Video Transcript: The Safest Estrogen Foods for Reducing Breast Cancer Risk
Ty Bollinger: Talk about estrogens in food. Soy has what is called phytoestrogens, right?
Dr. Desaulniers: Right?
Ty Bollinger: Talk about plant estrogens.
Dr. Desaulniers: Okay. Food has been around since we’ve been around. Plant estrogens do not act like aggressive estrogens. They are very protective. They protect against DNA damage, they block the estrogen receptor sites. They actually reduce the level of circulating estrogens in the body.
Flax, for example – a study that I like to quote – there was a study done at the University of Toronto where they took women who were getting ready to have surgery, they measured their cancer markers and their tumor levels, and for a month they gave them five teaspoons of ground flax seed in a muffin, which probably was made with white flour and sugar, but, anyway, the ground flax seed was in there.
And in 30 days their markers went down by 30 to 71%, just with ground flax seed. Fermented soy—if you use non-GMO, organic, whole fermented soy, it has a very protective effect. It turns on the p53 suppressor gene, it reduces the circulating estrogens. It is a protective food. Look at the Asian society. They have used soy in their diet for thousands of years and their breast cancer rates are much lower.
Ty Bollinger: But the keys are that it is non-GMO and fermented.
Dr. Desaulniers: Absolutely.
Ty Bollinger: It is interesting, isn’t it, that we have to say non-GMO. Soy, by nature; corn, by nature; cottonseed, by nature –all of these things that are genetically modified – they are actually not GMO by nature, right?
Dr. Desaulniers: Correct.
Ty Bollinger: And so when you genetically modify them, they’re not really any longer that substance anymore.
Dr. Desaulniers: The real food.
Ty Bollinger: They’re something else.
Dr. Desaulniers: They’re frankenfoods. They’re foreign foods so your body doesn’t recognize what they are.
Dear Doctor,
Could you give me an idea or how can i replace the Letrozole I should take for 5 years ?
Kind regards
Speaking of estrogen…what are your thoughts on taking Progesterone in addition to Estrogen after having a total hysterectomy at age 33? There are so many mixed research studies and different doctors are telling me different things. Its extremely frustrating to know who to trust. Thank you.
Yes, please tell us. I hear so many different things, too.
If you take progesterone, make sure it is bioidentical progesterone. It is so much safer. It comes in a cream you just put on a thin area of your skin such as the underside of your wrist or inside of your lower arm.
I would love to hear the answer to this as well
We would love to be able to guide you to the best options in our knowledge.
But unfortunately, we are unable to give any kind of medical advice. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors we interviewed in the Global Quest series.
Please note that we are not able to select an expert for you.
We’ve created a page with the experts’ contact info as it was available to us.
Here’s the link to the actual webpage:
We do have one more resource you may be interested in. During our Live Event 2017 series, Dr. Patrick Quillin suggested contacting The Institute of Functional Medicine to locate a practitioner in your area.
If you are interested, here is the link to search for a Functional Medicine Practitioner in your area:
Hope this is helpful to you. Please let us know if we can help with anything else.
Blessings and love!
I want to take and give to my husband soy lecithin. Can someone please let me know if there is organic soy lecithin granules available somewhere? I checked out the non-gmo but most of those were produced using hexane and other chemicals. Even though they tell me that most of that is removed, I don’t trust it. I tried the sunflower lecithin powder but that was so-so. Andrew Saul talks about the soy lecithin being very beneficial and I totally believe in him.
Hello nice, thank you so much so much for this information
I had breast cancer twice once I was age of 33 , had a chemo, and.tamoxifen but didn’t take.for long few month on and off after stop completely..
It took me awhile to get better from all the stigma of health thank God
Had small opp….to remove small lump and they took some tissue to see gone any where else…Thank it was ok but they gave me the chemo… I did changed my diet a little and helpt a.lot
2013 I was diagnosed again in same breast not a lump but tissue realated breast cancer an little bit on my back rib bone…on my limph glands under my right hand,
After checking and consultant said and oncologists this breast cancer was Her 2 type….
Had chemo tuxicito or some name chemo/ hercption/ pluse zolodext injection and eventually continue with hercption and Letrozyle along with zolodext…
This midyear stop zolodext , I was recommended to have my ovary remove so then the oestrogen will stop producing in my body especially in my breast. They say one of the best way stop oestrogen causing problems and cause of cancer….I dont know .
Any I carried with medicine and quite a big diet change and I felt it hept a lot because I used eat surgery things little quick fix food Always rushed and panic anxiety working here and there no much money husband refused get job propara job…I was in tunes of debit
Big arguments husband doing with me it all about him…the way he wants…diden t make things easy then ill health. Our just finish high school heading to uni life lovely son of our his so kind and sweet beautiful person…really looked after me 😍 husband did too after when he realize I’m very sick exhausted with all medicine and with new diet.
Still very very grateful to Allah/ God All might I was spiritually very connected by then more then ever
Had very good family & friends,
Good moral support…
For my debit I went for debit relief order hugee burden of my shoulder…
My current situation is still taking hercption every ,3 weeks plus Letrozyle ramapril for heart rate effects.from hercption…
I carry on as normal and very active in the community work and spiritually…help others any I can
Still life has problems but my mind set is different Alhamdulilah meaning thank God 😍
What shall I do now
I’m in medication for life & they say my prognosis is good thank God
But how can I come out from medication completely from medication …health tips please how and what ??? I’m 49 Asian I was born in uk and brought up in western diet and Asian…I’m usually quite good with my food habbits sometimes naughty ☺
Thank you so much listening to me
May Allah / God bless you & the founder and Whole team…
Regards Jarna 💜
Assalamu Alaikum / peace be with you.
May I ask what non-GMO, organic, whole fermented soy product you recommend?
What about organic/pastured dairy?
Would it be considered a safe estrogenic food as well?
Hi, my wife is 70 yrs of age,had endometrial cancer 10 yrs ago surgeon removed it.. had problems or signs of any cancer until Mar 2018 ,discovered cancer in rt lung, surgeon removed upper lob, all borders and nodes were clear,, estrogen markers of tests showed it metastasized to her lung, she is now on estrogen blockers ,she was told not to eat any soy products or curcumin products because it would cause cancer to start again. we both take these products and have now stopped. please educate me
Chuck Seivert
Hi Charles,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Wishing you and your wife all the best on this healing journey.
I had breaths cance and was told not to eat any soy products
Does a soy product need to be organic, non-GMO AND fermented? Or is organic non-GMO okay?
This is very good information! I am on Letrozole for 3 more years. I have been going through menopause and cannot be on any hormone therapy because I was HR+/HER2+. When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2015 I was told my estrogen level was very high which caused my Inflammatory breast cancer, so I’ve had to find alternative supplement to help me with the effects of menopause ( ie mood swings etc.) It’s good to hear more about flaxseed!! Do you have any other suggestions?
I am curious to know what markers were studied? I am a breast cancer survivor and my understanding was the markers look for/indicate matasticized cancer…not primary tumors.
februari 2013 werd bij mij borstkanker geconstateerd. Her2 neu:++
Met grote tegenzin heb ik chemo ondergaan. Had de moed niet om er nee tegen te zeggen. Daarna 30 bestralingen, vervolgens Herceptine een jaar lang, en toen 2 maanden tamoxifan. Daar mee gestopt.
Ben op zoek gegaan naar een orthomoleculaire arts. Ben terecht gekomen bij Body Switch. Zij werken met orthomoleculaire kennis en adviseren mij grondig: : meer bewegen, anders eten, raden bepaalde supplementen aan. Begeleiden mij daar waar nodig.
Ik herken de informatie van Dr, Desaulniers.
Ik ben nog steeds vrij van welke narigheid dan ook.
orthomoleculaire arts!! niet ortho. kunst
Sorry een verschrijving.
Waarom wordt het woord ARTS door jullie verandert in kunst?