(If you missed them, here is part 1 and part 2)
Part 3: WHO Current Situation— Censorship, China and the Bill Gates Vaccine Machine
Prior to the suspension of funding, the United States was the biggest donor to the WHO. Bill Gates (acting through both the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization, another Gates organization) was the second largest financial contributor. Absent the U.S., he is now the biggest one. Given what we know about the WHO from Parts I and II of this series, how does this fact affect what may be coming down the pipeline regarding COVID-19 and the possibility of mandatory vaccines for everyday folks like you and me?
Gates and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus
First, let’s take a look at Gates and WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. Gates has maintained close ties to WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus for many years now.
Many in recent months have called for Ghebreyesus to step down, not only because of his closeness to the Communist Party of China, or CPC (he worked closely with Beijing for years when he was part of the Ethiopian government), but also because of his ties to the Tigray People’s Liberation Front, a known terrorist organization.
Still, others criticize the potentially genocidal actions he promoted in his own country when he was Minister of Health. For example, Ghebreyesus promoted the widespread use of the injectable contraceptive Depo-Provera to certain populations in Ethiopia while not providing basic medical services nor information about the risks of the drug. Depo-Provera has been connected to increased risk for both osteoporosis and breast cancer in numerous studies.
Gates and Ghebreyesus have also maintained a working relationship over the years. Ghebreyesus was the director of the Global Fund from 2009 to 2011, a $4 billion a year organization designed to “fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria as epidemics” initiated, again, by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. He has been closely associated with the Clinton Foundation and its numerous health-related “charitable organizations” for a number of years as well.
Gates and China
Gates also has close ties to China, which are varied and significant. His investments in that country are diverse and cover everything from computer technologies to health and nuclear energy. In the early 2000s, he actively began sharing source code for his Microsoft Windows operating system with the Chinese government. On the surface, this was described as an act of goodwill and transparency on the part of Gates. Some wonder, however, if Microsoft (as well as other US-based tech companies) did not have a hand in the creation of the technological system that the Communist Party of China (CPC) now uses to monitor, censor, and control its 1.4 billion citizens.
“China has a great opportunity to be a global leader in health innovation,” Gates said during a speech at the Beijing University Public Policy Forum International in 2017. “With its rich pool of talented scientists and its capacity to develop new drugs and vaccines, China was a clear choice for us to locate a new Global Health Drug Discovery Institute. This institute—a collaboration between our foundation, the Beijing Municipal Government, and Tsinghua University—will help speed the discovery and development of new lifesaving medicines.”
Another institute that Gates has a vested interest in is the Wuhan Institute of Virology. It is now believed that Coronavirus didn’t originate from the Huanan market, as the story originally went. The current scenario, as confirmed by multiple intelligence agencies, is that COVID-19 actually emanated in some way from experiments being conducted at the Wuhan Institute, which is located less than a mile away from the Huanan “wet” market.
According to research conducted by Dr. Rashid A. Buttar and others, an entity known as the Pirbright Institute currently owns several patents on genetically-manipulated virus forms labeled as “Coronavirus.” Unsurprisingly, the Pirbright Institute is funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
Gates and Corona Virus Vaccines
Soon after Trump made his announcement, China wasted no time in lending a hand by donating $30 million to the WHO. Still, at this moment, Bill Gates remains the largest donor to the most influential health organization on the planet.
As such, Gates has made it no secret that he intends to be a major player in the upcoming roll-out of the new Coronavirus vaccine and the push for mandatory vaccines in general. Recently he pledged to donate $100 million for “Coronavirus relief efforts.”
What Gates didn’t mention was how this “generosity” would eventually come back around to him. Not only does Gates own the patents for the Coronavirus itself, his foundation is also funding current research on fast-tracking the new Coronavirus vaccine, potentially one of the most medically dangerous, untested vaccines ever.
Censorship and the WHO
Connecting the dots between Gates (and other Big Tech leaders), Big Pharma, the WHO, and the vaccination agenda can really help in understanding what is currently going on in the US with censorship.
In mid-April, Facebook announced that it will begin to steer users who interact with coronavirus ‘misinformation’ to the WHO,” including those people who like or share such information. YouTube is enacting similar censorship restrictions, in a policy that they call “raising authoritative information.” Facebook is the owner of Instagram and WhatsApp. Google (Alphabet Inc.) owns YouTube.
At the time of this writing, Twitter is taking even harsher measures and is currently removing thousands of tweets and hundreds of accounts that contain “recommendations that go against health authority guidance…” The vast majority of the posts and channels that are currently being taken down contain legitimate natural health and vaccine-safety related content.
On May 7, Twitter permanently suspended the accounts for The Truth About Cancer and The Truth About Vaccines, as well our own personal accounts. We were given no warning – we were simply purged from Twitter without a trace. To date, we have been given no reason or explanation by Twitter for these draconian actions. (Thanks to so many of our followers’ amazing support, all of our twitter accounts have been reinstated.)
Censorship on social media platforms and on Google has been happening for a while now, of course. However, the recent tightening is being spurred on by the Big Pharma-sympathizing members of Congress. On April 20, 2020, Rep. Adam Schiff wrote a letter to Google, YouTube and Twitter, urging them to be more like Facebook when it comes to “misinformation.”
“Among the harmful misinformation currently on YouTube, recent reporting has shown that it is easy to find videos spreading false and dangerous statements about the coronavirus or treatments, including conspiracy theories linking the virus to 5G towers, anti-vaccine messages suggesting the virus was engineered, and videos suggesting that drinking or consuming bleach may cure the disease,” Schiff wrote in a letter that he also shared on Twitter.
Suddenly it all starts to make sense. The mainstream media, again using language and recommendations coming from the WHO, paints those putting out information that consumers need to know as “the enemy.”
Perhaps this is more to the point: Whatever topics these Big Pharma-backed platforms decide to censor is really what they fear the most.
No one is downplaying the reality of COVID-19 and that it is an intense flu strain which can be potentially dangerous to immune-compromised individuals. But are there really people in authority right now who are wanting us to believe that wearing a mask, social distancing, accepting Constitution-defying rules, and accepting mandatory vaccines is simply the “new normal?”
The People Decide: Free Will Is Our God-Given Right!
Will the WHO investigation by the current administration lead to significant findings that will somehow shed light on what is really going on? Will these investigations come in time to help prevent wide-scale, massive mandatory vaccinations?
Only time will tell. One thing is for certain, however. Our society stands at a decision point.
Will we choose to take a stand for a healthy planet and healthy people? Or will we allow our God-given rights to be stripped from us by special interests that do not care about our well-being?
The choice really is ours to make. It is not an easy one. There are strong forces at work who do not want us to succeed.
There is also a LOT to look forward to! More people than ever want to know the truth, and more and more of us are willing to stand up for health freedom on behalf of ourselves, our families, and future generations.
In addition, more eyes than ever are focused on organizations like the WHO. Ultimately, it will be through the brave actions of everyday people that the WHO can perhaps one day live up to what its own Mission Statement proclaims: to “promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable.”
What are the secrets behind big pharma?
If you want to know the truth, here are a few books you can reference to:
1. Gotzsche, Peter. Deadly Medicines and Organized Crime: How Big Pharma has Corrupted Healthcare, 2013.
2. Sismondo, Sergio. Ghost-Managed Medicine; Big Pharma’s Invisible Hands, 2018.
3.Moss, Ralph. Cancer, Incorporated., 2020.
That they will never sell a cure – but only a remedy for any illness. If they sell a ‘cure’ they will have no more sales will they.
I worked in Medical Sales time ago but realised I couldnt go on with it. I always use Homeopathy
where I can and on my Animals too for many decades since the late George Mcloud MRCVS
wrote his many books. I knew him as he lived up the road from me in Sussex
Thank you both for your hard research work and speaking truth. It has never been right that big
Pharma tries control US Gov and stamp out competition especially if its cheaper, and Herbal too which also works well
Thank You Ty and Charlene for your courage to stand for the Truth. I have no blog, no social media. I currently live outside the States. I use only email and unfortunately WhatsApp. Because I have forwarded to friends and family the information I receive from you and others, I have now been systematically shut out of my online accounts for banking, credit, mobile phone, wireless phone and more. At first I thought it a glitch, but now it feels just too coincidental. I have been effectively isolated, and I’m a nobody! I can only imagine what you are going through. Please hang in there and I will, too.
Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Keep the faith Chris in Hawaii
Where can we get verification that Gates owns the covid virus and eill own patent on vacckne gor it .
I learned about conflicts of interest harmimg children years ago when I learnef about fluoride “swjsh” progrsm in schools.
Then later i collected data on volatile pesticides sprayed in schools considered nerve poisons and the partnership between on pedticide. Co. And Novartis, maker of Ritalin.
I naively thkught the UNC scool of public health would wsnt to know about how children and all of us are being poidoned in the nsme of health.
Spent a whole quarter researching water fluoridation. Talked to Hirzey. To zphyllis Mullinex personally. Learned that a team of experimenters has added about 8ppms of fluoride to the SCHOOL water in Seagrkvez NC FOR TWELVE YEARS. When I Asked state for records was told they were destroyed becsuse not medical – dental.
I discovered ADA was lying about. Seversl endorsements and got emsil grom EPA SAYING. It doesnt endorse anything?but AdA claimef in its Fluoridation facts that it did.
The enviro health professor read my very well researched and cited paper that was not at
all poorly written ( i have BA English) and simply said he disagreed.
I tried to talk about vaccines and wad ignored
. not only pesticides hsef in svh4ools were poisonous but the cleaning all-purpose contsined butoxyethsnol.
When i presented the evidence of thid poisonous product used in schools and tried to grt the county to chsn4ge I was told they had to buy off a list.
I checked statutes and found there was sn exception to that requirement- if thr superintendent or principle believed a product was not appropriate, the school could purchase off the list.
I convinced someone at the top that the product was poisonous and shld be replaced.
Turned out the prisons made it and when the county on the Outet Banks tried to buy off the list the superintendent of prisons drove all the way from Raleigh to change his mind.
And that was that.i know that poisonimg.of children is and had been going on gor sometime one way or Another.
People need to understand that what they use in the home csn affect how well children tolerate tkxic exposures elsewhere. They neef tk get rid of GAIN and Glafe plugins and all scented products
And use white vinegar snd4 peroxide to clean- not bleach not Lysol no fabric softeners. And no tap water. No scented trash bags or soaps or shampoos or deodorants . if they have nontoxic home enviro they have fighting chance outside the home
No spray pesticided.
Thanks for all your research. I have always dis believed in the germ theory and still do. Therefore no need for all the drugs. Lifestyle and habits should be our first defense, PERIOD. God knew what He was doing when He created our food and us.
God bless you. Your stand as soldiers on the front lines against these diabolical creatures is so crucial for the whole planet. Stay strong and may the Lord always protect you from evil.
Thanks for the educational information that informs my decisions going forward.
Thank you for all you do to inform us on relevant issues that affect us.
Praying for your continued boldness.
Thank you for your article written in a nice and polite tone about our future where the pressure on compulsory vaccination, censorship and coercive opinions is to be maximized, but I have no doubt that the resistance will intensify just as much.
Yours Sven-Inge Johansen, Norway
Thank you, Ty and Charlene, for using the gifts God has given you to promote healthy living.
Anco and Christine
Without the good people doing the work to expose and educate the people we would all be in the dark . Evil is truly upon us and the spiritual war is heating up ….beginning of Nazi Germany all over again and only worse…..
Yes, together we will overcome evil and create a better world together for our children! Blessings, Charlene
I couldn’t agree more ! I
It is up to the citizens to be watch dogs and whistle blowers to keep our constitution safe .
bravo !
You are doing a great job, giving a voice to those who are awake. Thank you. ♡ It is important to consolidate energy and unite at this time of uncertainty. Are you aware of the work of the International Tribunal for Natural Justice, headed by Sacha Stone? They have carried out a number of hearings on the current ‘pandemic’ situation, featuring a plethora of renowned scientists, lawyers, and doctors. It would be great to know you are collaborating and exchanging notes. The ITNJ has a YT channel. Please, check out they work. Thank you. 🙂
have you seen the mp4 video of Gates briefing the CIA?
What is PACE currently doing about this?
Does your site send information to Google analytics?
I am living in South Africa and am thankful for all the work that The Truth About Cancer and The Truth About Vaccines had done and is busy doing. I think it is great and wonderful work!! What I want to know is, if president Donald Trump is working with the Bill Gates Foundations in their support to the manufacturing of vaccines?
For some strange reason, the tab to print this article doesn’t work when you click on it and neither does the tab to share it on Facebook. Please look into this for us, Ty and Charlene. Thank you!
I’m wondering ,do any of Bill Gate, as well as himself ,take these vaccines as they so suggest, when and can they be tested to prove their vaccinations. Trump, can he prove he’s been taking the two antobiotics, prove he did not test positive for Covid-19, and prove front line people just taking the antibiotics without a positive test for Covid-19, as he suggest. Enough is enough
Dear Ty and Charlene
Thank-you for the update. I wish you all the best in your quest for health freedom. There are natural ways of protecting our health and people may not need the prevenatitive drug interventions. By making preventative drugs mandatory it opens an area for exploiting humans lives for profit making by bias interest. This is not health care !
I appreciate the work you do but we still must do our homework and investigate. Remember that Scott Gottlieb, MD (23rd commissioner of the FDA) and Alex Azar (current Secretary of Health and Human Services).have strong ties to Pfizer. Pfizer is beginning human trials of possible coronavirus vaccine.and Mr. Azar is a Pfizer lobbyist. So, let’s not be too trusting in our politicians. God is in charge and we must always remember that.
Well done on everything. Do you think word is getting out there. I hope this vaccine never comes. We never heard how did Dr Buttar get on in the Whitehouse.
Good stuff! What can each of us do to overcome the tyranny we are experiencing?
Thank you Ty and Charlene – The Truth is Out There!
A few quotes seem quite relevant here:
“If the people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny.” -Thomas Jefferson
Tyranny is defined as that which is legal for the government but illegal for the citizenry. – Thomas Jefferson
“When the mob and the press and the whole world tell you to move, your job is to plant yourself like a tree by the river of truth, and tell the whole world ‘No, You Move.” …-Steve rogers
Thank you for all you do to keep us “in the loop” as to what is really happening. I forward most of what you send to others that care deeply & think as I (we) do. May God cover you with His protection as I know the evil one out there is working overtime due to so much truth coming out.
Ultimately who rules; the miner who digs the gold or the man on the top of the dung hill who controls the flow of the processed metal?
Dear Charlene and Ty,
I’m so glad I signed up to be on your email list. The more information I get, the more I can share.
I consider myself fortunate to have come across your docu-series ‘The Truth About Cancer” a while back. Wow…what an eye-opener and more recently “The Truth About Vaccines 2020”. I also came across the movie “Vaxxed” and Del Bigtree’s “The Irrefutable Argument AGAINST Vaccine Safety”. I am more convinced than ever that vaccines are NOT safe and that chemotherapy and radiation are not the way to go. I could go on and on but instead, I will simply say THANK YOU for all you have done and continue to do to open my eyes and others who are open enough to receive this information. Blessings to you both (your family, staff and anyone else who helps you get this message out)
Hi Denise,
Thank you so much for supporting us and spreading the truth! We’re so glad that you’ve been blessed by our films. Keep up the good work!
If Bill Gates believes so fervently in vaccines, he should lead by example and have the Gates family vaccinated and micro-chipped on video that the whole world can watch,
The world-wide vaccination programs that Bill Gates is trying to hard to push through is not about preventing the spread of disease, it is about spreading diseases to the point that 80%-95% of the world’s human population will die within a couple generations. He has been open about his belief in massively reducing the human population. He and Dr Fauci have patents for this virus and for a vaccine for this virus dating back to around 2015. Check out Dr Rashid Buttar and his videos at AskDrButtar.com, and on youtube, who has published evidence for this. Gates publicly stated he would receive $200 bill for every $10 bill he has spent in researching & producing this vaccine, when everyone is vaccinated for the Wuhan coronavirus.
Also, you can read a research paper on the origins of the H1N1 virus & the vaccine, which provides evidence that this virus, & the subsequent vaccine, have been designed in laboratories to drastically reduce human population: https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/archivos_pdf/evidence-use-pandemic-flu.pdf Unfortunately for these globalists, the death toll for the H1N1 virus was not high enough. So, why not try again? I think they did – with the Wuhan coronavirus. Gates will benefit greatly if a vaccine is mandated for every person on earth.
Check out the following evidence that the Austrian bio-research company, Baxter, filed the patent for the H1N1 vaccine 2 yrs BEFORE the H1N1 pandemic broke out. https://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/ciencia_influenza27.htm
Thank you for your wealth of information. It is very eye opening. I pray each day that your family & staff are protected and that your work may continue to be shared. It can be very scary BUT then I remember that God is still in control. Blessings to you All
You’re a wonderful woman
Keep praying the Lord!
Lee Toomey
I see the chip they want to plant in us as the same kind of thing they did in the death camps with their tattoos in World Was II, only they are doing it world wide. Big Pharma using all human’s as their guinea pigs. A Friend of mine told me about a child she knows being force against their will to be vaccinated just to tend school. Now she is having convulsions on a daily basis.
Thank you for your dedication to educating the public about the risks of vaccination so that they may make an informed decision about whether or not to receive vaccinations.
the WHO Mission Statement proclaims: to “promote health, keep the world safe, and serve the vulnerable.”
As with ANYTHING GATES has a hoof in its all Satanic Backward Speak, the reverse is the truth, as in many of the Alphabet Agencies these days, we need to clear house of these fake cash sponges.
If Bill Gates think that COVID-19 vaccines are going to be the solution to the problem of ending coronavirus, he should think again because those vaccines that were made in China worked ineffectively.
Bill Gates has something much bigger in mind than just a vaccine for COVID-19. do your research, you will be shocked at what is coming and I’m not sure we can stop it. only God can do that. look at Bill Gates Invisible Vaccine, also 060606 patent. that will get you started. scary stuff.
Thankyou Ty and Charlene for all the work you are doing on behalf of everyone who believes in health justice and accountability of vaccine manufacturers and the right for us to decide whether to be vaccinated or not.
It is obvious that the main culprit in the Covid 19 Whodunnit is Anthony Fauci because it was he who made the decision to continue research into weaponising the Coronavirus when he was head of the National Institute of Health,contravening a government order to halt the research .
The attempts by FB ,Google,Twitter and YouTube to censor the truth implicate the owners of these internet platforms as complicit in the ongoing cover up of the truth about the origin of the Covid 19 “Plandemic”
Thanks also to Bobby Kennedy Jr,,’Dr Bhuttar and Dr Judith Merovits for their courage and determination to inform the public .See the Truth About Vaccines hosted by Ty and Charlene.
May God bles you and keep you in His Divine Will May He lead you in all your ways. Thank you for all you do – keep up your good work.
Herd Immunity and Germ Theory have lived on for ages without any significant “pandemic” that obliterated human life.
Most diseases that have taken down mankind were human (lifestyle/social structure) created.
In the case of the 2002/2003 Covid-SARS-1 that came to town throughout the Asia Pacific region, caseloads were serious in countries like Taiwan. But with NO vaccine and NO test, onward they their government/health system/people dealt with it and lived/died/moved on.
As of last week, Taiwan had 7, yes 7 deaths due to Covid-SARS-2.
This is a country is roughly twice as large as the State of New Jersey and has a population of almost 24 million people.
New Jersey has experienced roughly 11,000 deaths associated with Covid-19 with a total statewide population of +/- 9million.
Logical thoughts that come to mind:
Taiwan must have done an unbelievable job of “social distancing” at almost 3 times the population of NJ. Is it possible they wore masks 24/7, washed their hands every time they came in contact with another person and/or inanimate object?
To have had just 7 deaths in Taiwan, some sort of conferred immunity must have kicked in during/after Covid-SARS-1 in 2002/2003.
Additionally, that immunity must STILL be in place 17 years later, negating the need to continually vaccinate year on year “just in case” immunity for Covid-SARS-2 “wears-off”…………..as the Pharma industry would like everyone to believe.
Also look at the Covid-SARS-2 death rates in countries like:
Vietnam: ZERO Deaths to date.
Cambodia: ZERO Deaths to date.
Singapore: 23 Deaths to date.
Hong Kong: 4 Deaths to date.
Thanks Ty & Charlene for all you’re doing out there as well as others like GreenMedInfo.com, etc. Next we’ll need to convert our government back to being by=for=& from the PEOPLE…………not special interests, corporate elitists, 1%er’s, etc.
God Bless
We have a world that is gone completely mad and good sense these days is classified as nonsense. As long as the masses are satisfied with being fed, junk or otherwise it will contine. My only fear is by the time they wake up it might be too late. Our world is in trouble but only a few people are concerned, thank you for your courage Ty and Charlene and the rest of the gang. We need our own seach engine, to fight back against FB, Google and all other social media platforms who believe censorship according to the gods of the internet, is the way to go, which is the perfect vail for Gates, Fucci and W.H.O.
We appreciate all you guys are doing to share the truth with us.
I reviewed this info below after Sayer Ji with GreenMedInfo posted information from Ivor Cummings on the truth about Covid death statistics. Ivor shared this article which goes into everything you’re talking about in your article about the WHO.
Sue Seward
The truth is too that all those ‘cases’ they are reporting in South Dakota after the big motorcycle rally they had with tens of thousands of people will prove to be CASEdemic like Ivor Cummings talks about in his report on death statistics. With all the testing going on there are more cases which means there will be more herd immunity built up which I’m sure the MSM and social media outlets will hide from us. He also said unfortunately this winter there could be a fall out due to the unnecessary shutdowns and all the masking of people during the summer! Praying this will not happen!
Sue Seward
Dear Charlene and Ty,
You opened my mind with your ‘The Truth About Cancer Series’, you were the first one who openly came out with the history of ‘medicine’. As a scientist I was first crashed but now I can only say THANK YOU SO MUCH for helping me to become grown up and seeing through the deception!
The Covid crime is the last scene for all of us humans. Now I do believe, if we do not stand up NOW, we’ll be gone. Dr. Buttar and many of the acu2020 german doctors seems to be the first line of defense for the entire world right now. Let’s pray we win this battle for the real Normal, where the immunity as our Creator gave us protects our bodies and spirit and gives the strength we need in order to allow this planet to live and thrive.
Have you heard of THE ALTERNATIVE to the vaccines that are TRYING to be developed?
Its name is EduCap which has been patented……….after being tested on numerous test subjects in numerous countries. It has been found to be 100 per cent effective and well as SAFE (no fillers or harmful ingredients). This CAPSULE (nutrimedical.com) educates the cells to reject viruses when they enter the body, even helping the body overcome viruses already present in the body. One capsule is sufficient for producing immunity for any future encounters with any newly developed viruses which may appear…using a process involving exosomes.
Do you have a Contact person at the White House with whom John W Spring (soundoffwithjohnwspring@outlook.com) can arrange a personal phone call with the President to discuss this matter? He would need a secure (maybe satellite) phone line so that any foreign elements cannot listen in…for both this matter and other matters (of a geo-political
basis) as he is also a geo-political analyst.
John W Spring and Dr Bill Deagle both Love the Lord and Love our Country and want to provide healthy safe options out there for America. The EduCaps (which could be called an oral vaccine although it is designed differently from other vaccines) could be distributed in a short time if given the green light from the White House.
(Even an arranged phone call with VP Pence –Head of Task Force on this Corona Virus–could be helpful–in getting the proper contacts initiated)
You have to watch this. It’s the best scientific analysis have seen of the whole pandemic.
Viral Issue Crucial Update Sept 8th: the Science, Logic and Data Explained! Ivor Cummins