Video Transcript: Suzanne Somers Reveals Her Weird Trick to Stop Sugar Cravings & Starve Cancer
Suzanne Somers: I have another visualization that I do with the GI tract, because what most people have is an imbalance of the GI microflora. And the bad pathogens have overtaken from the toxins because of a lack of people understanding the necessity for probiotics. Anybody who has ever had antibiotics probably needs to replace probiotics for life. You know, anti takes away, pro puts back. This makes sense to me. It’s all simple.
So, now, how do I control strong desires to have sugar and carbs, because don’t we all like them? They’re good.
I envision the little bad guys in my gut that would like to overtake the good guys and create havoc. I do not have leaky gut right now. I know what it feels like because I have had it. And interestingly, I had it before cancer. So let’s connect those dots.
When I get tempted – because I have this ice cream shop down the corner that I love ice cream and I love cake.
Ty Bollinger: Who doesn’t?
Suzanne Somers: Who doesn’t? I then envision the little bad guys in my GI tract going, “Come on, you can have some. Come on, give me some.” Because all they want is sugar. They need sugar. They thrive on sugar. They have to have sugar.
And I say to them, “No. I am going to starve you to death. My job is to stamp you out so I’m never giving you your happy meal. In fact, I’m going to flood you with fats, which eventually you’ll just have to die and go away.” And that is how I have chosen to get rid of my bacterial overgrowth. And it works.
Ty Bollinger: I love it.
Suzanne Somers: Yeah, yeah.
Ty Bollinger: I love it. It’s a great technique and I have heard that from many medical doctors on this journey. That if you hate your cancer, starve it. Don’t give it the sugar that it needs to thrive.
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I’ve been telling my friends about this for a long time. You won’t believe it, but a local Cancer Center gave candy to their patients for Valentines Day. I don’t know why Oncologists refuse to tell their patients that they need to cut out SUGAR!!! I have other friends on chemo and radiation who’s doctors never mentioned that to them. Thank you for putting the word out.
My craving for sugar & carb stopped when I started the non GMO sulfur treatment. This product is amazing! I believe that when the organism is well oxygenated our body doesn’t feel the hunger anymore. I lost 20 lbs and I am eating lots of fat products such as ghee, non sweet chocolate, seeds, bone marrows.
I used to have for breakfast jam & butter almost everyday. I always had a piece of cake with my coffee. I was constantly craving for sugar and food. Not anymore thanks to the sulfur. Of course I was blaming the weight gain to the menopause.
I am familiar with GMO’s and do detox with gingko, cilantro, and heavy metal detox but have no knowledge of non gmo sugur treatment?
Sorry, but as a person who has done nutritional counseling for a Holistic MD I must say that Suzanne Sommers is leading a lot of people astray by suggesting that people mess with their hormones by taking “Bio-Identical” hormones. I am un- subscribing from your site because you actually quote such a NON expert about something so key to health. She may be right about some things but she is so wrong about that!
Doesn’t eating the fats make you gain weight?
I love Suzanne too. She has no doubt influenced and helped many people. We have to face the fact that sugar is a killer. I love fruit and my own occasional home made sugarless, gluten free, dairy free baking. It’s a rewarding lifestyle which will make for a longer and healthier lifestyle I am convinced. As my vibrant 82 year old alternative physician says, ‘ it’s not the years in your life but the life in your years.’
Could you pls give detailed info on how and where you got the non GMO sulfur treatment?
a mistake that people make and especially MS Somers, is to condemn all carbs or to lump cake and ice cream and sweets into the carb eating category. we are a carb eating animal…
Could you pls give detailed info on how and where you got the non GMO sulfur treatment?
I followed Webster Kehr treatment. It works great fro me
@Joan Hasselbach this video was not about bioidentical hormones. I’ve read Suzanne Somers book, Knockout. I learned a lot. And she’s not the only voice out there promoting bioidentical hormones. You may chose to learn more about them when you’re older. Do your own research on these topics. Don’t make the mistake of trusting one holistic MD’s opinion. The technique she describes to deal with sugar cravings is a good one. Give her some credit.
It is tragic that they feed these kids junk regularly on the pediatric oncology unit. I had enough information to know it was all not working and they accused me of not being competent enough to understand the bone marrow consent form after I signed it. They only have to do give you fifth grade level reading material and that is what they will do.
You can find non GMO sulfur in all health food store.
Another one like this is to use the Johanna Budwig cottage cheese and flax oil protocol instead of ice cream. It’s creamy and yummy like ice cream, but instead of causing cancer, it fights cancer.
Now I just have to work on my cravings for Suzanne Somers……………
For Donna wih love, Coconut oil is the perfect fat and most definitely will NOT make you fat. It wil sustain you, nourish you and provide you with abundant energy. To learn more visit GreenMed Info
I like Suzanne Somers more and more all the time. Great advice.
Bonnie I so agree. Even worse though, at the Baylor Cancer Hospital in Dallas, they only serve diet soda or water. EVERYBODY knows artificial sweetners in diet/sugar-free soda are cancer/tumor causing…. Sad thing is, the patients just have their family bring a huge pack of their favorite non-diet soda. Would give my eye teeth to see them open a juice bar….
I turned to Anthony William’s Medical Medium book and follow his way of eating. In doing his 28 day cleanse, I seriously never had any cravings. If you give your body high quantities of fruit, you feel satisfied. I never expected this. It was a cherry on top. I highly recommend his book and philosophy.
Very true.what about fruits sugar and frozen fruits.Is this ok Suzanne?Please let me know .Thank you
You’ll have to look more; I have found probiotic supplements without stearic acid. Good point though! If you still can’t find one, then load up on fermented foods that don’t require cooking to eat ????