TTAC Live 2019 was an amazing weekend in Anaheim! Literally hundreds of people came up to us and told us that TTAC had saved their life! What a humbling mission we have been given, and we won’t stop.
The “encore weekend” replay is happening right now, so if you missed the live stream last weekend, you can watch again this weekend.
We were reminded of the need to STAND UP for freedom of choice in medicine and to STAND UP for freedom of choice in vaccines and to STAND UP to tyranny!
Speaking of tyranny …
On our way back from Los Angeles to Nashville, we had an “interesting” experience with the TSA. After checking our bags at LAX, we had to clear security. One of the items I typically carry with me is LivingFuel, and this was no exception. But apparently the scan showed that this superfood (which contains all 53 essential nutrients and more than 90 total health-boosting vitamins and minerals) was an “explosive threat” to security and therefore required the owner (me) to undergo a full body “pat down” (aka public sexual molestation).
I don’t know about you, but I’m sick of the clichés …
Like … “They protect us from terrorists.”
Really? How many terrorists have been stopped with these invasive TSA pat downs? (Drum roll please) …. NONE!
In 2013, I wrote a book called Monumental Myths which goes into detail about many of the “official stories” that are nothing more than lies, and rest assured, the TSA is NOT about security. It’s about “security theater.” Heck, that’s exactly what I was told by the head TSA agent at LaGuardia airport a few years ago when I had a similar experience. He shared with me his dismay that from 10am to 2pm, the busiest hours each day, they regularly route ALL PASSENGERS (most of which are not “TSA pre-check”) through the minimal screening “pre-check” lines so that they don’t get too long. He said, and I quote,
this is nothing more than security theater.”
This is actually “prisoner training” the public. It’s all about shame, dehumanization, and humiliation. It’s about teaching American citizens that they can be ordered around by a bunch of government tyrants who only impersonate actual law enforcement officers. Yeah, that’s right. TSA “officers” are not sworn officers in any way, and they have no law enforcement training. NONE.
Well before the “terrorist attacks” of September 11, 2001, the U.S. government planned to create and impose a police state control grid on the American people. This is well documented. Why do I have the words “terrorist attacks” in quotation marks? Read Monumental Myths and find out. I have an entire chapter on the fraud of 9/11.
Since 9/11, the federal government has lashed out with contempt against the very citizenry it claims to “protect,” and no agency better exemplifies that disdain in a more open manner than the TSA, where government agents either photograph our visibly naked bodies (to them) or grope innocent passengers in a manner that would have made Ted Bundy jealous. TSA agents routinely demonstrate a willingness to treat American citizens like serial killers and terrorists.
Yes, being a TSA agent may be an attractive job for someone who likes touching the crotches of children, the elderly, and even infants! You should never have to explain to your children,
Remember that no stranger can touch or see your private parts, unless it’s a government employee in an airport with a TSA badge, then it’s OK.”
The TSA is really good at confiscating jars of homemade apple butter from elderly ladies, under the pretense that they could pose threats to national security! And they’re also quite apt at confiscating nail clippers from airline pilots, since those pilots might actually use the nail clippers to hijack the very planes that they will be flying! Let us not forget the TSA’s aptitude at patting down triple amputee war heroes and confiscating alcohol from Marines returning home from war.
The reality is that since its inception post-9/11, the TSA has proven to be a hub for sexual predators, thieves, and incompetent screeners that actually make us less safe.
And one more cliché that makes me sick:
You gave up your rights when you bought an airline ticket.”
Ummm… no I didn’t!
The federal government stole them under the mantra “you must give up liberty for security” while cowards and pansies stood by and said nothing…
Remember that Benjamin Franklin once said:
Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.”
Back to LAX and the TSA …
So once I was informed that a full body pat down was required by TSA, I told the agent “don’t touch my junk.” Surprisingly, he immediately said that he WAS going to touch my junk and that if I had a problem with it, that he would call the police. This is much different than the TSA talking points in the past, where they claimed that they would not touch “private parts” during the pat down.
Apparently, they are now proud of the sexual assault that they are allowed to violate on innocent travelers… And NO, it’s not hyperbole to call these enhanced pat downs a “sexual assault.” If you disagree, go up to a woman and begin groping and fondling her breasts or find a man and begin cupping his testicles (according to TSA standards) and see how many sexual crimes you’re charged with! (Of course, that’s after they smash you in the face and break your nose!)
But TSA agents get to molest passengers, with 100% immunity.
Again, I told him “don’t touch my junk” and so he called his boss and said that I was being belligerent. So I guess if you object to being publicly molested, you are now considered to be a “belligerent” traveler. Interesting. I guess we should just “lay back and enjoy it.”
The TSA “chief” offered me a private room to undergo the molestation – but I told them do go ahead and do their dirty deeds in public view. He then told me that if I gave them any more “problems” and continued to be “belligerent” that they would have me detained. Again, I’m not sure how telling a stranger to keep his hands off my genitals is being belligerent, but apparently TSA believes that it is.
In retrospect, perhaps it was my bright tie-dyed shirt that indicated to these 3 amazing crime fighters that I might be a potential threat to national security. So, I got a full body “grope down” right in front of Charlene and our four children.
As you can see in the images, I wasn’t exactly “thrilled” with what was happening, but the agent actually seemed like he enjoyed it, and he spent a heck of a long time on my crotch area. Clearly, he was on a power trip since he wears a badge and truly believes that he is an official “government agent” despite the fact that he likely had only a few weeks of “training.” However, I must admit, the badge was impressive…
During the pat down, I told the agent and his boss that they should be ashamed of themselves. I literally said it over and over.
You should be ashamed of yourselves. You should be ashamed of yourselves.”
Finally, proving that he actually was capable of uttering a sentence and was not a robot, the TSA chief replied,
We are just doing our jobs.”
I’ve heard that excuse before … at Nuremberg. During the Nuremberg Trials, after WWII, several Nazis (including top German generals Alfred Jodl and Wilhelm Keitel) claimed they were not guilty of the tribunal’s charges because they were just following orders. Since then, this excuse has been popularly known as the “Nuremberg defense.” The Nuremberg judges rejected the Nuremberg defense, and both Jodl and Keitel were hanged.
Interestingly, after the TSA employee had finished with his public groping session, they gave me back the LivingFuel and said I could keep it with me on the plane.
Huh? Are you serious?
The formerly “dangerous” substance (which gave rise to the need for a full body pat down) was now perfectly fine to carry with me as I boarded the plane. Did the full body invasive “groping” session somehow “trans-mutate” the powder into a benign substance? That makes about as much sense as the TSA making you throw away full bottles of water, since the liquid could be a dangerous explosive … and they have you throw them away in a trashcan which remains mere feet from all the agents and passengers for the entire day!!
What kind of idiot made up that rule?
After the 6 minute “pat down” was over, Charlene spoke to 2 males (they definitely were not MEN) who had observed the entire sexual assault. They were apathetic and were just glad that it didn’t happen to them. Where are the real men?
We must stand up!
As Del Bigtree shared with his final keynote speech, we must BE BRAVE!
And with forced vaccines on the agenda and Healthy People 2020 right around the corner, remember this…
… if governmental power is not checked, these lawless government thugs will soon be running highway checkpoints, harassing people on street corners, coming to your homes to check your “vaccination status,” and functioning as a political paramilitary force that effectively puts troops on the streets across America.
I leave you with a quote from Pastor Martin Niemöller, a German pastor who saw the Nazi state as a dictatorship and was troubled by the apathy exhibited by the bystanders as large groups of people were systematically kidnapped and taken to the labor camps …
First they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out—because I was not a socialist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out— because I was not a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out—because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me—and there was no one left to speak for me.”
Oh yeah, Charlene has a full video that we will post soon…
This is outrageous Ty….totally uncalled for. Trump should see the video for sure…hopefully he can do something about this gross behavior in the part of NSA….this should not exist in this country!
Most certainly. Let’s re-post it until it can’t be ignored!
I am a 77 year old grandma. I have flown twice in the last two months. I have had this happen to me each time. First time it was a Kleenex in my pocket. Second time it was because I moved in the X-ray machine. So I was told. Up and down my legs, under my breasts, had to pull my shirt up. WHAT!!! I am so afraid for our country! And tonight the shutdown of Robert Kennedy in New York.
I have followed you guys for 5 years now. Thankyou for the wonderful work you and Charlene do.
We’re so sorry to hear this happened to you, Danna. 🙁
Thank you so much for your continued love and support. God bless you!
I have this happen to me at every airport I go to. Phoenix Sky Harbor is the only one, they just run me through the scanner. This has been going on in my life for the last 10 years.
I’ve dealt with this before. I’ve never been through a body scanner at an airport. I’ve always opted out. The last time I was being groped by the TSA was the worst. Same thing. The guy kept touching my “junk,” and I would back my pelvis away. He would give me a bug eyed stare when I did that and told me to remain still. This happened several times, and then the same threats that you got. A private room, no thanks. So I had to allow the molestation. It was so sexually abusive, it was the last time I ever flew anywhere. No thanks, never again.
Wow – this is terrible. We’re so sorry to hear that you had this experience.
In the name of safety, airport security can sometimes go too far. Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
It’s important we take a stand against aggressive searches like this.
This is beyond ridiculous – glad you told them how you feel about their sexual abuse and abuse of power. I have TSA precheck and still have had to undergo these pat downs because I seem to always get “randomly selected”. My daughter, who is 19 and looks about 14 (who also has TSA precheck), just had to go through a pat down this weekend because her medical device boot she is wearing for her hurt foot set off the detector. The TSA agent got to more bases with her than any other person ever has. It is traumatizing for people to have to go through this abuse of power. As you experienced, if you deny the pat down or get “belligerent” they will detain you and have you arrested. I had hoped having TSA precheck and already passing a security background check would eliminate this type of abuse, but beware it does not.
Hello Ty! I completely understand your anger about the personal intrusion you experienced. Up here in Canada, any time I have gone through airport security I have never been groped as you describe. A hand-held metal detector wand was the only device used to scan my person and it barely touched my clothing. It would appear you were singled out and given the “full treatment” as it were. I can’t say whether or not Americans, or Canadians for that matter, are apathetic or harbour a passive disdain towards these security measures. Perhaps what we need is the fervour, like that of the citizens of Hong Kong, have towards the repressive regime of China before someone takes notice on an official level. All the best to you and your family! Richard.
Thanks for sharing, Richard!
Ty and Charlene!!! OMG I cannot believed this has happened and is happening still as I write this to others!!! I have been groped by men…often times complete strangers in passing in large crowds and it is humiliating. I know first hand the trauma it causes and I stand with you. You are so brave and this is just one more facet of your tremendous strength in raising awareness of the police state. Peace is the highest level of consciousness (as far as I know) and in this state we thwart off lower energies. So for whatever reason you were subjected to this treatment you have raised awareness on this issue. I appreciate your willingness to educate and share your journey. I promise you I will do my part in killing the police state through standing with you and raising my voice. Noisemakers are usually greased. I intend to be very squeaky.
It’s quite amazing that they did not confiscate the camera that recorded this sexual attack.
Thank you, Sir, for sharing your experience at the airport with us. Yes, it did make my blood boil! I hate that kind of arrogance and hypocricy! I have been following the series, including the one on “The Sacred Plant.” You are all doing such a good job by enlightening the world and giving us hope. I am including you and Charlene and the other wonderful people working with you, in my daily intercessory prayers – that God will bless and protect you for the noble work you are doing in letting us know of the wonders of nature that He has created to help us, mankind, as we struggle through our illnesses. More power to you! Vivian, a teacher from the Philippines
This is craziness! I think the part that bothers me the most is the invasive feeling of the genital area- all to give the powder back to you? We stopped flying on planes years ago because of this very reason. The drive from point A to point B is prettier anyway! I see a TTAC bus in your future 🙂 I envision that brightly painted coach driving down a major US hwy getting lots of attention. I pray that comes to fruition for you guys. Thanks so much for all you so. I sure wish I would have known about this stuff years ago because perhaps my husband would still have his dad- who was killed by medicine as a result of bladder cancer.
Thanks for sharing, Nicole! We’re so sorry to hear about your father-in-law.
Blessings and love to you and your family!
This is a heartbreaking situation that each of has to decide is worth fighting against. However, it is unlikely that more than a few will ever take the time or risk losing what they have in the short run (a plane ticket) for the benefit of freedom in the long run. In little ways our freedom is taken, not by wrenching it from us, but by softly suggesting it is all being done for our own good. Until the discomfort becomes too great to bear, and life under the regime is no longer tolerable people will be unwilling to stand their ground.
When flying, I often get pulled out for a pat down when I refuse to go through x-Ray. Having had many CT scans and XRays over the past fourteen years (ovarian cancer) I don’t see why I should get extra radiation doses from the government Willynilly!
I am TSA approved and you would think that would be enough for them not to require a pat down, but I go along with the game. They always find a woman to do the dirty work and I remain as pleasant as possible just to get it over with. I have noticed that when exploring my crotch, they always use the back of their hands and they let me know that prior..
Last time I travelled from Seattle to LA, I had an unopened and sealed container of Hummus and some fresh veggies for lunch on the plane. They confiscated the hummus because it “ weighed 1 oz over the 4 oz allowable”. I invited them to enjoy it, laughed and went to the gate.
I’m wondering what action we can take on this!
If it can happen to you, it can happen to me.
I support you Ty, and I’m sorry to hear this happened. (I haven’t had the means to fly anywhere for a while). God bless you and your family.
People need to apply pressure through the airline’s “bottom lines” ~ BY REFUSING TO FLY ~ ANYWHERE!!! The last time I flew was just a few months after 9/11, before it was anywhere near this bad; but, it was still too much hassle to be worth it to me. I used to consider flying to be “the only way to travel,” when practical; but, I don’t care how badly I need to get somewhere (even in a hurry), NOTHING is worth submitting to either irradiation or groping!!! It’ll do nothing but get worse until people “grow a spine” and say, “Not just ‘no;’ but, ‘NO F’ing WAY am I going to submit to ANYTHING of that nature!!!”
My friend Ann had the perfect attitude about the pat down: A cheap thrill!
So true, Mary!
My gosh ! your words were soooo true “prisoner training”….Love reading your insight.
I am a 58 yr old mother, grandmother and this is why I do not travel. I have endured such harassment in the few times I attempted to fly that I have now determined I would rather stay home than be so humiliated.
Thanks Ty (and Charlene for this). I’m stage 3 Rectal Cancer and could not go to your conference, but because you have spoken out like this I will definitely buy the tapes, and I will read your book, Monumental Myths.
It was not your tie-dyed shirt that got you “pulled over”. I’m a nobody and I get “searched” at every airport…..even my own little Regional Airport. As you well know, they have you selected once your name appears on the computer at the first desk. They know who you are way ahead of time..
Guys, please keep up your good work. And, keep up writing about the future of our children and the many dangers we are facing against these tyrants that are planning our demise.
God Bless you both.
I endure this every time I fly because I refuse to go through the machine. So I actually choose the putdown over the alternative…had one for each of the past 2 days. Luckily most I deal with are very kind, although the ones manning the belt where you put your carryon items are often snide about it.
Glad to know you haven’t been subject to any aggressive patdowns, Carrie!
Thanks for sharing!
Outrageous. I a, totally appalled.
Ty and Charlene, I am “randomly” selected for enhanced screening every time I fly. The TSA regularly feels up my crotch (deeply and hard–even though I wear compression leggings to fly and everything can be seen) and breasts. I tell them that they have molested me every time now. One can file a written report, but then, if one does, the “random” screenings become a certainty. I have to suppress my fury every time at these thugs. They have too much power (threatened detention) and too little brains. One time an agent tore off the plastic bag with which I had protecting my cultured veggies. When I quietly but firmly asked her to replace my damaged property, he repeatedly began screaming “IRATE PASSENGER.” Pure intent to humiliate and shame.
Yes, I am angered!
The TSA does a outstanding job of protecting us, yet they are forced to deal with this type of attitude on a daily basis.
Good bye Tye and Charlene
Many more people need to know about this molestation game played by the TSA. I no longer fly, after a similar episode at Orlando Airpot several years ago. If people know, and think about the confrontational behavior of some TSA employees, they might begin to realize that we are quickly losing our democracy. Maybe it’s not true, but I believe that ICE employs the most abusive types of personalities, and TSA is next in line.
Mr. Bollinger you need to take it down a notch and just breathe. I’ll bet your BP was sky high the day you were “patted down” and I don’t care how much Living Fuel you drink with that kinda outrage you are a prime candidate for a stroke or some other illness created from stress.
My Down Syndrome brother and I were patted down in Buffalo NY because I forgot my Enhanced Drivers License and my brothers Enhanced non drivers ID., and patted down in Orlando Florida on our way back to Buffalo, NY. We were on our way back from Disney. Was I embarrassed? sure was but understood the importance of it.
Maybe you need to do a Docu Series on relaxation techniques. We need you to be around a long time to bring us more wonderfully informational Docu Series such as, “The Truth About Vaccines” and “The Truth About Cancer”
Mrs. Caroline A. Wojton
Thank you Ty for speaking up and sharing your humiliation. Hopefully people will WAKE UP to what is really happening in America. The prince of this world doesn’t sing, in glitter outfits, but wants to destroy this great country of people’s. He will succeed if people don’t speak up and get out of their (fake) comfort zones.
May God Bless you and your family, and America
Thank you for what you do, and what you go through! To educate us!
I feel the same. It is wrong. No stranger has a right to touch me places only my husband should. And they are not anything but rent-a-cops with a badge. So many are ordinary citizens on a power trip. I have agents shame me for opting out most every time I travel. I had one yell at an entire crowd of people when I told him I was opting out that they should ‘do as he says and if they don’t he’ll make them wish they did’ in Charlotte! He had to be about 19 years old. Thought he was cool in his uniform. He was a big guy so he thought he could push his weight around. Poor guy was compensating for not really making it in life, I think. They aren’t all that way. I told a nice gal that ‘frisked’ me in Houston about that experience and she said they aren’t allowed to say things like that and I should have reported him. Tell me, if his supervisor is hearing everything he’s saying, what good would that do? He’s on a power trip and they don’t care or they would have already called him on the carpet for it. And if I speak up, as Ty did, I’m belligerent and must have something to hide. I love to travel and I don’t want to be blacklisted. How do we stand up and make a change without losing the ‘privileged’ we PAID for? Love the reference that those dangerous water bottles are sitting there next to everyone all day! Never thought about that one…
I am shocked at the story and I am a canadian my mom was an American and I follow all of the political garbage and feel totally helpless. how are these politicians getting a salary. so so sorry you had to go through this malicious attack. it is truly a story that should be told. thank you. what can I do…I pray and pray and I cant seem to get any respite from the horror that is going on. even up here in a small town I had water thrown at my face in a coffee shop as I was talking to the owner on how I liked president trump even in my own family who are busy with a young family and dont have the time to read we argue. they only watch cnn. the lies that are on it are unbelievable. so much lies and my grandchildren are also believing lies. I send them good scientific info and they don’t read it. just from crazy mom. god bless you for your work. again so sorry you had to go thru that molestation. how does the ordinary person stand up for what is the truth. it all seems so hopeless. everything in the world is so so beautiful except people want to kill and destroy gods creation. it is hard to stay up under this pressure. I hope you lay charges and get it out to the public. ive loved you and your emails. thank you. stay well and yes fight on. love joan
Hey Ty, I was also patted down. What I was told was TSA assigns a number, that every 50th (or whatever) gets patted down, no matter who it is. They also look for people who look suspicious. I can guarantee all the people behind you were very, very happy it was you, since the counter starts over again.
I’ll tell you a funny story, I was going through TSA in Houston, I was carrying a cake box full of cookies for a conference I was going through. The guy behind me starts teasing me to the TSA, saying the box looks suspicious snd laughing. TSA asked me what is in the box, I tell him “Killer Cookies!”, the guy behind me starts looks worried and saying out loud to me “Hey don’t say that!”. The TSA snickered, and passed me though.
Thank you for all of your research and hard work. And thank you for sharing it with us. I’ve been following you for about a year now and enjoy and learn from your presentations.
Thank you for sharing your support, Alice!
Thanks so much for sending me this again. I do plan on purchasing it next month and plan on listening to it often. I have closed caption with no sound on my computer right now, so I get tired of reading and cant walk away, but with the disks, I could play them on my tv. My Dad died from chemo for leukemia and he died quick, within months of his diagnosis in 1988. I wish I knew because the chemo made him go down hill really fast. Then I had chemo (BCG) in 2004 and was afraid and a lot of my hair fell out, and I was sick for a long time afterwards. I would think about it different now, thanks to you guys. Thanks again.
God bless you and your family. Such an inspiration of hope to me.
Hi Suzanne, our community is such an inspiration to US! Thank you for supporting our mission. We are sorry for your loss, and for your own difficult experience with chemo. Sending you abundant blessings!
I know driving from California back to Nashville is a long way, but try to drive and not fly. But if this was on your carry on, maybe ship things back to you rather then carry them. And they are doing these pat downs, just like the Vaccines, it’s not about the Vaccines, it’s about getting people to Comply without question.
The problem with society today if it’s not front and center then you might as well consider human blinkers around there face because the perifial vision seems to be very limited. How many can truly voice there opinions when it comes to personal sacrifice especially in public. There are countless molesters and pedi files in public getting there jollys. From electronic equipment on unsuspecting individuals going about there daily lives. Example me and my wife where at a local eatery we happened upon a aquantance who we know, he asked for pictures first by herself then with him, he exclaimed that they where going to a friend to show how Filipino woman where pretty and polite. Later on we found out the same person was taking pictures of underage girls and was asked to leave. Surely I can understand how violated you felt, unfortunately when any one is on public and private property your rights not only are in jeopardy, there is no recourse for legal litigation.
It’s either pat down or getting radiated in those machines. Again, it seems like we have no choice. Disclosure is happening. Hang in and in the meantime keep informing! Thanks for all you guys are doing!
I so agree with Ty on the outrageous behavior of TSA. I have been groped numerous times. If I get angry stop the TSA agents I am threatened to be removed from the line or from my plane. They have confiscated packaged food unopened claiming it came across as a safety hazard. It was stevia! I’m 62 years old and they would search me up and down and never find anything. I never set off the metal alarms but they say they’re not looking at Alarms even though I am forced to go through them. They’ve never told me what they’re looking for. When I’ve asked them they refuse to say anything . This is ridiculous. And I am furious about their behavior. They do not apologize and in fact they smirk for the whole pat down. Every time she grabbed my crotch I would say I resent this and it is very uncomfortable. And they would retort “Well, you don’t have to buy a ticket if you don’t want to go through it.” That’s ridiculous. What does buying a airplane ticket have to do with being willing to be publicly groped. Is there anything we can do to stand up to this asinine regime?
Joy porter
Salt lake city, Utah
Yes. TY…I THINK the way you were dressed was part of it. Long pants and a decent shirt is preferable for airplane travel. We always get treated better if we’re dressed better. The 60″s was 50 yrs ago!!
I think Sandra has something here. Example from the Philippines: I’m an African American senior citizen living in the Philippines 33 yrs as a linguistic anthropologist. Filipinos, and Asians in general do not dress for their own personal comfort like Americans do. They dress for you, and they think you do the same for them. How you are dressed tells them what you think of them and how important they are to you. My AA culture is the same. One of our colleagues decided next time he enters the country to dress the way he sees Filipinos on the street. He thought he was relating to them by dressing down. He wore ragged faded jeans and an old tee-shirt. When he arrived in the country, he never made it out of the airport. A Filipino approached him and said, “Sir, you offend us by the way you are dressed.” When he retrieved his luggage he went into a bathroom and changed into something more culturally appropriate for the Philippines. A Jamaican British lawyer told me she was always treated very badly when flying in Asia. I suggested she try dressing up when flying like she does when going to one of her business meetings. She tried it and sent me two photos of her subsequent Asian travels. At first I didn’t recognize her. She was absolutely gorgeous and in full make-up. She said she had never been treated so royally in her whole life like on those two trips. Next time you fly, check out how the Asians are dressed. Some Americans have that same dress-up-when-flying mind-set too. Peace.
If those TSA saw you the way you and Charlene look in your profile picture above, they would be bowing and scraping all over the place entertaining your every whim. Thanks for TTAC.
I am very sorry that you had this experience, especially at the end of such a wonderful event. You were probably also sleep deprived so not thinking too clearly as this scenario was unfolding. Whether right or wrong, I would say your shirt obviously drew attention to yourself. If you’d dressed professionally it might have gone better for you. That’s just a fact, and something that people don’t think about any more. Again, I am very sorry about this, and also that you chose to do this in front of your children. I hope no one is too traumatized by the whole thing, and thank you for all your amazing professional and Christian work you’ve done through TTAC.
So sorry for your distressing experience during your travel. It’s not exactly the same here in England, but not much better❗️
Is there really any hope for our future lives❓ I’m only 68 but have been very unwell for quite some time now.
I should still be working, traveling, contributing & enjoying my friends. In all honesty I’m just trying to desperately get all the nightmares sorted out so that I can not leave a mess, debts & a huge burial bill behind. Then I’ll be quite happy to go❗️It’s just t worth it. It’s not a life anymore.
When I hear things like this, I just despair 😢😡😩
Hi Samantha, our team sends our love. Emotional, physical, and mental wellness is crucial to a lot of the healing methods we discuss on our website. When we publish articles like this, we are hoping to provide hope that you are not alone, and information on what we can do to correct major injustices going on in the world today. With that said, please don’t despair! With God by our sides, we can do anything. There is always hope. <3
Thank you Ty and Charlene
I love you both for who you are and for the work you are sharing.
Here in Australia we are governed by the same corrupt medical system as you are and as such have to resort to going underground in order to heal ourselves naturally.
Our $ exchange rate is very low at the moment otherwise we would have purchased your series before now. We did manage to view a number of segments within our limited time frame but as it was live we were not able to see the lot
We totally loved what we did see. Once again, many thanks and God bless you all.
Dear Chalene and Ty,
you are so right about what you wrote. I am so glad that you are such capable and courageous spokespeople for the issue of personal freedom and civil liberty, which is diminishing daily everywhere in the world.
I read this from abroad. But I know exactly where you are coming from.
Hi Annette – thank you so much for your comment.
We appreciate you sharing your support and encouragement. Blessings and love!
Hello…I am so very happy to see this article…and for the public to see and read it.
The same thing happened to me at Seatac in Seattle. I was given an extensive pat
down by an agent ‘of color’ who was watched and coached by a very aggressive Asia
‘Boss’. I was in a wheel chair and in view of gaping travelers when this happened and
so bewildered I said nothing…. I am told by a friend who knew how to handle it, that I
could have stopped it at any point and it and would have been allowed to proceed!?
It sickens me to know you experienced this assault, under the guise of “protecting the public” – from the “constant threat of terrorism.” This most certainly is nazi/fascist behavior, forced upon our society via the false flag mission, we all know as 911. Ty, ‘you are a true American hero’ and I thank God for your tremendous steadfast integrity.
Sorry about your experience. I ask for the pat downs so I don’t have to go through the scanning devices. Those TSA agents have no sense of humor. I asked for a strip search, and the TSA agent replied “We do not give strip searches” we give pat downs. Okay then give me that. They of course make you suffer. for your decision by making you wait extra long.
This is why I won’t fly anywhere. EVER. If I cant get there driving, I don’t need to be there. Those clowns should indeed be ashamed of what they did to you, violating a fellow citizen. Reprehensible.
As a Type 1 diabetic wearing an life saving insulin pump I have to go through this scrutiny each and every time I fly. Seems to me after all the years have gone by after 9/11 one would think they would have been better educated to recognize an insulin pump is not a bomb. Yet they continue to pick on the disabled and handicapped demographics!
Ty, I am so sorry that this incident happened at the airport. I once got my little scissors taken away by security 14 years ago.
Yeah! The same thing happened to my sister because she had some Himalayan pink salt in her carry on bag! Said it could be explosive! Ugh!
Wow – that’s a bit extreme!
Dear Ty and Charlene,
Thank you for this lesson showing to have the courage and be brave enough to stand up for yourself and for others when you know you are doing absolutely nothing wrong. Good of you Ty to have spoken up, and good of you Charlene to have dared to videotape the scene. You might have been having problems from this “security team” with that !
You have my full sympathy.
With loving thoughts,
In 2012, two days after we celebrated our 50th wed. anniversary, I fell down a flight of stairs resulting in 2 broken teeth, 5 broken bones and 14 stitches in my head. We flew home 4 days later and TSA made me stand up from the wheelchair and have a complete pat-down, even though I had a cast on my arm and a boot on my foot plus my head all bandaged and wrapped! They had to remove my other show also! So it’s been going on for a long time and not getting better!
Praying for you and your crusade! You are making a difference in this world!
Karen, we are so, so sorry to hear that. It is utterly shameful. Wishing you and your family well — thank you for taking a stand alongside us!
Since the tyrannical TSA took over, I have refused to ever fly again until they are gone and our freedoms and rights are restored – in the air and the airports. It’s wrong and I refuse to be the fondler’s fodder.
I saw this on FB and it struck a chord. I have never been allowed access to comment or like in your posts. Tried contacting TTAC and FB to no avail. So switched your link over to DuckDuckGo. Looks like comment will work? I have been very supportive of what you guys are doing, What a blessing your efforts are! Thank you!
I live in Alaska where flying is pretty much needed to go out of state. Have not flown for about 7 years due to a horrible experience at Phoenix airport. Had gone to an alternative care clinic in AZ for serious treatments. So was very weak when traveling. I never allow the scanners because contrary to what they tell you it is radiation which is cumulative. Just ask any technician what their guidelines for protection are. TSA proceeded to harass me (a 60 + gal) and when they found my bible in my carryon the took an hour rifling thru it page by page and one lead kept cursing me with the most abusive language I have ever heard and this isn’t my first rodeo in the real world.. My husband had already gotten thru. He tried to video it but they blocked him. He then tried to get a supervisor and never could get anywhere. I was so weak I could not keep standing so had to sit on the floor waiting. We knew better than to make a scene because the alternative was not in our best interests at the time. When we got home we tried to pursue it by getting video footage. They have video cams at the lanes. But the footage had vanished. Hmmm. No surprise there. Needed it to make a claim and to report to our Senators to try to report it. But we needed proof. Finally with extreme disgust we decided it was not worth our sanity and energy to keep trying to pursue it when I was so sick. I do not plan to fly commercial again. And Alaska is pretty remote for that. And family is in TX. But TSA can keep their flipping circus. I hope folks with the ability will stand up and be a voice. I am sorry they treated you so despicably. May you stay strong and keep being a sane voice for living health. Many prayers go with you and your family!
Hi Ruth, I’m sorry to hear you weren’t able to comment on our posts. DuckDuckGo is absolutely our choice in getting a fair, open-information search. Google is highly censored due to a much larger agenda, and it is a shame. Thank you so much for sharing your story, and standing up for our freedoms. This violation of rights and privacy is an abomination. Sending blessings, love, and comfort to you and your husband. <3
Ty, sorry to read about your experience at the airport.I was going through airport security and had two four ounce bottles of tea that was unopened. The TSA agent said I had to throw them away because I couldn’t get on the plane with them. I said can’t I drink them right here in front of you.He said no you will have to go back of these lines which were long.He started walking with me to show me where to go. when I seen all these people ahead of me, I said forget it. I will throw away the bottles of tea.He said you can’t get back through you are going to wait until all these people go ahead of you. I was ticked. plus I had to go through the xray machine again.I WAS DOUBLE TICKED. Plus my husband was looking for me because he didn’t know where I went.I FINALLY FOUND HIM. H e was ticked at me. Not a good day.
This happened to me and I didn’t sleep for a week and had nightmares after. the full body scan is just as bad and, zapping us with cancer causing rays. I’m so sorry Ty, thank you for sharing!