all for informing me and everyone else who do not know what REALLY is going on. Please continue to fight back, because I am.❤️🙏
I want to thank you from the depths of my soul for all you are doing regarding this subject and our current state of affairs.
Please don’t stop!!!
Have you ever considered interviewing
those who control the world are always hiding the truth of things, congratulations on your articles that open the eyes of humanity
So I guess the comms industry is also well represented with its thousands of satalites and street transmitters covertly and openly distributed through out civilised countries without any reference to the public and its health from such transmitters
Wow. Great article. thank you so much for your clear and concise explanation. I sure didn’t learn about the League of Nations and U.N. facts in school! Thank you for all your tireless work!
it would be nice to include sources in your articles, thanks
Hi Julien! If you scroll to the bottom of the article and click on the ‘sources’ tab, you’ll find all the sources readily available. Thank you for reading!
It seems that the Vaccine business political arm kicked into alarm mode in samoa,
for there was a huge forced vaccination event to hide the deaths of the two children. There was actually a huge mass vaccination event in Samoa as well as increased demonisation of anti vaxxrers on NZ media al;so intended to shame them into complete compliance.
Another thing about the WHO is their continuous anti Semitic behavior toward Israel. If anyone googles World Health Organization and anti Israel, lots of information can be found. It’s not surprising, given that their is a long history of singling out Israel for issues at the UN, when many other questionable countries are left alone. It doesn’t take a lot of research in the Bible, see Zechariah 12 for example, to see that all the nations of the world, will be coming against Israel at the end times. It’s important that we start to take notice of these trends.
Another focus about the WHO should be their continuous anti Semitic behavior toward Israel. If anyone googles World Health Organization and anti Israel, lots of information can be found. It’s not surprising, given that their is a long history of singling out Israel for issues at the UN, when many other questionable countries are left alone. It doesn’t take a lot of research in the Bible, see Zechariah 12 for example, to see that all the nations of the world, will be coming against Israel at the end times. It’s important that we start to take notice of these trends.
I suppose the question arises as to what would happen if all this action to produce a vaccine actually succeeded and the virus faded away to nothing. What would the companies do will all those millions of doses now useless? Perhaps they would put it in deep freeze and plan to create another pandemic with another “altered virus”. What would be the source material for this new variant ? You have raised some interesting questions and we have to look at the whole structure of the UN and its purpose. Would there be any money to be made in a world at peace where armaments and machines of war were not needed? The Idealist in me is thinking again
You are doing a great job, God bless you !
Hi Charlene
I thank you for all of the things you do to help us understand the truth. I wish more people would wake up and see the evil that is plaguing our world. I have a brother in California who doubts what I tell him about the gates foundation, pharmaceutical companies, 5G etc. I do not know how to convince him about the Gates foundation to who, population control, who, China, Africa everything. He thinks I am ignorant and I do not have any scientific proof or factual evidence based data to prove the wickedness of the Bill Gates foundation and his dubious plans about covid 19 and his connection to China, Africa The Who. I spoke to him about dr buttar, mikovits and all the people I have met through ttac. He just googles all of them and finds lawsuits etc. Then he calls me gullible, crazy and argues as if he is in one of his court rooms because he’s a lawyer by profession. He has given me a challenge to find authentic scientific and factual evidence to prove all the things I have said about Bill Gates and everything I have mentioned above. I took up his challenge and am asking you to help me prove my point with science and fact. I am a loyal supporter. I am thinking perhaps Robert Kennedy jr can talk to him and explain after all Mt Kennedy is a respected, well educated person in this field and a lawyer. My brother being a lawyer would believe him better. Please help I am in a great dilemma and need your help. Sincerely
Shery A
I do remember that the WHO wanted to put the swine flu as a pandemic assuming that it was very serious and billions of people were going to die. In the end, this H1N1 flu turned out to be a dud.
Also, a book by Ed Cooper, called The River. A man who worked for WHO and was sent to Africa to research how Aids came to be and how it spread throughout Africa. He worked it out and after bringing his findings to the WHO……was dismissed. They never revealed his findings but he wrote a book anyway.
We are being conditioned for control, this is part of these evil peoples plan.
Even D Trump has pulled the funding from WHO. Ask yourself why?
The 99% of our population need to wake up now to the other 1% who plan to herd us like sheep.
I want to thank you and Ty for what you are doing. God bless both of you.
I have a request to make, my Naturalist Doctor wanted me to get in touch with you and,
to ask you what you would recommend for Breast cancer treatment. I have been diagnosed with
Invasive Ductal Carcinoma in my left breast. Any help would be appreciated, Thank you
Thank you. We really appreciate y’all.
I’m interested in your perspective, but something stops me cold, as I read this. It seems you believe that just because you say something, others should believe it is true. The ‘teachers’ I trust are those who provide links to their own sources, i.e., historical facts, real science, etc, etc, that confirm what they are saying.
To just proclaim something does not make it true… so much MSM expects us to swallow everything they ‘sell’. As someone, said “Trust but verify”…. and I don’t trust much of what he said, but this is very good advice 🙂 I’m eager to research your sources, so I can pass on your info with confidence.
Hi Nancy! If you scroll to the bottom of this article, you’ll find a tab called ‘sources’. If you click on it, you’ll find all of our high credible sources well documented and readily accessible. Our mission is to bring you the truth, and we’re glad that you’ve joined us!