Video Transcript: The Benefits of Salt & the Best Salt to Use
Dr. David Brownstein: Our bodies need and require adequate amounts of salt daily. Salt is the second major constituent next to water in our body. The immune system can’t function well without salt. Our hormonal system can’t function well without salt, and iodine can’t work in the body without adequate amounts of salt. So, I consider salt one of the basics. I check salt levels in every patient that comes in the door. I can tell you the vast majority are salt deficient. As I write about in my book, Salt Your Way to Health, there is good and bad salt.
I would say an inadequate form of salt is refined salt. It’s the little white crystals that we’re all used to. They fit in a salt shaker and they’re real fine and they contain a little bit of iodine. But they only contain sodium and chloride, a little bit of iodine, and then toxic chemicals such a ferricyanide and they have some bleach chemicals in them to make it white. That’s not a good product.
A better product is unrefined salt, which has over 80 minerals in it, lesser amounts of sodium and chloride. It doesn’t have a lot of iodine in it, so therefore you need to supplement with iodine.
This is a staple that people need in their diets. The adrenal system can’t function well without salt, the thyroid system can’t function well without salt, and the immune system can’t function well without salt. Iodine works better in the body with salt, as salt helps to usher out bromide and fluoride in the body while you take iodine.
Ty: Okay. So many diets that I’ve heard about, people that think they’re getting healthy, they say, “Okay, I’m not eating any more salt.” Not a good idea?
Dr. David Brownstein: Not only is it not a good idea, it’s a disastrous idea. Eventually the adrenals get overstressed from this and don’t function well. It’s not good for the immune system and it’s not good for fighting cancer. People need salt in their diet. It’s a staple. Human beings have needed salt since the beginning of time. We were designed by our maker to need salt.
How much salt? About a teaspoon a day for most people. The latest studies that just came out, New England Journal of Medicine, verified what I’ve been saying for the last 15 years. You know, I blog about this and I write about it in my newsletter as those studies came out. You can look at the curves [study results]. It’s very easy to look at them and you see high mortality rate at the low end of salt intake, and then it goes down.
It doesn’t really matter how much salt you use. Maybe at very high rates there’s problems, but people aren’t going to eat that amount of salt. They just need the right kind of salt, which is unrefined salt such as Celtic brand Sea Salt, Redmond’s Real Salt, the Himalayan salt. I’ve tested all three versions of those four times. I didn’t find toxic agents and I found adequate amounts of minerals in all of those kinds. I think those are very healthy forms of salt.
Ty Bollinger: Awesome. That’s good to know, too, because one of those − the Himalayan sea salt’s what we use. Good to know that we’re doing the right thing, at least in this area.
Dr. David Brownstein: I think it’s a good salt.
I’ve got a minor in biology and since reading early on that our bodily fluids have the same PH factor as ocean water. Our old athletic coaches made sure we had access to salt tablets.There is also and awful lot of heat stroke among hard labor workers;roofers for example.
Thank you for clarification on types of correct salt and advantages of using more salt I have felt like we all are suffering from salt deficiences Due to using wrong kinds or because Drs throw us into a sense of FEAR if we use salt. THANK YOU I feel better after starting to use Himalayan salt Deficiency caused me to have lower energy.
I love your info. I use the good salt you refer to. I have said to many of my friend, it is not good to avoid salt, you rbody needs salt and water. My youngest son had excema, soooo bad,,, little baby, tragic. Allergic to milk. He was treated by the doctors etc. In Holland. We lived in a small village by the Sea and my grandmother who was a naturepath specialist and health expert, said to my dad, quit fussing over the child, go to the beach and get me a bucket of seawater for the next few days…. so he did, my 6.2 dad was pretty intimidated by my 5.2 granny she bathed my baby in seawater and the next morning we could scrape off the excema, it looked like oatmeal. after that she changed his milk to low fat buttermilk, every few days we bathed him in salt water. He lost his baby hair over that, but he grew up to be a strong athletic young man with much beautiful hair and gorgeous skin, not even a pimple!
I am Michael, i want to specially thank you for this wonderful fact you provided to the well being of humanlity . thanks again Dr David.
Please give me (print) the types of good salt as I did not catch it in your presitation.
They just need the right kind of salt, which is unrefined salt such as Celtic brand Sea Salt, Redmond’s Real Salt, the Himalayan salt. – Direct quote from the article.
How do I get my iodine. Reg salt has it added. RM
Thus you must monitor your intake and find
out if you’re consuming a lot of, and if so, then you must work on lowering the amount.
However, if you discover standing water, you need to check
around to locate a recent leak so that you can arrive at the root of the issue.
Salt is definitely the most famous materials used worldwide for melting ice.
I read an article about Noah giving gray salt to his family who all lived to be well over 150 yrs old
I have cancer i want to know how tofight it with gray salt but I can not to find any where how to use it to kill the cancer
please help here thank you Don
Hi Don, we suggest a multi-pronged approach when it comes to improving your health. First, be sure to check in with your holistic doctor or naturopath to find out what the best healing path is for you. We suggest using a high-quality pink or gray salt and drinking organic bone broth throughout the day to replenish your minerals if they are low. Celery and cucumber are also excellent to consume because they are low in carbohydrates and have natural sodium. Wishing you well on your health journey!
I use to add salt to my food in cooking and my mother use to complain that the food was too salty, so I stopped adding it.