Video Transcript: Can a High Fat Low Carb Diet Reduce Your Cancer Risk?
Ty Bollinger: Some people still think that a low fat diet’s good… can you talk about the importance of good fats in keeping you healthy?
Dr. David Jockers: Yeah. Absolutely! Fats should really be the priority with our nutrition plan. The reason why, I say, is we have 75 trillion cells, and all the cells have a double fatty acid layer around every single cell in your body. And it’s extremely key. It’s called the cell membrane. It’s extremely key for hormonal responses, extremely key for just having good healthy hormone function, good healthy neurological function in your system.
The communication process between cells is dependent upon this outer ring of fat. And so we need the fats to help replace those. Also, on top of that, a low fat diet is going to prioritize carbohydrate. And a carbohydrate breaks down into sugar.
When your blood sugar is all over the place that really creates a breeding ground for opportunistic infections. For cancer growth like we’re going to talk about later; for all different types of issues. Utilizing good fats as your primary energy source helps your body produce something called ketones.
There’s a ketogenic diet and those ketones actually are a preferred fuel for your body and especially when it becomes, what we call, keto-adapted or fat-adapted. Where your body just becomes so good it preferentially uses these fatty acids, these ketone bodies. Your blood sugar stays extremely stable.
That reduces inflammatory processes in your body. It helps you have better mental/emotional balance so you think more clearly, have better memory, everything in your life really improves because your sugar is stable. You don’t have these bumps, these ups and downs, the insulin surges. And so your emotions, again, are going to be more balanced, everything is going to be more balanced. Your body’s going to be able to handle and tolerate stress more effectively.
The hallmark of successful aging is being able to adapt effectively to stress. And so I think a high, good fat diet is really, really key for that. With these low fat diets they really don’t discriminate between good fats and bad fats. It’s just “take all the fats out.” They really typically don’t discriminate between types of carbohydrates, although sometimes they’ll tell you “go low glycemic” using a lot of whole grains, things like that.
Other people choose the high protein diets. But really protein and the carbohydrates both break down into sugar in your system and that stored sugar will stimulate higher levels of inflammation in your body. What we’re trying to do is really control inflammation and a high good fat diet really helps with that.
Article Summary
Fats should be the priority with our nutrition plan. There is a double fatty acid layer around every single cell in your body called the cell membrane. Fat is extremely key for hormonal responses, for having good healthy hormone function, and good healthy neurological function in your system.
Utilizing good fats as your primary energy source helps your body produce something called ketones.
When your body preferentially uses these fatty acids (ketone bodies) as its preferred fuel source, your blood sugar stays extremely stable.
Protein and carbohydrates both break down into sugar in your system and that stored sugar will stimulate higher levels of inflammation. What we’re trying to do is control inflammation and a high good fat diet really helps with that.
This advice is counter to about every legitimate health study out there, and eating this way got me diabetes, so it’s trendy BS, How can a diet that saved my life be so wrong? Ketosis is an emergency adaptation to starvation, not the bodies preferred fuel! People shooting heroin and snorting coke go into ketosis too. This is bogus!
I love everything I’ve learned about cancer from TTAC, so far but this one about being in a state of keytosis sounds way off and frustrating. It goes against what Dr. McDoughal says about a starch based diet and how key todos is an extremely unhealthy state. It goes against Gerson therapy and all Charlotte Gerson had to say about what we should be eating. Lots of vegetables, which are carbohydrate, very little fat and only fat from flaxseed oil. I feel so reassured about what I’m doing naturally to prevent my bc from coming back until I hear conflicting information. Wish the info. was more consistent in the way of healing from cancer naturally. Also, all cells run on sugar and natural sugar in organic fruits and vegetables is a great way to get the antioxidents and cancer fighting substances from these into the cells. And BTW, I switched from a high fat low carb diet which if never been overweight on to a starch based diet and haven’t gained a pound- in fact I am more trim than ever, have more energy and my skin has better color.
But the high glycemic diet is setting you up for most all major chronic disease including dementia.
Thanks for all the info…..Very interesting….Getting very hard to comprehend all this info though…Can you get this Colostrum in supplemental form?
When the body enters a state of ketosis, it means there is not enough glucose for fuel and it turns to burning fat for fuel. Diabetic ketoacidosis occurs when glucose levels are excessively high and insulin is too low, meaning the glucose cannot get into the cells, causing the cells to “starve.” Therefore, the body starts increasing production of ketones, because these can be absorbed by cells without the aid of insulin and be used for fuel. All these excess ketones can cause the blood to become too acidic and lead to acidosis, and possibly lead to a coma. This is a life-threatening condition. Dietary ketosis, however, is not the same. If you are eating a ketogenic diet, this means you are eating a high-fat, low-carb diet. Therefore, you do not have excess glucose in your body. High-carb diet=high glucose levels. Low-carb diet=low glucose levels. When your blood levels of ketones are higher than 20 mM/L, your body cannot handle it, leading to acidosis. A ketogenic diet will not cause your ketone production to be that high. Did you know that before insulin was available for injection (made by drug companies), the only way to treat diabetes was with a high-fat, low-carb diet?
It is very helpful post keep writting