There’s a widespread and silent killer that’s hidden in most foods that is slowly destroying millions (maybe even billions) of people’s health. It’s worse for you than alcohol, nicotine and even many drugs. And it’s likely lurking in your kitchen cabinets right now. What is this harmful substance that is so pervasive and unfortunately legal for food manufacturing companies to use? You’ve probably heard of it, but likely didn’t know how widespread its use was because it is allowed to be disguised under many different names. The ingredient is “monosodium glutamate” or MSG. You will learn here how MSG harms your brain and your health as well as its other “secret” names so you can avoid it and protect your health.
I used to think that MSG was just in Chinese food, but the truth is that it’s actually added to thousands of the foods you and your family regularly eat, especially if you are like most Americans and eat the majority of your food as processed packaged foods or in restaurants.
MSG is one of the most harmful additives on the market and is used in frozen dinners, crackers, canned soups, processed meats, barbeque sauce, salad dressings, and much more. It’s found in your local supermarket and restaurants, in your child’s school cafeteria and, amazingly, even in baby food and infant formula.
Why is MSG so harmful? It’s an excitotoxin — substances, usually containing amino acids that react with specialized receptors (neurons) in the brain in such a way as to lead to the destruction of certain types of brain cells. Humans lack a blood-brain barrier in the hypothalamus, which allows these excitotoxins to enter the brain and cause damage. Simply put, as described in Dr. Russell Blaylock’s excellent book, Excitotoxins: The Taste That Kills, they are exactly what they sound like: toxins that excite your brain cells to death!
How does this happen?
As Dr. Blaylock explains, “MSG enters the brain past the blood-brain barrier and triggers neurons to open their calcium channel. The glutamate causes the cell to remain stuck in the open position then calcium floods into the cell in large amounts. This triggers the cell to react in emergency mode and starts its special pump that will start pumping out the excess calcium using up large amounts of energy (ATP).
The cell then swells up with excess calcium and eventually the cell is depleted of energy and dies within a few hours. The pump couldn’t pump out the excess calcium fast enough. It’s like trying to bail water out of a boat with a large hole in the bottom. You use up a ton of energy and eventually the boat is filled and sinks. The cell shrivels up and the body’s defense mechanism sweeps away the dead cell debris.”
No strain of rat or mice is naturally obese, so the scientists create them. They make these morbidly obese creatures by injecting them with MSG when they are first born. The MSG triples the amount of insulin the pancreas creates, causing rats to become obese.
MSG creates a lesion in the hypothalamus that correlates with abnormal development, including obesity, short stature and sexual reproduction problems. MSG has also been shown to kill brain cells as well as to cause nausea, vomiting, migraine headaches, depression, and heart problems.
As I mentioned earlier, MSG is often disguised under many other names and therefore, you may not be able to detect it in a list of ingredients unless you know what to look for.
According to Dr. Russell Blaylock, MD, the following are hidden MSG derivatives listed on ingredient labels that should be avoided.
- Natural Flavors/Flavoring
- Corn oil
- Glutamic Acid Yeast Extract
- Soy Protein
- Soy Isolate
- Carrageenan (often in almond and other nut milks)
- Stock
- Broth
- Natural Beef Or Chicken Flavoring
- Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein
- TVP (Textured Vegetable Protein)
- Glutamate Textured Protein
- Gelatin Yeast Nutrient
- Autolyzed Yeast
- Caseinate
- Citric Acid
Food companies learned that MSG increased the flavor and aroma and enhance acceptability of commercial food products, so it is doubtful that they will ever quit using this brain killing additive to our food supply. Take a quick trip to your kitchen and check your pantry and fridge. You will likely see that MSG is in almost everything processed: soups, chips, ramen noodles, gravy, sauces, salad dressings, corn oil, broth and so many other items.
If you want to avoid MSG, learn to read ingredient labels and better yet, eat foods that are whole foods – foods from nature that are unprocessed. Your health and your family’s are worth the extra effort!
Tell me in the comments section below, what is one action you can do today to either reduce or eliminate MSG from your diet. Your comments and action will help inspire others to do the same and I want to make sure we support one another in our quest for better health.
I have been using more spices and after awhile experimenting with them I find things taste better than with MSG 95% of the time. After all, it’s not that hard getting used to “Real Food and Spices”
That is scary, hope people know all bout MSG! Used all natural spices for the taste you want for your food, be smart then you live healthy life.
Thank you so much for this information.
i take the extra time to shop on my day off so I can read the labels before I place some item in my cart. no sense bringing home the toxins on the label.
Start eating a whole food diet, and make things homemade from scratch with quality ingredients.
Thank you for the more in depth knowledge Ty. I knew about MSG and GMO trying to keep up with the additives but the list above some of those I thought nothing of example natural flavours. I avoided flavouring but never thought about the natural one. Oh how they trick the mind!
I did not realize that MSG was so harmful. I avoid it but I have not been as careful as I could be. I will check my food supplies and dispose of the products containing MSG.
Shop in the perimeter of the store where whole foods are sold. I used to be awake in the night with my mind racing until I realized that it was excitoxins that caused it. I made a list of the numerous ingredients (even more than you listed) found in most all processed or packaged foods & eliminated them. The brain excitement stopped. It is amazing how long the ingredient list is on most foods. That can’t be good for us.
I need to read ingredient labels more carefully.
My brain is in overload with all the information you have been giving out these past few days!! Overwhelmed and saddened that our government is allowing these poisons to be put in our foods! Makes you wonder what those people eat!!
Thank you!! I’ve got a lot of work to do!!
You better off eating the foods you prepare yourself these days as everything you buy has something or the other not good for you. If you can’t always make your food then you look for foods with just few ingredients. Mostly organic and non-GMO foods.
I no longer buy any prepackaged food and make my own broth and sauces from scratch and noticed a big difference. No headaches, no joint pain, weight loss and in menopause which they often say is hard to lose when menopausal, so that bunked that theory. A lot more active and alert. Keep up the great work. 🙂
One action: Prepare each meal from scratch. Never eat out.
Hi there, how about the natural forms of glutamate found in matcha tea? The show seemed to indicate that all glutamates can be harmful. I drink piles of green tea. 🙂
Use organic products as much as possible because I trust the product more if it’s organic.
Here is link to a website with more information about MSG and other ingredients that can contain MSG like in Yeast extract, Whey and Soy protein, Soy sauce, etc.
Me too Debi and lost a stone in weight which i needed. It is sickening to think these greedy people dont care about others and money is their priority. At least we know and can inform others.
i have hepatitis c and when i eat process food i get sick so i learned to cook it is time consuming almost 2 hours every day but i ll lived to see my recovery .Sure i dont eat processed food and no refined sugar i suggest the jj virgine cook book.I used also dr hulda clark detox kidnee ad liver detox cure.The zapper to get rid of the parasite it is a small device that dr Hulda Clark invented.
Know i also do ozone therapies and ozone do a lot .Reed the book flood your body with oxygen by Ed Mc Abbe it is a bible to me .
I think ozone and nutrition detox stress management can cure anything for every one
Sure i am no scientist and have no university diploma but i have put 10 years of research into this .
I wish you health and hapines
Natural flavoring is in so many of the items I get at Outpost thinking I’m being healthy. Most kids vitamins. Any recommendations for those?
I don’t understand why if glutamate is bad for you, that it is the key ingredient in healing leaky gut? I’m confused by this and concern because I’ve trusted leading doctors in this area.
Evelyn did you ever get an answer on glutamate? Is it the same as MSG?
Yes, I have seen that also and it is confusing. I only know that we went on vegetarian diet and used no msg products for 6 days (realized that after the fact) , then had chicken (with brine 10% plus chicken stock seasoning) and I was really ill the next day. After research on what I had eaten we have banned msg from this house. There is also natural glutamate in a lot of normal foods, parmesan cheese, tomatoes (after they have been cooked a long time). All I can say is we have no gluten maybe due to leaky gut. Perhaps there are other things out there that can help leaky gut. There is a lot of information available.
Gluten and glutamate are two different things.
So are we saying that all broth and stock contain MSG?
Yes if you buy it in the store
Yes, period. Meat is particularly high in MSG naturally (well, technically only after it’s cooked because of the breakdown of a certain protein.)
Is it from corn or soy or beef or chicken or what? Or, is it from all of them?
Thanks for the info. Prepare own food with fresh ingredients, organic if possible.
Many fresh organic foods also contain MSG. It’s also a naturally occurring compound, not just manufactured.
Do natural flavors and citric acid ALWAYS mean MSG? I finally found a carbonated juice drink, but it has both.
“Natural flavors” is a generic term for any type of flavor component derived from a natural source. Chemically, there is no difference between natural and artificial flavors of the same type, just the sourcing.
Citric acid comes from citrus fruits, but can also be manufactured. It will generally add an orange-like flavor, but can also serve some other purposes.
Is Himalayan salt good?
It is indeed literally sickening to understand not only that the giant food companies continue us to poisonous us on daily basis with their thousands of toxic and carcinogenic additives, but even worse is the fact that the FDA are so blatantly corrupted by the industries payoffs that They allow citizens to be poisoned every day in every way – especially by the food that we eat. We definitely need much stricter controls or a completely different regulatory body! It is absolutely criminal that the US and Canada have zero transparency or responsibility toward their citizens!
It’s usually bad for business to kill you customers.
Yep, “maybe”. . . but WORSE business to CURE your patient/customers. People should be aware by now that the Rockefeller Foundation western petroleum based allopathic pharmacological model is highly suspect at best, and primarily oriented towards treating the symptomatology rather than addressing the CAUSE of the ailment, in order to protect the business model & profiteering in modern “medicine”. They have ruthlessly suppressed all debate on the terrain versus germ theory question, there are many productive cancer treatments that they’ve hidden, even criminalized the use of, like GcMAF , Laetril (sic?), fenbendazole, and so forth. NEVER forget that these are the monsters STILL pushing the C19 bioweapon 💉 jab and who lied about virtually EVERY aspect of the so called “pandemic”, from the serially fraudulently applied RT-PCR “test”, to the consciously duplicitous application of “cause of death” in 2020, and who, even now, via their propagandist presstitutes and ooze-papers, are attempting to explain away the literal avalanche of excess deaths in EVERY nation of the world with whoppers like “sleeping with the blinds open”, “falling asleep in front of the TV”, “cold showers”, “playing computer games”, and even an outbreak of 100’s of kids in the UK developing cirrhosis of the liver and immunological hepatitis as likely being caused by “owning a family dog”!!? Athletes dropping dead on the field at ludicrously unprecedented levels, kids dropping dead at school, and young women now being warned that giving birth carries the risk of heart attacks and strokes!! There are now defibrillators outside EVERY school in the UK, and gyms, sport centres, town centres, etc, etc. . . . The “safe & effective” jab killed my Dad with 3 separate suddenly appearing as stage 4 “turbo” cancers, and the FIRST jab killing FIVE of my neighbours, a few of my friends, several of my friends parents, and scores of kids in my town, and yet- “Experts baffled?”, “Doctors mystified?” is the ubiquitous cry? The C19 “vax” patents predating 2020 & being a U.S. D.o.D./ DARPA “military countermeasure”, the 109’s of plasmid DNA contaminants, the SV40 discovered, the graphene oxides and lipid nano particle self assembling nano-tech ALL discovered in the C19 bioweapon 💉 jab PROVE the premeditation and intent of this genocide. So they should NOT be automatically trusted as a default position.
Im from Jamaica and since march, i have started a new job, everyone thought that i was in my early twenties but i was actually 39 years old now im forty years old and still look pretty young. I’ve realized though that i. Have put on some pounds on my belly, the staff lunch is always cooked withmsg baded seasonings, now im wondering if that’s why i seemsed to be gaing weight. The. Guys at work said that i was the hottest and most beautiful girl in that hotel in the kitchen department but now im losing it because my belly is now visible big. Where i usec to work we didn’t use msg bases products.
I had a personal experience with the use of MSG with a weed killer liquid to get the weeds to die faster/within a day. If the weed killer alone had been used ,the weeds would have taken a whole week to die but with the MSG added, the weeds die the next day.
When I go for wedding dinners and consume the food there, I have to wake up a few times during the night to drink water to quench my thirst. It is so disgusting that people use MSG in all foods to increase the taste and to make quick $$$$$.
People also use a mixture of vinegar and table salt as a highly effective weed killer.
People are not weeds. We do not require the sun for photosynthesis, nor do we have roots which are detrimentally affected by salt in the soil.
And by the way, MSG is added because foods loose a lot of flavor when frozen or canned.
We tried the vinegar/salt recipe and it did not kill our weeds. B.. it sounds like you like MSG in your food.
definitely! it’s gonna need more time for preparation though. particularly in making our own broth. any tips?
It doesnt take long to make broth..bake your bones for an hour put in pot….keep all veg ends throw everything in big stock pot let come to boil…simmer for a few hours. Makes large quantity. Freese in small or med containers.
Why doesn’t the FDA ban this substance from our foods? Toxins should not be allowed in any products. Contact your Senators, Congressmen, Governors, Mayors…..get the ball rolling. Demand safe food!
They can’t ban it. It’s needed. You need glutamate & make it yourself. It’s part of several regulatory pathways involving neurotransmitters. Glutamate glutamine & GABA. You can’t really be allergic to it like people think they are because then your own brain would kill you. There have been some studies showing a possible positive correlation between increased uptake & a very mild mitigation of certain cognitive problems primarily affecting children. It’s not one of those things were it’s bad for you it’s one of those things were too much is bad You.
If you’re worried about it l-thiamine commonly found in green tea. Increases the production of GABA. Which is essentially the opposite amino acid to MSG. They regulate each other. GABA is an inhibitory neurotransmitter whereas glutamate is an excitatory neurotransmitter & glutamine is a precursor to both.
I think you meant L-theanine.
I discovered at an early age that MSG and the other big one nitrites give me massive headaches…I mean at a very early age…my mom thought I was nuts until studies came out about MSG and nitrites causing severe headaches in some people…I have never been a big processed food eater( the one exception good potato chips) but now I live in India and I don’t use anything processed as I am not sure of the purity here. All organic all fresh or dried myself. I switched to all organic some 7 years ago along with throwing the TV and the microwave out. My husband on the other hand ate crap even tho I made every attempt to serve him clean food… He passed away a year ago from pancreatic cancer with metz. and while I have something in my brain.. they dont know what………I have partial seizures but have not had the intensity since I moved to India and eat all unprocessed food and cook with tons of turmeric, ginger and black pepper… as well as lots of fresh fruits and vegies. Eliminate one thing a week or add something healthy one week at a time……ohh yes I make lassi from curd once a day as well….probiotic
Leeann Puleston, you might want to cut out curd. It’s dairy and it causes cancer and other chronic diseases. Read “The Phone Study” by Dr. Campbell. Good work with cutting out processed foods and eating organic veggies and fruits. But if dairy is not removed from your diet, you will not find out what’s going on in your brain. Dairy has casomorphine, a naturally occurring product of milk with opiate-like activity.
Hi Thy if this is true about MSG then all SEA should be dying all there food is made with it and now Africa as they are selling them Indomi soups
The first thing I did after reading this article, is inspect the products in my kitchen cupboards and threw away a few things. Especially being pregnant!
I think everything processed is replaceable with fresh ingredients.
In order to replace beef or chicken broth, I now simply cook the fresh meats with some onions (sometimes garlic too) a drop of oil and my preferred spices. Then add water to boil, and there I have natural broth, that I can freeze to reuse later.
I used to stay awake at night with my mind racing/excited. After learning of the negative effects of hidden msg & learning the additives to avoid, I no longer have to endure brain excitement. I shop in the perimeter of the store, eat organic as much as possible and avoid products with more than minimal non-msg ingredients. It is amazing how most all products have hidden msg.
I have been very aware of MSG for over 20 years, simply because eating it makes me violently ill. Starts with a headache & feeling nauseous, then a cold sweat & excessive heart rate. From there im sick & it usually takes 12 hours or so for all the effects to go.
This all happens on a very small dose of MSG in a processed food. I dont eat any processed foods now
Anything pre-packaged, or processed most likely has MSG, or any of its other names. Cooking from scratch is the safest. And all org. & Natural spices.
I eat MSG since I can remember. My grandfather is Chinese so he eats MSG for the longest time, decades. He’s now 93 years and going strong. He’s still working out everyday. I’ll take my chances and risk living a long healthy life with MSG. Funny how Asians live longer than American, when they cook every meal with MSG.
Why risk your life for msg? What do you owe msg?
Wondering if disodium glutamate is the same thing as far as it being bad for you?
Everyones body is different
I read somewhere that the amino acid taurine mitigates the effects of msg. Apparently Asians eat foods naturally high in taurine that helps to neutralize msg. Not sure if this is true or not but every time we go to eat Asian food I pop a few taurine capsules. Unfortunately, msg is everywhere they even spray it on crops before harvesting. Organic foods often contain organic msg – which is crazy. Whole Foods sells truckloads of organic crap containing msg! Also, dairy, wheat & soy all contain high amounts of naturally occurring glutamate. Even slow cooking food creates glutamate. If you want your kid to calm down from ADHD remove all sources of msg, artificial colors, flavors & sweeteners & you will have a different kid in 2 weeks. No medicine needed!!
Thanks for sharing, Christi!