Do you know that you are the temple of GOD, and that the spirit of GOD dwells in you?”
1 Corinthians 3:16
God blessed you with an infinite wisdom inside of you that keeps you living, self-sustaining, regenerating, and healing your body every second of life on this plane of existence. People tend to look outside the body for the secrets to health and longevity, with little faith in the amazing power of the human body that God gave you.
During the COVID fiasco we saw people lose this faith, brainwashed by the media, living their lives in fear.
Then you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.”
John 8:32
God blessed every one of us with an amazing immune system that is on the job 24/7. During COVID, many people obeyed the narrative, wearing ridiculous masks and social distancing, or they just stayed home in fear watching more television. Churches were closed but the strip clubs and liquor stores stayed open. I was fortunate enough to attend a church in Huntington Beach that defied the mandates and stayed open. Our pastor stood his ground, as these were the times we needed God and Jesus Christ the most. I went to church, and no one really wore a mask, and we did NOT social distance. We all loved and hugged each other because that is what we all needed during these difficult times. Many of the elderly were completely isolated and merely left to die alone…in their nursing homes.
Our chiropractic office stayed open during the whole COVID catastrophe as I personally felt the pandemic was a huge scam. I adjusted people, prayed with patients, and was their health coach during this difficult time. During the whole COVID disaster I never even came down with a sniffle, nor did most of my patients. I got many new patients, even with the bad yelp reviews we got on the internet. People were complaining on yelp we weren’t wearing masks, gloves or disinfecting our tables. As a result, many like-minded people became patients because we did NOT cave to ridiculous and counter-productive mandates. I understand if someone is immune compromised maybe they should choose to follow directives spouted by Dr. Fauci, but many times he contradicted himself, especially regarding those senseless blue masks. I felt those of us with strong immune systems should build true herd immunity by interacting with others, and following a strong faith in where true health really comes from.
True health comes from God and from using basic common sense.
I will touch on what things you can do to boost immunity in a bit.
As I have said in previous articles, I am not a believer in the ‘Germ Theory’; I am more concerned about the terrain. I live by the words espoused by the great chiropractor B.J. Palmer, D.C. “If the germ theory of disease were true there would be no one living to believe it”. In my 38 years of practice, I am proud to say I have never missed a day of work due to physical sickness, because I rarely ever get sick. I take my mental health days and vacations when I feel I need to take a break.
Now, you might be asking yourself where I am going with all this. Again, it comes back to the writings of B.J. Palmer D.C. In chapter three of his 1955 book ‘Fame and Fortune’, he wrote as follows:
One Conflict
Medical men admit God on Sunday, admit ‘nature cures’ the other six days, in theory, then deny both seven days of the week when they prescribe pills, powders, potions, prescriptions and injections thinking substances from outside cure something physically wrong inside.”
So, even doctors believe in the power of God, but deny this in the healing process. What is more interesting to me is what he says about preachers of religion and how they contradict themselves (again, quoting B.J. Palmer D.C.)
Preachers of religions admit omnipresence, omnipotence, and omniscience of “the kingdom of God is within you” from the pulpit, preach this gospel with vehemence on Sunday, and when sick themselves, deny the ability of internal God within man to get them well for the other six days of the week.”
“Medical men are in conflict between what they believe religiously and what they practice medically. Preachers are in conflict between what they preach religiously and what they practice therapeutically when sick. There is no consistency in principle or practice in either of divided one half dogmas or sciences. Medical men deny there is an all-intellectual inseparable internal innate intelligence that gets sick people well. They ridicule chiropractors who assert such is a factual, actuality calling our philosophy a ‘cult’. Religious preachers assert there is an all-external God who rules the universe and deny there is an internal God in man”.
Both medical men and preachers go to chiropractors and get well because they permit the actual factual union of innate with their physical bodies. A chiropractor has no such conflict, he knows there is an external universal intelligence (GOD) and there is also an internal innate intelligence with which he cooperates, restoring one into and thru another.” End quote.
Now, what am I driving at with all this chiropractor philosophy from B.J.Palmer DC in 1955?
Well, look at the churches that closed during the pandemic because of FEAR. What really blew my mind was that so many churches not only closed but offered COVID vaccinations at church to their congregations.
It all seemed so oxymoronic to me that they followed the mainstream narrative and lived in compliance and fear with zero faith of GOD within.
These premises can be applied to all areas of health when people get sick. You need to have faith in the God within you and rely on the self-healing properties of the body.
I have always said chiropractic first, drugs second, and surgery last. Of course, there are times of crisis, when we need drugs and/or surgery, but 90% of drugs and/or surgery are unnecessary, when natural health is tried first. Natural healthcare is not the silver bullet medicine proclaims to be. Healing takes time and commitment from the patient. Now is the time to build on natural healthcare, which is becoming more accepted, especially in the realm of functional medicine.
First, let’s talk about the scam of vaccination. You say you have faith and love God, and when God gives you a gift of human life in a newborn, you inject them during the first hours of life and then consistently thereafter from womb to tomb with various toxic and deadly vaccines.
Did you think God left out your immune system? Did He (God) create you in his likeness and image? Then why defy his work with deadly injections? I have said it many times – vaccines are a satanic act of Pharmakia (witchcraft). These vaccines destroy your health and your children’s health by the injection of toxic carcinogens, neurotoxins, allergens and chemicals that cause autoimmune issues. These drugs have created a generation of very sick children. Today, 54% of children are diagnosed with a chronic disease that requires more drugs and medications.
We can discuss vaccines in depth in future articles. Remember, disease is only caused by two things, toxicity and deficiency, and vaccines are toxic. Please avoid all vaccines in the future.
Now let’s get into what true health delivery looks like. First, we need to remove toxicity by proper detox programs, again a topic to delve into later, to eliminate as many chemical toxins as possible in your food and water. Eat healthy unprocessed organic foods whenever possible and properly filter your water and air. Filter what you put into your brain, and limit EMF exposure whenever possible.
We briefly discussed toxicity, so now let’s touch on deficiency. The goal, of course, is to stay healthy by applying a few easy to follow principles.
- Eat a healthy diet of unprocessed foods. Foods that are organic and enzymatically alive.
- Get adequate exercise almost every day. Move it or lose it. Never in the history of humanity have we become so sedentary.
- Get consistent restful sleep. (7-8 hours)
- Be grateful to God for all that you have in life.
- Maintain healthy nerve flow.
The first four premises are self-evident, and each category needs further in-depth discussion.
The most neglected aspect in a person’s health is adequate nerve flow, which I have covered in previous articles. Subluxation, i.e. nerve interference, creates a state of dis-ease in the body and creates a deficiency in vitality. The job of a chiropractor is to detect nerve interference and adjust the cause of nerve deficiency. All organs and glands in the body are controlled by nerves communicating from the brain. Organs and glands also communicate back to the brain via nerve flow. Subluxation contributes to a down regulation of organ and gland function, creating a state of dis-ease.
Most people only look to chiropractors for pain reduction. Pain is merely the body’s way of communicating there may be a state of nerve interference. Many people discontinue chiropractic care when their pain abates, and they never fully enjoy the benefits of chiropractic corrective care.
Nerve interference and pain also contribute to putting the body in a sympathetic (stress) dominate state which further down regulates a person’s health. Most symptoms, including anxiety, insomnia, digestive issues, immune competence, infertility, cognitive function, etc., are much more prevalent in a stress physiology. To receive the true benefits of chiropractic, a person must continue chiropractic care until nerve interference is eliminated. Eliminating nerve interference usually happens long after the pain has been resolved.
Therefore, please follow the recommendations of your corrective care chiropractor.
Many patients are astounded by the improvements they see in several of their visceral complaints. Patients who get adjusted on a regular basis have higher vitality and improved immune function. They also notice better sleep, improved cognition and more energy.
BJ Palmer stated “The preservation of health, is easier than cure of disease. Healing is an inside job. Have you more faith in a spoonful of medicine than the power that animates the living world?”
“Nature (God) needs no help, just no interference.”
Many people also suffer from a deficiency of LOVE in this fractured divided world. Show love to others where people are isolated and lonely.
It is stated that you need at least 12 hugs a day. Be a hug donor when you feel it is appropriate.
Also, be grateful to God for all the blessings you have in your life. Many people suffer from a deficiency of gratitude. It is also important to connect with God through frequent prayer. Prayer plays a major part in a person’s spiritual health, which will also regulate a person’s physical and mental health.
To be truly healthy is simple, but not easy. Health is discipline.
Follow these simple steps daily for the best results!
- Eat unprocessed food.
- Exercise
- Good Sleep
- Eliminate toxic drugs when possible and no vaccines.
- Pray and be Grateful to God.
- Love others as thyself.
- Get adjusted for its health benefits, not just pain reduction.
Remember, God created you perfect. If you follow these simple behaviors, you will be awarded with abundant health. Always keep the faith in the infinite wisdom God put in your body and don’t fall prey to media-induced FEAR.
Unleash the Spiritual Giant Within!
Until next time,
Thanks Ty and Charlene for this article, it was an AMAZING read and so true. As a breast cancer survivor, I have learned and still learning that our bodies can and will heal itself, if we take care of it. “Our Health is Our Wealth.”