Without warning or reason, Twitter suspended all 3 of our Twitter platforms — TTAC, TTAV, and CancerTruth.
The first of May, I logged into Twitter to check out what was happening and received a notification that all 3 of our Twitter accounts were suspended: @truthaboutbigc @cancertruthnews and @TTAVOfficial.
This was a SHOCK! We were not warned. We were not notified. We were simply banned in one moment across all 3 of our Twitter platforms. BOOM! Just like that. Gone!
We have been on Twitter for quite a few years and have never had a problem. We do not use vulgar language, we do not bully or troll people, we simply tell the truth. And for telling the truth, Twitter rewards us with suspension of our 3 Twitter accounts where we talk to you and reach the world with the truth about life-saving health solutions as well as infusing the world with encouragement and blessing.
I guess there new policy is ZERO STRIKES and your OUT!
We are very concerned about the looming tyranny we are seeing more and more, day by day. We are concerned by the lies that are being propped up by these platforms and the MSM while at the same time putting a gag on our voice, and our freedom of speech.
What are they hiding? And with whom are they working?
Clearly, people want to know the truth about vaccines, and millions of people watched the docu-series. So what is Twitter trying to hide by removing us from their platform?
Our good friend, Erin Elizabeth, from Health Nut News tweeted about our TWITTER BAN as she was on the phone with me and it was breaking. Here is the tweet. It went viral! Many of you were very upset.
Breaking. The truth about cancer, the truth about vaccines and Ty and Charlene Bollinger pages have all been taken down off Twitter. They have been suspended. account suspended. I just hung up with Charlene.
— Erin Elizabeth Health Nut News (@unhealthytruth) May 5, 2020
Shortly after Erin tweeted this breaking news about our Twitter ban, another good friend, Ed Szall from TruNews, contacted me for my official statement so they could include it in their daily news broadcast. Here is a link to that show. Start around the 21 minute mark to watch that segment.
Ty and I have been working for over 20 years to bring truth to the world – truth which we didn’t know about when our family was plundered by cancer. We have done years of research and are on a mission to educate and save lives through our books and films. For more background on who we are and what we do, you can click here to read.
We have had over 45 MILLION views on our videos/films which feature Dr Rashid Buttar, Dr Ed Group, Dr Stanislaw Burzynski, Robert F Kennedy Jr, Dr. Judy Mikovits, Sayer Ji, and other experts, leaders, and healers using their gifts and talents to help us tell the truth and save lives.
Here is our list of social media censorship issues we have endured since we started making our films:
Pinterest was the first platform to de-platform our channel (which was large) because we told the truth about vaccines.
Google has deplatformed our main website: www.thetruthaboutcancer.com So when you search for our names or The Truth About Cancer you will not find our website, rather you will find articles filled with lies written by Big Pharma shills, or you will find our content published on someone else’s website. But you will not find what used to be there – hundreds of articles and dozens of indexed pages of content from our website. We noticed this happen last summer when our organic traffic from Google decreased by over 90%.
Facebook is actively and openingly censoring The Truth About Vaccines Docu-Series Facebook page because we tell the truth about vaccines. So when you search for the title of TTAV docu-series FB letter for letter, your search results will deliver the W.H.O., The Gates Foundation, the CDC, and other vaccine pushers. Clearly this is on purpose. They have also cut our deliverability to our followers down to almost nothing. They openly tell us because we are telling the truth about vaccines, they will no longer deliver our posts to our followers’ newsfeeds.
They also censor The Truth About Cancer FB. And they have cut down our original FB page, CancerTruth, to where I have watched them delete followers numbers and the numbers went from going viral to nothing at all.
Instagram has hidden our brand hashtag #thetruthaboutvaccines.
Twitter just hit us hard 2 days ago by suspending all 3 of our Twitter accounts, @truthaboutbigc @cancertruthnews @TTAVOfficial Twitter gave us no warning or reason. They just cut us off their platform completely.
We have since hired an attorney to help us appeal this Twitter ban and are asking Twitter to reinstate our 3 accounts.
Upon releasing our blockbuster docu-series, The Truth About Vaccines 2020, we have had an outpouring of people that watched and are waking up from around the world that are asking us to bring our film to the POTUS and the White House team. We have a whole host of followers and viewers from around the world who believe in President Trump and feel if he watched the film, then perhaps together we can stop the Big Pharma push to force vaccinate everyone.
We have been so successful at helping people understand the issues and problems behind vaccinations and the conventional medical monopoly through our films that ‘Big Tech’ has clearly stepped in and is now actively censored our voice. We believe there is an agenda that is not for “We The People” and see an intentional unconstitutional push to silence the truth and force their dark and harmful agenda. And we believe these people are working at achieving their agenda by silencing all whistleblowers, freedom fighters, and heroes in our movement.
Currently we see Dr. Judy Mikovits telling the truth and being censored for doing so. YouTube is purging it’s platform of high quality videos featuring exposing the truth, including our good friend, Dr Rashid Buttar’s videos warning the viewer that the “fox is guarding the henhouse.” Some of these videos have had up to 6 million views in only a few days time.
Twitter is currently purging it’s platform of Patriots and lovers of freedom, lovers of POTUS, and people telling the truth about vaccines that are tweeting about our films.
With all this censorship, we are more than hopeful that together and united we are very strong and can overcome this push toward medical tyranny and domination over the people. We believe that we can restore this great Republic.
As long as God gives us breath, we will continue to spend our lives and our energy fighting for the freedom and goodness of America and everyone in it.
It is our hope that together we can work to overcome all censorship and restore America to what our Founders intended for it to be, a free society, under God.
More to come on this big censorship problem. We have solutions and we need your help to bring those solutions to the people of the world! So stay tuned.
Until next time… be encouraged and keep sharing the truth! Because it’s the TRUTH that sets us FREE!
truly sad to hear and i’m sorry but again , if anything, angry….I’ve been reading and listening to you both for over 5 years and I guess the MSM, BIG PHARMA, are losing the battle and people are NOW waking up…. without you guys I would not have been able to explore and educate, not myself but others, about the dangers of certain so-called treatments such chemo and drugs. I wish strength and my prayers are with you…. YOURE AMAZING AND SO IS COUNTRY
I posted Dr Judy’s you tube a few days ago & within 24 hours it was taken down. I told friends on FB that it was like a mirror to what you had exposed in TTAC series. Please keep fighting your fight to educate & expose. We love you guys & so respect your work. BTW my husband who recovered from AML Leukemia, was speaking with a client who happens to be on the front line at NCH Community Hospital in Naples, Fl & he was saying that the anti malaria drug was working but they cannot get it! And Fauci needs to be exposed as the imposter he is!
Have you thought about going to MeWe? I know Dr. Saul is there, and several others.
What can we as avid followers do to contact all of the social media that banned you.
Ty and Charlene
Thank you so much for reaching out. Haven’t really heard anything since Judy’s movie came out. You Tube keeps taking it down, fortunately my daughter has been able to find it again. The connection i have with you and Judy’s film gives me the strength and courage I need to not succumb to wearing a mask and falling into to crazy social distancing that is being heavily pushed in central MN right now. I was becoming concerned if something happened to you. It’s great to have you back on line.
Love and Peace
Not everyone is natural (integrative and functional )health oriented . We need to get the word out before its too late if it already isn’t, but how else? People just aren’t well informed and they take the governments word, the CDC and WHO trusting they will steer them in the right direction which is furthest from the truth. We have been indoctrinated by main stream medicine. They are all so corrupt. In cahoots with Big Pharma. They are taking
away our fundamental rights to fit their socialilst communist agenda. They want us beholding to the government and they want total access to everything we say and do. I wouldn’t be surprised if its a Democratic left wing liberal who owns twitter. Their insinuation into our lives is scary stuff. American citizens need to prevail against this evil. We are losing our freedom of speech among many other freedoms.
Another worrying development.
Andrew Saul moved over to MeWe. Is that an option for you.
Total tyranny! Please continue to do what you are good at! Continue to educate us and inspire us!
Put your videos on Bitchute.
Thank you for your work, win the war, one battle at the time!!
Re “we are more than hopeful that together and united we are very strong and can overcome this push toward medical tyranny and domination over the people.”
How? This can’t go on. The average person is not getting exposed to the truth.
..And please not just an online petition that no politician pays attention to..
Please tell us what ACTION we can take to overcome this.. What is the solution?
You said the Magic Word Vaccines Just ask Dr Judy Mikovits “Author of the Plague “ what the government can do to you and the pressure they can put on the Media
The choke collar is tightening around the necks of those speaking a truth not approved by the forces that shouldn’t be.
It appears that more and more people are searching for and finding truth outside the official information providers. And those who see themselves as our masters do not like it a bit. Previously, they ‘just’ needed to ‘debunk’ the information from and ‘discredit’ and (try to) ruin the lives of single exceptional beings (like Drs. Andrew Wakefield or Judy Mickovitz); today, they feel the need to radically and sweepingly discredit, ‘debunk’ and ‘disappear’ an army of truth speakers.
This is probably a good thing, considering that they feel the need for such large scale actions.
There will be ways for truth speakers to continue their missions. There are always ways around the evil, ignorant, order-followers, and/or narrow-mindedness of the misled. Because in the end, the good always prevails.
Ty and Charlene, I attended TTAC LIVE in OCtober in Anaheim. I was moved to tears 3 or 4 times and I am not a cryer and I don’t have cancer. The courage I witnessed was stunning.
“If God is for us who can be against us!”
“What manner of Man is this that even the winds and the waves obey Him?”
Keep up the good fight.
An appalling infringement of civil liberties
Re: Censorship
An appalling infringement of civil liberties
I am done with social media! Enuf already! Godbye Twitter, just deactivated since this is the 4th time I hear about social media censorship of the truthbe it FB, Utube, Etc.
We need to do crowd promoting and bung up these giants censoring abilities. Kind of like diverting traffic to crash a site but just that we are just incapacitating their censoring department…..lol). Like have all
Your followers be able to download a promotiknL video and repost it (the pre-series stuff) like 5 or 10 times each on their own channels linking it back to your webpages. Using the right approach and right tags, that just might work! I would like to see them try to remove 50,000,000 videos of the same topic (the file and text just has to be modified enough so they don’t catch
It right away). I am trying to work in a web community to promote this idea. Need to get enough people to test drive it. The idea has merit but its just putting it all together.. Hopefully I will have it running soon..
We love you guys…. let us what video platform you decide to use.
Grace & Peace,
Love to see you both on LONDON REAL with Brian Rose. This platform cannot be taken down..best wishes to you both and keep up the brilliant work you are doing…….Donovan
These are indeed very worrying times and not just for the US -stay steadfast.xx
I use DuckDuckGo instead of Google. Just to let you know when I type in TruthAboutCancer.com, your site comes up.
On Tuesday, May 5, 2020, two friends sent me the Plandemic video with Dr. Judy Mikovits on Youtube. By the next day it was taken down. After I told one of my friends that it had been removed from Youtube, she found it on brighteon.com.
I sent the brighteon.com video of Plandemic to more friends. People are having a hard time believing it and they turn to snopes.com. So I looked at Snopes to see what they were seeing. When I checked it out on 5/8/20, they didn’t have much information except that the video was rated as false.
I went on Snopes.com today, 5/9/20 and more has been written https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/plandemic-mikovits-arrest/.
Thank you to you and Ty for all the work you do to keep people informed.
Hello. Have you considered promoting the DuckDuckGo web browser on your website? I know from first-hand experience searching your site (TTAC and TTAV) isn’t blocked.
Your research and complementary narrative to an important subject is appreciated!
God bless you and your family.
Oops, I misspoke. I said I checked out Dr. Judy Mikovit’s video on brighteon.com and said it was gone. It is still there. It was on plandemicmovie.com that it was taken down. Sorry about the mixup. Those were the two sites that I found her movie on when it was taken off of Youtube and I just mixed them up in my last message to you.
There’s one thing these people don’t know. There is a higher power in charge, and they don’t have a chance against it.
Lots of people have your good information now and people know how you are being censored. It is important that people know this, so that we are not fooled into being slaves for these people.
Thank you so much for all you’ve done. You are heroes and someday that truth will come out big time.
God bless you guys! Keep up the good work!
In the UK on facebook we are all trying to spread the news of yourselves, RFKJr Judy Buttar everyone. we are all experiencing deletions. swapped links. Hacking. FACT CHECKERS all owned by Gates Soros etc etc. Its getting really bad but there is light and people are networking all over the world and archiving clips and posting as fast as they can take it down.
We hope you get your accounts back and that this WHOLE TOTALLY REVEALED SINISTER AGENDA OF GLOBAL TYRANNY BY AN EXPOSED| DEEP STATE can be STOPPED IN ITS TRACKS with TRUTH vs THEIR LIES. It seems TRUMP maybe the sole or among few that is looking to stop this. SO many hints and hopes are pinned on making good on his mic drop on HILLARY CLINTON who stated “I hope your never in charge of the law in the USA!!” and he quipped with perfection “YES BECAUSE YOU’LL BE IN PRISON”. whICH IS PRECISELY WHERE ALL OF THESE TREASONOUS PLOTTERS NEED TO BE AND FAST.
Good luck and my apologise for the CAPITAL letters. I’m not shouting and I’m only nearly all outta bubblegum!
Best wishes NAMASTE to you all.
So why don,t you have your own platform. FYI all the smart marketers have done away with those lousy troll platforms and have their own which can not be censored by nazi regimes
I continue to applaud your courage and tenacity in speaking out. I have lost 9 family members to cancer over the years, starting with a couple of cousins who were only in their 30’s when I was a teenager, and continuing over the years to include several aunts, a grandmother, my mother and my last sister a couple of years ago. Every one of them followed their doctor’s instructions to the letter and they all died exceedingly painful deaths. I have no intention of following in their footsteps and the information you provide is my lifeline. I have total certainty that cancer is something I will never have to face for myself. I promote you and your good works every chance I get.
That you have now released TTAV gives me hope that we can educate enough people about the dangers of mandatory vaccinations that we can prevent the destructive implementation of what is the obvious money making agenda being run by those with financial power.
I do see on social media many doctors and others speaking up and pointing out very obvious out points about this “pandemic.”
Thanking you again!
I just love you guys and appreciate the work you do. I’ve purchased TTAC series twice, and the truth about detox, and the truth about vaccines series, as well. Great stuff! I’ve been sharing your info for years. Don’t ever quit! I love the idea about sharing the series with the POTUS. I think he’d be on our side. May God richly bless you and protect you!
Megan Townsend
I think you should sue all the the platforms and it should go all the way to the Supreme Court, How do they all get around the constitutional right of freedom of speech. If this continues our children will never know the freedoms enjoyed before the current monopolies started censuring all information that does not follow their profit agenda.
Some people hate the truth so much they even go to extremes to suppress it. You would think they would not want to neglect their civil and morel duty buy promoting facts concerning health but no—because their moral compass is malfunctioning.
Just trying to help wake people up. I lived in a number of authoritarian countries when I was growing up, and the alarm bells started clanging months ago.
Thank you for all of the work you have done and continue to do to raise awareness.
I did try to get a relative who developed pancreatic cancer two years ago to pay attention to this. Including sending her information from a friend who survived stage 4 bladder cancer by detoxing. But instead she offered herself up as a guinea pig to an esteemed institution. What they did to her makes me ill. She passed this year.
I’ve BEEN WATCHING you guys for many years, probably around 15+/- and originally bought one of your packages with many videos and haven’t even watched all of them. Every time the subject comes up I tell everyone possible about you, and my step daughter was tested positive for breast cancer almost 2 years ago. She almost went in for her first chemo treatment and decided to try TTAC information first and now has no trace of cancer. I thank God for you guys all the time.
Mark Fox
I give you folks hats off for all work that you put into all of the series you have done.. I have watched all of them. It is a shame that the TRUTH is taken away. There is a hidden agenda of some kind that is not good. What has happened to our Freedom of Speech !!!!!!!!!!!!!.
I am so grateful to have had the chance to watch.the Truth
ALL The Best in this time of our crazy upside down world with so many lies.. There is some secrets coming out so proud of the people coming out and sharing .
Ty & Charlene, THIS IS DREADFUL. I can understand your shock and I empathize with you.
Praise God that you were successful in airing your great series. No-one this side of heaven will ever know how many precious lives you have saved and now I pray that famous prayer :-
May the Lord bless you and cause His face to shine upon you and give you His peace.
Wesley Kinkaid
Keep praying. Jesus is name above all names and He will take this wickedness down. Declare His name and authority over America.
it is written” “No weopon formed against you shall prosper and every tongue which rises against you in Judgement , You shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord “And Their righteousness is from Me” Says the Lord”. Isaiah 54:17
Thank you for bringing the truth to us. Blessings Gerry G
As a truth seeker, I thank you and all those brave and courageous people who are revealing the truth. Thank you! I’ve been a firm supporter of “seek the truth….” despite the fact that they are intent on imprisoning us! Thanks again!
Yes, I believe that President Trump needs to know the truth about vaccines and about cancer, too! I pray for God’s wisdom and protection over you. I ask for others to pray for you, too, because this is serious information that you are revealing for every human being. I pray for God’s blessings over your efforts as you have been expending your lives to provide and protect all of us who receive your information thankfully.
Dear Charlene, dear Ty.
I´m really shocked reading about what happened to you. The first i did, kneel down and pray for you. Be shure, the triune God our father is stronger. They, you know who, think that with money, power and violence they come to victory. They ignore that God who gave them their lives, in a few seconds can take them away all their intelligence , their power, health and lives. My dear brothers in Christ, God is with you, and millions of friends.
Fernando Campos
And just where can you buy “food grade 35%” H2O2, which can give people a burn if accidentally gotten on their skin (I worked in chemistry labs for 22 years and, yes, got it on my fingers more thane once, despite using gloves.). Thankfully, the burn is NOT a bad one if rinsed immediately, but it does hurt. Please, do not say you can get it on Amazon, that is the same as saying that it is potentially contaminated in my estimation. Too many questionable dealers on Amazon.
This is illegal. What happened to our first amendment rights? You need to be interviewed on Fox News (a network whose views are 99% of the x not ours!) with Tucker Carlson. He recently did a you tube video re: Censorship. CEO of Fbk (? a woman) said that they can now censor/remove MISinformation such as Vitamin C and Turmeric’s being helpful — as it’s not been verified by the powers that be, etc.! Tucker is fuming. You must see this video!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sPrbGU0Wyh4. I TOTALLY AGREE with this video’s contents!
Charlene and Ty you both have hit the nail on the head in everything you have said. We have lost our constitutional rights especially our right to speak. Shame on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc for not allowing you ans us to speak. We are having a Global takeover and when the dust settles it will be a nightmare. There are some of us who see this coming but too few and so we will be lost in the shuffle, sadly. I can’t get to CA for the live event but i buy the videos. The vaccine set I am proud to own. Thank you for being the intelligent warriors that you are.
Google censors anything they want to. Google don’t be evil has failed as they are showing they have become quite evil. You do a search say on a medical procedure and all you get is the propaganda perpetrated by the people paying google to misrepresent the truth.
Is there any browser out their we can trust for an uncensored search result? This is getting worse than China. This country is supposed to be founded on free speech.What we need is a public browser where the software is public so we can see if something is being censored. I simply can no longer trust google searches and I believe other browsers could be just as bad maybe worse
How do we find Judy Mikovits’ video, after it has been taken down? Can she send it out, or perhaps you and Ty send it out via e-mail? My e-mail is docrick@spineboy.com and I would love to watch it. I’m told by one of my patients it’s only 26 minutes long. Please let me know And continue to share the truth….cuz the truth shall set us free 😊 Blessings to you both!
Dear Charlene,
Im so thankful for all the knowledge and love you are giving us around the world.
I got to know your website thru the 5G summit last year, after being very sick from Emf.
Im situated in Norway. Im very sad to hear that you have been banned from Twitter and Facebook.
I have. a question: I know a healing lady in US, she also got blocked from face, and she is advertising on her webside that she is using the social network mewe.com. Could this network be something to use perhaps? I wish you all the best, and Im looking forward to reading your emails that Im sending to my friends here in Norway. Best wishes from Tone Harper God bless!
May the Lord Yeshua Jesus bless you and protect you and give you His Peace and success of course.
David d’Albany
So sorry to hear this as it is disturbing but validates your work as threatening to the powers that use money and manipulation over the laws that made our country great. I hope and pray that the energies from all the followers provide us with the creativity and possibilities to have an outcome of healing which the world is in great need of. Now more than ever.
Gd bless 🙏🏻🐞
Snopes has pulled all the stops in discrediting Dr. Mikovits story. I have never seen so much effort put into one article, which tells me there is a lot of money behind the effort. And it is convincing, especially with all the popular platforms removed in which she could rebut their many articles making her into a liar. If you can find a platform for her answers to all their articles refuting her claims, please send out a link to everyone. But they have already restricted her testimony to the general population, so it probably doesn’t matter to them now.
Thank you, thank you for all that you do!! I watched the entire 9 episodes of vaccines, It is just what I have felt for years. My daughter is having her third baby in June, and I’m furious about the vaccines. I want to do something!!! I want to be able to decide what shots my grandchildren should have.I should say my daughter and son-in-law should!! I need to know what we can do to change the schedule, if nothing else. I will sign anything needed to further your work!
Keep all of us abreast of what is happening! I do agree President Trump needs to see this, I feel he would do something to change things! Sincerely Jill Rogers
Curious if Tom Fitton from Judicial Watch would handle censorship issues as I don’t understand how that isn’t against freedom of speech.
Unfortunately you were living in LaLa land. You must have heard of all the censorship now ongoing by google, twitter, etc and all the social media. They are all leftists and unfortunately the so called repubs in congress are really RINOs and have no backbone. this censorship is apparently condoned by congress and the President or we would hear some strong words from the president and congress would (over the years) changed the laws relating to tax exempt status because the social media does not adhere to the exemptions they were granted. They are alll enemies of our country and in fact we no longer have our country. We do not have a constitutional Republic (simple, none of the 3 branches follow our constitution). Review your constitution and relearn it and you will see that we no longer follow the constitution are are actually operating in tyranny.
I watched The Truth About Cancer and found the docuseries to be extremely informative and eye opening. I also watched some of the episodes on The Truth About Vaccines and felt likewise.
I recently finished watching “Plandemic” and your two roundtable discussions on which Judy Mikovits was a panelist. Unfortunately, I find it very hard to believe her after reading the various contradictions between what she has said and the fact-checked responses. While I believe most of the comments made by the other panelists, it seems to me that she’s taking away from the seriousness of the issues and people may tend to question the intent of the docuseries.
I hope you are not depending on the “president” to help you with this – unless he gains financially from it.
I have your book and have benefited from it. I have no quarrel with your health information, just your hope of help from the White House.
Looks like you’ve been censored on True News as well. I clicked on your link but the video is nowhere to be found.
Yes, it IS tyranny and not only medical tyranny but complete “domination” of the freedom loving citizens of the USA, as was mentioned in your article. Their goal is to control us however they can and whatever they can get away with they will. The globalist agenda they have been working on for decades is now in full bloom, and their alliance with China is over the top since that regimes goal is to destroy America and dominate everyone! I heard on a radio broadcast (Patrriot radio/US )about a Feb. 1999 document written by Chinese officials which was
entitled “Unrestricted Warfare” Fourth Generation Warfare, that details their plan to destroy the West. It can be researched and verified the speaker said. AND THESE are the people the *stupid left wing extremists are teaming up with agaisnt WE the PEOPLE,
(*the WHO, CDC, Gates’, the drs. who are advising the President…, and other entities, all evil groups of people). Yes!, if there is any way to get this information to and/or to get and audience with President Trump and his staff, PLEASE do it. I had been thinking of writing and sending one of the copies I purchased to him, but I’m not sure he’d get it in these times when it is uncertain whom to trust, it could be interecepted. ??? Anyway, he does need to know. Our prayers are so important, as are our actions, but when we have a platform it is more likely to be effective. In closing I want to say Thank you for all that you have been doing to get us informed on all these health matters!! I pass on what I get and hopefully people will listen. There is so much complacency around though that I am amazed, disgusted and also discouraged at times.
God Bless you, : )Glo
I have watched and bought nearly everything the Bollingers have written or produced. I am really upset over what is happening to them right now. They are being censored by money grubbing and controlling people whose interests are being threatened. I saw the video Plandemics by Dr. Judy Markovits and it was taken down by YouTube. I am retired from a major university after 25 years and I know for the most part she is telling the truth. Support the Bollingers and help them keep telling the truth and researching and publishing if not we will no longer have a free society. Otherwise when people begin to wake up they won’t believe the truth. Waking up shocked won’t help our society.
I watched the Truth about Vaccines series(2020) w/my husband & we are both supporters of your mission…I sent an email direct to the White House addressed to the POTUS…I told him to watch your vaccine series & stated that we DO NOT want our FREEDOM OF CHOICE TAKEN AWAY….I shared that I am a VERY CONCERNED CITIZEN…
PLEASE continue your persistent encouragement to the POTUS to take this seriously and keep our FREEDOM OF CHOICE ALIVE…..You are an inspiration to so may people….My prayers are with you both —keep me posted on your progress..
You can post on Brighteon.com. Spread it around..They pledge not to ever c was censor!
Aw, that hurts! I hope and pray that your efforts will have the results you are aiming for!
Unfortunately censorship is on the march across the board. Yesterday two you tube videos’ sent to me by friends were cancelled. Our country is in serious trouble.
Dear Ty and Charlene,
You have done an outstanding job in producing both the TTAC and TTAV.
Charlene, you are beautiful no matter what you wear. I thought it was
very inappropriate that you were criticized for what you wore. Ty and Charlene,
thank you so much for making many of us aware about the lack of science behind
vaccines and the side effects that go underreported and studies that are trashed.
I hope what you have done ignites a global movement for strong awareness about vaccines.
I wish you could interview people who have homeopathic remedies and also those
who know how to increase natural immunity with good foods and vitamins.
None of the media is allowed to talk about this because they are all sponsored
by drug companies.
It is such a crime that independent voices like yours are silenced and that
instead we are hearing the narrative that the Vaccines are effective and that
they will be mandated. You interviewed Mike Adams in your docuseries. He has been
banned also by all the tech giants. He has built several platforms such as
“Brighteon.com,” “Pandemic News,” Science News,” and Health info.
These have held up against any censoring because I think he is a computer
genius. Please ask him to put up your videos there.
You need to send President Trump and VP Pence and his staff several copies
of your docuseries and let them know you, other scientists and whistle blowers
are being silenced for telling the truth. Also he needs to know that
Mike Adams and his writers have reported on Dr. Anthony Fauci as being
a death scientist who for many years was interested in developing corona viruses
which many scientists and Obama told him to stop. He transferred his experiments to
WuHan. This is real news and not well known. He needs to be exposed for the person he
is and he needs to be fired for using our tax payer money through the NIH to do his
death sicence work and also for his ill advice to Pres. Trump because of his ulterior motivations
to make profits with the vaccine. President Trump is in a very difficult position because he
is led by Anthony Fauci and the CDC who are hiding the fact that their vaccine studies are not well done, have small samples, have toxic adjuvants and not done on long term. If you could get through to President Trump and VP Pence, you could save this country from increased vaccine injuries and high rates of autism (from increased nos. of vaccines given to children).
If Anthony Fauci and Bill Gates are strong such proponents of the Coronavirus vaccine, they should take it themselves and give to all their family and friends first. They should be the guinea pigs, and not the poor volunteers in Washington.
Do you need confirmation that you are on the right track? That you are telling the truth? By trying to silence you is proof enough that you are doing the right thing.
Many of us have bought the programmes. We can share with others.Trust me, there is an army behind you. We are in a war but there is a God above.
It will be most interesting to watch this all play out. In the end, when all is said and done, TRUTH WILL WIN and you all will be greatly rewarded!!!!
Hi Charlene,
One solution may be to upload your videos and other audiovisual material to this Youtube alternative with content freedom: https://lbry.com/
Wishing you best of luck and with a BIG hug from France,
We’ll all give an account of ourselves. Good to be found a steward commensurate with blessings bestowed. “For lack of knowledge my people are destroyed…” Hosea 4:6. Those seeing your work know the light you shed is on truth for everyone’s sake. Freedoms can be taken away, health can be hard to find but knowledge is yours once found.
We appreciate you so much and we are with you. We are doing everything we can to spread word about the truth – thanks to you, together with the inconvenient reality of our very freedoms being stripped from us in a deliberate and very strategic step-by-step process. Can’t others see this? Just study what happened with Hitler. How did that happen? As intelligent people, just study a bit how that happened and what is has been/is happening now. You are touching and saving lives around the world and as an ICU R.N., and from one human being to another, I (and my large family of many medical professionals) are in awe of you, all you single-handedly have done and are doing for each of us – and the entire world. Thank you hardly seems enough, but thank you, THANK YOU Ty and Charlene and crew for leading the way. We are eternally grateful.
With much care,
Christine and Carl Battista
I am so sorry they are trying to silence you and this very important information. They are scared shitless of the truth, any truth! We cannot allow this to happen, we must reach the President now to correct this so it never happens again. People need the truth as these liberal platforms are evil. God will bring this to light and we will pray for this to happen soon. I love you both and I am staying positive because they will not rule us if we have no fear.
If there is anything we can do to have our voice heard and not be silenced
Please let us know
I am so upset about the censorship and now stopping the discussion about vaccine safety and not allowing the truth to be posted. With the plan of this RNA vaccine coming if it’s not already made to try and mandate us with a chip tattoo is just unthinkable. This all has made me more upset than any covid virus.
Your work has been a true inspiration to me. I have survived cancer three times and the knowledge I have gained through TTAC has been a huge asset to my success! It takes courage to do the right thing and through your hard work and the platform you have built, you are reaching many people that support you. It only becomes more and more obvious that your words speak the truth when big farma takes actions against your freedom of speech. It is hard to believe that there are people making the decisions for these company’s that value money over human life!
Hi guys get on to lbry.com and bitchute.com they are free platforms without censorship.
Also contact Brian Rose at londonreal.tv and get on there for a interview that will be seen by millions around the world.
Stay strong and fight censorship!
Being censored means you have accomplished your purpose! The truths you have told are out there, and no matter what is done to censor you, it can’t keep the truth away from us. I watched the TTAV2020, and then bought the digital version, so I can spread the word. I don’t use FB anymore, never signed up for Instagram or Pinterest, and just have a Twitter account, which I’ve only used once. I still use YouTube, and so far haven’t had to work too hard to get the info I want. All this censorship is the desperate act of people who know they’re losing and don’t know what else to do than “get tough and show them who’s boss.” Same old fascist BS from people who refuse to learn the lessons of history.
Ty & Charlene, you are wonderful people and God is on your side. You will prevail. My love and respect to both of you.
It saddens me this is America has come to- we are supposed to be “ the land of the free” it’s not looking like that- I feel we are not allowed to have an opinion, we are supposed to fear and believe everything on the “ news” and yet platforms I want to listen to are banned, torn down, or jailed and lives ruined- scary- I can barely find anything about homeopathy for my pets- cat just died bc I feel they kept pumping him with antibiotics, and other human meds- that have horrendous side effects- when I remembered y’all talking about arnica Montana- gave him some – he improved but I assumed I was probably hurting him and he got on human meds and died 3 days later
If you were de-platformed then why are we to believe anything on Google ?
I am appalled by the moves these people are taking away our freedom of speech! I’ve watched your Truth About Vaccines and appreciate very much your taking that on to give everyone the truth. I even recorded some of them on my video recorder! I’m angry that big pharma has so I have pull.
Keep up the excellent work! I will be watching and listening to you ❤️
Since I read your article today and sent a comment, I got some info. from a friend that I want to share with you. You may already know of it, have you heard of BIT CHUTE? Lots of good places to get info. there and they don’t censor. Possibly you can be on BIT CHUTE instead of all these places like FB, … and Youtube, who are like the gestapo. Just sayin. : ) Glo
Keep up the great service to humanity, telling us the truth. While the truth will come out, overcoming the incumbent real controllers of the mainstream narrative will be a whole lot harder. However, your support base is growing, the groundswell is building and your army is increasing rapidly in size. One day the world will capsize and deliver an immense reality check, which we need sooner than most people even realize, if we wish to see real justice, freedom (not greedom), return to humanity.
I am going through the most chilling time since I was born (now aged 62 years). When you see where the tentacles of powerful people spread through powerful organisations and the outright censorship that is occurring on social media!
Dear Charlene, So very sorry to hear of this. I have been so frustrated knowing that so many honest articles are being censored. Your truth about cancer and vaccine series needs to be seen by everyone. All of your emails are so informative and as a mother of 8 and grandmother of 9,
I truly value your research and generosity in sharing your knowledge.
Whatever I may do to assist your cause, please let me know. God Bless You and Your Family. Sincerely, Susan
Bless you all for all the hard work, dedication and commitment. They may take down your sites, media pages etc but we are with you and support all that you are doing and are making every effort to share the truth.
Now is the time to create new platforms where we can all share without censorship by those powers that be, we know they are all in it together for the good of themselves, not us the people.
Perhaps contact LondonReal as they have created their own standalone platform for free speech and also look into setting up your own. I’m sure there are many who will help by donating etc..it’s time to take back what is rightfully ours.
We will not be defeated,
love and blessings to you and your families
Wish you well with your campaigns. Even now our leaders are trying to have many vaccinations mandatory, eg Flu vaccinations. Recently, a friend, a paramedic, had his compulsory flu shot, and spent days sick as, from it. My mother passed away at 89. The only time she got flu during her last 20 years was after a doctor prevailed on her to have the shot. So too for my sister and I ,If we want the flu all we need do is be vaccinated. Free Agency is something I hold sacred. It needs to stay a right of passage.
your videos have been really educational expertly done etc
Judy will be hung out to dry by those trying to silence her
Thanks to you I have now both her books – she i believe is credible – her interview the other day shows who she is – i watched her eyes – she is straight – to straight for Fauci & co.
i have a question that you may be kind enough to answer for me – how does covid19 mutate?
Does it change its strain or does it stay the same
all the very best to you and give my kind regards to Judy pl?
God Bless
Ross Windust
Thank you for sharing the information you do. Thank you for using the platforms you use to make sure that people hear another side of the story. The censorship only proves how the information in your docuseriers and the topics your guests address, are correct and the evil people, causing our pandemic, don’t want it out. May God guide us in the steps we need to take in this evil time we are living in. We have to stand up for our freedom, but we also need to kneel at the cross and pray for Gods Mercy and protection. God Bless.
I do hope you have a plan that will still carry your message. I wish there was more than just Fox News to carry the message of POTUS as well. This is such a scary time …. I am on your email list already….but please keep up posted!
Dear Ty and Charlene,
My heart goes out to you both, and I support your efforts. On many sites I visit there are take action buttons, where I click and are able to send out form letters to senators, etc. Its real easy. I would think you can get thousands of people like me to support these easy to do actions. This eradication of freedom of thought needs to be stopped and many people like me got your back. Evil must be contained and what has been done is pure evil in my opinion.
I hope the mother fuckers burn in hell.
Stewart Rosen
The Truth About Cancer has led me to an ongoing pursuit of “higher truths” about our health and looking way beyond conventional medicine and thought. Thank you for your ongoing work to reveal truth, not mass produced lies and medicine that do as much harm as good. What you are doing WILL further the good in the world. Keep going. Thank you. Christy
I’m angry to hear you’ve been censured. 😡 In the year 2000, my only son at 15 was diagnosed with a PNET (Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor). Within 24hrs he had brain surgery to remove it. During that time I read a book by Kevin Trudeau, “What they don’t want you to know ”. Big Pharma profiting off our illnesses. Then I discovered you both. My sons about to have his 10th surgery this May 14, 2020. A Thyroidectomy, with a lymph node, during the COVID-19 pandemic. I’m truly a horror movie fan but this has overwhelmed me. I wake up daily with extreme anxiety, hits me like a ton of bricks. I’m living in fear more now than ever before. You’re the only ones that I believe are speaking the truth and now the powers that be are controlling your voices. As a parent I try to gather as much information as possible for the sake of my son. Thanks for being the warriors that you are!
This is plain disgusting and to be honest, I’m not surprised as you have, with your documentary series hurt big pharma. They can do what they like but I seriously think the message is out there now. Years ago, I came across a book “Murder by Injection” written by Eustace Mullins. Not easy reading but a real insight to what goes on in the pharma industry, who owns what and who marries who to gain even more worth. She names all concerned and also backs up with dates. Your series “The truth about cancer” helped me greatly. I was diagnosed with stage 3 rectal cancer 5 years ago and read your book unfortunately, after I was operated on. I proceeded with chemo but also took note of all the good advice in your book and sailed through without losing my hair and have all feeling back , contrary to what I was told. You are both courageous and I admire what you are doing. My prayers are with you and your family.
We have a research and development company dealing in soil and plant health and have had great success with a product and methodology developed by us which has now been patented. Unfortunately, this will harm the chemical companies as we do not use chemicals, pesticides or herbicides on our property and are finding all our wildlife and natural predator insects are returning. Humanity needs to get rid of these toxins, initially out of the soil which will ultimately produce good clean food and better immune systems. I was glued to my computer every evening watching your latest series. What an eye opener!! God bless you both. I am sure you will find another media site to spread the word.
Praying for you courageous people!
Don’t give up – the righteous are as bold as a lion.
You have the Lion of Judah resident in you!
Psalm 91 is your divine insurance policy
Keep up your good work.
Love & blessings
Sydney Australia
Everything that is put up telling the truth is being censored. I am from the Uk and it is the same here, the people I have listened to and trusted for many years are now being censored. The news including the so called independent BBC are skewing the everything with as much as what’s not said as what is said. It is so sad that money and power are so much more important t than people. We must all keep fighting to get the truth out there. Thank you for all you are doing.
Thank both of you for everything you are doing in your life for helping people. Soon we hope we can get rid of Bill Gates, Big Pharma and Faucci. I’ve recently found out about people being “helped” to die in New York hospitals by being connected on the ventilators by force without giving them blood first.
It is very sad what’s going on in the world today and a lot of people including me are currently relying on people like you to find out the truth, but most important to get rid of those who wants depopulation by vaccination on this planet..
Will keep in touch
I Live in Australia. Been following The Truth about Cancer for a number of years..
Its fantastic what Ty and Charlene are doing ..Telling the TRUTH, Informing People about
Treatments that are available to treat and cure Cancer..I have great admiration and respect for Ty and Charlene,s and other persons like Dr Mercola just to name a few,, that are giving People of the World ,imformation ….Free choice .. I take my Hat off to you …..
I’m so incredibly proud and humbled by the persistence and determination that you all show each day, in these terribly times. Keep fighting the good fight, we’re with you all the way! Much love the Anderson family, Queensland, Australia. xx
They planned to roll their devious plans out slower but people speaking the truth like you all have forced them to show their hand more.
God is more powerful than they are and I know you will find a way. Keep fighting!!!!!!!!
Please help me to understand…I have watched nearly every episode of so many of your documentaries, your latest, TTAV included. I have 2 grand babies on the way (adding to our 5 currently) and I just want my children to be armed with information so I do this for them. But my husband is skeptical and when I showed him the documentary by Judy M., about her plight dealing with Fauci and others and he looked it up on Fact Check and it completely blew holes in her story. I thought Fact Check was non biased and reliable, so I am just so confused. PLEASE help me to make sense of this. I even bought Dr Paul Thomas’s book “The Vaccine Friendly Plan” to give to my daughter-in-laws and I LOVED it!! So much helpful information. I just want my babies to be safe. Is that asking too much??? Thank you for all your dedication and your faithfulness to our Creator to guide you as you go against mainstream thinking and try to make this world a safer place for our future generations. God bless you both!
Lori Carey
I’m switching search engines to Ecosia. Ttac and ttav both came up 1st or 2nd. Ecosia also plants trees – it’s an eco- search engine.
Thanks for all you do.
Stan Giles
Let me know how I can help you spread the word…
Also, try the YouTube alternative, Bitchute… Many who have been deplatformed from YouTube etc have migrated there and their channels have not been removed.
God bless you.
Twitter, Facebook and Google are only there because people are using them. We need to find/create new platforms that bypasses these corrupt money driven platforms. It is past time for a change. I do not use any of these platforms just for this reason. Could you get together with all your resources to help come up with a real platform that preserves the first amendment and will truly make America Free Again. If you make it, I will come!
I have been heavily censored on the comments part of news articles. If it doesn’t fit their agenda, I can’t say it. So I am not surprised you have been too. By only giving one side -(vaccines are safe and affective) There are many who will accept it -no questions asked. There will be many more who will question this as more children and adults get injured and damaged through vaccines. Bitchute still allows freedom of speech.
I fear this is only the beginning of a dictatorship who will deny us our freedom of speech.
Well it looks like you’ve passed in the “they fight you” stage.
First they ignore you.
Then they laugh at you.
Then they fight you.
Then you win.
So, the fight is on!
Hi! It’s about time to set up a new platform. Why tweet like a birdie when you can roar at full lungs capacity like a lion? A platform without governmental agencies’ financial help and hook. As for videos – use Bitchute.com and the rule of mirroring content over several video platforms, with links to every mirror in the video description. I bet it’s already known to you, dear Ty and Charlene (and your crew), I’m just encouraging you to impelment this video solution at full.
All those platform people are in each other’s pockets and the deplatforming of your information only means you are right and they have ‘hidden’ agendas !
Your information is widely known by most of the population and the Truth will win!
Thank you again for all your research and input for humanity ! Watching all your videos you couldn’t. ‘meet ‘ a nicer group of Physicians, that are all so lovely, you want them as you’r friends ! They are awe inspiring and true humans! Your TTAV will spread all by itself!
Don’t you have a Telegram acces?
Praying the truth will prevail.
I remember it being reported just a few years ago that Charlene had herself died of cancer. Now she’s back in the picture. Am I truly living in the Matrix?
There are many that will stand with you to fight the MSM and social media platforms to address this blatant censorship. RSB was discussing this (with Jonanthan Emord) on his talk show recently and what a problem this has become. Youtube for example is “editing” the videos posted to it’s sight and therefore should not be given immunity. This needs to be stopped! Someone (or an organization) needs to take this challenge to the courts. Many freedom loving patriots will support you. Please let us know how we can do so. God Bless,
I have watched all of your multi day educational films- they are so informative and I have learned a lot(I am a health care provider). You are being censored because you have been so(too) successful and I am sorry. Please use another platform, be it banned.video or the health ranger, so we can keep following you. It is obvious that all you people in the media are going to have to form/work together and set up another media site to get all the real/acccurate information out. We do not want to support goggle and all those evil corporations anyway! THANK YOU!
Hi Charlene,
Here is what I think is going on Big Pharma, vaccine pushers, GMO pushers, etc. are being attached by the “GOOD GUYS” for trying to do away with the Earth’s peoples. Go to:
then read more resent updates.
If I’m wrong, please email me back, thanks
Hi Charlene,
Here is what I think is going on Big Pharma, vaccine pushers, GMO pushers, etc. are being attached by the “GOOD GUYS” for trying to do away with the Earth’s peoples. Go to:
Don’t be put off by his opening attitude.
then read more resent updates.
If I’m wrong, please email me back, thanks
Thank you for all the compelling information that you continue to deliver despite ‘the establishment’ trying to silence your voice. I do believe the world is starting to wake up to the true reality and see ‘the hidden agenda’ and it’s evil remit.
I wish to be informed, there is no excuse for ignorance in this digital age, and try to pass on what I learn to those with a mind that’s wants to listen.
Keep up your courageous work.
Hi Charlene,
Here is what I think is going on Big Pharma, vaccine pushers, GMO pushers, etc. are being attacted by the “GOOD GUYS” for trying to do away with the Earth’s peoples. Go to:
Don’t be put off by his opening attitude.
then read more resent updates.
If I’m wrong, please email me back, thanks
Greetings Ty and Charlene. I have greatly appreciated and enjoyed the series on vaccines. They have been very informative. A big thank you.
Just a note regarding your website. Notify your readers that if they use the search engine DuckDuckGo they will be able to access your website, ‘The Truth About Cancer’.
God bless and keep up the good work while there is still time.
My prayers are with you and the movement. I can relate to the challenges you are encountering as l too am meeting with great resistance in trying to make people aware of the widespread evil motive in the governing bodies. However our God is aware and capable of overcoming the plans of the “authorities” and this is where both our hope and strength truly lies.
Please don’t stop doing what you’re doing!!! You are our voice!! Tell your lawyers to go get ’em!!!
There’s only two things the radical left has until election this November and that’s the virus and a corrupt voting plan.
They just took down this post from my Facebook. Saw it, then went back to read and it was gone.
I am so sorry that it happened. Most people do not believe that natural treatments and alternative therapies help cure cancer and other chronic illness. Big Pharma only thinks that conventional medicine will help cure all chronic illnesses.
I am your foot soldier, what can I do? Email me if I can help.
We stand united Charlene. Also please if you can recognise those of us not in the US (I am in Australia) who are also working together to create a free and loving world for all of us.
We are doing this together. One World United in love and harmony.
Thank you for sharing the Truth about vaccines. What an honest and informative series giving the Truth. 🙏
Those pathetic, greedy, dishonest, people without souls that attempt to control the platforms of free speech are clearly in a panic. Their incriminating actions speak louder than words 👏👏 .why do they not want the truth to be known? Why would they not want to help and empower others?
Dear Ty & Charlene
our family so appreciate the effort you have both continued to maintain helping everyone understand better, safer treatments for cancer & its prevention & especially at this time, the truth you are sharing about unsafe, untested vaccination products & practices. We pray for your personal safety & that the truth will be widely exposed. We do not want mandatory vaccinations. People need to be free to choose & act by their own informed conscience… yes or no, some vax, or no vax, over a safer timeline with safe, properly tested products if that is their choice. Big Parma cannot be permitted to rule the world whilst hiding the unneccesary number of deaths & injuries they are causing. It is not the unvaccinated who spread illness. As past teachers now performers in educational settings, my husband & I have witnessed first hand, the explosion of ill health in today’s children, not present before, but timed with the explosion of over vaccinating. We hope you are able to continue your wonderful honest work & that social media will realize it is important to get your TRUTH OUT. You have been of great personal assistance to our family on both the cancer & vaccination fronts. Bless you both.
Dear Ty & Charlene,
I am “getting on a bit” – I am 87 years old and I am absolutely appalled at what is going on in this crazy world of ours. I was lucky enough to have parents who believed in natural cures and I have never had a vaccination and only had antibiotics for one week in my whole life. My husband will be ninety in July and is not on any medication but does have some Chinese Herbs and vitamin & mineral supplements. I am deeply concerned for the future of our and everyone’s children and grandchildren as I believe that their natural immunity will no longer be as it should be and, having a vaccine for everything, their bodies will be so toxic they will never be really well and able to lead healthy lives. I understand the theory of vaccines but……………!! I thought we lived in a democratic country – at the very least we should be able to choose whether we want to be vaccinated or not!
Thank you so much for your “Truth About Vaccines” programme and “Eastern Medicine – Journey Through Asia” which I have bought so that I can pass on to family and friends. At present I am reading your book ” Cancer – Outside the Box” which confirms a lot of what I have read through the years but it is great to have the information all in one place! Keep up the good work, you do a wonderful job and I wish you all the very best. Many thanks to you both.
Please tell me how I can stand up for myself and my family against the state of Illinois to not force vaccinations & tracking. I watched and ordered the docu series The Truth about Vaccines. I am also a hair stylist and salon owner needing to reopen my business.
I just wanted to comment and say I am sorry this has become a “normal” for y’all to experience where every social outlet is shutting your name down or attempting to. It will not stop and you have a community ready to stand beside y’all and share!
Thank you for coming forth and just educating. Keep sharing!
I have recently finished reading Cancer: Step Outside the Box, and it is life-changing. The amount of knowledge and science in that book is stunning, and now I and my family are doing so many things differently. Even more importantly, after my younger sister read it, she called me to tell me she had committed her life to Christ. We’d been praying for her and talking with her for years, but it was what you, Ty, wrote in the chapter on sin that finally really spoke to her. She was so overwhelmed by what she learned in your book and believed in you so completely by the end that she also wanted to be cured of the cancer of sin in her life. She said for the first time someone really held a mirror up to her and she could completely identify with what was shown to her. She understood she needed to repent.
I have watched your videos on cancer for a number of years now, but I especially love the book because it gives specific protocols and websites for ordering so many wonderful supplements, herbs, oils, etc. It also lists clinics we can go to should we get cancer, and it is tremendously reassuring to know such places exist (if they’re not shut down soon). It also opened my eyes to the hoax of vaccinations, and now I, my daughter, my husband, and my newly converted sister are all anti-vaxxers. Thank you so much Ty and Charlene for all you do. I pray that God will turn this censorship around and I pray for your protection in this battle to spread the truth.
Stop using these services and websites. Paul Harvey said it best many years ago “If you are really against nuclear power, the switch is on your wall”. Either find or create a new service / website that is more in line with the American first amendment. Build it and they will come.
Isn’t there some other sites you can use? Or create your own? What else can we do? It’s very frustrating to know how awful things are and not know what to do to stop it. It would be very helpful if you could make suggestions. Right now, I search on duckduckgo.com because if I search for herbal stuff on google, I only get government or webmed garbage. There has to be some other less known platform to use. Please help us help you.
Hello Charlene,
You are a brave and wonderful person as is your husband and everyone going after the truth, I have never ever used any kind of social media. Yes I do get info on youtube but when I want the truth I use brighteon. I am sorry what has happened about getting censored by these guys. But I do share all your info with esp. my daughter and she shares with alot of folks so we are trying to help support the best we can.
God Bless You
Although not surprised, I am deeply saddened by the latest moves by the 1% of the 1%. It is your news that has kept me strong and up to date regarding the world of big pharma and vaccines. What I fought for in the 1980s for my 4 children and the autistic children I taught in the school system is a cakewalk compared to now. I pray that you find a way to continue educating the public and nurturing the community that you have so strongly built over the years. You are the voice and face of the truth. From the bottom of my heart, may you be safe and empowered in the throws of the evil that prevails.
Thank you for taking a stand and being a place we the people can go for knowledge and understanding. I have been saying for years death does not have to be the outcome of cancer. A cure exists, but as long as greedy people want to keep lining their pockets this cure will never be known. I am currently at the Mayo in Rochester with my mother-in-law. I recieved a phone call saying her Dr believes her cancer is back just after 5 months of being cancer free in December ( 5 months of pure misery may I ad). With mayo having everyone believing they above most, well I don’t buy it for a second. They have proven to be as all of the other hospitals. I am disgusted and angry, so BLESSED to have come across your platform on Instagram. I want to stay connected with you and stand by your side and FIGHT for the FREEDIMS and RIGHTS that belong to us!!! I am SO TIRED OF THE GREED IN THE WORLD AT THE EXPENSE OF OUR LOVED ONES. My mom lost her battle in 2011 but won her place in heaven and my step mom also lost her battle 2019 and now My mom-in-law. I want to know how to help myself, my husband, my 5 boys, my niece, my sister, my dad if for some terrible reason anyone of them hears those words cancer…. WE DO NOT HAVE TO BE FEARFUL and feel as though we were just given a death sentence, but rather know we are EQUIPPED with TRUTH… because of your love compassion and life’s work to let the truth be known!! May the blessing from heaven poor down on all who have given and believed!!
Praying for you and your fight. It is a fight for everyone! God bless you for all you do.
Something that is not true you just say:
“I cancel that in Jesus name. Amen”
Then you speak life & your blessings over it.
Be safe. Be well. Be blessed.
We are blessed to be a blessing & we won’t be silenced. We will declare the glory of the Lord. We will exalt & give him praise. Hallelujah!
Remember to seek the Lord in all things 1st so that you come under his protection & blessing. What your enemy make for chaos & disaster our God make it for our blessings.
He that is in me is greater than he that in of this world. Amen
What was the anti-cancer cream for skin cancer mentioned in one of your videos?
Ty said he could get it at Walmart.com
Thank you so much for your help!
I am a Naturopath and have been a big fan and supporter of your work for many years.
Praying for God to provide a way where there seems to be no way around your censorship issues!
Wendy House ND
Keep up the good work. Help to provide real info to the public
This is a sure sign that you are doing the right thing and they are feeling the pressure . Never bow, never bend to these psychopaths.
You are not alone in this battle. People like David Icke, London Real have been savagely deplatformed. Brian Rose from London Real fought back by raising money to finance his new platform, and it is working even better than on FB. LR website was also hacked, but they managed to restore it within a few hours. If you David Icke, and LondonReal join forces you will attract even more viewers than each one individually.