The late Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez is well known for using pancreatic enzymes to treat cancer. In this video he talks about the history of their use, how they work, and his individualized treatment protocols that reverse cancer.
Using Enzymes as a Cancer Treatment (video)

I have cancer and have been checking out alternative cancer clinics. Everyone talks about big business and all they want is your money and they don’t want to cure cancer. Yet every alternative clinic I contact doesn’t take Medicare, most insurances and their prices, out of pocket, is prohibited. So don’t spout about how much you care. The caring stops when they can’t see dollar signs. I have the price lists from Dr. Burzynski. If you are an average person and you sold everything you own, then maybe, just maybe, you can afford his care. It’s not just him, I am finding this with everyone of them. So what is left to us but the butcher and the poison. At least they take our insurances, cut it out the tumor, poison us with chemo and send us home to die. Alternative clinics say sorry we don’t take insurance or that insurance or Medicare. They don’t cut you up, they don’t poison you, and they don’t help you. They just leave you to die with some hope that food, herbs, and enzymes may help you. I understand they need to make money as well but one size doesn’t fit all. If you are rich they will welcome you with open arms. Middle income, well you don’t have a chance of getting your little pinky in the door never mind your foot!
I found the same thing and have been attempting to piece together something that works. Check out the cancer tutor. There’s something called the dirt cheap protocol. Best of luck on your healing journey!
I completely agree with you. I’ve had cancer three times. My mother had cancer eight times she finally died from treatment unfortunately. My father died of liver cancer in 2012 his sister died from liver cancer two years prior to him. I’m finding the same thing about the cost Of the alternative treatments. Only the doctors giving it can’t afford it unfortunately. There are ways to support yourself and I do believe cure yourself at home but we need to try and figure out ways to make alternative treatments more affordable. And unfortunately I do not support the ones lashing out at you. I can hear the desperation in your voice. There are ways to treat yourself at home. Please check out God bless
Annie, check out Simple great advice using everyday items plus a social potion. You can get the ingredients at the grocery store. Plus you can call them for advice and get complete easy to understand facts about cancer. Sign up for the free download of a complete guide. It worked for me and I tell everyone I know. It is a cancer clinic in Spain started by a German lady whose nephew runs it now. Check it out and you will be glad you did. Important to take potion above all.
That’s exactly what I’m findiing so it looks like I’ll be doing the chemo . Surgery radiation and following her son nutrition to help keep it away! Hopefully I won’t die and it won’t come back!
I agree with Annie. I contacted the Burzynski clinic and the starting costs alone were $45,000. I don’t mean to be unappreciative of the hard work that’s gone into creating this website, however the treatments that could potentially save a person who already has metastatic cancer are not accessible to regular people. It’s very discouraging.
Check out You will get such great advice. Cured my cancer! Special potion is very important..
Pressing/clicking on the 3 bars on the top left brings up a page with
Cancer causes
Cancer prevention
Cancer treatment
And what else? It doesn’t scroll?
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Contact info?
Hi Joaquin,
Thanks very much for the feedback! The contact us link was at the very bottom of the page. We’ve now added it under the “Explore” section in the footer and have also added the link to the Experts page.
It’s not a matter of the alternative clinics not accepting the insurance in most cases. It’s actually the insurance companies not approving the alternative treatments. Your insurance company won’t cover the cost of unapproved non-standard medical care in most instances.
That’s exactly the problem!! Not to mention the numerous times Dr Burzynzki has been dragged into court. Because the FDA and AMA don’t want his treatments competing with the financially lucrative cut burn and poison Ponzi scheme. These treatments actually cost considerably more.
The solution would be for an alternative based insurance company to be created for those of us that utilize alternative health care. We shouldn’t be forced to utilize the corrupted existing sick care system simply because there isn’t another option. We should be able to choose what fits our needs.
The system is rigged to drive people down a flawed path. There are no options provided through traditional health care, that allow for following alternative medicine. The medical practice is not taught homeopathic or naturopathic medicine, or any other way to treat people, other than allopathic medicine.. When it comes to injuries like a car accident, going to an Emergency Room is a blessing, but treating cancer is a completely different story. I don’t think it’s the doctors, but it’s definitely the system that they’ve been trained & licensed by, which is a complete mess. The pharmaceutical industry loves sick people, and the money they receive from them. We need to get off of the medications that have been prescribed, as fast as we can. We have other options that are available to us, but they take time to work & we need to be diligent in following them. My greatest encouragement, after fighting cancer, is to pray and seek wisdom from God He hears us calling out to Him and He is there to meet us when we’re going through the difficult times in our lives.
Wow! Sorry to hear you are so angry! The truth be known, both pharma, corrupt politicians & insurance companies are the cause of naturopathic practices being prevented & denied our great medical system paying for your services! This is a sad state of affairs, however like true American s we soldier on, we pay! We take action, we vote, we sign petitions & we focus our energy on the positive! This is a big part of our healing, not lashing out at great physicians! Why would anyone allow big pharma continue by supporting them & going through this barbaric treatment? In America we vote with our dollars! We vote by how we spend our money & certainly not by condemn ing those who do the best work & supporting that which we do not believe in or want! Wake up & smell the coffee!
May I knorw how to obtain Dr Gonzales protolytic enzymes? Thank you. Trisha
Proteolytic enzymes and proteolytic probiotics… We have tremendous success with eliminating cancer. Plant enzymes are the MOST effective as pancreatic enzymes are very weak. Our site explains the differences between probiotics…
Louis Hoolaeff HR HC ACS
The problem is not that alternative clinics don’t take Medicare. The problem is that Medicare refuses to pay for alternative care. They only pay for FDA-approved treatments.
Nevertheless, the alternative clinics should make their treatments more accessible to ALL. Period.
The gig is up on both big pharma and alternative clinics. Eat what God has made as prevention. Educate ourselves on 3 things. Foods and plants that creates Apoptosis in our bodies. (causes cells to self distruct naturally) such as Resveratral-Tumeric-Lemon Grass- Fucoidon seaweed, and Chaga/Gano mushrooms. Also look at foods that contain reasonable amountsof B-17 (greens and purple foods) Elderberry, Black Berry, Aprocot seeds, peach seeds, grape seeds, blueberry, beet tops, lentles and limassol been so. Additionally there’s exciting new research on moderate Sun therapy D-3. If we have a 1 in 3 chance of getting cancer then shouldn’t we get our families to eat right to prevent it? I hope this info can bless people. Thx.
This is very interesting. Can you tell me where you get this info from? I have never heard of some of these things or of the use of them in a protocol. Thank you very much.
Thanks Tera for sharing this info!
The naturopathic clinics should make treatment more affordable since most middle class families can’t afford it. So my husband was told by Dr he has prostate cancer he won’t do chemo/radiation and we can’t afford the alternative we have 2 young boys to take care of so he said he will just prepare to die and that is heart braking knowing there is alternative treatment but out of our reach financially.
My father-in-law has been in remission from stage 4 prostate cancer for a few years now. He responded to testosterone lowering drugs that were covered by his insurance to some extent. He did not have to undergo any chemo or radiation. This is about the only conventional cancer treatment that I’m in favor of! I usually look for a natural cure first, but this does make sense to lower the hormone that causes the cancer to grow. The only side effects were a decrease in muscle definition, slight fatigue & increased appetite. I hope this option was presented to you by his doctor as I am just now checking out this website & reading these comments. Unfortunately, I see this post was from 2016. Trelstar hormone therapy was the name of it.
Chemical castration if it works at all would better be done surgically due to significant negative side effects these toxic drugs have on ones overall healthy. The supposed effect is to reduce the PSA readings which supposedly reflect the seriousness or extent of the cancer. The PSA is a reading of the debris resulting from our immune system fighting the cancer. No doctor including those specializing in treating prostrate cancer will answer our simple question which is simply, the PSA level has never killed anyone so why would that be a worthy measuring tool when it only indicates what we want our immune system to do? It is a fact that people with very high PSA’s, have lived long lives and not died of cancer. Cancer is a complicated failure of our immune system to properly control the regulation of the growth of our cells. When our immune systems do fully function we will see the end of cancer. If and when available that would be a very sevear blow to a multibillion dollar yearly cost of cancer care and health care as a whole. Therein you have almost everything fighting solutions. I believe the answers have already been found but when do you think we will see wide spread of the solutions? So far we see everything is being done to protect and promote the status quo.
Please check out http://www.the Involves a potion you make, a whole guide and explanation of cancer from cancer clinic in Spain. Cured my cancer!
There is a way to solve your situation… reply to my e-mail and I could explain it to you…
Louis Hoolaeff HR HC ACS
There are lots of truthful information, studies, testimonies etc, that one can learn and DO. It takes knowledge and the will to make changes and do it quickly as Bill Henderson has often said, that cancer doesn’t wait. Eat healthy, read labels, know what you’re eating, grow your own if you can and above all, have a positive, winning attitude. In my quest to help others, one thing is clear, the patient MUST want it badly enough to WIN. Also, having a happy, loving mate or friend who loves to laugh is not just a blessing, it’s “contagious”. Pass it on.. Aloha, Lei
I would like to hear this video, but at half speed. Is there a way to do that? He talks way too fast to be able to understand what he says.
Hi Carol,
You have a few options to make viewing our videos easier for you. You can slow down the speed of the video by clicking on the settings on the video. It is the little gear icon. Another thing you can do is turn the CCs on. Hope this helps!
Couldn’t agree more with Annie and Nicole. This all sounds wonderful and I’m on board but if you can’t afford it then are these doctors really helping.
Can anyone recommend a good brand or where I can purchase online pancreatic Enzymes ?
I use Wobenzym N from garden of life I get them off of Amazon. I believe this is what Chris from Chris beat used for his own personal treatment.
Hyperbaric oxygen chamber works to flood the body with oxygen; what about deep breathing as in swimming a mile or two, several times a week? Or, running? Heavy breathing will oxygenate the body as well.
I watched the interview of Dr. Jaime Dy Liacco a while back, and was very interested in the protocol he was sharing. In the cut I saw, he began to outline his 4/5-point protocol, but his outline was interrupted after point 2 and never completed. Ty, did you ever transcribe his full protocol, with the fresh raw pork? Is that something you have published, or would you be willing to share it?