Video Transcript: Benefits of Intermittent Fasting for Cancer Patients
Ty Bollinger: Do you ever recommend fasting for health and for cancer patients?
Dr. David Jockers: Absolutely! And you just brought that up. Just talking about the ketogenic cleanse, it is a fast. I’m a big fan of intermittent fasting. It’s something I do every single day. I think it’s a critical piece of a cancer killing diet. When we break down fasting, I want all our listeners to understand this, I look at a building phase and a cleansing phase.
So our building phase is a time between our first meal of the day and our last meal of the day. The typical American they might eat at 8:00am and finish eating at 8:00pm. So it’s about a 12-hour building phase. And the cleansing phase would be the time from our last meal to our first meal. Okay. That’s like a one-to-one ratio. In our society today we’ve got so much toxicity that it’s that much more important that we have a greater cleansing phase than building phase.
On top of that, the great thing is when we’re on this ketogenic diet our hormones become balanced. Insulin and leptin, which is our satiety hormone so it helps us say that we’re no longer hungry. We’re satisfied. They become very balanced. Our body becomes very sensitive to it. So we’re really not as hungry. For myself I like to have anywhere between a 16 to 18 hour and sometimes even a 24-hour cleansing phase on a regular basis.
We’re doing this interview here. It’s 11:30 – 12:00, I haven’t eaten anything yet today. I worked out this morning. And you know what, my blood sugar is extremely stable. I feel really good. I feel really mentally clear. Now I’ll typically eat around 1:00pm or so and then finish eating by, let’s say, 6:00 – 7:00pm. And so that’s really my building phase.
I’ve gotten all the nutrients I need, but my body’s also been able to really cleanse and detoxify as I’ve gone through this cleansing phase. On the cleansing phase like, for example, the fasting, this morning I’ve drank probably about a half gallon of water so far today. So water is key because I want to move toxins out of my body. I don’t want them to just recirculate as they’re being released; as my body’s breaking down fat cells.
Intermittent fasting is a very, very powerful strategy that’s been shown to improve brain function, improve lean body tissue, [meaning] your percentage of muscle to body fat. It’s been shown basically to improve almost every aspect of your health. And so very, very profound when it comes to killing off cancer cells in your body too.
Sometimes we’ll recommend longer fasts and longer cleanses, but I think something that most people can do, unless you have a state of adrenal exhaustion or extreme adrenal fatigue, which some people do. Unless that’s the case, I always highly recommend going on a ketogenic intermittent fasting lifestyle because of the profound effects it has on destroying cancer cells in your body, regulating your hormones, and improving overall brain function. So very profound effects with that.
Hello! Millions of thanks for such interesting and important information! Please tell me, could I use superfoods during fasting time? Just superfoods and water? Thank U:)
Hey Tanya, the only superfoods would be green powders or green juices. You don’t want calories and especially carbs or protein during this period. Blessings!
I take athletic greens. They are green and have a low calorie amout.
Is that ok?
Understand… Thank U so much.. I’ll fallow U’r advice.. God bless U 🙂
Oh.. I am sorry to disturb again.. My greens contain spirulina – it is full of protein.. Could I use it during fasting?
Yes you can use greens powder with spirulina. That would be great!
You didn’t exactly reply to her question. You stated she could take spirulina but she said hers had protein with it.
But you stated you shouldn’t have carbs or protein. So is it OK to take it with protein or not
He DID answer her question. She didn’t say her spirulina had protein with it she said spirulina is full of protein. Spirulina consists of around 57% protein.
It’s wonderful! Many thanks again. Wish U all the best:)
I started my new lifestlye of eating and when i had a blood test it showed I had high cholesterol. Am I eating to much protien?? And I think doing a fast would be a healthy wait to jump start my lifestyle change. What do you think??
no, anything over 10 calories will halt the fasting and stop the benefits, then you will have to start again. only can drink tea, water, a few drinks like that, maybe some apple cider vinegar.
see doctor berg on youtube for more.
I’m thinking of starting fasting in order to prevent cancer. I figure it may help and if I do it right it won’t hurt me. I have a few questions though. What I’ve been researching is doing occasional(once a month to once every few months) fasts that completely cut caloric intake for three days. Does this kind of fast have similar benefits?
Also, to produce the effects of this intermittent fast, does it need to be an entire life change. As in, does this need to become my normal diet for years or can I do it for one week every month? Or something like that.
Thank you,
I have stage 4 stomach cancer, what inttermitent fasting regimen you recommend it for me?. Thank you so much!!!
the longer the better, after 24 hours human growth hormone is increased by 300 percent and autophagy begins, look them up, check doctor berg on youtube
If your last meal is at 8 P.M., you will take about 4 hours to digest a meal, so no, you won’t get 12 hours between meals that way. Your last meal should be around 5 or 6 P.M., so you go to bed on an empty stomach, and your body is better able to cleanse and repair. And unless you dig ditches, or other heavy manual labor, two meals a day is more than enough.
In the early part of the last century, a nauturopath named Herbert Shelton ran a fasting sanitarium. He saw some near miraculous results. In one of his books, he stated that he saw cancers shrink, but never completely go away. I believe that fasting, along with certain herbs, will cause the cancer to shrink, and then disappear. The late John Christopher talked about some of those herbs, as well as the still living Richard Schulze, among others.
True North in California had Cancer go away in 21 days on water fasting.
I also saw a woman who alternated water fasting with just eating fruit. (The fruit is because she was focusing on Methionine and IGF-1 Restriction, rather than glucose and glutamate restriction) I believe she did a 5 days water fast, then 5 days fruit only, then 5 days water fast, then 5 days fruit only. Three or four cycles of each before it went away.
I also saw a testimony by a person whose dog had Hemangiosarcoma and that went away in 21 days.
The shortest I saw Cancer go away with Water fasting was 18 days.
My dog has been water fasting 10 days with electrolytes. I broke it on him today and gave him a vitamin and a handful of nuts, but he is back on. He didn’t like it in the beginning, but he is pretty sick and is cooperating and now it is me who is struggling with him getting so thin. Trying to make it 18 to 21 days.
Is water the best to drink, or is it possible to drink fresh juice of carrot, cucumber and ginger or Bonebroth be use?
Water is the best drink to get into Autophagy fastest and to get a new immune system as fast as possible. You need 48 hours minimum to see a real benefit, but you need 5 to 7 days to get a new immune system and up to 21 to get healed of Cancer, but it can get less safe once you get up there, if you have a bad heart or bad kidneys, etc.
Hi Tanya, are you saying, spirulina is full of protein, or your greens drink has added protein?
Don’t agree with it.. I used to eat once a day, 1 large meal. I did it for years and drank fluids all the time.. I ended up with SIBO, my bowel was inflamed and I had to have steroids to get the inflammation under control. I had trapped wind and bloating for over a year.. I’d never had to even think about my bowels before any of this happened. 35 years old when it started. I used to eat whatever I liked, never was there any food which gave me bowel issues.. Now I’m sensitive to so many things I had to go gluten free to get the gas under control.
Now if I don’t eat my blood sugar crashes and I break into a sweat and get dizzy and almost on the verge of passing out so I eat consistently now.. 3 times a day and life is working for me again.
Intermittent fasting has conflicting data. A mice study, the mice actually developed insulin resistance after alternating day intermittent fasting. Other studies it helped, but it seemed like once they stopped they were more likely to get Diabetes.
Water fasting seems to have different results.
I have cancer and I’m on a lot of supliments. Is it okay if I only take green juice for breakfast?
yes, but don’t have breakfast, try to wait at least 4 to 5 hours before your first meal, then have the green juice and your first meal
I would think that any food eaten, including greens and green juices would take one out of ketosis and rob one of the benefits of fasting. Only small amounts of fat, such as bulletproof coffee with MCT oil should be taken during the fasting times.
None of it should be taken during fasting times if possible. That is per the interviews I have watched with the researchers. It is more about what gets people the most Autophagy. There is a fasting mimicking program and that does have people eat restricted calories, but Dr. Longo, who did the research said that he only did it that way because people wouldn’t do water fasting. Water fasting is more powerful.
Hi, I have just been diagnosed with cancer 3c stage, started from ovaries. I am scheduled for surgery in January, but really looking for a specialist in my area (Toronto, London Ontario, or Detroit Michigan) for an comprehensive nutritional program to prepare for chimiotherapy and along with it. Can someone recommend me a clinic in that area?
Hi Simone,
The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
Hi Simone, I was diagnosed in 2012 with State 3C Ovarian cancer as well. I am now doing if 18:6.
I know you are talking about cancer treatment and not weight loss. However as someone trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle & always fighting to stay at a healthy weight while also doing anything I can to avoid cancer, I am confused. I have always been told to never skip breakfast and that breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Even though I still hear this is this old information?!
I am diagnose with pancreatic cancer stage 4, and i have started to fast 9 day’s ago. My weight was then normal, but have lost now a few pounds. I am using tumeric also called curcuma as help by this fasting, because it is good i heard for the pancreas and liver area. But i heard if you go for long fasting in weeks, it is purify your body and your body recycling it’s self. Is it than useful to use a herb as curcuma, because maybe it is standing the way of how nature works in the way with your body recyclings. Or maybe it doesnt matter, because it is a herb and it has no negatve effects on a long fasting? Please can i get a advice of you?
Thank you
Are you still fasting
If yes does this way give any benifit for you
I want to say that i only drink mineral water by my fasting
I’m a medical student and l’m gonna reasarch about cancr treatment by fasting and feeding
Excuse me, if you can help me and tell me the way for doing that.
There are good interviews on the internet. I would start there. Dr. Goldhamer. Dr. Longo. Dr. Fung. Dr Seyfried. All of them have multiple interviews.
How do you detoxify the liver. Always experiencing pain on my right side underneath the ribs. Also how do I lower my creatinine.
Hi Kaunda,
Here are a few articles you may be interested in reading:
I am a cancer survivor but not happy with my blood work right now. I eat good but need to do more. I want to do this but i have low blood sugar. I have tired but feel like i am harming myself by letting myself go to a point of feeling that bottoming out. I was always told to keep a balance and not letting myself feel that low blood sugar drop.
Can you help me to get thru this? I work be so appreciative.