Video Transcript: Can Toxins Lead to Heart Disease and Cancer?
Ty Bollinger: Two of the leading causes of death are heart disease and cancer. Let that sink in. In today’s video, you’ll see a clip from Dr. Jack Wolfson’s presentation at last year’s Truth About Cancer Live Event in Orlando, where he explains what leaky gut is and he discusses how it may lead to heart disease and more.
Make sure to watch the whole video as Dr. Jack elaborates on the importance of chiropractic care and then he goes on to talk about what he did not learn in medical school and how heart disease may actually be a man-made disease and more.
Dr. Jack Wolfson: You see, there are two top causes of death, and they are heart disease and cancer. And when Ty and Charlene asked me to come here and they’re like, “Come speak at The Truth About Cancer.” I said to Ty, “Dude, I’m a cardiologist. Why do you want me at the event?” He said, “Because they all are impacted by heart disease, of course.” And of course, that is all true. Heart disease and death, these are what the causes are.
But in reality, they’re just diagnoses; they’re just labels that the medical doctors give to someone who’s sick from poor nutrition and chemicals. And that is why I wrote my best-selling book, The Paleo Cardiologist, to talk about not only heart health, but a path to total wellness for anybody.
From a newborn baby, a pregnant woman, to anybody who’s looking to prevent cancer, brain disease, heart disease. And I figure if I start off with chapter one talking about how important cholesterol is, and people understand that concept, then they’ll get into everything else.
We talk about the importance of sleep; we talk about the importance of sunshine. Our ancestors, for millions of years went to sleep with the sundown and awoke with the sunrise, and then they spent the day in and out of the sun and they were naked. They were naked in the sun. When is the last time you were naked in the sun? I don’t want to hear your story, sir. I don’t want to hear the story, thank you, thank you.
So, in there we talk about heavy metals and we talk about the right nutrition. And what I say in the nutrition chapter is no matter what nutrition you follow, please make it organic, please make it organic. In case any of you care I’m wearing organic cotton underwear. We take this lifestyle very, very seriously.
Chapter 14 is called “The Wonders of Chiropractor” because I believe that everybody should be under chiropractic care. I believe that the chiropractor is uniquely skilled to be the primary care provider, and that is certainly one of my passions and one of my goals to get that out there. We talk about the importance of supplements; we talk about the importance of the most advanced testing in the world.
Now I learned all this because of the woman you see on the screen. In 2005 we met, she started whispering all the stuff in my ear about holistic and natural, and I was doing the wrong thing, I was in the sickness world, I got to get into the health world. And I started to listen, I started to change. Why? For one thing, she’s smoking hot. For another, it all made sense. It all made sense to me because I saw the sickness all around me. I saw the things that didn’t make sense, and what she said made perfect sense.
Now one of the things she talks about back then is this concept of leaky gut, leaky gut. Have you all heard of leaky gut? Okay, well in 2005 I never heard of leaky gut. I said “Where did you come up with this crazy diagnosis, leaky gut? I went through four years of medical school, three years of internal medicine, three years of cardiology, years on the job as a practicing cardiologist, I’ve never heard of that once.”
And she said, “Well, that’s your problem, go read about it.” So, I go to read about it, there’s not much in the literature. But over the last 10 years the literature has exploded on the concept of leaky gut. And what happens in leaky gut is that you’ve got toxins, you’ve got heavy metals, you’ve got nasty food particles that get in through the intestinal lining and get into the bloodstream, and then the body says, “What is that?” So now you have immune system activation leading to inflammation, which we can measure. Oxidative stress that we can measure, all through that leaky gut.
And even still today I assure you the vast majority of medical doctors have no idea what leaky gut, or maybe a little more professional intestinal permeability, hyper permeability, it’s all over the medical literature.
Well now we’ve got the ability to test for it and we can test for these things like zonulin and anti-actin and lipopolysaccharides. In our office we do this test. We look for that leaky gut. We tell people they have it and then we put them on the plan and they do fantastic, they do fantastic. Because leaky gut—
This is obviously a blockage of the heart, and you can see the blockage right there in the middle of the screen, how flow is nice and then all was sudden there’s an acute blockage right in there.
And the medical doctors think this is from a Lipitor deficiency. They think this is a statin deficiency syndrome. They really do. I know because I thought that way. I thought that way. I thought the statin drugs should be in the drinking water. But once again, this is from poor nutrition and environmental toxins. Heart disease is man-made.
So, the leaky gut here, the leaky gut leads to this autoimmune disease against this molecule actin. Where is that actin located? Actin is located in the muscles of the intestines, it’s located in the muscles of the arteries, it’s located in the muscle of the heart itself. The immune system is attacking the heart muscle and the muscles of the arteries. What I’m saying is that heart disease is autoimmune. Heart disease is autoimmune. It’s not from a drug deficiency. It’s autoimmune.
You can see this coronary artery disease, heart failure. Why wouldn’t leaky gut lead to heart failure? Because when you have a leaky gut you have these antibodies that attack the heart muscle and carotid disease. I’ve said this many times, cardiac procedures are often unnecessary and almost always preventable. I talk about that in my book. You follow the advice in my book and you will have the prevention.
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