The following is an excerpt from The Truth About Cancer: What You Need to Know About Cancer’s History, Treatment, and Prevention (Hay House, 2016), by Ty Bollinger.
Many people do it for cultural and religious purposes, but fasting has a place in cancer treatment as well—and I’m not even talking about having to starve yourself for days at a time in order to see results. Simply adjusting the times at which you eat, a protocol known as intermittent fasting, can make all the difference in getting your metabolism back on track.
It’s something they do down at the Hope4Cancer Clinic in Tijuana as an adjunct to the other treatments offered there. Dialing down the time frames in which patients eat from the typical morning, noon, and night routine, which can span upwards of 12 hours or even longer, to a much smaller 6- to 8-hour window during the middle of the day has helped many people conquer their cancers faster and with greater comfort throughout the process.
Intermittent fasting has been shown to help boost insulin sensitivity and reduce insulin resistance, while at the same time promoting Enzyme and Metabolic /Mitochondrial Therapy normalized autophagy. Oscar Puig, a nutritionist at the Hope4Cancer Institute, is keen on the “Leangains” Method of intermittent fasting, which restricts eating times to between noon and 8 p.m. every day. This method is both effective and easy to follow because the daily schedule remains the same rather than changing.
You wouldn’t think that depriving a person’s body of nutrition during certain hours of the day would have much effect on his cancer state, but it does. A 2009 study out of the University of Southern California found that cells respond to this period of being in “starvation mode” differently depending on whether they’re healthy or malignant. Healthy cells generally wait out this “lean period” by going into a type of hibernation mode, which protects them from damage. But cancer cells continue to grow because their genetic pathways are stuck in “on” mode, which makes them less resistant to stress and more prone to failure.
“The cell is, in fact, committing cellular suicide,” stated Valter Longo, an associate professor of gerontology and biology at the University of Southern California, who for years has been studying the effects of intermittent fasting on cancer and how cancer cells respond to this nontoxic therapy. “What we’re seeing is that the cancer cell tries to compensate for the lack of all these things missing in the blood after fasting. It may be trying to replace them, but it can’t.”
The fact of the matter is that every type of cancer is treatable with metabolic therapy, whether it involves intermittent fasting, R-KD, enzyme therapy, or some combination of all of these. As Professor Seyfried puts it, all types of cancer have “the same, beautiful, metabolic target” painted on their backs, which means beating this dreadful disease is simply a matter of hitting it, and hitting it hard.
if overseas on a half pension impossible to affird fford. why not a soft cover?
Hi all! Love Tyler and everything he’s doing! I like to explain it this way. This is actually just following your body’s natural circadian rhythms. Your elimination cycle is in the morning, you know that by experience. You eat and digest during the day and you assimilate at night while you sleep. The next morning, if you interrupt your elimination cycle with eating and forcing the next cycle…you still have all the remaining stuff your elimination cycle didn’t get to. Each cycle needs time to complete. It’s like interupting your wash cycle and just throwing it into the dryer every time you did your laundry. But if you aren’t battling cancer, you can (and should!) eat simple fruits in the morning if you really need that energy!
…why not a soft cover, or for international folks an “E-book?”
My morning routine includes coffee with half and half. No sugar. I would think and hope this might be OK during my morning fast?
The excerpt: “The fact of the matter is that every type of cancer is treatable with metabolic therapy, whether it involves intermittent fasting, R-KD, enzyme therapy, or some combination of all of these.” Is book chapter recommending person w/ cancer goes to Tijuana, Mexico clinic, do “metabolic therapy” themselves or what? Hard to tell from excerpt of what ‘practical use’ the book would be to someone w/ cancer.
I also live overseas… Apart from the horrendous shipping cost, buying a hard cover always evokes the question of “shelf space”. Important books get a permanent space in our home’s bookshelves, but they are already quite full. As such, I have been forced to switch to soft covers, as they are considerably smaller. (Europe has quite a bit less “space” than in the States.)
The fact is, the first resort of persons diagnosed w/ cancer is to go to doctor & are already well aware they face only surgery, chemical & radiation therapy….so their main interest from a book is getting the intricacies of alternative treatment since they’re beyond the ‘prevention’ stage part of the book as well as history part of modern medicine, etc.. I’ve watched several persons known to me personally inevitably die miserably from conventional treatment, not to mention celebrities we read about. Few people absorbed in their daily lives are inclined to read books devoted mainly to these topics rather than solely ‘What Do I Do Now ?’ topic, now that I’ve been diagnosed.
I have not been diagnosed but I have lost loved ones and that is more than enough to get me interested in PREVENTION so I am NEVER diagnosed with this horrible disease! Yes, it costs more in the grocery budget to buy only organics and healthy food, but it is NOTHING compared to paying those medical bills!
A little bit of self sacrifice is a necessity in this Adventure we call a life, it allows one to see the World differently. And especially to view themselves differently, an Ego boost so-to-speak, to put Faith in oneself and the natural mechanisms it has to offer for self preservation.
I love what you are doing. This information is very valuable to those with cancer or know someone struggling with what to do. I worked in Radiology over 35 years and watching the patients trying to fight cancer through the “old school of thought”…radiation and chemo. The diet never seemed to enter the picture. This is real hope that we can rid our bodies of cancer . God bless you and the other people involved on this journey.
Hello Ty,
Preordered 3 copies. How do I get the bonuses?
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Lacto vegetarianism I think is also a great way for most people to be, except for people with certain health conditions. Also fasting for 2 days a month differing by 2 weeks or so can help clean out your lymphatic system.
Bottom line is that we “are what we eat”. I would no more do chemo than a doctor’s family would, and there are no doctors that I have talked with (that I know personally) who would allow ANYONE they loved to use chemo to fight cancer. Talk about tossing the baby with the bathwater!!
I’m more interested in the study’s and research findings behind the opinions.
Please make an e-Book version for the overseas people like me. The shipping costs are almost the same as the price of the book itself. So electronic is much better for people in Europe and other oversea parts…..
Annelies Brink, The Netherlands
So teenagers and working people who skip breakfast have been right all along!!
In the ICP PROTOCOL for Alzheimer’s, fasting from breakfast to supper daily … (ie. 12 hrs) is most helpful. Also the technique to follow a Paleo diet each day from breakfast until supper, then fasting … is standard. [In an effort to tweak some of the shortcomings of the Paleo diet, a researcher found that eating all kinds of junk-food carbs eaten only after supper – when its dark outside – helps.]
Perhaps human’s need follow the advice in ‘Light’s Out’ by TS Wiley, to get a full immune boost to beat cancer and many immune-supressing conditions.
Looks good, and logically sound.
Thanx for posting. W/ what’s out there many think that fasting to cure cancer means a long long time w/ no food. I somewhat intermittant fast already to save money so I can eat only healthy organic. Less meals + less spent! I can have organic and can pay the bills for disconnecting from those killer smart meters that are part of being on grid. Most the alternative cures are beyond what many can afford and they are not covered by insurance. This one anyone can do and it helps w/ many issues: weight loss and other diseases. I do not find myself hungry all the time either.
Fasting is not going to do any harm to people. It is probably best that way. Doing metabolic and enzyme therapy are far better than doing those awful chemotherapy and radiation therapy. Chemotherapy and radiation therapy do nothing, but destroy a cancer patient’s body more than heal it.
I don’t have Cancer, but am fascinated that most of what is talked about in TTAC is what I have learned in my study and research about optimizing our health, generally. I was excited about the intermittent fasting after watching TTAC, I tried it, it didn’t go well for me, I was really disappointed. But I’ve heard subsequently that intermittent fasting is NOT recommended if one is suffering from Adrenal Fatigue. That makes sense to me. Is this what you have discovered in your research as well ? Intermittent fasting is contra-indicated in cases of Adrenal Fatigue/
I’ve discovered in holistic health care, we have a tendency to err in the same way that allopathic medicine does, when we prescribe an intervention , a food, a treatment, an herb, a remedy……as good for everyone….
I am not very familiar with the practices of other Religions, but I believe there are some that fast regularly. Does someone know which Religions practice fasting on a regular basis, and if those particular Religious Groups have a lower rate of cancer, and perhaps other health problems?
Intermittent Fasting sounds like a great concept that has worked for some but if you suffer from adrenal insufficiency, which can be an accompaniment to most diseases, fasting is not recommended.
You tube & investigate Essiac Tea, & apricot kernels as a preventative & an amazing cancer cell killer… ‘ World Without Cancer ‘…….so much wonderful truths coming out & so thankful to Ty Bollinger & the many Good, True Dr’s & patients taking a stand !!! Sadly I feel we have all been deceived by the cancer industry & truth is now being heard.
I know 8 people still here, 5 were terminal ( where Dr’s said couldn’t do anymore for them) or they flatly refused chemo & voila still here, some decades later when they were told they would die……..oh I love it that people are finally saying NO & turning to Natures beautiful nutrition & educating themselves.
We need to fight for our rights……
Everyone pls help Ty & spread the word of truth to help others survive ?❤️
Ty , appreciate all your efforts to help people with Cancer , some can afford all the products and other’s can’t , my self am on S.S. and cant afford all of them but because you emphasize the results you have in your videos try to use as many as possible such as Wade Light hearts line of mass zymes and probiotics am still disappointed with epigenetic labs ordered the mushroom complex and also bonebroth protein , then you suggested a new one with fermented mushroom complex with tumeric I used it for awhile ,I broke out with Rash and Itching and returned 1 and 1/2 bottles of it but they say they never received it , I will post this as long as it takes to expose the truth about their product and their false claim about standing behind their Product , they have treated me like I am trying to get something for nothing , am so disappointed in This Company Epigenetic Labs , Sincerely James Gates
Yes i am on a FULL aged pension, and can not afford to buy it.
You can buy the book on Amazon in your own country. I have pre-ordered my copy in the Uk
I’m overseas and would buy it if it was available as an e-book.
Wow so much great info. I am so glad to find Ty. Book has been ordered. Knowledge IS Power.
Have learned so much from following TTAC. Looking forward to the book.
Thanks. Very good. Really appreciated yesterday’s excerpt even more, but this information is also very valuable.
As usual I have learnt so much even with this small excerpt and i am ready to make my tea. I can imagine the entire book. May God bless you and your family and the call you made to tackle this journey! You have made and will continue to make such a change in the life with or without cancer.
p.s: Also, the catch phrase “The Truth about….” is spreading like wild fire that I saw it on small leaflets in my son’s school…to name the few ” The truth about Drugs”, “Truth about Marijuana” etc.
Hello, thank you so much for great information. God bless you all.
I really enjoy reading all the articles. Wish for the best.
Ty, I don’t have cancer (to my knowledge), but I found the TTAC invaluable. You did a great great job. I learned lots of useful information and I’m applying some of the guidelines to my lifestyle.
Is it possible to buy an electronic format of the book? I live in Italy and prefer to download it, as a PDF or else, in my device.
A soft cover book and cheaper postage please. The hardcover and postage is far too great when you are struggling financially. Don’t want electronic books as sitting at a computer is cancer causing and we should all limit our time on mobile phones and computer.
Ty: It has been a pleasure doing research and sharing vital life saving information to so many people these last years with you.We are making a difference by learning and giving so many can live a healthy,happy long life.Thank You Ty & Staff for your wonderful ongoing work. “GOD BLESS” D.B.A. Health Advocate Ray Smith
Many thanks for the information you have given but I do not wish to continue to receive the daily emails or with the monthly payments.
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Great idea to not eat all day everyday, I feel relieved of bloating if I eat smaller amounts of food some days and I don’t get as tired during the day if I wait to eat in the morning.
Olivia I thought people with cancer should stay away from fruit?