The right food choices can greatly increase the odds of beating cancer and nature offers a multitude of foods which have intrinsic cancer fighting and immune boosting properties. Here are some of the very best cancer fighting and immune boosting superstars:
Cruciferous Vegetables – Cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower and kale are among the most powerful cancer fighting foods to be found. Cruciferous vegetables are high in fiber, vitamins, minerals and important antioxidants such as beta carotene and the sulforaphane compound. Cruciferous vegetables contain isothiocyanates; phytochemicals which help break down potential carcinogens. They also contain indole-3-carbidol (I3C), which help prevent estrogen driven cancers. Other cruciferous vegetables are: arugula, bok choy, swiss chard, Chinese cabbage, collard greens, daikon, kohlrabi, mustard greens, radishes, rutabagas, turnips and watercress.
Curcumin (turmeric) – Curcumin, the major ingredient of the spice turmeric, has been a rising star against cancer in recent years. Numerous studies have reported curcumin’s cancer fighting abilities and prevention abilities, including one study which found that curcumin helps prevent lung cancer for tobacco smokers.
Mushrooms – There are a number of mushrooms known as “medicinal mushrooms” which can help the body fight cancer and build the immune system. These mushrooms contain a number of valuable cancer fighting and immune boosting compounds including polysaccharides such as lentinan, beta glucan, lectin and thioproline. These compounds attack cancerous cells, prevent them from multiplying and boost immune activity – including stimulating the body’s natural production of interferon.
Some of the very best cancer fighting and immune boosting mushrooms are: agaricus blazei murrill (ABM mushroom), coriolus versicolor (Asian turkey tail mushroom), shitake, reishi, maitake, cordyceps oglossoides and phellinus linteus.
Garlic – Garlic, as well as onions, leeks and chives, have immune-enhancing allium compounds that increase the immune cell activity, help break down cancer causing substances and block carcinogens from entering cells. Studies have linked garlic to lowering the risk of stomach and colon cancer. Diallyl sulfide, a compound found in garlic oil, has also been shown to incapacitate carcinogens in the liver.
Flax – Flax contains lignans, compounds which block or suppress cancerous changes in cells. Flax is also high in omega-3 fatty acids, which protect against colon and other cancers. Notably, flax is part of the famous and highly successful Budwig Cancer Diet.
Hot Peppers – Hot peppers such as cayenne (chili peppers) and jalapenos contain capsaicin, a chemical which fights cancer and helps neutralize certain cancer-causing nitrosamines. Hot peppers are especially valuable for helping prevent stomach cancers.
Dark Green Leafy Vegetables – Spinach, turnip greens and other cancer fighting dark green leafy vegetables are rich in folic acid. Folic acid helps maintain the cell’s genetic code and regulate normal cell division.
Dark Seeded Grapes – Dark red grapes contain powerful bioflavonoid antioxidants that work as cancer preventatives. Grapes are also a rich source of resveratrol and ellagic acid, a compound that slows the growth of tumors by blocking enzymes needed by cancer cells. Eat the entire grape, seeds and all.
Brown Seaweed – Brown seaweeds such as kombu contain the polysaccharide compound fucoidan. Fucoidan has been found to kill cancer tumors including lymphoma, different kinds of leukemia, stomach cancer and colon cancer. Notably, the people of Okinawa, who consume the highest per capita amount of kombu, have some of the highest life expectancies in Japan as well as the lowest cancer death rate.
Other powerful cancer fighting foods are:
- Carrots
- Green and black tea
- Fermented organic soy
- Tomatoes
- Blueberries
- Raspberries
- Purple corn
- Extra virgin olive oil
- Avocados
- Nuts
- Sweet potatoes
- Apples
So basically a person can’t go wrong by eating fresh vegetables!
organic vegetables preferred
I recently learned that 60 to 70% of olive oil (including extra virgin oil) that is sold in North America is fake and mixed with colouring and some chemical. So as a great alternative, extra virgin avocado oil will replace the olive oil. And apparently avocado oil has higher burning temperature point than most vegetable oils so perfect for cooking as well as for any dishes and baking. But it will be great if you could cover and give a scoop on the virgin oil counterfeit issue for everyone here. Thanks!
buy California Olive Ranch Extra virgin – its Good
Eating a diet rich in a wide variety of vegetables is associated with (at a popultion level) generally good health. However, in populations that on average each such a diet, their overall cancer burden is similar to populations that have a restricted vegetable diet. It needs to be pointed out that excess antioxidant and too much of certain vegetables can be toxic. Just because it’s natural or just because it is a vegetable, does my mean you should eat too much of it!
Please give the relevant references for your statement regarding overall cancer burden – thank you.
R u suffering from cancer
Can you provide some evidence for this Andy? True, to much of many things may not be healthy…….but vegetables?!
could it be the vegetables weren’t used fresh and raw,but baked,boiled or fried (etc.!?) as many people do,thinking vegetables (and fruit;I mean apple pie,honey roasted peanuts…) are healthy in any form?…
I’m just wondering…
I never heard of such a ridiculous story? How can veggies be toxic?
If they’re GMO
Anti-oxidants I am told by a Holistic Oncologist can be as harmful as effective in destroying or aiding the growth of cancer cells
Eating vegetables are usually considered good, but the saying goes that eating too much of anything is obviously not good. also you have to make sure whatever you are eating is clean or else that could be an entirely different issue. Of course eating natural things are great but you do have to know how to balance it.
if your thoughts can be toxic vegetables certainly can be toxic as well.
Read about Monsanto (soon to be Bayer) and their GMO. Then you will know what Larry is taling about
Read about Monsanto (soon to be Bayer) and their GMO. Then you will know what Larry is talking about.
My oriental medicine practitioner recommended Maitake and Shitake mushrooms. (I have a rare form of ovarian cancer.)
Adams: hajime isnt talking about it tasting good, but that it has chemical and colour which is bad for the body. The good taste of food should not come before how good it is for our body, is it cancerious
To Adams
I love how you point out that the right food choices can greatly increase the odds of beating cancer. My aunt was just diagnosed with lung cancer, and she really wants to find some good ways to treat it so that she can come out on top. I love the idea of choosing a diet high in cancer fighting nutrients. I wonder what kind of medical treatment would be available to more quickly and directly deal with the problem.
I was unable to email to you to be placed on your mailing list on how to beat cancer ..
Have you tried using another browser or email address?
I was told that my gall bladder that was cut out as stuck to my liver has cancer so now have cancer of the liver please help me
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Do you still sell supplements
Hi Robert,
We do not sell any supplements.
A lot of the veggies discussed l am unable to eat, garlic, onions, cabbage, Kale, and all those others in the same family but do have a pretty healthy diet of fruit and veggies. Have had chronic lymphatic leaukeamia for 20 years and had Masrectomy 2 yrs ago . No gland involvement.. refused the suggested blockers treatment and seem to be doing well. I am eating well but do binge a bit now and then on Chocolate and ice cream but figure at 76 l need to enjoy my life as well. . I walk my dog, do tai chi ,, the odd meditation, VitB12injection , magnesium , zinc , Vit C non acidic pulv, Olive Leaf extract, no vaccines, Brazil nuts, walnuts, lots ot payaya , blue berries, cacao , rhubarb , . Have finally got myself off Nexium and my system seems to be working the best for years.
How many maitake mushrooms should I take per day?
Hi Helena, unfortunately we cannot give medical advice and we suggest talking to a holistic practitioner on how best to use them for your unique needs. Here’s an article with a bit more information on the maitake mushroom: We hope this helps!