Video Transcript: 6 Super Foods for Cancer Prevention & Nutrient Deficiency
Ty Bollinger: What are six foods that you have control over⎯ you have control over what you put in your mouth. You may not be able to have control over the air you breathe but you have control over what you eat. Give me a half dozen foods that you believe are some really good foods for preventing cancer.
Dr. Robert Scott Bell: Right. Well you think about the super foods, right? Because a lot of foods may contain high calories and some minerals and vitamins they might not be as densely − let’s say proportionately speaking − there, because we’ve got to counteract so much of our environment. Where it may have been simple enough to grow your own food and eat all of the food as it was growing. I believe right now we are dealing with extraordinary times. Maybe catastrophic in the devastation to the environment. And because of that, just selecting certain foods that I think would be good.
I’m not personally a big fan of beets. I had an allergy to it as a child. I believe now looking back that I wasn’t allergic to beets, but because beets have such a powerful beneficial impact to the liver, for instance, that it was helping me to detoxify and it was misinterpreted as an allergy. So that’s a great food.
Super foods and super greens. Kale is an excellent food that contains a lot of good things. Sea vegetation; if you can find non-contaminated forms of sea vegetation − and there are many strains of this − create the most minerally-rich, abundant, super foods on the planet.
We need to look also at the mineral content for the connective tissue. I talked about silica. Most of the foods, unfortunately, that we eat have been robbed of these trace elements because industry has found it much more profitable to take those minerals and use them for different reasons and they leave us with deficient foods.
So we talk about something like silica. You could go to something like the horsetail extract, something that you could grow and make into a tea yourself or concentrate in whole food form from a tea and now you have an abundance of silica. Again, [this] is one of those trace minerals. So critical, and the only time you’ll find it in a health food store is in a little beauty section for women that want to have better nails or hair or skin. And yet we ignore the fact that the integrity of the entire connective tissue of the body, vascular system as well, is dependent upon that humble trace element that has been removed from most foods.
We talk about foods like whole grains that used to contain abundant amounts of chromium and they’ve been robbed of the chromium because the soils don’t contain it or industry refines it out. Chromium, why do we need that? The form that I talk about is grown as food because it manages what? Sugar. Blood sugar. It helps to deliver it successfully into the cells and mobilize it out of the cells should we need it if we don’t have enough coming in from external sources.
Then we see the⎯Dr. [Rashid] Buttar calls it the obligate glucose metabolizer. Cancer, really taking advantage of the fact that we are chromium deficient. It has access to the sugar very readily because we don’t have the chromium necessary to bind it and help deliver it so the cancer cells can’t get it. So that would be another aspect.
Other foods like Brazil nuts are rich in Selenium. Although we see as well, now, lower than it was. And we need for real metabolic benefit of selenium higher quantities than we’re getting just from Brazil nuts and other foods. So, concentrating selenium in a food-grown source or form is going to be critical. Utilizing upwards of 200 micrograms a day bare minimum as preventive maintenance.
But upwards of 400, 600, 800 or even 1,000 micrograms of this food-grown form of selenium to reverse the cancer, like no other trace mineral can do. Rather than believe the FDA and their corrupt study of yesteryear that says selenium can be toxic to you. The form that we’re talking about is not a synthetic isolate of food-grown form, we can take large quantities without concerning ourselves with seleno-toxicity and it will greatly benefit the cancer patients almost more than anything else.
Selenium, among all others, may be the most important. I never want to say it’s the only thing, but it’s one of the biggest.
Article Summary
Beets have a powerful beneficial impact to the liver and help to detoxify.
Kale is an excellent food that contains a lot of good things. If you can find non-contaminated forms of sea vegetation, these create the most minerally-rich, abundant, super foods on the planet.
We need to look also at the mineral content for the connective tissue, so we talk about something like silica. You could grow horsetail extract and make into a tea for an abundance of silica.
Whole grains used to contain abundant amounts of chromium and they’ve been robbed of the chromium because the soils don’t contain it or industry refines it out. Chromium manages blood sugar. It helps to deliver it successfully into the cells and mobilize it out of the cells should we need it.
Foods like Brazil nuts are rich in Selenium. Utilize upwards of 200 micrograms a day bare minimum as preventive maintenance, but upwards of 400, 600, 800 or even 1,000 micrograms of this food-grown form of selenium to reverse cancer, like no other trace mineral can do.
I would lovevto know morecabout the truth about cancer radio show please fill me in tx elaine11mayer@
I have followed TTAC for the last three sessions. I am also a Christian. It’s easier to talk to people about Jesus than it is to talk to them about health these days. We are brain-washed and upside down on food, drugs, alternative treatments. These good doctors are persecuted when they tell the truth. This is a good article!
As I am in the process of killing my third major cancer, I found the TTAC docu-series which educated me beyond my wildest dreams. With 2 battles against AML Leukemia, I only knew to do what the doctor said, and I almost died twice (I am a walking miracle), now with bladder cancer I am determined to kill it naturally, and TTAC is helping me in a big, big way.
With what I have learned, I now know that I can make simple lifestyle changes and kill my cancer and prevent new occurrences the same way. Many thanks to Ty and all the doctors and scientists who did such a great job of explaining things in an easy to understand way. God bless you all.
Good luck to you!
Thank you, Cindy. Things seem to be going very well.
Consume Okra Bob to clean your colon and l hope it make your body environment more bass..God bless you
Okra in what form, baked, boiled, fried or pickeled? Does it matter?
Akali…l mean
Hello Mr. Carpenter,
I too have bladder cancer first diagnosed 12 years ago, I have been trying to find the alternative cure, please contact me so we can collaborate in defeating this dis ease.
thank you
Bob Carpenter: Take a look at Lots of info there. I am doing 3 parts A&H baking soda, 3 parts black strap molasses, 1 part distilled water, heaping teaspoon turmeric with a little black pepper and taking 1 teaspoon 1/2 hour apart nightly. Stirring mixture for 10 minutes. Up to 4 servings a night. Finally got my urine ph up to 7.40.
Bob carpenter hydrogen peroxide very powerful when it comes to killing cancer tumors just buy the regular 3% in brown bottles and take like half cap 3 times a day in water r juice can do 1 full cap 3 times a day if don’t mind the cleanse effect within 3 months r less tumor should gone…note start out with less if have high blood pressure
Yes, Hallelujah!
I am so thankful for all these courageous souls that have stood courageously and stood their ground! They have a HUGE heart to help those with cancer. They are surely persecuted for their boldness.
We love all of you doctors, and advocates (Ty) for standing in proxy for the weak and sick. I am blessed. We got my 84 year old daddy through prostate cancer.
May the Lord bless all of you! We pray for God’s mighty protection over you and all your families.
We pray that all doctors who practice medicine, will one day have the courage to look into all the wonderful and natural elements that the Lord has provided for us and incorporate them in today’s healing practices.
We thank you for what you are doing for MANY, please don’t give up, you are so close in making a break through. I believe that many doctors are going to get on board.
Something has to be done, too many are dying, mainly from the harsh therapies being administered!
Forgive my English/ grammar.
I am so glad I found TTAC my husband diagnose CLL 5 months ago and I’m just following healthy food advice from your documentary and it’s really true that food is our natural medicine, what I did I incorporate different herbs and roots to his diet and it helps him a lot. and I did more research how to cleans lymphatic circulatory system through your advice as well, what I noticed 5 months ago I saw on the back of his skin with rashes like red spotted by doing drastically changing his diet through organic vegetable juicing 4 times a week and eating organically food his skin become flawless and last month he sees his doctor and his doctor said at this time his is doing great so I still continuing his healthy diet at this time. I hope one yr from now his going to be free from his cancer.thanks continue the good work and enlighten more people whose are victim of wrong belief about healthcare!????
What if you are allergic to all kinds of nuts? This article says that Brazilian nuts are very good for you with selenium etc. But if I ate 1 nut of any kind, I would die.
Selenium supplements are readily available anywhere.
Brazil nuts – is there any benefit if they are roasted?
This is a good site, it tells you all of the vitamins and minerals and which foods provide them.
A lot of food and superfoods has the potential to eradicate cancer in its tract. I for myself use phytoplankton and I see a big difference in my hair and skin including lots of energy. I find this superfood pleasant to drink. I also use lot of shilajit…it has lots of beneficial ingredients. There are today lots of superfood that anyone can take to eradicate cancer…thanks to the awareness you provide. Well done Ty!
Great information. I was wondering if you have a tipp for me. My aunt has gone through chemotherapy (colon cancer) and as a result her fingers and toes hurt and feel burning. She is really suffering from it. Anyone knows what she could do to get some relief?
Hi Mickey…I went through chemo last yr and wish I hadn’t cuz I found TTAC this past March and would never do chemo again…horrible experience. I too have the pain, burning, fire crackers shooting in my calves which is called CIPN (chemo induced peripheral neuropathy) and it truly is a suffering you experience. I’m a nurse and wasn’t getting any help from any Drs and they were saying there’s nothing to do….but I believed there had to be so I googled natural ways to help/cure CIPN and some suggestions pooped up which I tried with quite a bit of success. They recommended many supplements as well as oxygen therapy etc. I went with supplements and getting all processed foods out of mt diet and I also went organic because all that “stuff” they spray and add into and on our food causes INFLAMMATION which is what SHE doesn’t want cuz that causes pain and only makes the CIPN worse! By doing this I also cured an extremely painful knee I’d been looking into surgery for…can you imagine just by changing my diet and adding supplements I’m out of my keen brace that I’d had to wear 24/7 for 4yrs as well as reducing my migraines to 1 every couple of mths. I also swear by taking a 20-30 min Epsom salt bath as warm as possible cuz the salts pull toxins out of your tissue and relaxes the muscles and also gives a good boost of magnesium which can help as well. I do them mostly at night before bed but I have taken them during the day if I was really in pain and couldn’t stand it! A heating pad helps too…get 2 of them so you can wrap each leg by itself or feet or arms. Some of the supplients I took which reduce inflammation were a good omega-3, NAC, ALA, B-6, chlorella and it has to be broken cell or it won’t work as well, quercitin, aloe Vera caps and she at least for a while needs to eat a low acid diet cuz those foods cause inflammation and she could take 1tsp of baking soda which alkalizes the blood in a glass of water befor she goes to bed which helps with inflammation AND cancer cells can’t survive in an alkalizes state. Oh also I take a high does 2x’s a day of BUFFERED vit C which is a great anti oxidant. The info you can pull up will tell you the doses of each supplement to take and my pain and burning is greatly improved…not perfect but much better and I’ll take it! The last thing I want to suggest if she can afford it which I tried kind of by accident is a HOT STONE MASSAGE at on of those massage chain places like HAND AND STONE which is here in NJ. I started going for a 2hr massage which costs $100 plus tip if you join after the $49 introductory massage and then I decided to do 2hr’s because it was really helping with all pain and 1hr went by so quickly. The girl that dies mine asked of I’d ever had a stone massage and I hadn’t so she tied some on me and WOW!!! Unbelievable! Very, very relaxing and it never looked like it would do any good. I went home after the 1st one and the next AM I realized the pain was almost gone! I go back every mth and have her concentrate on the areas of the most pain and they would be able to do her fingers and feet and I know she’d love it. I get all my supplements on…just read the reviews to get the best brands. I wish your aunt well.
I have been taking Diatomaceous Earth in water every day to get my silica and my teeth have been getting so much stronger. My hair and nails have been growing stronger and better. So I know it has been really benefitting me.
So many good things we can eat if we try to find them. Sometimes difficult to find good quality foods, organically grown and free from pesticides. It’s amazing the big pharma harp on about cancer cures and new discoveries, while all the time we do have natural resources, yet we are told about some poisons or toxic effect of natural foods that cannot be so easily regulated or patented for them to make money.
Easy and cheap ways to cure Cancer are not common knowledge, but for the fact you are on a mission Ty to educate those in need. The whole system of food production, agriculture and medical resources are all screwed up and it’s so hard to fight against it all to take care of your own health.
I have land available and I am starting to grow many things as naturally as possible using EM, mulches and all organic waste and manure. It’s proving to be quite effective here in Thailand where I live. I want to plant more fruits and veg, but I need more knowledge of particular varieties that will be most beneficial and how to grow them in the climate I am subject to.
I don’t have Cancer as far as I know, but I want to be sure I prevent that for my family and myself. I am also happy to share with as many people as I can with such details and I have for the past 2 years shared some of the things I know to help others.
I will direct as many people as I can to your mission Ty and I want to thank you for your valiant effort and the efforts of all those working with you. Very much appreciated.
Where do we find a good food source of chromium?
Dr.Joel Wallace (dead doctors don’t lie) has the best crome supliment we have ever used and his stuff was working, way back when; before “health” became a big thing
I guess the biggest problem I have is understanding and or finding where I can purchase some of the item mentioned in the articles.
The write up of Selenium left me confused as to where and what I can do in plan English.
Great information. How can we best access proper foods?
Have a quite decided what you’re in this for. I have asked before for specific medical doctors or naturopathic doctors for prostate cancer. I bought your tapes or whatever and never saw them. Still waiting on him name of the doctor that I can work with with prostate cancer
Hi Terry,
Many of these doctors may work with prostate cancer. The best advice we can give you is to consult with one of the doctors/experts that we interviewed in our Global Quest Series. Here is a link to get their information:
I’d like to know, too, where to purchase the items mentioned. My local health store closed down recently.
I thought beets were high in chromium and garlic high in selenium.
I eat one clove of garlic almost daily (watch your body odor). Also1 or 2 Brazil nuts, along with other nuts and still take Selenium supplements 4 times a week, daily if I run out of Brazils.
Just eat Brazil nuts. Don’t overdo it, you can get too much selenium, about 3-4 a day is good.
For breakfast I make the Budwig Protocal – I add 2-3 Brazil nuts, Berries and Ground Flax. Complete change in my food intake since diagnosed with breast cancer. I’ve undergone some treatments; however, have chosen nutrition, supplements, exercise and relaxation to keep it from coming back and will continue to move forward this way. I meet with an oncologist next week and we will see how that flies. 🙂 I feel so much better physically and emotionally! I have lost 40 pounds just from changing my lifestyle.
“Believe and all things are possible” Follow your gut. So blessed to have found TY Bollinger – CarlaCancerWarriorClub another fabulous resource.
I have read that prostate cancer and selenium is not a good idea , Maar een te hoog seleniumgehalte kan ook schadelijk zijn. In 2008 werd in de SELECT-studie (Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial), uitgevoerd bij 35 000 proefpersonen, vastgesteld dat seleniumsupplementen in hoge dosis (200 microgram per dag) de incidentie van hoog-gradige prostaatkanker verhoogden bij mannen die aanvankelijk een hoge seleniumspiegel hadden
I remember reading, (Dr David Williams) that eating Brazil nuts that were still in the shell was best as they are grown where the soil is richest in selenium. I am not sure why the shelled ones would be any different but that was from a reputable source. Does anyone have any thoughts on this?
Once you break the shell the nut gets exposed to the air and the oils in the nut start to oxidize and become rancid.
Thank you for the transcript. It’s a big help. I printed it and now I don’t have to worry about remembering it all.
The article title says 6 superfoods.. However I only counted 3. What are the other 3?
The most concentrated form of silica is found in bamboo.Good health food stores should sell bamboo extract.
Further to my previous comment,if you want naturally improved collagen production you need silica,natural vitamin C,lysine and proline.This
is the magical formula for healthy skin,hair,nails and connective tissue.
a good source for silica is food grade diatomaceous earth. I take some daily and it has controlled my blood pressure as well as my colesteral.
For Bob Carpentar. I have been fighting bladder cancer for three years ,going to the hospital every three months and no better.Several dr. said I will do this the rest of life. Today I am cancer free, did it my self. Here is how. I got a ozone generator to treat water O3 8 oz water H2 o Hydrogen peroxide food grade 35% or !7% H2o2 every day. Get book One Minute Cancer cure mrs. Cavanaugh. C P Van Horn—
I should go to the Health Food Store and try those sort of fruits,vegetable,and nuts. I am curious to see whether it makes a difference to my body. Interesting video!
I am a lung cancer patient. i am taking juice of carrot, beet, tumeric, kale and wheat glass every day. I also consume kale as green veggies.
We need to make sure everyone´s basic needs are met unconditionally, which is the only ultimate goal for everyone. We need the right methodology to make a better world, where the early Christians failed to as it turned out with i.e. the Dark Medieval Ages in Europe. We must transcend the current socio-economic system into a resource-based economy with the technology we have today.
Interesting interview though.
What’s the difference between the silica you are talking about and the ‘Silica – highly toxic do not eat’ in those small paper bags in for example shoe cartons?
I am a brain tumor survivor who is living on a reduced disability income (through no fault of my own). How do do you suggest I change what
I put on my grocery list?
Congrats on your fight to stay cancer free. A lot of us have financial difficulties; currently I am not working; however, in the beginning of my healthy lifestyle, I thought everything was going to cost me more $ questioning how was I going to afford this new grocery list, etc. Ninety days into my complete makeover, lol – it is now obvious that I am actually saving money. One example: every day – one daily meal is the Budwig Protocal.
I use less foods than I used to because one meal saves me from not having to buy a variety of meals. Salad fixins are also cost efficient and salad stuff lasts a few days. I keep plugging away and the anxiety and fear have lessened. By not giving into this fear and trusting that all the foods we must buy to become healthier and cancer free is not such a financial burden. Saving my life from cancer reoccurrence is and has become an important mission.
There are many resources to tap into and read to help ease the anxiety of making these changes. I hope what I have shared helps you.
Give yourself the time you deserve.
Be sure to get the Selenium prepaired with yeast as its easier to absorb. Look for Selenium (yeast) on the label.
Any news regarding the Australian Blushwood tree seed and its derivitive EBC-46?